Formatting does what. Full formatting or quick formatting? Formatting Methods

To format a drive through Windows Explorer, starting with Windows 7, you can choose two options - quick (clearing the table of contents) and full formatting:

At the same time, it is not clear what the differences are between them - let's figure it out. First, the definition of formatting:

Formatting is a process that involves creatingmain boot entry with partition tableand/or structures are emptyfile system, installationboot sector and similar actions, the result of which is the ability to use the media inoperating systemfor storing programs and data.

As you can see, there is not a word about deleting data - in fact, formatting only allows the system to work correctly with the disk and the information on it. An example of formatting without deleting data is changing the file system from HFS+ to APFS when iOS firmware 10.3 - file system changed, but all the data remained in place. But this is rather an exception - usually the formatting process means clearing the disk of data.

Now that we understand the concept itself, let's move on to the types of formatting.

Quick formatting

As the name suggests, it happens quickly - even multi-terabyte hard disks formatted in just a few seconds. However, in in this case Data is not deleted as such - the boot sector and an empty file system table are written to the drive, and the disk space is marked as unused.

The advantages of this approach are clear - time is saved, but there are also disadvantages:

  1. Files are not deleted, so after quick formatting (in the case of hard drive, we’ll talk about SSD later) can be restored (partially or completely) using special programs. So if you are planning to give your disk to someone - quick formatting not the best option.
  2. Quick formatting does not check the status of the drive, and if it has been bad sectors- they will remain, which in the future may lead to loss of data and (or) incorrect operation drive.
Full formatting

A full format not only writes the boot sector and an empty file system table, but also writes zeros to all sectors of the disk. In addition, all sectors of the disk are checked, and bad sectors are marked in a special way and are not subsequently used to write data, so after full formatting, the disk volume may decrease slightly. Since you essentially need to fill the entire disk with zeros, the full formatting process takes a very long time, especially on hard drives(for a terabyte disk it can take up to 2-3 hours).

The advantages of this approach are that the data will be impossible to recover, so after a complete formatting the drive can be safely given to another person. The disk is also checked for errors, which allows you to avoid problems with its use in the future. The only downside is probably the time spent on formatting - full formatting takes two to three orders of magnitude more time than quick formatting.

In case of SSD system formats disks differently - for quick formatting, the TRIM command is used: when used, the SSD controller erases all data on the drive and recreates the list of sectors. That is for SSD fast Formatting essentially does the same thing as full formatting for an HDD. Therefore, when you quickly format an SSD, you can forget about data recovery.

Perform complete formatting SSD firstly, it becomes unnecessary (since the fast one erases everything anyway), and secondly, it can even harm the SSD - it will work slower. This is due to the fact that the principles HDD operation and SSDs are very different: in the case of latest entry to all cells of zeros will mean that the cells are not empty - they are occupied by zeros. And for subsequent recording of something in these cells SSD controller you won't have to write them down new information, and overwriting (that is, first removing zeros, and then writing new information) - this greatly reduces the speed SSD operation, sometimes even up to normal speeds hard drives.

Which formatting type to choose

As a result, you can create a simple algorithm: if only you use the drive, and it works without failures, use quick formatting. If the drive fails, or you want to give it to another person, use full formatting (with the exception of SSD - for it, in any case, use only quick formatting).

Formatting hard drive- the process of creating a file system on its partition, accompanied by deleting data and compiling new structure FS. Functionality for formatting hard drives and solid-state drives is contained in almost all modern operating systems, but the standard mechanism is not always optimal and applicable. About how to format HDD in several ways, this material will tell you in more detail.

Format HDD regular means very simple. To do this, in Explorer you need to select required section, right-click and select “Format” from the pop-up menu.

In the menu that opens, select formatting options. It is recommended to use NTFS as the file system, and leave the cluster size as standard. Checking the box next to “Quick formatting” significantly speeds up the process, but only the FS table is created anew. The data itself physically remains on the disk, although it becomes inaccessible. If you do not check the box, all data will be physically erased (filling each memory cell with zeros), but the process will take a long time. A hard drive with a capacity of several terabytes will take hours to format. But such formatting allows you to permanently destroy data, for example, when transferring the drive to a new owner.

An alternative way to format the HDD using standard means is through the “Control Panel”. To do this, you need to find the “Administration” menu, select “Computer Management” in it and find “Disk Management” in the left column. The menu that opens will display all drives in the form of a structure. The advantage of this method is that this way you can format disks that do not have a partition and therefore are not displayed in Explorer.

How to format a hard drive via the command line

To format a disk via the command line, there is service team format. To use it, you need to run the command line as an administrator and enter the format command. It should look like this:

format [drive letter]:- formatting will happen without any questions, into the same FS that is on the disk, in a slow way(with complete erasure).

format [drive letter]: /q — the “/q” flag triggers a quick format, without physically clearing the contents of its memory. The flag can be placed in combination with any other keys.

format [drive letter]: fs:[file system]— formatting the selected partition into one of the supported file systems: NTFS, FAT, FAT32.

format [drive letter]: fs:[file system] /q- the same thing, but with quick formatting.

How to format your hard drive before installing Windows

To format your hard drive before Windows installation, you must select full installation, wait until the menu for selecting a partition to install appears, click on the desired drive and press the “Format” button at the bottom. The system will independently determine optimal method formatting, file system type and cluster size. The whole process takes less than a minute.

Before you format your hard drive, installing Windows may require creating additional system partitions to load the OS. The screenshot below shows that such a partition takes up 100 MB. It stores part of the system bootloader.

The disadvantage of formatting this way is that you cannot manually manipulate the parameters. Ordinary users do not need this, but sometimes they need FAT32 instead of the standard NTFS system. For example, such a need arises on tablets with Intel processors and two installed OS (Windows + Android), like the ten-inch Chuwi Hi10. In order for the Windows partition to be visible from Android, it must be formatted in a compatible file system. Work with NTFS without special plugins and third party programs « green robot" can not.

The correct answer to this question is “not at all.” Computer bios It is intended for slightly different purposes and does not have functionality for working with HDD. Usually, “formatting from Bios” is popularly known as formatting via the command line in a text-based operating system (for example, MS-DOS). The advantage of this solution is that you can even work with system partition, which is not used.

For hard format drive through boot disk with DOS you need to create an image of such an OS, write it to a flash drive and copy the formatting utility there. Instead of DOS, you can also use a special program for working with HDDs, for example, GParted. This option is preferable as it is more functional.

To format a HDD from BIOS using a bootable USB flash drive, you need to download. This is an automatic installer that will download and write the latest version of Gparted to a flash drive.

After creating the flash drive, you need to restart the PC, go into Bios (usually by pressing DEl or F2) and find Boot menu. In it you should select the item containing the words “Boot device priority” or something similar in meaning. Among them, you should put your flash drive first. Then you need to press F10, agree to save the settings and wait for loading from the flash drive.

In the loaded menu of the GParted program, you need to select the language, select the disk and find the item responsible for formatting. You can select the file system, cluster size, format type, and other options.

The device on which files are recorded for further storage is called a hard drive. There are two main types of such storage media: HDD and SDD. Their design and operating principle are significantly different. There always comes a time when you should hard formatting disk.

Formatting - deletion procedure digital recording on the storage device with labeling. This procedure can significantly speed up work hard disk, reduce the likelihood of file loss.

With proper maintenance, a data storage device can work stably for two years (it all depends on the intensity of recording information), but many experts recommend carrying out this procedure once a year.

Data storage in modern operating systems

The use of modern operating systems (Mac OS and Windows) leads to the emergence of large quantities unnecessary files. Application even modern programs Deleting files and cleaning the registry does not give 100% results.

The computer starts to work at a slower speed, errors appear, it takes longer to read files, and so on. The HDD is very noisy and behaves strangely, which is due to the presence of mechanical elements in the design.

Often formatting is also performed, since only in this case can the speed of the computer be significantly increased.

Before reinstallation operating system and cleaning of any section is carried out backup. There are programs that allow you to recover files even after they have been complete removal, but they do not always give the desired result.

The process of formatting a hard drive

Methods for formatting a hard drive:

Low-level disk formatting

Basic markings are being applied. This method is used when there is a fear that top-secret information will be revealed to the public. That is, absolutely everything is erased without the possibility of recovery. Formatting low level they make it where the HDD was made - at the manufacturer's factory.

It is very difficult to fully implement this method at home... And why? Although if you play spy then you will like this HDD program Low Level Format. She certainly doesn't low level formatting, but kind of imitates it, which is enough to save confidential data.

Partitioning the disk

This method is used quite often, since storing information on one volume is extremely inconvenient. Also, dividing into several sections can significantly increase the life of the device.

You can divide a virtual volume into partitions using special programs from various developers or the built-in Windows features. If you want to learn how to properly partition a disk, then go HERE.

High-level disk formatting

The formatting we are familiar with is NTFS system or FAT. Click right click mouse over the disk and click format.

But keep in mind that you cannot defeat the local drive (C:) this way! Let's not go into terminology, here's what it looks like:

Formatting a Disk Using Windows Built-in Programs

In the screenshot above you can see that formatting settings can be selected:

  1. The quick method of formatting a hard drive takes less time, but has many nuances. An example is that digital information in the system it is overwritten with zeros, but is still stored. This allows you to restore files if necessary. However, if the structure had serious mistakes, then you won’t be able to fix them.
  2. The conventional formatting method takes longer but has a profound effect on the structure. During the process, all information is removed, and the structure is checked for errors and the possibility of correcting them.

Formatting a regular disk

No problems arise here, since the system is installed on local disk. You can format without rebooting the system.

Formatting a hard drive is carried out as follows:

The time required to clean a storage device depends on its size, condition, and the removal method you choose. The process is quite long, so you can go and have some tea.

At the time of removal, computers with low power may freeze. It is worth remembering that disconnecting the power supply or otherwise interrupting the process can lead to irreparable consequences.

You may encounter a situation where part of the hard drive or it completely becomes unusable.

Formatting using the command line

A less popular method is strings. If the operating system has significant violations, then only actions are performed through the command line. In this case you should:

  1. Call the command line.

It can be done different ways. But we will consider the most universal one, since everyone’s OS is different:

– press the button on the keyboard windows logo and, without releasing it, press the “R” key, that is, the combination Win + R is obtained;

- such a wonderful thing appears;

– in it we enter the “CMD” command and our long-awaited command line opens. Learn more about how to work with the command line.

  1. On startup command line A black window appears in which commands are entered.
  2. The command responsible for formatting is called "format". Just write this word without quotes and press the Enter button.

All information is entered manually; an error may be displayed if the entered data does not match the actual data. An example of how and what information should be entered is located below. (Fig. 5)

Formatting a local disk

The system partition is the volume on which the Windows files or Mac OS. Formatting a hard drive causes problems when you need to delete information from a system volume.

This is because the operating system cannot delete the volume on which it resides. There are also certain restrictions that relate to booting the computer: the BIOS is set to automatically boot the system volume.

Let us immediately note that changing the system volume is carried out only if it is necessary to reinstall the operating system. It is impossible to change volume “C” without installing a new operating system.

You can edit drive “C” as follows:

Sometimes, to launch media from installation files, you should press a certain key combination or one key (depending on your BIOS), after which the BIOS opens. It should be installed in the “Boot” tab and in the “ Boot Device Priority" automatic download from external media.

After this, a reboot is carried out and the computer loads installation package. New computers are configured so that initially Checking external media, after which the information from the hard drive is only read. If a black screen appears after the computer manufacturer's logo, you should press "Enter", otherwise the download will not proceed.

It is worth considering that installation is possible only if all information is deleted from the hard drive. Formatting and installing Windows 7 has become much easier than using older early version XP. This is due to the addition of a menu, which is created by providing a choice of one of the functions.


The file system is responsible for the process of storing and accessing virtual storage on physical device memory. The main concept is a cluster, which defines minimum size on disk.

If the structure is formed poorly, the distance between individual clusters can be quite large. In other words, the file will be scattered across different segments, a device like HDD It will take quite some time to move the head to read the entire volume.

If you choose between FAT32 and NFTS you should give preference last option, since there are no restrictions on hard drive layout. Formatting in NFTS can significantly reduce the time required to search for a file. Compressing information at the file subsystem level allows you to quickly organize all work processes.

In conclusion, we note that external drives Large volumes should always be cleaned in NFTS. Otherwise, the OS may not correctly read the entire volume of the physical drive.

Greetings to all readers of my blog, Denis Trishkin here.
Using a computer for a long time, sooner or later the need arises Windows reinstallation. This can be done in several ways. The correct one is the one before which you need to format the hard drive. In this article I will tell you exactly how this happens, and also introduce you to the main concepts.

So what is formatting? Even at school, this process was presented as a division into sectors and tracks, with the loss of all information previously recorded on the storage medium. In the realities of today's technological world, formatting is the process of marking electronic media data, regardless of its form and structure, be it an optical or hard disk, memory card, flash drive.

To put it simply, the process is the erasure of all existing files in the specified area. Moreover, when new ones appear, they are already placed on top in a seamless manner. Because of this, access to them will be easier in the future, and, consequently, the speed of processing requests will decrease. OS and individual programs will work faster.

File system types( ^)

Before moving directly to familiarization with the process itself, it is important to introduce you to such a concept as file system and its types. So, it is a table that indicates the order of storing, recording and naming information on media. In other words, it is responsible for all processes related to transferring and reading data.

There are several most famous and used types:

Formatting process( ^)

We immediately need to clarify that we are talking about formatting before installing Windows. That's why we'll talk about working with hard drives, and not with other data custodians.

Formatting methods before installing a new system( ^)

There are only a few ways to format before installing a new Windows:

Step-by-step instructions for formatting with built-in capabilities( ^)

It should be noted right away that I will talk about Windows 7, 8, 10, because previous versions Microsoft has stopped supporting it. So, when, during the installation of a new operating system, you reach the disk selection point, you need to:

The built-in tool allows you to format the disk only in a quick way.

However, it does not provide additional functions. This is why many specialists use special programs for formatting, which work even without an installed operating system. The above is considered the most convenient Acronis Disk Director . This application is paid, although there is the possibility of temporary use.

Formatting using Acronis Disk Director( ^)

To use the application you need:

    1 Download the program image file using a torrent tracker.


    2 Write the downloaded image to a USB flash drive


    3 Using the BIOS, check that the system boots first from the flash drive, press the F10 button and agree.



    4 After rebooting, confirm working from the flash drive.

    5 A black screen appears where you need to select full version Acronis Disk Director.


    6 On the pop-up window, mark “manual” mode.

    7 After this, select the section and click on the item in the left menu.



    9 After this, the program sends us to the initial partition selection window. This is necessary to make additional changes. But since we are only formatting the disk on which Windows will later be installed, we click on the checkbox.



    10 We are waiting for the process to complete. After this, you can exit the program and continue installing the OS. In this case, there is no longer any need to format the disk with the built-in program.


Formatting via the command line( ^)

Almost no one uses this method, since the methods described above are sufficient for most. But sometimes there are still situations when he remains the only one.

To call the command line, before copying a new one Windows versions to your computer, when the first installation window appears, press the key combination “ Shift+F10" After this, a black window will appear. It contains the command “ format" along with the letter of the partition that needs to be formatted (this could be C, D, E and others). After this you need to confirm the action: “ Yes" Or write " No» if you made a mistake with the letter of the section or simply changed your mind.

The situation can be resolved using third party computer. An infected hard drive is connected to it and standard system cleared. To do this, after booting the system in the section " My computer“You need to select the damaged partition, right-click on it, and then select the appropriate menu. Specify the file system, cluster size, and volume label.


After hard formatting The disk is installed on the original computer and Windows is installed. Sometimes during this, the system requires you to re-divide the partition into sectors and tracks. Don't worry - this is normal.

Formatting the hard drive before installing Windows - important step. If you don't do it, a new version will work with errors and most likely not for long.

I hope this article will clarify for you the main issues that are associated with the formatting procedure. Subscribe, recommend me to your friends and along with you become computer literate.