Wordpress admin. How to log into Wordpress admin? How to recover your Wordpress admin password? How to restore access from the admin panel of your CMS

...everything is simple, although the procedure for recovering a site password on MaxSitecms is different and a little more complicated than the mechanics, but this is rather a plus... ...because the enemy’s selection of keys to the admin panel of a site on MaxSiteCMS becomes advantageously more complicated.

Anyone who has encountered the problem of “forgetting a password” knows!

Recovering a site password in the MySQL MaxSite CMS database

that through the password recovery page for KOMUSERS - you (as an admin) cannot do this - you can log into the admin area, but you can’t recover your password! No amount of email typing will help you. Therefore, we need access to the site's Database control panel. So:

...go to the database. On the left in the menu we find the line mso_users (click) –

we will be redirected to the editorial page of the site admin and authors tables. Now a moment of attention: but even in the MySQL Database we cannot easily replace our password, let’s say, as this can be easily implemented with sites on engines like Joomla or WordPress (WoldPress). Let me explain a little to make everything clear:

All passwords are stored in the database in encrypted form (pay attention to the parameters, namely what is written below users_password - a string of characters -

Photos — 2

this is your encrypted password hash. Remember this window - we will need it soon. So, as you understand, all passwords are stored in the database in encrypted form, and the encryption of passwords by the system is generated using the position MD5.

...first, in the drop-down window (underlined in green), select MD5 and - (underlined in brown) write a new password in regular characters. Click “OK” at the bottom of the page. That's it, your new password is encrypted and is now displayed in the “parameters” photo 2

But, unfortunately or NOT UNFORTUNATELY, this method will not work for us either. And good! ...because the evil one, having taken possession of the password from your Database, will not be able to easily change your ADMINISTRATIVE password, because it does not know your “secret word or phrase”, remember, which you wrote down during the initial installation of your site on MaxSite, in the mso_config.php document. The way is:


(replace with your website domain).

...the secret phrase will be useful to us!

Now we have come to the most important point - recovering a forgotten blog password on MaxSitesms:

Go to the file manager and create a document in the root of your site with absolutely any name (English characters), but with the extension .php. I named it j.php

Open it for editing... and write the following line in it:

As you understand, the first numbers in quotes are your new password and...your secret phrase. You write all this in a line... Save! And open the created document in the browser. Enter the following address into the browser window and press “Enter”:


This will be your new encrypted password (hash).

Copy it to the clipboard. I think it’s not worth saying that it needs to be entered in the field shown in photo 2.

This is done like this:

Go to “Options” again. Now you don’t need to click the “Change” link, but double-click directly on the hash line that is underlined. A quick “edit” will open; enter your copied encrypted password in this window.

Click "OK".

That's it, the new password has been set. Thus, our password was generated not just using MD5, but also, so to speak, additionally checking/confirming your RIGHTS to CHANGE the password - using a secret phrase (key). Extra protection!

Check your admin login.

As for the created document, you can delete it, for good measure... or save it somewhere on your computer.

Now you know how passwords are recovered in CMS MaxSite and WordPress

Thanks for pressing the buttons))

More and more Internet users and bloggers are using this remote administration system. With Worldpress you can post articles, video and audio files, and photographs. The editor also allows you to monitor visitors and record their activity. The most important advantage of the system is that you can edit texts and photos without using additional software. Enough editor tools.

Using the system

Many webmasters are well aware of this wonderful tool for quickly creating and editing websites and blogs. This is the Wordpress editor. Its main feature is the ability to edit text and pictures online. Possessing a wide range of tools for webmasters, the editor allows you to create a colorful, structured and informative Internet page without additional effort.

The editor's scope of application is quite wide. It is used by site administrators and moderators. The web page management system is also popular among bloggers and those who work remotely. All you need to get started is download and install special software. For ordinary users, everything is even simpler - go to the start page of the editor of the hosting you are interested in and register. You will receive credentials, and with them the ability to create and edit your own page. That's it, Wordpress admin is available. Many companies offer users hosting with the Wordpress editor installed to host websites and blogs. More and more commercial organizations are installing the Wordpress site management system on their corporate pages.

Other programs for managing web pages

There are many website management systems (SMCs). As an alternative to managing a web page, there is, for example, 1C-Bitrix, a system that coordinates with the 1C-Enterprise program. Almost all organizations have such a database, but its administration requires special knowledge. This system is also cumbersome and slow, unlike Wordpress. Logging into the admin area is all you need to get started. Russian webmasters are well aware of Joolma, Amira and many other management systems. Working with them also requires special training and does not require the connection of an ordinary user. The Wordpress editor allows you to do without additional skills. Installing it is quite simple. You only need basic computer knowledge to make the Wordpress admin available.

How to access?

To understand how a system works, it is necessary to structure it. You need to understand that the program itself is installed on the server where the site is located. The user, opening a page with a specific address, simply connects to the system remotely. Without providing user credentials, the program will not be able to recognize you and open your blog. There can be many pages edited by different bloggers. This is what identification is done in Wordpress. Logging into the admin panel does not require entering a captcha or SMS confirmation. Just enter your password.

To open the Wordpress admin panel, just enter its address in the browser. It looks like this: http://your blog/wp-login.php.

Or like this: http://your blog/wp-admin.php.

In some versions this appears: http://your blog/login.

A window with Wordpress will appear in front of you, where you need to enter the site login and password. After this, you will find yourself in the control panel of your site. Here you can create a new page or edit an existing one.

If you are a user

Installation information is most likely to be useful to administrators. is intuitive for all users of standard office applications; difficulties may arise mainly with logging into the system. Most calls to technical support are related to the fact that the Wordpress admin panel does not open. This problem occurs for beginners and those who started working in the editor a long time ago, but forgot their credentials. There is nothing reprehensible in this; all beginners face a similar problem.

If you are an ordinary user who edits your blog remotely using Wordpress, you will not be able to log into the hosting. To remember your password, use the reminder system. To recover your password, first of all, you need to go to the editor’s home page: http://Your blog/wp-login.php or simply: http://Your Website/login. Below, under the window for entering credentials, the path will be indicated. Just click on “Forgot your password”. Enter the email address you left during registration. You will be sent a link to change your credentials. By following the link, change your credentials. Remember or write them down. Your password is valid again. This is why you provided your email address when registering. After restoring your account, go back to the home page and re-enter your username and password. Now you can start editing the site.

How can an administrator log in?

If you have forgotten your login details for the administration panel, you can find them. All information is stored in a database on the hosting. If you are also the site administrator, go to the control panel of the hosting on which the editor is located, then to phpMyAdmin, find the wp_users table and click on the “edit” button. After this, you can safely copy your username and password to manage your site.

Are there any problems left?

Even if you do everything right, problems may remain. Most of them are related to the fact that the Wordpress admin panel does not work. or a message from the hoster will not please those who are trying to get their work done on time. When you log in, you will see a message stating that it is impossible to work in the editor for one reason or another. There may be several reasons to change the Wordpress admin panel:

  • Paid hosting may have a subscription expiration. In this case, you again need to go to your hosting control panel. Consider whether you received any warnings from your hosting company. If there is a message about the expiration of the paid period, you should renew the subscription.
  • The entry states that maintenance work is being carried out, you need to wait until the end of the technical break.
  • Login to the administration panel can be replaced by the hoster. This is done in the event of a virus attack or website hacking. You should contact hosting technical support to clarify the time frame for restoring the site and new credentials.
  • Damage to the site as a result of a virus attack, temporary interruption of its operation to troubleshoot problems. Contact the hoster's technical support to clarify the situation. It is possible that the hosting company itself will send an email notification about the possibility of further work in Wordpress. You already know how to log into the admin panel after troubleshooting.

There is access, but the page cannot be edited

There is one more problem - you are logged into the website and console, but you cannot edit the entry. The reason is simple - someone else is editing the same page. This can happen if you work in a team and your work is supervised by an editor. In this case, you should contact a higher-ranking employee to clarify the situation. The reason for this error is not Wordpress. The admin panel address may look the same for everyone working on the site, but the address of your profile or article is unique and cannot be confused. The post you create can be edited either by you or by an editor with broader access rights, such as a site moderator. If your content does not comply with the rules for posting information or is contrary to the law, it may be removed or edited.

You saved your changes but they are not visible

According to user reviews, this problem is also observed in Wordpress. How to log into the admin panel is not the most difficult aspect of the work. The situation is not related to the program itself, but to the web page caching mechanisms that are widespread everywhere. After editing a picture, the changes are not reflected in the preview, and the picture retains its original appearance. One of the treatment options would be to reboot your account. You will have to leave the Wordpress editor. You already know how to log into the admin area again.

Grand total

Today, Internet resources are actively developing and interacting with the user. Latest news, advice, stories from your personal life will appear regularly on your page. Of all the website management tools, an editor accessible to everyone is the best solution. It’s no wonder that webmasters use Wordpress so widely. How to log into the admin panel is the only thing you need to know.

I can't log into my site as an administrator. Comes only as a guest.


admin. http://nubex.ru/admin.

Enter on the keyboard).

Then click the button "Log in."

Absolutely all materials (texts, photographs, videos) are entered onto the site through a content management system. For simplicity and brevity, we call this system the admin system. To start editing any page, you must go to site management. The Nubex website builder provides two ways to enter the site administration.

Method No. 1. Login to site management through the main service control panel

This method is available to the site administrator and is the main one. Its advantage is that when logging in, the administrator sees the status of the site, and in case of any problems (the site is turned off or does not open, the domain name does not work, incorrect site settings, etc.), the system will reflect their causes and allow the administrator take appropriate measures.

How to log into Joomla admin panel

Also, when using this method, the administrator can manage all of his sites (if there are several of them) using only one login.

How to log in to site administration

Go to the main page of the Nubex website builder (http://nubex.ru). Next, in the upper right corner, find the “Login” link.

To log in to the service management system, click “Log in”

You will be taken to the login page of the main service control panel. Here is her direct address: https://panel.nubex.ru/

Login to the main control panel for services and sites

In the “email” field, enter your email address that was used when registering or creating the site.

In the “password” field, enter your password. If you do not remember your password, you can use the password recovery link.

If profiles on the social networks VKontakte or Facebook were linked to your registration form, you can log in by clicking on the social network logo.

After logging into the service control panel, you will find yourself on the main screen, where you will see a list of all your sites. Opposite each site there is a “manage” button: by clicking on it, you will go to the site management system.

Service management system main screen

Method number 2. Login to the site administration system

This method is used to provide access to site management to individual employees who receive limited rights to manage the site, but do not have the ability to manage certain services (site payment, financial information, domain management, etc.).

Open your website in a browser and find its domain name in the address bar. For example, http://nubex.ru.

After the site address, put a slash and write the word admin. In our example, the line will look like this: http://nubex.ru/admin.

Go to this address (you can do this using the button Enter on the keyboard).

You will see the admin login page.

Here you will need to enter your username and password (both are entered in Latin letters).

Then click the button "Log in."

This way you will find yourself inside the admin panel and will be able to edit the pages of the site.

Absolutely all materials (texts, photographs, videos) are entered onto the site through a content management system. For simplicity and brevity, we call this system the admin system.

How to log into the admin panel of the site of a ready-made solution on a CMS?

To start editing any page, you must go to site management. The Nubex website builder provides two ways to enter the site administration.

Method No. 1. Login to site management through the main service control panel

This method is available to the site administrator and is the main one. Its advantage is that when logging in, the administrator sees the status of the site, and in case of any problems (the site is turned off or does not open, the domain name does not work, incorrect site settings, etc.), the system will reflect their causes and allow the administrator take appropriate measures. Also, when using this method, the administrator can manage all of his sites (if there are several of them) using only one login.

How to log in to site administration

Go to the main page of the Nubex website builder (http://nubex.ru). Next, in the upper right corner, find the “Login” link.

To log in to the service management system, click “Log in”

You will be taken to the login page of the main service control panel. Here is her direct address: https://panel.nubex.ru/

Login to the main control panel for services and sites

In the “email” field, enter your email address that was used when registering or creating the site.

In the “password” field, enter your password. If you do not remember your password, you can use the password recovery link.

If profiles on the social networks VKontakte or Facebook were linked to your registration form, you can log in by clicking on the social network logo.

After logging into the service control panel, you will find yourself on the main screen, where you will see a list of all your sites. Opposite each site there is a “manage” button: by clicking on it, you will go to the site management system.

Service management system main screen

Method number 2. Login to the site administration system

This method is used to provide access to site management to individual employees who receive limited rights to manage the site, but do not have the ability to manage certain services (site payment, financial information, domain management, etc.).

Open your website in a browser and find its domain name in the address bar. For example, http://nubex.ru.

After the site address, put a slash and write the word admin. In our example, the line will look like this: http://nubex.ru/admin.

Go to this address (you can do this using the button Enter on the keyboard).

You will see the admin login page.

Here you will need to enter your username and password (both are entered in Latin letters).

Then click the button "Log in."

This way you will find yourself inside the admin panel and will be able to edit the pages of the site.

Owlhost support does not guarantee the safety of data when performing personal recovery. Remember that you can always contact our support for help.


  1. Sign in phpMyAdmin and in the drop-down list of databases on the left, select the database for this website. The tables for that database will appear on the left side of the screen.
  2. Find the table called _users. In this name, you will have your own meaning before the bottom line.
  3. Press the button on the tool bar Browse. This will display a list of all users of that website.
  4. Find the user whose password you want to change and click on the button Edit this row.
  5. A web form will open that will allow you to change the value in the password field. Copy the value below :trd7TvKHx6dMeoMmBVxYmg0vuXEA4199

    Go.phpMyAdmin should show message Affected rows: 1secret.

  6. Log in as the user and change this password to something secure. Check all users in the user manager and make sure that they were all created by you. If your site has been hacked, you may want to change all passwords on that site.


Option 1

Find the file functions.php, in the theme you are using (active). Open it in an editor (it's better to use notepad++ or akelpad) and add the line wp_set_password("password", 1);

Make sure the line is between the tags

Save the changes and upload it back to your hosting. Remember to save the file in UTF-8 encoding without the BOM tag. Open your website in a browser and the password for user 1 (admin) will become password. Log in to the admin panel by entering your username and password password, after logging in, delete this line from the file functions.php, otherwise the password will be rewritten every time you access the site.

Don't forget to change your password in your profile.

Option 2

For this purpose it is used phpMyAdmin(or other database management product) to access your database. This is available on all hosting...

Open your database. Find the table wp_users

Don't forget to backup the wp_users table before making changes!!!

Open the table and find line number 1 in it - that’s you! :)) (or another user who needs to change the password)

Select a column user_pass and change it content on $P$BLIwZyiB0J2XvUAsNyKQI1hyEMox0A0 is the password cipher 12345

Then delete content column user_activation_key. Then open your website and log into the administration panel using your username and password 12345 . After logging in, do not forget to change your password to your own.

Option 3

Create a reset-password.php file in the root directory with the following contents:

ID); echo "New password set."; ) else ( echo "Error: User not found."; ) ?>

This code finds the user with the login my-username in the database and changes his password. Don't forget to replace the my-username and my-new-password values ​​with your username and password.

Open the downloaded file in your browser: http://your-site.ru/reset-password.php. If you entered the username correctly, you will then be able to log into the control panel using the new password. If the script throws an error User not found, correct your username and try again.

Don't forget to delete the file after use.


  • Sign in phpMyAdmin and in the drop-down list of databases on the left, select the database for this website. The tables for that database will appear on the left side of the screen;
  • Find the table called dle_users;
  • Find the user whose password you want to change and click on the Edit button for this row;
  • A web form will open that will allow you to change the value in the password field. Copy the value below

    in the password field and click on the button Go.phpMyAdmin should show message Affected rows: 1. At this point the password should change to secret.

How to restore login to WordPress admin panel. If you were unable to log in to the WordPress admin area! It's okay, there is a solution. In this guide, I will detail several examples of how to restore access to WordPress. Let's say you are faced with this problem, then do not rush to delete your site and throw all your endeavors into the firebox. After all, this will not solve the problem!

All problems have a logical solution, so there is no need to panic. Let's take a closer look at some examples that will help you solve this annoying problem quickly and safely. And be the most savvy if such a situation suddenly happens again in the future. How to restore WordPress admin login? Forward!

Contents of the article:

Changing your WordPress admin password through the admin panel login window

The very first way to regain access to the admin panel. This is a password reset through the login window. Try this method first.

  1. Please review the information provided.
  2. In the “Username or e-mail” field you need to indicate a valid mailbox or login from the admin panel.
  3. Click on the “Get a new password” button - in a short period of time, a letter will be sent to your mailbox with the necessary information to restore access to your admin area with a new WordPress password.

Note: The current login and mailbox that you specified when installing the engine.

There are times when this method does not help. For example, you forgot your login and mailbox. There can be a large number of reasons: the server is not responding or may not be configured to send mail, the e-mail is incorrectly specified, etc. There is no need to be scared; there are still options for restoring access to your project. The next option would be a targeted correction of the Mysql database information of your current project using the PHPMyadmin utility.

Recover WordPress Password Using PHPMyadmin

This is a common method for creating a new login to the WordPress admin panel. First, you need to go to the hosting, or to your server with the project located on it. If the project is hosted! Then you need to call or write to the technical support of your hosting provider with a request to send the necessary information to use the PHPMyadmin utility. Any self-respecting hosting service provider is obliged to provide you with this data. If not, then move on to the next option.

PHPMyadmin is a universal utility for managing Mysql and other databases. We need access specifically to the Mysql database. It contains all the WordPress installation parameters that are responsible for logging in and running your site. Let's get started!

After logging in to the PHPMyadmin utility, a window with a huge number of functions will open in front of you. Take a look at the image above.

  1. In the left column, find the line wp_user. Your prefix may differ. Check out the article “, in it you will find useful information about changing the prefix in Mysql databases. The default prefix in all WordPress installations is wp_. If you find the wp_user line, then click on it. See the image above.
  2. In the utility work area you will see registered users; you need information about your account. In this field, click on the “Edit” tab.

Afterwards, a window will open for you to edit your user account information.

  1. Pay attention to the user_pass line! This line is responsible for the login password to the WordPress admin panel. We will work with her.
  2. Open the tab and select MD5 encoding.
  3. In the field with unclear characters, erase everything and enter your new password.
  4. Finally, click the “Forward” button. In some cases this is the "OK" button.

In this window, you can easily change your login; its value is located in the line above the password. Also in the same window, other information is changed, for example, the email address of the mailbox. After completing the entire sequence of actions, log in to your admin panel with a new password and login. Let's say this example didn't help, then let's move on to even more powerful solutions to this problem.

Recovering and changing your password using a PHP file

This method will be more useful than, for example, the method of correcting Mysql database information in PHPMyadmin. Let's consider this solution for restoring information for subsequent successful authorization. Here's the required code:

ID); )

To competently resolve a situation with forced correction of information, followed by a successful transition to the administrative part of your project. You need to add an additional file with the type "password_new" with php extension. Then paste the code above into this file. You only need to change the lines ‘ Your name'And' New Password‘ to your values.

Next, you can use any FTP client; your task is to connect to the hosting or server of your project. More precisely, you need the actual site directory itself. Find the wp-content folder in it, then create another folder in this folder called mu-plugins. Next, upload the corresponding file "password_new" to this folder.

The corresponding path to your code file should be of a certain type:
After completing the steps, you can easily log into the WordPress admin panel. When logging in, you will need to enter the authorization data that you specified in a pre-created file called password_new. Then be sure to follow these steps:

  1. Then, after a successful transition to your administrative part of your project, you must change your login and password for the next authorization in the panel.
  2. Next, return to the folder with your created file. Path: Your_site/wp-content/mu-plugins/password_new.php and delete it.
  3. Otherwise, if you don't remove this code with the file. With each authorization in the administrative part of the project, your engine will try to change your password to the one corresponding to the one you created using PHP code. As a result, this will significantly reduce the speed of your project on the WordPress engine or lead to incorrect operation. Be careful.


I have described for you the most effective and safest methods for restoring access to the administrative part of the site. I recommend that you come up with a more secure authorization password for your project in the future. And be sure to write down all information in a notepad or save it in a separate file.

This will save you from unpleasant problems like this. In some articles that I plan to write. There will be additional guides on the security of the WordPress CMS admin area. I will also touch on security plugins directly and talk about implementing longer authorization addresses for site administrators. Stay tuned for future updates on the site. I wish you a great mood.

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