Zadarma: now even easier and more convenient. "Faster than ice cream melts"

The new Zadarma software product for MS Windows greatly simplifies the use of IP telephony for its clients. At the same time, without compromising quality and functionality. The Zadarma IP telephony ecosystem includes virtual PBXs, multi-channel numbers, solutions for enterprises, cheap telephone and mobile communications Worldwide. The most important direction of development is to make the use of all this variety of possibilities as simple and understandable as possible for the average consumer, even the most unprepared.

The possibilities of modern IP telephony are truly limitless; they are no longer just cheap phone calls Worldwide. Virtual PBXs are ready-made, debugged and customized solutions for complete telephony for a company of any size, from small office to a solid enterprise. Moreover, Zadarma allows you to “cancel geography”; branches and work groups of your company can be scattered across different cities in Russia and abroad, and clients calling you will not even suspect it.

Zadarma for Windows

Software designed by Zadarma for convenience end users. Of course, no one forbids making and receiving calls from a browser, but special program much more convenient and easier to use. Launched when you start your computer, it will allow you to always be in touch without being distracted from your main work. No extra “clicks”, and everything is extremely simple. No more complicated than a phone on a table, only more convenient and functional.

Download new client Windows is available on the Zadarma website. The file is less than 8 megabytes, the entire installation and “configuration” procedure will take just a few minutes. The word “settings” is put in quotation marks for a reason; there is almost nothing to configure. But we’ll still list them for those who don’t even trust the intuitive interface.

At Windows installation will ask you to confirm the program’s right to make Internet calls through the firewall. This is routine protection against Trojans that a user may accidentally download and try to install. In our case, it is possible and necessary to confirm. Pay attention to the second item, which by default does not have a checkmark. If you do not check this box, you will only be able to make and receive calls from your work and home networks. If you check this box, you will be able to call through open public networks Wi-Fi (cafes, parks, etc.). It’s probably not worth conducting confidential negotiations through public networks.

After installation, two windows will appear: a standard window for making calls and a window for your account. After entering your data, the “Account” window can be closed; you will no longer need it. It is better to leave “Auto” in the “Transport” field (it is the default).

Your data (login and password) can be obtained in your “Personal Account”. If this is your first experience of communicating with the Zadarma service, then the system will prompt you to register first and give you 20 rubles for your balance so that you can evaluate the quality of communication for free.

That's it, the settings are complete, you can make calls. For the first check, it is recommended to call the free echo test number 4444 and say any phrase (for example, “The bunny went out for a walk”). If the “bunny” returned to you in the form of an echo, then everything works.


For all its apparent simplicity, the Zadarma for Windows program is a complete and functional tool telephone communication. In addition to convenient volume controls, some of the most popular functions are:

  • Supports five languages;
  • Phone book;
  • Virtual PBX support;
  • Displaying the balance of your account in Zadarma (in the currency of your personal account);
  • Incoming call alert
  • 24/7 support(online chat and tickets);
  • Conversation history;
  • Text chat between programs;

Virtual PBX

If you have already installed and configured the Zadarma Virtual PBX in the Zadarma system, then in the “User” and “Password” fields of the “Zadarma for Windows” program you need to indicate your extension number and the password for it from your Virtual PBX, you can take them from your “ Personal account".

If we talk about the Virtual PBX itself, then, despite its “virtuality” and “cloudiness”, this solution is no worse than bulky cabinets with equipment. More precisely, not just no worse, but much better thanks to the high reliability of the equipment in Zadarma Data Centers. And the capabilities of such a PBX can easily satisfy any requirements: from organizing a multi-channel customer support center to creating a single telephone network enterprises with branches in different cities, you can read more. And, importantly, all these benefits modern technologies are provided completely free of charge.

The Zadarma for Windows program can be used as independent decision(it’s just convenient and cheap to call), or it can simplify the use of a Virtual PBX as much as possible, depending on what you need from it.

Why Zadarma?

The name of the company was not born 10 years ago by chance. One of the main advantages of Zadarma is free service And technical support, you don’t need to buy or configure anything yourself. And it's truly free, no matter the size of your enterprise. Zadarma earns only on your outgoing calls at IP telephony prices and on incoming calls if we are talking about Toll Free numbers, which you can purchase for the convenience of your clients. And you get a number in the prestigious “metropolitan” code 495 from Zadarma for free, provided there is a sufficient number of incoming calls to this number (700 minutes per month). Yes, and all telephone calls between employees of your company are also free.

A bunch of additional services for demanding customers and the most complex configurations of your telephone network. Many of the more than half a million registered users worldwide have fully appreciated additional features. And vice versa: if you don’t need any of this, then no one forbids you from simply using a convenient and reliable telephone communication By low prices without any hassles with settings. New Zadarma software client for MS Windows - another one important step in this direction.

When you have your own business, every client counts and you can’t afford to miss even one incoming call: what if right now, while the phone is not answered, there is someone hanging on the line who is ready to pay a bill for a million rubles? Very often the impression of a company is formed from the first conversation on the phone. But how can you make communication as high-quality and convenient as possible, without buying expensive equipment, running wires and paying technicians? This is why there are virtual PBXs. Together with the project Zadarma Medialeaks tells how in five minutes TVto fund any business and at the same time save as much as possible. Let's see what an enterprising giraffe named Oswald did.

IP telephony is a convenient thing for people and not only. The hero of this article, Oswald (and you could be in his place), opened an unusual cafe with delivery, which suddenly became very popular. There were so many orders that the small business owner could no longer cope with them and the business almost ended in failure. The situation was corrected by virtual telephone exchange, and now Oswald owns a whole network cafe.

Why do small businesses need IP telephony?

Oswald had a grandmother, and like all grandmothers, she loved to treat her grandson. But unlike others, she knew how to make amazing ice cream of different varieties. When Oswald grew up and made friends, he also began to treat them to ice cream according to his grandmother’s recipe. Friends really liked it, and they told Oswald: “Old man, this is brilliant. You need to open your own cafe."

The giraffe had some money to start his own business, but not much, so he bought a used van and decided to sell ice cream from wheels. It was July, it was wildly hot, and therefore, wherever Oswald parked, a huge line lined up for his van. People said: “Where have you been before, Oswald!”, “We are coming to you from the other end of the city!” And then the giraffe decided to scale the business and open a delivery service.

He wrote his phone number on the side of the van. The summer was still as hot and everyone wanted ice cream, so customers called him every minute.

Oswald wrote down the orders, then passed them on to the kitchen staff and told the drivers where to go. Confusion began, and no one had time to do anything. Even friends who got mango-pistachio ice cream instead of sweet potato tapioca ice cream became angry. This is when the time has come to open an online store and connect a serious PBX. Giraffe tried three companies - links to them were the first to appear in Google search, - but they didn’t suit him: then PBX setup was too complex and expensive, the quality of communication left much to be desired - everything gurgled and conversations were constantly interrupted, and Oswald had to ask customers several times what kind of ice cream they were ordering.

Our hero was almost in despair, but suddenly he saw an advertisement for a service called Zadarma. To be honest, the name of the company alarmed him, but he still decided to visit the site.

What are the advantages of Zadarma over other services?

  • PBX connection in 5 minutes.
  • IN virtual PBX is provided free of charge for all clients who regularly top up their account.
  • Record incoming conversations.
  • Autoresponder with e-mail notification.
  • Voice menu.
  • Custom call processing scripts.
  • Free calls and forwarding within the network.

To connect you needregister on the website, go to your Personal Account and follow the very detailedinstructions for use virtual PBX. When registering, you receive 20 rubles to your account for testing the connection. Oswald also purchased a direct landline number and immediately made funny answers to the answering machine and for the voice menu. “If you want ice cream with syrup, press one, and if you want ice cream with sprinkles, press two.” And if you want both, press three, but we don’t advise you.” It is important that clients and partners can call a regular city number, and Oswald can be anywhere - even basking in the sun in another country. It is possible to receive calls on a cell phone, IP-PBX, a program on a computer, or even through the Zadarma website. And if for some reason there is temporarily no Internet, calls will be redirected to your mobile phone.

The best thing about IP telephony for small businesses is that it costs no more than regular telephony, and is definitely cheaper than a corporate PBX. Zadarma hasconvenient comparison table of tariffs , where everyone can choose the most suitable and profitable terms for your enterprise.

What else does a virtual PBX provide?

A cool Zadarma feature that Oswald was delighted with is the “ Back call”, which is posted directly on the website of the company or online store. Now the dispatcher, whom our hero assigned to monitor orders, could see when someone wanted to be called back. And the drivers received orders on the go. The dispatcher translated into their mobile calls buyers so that they can tell them how to find them in the park and quickly give them the ice cream before it melts. Now neither Oswald, nor the dispatcher, nor the drivers confused anything and fulfilled all orders quickly.

Another one useful feature service - call recording - helped not to forget what kind of ice cream someone asked for. And no one received a grapefruit with a fir cone instead of a tangerine with carambola. And if I received it, then it was always possible to understand who made a mistake, the buyer or the dispatcher, and explain to the offender that this should not be done!

The giraffe now traveled with his van and was sometimes a simple driver because he could manage the entire office from anywhere. Oswald himself delivered ice cream to customers because he really loved treating people. He got this from his grandmother.

In his van he drove to Cote d'Azur and immediately realized that ice cream delivery here would be a success, because in the south of France it gets hot not only in July. In addition, Zadarma allows you to set up your phone number in any of 70 countries of the world, so Oswald simply connected the French one virtual number, hired a local Frenchman as a dispatcher and soon all the regulars of Cannes knew his vans.

Who besides Oswald needs IP telephony?

Virtual telephony is needed by any small business that receives a large number of incoming orders. It could be:

  • Online store selling hoverboards, flowers or cakes.
  • Tour operator.
  • Insurance Company.
  • Cafes and restaurants.
  • Beauty salons and spas.

What are the main advantages of the technology?

  • Virtual PBX installation time is 5 minutes.
  • Low call costs.
  • No geographical reference: A business owner can receive calls to one number from anywhere in the world where there is Internet.

Medialeaks really wants your business to flourish, so we asked the Zadarma service to give readers a promotional code with a +10 percent bonus on all replenishments for new users until July 31. The secret word is MOROGENKO. You can enter the promo code at page account replenishment.

Recently I took part in a debate on the topic: is a telephone number via IP necessary in Internet business? We agreed that in most cases it is still necessary. Moreover, a SIP number will be in demand not only in businesses related to the Internet. If the business is geographically dispersed, if you have to travel a lot, then an IP phone may be almost the only optimal solution.
Usually a barrier to new technology There are either doubts about the quality of voice over IP, or concerns related to the lack of experience in using it. Most of the time we tell ourselves: “maybe I’ll try tomorrow.”
New Year is such a holiday when you can tell yourself that “tomorrow” has already arrived: today, by purchasing a phone number, you can get a month of using this number for free - as a gift.

What's under the tree?
The Zadarma project carries out New Year's promotion. A subscriber who purchased a telephone number in any city in any country from December 26 to January 6 will use this number free of charge for a month.
And also:
  • 10% bonus when replenishing your account
  • free virtual PBX
  • free fax, answering machine, call recording, website widget, etc.
How to receive a gift?
There is no need to bother Santa Claus with letters, everything is much simpler:
  1. select the country and city where you need the number
  2. top up your account
  3. order a room
If a phone number was previously purchased from Zadarma, you can still receive a “gift month”. We extend the validity of the number (or numbers) for 2 months (in personal account, section “direct number”), we automatically receive the third month of use free of charge.
Users who only need outgoing calls will not be left without a gift. They receive a 10% bonus on account replenishment. After replenishing the account under the inscription “Replenishment of the account gift code» enter code: promo2013. And until January 5, receive a 10% bonus on all payments.
Note that on one account You can receive only one gift option: either free month for all phone numbers, or 10% for all top-ups.
Can you carry the gift?
If you are not sure about the Internet channel through which you plan to receive a number, you can test it for free before connecting. For the test after registration, configure the program/equipment to receive/send calls, and dial the echo test number 4444. In most cases, this is enough. But in certain situations (for example, 3 NATs one after another or the program is registered only for outgoing calls), you can additionally check the reception of calls. To do this, use any of toll free numbers with additional recruitment. Connect the program/equipment to the SIP server and dial the internal SIP number using extension dialing.
P.S.: Not everyone needs the tests described. It is often more convenient to buy a number and set up call forwarding to another phone. In this case, the IP channel is not used and does not need to be tested.