Wordpress rss feed address. Installing and configuring the Ozh" Better Feed WordPress plugin

Hello! Now you will learn how to set up an RSS feed on a website using FeedBurner.

For those in the tank: main task RSS of your blog - collect subscribers and send them beautiful and bright announcements of newly written articles by email, so that users would like to quickly go to your blog and read full version articles.

For me, this topic remained unclear for a long time, perhaps there was not enough detailed instructions by setting. I will write exactly such instructions with a description of all possible settings for FeedBurner for WordPress.

Why should you use feedburner?

Why will we use feedburner to set up an RSS feed and subscribe to a blog? For these purposes, WordPress has standard tool, but we can’t do without Feedburner, because it has the following advantages:

  • FeedBurner converts the standard RSS feed of your blogs into a standardized format that is recognized by absolutely all readers (programs designed to read RSS)
  • In Feedburner you can visualize the RSS feed to your taste
  • Allows you to customize your email campaign very flexibly
  • Provides a subscriber counter that is installed on the blog and becomes an indicator of its popularity
  • Wide range of analysis capabilities using Feedburner statistics.
  • FeedBurner is the most popular service subscriptions among bloggers.

So forget about setting up RSS through a regular feed and get started connecting FeedBurner!

Feedburner connection. It's time to light up the feed

FeedBurner is proprietary to Google, so to start using this service, you must have a Google account. Still haven't started it? It's time!

Try lighting your first feed: copy the address of a standard RSS feed into the field. By default, it looks like this: your_site.ru/feed/, unless of course you have “Permanent links” configured. If not, read .

Click " Next” and in the next window, type “feed name” and “feed address” to display in the browser (they need to be created at your discretion). After this, your feed will be available at the link feedburner.google.com/address_you_entered. Press “ again Next" And once again " Next».

Here I advise you to tick “ Unique clicks" And " TotalStars" But you can always change the selection of these services in the settings, so quickly move on!

Setting up FeedBurner for WordPress

Let's get to the most important settings, which must be done without leaving the cash register.

  1. Go to the tab " Optimize", find in the left column " " In the list with the title " Subject» Check Russian language and display for “feed content”. Save.

  2. Go to the top tab " Publish", open the "Subscriptions by email" and click - " Activate». In the window that opens, select the Russian language and copy the code for the newsletter subscription form somewhere to add it to the site later. We'll come back to this later, but if you can't wait, read on.

    I advise you to check the box at the bottom of the page “Send me a letter when a person unsubscribes from the mailing list”; such a notification is very convenient.
  3. Open the “Communication Preferences” section and rewrite the subject and body of the subscription confirmation email into Russian. You can come up with free text at your discretion, the main thing is to leave a link that the user will click on: $(confirmlink). Click " Save».
    You can use the example text I created:

    Dear reader!
    You have subscribed to the blog "Blog Name". To confirm your subscription, click on the link
    If the link does not open, copy it into your browser and follow it.
    If you have not subscribed to the blog, please ignore this letter.

  4. Go to “Email Branding” and enter this thing in the first field: “$(latestItemTitle)”. This will allow you to display the title of the article being sent in the email subject. You can also configure the display of the headers and body of the letter.

  5. Finally, open the “Delivery Options” section and set your time zone, as well as the time at which mail will be sent to your subscribers. In my opinion, the highest open rate for emails is from 9 to 11 am, when people come to work and check their email.

This completes the most important settings in my opinion. If you're tired of setting up FeedBurner, jump straight to . But I still recommend doing a full setup.

Detailed setup of FeedBurner – optional items

If you have completed all the previous steps, then your FeedBurner is already working as it should. However, if you want to improve your feed, both visually and technically, follow these steps:

“Optimize” tab:

Publish tab:

  1. Activate the "PingShot" option, which will tell Internet RSS reading services (readers) what you wrote new article. This can have a positive effect on the speed at which your post is indexed by search engines.
  2. If you want to enable automatic broadcasting of posts (their titles) on Twitter, you will need to activate the Socialize option. Click the “Add a Twitter account” button and confirm your consent to broadcast on the Twitter website.
  3. Finally, activate the last option NoIndex. This is necessary to block your blog’s RSS feed from indexing (then your content will remain unique).

How to change FeedBurner account (delegate rights)

If you need to change your account ( mailbox) or you want to transfer rights to the feedburner account to another user, this is very easy to do. There is a link at the top under the feed title "Transfer Feed..."— just enter a new e-mail in the window that opens.

Installing a subscriber counter from FeedBurner on a blog

This is a continuation of the section about not required settings. If you decide to brag about the number of subscribers to your blog, install such a counter on your website.
Don’t rush to put a counter on your site until you gain an impressive number of subscribers, it will only scare off readers.

To set up a counter, go to the FeedCount section of the “Publish” tab and click “Activate”.

Customize the counter's styling: text and background colors, static or animated counter.

Below the subscriber counter code will be generated for you. Notice that it contains external link to your RSS feed. Add an attribute to the link to block it from indexing, and wrap the link itself in noindex. I also recommend adding the target="_blank" attribute so that the RSS feed opens in a new tab. As a result, I got the following code:

1 2 3 <a href = "https://feeds.feedburner.com/pro-wp" target = "_blank" rel = "”nofollow”" > <img style = "border: 0;" src = "https://feeds.feedburner.com/~fc/pro-wp?bg=FFFFFF&fg=000000&anim=0" alt = "" width = "88" height = "26" / > </a>

This code must be inserted next to the subscription form code; read how to do this.

Customizing the appearance of the RSS feed on the site

We're done with the optional settings, let's continue looking at the important ones.
So, your feedburner is working, emails are being sent to subscribers. But by default, the letter arrives by email with the full text of your article. And this is very bad because:

  • If the article can be read in an email, there is no point in going to your blog
  • If the user is not interested in this article, such a long letter will bother him.
  • When articles are sent out in full, they are easier to steal.

The problem can be solved in two ways:

Setting up RSS feed in the WordPress admin. Redirect

Now your RSS feed is located at the new address feeds.feedburner.com/your-feed, but the standard feed is still available at your-blog.ru/feed.

To get rid of displaying the standard feed, you need to register a 301 redirect to the feed configured through FeedBurner. Let's do this in two ways:

How to add a link (button) to an RSS feed on a blog

When your RSS feed is configured as it should, you won’t be ashamed to stick a link to the feed on your blog, let them envy you!)

  • Select a good RSS image and upload it to your server via ftp.
  • Add the following to the site template code:

That's all, I really hope that I was able to cover the topic in as much detail as possible. If something has not been said, please write in the comments, I will add to the article.

Quick navigation on this page:

WordPress as a platform was originally designed for blogs and information sites. That’s why it already includes RSS feed functionality by default - all that remains is to understand how to set up RSS wordpress feed and how to make it more beautiful.

Brief description of RSS technology

Perhaps we should start with brief description this feed - what is the path to RSS, why do you need an RSS feed for the site? If this description is not interesting to you, then you can immediately move on to the next section of this article; if you are interested, then here is a short summary.

Wikipedia defines RSS as follows:

RSS is a family of XML formats designed to describe news feeds, article announcements, blog changes, etc.

To be honest, the definition is not very clear for regular user. It is easier to understand how than to comprehend this definition. In simplified terms, an RSS feed is essentially the same page with posts on your site (most often it contains the last ten posts), which has a special format (not HTML, but XML). This format allows you to read it without problems various services and aggregators.

What is the real benefit of this feed for users? Let's say you read ten blogs that interest you and want to know when they are updated, or, more conveniently, read all these updates in one place. Most blogs have a subscription to email updates for these purposes, but if some site publishes ten articles a day, then you will receive ten emails from this site alone, which is not very convenient. The problem is solved using subscriptions like subscribe.ru or smartresponder, but not all sites have such a subscription.

And this is where RSS comes to the rescue. You register in one of the aggregators (the most popular are Google Reader, which, however, announced its upcoming closure, and Yandex Feed), add there the addresses of the RSS feeds of all the sites that you read, and in a convenient mode you can always look there and see what updates appeared on which site.

Customizing Your Feed in WordPress

As mentioned above, WordPress already has a built-in RSS feed by default; if you haven’t done anything with it, it is located by default at yoursite.ru/feed.

By default, the WP admin does not allow you to do any manipulations in relation to this feed; the only suggested setting is the number of posts (Admin panel -> Options -> Reading). In my opinion, this is a flaw in WP, since many would like to be able to make other settings - for example, remove a category from the feed or change it appearance, but the WP admin does not allow this.

In this regard, you can set up RSS for WordPress in two ways - either through plugins or through manual editing code.

In my opinion, the most convenient RSS plugin for WordPress is Ozh’ Better Feed. Although it has not been updated, it is really very easy to make all the necessary changes in appearance.

If you have thumbnail images for your posts, and you would like to add them to the feed, then you will also need to install the Insert RSS Thumbnails plugin.

However, everything can be configured without plugins.

To add thumbnail images to the feed, just insert the following code into the functions.php file of your site’s theme:

Function img_rss($content) ( global $post; if (has_post_thumbnail($post->ID)) ( $content = "" . get_the_post_thumbnail($post->ID, "thumbnail", array("style" => "float :left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;")) . "" . $content; ) return $content; ) add_filter("the_excerpt_rss", "img_rss"); add_filter("the_content_feed", "img_rss");

If you even want to manually change the appearance of the feed, then insert the following code into functions.php:

Function acme_product_feed_rss2($for_comments) ( $rss_template = "new_rss.php"; load_template($rss_template); ) remove_all_actions("do_feed_rss2"); add_action("do_feed_rss2", "acme_product_feed_rss2", 10, 1);

After that, take the feed2.php file in the root directory and resave it as new_rss.php. Now any changes in the new_rss.php file will directly affect the appearance of the feed - for example, you can remove the author’s name, link to comments, control the content of the displayed post, and so on.

Connect Feedburner

Feedburner is a service from Google that connects to your feed and streams it to http://feeds.feedburner.com/name_of_your_feed.

It's useful in that it allows people to subscribe to your feed via email, but really its main benefit as a webmaster is that it keeps track of how many subscribers you have. With a regular WordPress feed, you won't know how many people are reading your site indirectly via RSS, but with Feedburner this information will be available to you.

True, Google announced a long time ago that it would stop supporting Feedburner, but the service itself still continues to exist. In addition, I am sure that if Google finally closes it, then there are similar services from other companies that you can switch to.

This service is quite easy to connect to - you need to go to http://feedburner.google.com/, log in to your Google account and in the first window that appears, enter the address of your feed (the same one that looks like yoursite.ru/feed). In the second window - come up with the address of the feed (you can just take the domain name, but without the dot - for example, the feed of my site is available at the link http://feeds.feedburner.com/runcms).

Once you complete these two steps, your feed will become available through feedburner. All that remains is to place a link to it on your website (for example, in the form of an RSS image, again you can see a sample above on my website) so that users can click on it and subscribe.

The RSS feed functionality is built into WordPress by default, since the engine was originally designed for blogs, and is often used as information and news sites. If we type our_site.ru/feed in the browser, we will see this very RSS feed. In technical terms, RSS is a family of XML formats designed to describe news feeds, article announcements, blog changes, etc. Using the RSS feed of your website, you can inform your readers about new materials on your website, broadcast announcements of publications to third-party sites and services, speed up the indexing of new materials, etc. etc.

There is no need to program an RSS feed for a WordPress site; it is already enabled on your blog. Meanwhile, if we try to configure it or make any changes to its operation, we will be very surprised to see very meager functionality in the WordPress settings (Settings - Reading):

  • In RSS feeds, display the latest (number) of items
  • For each article in the feed, display: a) Full text, b) Announcement

Don't be surprised, but that's all!

Meanwhile, in practice, numerous situations arise when it is necessary to interfere with the operation of the RSS feed on WordPress, and with such rich functionality for customizing RSS you will not get far! This article to some extent, it is intended to answer frequently asked questions about setting up and optimizing RSS feeds on WordPress sites.

What is the URL for the RSS feed of a WordPress site?

In order not to get confused in this issue, you need to start with the fact that WordPress provides RSS feed in different formats, so the links will be different:

  • your_site.ru/feed (RSS 2.0)
  • your_site.ru/feed/rdf (RDF/RSS 1.0)
  • your_site.ru/feed/atom (Atom format)

Depending on the settings of your site, they can open at the following addresses:

  • your_site.ru/wp-rss2.php (RSS 2.0 format)
  • your_site.ru/wp-rdf.php (RDF/RSS 1.0 format)
  • your_site.ru/wp-atom.php (Atom format)
  • your_site.ru/?feed=rss2 (RSS 2.0 format)
  • your_site.ru/?feed=rdf (RDF/RSS 1.0 format)
  • your_site.ru/?feed=atom (Atom format)

WordPress also has a built-in ability to export comments to RSS feed. Links will be available at the following addresses (for different formats RSS):

  • your_site.ru/comments/feed (RSS 2.0 format)
  • your_site.ru/comments/atom (Atom format)
  • your_site.ru/comments/rdf (RDF/RSS 1.0 format)

How to disable RSS on a WordPress site

Some webmasters need to disable the RSS feed on the site and make it completely inaccessible. This can be done either with or without a plugin.

Disable RSS on WordPress using the plugin:

Plugins - Add new - Disable RSS(activate the plugin). This plugin will disable all RSS/Atom/RDF feeds on your site.

Disabling RSS on WordPress without a plugin:

Add the following lines of code to the functions.php file of your current theme:

Function fb_disable_feed() ( wp_redirect(get_option("siteurl"));//will redirect to home page Your website ) add_action("do_feed", "fb_disable_feed", 1); add_action("do_feed_rdf", "fb_disable_feed", 1); add_action("do_feed_rss", "fb_disable_feed", 1); add_action("do_feed_rss2", "fb_disable_feed", 1); add_action("do_feed_atom", "fb_disable_feed", 1); add_action("do_feed_rss2_comments", "fb_disable_feed", 1); add_action("do_feed_atom_comments", "fb_disable_feed", 1); remove_action("wp_head", "feed_links_extra", 3); remove_action("wp_head", "feed_links", 2); remove_action("wp_head", "rsd_link");

Redirect RSS feed to feedburner

Many webmasters use things like feedburner or other RSS feed burners. In this case, it becomes necessary to redirect the main feed coupled with disabling the native RSS. This situation can be solved by adding the following lines of code to the functions.php file of your current theme:

Function fb_disable_feed() ( wp_redirect("http://feeds.feedburner.com/your_feedburner");exit;//here enter the URL to your feedburner channel) add_action("do_feed", "fb_disable_feed", 1); add_action("do_feed_rdf", "fb_disable_feed", 1); add_action("do_feed_rss", "fb_disable_feed", 1); add_action("do_feed_rss2", "fb_disable_feed", 1); add_action("do_feed_atom", "fb_disable_feed", 1); add_action("do_feed_rss2_comments", "fb_disable_feed", 1); add_action("do_feed_atom_comments", "fb_disable_feed", 1); remove_action("wp_head", "feed_links_extra", 3); remove_action("wp_head", "feed_links", 2); remove_action("wp_head", "rsd_link");

Prevent search engines from indexing RSS

You can often find pages in the search for Gosha or Yasha that contain /feed/ in their URLs. Of course, this is garbage and you need to prevent it from being indexed (since search engines value your site for useful content)! This can be done by adding the following lines to robots.txt:

User-agent: * Disallow: /feed

Add pictures (thumbnails) to RSS

Native WordPress catches only text in RSS, despite the fact that the posts themselves often use pictures and thumbnails. But we all know that with pictures the announcement is much more attractive and clickable, so the problem is solved by adding the following code to the functions.php of your current theme (this code will add thumbnails from the posts to the RSS feed of your site):

Function insertThumbnailRSS($content) ( global $post; if (has_post_thumbnail($post->ID))( get_the_post_thumbnail(array(150,100)); $content = "

". get_the_post_thumbnail($post->ID, "thumbnail") . "
" . $content; ) return $content; ) add_filter("the_excerpt_rss", "insertThumbnailRSS"); add_filter("the_content_feed", "insertThumbnailRSS");

How to get RSS feed for a specific category in WordPress

In order to receive a separate RSS stream of posts from a separate section on the site under WordPress management, just add to the address of the current section /feed

For example, your_site.ru/category/news/feed

If you need to connect several categories from a site to RSS, you can do this by listing them separated by commas:


How to Get Comments on a Single WordPress Post in RSS

In order to receive a separate RSS feed of comments for any post on a site running WordPress, just add /feed to the address of the current post/page

For example, your_site.ru/article_name.html/feed

How to get RSS materials for individual tags

In order to receive entries in RSS that contain individual tags, it is enough to write the tags in the URL (in the example below we will only get records with SEO tag(don't forget that they can be listed separated by commas):

For example, your_site.ru/tag/seo/feed

How to get materials from an individual author in RSS

If the site is on WordPress big, sometimes it is useful to get an individual author's RSS content. In order to receive posts of an individual author in RSS, it is enough to enter the author’s name in the URL (in the example below we will only receive posts whose author is admin):


How to get materials from search results in RSS

You can get RSS on WordPress and posts based on the results of any search query. To do this, you need to create a URL according to the principle (in the example, we display in RSS the entries found for the query "seo"):


How to Exclude Category Content from RSS Feed on WordPress

There are situations when it is not necessary to submit materials from some headings in RSS (for example, some non-target headings, headings with sales articles, etc.). You can exclude individual categories from the feed by id (the id of a category can be found in the admin panel by hovering the mouse over the name of the category and looking at the tag_ID value in the browser status bar). We add this code to the functions.php file of the current theme:

Function ac_exclude_from_rss($query) ( $cats_to_exclude = array(64, 16); //list, separated by commas, the ids of categories whose materials need to be excluded from RSS if ($query->is_feed && !$query->is_category($cats_to_exclude)) ( set_query_var("category__not_in", $cats_to_exclude); ) return $query; ) add_filter("pre_get_posts","ac_exclude_from_rss");

How to Exclude Individual Posts from RSS Feed on WordPress

There are also situations when you need to exclude individual posts from the RSS feed, but since they can be located in different categories, disabling an entire category from the RSS will not help. It is also inappropriate to disable entries every time by editing the functions.php file, so you will have to install a plugin to conveniently enable and disable an entry from the RSS feed from the admin panel in the editor of each entry.

Plugins - Add new - Skip RSS(the plugin turns off individual posts from the WordPress RSS feed

What to do if WordPress RSS contains errors

Not often, but the text in posts may contain special characters that, when included in RSS, break it. There are other situations: RSS does not start and that’s it. Errors like:

XML Parsing Error: XML or text declaration not at start of entity

line 1, column 1: Blank line before XML declaration

And others

How to publish RSS posts with a delay

Once a post is published on the WordPress site, it automatically appears in RSS. There are times when you need to prevent this: for example, you want your new entry Readers on the site found out first, and only then all RSS subscribers and various readers who read your feed! The plugin is suitable for such purposes " Feed Pauser" - it makes it possible to set the delay with which entries will be published in RSS (it is also possible to exclude certain entries from RSS).

How to add captions to RSS posts

Materials submitted to RSS can be signed and also limited in size, which is partly aimed at combating content theft (paired with the above-mentioned plugin " Feed Pauser"), which often happens with the help of RSS feeds. In this regard, although old, but an effective plugin has not gone out of fashion Ozh Better Feed

How to hide some content in RSS

Finally, you needed to hide some of the content in RSS, for example, you publish an answer to some question in a post, but you don’t want it to end up in RSS, but to be visible only directly on the site. You will need a plugin" RSSless". Now, when creating a post, frame (in HTML editor mode) required text entries in tags... and it will not appear in the RSS feed.

...Naturally, situations with RSS on WordPress sites can be different and I have no doubt that I have no strength to provide for everything and give an answer to everything! Meanwhile, I tried to give answers and recommendations to situations that often occur in my practice. If you haven’t found the answer to your problem, ask in the comments... I will kindly answer and try to help!

WordPress has built-in RSS feeds. You can customize them by adding your own content to the feed, or even . In principle, the standard RSS and Atom VI feeds are sufficient for most users, but you may need your own RSS feed to deliver a specific type of content. In this article, we will show you how to create a custom RSS feed in WordPress.

Let's say you want to create new channel RSS that displays the following information:

  • Heading
  • Link
  • Publication date
  • Author
  • Excerpt from the recording

First of all you need to create a new rss feed in your theme's functions.php file or in:

Add_action("init", "customRSS"); function customRSS())( add_feed("feedname", "customRSSFunc"); )

The code above calls the function customRSS, which adds the feed. The add_feed function has 2 parameters: feedname (feed name) and callback (the function to call it). feedname will create a link to your new feed yourdomain.com/feed/feedname, and callback, in turn, will be called to create it. We'll need feedname later.

Once you have initialized the feed, you need to create callback function to get the required feed using the following code in your theme's functions.php file or in:

Function customRSSFunc())( get_template_part("rss", "feedname"); )

The code above uses the function get_template_part to contact separate file template, but you can also put the RSS code directly into the function. Using get_template_part we keep the functionality separate from the markup. Function get_template_part There are two parameters, slug and name, which will search for a template file with a name in a specific format, starting with the first file (if it does not exist, then go to the second and so on):

  1. wp-content/themes/child/rss-feedname.php
  2. wp-content/themes/parent/rss-feedname.php
  3. wp-content/themes/child/rss.php
  4. wp-content/themes/parent/rss.php

For the purpose of testing the examples in this article, it is better to start by setting slug to be the type of feed we are creating (in our case: rss), and the name for the feedname we specified earlier.

Once we've told WordPress to look for a feed template, we need to create it. The code below will generate the markup for the feed with the information we announced earlier.
Once you've told WordPress to look for the feed template, you'll need to create it. The below code will produce the layout for the feed with the information we listed earlier. Save this file in your theme folder as the slug-name.php template file configured in the get_template_part function.

"; ?> > <?php bloginfo_rss("name"); ?>- Feed <?php the_title_rss(); ?>

This code in the template will generate an RSS feed with the above markup. Variable postCount will allow you to control the number of posts to display in the feed. The template can be changed in accordance with the required output format for the information you need (for example, pictures in posts, comments, etc.)

Function the_excerpt_rss will display an excerpt of each post, and for those posts where it is not specified, will display the first 120 words of the post content.

Finally, you need to update your .htaccess rules to display your feed. The easiest way to do this is to log into the admin panel of the VP, click on Settings -> Permalinks. Once you're there, just click on Save changes, the rules will be updated.

You can now access your new feed at yourdomain.com/feed/feedname, where feedname is the name of the feed that you specified in the function add_feed higher.

The WordPress site content management system allows you to configure an RSS feed for adding information posted on the pages of blogs and information sites. Let's look at ways to customize and improve your RSS feed.

Brief description of RSS technology

What are the functions of an RSS feed, what does the term "RSS path" mean? According to the definition formulated in Wikipedia, it can be attributed to a variety of XML formats that are used to describe news feeds, new materials being prepared, and changes occurring in blogs.

As a rule, it is easier for the average user to learn how to configure cron than to understand the professional definition. Simplifying it a little, we can say that the concept of an RSS feed means a website page, which usually includes the last 10 of all posts posted on it in a special format - XML, universal for reading by a variety of services and aggregators.

How does the tape benefit users? If you are interested in ten blogs, then you probably want to receive information about updates on them, and even better, be able to familiarize yourself with them on one resource. Usually, this can be achieved by subscribing using email, but if you add, say, 10 articles to the site every day, you will only receive 10 messages from it by email, which can create some inconvenience. A good solution in this case is to use subscriptions to the subscribe.ru information channel or the smartresponder service, but many sites do not have this type of subscription.

In such a case, it is very convenient to use RSS. To do this, you should register with an aggregator (the most commonly used ones include Yandex Feed and Google Reader, which is about to close soon) and enter the addresses of the sites you are interested in. Then you just need to go to it and get information about all the updates added to these sites.

Customizing Your Feed in WordPress

The WordPress system has a built-in RSS feed; you can find it by entering in the search bar: the name of your site.ru/feed. The only setting that is available by default in WordPress admin– changing the number of posts, which is done by clicking on the buttons: Admin panel – Options – Reading. I believe that this is not enough, since it may be necessary to delete or change some categories or perform other manipulations, but this cannot be done using the WP admin panel.

Therefore, setting up RSS for WordPress is done in one of the following ways: installing special plugins or editing the code manually. Based on my experience, I can note that it is most convenient to use the “Ozh’ Better Feed” plugin. Although it hasn't had any updates, it makes making changes to your RSS feed as easy as possible.

If you want to add small pictures to your feed along with your posts, you can use the “Insert RSS Thumbnails” plugin. Meanwhile, customization can be done without using plugins.

To add thumbnail images to the functions.php file located in the site theme, enter the special code:

Function img_rss($content) ( global $post; if (has_post_thumbnail($post->ID)) ( $content = "" . get_the_post_thumbnail($post->ID, "thumbnail", array("style" => "float :left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;")) . "" . $content; ) return $content; ) add_filter("the_excerpt_rss", "img_rss"); add_filter("the_content_feed", "img_rss");

If you want to make changes to the view of the feed manually, you need to paste the code into the same file:

Function acme_product_feed_rss2($for_comments) ( $rss_template = "new_rss.php"; load_template($rss_template); ) remove_all_actions("do_feed_rss2"); add_action("do_feed_rss2", "acme_product_feed_rss2", 10, 1);

Then you should save the file located in the root directory called feed2.php under the name new_rss.php. After this operation, all types of changes made to this file will allow you to change the feed - remove unnecessary information, make changes regarding the content of posts and other manipulations.

Connect Feedburner

Feedburner is a service provided by Google that, when connected to your site's feed, allows you to stream it to the following address: http://feeds.feedburner.com/feed_name.

Using this service, consumers are subscribed by email to your website feed, but its main advantage is that it determines the number of people who have subscribed. Using a regular WP feed, it is impossible to count the number of users who are exposed to information on your site using RSS, but this data can be obtained thanks to Feedburner.

Despite the fact that Google made an announcement that support for this service will be discontinued while it is working. And most likely, other companies also have similar services, the services of which can be resorted to if Feedburner is closed.

The procedure for connecting to Feedburner is quite simple: go to http://feedburner.google.com/, log in using your account, then in the window that appears, enter the address of your website feed (site.ru/feed). Then we open a new window in which you need to enter a new address (you can use the domain name for it, removing the dot from it).

After completing these steps, the feed can already be used using the feedburner service. Now all that remains is to provide a link to the feed on your site (it may look, for example, like an RSS image). Users can then subscribe to it by clicking on it.