How is an iPhone different from a smartphone? Which gadget is better? Difference between a smartphone and an iPhone: characteristic features.

> What is the difference between a smartphone and an iPhone?

What is the difference between a smartphone and an iPhone?

Every year various gadgets become more advanced and accessible. Today, the iPhone and smartphone have become such. These mobile devices not only receive calls, but also provide their owner with access to the Internet and allow them to work with mail and various documents. But before making a purchase, many simply do not understand the differences between these two devices and which one is better to choose. Telling them that an iPhone is also a smartphone will confuse the user even more.

Smartphone, translated from English (smartphone) is a “smart phone”. And indeed, you can say this about it, since it combines the functions of a telephone and a computer. The smartphone runs on the Android operating system, which was developed by Google. The most prestigious and popular among them are Prestigio smartphones, and on the website you can learn about their main technical characteristics.

iPhone(iPhone) is a phone with a touch screen, which, like a smartphone, allows you to use the Internet, read books, listen to music, watch videos and many other additional functions. The iPhone belongs to a series of smartphones manufactured by Apple.

After we learned what an iPhone is and what a smartphone is, now let’s figure out how they differ from each other, besides the fact that they are produced by different companies. The iPhone was designed and created under the leadership of Steve Jobs, and that says a lot. Smartphones are produced by various companies, none of which claims authorship.

Main differences:

  • Operating system;
  • Mobile Row;
  • Appearance;
  • Memory size;
  • Price.

The most important difference between these devices is the iOS operating system, which is used only in Apple products, and therefore only the iPhone has it. Smartphones run on Android. The advantage of this is that iOS is more advanced, but the disadvantage is that it will no longer be possible to install it on another phone or tablet. What distinguishes an iPhone from a smartphone is the company logo - a “bitten apple”, which a smartphone does not have. The non-removable battery in iPhones is considered a disadvantage, while in smartphones it can be removed without the help of service center specialists.

The materials used to assemble the iPhone (aluminum, plastic, glass) are of the highest quality and make up the iPhone’s solid body. The build quality of Apple products is not questioned either. The price of these gadgets may also influence your choice. Apple products, which have no competitors in terms of popularity, are, of course, more expensive. But in the end, it turned out that the iPhone is the same smartphone, only with its own characteristics.

What an iPhone is, what makes it unique and its main advantages is not clear to every user. In fact, this is the same smartphone as many others presented on international markets, only with the Apple logo. However, if you dig deeper, it becomes absolutely clear that this is a much more unique product than it seems at first glance.

iPhone: what is it?

The history of the brand has repeatedly become a script for filming films and is known to almost everyone, so it is likely that you know what Apple is. This is an American brand of world-famous gadgets and the “brainchild” of Steve Jobs himself, who, together with a team of developers, came up with a whole line of devices and technologies for various purposes.

The iPhone is a unique product from Apple, the first version of which was first introduced to the world in 2007. The famous prefix “i” (“Ay”) is not commented on by the manufacturer in any way (at least in Apple’s official sources), however, it quite likely corresponds to one of the following hypotheses:

  1. “i” in English means “I”, which means it could be a reference to the personification of the user. It’s not for nothing that the brand’s slogan is “Be different.”
  2. “i” – “Internet”. In 1996, phones combined with Internet modems were first released and were called I-Phone. But the manufacturer was not Apple, but Tranbon Electronic Industrial Co., which for some reason decided not to patent the now famous name of the gadget. Apple did not miss this chance and registered this name as its intellectual property.
  3. “i” – “Individual”.

How is the iPhone different from other smartphones?

If you know, then you will understand the essence of the iPhone: most of the functions are quite similar and have no fundamental differences, but some of them are still important:

  1. Operating system iOS. This is also a unique Apple product that is only applicable to iPhones. All other modern smartphones, as a rule, run on Android OS or Windows OS. Thanks to it, the whole range of functions and useful applications is fundamentally different from similar functions and applications of the same Android. You will not find the iOS operating system in any other device or gadget except in products from Apple.
  2. No viruses. Yes, yes, an iPhone cannot be infected with viruses. All applications can only be downloaded through the AppStore, which is also controlled by Apple. That, in turn, does not allow dangerous, malicious or simply suspicious files to pass through the application store.
  3. Design. For a long time, the highlight of iPhones was their unique design, but as Chinese smartphones become more widespread, metal bodies and glass panels will no longer surprise anyone.

Over the ten years of existence of such a concept as “Apple’s iPhone”, 7 generations of this amazing gadget have been released (in addition to improved versions with the prefix S, Plus, etc.), however, the release of “is not far off.”

Today, a person who is planning to purchase something that receives calls and accesses the Internet is faced with a choice between a smartphone and an iPhone, and this is presented as a choice between different types of devices. But in essence, the iPhone is just a line of smartphone models from Apple, and ignoring this fact is a very successful and effective marketing ploy. It will not be possible to compare the general with the specific, so we will act like retailers: we will classify everything that is not an iPhone as a smartphone. And we’ll find five differences, like in children’s pictures.


Smartphone- a mobile communication device that combines the functionality and external features of a mobile phone and a PDA. It definitely allows you to connect to the Internet. Runs on specially developed mobile operating systems.

iPhone- a smartphone from Apple Corporation, which currently exists in five generations and several variations, running the iOS operating system (or iPhone OS) and possessing a set of necessary functions for this class of devices.


The difference between an iPhone and any other smartphone cannot be fundamental, due to the fact that it belongs to the same type of device. However, one difference is immediately apparent: someone bit the apple on the back panel - it’s an iPhone (or a replica of an iPhone). All other smartphones can be decorated with any logos they like, but the apple is a symbol of Apple, and no one takes aim at it.

The iPhone has no external differences from many smartphone models, but we can talk about the high quality of the build and materials. Aluminum, tempered glass, and expensive plastic are also found in models from other manufacturers, but only Apple guarantees this for any generation of iPhones. Traditionally, this is placed in the column of advantages of the latter, and for good reason, given the ever-lowering quality standards in this area.

The technical differences are already more interesting. iPhones are equipped with a non-removable battery, which theoretically raises concerns about the need to frequently contact a service center. Most smartphone models allow you to replace the battery yourself, sometimes even with a higher capacity. But modern iPhones have solid bodies, which increases the reliability of the devices both in the eyes of the average person and in reality.

iPhone 5

iPhones do not support memory cards: it is believed that the internal one is enough for them. And the internal storage, depending on the model and configuration, can reach 64 GB. Memory cards of this size are rare in smartphones, so Apple wins here. If there is, of course, an urgent need for tens of GB and a serious amount of money in your pocket, the more memory, the more expensive the iPhone.

However, an iPhone is always more expensive than a smartphone with similar characteristics. And more expensive than the one that has superior characteristics. Many people believe that this price is exclusively for the brand, not determined by anything other than the apple. The statement is true, but the demand for iPhones is not falling.

As for software, the difference here, although subjective, is expressive. Apple fans praise iOS for its simplicity, responsiveness and reliability, while opponents criticize all of the above. The iOS operating system is installed only on Apple devices; it is not available to other smartphones. But they have the broadest capabilities and functionality of Android or the efficiency of Windows. Branded applications like iTunes and Siri also belong only to iPhones, although whether this is an advantage or a disadvantage is a controversial issue.

Conclusions website

  1. Only on the back of the iPhone there is an apple - the Apple logo.
  2. The iPhone is always built with high quality and from expensive materials; smartphones are very diverse in this regard.
  3. iPhones of any generation have a non-removable battery and no slot for a memory card.
  4. An iPhone will almost always cost more than a smartphone with similar characteristics.
  5. The iPhone and only the iPhone runs iOS, smartphones run different systems.

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Today there is a real struggle between iPhones and smartphones. Users of modern devices argue every now and then about the advantages of this or that device. But before we say which is better, it’s worth understanding what distinguishes one from the other.

iPhone VS smartphone: who wins?

One of the main differences between the devices is cost. Many people are sure that the iPhone is just a device with good advertising. The company, first of all, made a good marketing move, thanks to which now their products are bought even by those who frankly cannot afford it. While many modern smartphones have surpassed phones with the Apple logo in quality.

So, what is the difference between these devices:

  • Materials. iPhones are made from tempered glass and durable plastic, making these gadgets quite resistant to mechanical damage. Of course, some smartphone companies also use similar materials, but they do not do it systematically, and in Apple products this feature is part of the overall brand concept.
  • Battery. All iPhones have a battery built into the body of the device, which means it cannot be removed; you need to contact a service center. It's different for smartphones. Today, more and more manufacturers are following the same trend.
  • Memory card. A specific feature of iPhones is that you cannot insert an SD card into them, since these gadgets have built-in memory. Its quantity can reach 64 GB. Memory cards with a similar capacity are practically not used on smartphones, so this is more of an advantage than a disadvantage of Apple phones.
  • Appearance. If smartphones exist in thousands of different design variations, then for Apple products a precisely defined design is used - each subsequent model is supplemented with design elements, but the basis remains the same.

You can talk for a long time about which device is better, but in the end it all depends on your needs and financial capabilities.