Ideal tourist trips for Russian pensioners

One of the segments of social tourism is disability tourism. This is the largest untapped niche of the Russian tourist market. Wide information access(media, Internet, advertising) have created a strong demand among people with physical and sensory impairments for travel at affordable prices. This is evidenced by the results of a foreign study conducted by the Open Doors Organization.

Thus, in 2006, people with disabilities made 32 million tourist trips, spending more than $13.6 billion on travel ($4.2 billion on hotel stays, $3.3 billion on air travel, $2.7 billion on food and drinks and $3.4 billion for shopping, transport, etc.). Such indicators were achieved not only thanks to the created infrastructure opportunities, but also to the financial accessibility of social tours, in particular wheelchair tourism.

Also, world practice shows that the created infrastructural conditions for disabled tourists are also popular among older people. Thus, over the past 20 years, the number of tourists among citizens of retirement age has increased significantly. Today the most active tourists in European countries are persons over 60 years of age. This only confirms the rule - the presence of an abundance of various tourist services at affordable prices immediately increases the solvency of the population with the same modest, small incomes.

In this regard, subjects of the Russian tourism industry should pay attention to disabled tourists, directing investments into creating comfortable conditions for travel and recreation for this category of citizens: specially equip hotel rooms, train appropriate personnel, organize an escort service, create conditions for free movement (ramps, elevators, escalators) and use of hygiene rooms, purchase specialized transport. And most importantly, diversify tourist offers by applying a soft pricing policy.

Social rehabilitation of people with disabilities is the most important task of the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (adopted at the 61st session of the UN General Assembly on December 13, 2006) Gulyaev V.G. Tourism: economics and social development. M.: Finance and Statistics, 2007, which Russia joined in 2008. Its goal is to prepare people with disabilities for effective participation in standard sociocultural situations, to expand the sphere of independence in relations with others.

In this regard, today sociocultural rehabilitation disabled and elderly people is considered as a set of measures aimed at helping this category of citizens achieve and maintain the optimal degree of their participation in interaction and communication with society. This will most fully integrate them into society, thereby ensuring positive changes in lifestyle.

One of the areas of socio-cultural rehabilitation of people with disabilities that is in demand today is tour therapy- sociocultural rehabilitation technology, which is based on tourist and excursion activities.

The development of social tourism, the development of tourism programs taking into account their accessibility for people with special needs - all this will create equal opportunities for the exercise of the right of disabled citizens to rest and familiarize them with cultural values.

Social tourism for the elderly is new form services aimed at maintaining health, organizing proper and useful rest, expanding the circle of friends by interests, and increasing the body’s performance.

Our center has launched a social tourism program for the older generation“This is a very interesting and promising direction to improve the quality of life of the older generation.” Today, not every Russian pensioner can afford to travel around their native land.

“Participation in the program will help make these dreams come true, and at the same time receive a powerful charge of positivity and vigor. Indeed, among our pensioners there are many energetic and inquisitive people, thirsting for bright impressions and new discoveries, and tourism for them is one of the best ways prolongation of active longevity.” The “Social Tourism” program, which has already proven its relevance and has made it possible to create conditions for veterans and other low-income categories of the population to exercise their right to rest, health care and social rehabilitation.

Tourism has a great impact on the health of the elderly and people with disabilities. disabilities and is a factor counteracting hypokinesia, which has a destructive effect on health and psyche. Motor restrictions significantly reduce life opportunities and cause depression, despondency, stress, and loss of self-confidence. Through tourism, therapy and prevention of psychosomatic diseases, maintaining physical fitness and health are carried out.

Secondly, tourism creates an environment full communication, in which a person with problems interacts with different people, installs social contacts and has the ability to perform various social roles.
Tourism eliminates the feeling of loss of dignity, inferiority, and integrates the elderly and disabled into society.

The “Social Tourism” project is being implemented in the following types: cultural studies, recreation tourism, health tourism, ecotourism, Orthodox tourism.

The results of this project "Tourism for the elderly" were: increased social activity elderly people, expanding their social circle, improving health, maintaining good physical shape, young people appearance, increasing the vitality of older people.

The Center’s specialists emphasize that social tourism has a great impact on the health of older people, as it is a factor counteracting a sedentary lifestyle, which negatively affects health and psyche. Tourism creates the opportunity to establish independent and diverse contacts, which help to obtain confident and effective life support, which is so necessary for an elderly person.

Helping an elderly person means, first of all, understanding and accepting their world! Showing maximum attention, love, and most importantly, respect, day care department specialists daily prove to the Center’s clients that life goes on and that there is no need to give up even in the most difficult situations.

Tourism is a unique means of rehabilitation and provides the opportunity for meaningful communication between older people. Travel, new acquaintances, bright, unforgettable impressions - all this lifts a person’s mood and tone, allows him to feel the fullness of life, puts him in a positive mood, and gives him strength in the fight against illnesses.

“Today we have already accumulated some experience, and we can say with confidence that it is positive. Of course, we do not have the opportunity to travel far beyond the Caucasian Mineral Waters, but in our region there are a lot of beautiful places, there is something to see, and most importantly, there are so many new discoveries to make. This type of recreation, such as tourism, allows our clients, often low-income people, not only to have a good rest, but also to learn the history of their native land, see the most beautiful places, and expand their circle of acquaintances,” say the department’s employees.

Thanks to sponsors who donated a 14-seater Gazelle passenger car, since March of this year, clients of the Lermontov Center have unique opportunity collectively visit the sights of the CMS. The branch's clients have already visited the "Castle of Cunning and Love", Chaliapin's house, the art gallery of the city of Kislovodsk, the cave of "Permafrost, Zheleznovodsk", Proval in Pyatigorsk, the local history museum of Pyatigorsk, as well as the café of the city "Broadway", " Rendezvous", where charity dinners dedicated to Mother's Day were organized.

In August a trip was organized for 13 clients of the department to the Kislovodsk Dolphinarium. The pleasure they received from contact with the mysterious nature of dolphins cannot be described in words. The tricks that dolphins perform are incomparable. It is not known who gets more pleasure: either an inexperienced child who is captivated by the show, or an adult who is able to appreciate the intelligence and beauty of animals, be surprised at the speed of their movement and the degree of contact between the trainer and the smiling blue-gray torpedoes who do not miss the opportunity to play tricks and throw water on the spectators. The original performances of sea animals - seals and dolphins - brought a lot of impressions and a great charge of positive energy to the elderly.

Clients of the day care department constantly go to holy places and attractions of the region.

So, September 18 A pilgrimage trip took place to the relics and grave of St. Theodosius of the Caucasus; the temple was not chosen by chance. The Monk Theodosius of the Caucasus is the patron saint of the Caucasian lands and the spiritual mentor of the local population. People come to him with different problems, and it is believed that he always responds to their requests. Near the burial site there is a small chapel where you can go to pray, get holy water and buy church items.

None of them have left the city for years and all they can do is walk around their home. Meanwhile, social tourism provides our pensioners with the opportunity to spend their leisure time brightly and richly, enjoying travel and communicating with peers.

In September a pilgrimage trip to the Second Athos Beshtaugorsky Monastery was organized..

In the church shop, clients of the department were able to purchase memorable souvenirs. In the monastery church we prayed, lit candles, and collected sacred water. We visited the open-air Summer Church with a magnificent iconostasis.

An excursion was held in the temple for clients; they were able to personally communicate with one of the monks of the monastery, who told them that the Second Athos Beshtaugorsk monastery was opened in the mountains of Pyatigorsk by two monks - natives of Old Athos (an ancient Greek monastery) - this happened in 1904, on the Assumption. The monastery was forgotten until the early 90s, but with donations from parishioners it was possible to restore the fraternal building. At first it was designed for 10 people, today 20 brothers live here. The monastery houses rare icons, arks with particles of the relics of Panteleimon the Healer and the saints of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra.

On the same day, elderly tourists visited the women’s monastery church in honor of St. George on Mount Dubrovka, which is the only women’s monastery in the Caucasian Mineral Waters.

Having been saturated with God's grace and the greatness of the Caucasian Mineral Waters, the elderly people went home. This trip brought love and joy of communication with God into their hearts, led to the restoration of mental and emotional strength, peace and tranquility in general.

In October Another group of pensioners visiting the social health department of the Center visited a trout farm located in one of the most beautiful places in the vicinity of Kislovodsk. The nature of the Caucasus is rich and diverse! Clients of the Center were pleased to learn about the history of the creation of the Trout breeding farm, the oldest farm in the country, founded in the 30s of the last century. The farm guide spoke about the methods of breeding and growing the “royal” fish - trout. Currently, the plant grows four types of trout, one of which is golden trout. The elderly people saw for themselves the conditions in which the “royal fish” is bred, learned the history of fishing in the Caucasus, and enjoyed feeding the trout with special food. At the end, our pensioners purchased fish products at the farm’s company store. On the way, everyone discussed with interest what they had seen, exchanged their impressions, planned subsequent trips to the sights of the Caucasus, and the group returned to the Center in high spirits.

Travel, new acquaintances, vivid unforgettable impressions - all this lifts a person’s mood and tone, allows him to feel the fullness of life, puts him in a positive mood, and gives him strength in the fight against illnesses.

In November For the ensemble “Elegy” and members of the “Golden Age” club, the Center staff organized a trip to the city of Pyatigorsk.

The weather was favorable active recreation. The gentle rays of the sun created a wonderful mood and elation. Pensioners admired the autumn park and the Lermontov Gallery. Then we went up to the drinking gallery, where we tried water from a hydrogen sulfide spring

The further path lay to the new cathedral. The beautiful architecture and the sparkling grandeur of the domes of the Temple made a huge impression.

Thanks to the cohesion of the team of pensioners, good mood and the general interest in the history of our region, the trip did not seem tiring, but, on the contrary, left a lot of pleasant impressions, emotions and memories.


the federal law“On the basics of tourism activities in Russian Federation" defines social tourism as "travel subsidized from funds allocated by the state for social needs", while separate categories the state provides benefits to Russian tourists in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation social nature.

In the countries of the European Union, social tourism is associated with a clientele with low incomes, which does not allow them to receive high-quality tourism services. This category of citizens needs social benefits. This primarily includes large families, orphans, children from orphanages and boarding schools, students and working youth, pensioners, disabled people and low-income citizens. According to domestic experts, there are about 35 million pensioners and disabled people in the Russian Federation. The main sources of funds for providing targeted assistance The most vulnerable segments of the population are the federal and local budgets. According to some expert data, in 1996 in Russia, about 160 thousand pensioners and disabled people received social assistance for recreation and treatment.

Social tourism is understood as a sector of the tourism market where buyers receive subsidies from funds allocated by the state for social needs, or other sources of coverage, in order to create conditions for travel and recreation for schoolchildren, working and studying youth from low-income families, pensioners, veterans and the disabled, those. persons to whom government and other organizations provide social support.

Thus, central problem social tourism, the most complex and intractable, consists in finding sources of its financing, and if there are any, in a system of conscientious distribution of financial resources among low-income categories of people who, according to certain criteria, have a preferential right to benefits in it. It can be assumed that in the absence of appropriate legal norms, legislative framework, financial and personnel documents, social tourism can turn into a feeding trough for unscrupulous individuals.

1. Basic concepts and types of social tourism

The Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation” dated November 24, 1996 No. 132-FZ states: “ tourism social- tourism, fully or partially carried out at the expense of budget funds, funds from state extra-budgetary funds (including funds allocated within the framework of the state social assistance), as well as employer funds."

In other words, social tourism - this is any type of tourism(educational, resort, environmental, rural, etc.), the costs of which are fully or partially paid by the tourist from financial sources intended for social needs.

Generally social tourismis considered as an economic category and in most laws of various states this type of tourism is considered a priority. Russian law gives social tourism the third degree of priority after domestic and inbound tourism.

The wording quoted from the federal law is so far the only one in relation to social tourism. But so far, our country has not developed a regulatory document that would define the mechanism for receiving from the state the assistance required by law from budget funds allocated for social needs. There is also no specific definition of which tourists, for what trips, where and when can receive financial support from the state for these purposes.

the main objective social tourism- creating conditions for travel for pensioners, disabled people, war and labor veterans, schoolchildren, youth and any other citizens to whom the state, state and non-state funds, and other organizations provide social support.

Using the example of a number of civilized countries, we see that social tourism is developing in the form of “associative tourism”, organized by trade unions of tourism companies and social tourism associations. The main objective of social tourism has become the organization of cheap trips for people with low incomes. Municipal authorities also played a significant role in the development of social tourism, creating for this not only economic conditions (providing socially oriented tourism businesses with land benefits, tax breaks and other preferences), but also infrastructural ones, primarily aimed at people with disabilities. limited physical abilities. That is why in European countries tourism is a common occurrence for this category of citizens. Many travel agencies offering a variety of specialized tourism programs and excursions for the disabled offer their services in this area. Economically beneficial development social tourismIt is not the presence of individual individual infrastructural elements that contributes, but the created goal-setting system that provides people with access to good rest, and therefore the effective restoration of physical and spiritual strength.

For example, in Germany, for development purposes cultural and educational tourismAll leisure facilities are equipped taking into account the needs of people with limited mobility. Museums and theaters usually have wheelchairs that can be used by people with disabilities. Much attention“affordable” cultural tourism is also emphasized in Spain. British travel agencies offering social tours conducted an inspection in Barcelona and recognized it as one of the best tourist destinations in the world from this point of view. Recently, a special website "Accessible Tourism" was created containing all the information about relevant trips to Catalonia. There you can find detailed information about 19 tourist routes on which the necessary conditions have been created for the reception of disabled people and the elderly.

In Finland there is a whole “bunch” of small firms offering organization services water tourismfor disabled people on pleasure boats that can be accessed by people in wheelchairs.

In France, the most widespread form of social tourism is rural tourism. The Association of Social Tourism, which is developing this direction, owns recreational facilities and offers them for small fee to their shareholders. Inexpensive outdoor recreation is in demand all year round, including among young people.

In Austria, the most developed sports and entertainment tourism. The mountain resort of Tyrol has been named one of the most wheelchair-friendly areas in Europe. People in need special means movement, got the opportunity not only to freely walk the streets of Tyrol and see the sights, but also to climb certain mountain heights and, most importantly, to do everything available to them active species sports at recreation centers. Those who have already tried new technology, argue that the infrastructure of Tyrol has truly become accessible and favorable for all categories of tourists.

World experience convinces that the mass nature of public social tourism outweighs its cheapness with the total influx and rapid turnover of real money, which increases employment, attracts investment in tourism directly on the ground, and at the same time tax revenues. Thanks to tourism, states all over the world are getting richer, supporting this area with legislatively verified policies.

IN modern Russia The development of social tourism is still possible only through government regulation, placing the priority on the general accessibility of tourism within the country. Social tours today are offered at the expense of budget funds for orphans, children from low-income families, disabled people and veterans. Taking into account the available opportunities, excursions and 2-day tours are organized in the areas of cultural, historical and water tourism.

Currently, the direction of sanatorium and resort recreation has also intensified. Some enterprises (boarding houses, sanatorium-resort enterprises, tourist centers, children's health camps) have again returned to the practice of subsidies for organized recreation for employees and members of their families. Medical and health institutions are represented by sanatoriums, holiday homes and children's health camps. In the future, we will create conditions for socially adapted beach holidays, rural holidays and participation in environmental tours.

2. Tourism for disabled people and elderly people. Its role and significance

social transport tourism disabled person

One of the segments of social tourism is disability tourism. This is the largest untapped niche of the Russian tourist market. Wide access to information (media, Internet, advertising) has created a strong demand for travel at affordable prices among people with physical and sensory impairments. This is evidenced by the results of a foreign study conducted by the Open Doors Organization.

Thus, in 2006, people with disabilities made 32 million tourist trips, spending more than $13.6 billion on travel ($4.2 billion on hotel stays, $3.3 billion on air travel, $2.7 billion on food and drinks and $3.4 billion for shopping, transport, etc.). Such indicators were achieved not only thanks to the created infrastructure opportunities, but also to the financial accessibility of social tours, in particular wheelchair tourism.

Also, world practice shows that the created infrastructural conditions for disabled tourists are also popular among older people. Thus, over the past 20 years, the number of tourists among citizens of retirement age has increased significantly. Today, the most active tourists in European countries are people over 60 years of age. This only confirms the rule - the presence of an abundance of various tourist services at affordable prices immediately increases the solvency of the population with the same modest, small incomes.

In this regard, subjects of the Russian tourism industry should pay attention to disabled tourists, directing investments into creating comfortable conditions for travel and recreation for this category of citizens: specially equip hotel rooms, train appropriate personnel, organize an escort service, create conditions for free movement (ramps, elevators, escalators) and use of hygiene rooms, purchase specialized transport. And most importantly, diversify tourist offers by applying a soft pricing policy.

Social rehabilitation of people with disabilities is the most important task of the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (adopted at the 61st session of the UN General Assembly on December 13, 2006), which Russia acceded to in 2008. Its goal is to prepare people with disabilities for effective participation in standard sociocultural situations, to expand the sphere of independence in relations with others.

In this regard, today sociocultural rehabilitation disabled and elderly peopleis considered as a set of measures aimed at helping this category of citizens achieve and maintain the optimal degree of their participation in interaction and communication with society. This integrates them more fully into society, thereby ensuring positive changes in lifestyle.

One of the areas of socio-cultural rehabilitation of people with disabilities that is in demand today is tour therapy- sociocultural rehabilitation technology, which is based on tourist and excursion activities.

The development of social tourism, the development of tourism programs taking into account their accessibility for people with special needs - all this will create equal opportunities for the exercise of the right of disabled citizens to rest and familiarize them with cultural values.

3. Main aspects in the formation of social tourism

In the tourism services market, consumers are offered a so-called tourist product (tourist product). The complex concept of a tourism product includes services necessary to fully satisfy the needs of tourists that arise during their travel.

A tourism product has a price and, in fact, is a product that has a consumer value, i.e. utility or ability to satisfy certain recreational needs of people. The usefulness of a tourism product is determined by its value for the subject.

When creating a socially oriented tourism product, the tour operator must create a tourism product that would be valuable to the maximum large number people, i.e. attract mass consumers. The principle of formation of such a tourism product is practically no different from the formation of any other tourism product. It is based on: selection of a tourist center, transportation and transfer services, accommodation and food services, and excursion services. These are the conditions that the tour operator must fulfill.

At the same time, in the process of preparing the tour, a number of additional factors are taken into account in accordance with the wishes and level of capacity of people. When organizing tours for disabled people, factors related to their subculture are taken into account, namely, a set of behavioral stereotypes and value orientations of disabled people, forms and methods of their communication. The severity of the disease and the level of physical condition of these people are also important, which should also be taken into account when working with older people.

Particular attention must be paid to disabled people with damage to the musculoskeletal system, using various orthopedic mechanisms and technical devices for movement (wheelchairs). Methods of working with visually and hearing impaired people also have their own specifics.

Let's consider the main aspects that need to be taken into account when creating a tourism product.

Selecting a tourist center- is a necessary condition when forming a tourism product. The choice of a tourist center, as a rule, is determined either by consumer demand available in the tourism services market, or by the individual wishes of the client. This is a mandatory element of the tour package, since without an object of interest it is impossible to organize a trip.

When choosing a tourist center for people with limited physical abilities, especially for disabled people, it is necessary to provide for the recommendations of doctors (usually this is indicated in a medical report or a sanatorium-resort card), take into account climatic conditions and availability medical institutions if they need emergency medical care. It is also necessary to take into account the length of the route, if this is a one-day excursion program, or the length and conditions of travel, if this is a full-fledged tour. When offering a client or group of clients to choose one or another travel center, you should definitely draw his or their attention to all of the above factors.

Transportation services- constitute the majority of the costs that determine the cost of the tour package. The more comfortable and high-speed mode of transport is used, the higher the cost of travel and vice versa. In the case of the formation of a socially oriented tourism product, the vehicle must not only meet the rules (requirements) for the safety and convenience of tourists, but are guaranteed to provide benefits on the cost of transportation.

In accordance with the Rules for organizing passenger transportation, transportation is distinguished general purpose, special purpose and tourist and excursion transportation. Tourist and excursion transportation includes transportation carried out for the purpose of tourism and excursion services to the population with the obligatory accompaniment of passengers by a guide or the leader of a tourist group. Tourist and excursion transportation can be carried out along certain routes, as well as outside them.

Transfer- delivery of a tourist from the place of arrival, located in the tourist center (airport, harbor, train station), to the place of accommodation (hotel) where he will live, and back. Transfers can be carried out by buses, sometimes by taxi, if such services are included in the tour package. Travel from a hotel, for example to a theatre, to a museum and back, is usually not included in a travel package unless specifically stated in the service agreement.

Accommodation services- these are services to ensure accommodation in a specific collective accommodation facility, which is offered by the tourist center for the duration of the trip. Collective accommodation facilities include hotels, motels, campsites, tourist centers, boarding houses, sanatoriums, etc.

Food servicesmore often they are not separate element tourist package, as they mainly represent part of the accommodation services. Common accommodation and board combinations are:

  • accommodation + breakfast (BB);
  • half board: accommodation + breakfast + dinner (HB);
  • full board: accommodation + breakfast + lunch + dinner (FP).

In normal practice, the tourist is given the opportunity to choose and order any of these combinations. Recommendations for the provision of food and accommodation services will be discussed in more detail below.

Excursion service- a set of services that are either included in the mandatory component or are part of additional services on the route. This is the so-called second component of the tour, including sightseeing tours, visits to museums and attractions of the tourist center, boat trips, etc. If the excursion service is compulsory program tour, then it is issued in the form of a tourist package (or voucher) - a document that guarantees all services required for the travel agency and the client.

It is appropriate to recall here that excursionistis a person who temporarily visited a tourist center for a period of less than 24 hours without an overnight stay, using the services of a guide.

Safety of tourists and excursionists- This important aspect, which must be provided for when creating a tourism product or organizing an excursion. In tourism, the safety of tourists means, first of all, the safety of their property and not causing damage to the natural environment when traveling.

In accordance with Russian legislation, the Federal executive body in the field of tourism informs about the threat to the safety of tourists in the country or the place of their temporary stay. At the same time, tour operators and travel agents, as well as organizations providing excursion services, are recommended to first find out what threats to the safety of tourists and sightseers may arise during a tour or excursion (epidemic, significant damage to the route, threat of terrorist attacks, unfavorable forecast from weather forecasters, for example, storm warning, etc.).

The important point is to question insurance. Despite the fact that in Russia insurance is voluntary, it is recommended that compulsory tourist services include tourist insurance, primarily life insurance. Any type of insurance is issued by an insurance agency.

When emergenciesthat happened to tourists (excursionists) during routes through the territory of the Russian Federation, posing an increased danger to the life and health of tourists (excursionists), tour operators and travel agents, as well as organizations providing excursion services, are obliged to immediately inform interested parties (family members of the tourist or excursionist) and the following organizations:

  • federal executive body in the field of tourism;
  • executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • local government bodies;
  • specialized services to ensure tourism safety.

To comply with this requirement, stipulated by the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation”, the organizer of the tour (excursion) is recommended to have the telephone numbers of the above organizations and Contact phone numbers relatives of tourists (excursionists).

4. Transport services in the field of social tourism

In general, any type of transport that meets the requirements of comfort and safety can be used for social tourism. Depending on the tour program, various types are used: tourist class buses, railway and air vehicles, river and sea types of passenger transport, as well as types of passenger vehicles.

In accordance with civil legislation, the transportation of passengers by transport provided to organizations and citizens is carried out under contracts or individual orders. Tour operators carry out transportation under contracts.

Excursion class busesmust be equipped with an air conditioning system, an audio and video system, anatomical seats with an adjustable backrest and meet the most stringent requirements for a comfortable and safe trip.

It is necessary to take into account that people with disabilities who have obvious physical limitations (impaired functions of support and movement, orientation, coordination) sometimes cannot independently use technical equipment. In this regard, it is recommended that the driver or tour guide, before starting the route, be given a mandatory briefing on safety rules while the bus is moving, informed about the availability of its technical equipment and instructed in their use and use. If a tourist (excursionist) cannot independently use a technical device, for example, adjust the back of the passenger seat or turn on / off the air conditioning system, he should be warned that he can seek help from a neighbor or a person accompanying a group of disabled people.

The driver is required to have a first aid kit, and tourists (excursionists) must also be informed about this.

Another problem is the high running boards of vehicles, narrow doors, and the lack of additional funds safety and structures - ramps, handrails and lifts, which creates anti-comfortable travel conditions for persons with limited physical abilities (disabled and elderly people). When boarding a bus, getting off it, as well as when accelerating and decelerating traffic, the lack of such means or restrictions in equipping the bus with them can lead to an accident.

With this in mind, when choosing a bus, tour (excursion) organizers should pay attention to its design and safety equipment.

In Russia, Samotlor-NN LLC and the Likinsky Bus Plant (LiAZ) specialize in the production of special-purpose vehicles for transporting disabled people with impaired musculoskeletal functions, including people with disabilities in wheelchairs.

The bus route during the tour (excursion) must comply with a pre-developed and approved traffic pattern vehicle. Route map- This graphic image route via symbols, agreed with the local or regional (regional) department of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Internal Affairs Directorate.

The route map is developed by the organizer of the tour (excursion). In this case, it is necessary to take into account and also coordinate with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Internal Affairs Directorate for bus stops near display sites and sanitary zones, which is a mandatory requirement in accordance with the Federal Law “On Persons with Disabilities”.

When setting off along a route, the driver is required to have a waybill - a document used to record and control the operation of his vehicle.

Motor ship excursionsvery popular in summer period time and, unlike bus and pedestrian routes, do not cause special problems. The smooth, unhurried pace of movement provides enough time and opportunity for a good atmosphere of communication, including the opportunity to diversify the tour program, supplementing it with a cultural event with the participation of the disabled themselves (an amateur concert or puppet show, a competition for the best performance of a poem or story, etc.). P.).

For people with limited mobility, problems on a passenger ship can be steep ladders, cramped latrines (toilets), and narrow passages. In order to avoid extreme situations, it is not recommended for persons with serious orientation problems or visual impairments to participate in ship excursions.

When carrying out boat trips and cruises, it should be ensured that boarding and disembarking the ship is carried out using a ladder equipped with handrails for both left and right hands.

Before the start of the trip, it is necessary for tourists (excursionists) to undergo a safety briefing and familiarize themselves with the rules for passengers on board the ship. You should also be informed about the location of common areas and the availability of additional services.

Travel of disabled people on board a passenger ship must take place not only with the participation of a tour guide (guide), but also without fail with the participation of accompanying persons.


The presented material focuses the attention of tour operators on the specifics of organizing tours for the disabled and the elderly, taking into account the characteristics of tourists with hearing, vision, general diseases, and musculoskeletal disorders. At the same time, it should be understood that the composition of tourists on social tours is not limited to this category of people.

The social significance of any type of tourism is manifested in the spiritual and physical development of the individual through familiarity with culture, local history and the healing influence of natural factors on the human body.

Satisfying human needs for rest, spiritual development and restoration of physical strength are basic functions tourism, which means they have a clear social orientation, therefore the concept of “social” can include many types of tourism, including in their scope all social and age groups population. The experience of organizing and conducting social tours needs to be disseminated among tourism industry professionals, involving as many people as possible in this process. large quantity specialists in the field of tourism and services.


  1. Federal target program « Social support disabled people for 2006-2010".
  2. Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation”.
  3. Federal Law “On social protection disabled people in the Russian Federation."
  4. II All-Russian Conference“State policy in the field of development of cultural and educational tourism in Russia.”
  5. Seamless tourism; Invatourism: what is it?/Social information and analytical magazine “Country and We Are Together”, No. 3 2008
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  7. Lomakin V.I. Sociocultural rehabilitation of disabled people: Methodological recommendations. Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Russian Institute of Cultural Studies - M., 2008.
  8. Montreal Declaration Towards Humane and Social Management of Tourism.
  9. Practical guide on organizing rural tourism: A manual for business entities (using the example of the Podolsk district of the Moscow region). - M.: International Tourist Academy, 2009.
  10. Churbanova T. Integration of disabled people into society: Experience from Great Britain and the USA. Kuban State Academy physical culture. 2008.
  11. Bastrykina A.V. Tourism in the rehabilitation system and social integration elderly and people with disabilities. M., 2008. - 132.
  12. Andreeva E.B. Social tourism in modern Russia: problems and development prospects // Vestnik S
  13. GTU / No. 2 (13) 2006. P. 120-124.
  14. Ganapolsky V.I., Beznosikov E.Ya., Bulatov V.G. Tourism and orienteering, M.: Physical culture and sport, 2007 - 240 p.
  15. Gulyaev V.G. Tourism: economics and social development. M.: Finance and Statistics, 2008.
  16. Yurkina N.A. Introduction to the specialty “Social and cultural service and tourism”. - M.: Info, 2001.
  17. Birzhakov M.B. Introduction to tourism. - M., St. Petersburg: Nevsky Fund, 2006.
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Leisure, rest, recreation are important points in human life, along with production activities. For people who are not actively engaged in productive activities (the elderly and disabled), leisure is of great importance. Its forms, types and quality determine the success of rehabilitation and adaptation processes and integration into society.

Tourism is a unique means of recreation and rehabilitation for people with health problems, since its functions correspond to rehabilitation tasks and include various mechanisms of adaptation and self-adaptation, subject to the active participation of the rehabilitator in the process.

What allows us to consider tourism as one of the means of rehabilitation?

Firstly, tourism is a physical activity. It is known that movement is of great importance in human development from the first minutes of life. The movement of various parts of the body, the body as a whole, movement in space is a necessary factor in the development of the physical and psychophysiological qualities of the body throughout life. Chronic diseases, disabilities, and age-related changes usually lead to a decrease in physical activity, thereby contributing to a decrease in the mental and physical stability of the body.

Tourism has a great impact on the health of the elderly and people with disabilities. As Tadeusz Lobocewicz notes, tourism is a factor counteracting hypokinesia, which has a destructive effect on health and psyche. Motor restrictions significantly reduce life opportunities and cause depression, despondency, stress, and loss of self-confidence. Through tourism, therapy and prevention of psychosomatic diseases, maintaining physical fitness and health are carried out.

Secondly, tourism creates an environment of meaningful communication in which a person with problems interacts with different people, establishes social contacts and has the opportunity to perform various social roles.

Tourism eliminates the feeling of loss of dignity, inferiority, and integrates the elderly and disabled into society.

Sports and tourism provide the opportunity to establish independent and diverse contacts that help to obtain confident and effective life support.

Thirdly, the reproductive function of tourism is aimed at restoring the energy expended in performing production and everyday household duties. Tourism also helps restore a person’s mental resources. Rest is active in nature, including a variety of entertainment that helps to escape from the monotony of life and work, to understand the world more broadly, to get acquainted with various traditions, customs, new people, and to learn about previously unknown natural phenomena.

Fourthly, the environmental friendliness of tourism as an activity. Favorable climate, beautiful nature, the proximity of water spaces (river, lake, sea), the presence of natural monuments, monuments of material culture - all this contributes to a positive psycho-emotional mood, which is also a rehabilitating factor.

Fifthly, tourism provides opportunities for personal development. Knowledge of the history, culture, and life of other peoples carries great humanitarian potential, enriches a person, and broadens his horizons. The humanitarian significance of tourism lies not only in its educational value, but also in its peaceful orientation, in its intellectual and educational impact on the individual, especially on the younger generation. Tourism helps to establish friendly relations with residents of other regions and countries.

In modern Russia, many groups of the population, including pensioners and the disabled, find themselves in a difficult economic and socially unprotected situation. The main goal of the rehabilitation of these groups is to, on the basis of the conditions created by the state, society and the individual himself, gain the opportunity to participate in the working and socially useful life of society, as well as generally improve the quality of life. This is possible if we ensure accessibility in all spheres of life.

A person learns about the world around him throughout his life, from his first to his last breath, adapting to changing environmental conditions, interacting with other people and society as a whole. The success of adaptation largely depends on health: physical and mental. The loss of any function (hearing, vision, ability to move, mental retardation) leads to disruption of the functioning of the entire organism.

The main forms of life activity are life support, socialization, communication, and recreation. Each of the forms involves the acquisition of knowledge, skills, behavioral stereotypes, value orientations and has legal, organizational and economic support.

Life support

Life support means the process of participation in the system of social development of labor, financial exchanges, maintaining household. Adaptation of people with physical disabilities in the sphere of life support involves rehabilitation and integration into society based on the creation of equal opportunities for self-realization on the principles of an independent lifestyle, change environment and public consciousness towards people with disabilities and the elderly.


The existing rehabilitation system in Russia needs to be qualitatively improved. It is necessary to rethink the functions of the state and find new methods for managing the process of socialization of the individual in case of functional impairment or defect. Until recently, disability compensation was considered the prerogative of medicine and pedagogy. Currently, the socialization of people with disabilities is the main means of their integration into society.


Communication problems can be considered from two points of view:

  1. free movement in space;
  2. accessibility of public, recreational and cultural facilities.

Both aspects are related to insecurity technical means and poor development of standards and projects ensuring a barrier-free spatial environment.


Recreation is understood as the process of restoring vitality (physical, intellectual, emotional) and health, which are partially lost in everyday activities. The concept of recreation is closely related to the idea of ​​free time and forms of leisure.

Changes with retirement social status person, which is associated with a withdrawal from active participation in the productive life of society. Professional activity regardless of the characteristics of individual life, provides the person with the necessary social connections. When transitioning to retirement, a person is faced with an important and difficult choice - between social and individual life. The moment of choice, the state of the emotional sphere, the degree of support from society in the form of social and personal connections determine the strategy and success of adaptation to new living conditions.

During a person's life, the types of recreational time are varied. Recreational time includes: inclusive (during the working day), daily (after work), weekend (at the end of the working week), vacation, pension and amounts to 512.9 thousand hours. It should be noted that throughout a person’s life, most of their recreational time is spent on rest after work and on weekends (40 and 34.8%, respectively).

Essentially, on the threshold of old age, a person decides for himself the question: to remain in society, continuing to be active and maintaining social connections, or to move on to individual life with a passive outlook. The emergence of such a choice gives the right to characterize old age as the age of potential opportunities.

Depending on the assessment of the meaning and result of the life lived (according to Erikson), two forms of emotional experiences of the life outcome are possible: if a person is convinced that life has taken place, he calmly looks into the future; if life is assessed as having been lived in vain, then he is overtaken by a feeling of powerlessness to fix anything, despair and fear of death.

If we consider old age from a developmental point of view, it is necessary to note the possibilities of progressive or regressive changes in personality. Any fact or episode of your life old man can evaluate pessimistically or, on the contrary, optimistically. Retirement is perceived by some people as a tragic isolation from society, and by others as an opportunity to do what they love, as a release from the responsibilities of doing “what they’re supposed to do,” communicating “with whoever is necessary.”

In the report “Modern Aging” by M. Eisenbach, it is noted that “development can be understood as a collision with new life tasks that arise from the changed physical state of a person, the expectations and stereotypes of his environment and his own expectations and values. This means that the development process is by no means determined only by biological changes, but by their complex interaction with social changes and changes in a person’s environment. All these processes taken together determine a person's interaction with his own situation."

With age, physiological changes occur in the body. The eyes lose the ability to focus on nearby objects, the field of vision may narrow, hearing may decrease, and the nature of a person’s movements changes: the amplitude decreases, the rhythm changes. The functions of the musculoskeletal system depend on the training and activity of a person. Unlike purely physiological functions, which decline with age, intelligence and performance can even increase, which is largely determined by a person’s experience and education. Intellectual capabilities become qualitatively different with age. Intelligence depends less on a person's age than on his talent, health, profession and overall life situation. Older people, according to science, retain the ability to continue living an active life: they can set new goals and achieve them, they can learn new things and establish new social contacts.

In modern economic conditions older people occupy a marginal sociocultural position in society. Recruitment limitation social roles and cultural forms of activity narrows the scope of their way of life: the possibilities of choice in the areas of life support, communication, and recreation are reduced.

Retired people can use free time, participating in social work, implementing various socio-cultural programs and projects, including tourism.

Tourism is important in social, cultural, educational and economic areas of life. The variety of its forms allows a person to choose the most suitable one for himself: a convenient time, place, type of travel, transport.

For the elderly, tourism provides rehabilitation opportunities, increasing interest in life and increasing vital activity.

The main activities of the elderly are physical exercise, sightseeing tourism, walks, visiting cinemas and theaters, reading, watching television, listening to the radio, meeting with friends. Each age period is characterized by a certain level of activity.

Elderly and old people often experience fear and anxiety associated with violation of generally accepted norms and ethical principles, destruction of ideals and images, social rejection and lack of demand, feelings of insecurity, and lack of self-confidence. Negative persistent experiences lead to psychosomatic diseases, which cause premature death. A painful and prolonged experience is recorded in the unconscious sphere of the psyche, forming a dominant - a focus of constant pathological impact on certain systems organisms, which are then destroyed. Such a fixed experience, together with the body system, is the “center of psychosomatic impulses.” This is how psychosomatic diseases arise, which are the scourge of the twentieth century.

In geriatrics there is the concept of "geriatric assessment", which includes assessing all aspects of an older person's life, identifying problems and determining ways to solve them.

Geriatric rehabilitation is aimed at preserving, maintaining, restoring the functioning of older and older people, achieving independence, improving quality of life and emotional well-being.

Timely rehabilitation is important to prevent the process of rapid aging, while it is necessary to stimulate declining functions and promote a return to various types activities.

All over the world, people of the so-called “Third Age” travel, thereby choosing an active lifestyle.

Social tourism is carried out through subsidies allocated by the state for social needs. Currently, the State Duma is considering a bill on social tourism, which provides for medical and health tourism, tourism for veterans, disabled people, youth, and international exchange through social tourism. The law provides for funding sources, organizational structure and training for the social tourism sector.

For people with disabilities, accessibility to hotels, restaurants, beaches, hospitals, sports and excursion facilities, and transport is of great importance.

If a person in a wheelchair goes on a trip, he must be sure that he will not experience discomfort. It is advisable to organize personal assistance at some points, i.e. assistance that is required specifically for this person, and not in general for everyone who moves in a wheelchair. The nature of assistance depends on available physical resources, needs, habits and much more. A wheelchair user embarking on a journey may not be aware of all the challenges and barriers they will encounter. Therefore, it is advisable to provide personal assistance in such situations from group members, a specially designated person or a volunteer.

For effective use tourism as a rehabilitation means for people with special needs, the following rules and conditions must be observed:

  1. The type of tourism is selected depending on the impaired functions and in accordance with individual program rehabilitation; it is also necessary to take into account personal interest, desire, financial capabilities, place of residence (city or countryside), expected rehabilitation results.
  2. Tourism must be safe for tourists and the environment.
  3. Tourist activities necessarily includes sightseeing.
  4. The tourist must have some physical training, a willingness to overcome psychological difficulties and weather conditions.
  5. Tourism should remove inhibitions and bring pleasure.
  6. Forms of tourism must correspond to individuality. Methodological training is very important, depending on the degree of dysfunction.
  7. In tourism, physical activity and conditions must be adequate to the state of health.

It is necessary to note the complex influence of tourism on the individual and the rehabilitation process, which determines its success and effectiveness. Inclusion in society, self-confidence, activity in leisure time, mental pushing of boundaries, skills and abilities active construction their life, adequate behavior - these are the criteria for the successful process of integration into society of people with disabilities.

To lead an active lifestyle, a person with disabilities, for example, who uses a wheelchair, needs to carefully, step by step, think through and build the life technology of each day, sometimes down to the minute. Many simple things exist in human activity that we do not think about, that we do not notice. We do them on autopilot. A person with health problems in this example A wheelchair user differs from most people precisely in that the “autopilot” does not work; for him, any step becomes an insurmountable obstacle, while another person does not even think of perceiving it as a problem.

There are no generally accepted technologies; you need to learn how to develop them, recognize them, master them, and most importantly, adopt for yourself this special “technological” and not “autopilot” lifestyle. It can be difficult to get up, sit down, leave the house, figure out how to do it and make it happen. It is important to be able to achieve ordinary life goals: study, work, give birth, raise children, be responsible, maybe fly into space (if you want).

A wonderful example is the brilliant man Stefan Hawking - a mathematician, astrophysicist, who brilliantly built his technology of life. His muscular system practically does not function (he moves using a wheelchair), his speech apparatus does not work (the computer speaks for him). Stefan Hawking is successfully engaged in science and leads a business life, his scientific achievements are recognized by scientists all over the world.

Another example: Nina Dorizzi-Mahler. Since the age of sixteen, she has been completely paralyzed, breathes with the help of a machine, controls a wheelchair and a computer with the help of breathing, psychologist, married, she has two adopted children and grandchildren, president of the Self-Help Fund for Disabled People of Russia, Parliamentary Advisor on social issues Winterthur (Switzerland).

For many people with disabilities, an active life can begin with sports and tourism: arm wrestling, shooting ( different types), basketball, bowling, football, hockey, table tennis, badminton, skiing and luge, swimming and many other sports.

Tourism and sports are closely intertwined in tourist travel programs, which helps to acquire physical skills, increases muscle strength, forms a team of like-minded people, and creates a comfortable psychological atmosphere. This is very important for organizing and implementing such trips as car rallies and stroller hikes, in which people from different cities and regions of Russia participate. Several public organizations are engaged in the preparation and implementation of automobile, stroller and other trips: the "Hand of the World" society, the "Adventure" and "Contacts-M" clubs, the Moscow Automobile Club of the Disabled (MAKI), etc.

1. ISS online

We offer you a live broadcast from the ISS 24 hours a day.

We offer you a live broadcast from the ISS 24 hours a day / NASA

2. Aurora

The Northern Lights are one of the most interesting attractions of the natural world, with their breathtaking appearance of a seemingly magical glow. Without being able to travel and enjoy the spectacle in person, a webcam installed in a tiny village called Porges, in Swedish Lapland, allows you to watch the northern lights. You just need to look at the site from time to time and you will be lucky to see this miracle of nature.

Aurora / Vagrant Sneaker

3. Statue of Liberty, New York

Here you can see a panoramic image of the Statue, as well as a view of Ellis Island, with cameras installed on the crown of the statue and at the base.

Statue of Liberty, New York / Alamy

4. Wall Street, New York - Charging Bull.

The Wall Street Bull or Charging Bull is not just a statue. This is one of the most popular statues in New York, and perhaps the world. This type of aggressive and warlike bull is said to bring strength, energy and unpredictability to the stock market.

Wall Street, New York - Charging Bull / Flickr

5. Abbey Road, London

View of the famous Abbey Road intersection in London, UK. Let's remember the famous Beatles song from the album of the same name and look at the street full of posing tourists and photographers. The webcam is equipped with sound and HD image High Quality 24 hours a day.

Abbey Road, London / The Huffington Post

6. Jerusalem, Israel

Several cameras will allow you to get closer to the Western Wall, walk around the Square of Prayers and find yourself under Wilson's Arch.

Jerusalem, Israel / Flickr

7. Yellowstone National Park

The streaming webcam is located near the Old Faithful geyser valley. When geysers like the Beehive, Lion, or Giantess erupt, the camera is trained on them and zoomed in for optimal viewing pleasure. Also, if you are lucky, you will see a bison, elk, coyote or bear wandering into the camera’s field of view.

Yellowstone National Park / Tripadvisor

8. Monterey Bay Aquarium

Several cameras installed in one of the most interesting aquariums in the world, where you can follow the life of several hundred species of animals and plants. Get ready for an amazing and educational journey into the depths of the ocean.

Monterey Bay Aquarium / Funny-pictures

9. Paris. Eiffel Tower

The heart of Paris is what the Eiffel Tower is called.

Paris. Eiffel Tower / Flickr

10. Niagara Falls

Isn't it a miracle to hear the roar of a waterfall and feel the cold of falling drops? The camera is installed on the 52nd floor of the Hilton Hotel.

Niagara Falls / Image-24

11. St. Isaac's Cathedral, St. Petersburg

A camera installed on St. Isaac's Square will allow you to feel the grandeur and grace of this structure. On the site you can also look at other attractions of the Northern capital in real time.

St. Isaac's Cathedral, St. Petersburg / Vpiter

12. San Diego Zoo

On the zoo's website you can watch a serious polar bear, spy on giant pandas and unusual koalas, see majestic elephants and funny monkeys.

San Diego Zoo / Flickr

13. Times Square, New York

Take a virtual tour of New York's most visited place, Times Square. By moving the cursor you can zoom in or out of the image, move it to the right or left.

Times Square, New York / Funny-pictures