What is the NFS function in the phone. What is NFC in a phone - Detailed review and detailed instructions on how to use

Hello everyone, today we’ll look at what NFC is. This technology has appeared in smartphones for quite a long time, but many users unfairly deprive it of attention. Why is it needed? What can it do and where is NFC used? All these questions will be answered in this article. First, let's figure out what this strange abbreviation NFC means. It stands for Near field communication, which translates as near field communication or near contactless communication.

The distance at which NFS technology operates does not exceed 10 centimeters. And the maximum transmission speed is only 424 kbit/s. The central frequency of NFC operation is 13.56 MHz. The technology has been developed since 2004, and the first specification of the standard was approved in 2006. And then the first device with NFC support was released – Nokia 6131.

In a nutshell, the principle of NFC technology can be described as follows. Each device contains an induction coil that generates an electromagnetic field. On another device there is another similar coil; under the influence of the field of the first coil, electricity is generated in it, which is subsequently converted into a signal. The devices take turns generating electromagnetic fields and exchanging them. This mode of operation is called active. And there is also a passive mode, this is when only one device generates an electromagnetic field. This is how cards or RFID tags work.

Now let's look at why we need NFC in a smartphone. The first and perhaps most common use is file transfer. There is one common myth here; many people think that the transfer is carried out directly via NFC. But in fact, the data is sent either via bluetooth or Wi-Fi Direct.

NFC acts as a secure identifier for devices. For example, Google's Android Bin data transfer technology uses Bluetooth to transfer data, but for everything to work as it should, the devices first need to see each other via NFC. Samsung has its own implementation of sbin, it transfers data many times faster due to the fact that it already works over Wi-Fi.

The second application of NFC that has become increasingly popular is contactless payments. At the moment, a number of banks and electronic wallets have learned to work with NFC in smartphones. As a result, now you can use NFS to pay for travel on public transport, lunch in a cafe or purchases in a supermarket. This payment method is good because it is very close at hand. If you can still forget the card, then we never part with our phone even in our sleep.

In order for all this magic to work, we need to have three things.

  1. Obviously a smartphone with an NFC chip
  2. Special software for payment and data storage (payment system card details).
  3. A terminal in a store that accepts contactless payment.

You probably have a question: “How safe are NFS payments?” Can any skilled person conduct a transaction remotely without your knowledge? Well, judge for yourself. In order to make a payment, the phone must be brought at a distance of about 5 centimeters to the terminal, and the smartphone must be unlocked. And the likelihood that these two conditions will be at least somehow rigged by a fraudster tends to zero. But even if the stars do not align in your favor, then the maximum payment amount will protect your wallet. In most payment systems and wallets, it is set by default to 10 – 15 bucks. The threshold can be removed if desired.

In addition to payments, NFC allows you to quickly pair with peripheral devices. You can connect bluetooth headphones, a speaker, or even a TV to your smartphone in a matter of seconds. For example, Sony has TV models to which you can connect your phone via NFC. If desired, the list of unusual things that can be connected via NFC can be continued for a very long time, and I will give just a few examples. The first thing that comes to mind is a door lock with an NFC chip, which can be opened from a smartphone, which is very convenient. You can also use an NFC ring for this.

You simply program the required action algorithm and attach it to the tag. You got into the car, placed your phone on the tag and your smartphone did everything you needed. You can come up with a whole bunch of similar scenarios both for work and at home. Fortunately, these tags are very inexpensive on Aliexpress. Most likely, this article does not describe all the ways to use NFC, and if you use this technology in an unusual way, share your ideas in the comments.

Why are more and more mobile manufacturers equipping smartphones with an NFC chip, and what opportunities does this technology open up for the user?

Nowadays, the mobile market offers a wide variety of high- and mid-price smartphones that are equipped with an NFC chip. Before you pay for an additional function, you need to understand what it is and why it is needed in the phone.

Near-Field Communication Technology

What is NFC?

NFC (Near field communication) is a wireless communication interface, one of the main characteristics of which, as the name suggests, is a short range (up to 10 cm). Among the features of the technology we can also highlight:

  • Possibility of exchange with other devices and passive tags.
  • Compact sizes.
  • Low power consumption.
  • Low data transfer speed.
  • Connection setup time is 0.1 seconds.
  • Budget cost.

Thanks to its small size and low power consumption, NFC can be used in small devices. In smartphones, the antenna is usually mounted on the battery compartment cover or the inside of the back panel if the battery is removable. So that users do not have the question of how exactly to apply the gadget to transfer data (this problem is especially typical for tablets due to their large size and short range of technology), the location of the chip is often marked with a special sticker on the case.

Since the NFC interface is only a base that does not provide a clear solution for use, mobile manufacturers and application developers have to independently develop work scenarios. This may cause problems between applications and devices from different manufacturers.

Ways to use NFC

Perhaps one of the most common ways to use NFC is for contactless payments. The user can attach a bank card to their mobile device, with which they will pay in the future, for example, if the card is left at home. In this case, the possibility of data interception is extremely low due to the small range of the interface; a lost or stolen unlocked smartphone poses a great danger.

To make a payment via NFC you will need:

  1. Bank card marked paypass.
  2. Application of the relevant bank.
  3. Find the NFC item in the application menu.
  4. Place the card on the back of the phone to read it.
  5. Remember the password for payment transactions sent in an SMS message.

The next method of using technology is data exchange. Using the Android Beam program, you can transfer various files from one mobile device to another. However, the transfer speed is very low, so this function is more suitable for sending small text messages and links.


1. Activate NFC - check the box next to this item in the “Wireless Networks” menu, unlock your smartphone and turn on the screen.

2. Select an agent:

  • Google Chrome - to transfer the current active link.
  • Google Maps - for transferring the route.
  • Google Play - for transferring applications, books and other content presented in the service.
  • YouTube - to send a link to a video.
  • Contacts - to transfer a contact.
  • Gallery - for transferring photos and pictures (however, this can take a long time due to the low transfer speed, so in this case it is better to use special applications, which will be discussed below).

3. Bring the devices closer until the alarm sounds.

4. Touch and hold the screen to confirm the transfer.

5. Another beep will sound indicating successful file transfer.

There are various applications that use the NFC interface only for pairing, and subsequent file transfer is carried out via a Bluetooth or Wi-Fi connection: Send! File Transfer, File Expert HD and Super Beam WiFi Direct Share.

The next method is to read and write tags. This function works similarly to reading a QR code, only the NFC chip is used rather than the smartphone camera. It can be useful for automating home and work life. To create your own NFC tags, you will need blank blanks and special programs to record the necessary information. You can assign the following actions to a tag, which will be performed after it is read: sending an SMS message or email, calling a contact, opening a link, connecting via Bluetooth, launching an application and much more.

Several programs for creating tags:

  1. WiFiTap WiFi NFC - for connecting a wireless network. Helps guests connect to a Wi-Fi hotspot quickly and without entering a password.
  2. ABA NFC - for creating various standard format tags.
  3. SmartTag Maker is a special application for users of Sony products, which contains a number of templates used not only with the NFC interface, but also with a headset, Bluetooth devices, power supply, etc.

Bottom line

Each user decides for himself whether he needs the additional NFC function in his smartphone or not. However, this technology is being used in an increasing number of mobile devices. Therefore, if you did purchase a gadget with NFC support, you now know how to use all its capabilities to make life more convenient.

NFC (Near Field Communication)

Source: www.androidlime.ru

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Modern technologies in the mobile industry are expanding and improving at a rapid pace. Wireless communications such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth occupy a special place here. But in this article we will talk about a relatively new technology - NFC: what is it in a phone and what is it for.

Purpose of the module

NFC is a wireless communication module. This name is an acronym and stands for “Near Field Communication”, which means “close communication”. And its main nuance is its small radius of action (up to 10 cm).

The module provides information exchange without the need for a wired connection. The transmitting and receiving devices must be located very close to one another, similar to a smartphone and a payment terminal.

NFC is developed on the basis of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) - radio frequency identification that automatically identifies different objects. In this case, a special radio signal is used that reads the necessary information contained in the transponders. They are defined as NFC tags.

The main features of this technology:

  • small size sensor;
  • the ability to exchange any data with gadgets (including passive ones);
  • high energy efficiency;
  • low exchange rate;
  • small price.

Due to these factors, this feature is very popular and can be easily installed in most devices. Among the budget models we can highlight phones such as Huawei Honor 5C, Sony Xperia E5, Nokia 3, and among the expensive ones - Xiaomi Mi 6, Samsung Galaxy S8, LG V30.

Difference between NFC and Bluetooth

Many people compare NFC and Bluetooth modules due to the fact that they are both designed for wireless information transfer over a short distance. In modern smartphones they are implemented together.

There are significant differences between them, one of which is the speed of operation. Energy saving also depends on this. Thus, NFC transmits data much slower, but pairing occurs instantly and little energy is wasted. For Bluetooth, these indicators are the opposite.

To use Bluetooth, you need to turn it on, go to the list of devices available for connection, select the one you need and wait for the connection. For NFC, the connection time takes less than a second, and for this you need to touch your smartphone to the receiving gadget.

Actually, the NFC transmission speed reaches 424 Kb/s, and even Bluetooth version 3.1 reaches 40 Mb/s, not to mention 4.2 and 5.0.

The special difference is in the range. For NFC this figure is no higher than 10 cm, while Bluetooth operates up to 10 m depending on the version and signal strength.

Checking for NFC

This communication is integrated into phones, plastic cards and payment terminals. The receiver itself does not require much space, and it is usually mounted between the battery and the cover of the smartphone.

To programmatically define and enable a module:

If it is missing, then there will be nothing to activate. On plastic cards it is always enabled.

Application options

As soon as the technology became widespread, users began to be interested in ways to use it. So, the NFC gadget can operate in two modes:

  • active - NFC is used on both communicating devices;
  • passive - the working field of one device is used.

More details about the use of technology in practice are described below.

Contactless payment

The most common use case is contactless payments. All you need to do is link your bank card to your device and bring it to the terminal to make the payment. This method is guaranteed to protect against fraudsters, because due to the small field of action, the signal cannot be intercepted.

To carry out such operations, you must have a special bank card that supports PayPass, after which:

  1. Install your bank's application.
  2. Log in with your account.
  3. Go to the main menu.
  4. Select "NFC".
  5. Place the card on the back of the smartphone. This is necessary for the sensor to read information on it.

Exchange of information

Another exploitation option is information exchange. For this purpose, for example, a special application from the Play Market is used, which includes “Android Beam” in the name or description. This software allows you to transfer various files to another phone.

Advice! Only send objects as messages or links this way, because the data transfer speed is low and sending files will be very slow.

Reading marks

Another method of use is reading labels. The principle of operation is similar to scanning a QR code, only it uses a sensor under the back cover rather than a camera.

This can be especially useful at home. To create your own tags, you need to install a special program in the Play Market. In this case, it will be possible to assign a specific task under a specific label such as “send a message”, “call”, etc.


NFC on your phone allows you to connect contactlessly with other devices for various tasks, such as paying for goods and services, exchanging information and reading tags. The data transfer speed is low, but the connection is instantaneous and requires almost no power.

Today in the mobile industry there are many interesting technologies, including NFC. Most smartphone users have not yet figured out this function and do not know what NFC is in the phone, why this module is needed and how to understand whether it is present in a certain device.

NFC stands for Near Field Communication. Translated, this means “close communication”. The main nuance is the small radius of action, this figure is no more than 10 cm.

This function allows you to exchange information contactlessly. It is important that when transmitting data, the devices are close to each other, for example, a smart card, a payment terminal, etc.

NFC is based on RFID, which stands for Radio Frequency Identification. The technology is radio frequency identification, which identifies various objects automatically. In this case, a special radio signal is used to read the required information contained in the transponders, which are defined as an NFC tag.

The main features of the presented technology include the following points:

  • small sensor size;
  • allows you to exchange any information with smartphones and passive gadgets;
  • does not require a lot of energy to operate;
  • low speed at the time of information exchange;
  • pairing with the desired device takes no more than 0.1 seconds;
  • low cost of technology.

Due to its small size and low power consumption, this function is popular and can be easily installed in many devices.

Is there a difference between NFC and Bluetooth?

NFC on a phone is often compared to Bluetooth. This is mainly due to contactless transmission and short range. At the moment, these functions are being implemented directly into new smartphones.

There are significant differences between the technologies presented. The main nuance is the speed of work. For example, NFC is much slower, but uses little power, and pairing is instant and automatic, unlike Bluetooth.

For example, to use Bluetooth, you will need to turn it on, then open the list of available devices, select the one you need and wait for the phone to connect to it. While Near Field Communication takes less than a second to get started on its own, you only need to touch your cell phone to the desired gadget.

The next difference is the transfer speed. For example, NFC has a speed of 424 kbps, and Bluetooth, version 2.1, has a speed of 2.1 Mbps. At the moment, Bluetooth version 3.1 is being introduced into some smartphones, which reaches speeds of up to 40 Mbit/s.

The third difference is the field of action. For Bluetooth, this figure is no more than 20 cm, and for NFC - no more than 10. This is an advantage for this communication, because such a small radius will guarantee that you will not connect to an unnecessary gadget.

The presented communication is built not only into phones, but also into other gadgets, for example, payment terminals. The receiver itself does not require much space; it is mainly mounted in the free space between the smartphone battery and the cover. But if the phone cannot be easily disassembled and you cannot look at its insides, then how can you determine the presence of NFC?

Please read the external signs on your phone carefully. Often developers indicate a small emblem in the form of antennas directly on the cover of the mobile phone, indicating the presence of the technology. The icon will also be located in the top pop-up menu of the phone.

At the moment, NFC is being implemented in all Android smartphones with a version of at least 4.0. Another way to find out about the presence of communication is to go to settings, select the “Wireless networks” column, then click “More”. If the function is listed there, check the box next to it.

This option is also often found in cards designed to pay for travel, or in bank plastic. In addition, it began to be built into household appliances, this includes new refrigerators with the “Smart” option.

Since the release of this technology, some users have been wondering what uses there are. The device can operate in two modes.

  1. Active. Implies that two gadgets have NFC technology.
  2. Passive. The working field of only one of the devices is applied.

The presented communication is designed as a chip that operates in two modes. The first is intended for mutual data exchange between devices. The second one is usually used on special work passes, metro cards, etc.

The most popular use case is contactless payment. Link your bank card to your smartphone, and when paying, touch your phone to the terminal. This method guarantees protection from scammers. Attackers will not be able to intercept the signal due to the small field of action of NFC.

You don't need to carry the card with you; you can pay in stores by touching your phone to a terminal that supports contactless payment. How to use the function?

  1. You must have a special bank card that supports the paypass option.
  2. Install the application from your bank.
  3. Log in to your personal account and go to the main menu.
  4. Select the NFC column.
  5. Then place the card on the back of the phone. This is required for the sensor to read information on it.

Information exchange

The second use case involves information exchange. To do this, you need to install the Android Beam application. This software will allow you to transfer various files to another smartphone.

Do not forget that the transfer speed will be extremely low, which is why it is recommended not to send heavy files, but to limit yourself to sending messages or links.

To use this feature, you must enable NFC in settings. The activation point is located in the “Wireless networks” column. Then specify which connection you require.

The last option is not recommended due to the low transfer speed. To send the necessary data, you must touch your phone to another. Next, the system will ask you to confirm the operation; place your finger on the screen. When the sending is complete, you will hear a signal.

Reading marks

The third method of use involves reading labels. Its operating principle is similar to scanning a QR code. True, in the case of NFC, it is not a mobile camera that is used, but a sensor under the cover.

The presented function is especially useful for home life. Creating your own tags will require installing a special application that can be downloaded from the Play Market. You can independently assign a specific task to a specific label, for example, “send a message,” “call,” “write a letter,” etc.

Popular programs include:

  • ABA NFC. Allows you to create a simple symbol;
  • useful software for connecting to Wi-Fi without a password. That is, your guests do not need to search for wireless Internet and enter a password; they just need to touch it to a phone connected to this network;
  • SmartTag Maker. The presented application is suitable only for those who have Sony smartphones.

Such tags are passive. This is explained by the fact that they do not require power to contain information. They have a very small volume, only sufficient to store the required command. These tags are commonly called TecTiles. To read them, just bring the gadget up, after which the command will be activated.

Smartphones can not only read data, but also save it. The main nuance is to install a special program. Download the app from the developer who made your phone, or find it on third-party resources. Software for creating records can be paid or free. Before installing it, be sure to read the description. It is important that it supports the brand of your smartphone.

You can also purchase TecTiles as a smart card, key fob, fitness bracelet, electronic key or sticker. It is worth noting that such gadgets have a larger volume. Experts recommend not saving when purchasing this technology. The quality of communication must be high, then it will last for a sufficient time.

Pros and cons of the module

Among the main advantages are low energy consumption, reasonable price, ease of use and safety. But before you start using NFC, you need to familiarize yourself with some nuances.

Let's look at the main disadvantages of NFC.

  1. Small work radius. This brings some discomfort when using. Although, at the same time, this indicator creates maximum protection. You will not be able to accidentally issue a command, pay for a purchase, etc.
  2. Uncontrolled creation of modifications for NFC. For example, the developers of Sony and Haomi set about refining the transmission technology. They independently make consumables that work only with their company’s gadgets. In other words, to use all NFC options, you will have to purchase smartphones only from specific brands. This also includes the installation of special applications from the same developer.

Some of the shortcomings are being corrected gradually. The developers do not abandon their technology and constantly make various improvements.


Today NFC is a modern solution designed for sending information. But not all smartphones support this technology. If your phone is not modified, then you can purchase a special antenna yourself. Install it under the cover of the gadget or take the spare parts to a service center, where a specialist will do everything for you.

Another way to get hands-on with NFC is to buy a special accessory. Today, many companies offer to purchase memory cards and SIM cards with built-in NFC.

NFC adoption hasn't been spectacular, but that won't last long. Nowadays it is mainly used for making monetary transactions, although there are other areas of application. The main advantage of the modification is safety. Its operating principle eliminates accidental transfers of data and money to other devices.

All current Android smartphones have the top line of the screen literally filled with all sorts of symbols. Many of them are clear, familiar, and even useful: the notification panel informs you about new email messages, file downloads, the availability and quality of telephone and WiFi networks, battery charge level, etc. However, sometimes a mysterious letter N appears there, causing some suspicious users to feel slightly uneasy.

In this article we will talk about the function that is designated in Android devices by this very letter N, as well as how to disable it, and why you can do it right now.

  • What does the N symbol mean and what is NFC?

On the Android notification panel, an intricately designed letter N appears as a sign that the smartphone (or tablet) has turned on the NFC module. NFC - near field communication - is a technology through which two nearby mobile devices can exchange data (sorry for such a simplified definition).

You've probably already heard about this technology and even seen it in action. In developed democracies, NFC is used everywhere: for example, in mobile payment systems (the most famous among us are Android Pay and Samsung Pay) - this is when you can do it directly from a smartphone, smart bracelets and other smart devices. In addition, via NFC you can transfer any other data from one smartphone to another.

  • How to disable NFC in an Android smartphone (and take the N icon from the notification panel)?

This one is simple. Most likely, in your Android you will find the option to disable NFC directly in the quick settings menu. That is, we swipe across the screen from top to bottom, and in the drop-down menu, somewhere next to the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth symbols, we find an icon in the form of the same letter N as in the notification panel, with a caption next to it and, if the function is active, tap on it to turn it off.

If you didn’t find the letter N in the quick settings of your smartphone, then open the normal settings, then click “ More… " in the section " Wireless networks " and in the subsection " Transfer files and data » turn the NFC option switch to the « position Off ", after which the N symbol will disappear from the notification panel.

  • To disable or not to disable NFC?

Frankly speaking, at present there is practically no real benefit from NFC for the vast majority of Android users. Well, as we have already said, you can transfer photos or other files from one smartphone to another. Contactless mobile payment systems have not yet enjoyed such significant popularity among the population and, there is a suspicion that they will not be used for quite some time. The mentioned Android Pay and Samsung Pay, despite their very successful debut in the States, will not come to our shores anytime soon.

So, if you are not in an American store right now, you can safely turn off the NFC function in your Android smartphone and thus save its battery power.