How to fix android process media error. What to do if an error occurs in the Android Process Media application

All modern phones allow users not only to communicate with other people, but also to shoot videos, take photos, download applications, and transfer files. Due to the large number of simultaneously performed operations, the risk of any breakdown increases. If something stops working, then perhaps Android application Process Media has encountered an error.

Before you fix the Android Process Media error, you need to study in detail possible reasons her appearance. This will help to better understand the process of its occurrence and find the maximum effective method elimination.

Possible causes of the malfunction:


If in Process application Media Android an error occurred, you can fix it in one of many ways. All of them are quite simple to understand, so they are accessible even to beginners. Most often this problem occurs on phones. Sony Xperia, Samsung Galaxy, Lenovo P780, as well as others popular models and series.

Easy reboot

If any error occurs, the first step is to restart the device. Perhaps the cause of the malfunction was not user actions, but some minor malfunction operating system. In this case, it will be enough to restart the smartphone and the problem will go away by itself.

If a message appears on your phone's display warning that Android Process Media has stopped, you need to do a few simple manipulations. Among them should be the following:

  1. Press and hold side key turning on the smartphone.
  2. After a few seconds, a window with options for further actions will appear on the screen.
  3. From these you should select “Reboot”.
  4. After this, another window will pop up in which you need to confirm this operation.
  5. The device will reboot on its own and the error will be resolved.

If for some reason it is impossible to reboot in this way, then you can resort to a radical method - removing back cover phone and removing the battery. After it is returned to its place, you can perform standard download device, which will also help remove the error.

Clearing cache

If rebooting does not help fix the problem, you should try to clean it as much as possible. RAM smartphone. In most cases it stores a large number of temporary files, which are needed only at the time of a particular operation. In order to remove them from the phone’s memory, you need to do the following:

Memory card manipulation

Very often, such an error occurs when the names of directories located in the internal memory coincide with the names of folders on the installed card.

To do this, you need to look through the entire contents of the phone and find matches.

Further actions:

Disable synchronization with your Google account Sometimes the Android Process Media error occurs due to problems with operation Google account

. To fix this problem, simply disable synchronization. You can do this in the following way:

Reset If none of the methods allowed you to achieve the desired result, then it remains last option

- reset all device settings to factory settings. It can only be used as a last resort, as it will entail deleting all data on the internal memory.

Correct sequence of actions:

As a result of these actions, all information will be deleted from the device’s memory, as well as a return to factory settings. The rebooted smartphone will look exactly the same as when it was first launched.

Contacting the service center If all of the above methods for eliminating the error did not help, it is recommended to contact service center

. In this case, you should tell the specialists in detail about the problem itself and the solutions that were used. If the device is under warranty and there is confidence that the problem was not the fault of the phone owner, then you can count on a replacement or a full refund.

The main nuances of contacting the service center:

Error Prevention Methods In order not to waste time on troubleshooting, it must be warned. To do this, you should take into account the advice of specialists involved in repairs and adjustments. mobile devices . To avoid the Android Process Media error, you need to do several things: simple operations

. Among them you can use the following:


Description Periodically organize files downloaded to the device memory.
It is not recommended to store all data in one folder, as this will not only create additional difficulties when searching, but will also significantly increase the download time. Regularly remove unknown and unused applications.
Set the download of downloadable applications and files to internal memory devices. . In most cases, users load all the information onto the memory card, which causes it to become full. Because of this, the load on the operating system will constantly increase and the likelihood of a malfunction will increase.
Create in all system folders Android blank file and name it “.nomedia”. This will help eliminate scanning voluminous catalogs, which will significantly reduce the load on the device.
Regularly install updates to the Android operating system. Their creators are aware of all the errors and are trying to release updated versions that will help avoid malfunctions.

Sometimes problems occur during installation of applications. Suddenly you are unable to install a program or game from Play Market or just run the program. According to the system, “an error occurred in the Android application.” How to fix it? Let's try to consider the most common cases.

What is is the process responsible for accounting for all media data on the smartphone. All your photos and other images, audio and video recordings are not just stored in the system, but are also taken into account by applications. So, for some reason the video player does not require you to manually open various files, but immediately offers you a list of videos? It's the same with the audio player and the gallery, especially if you use third party applications like QuickPic.

Why does an error occur in the process? First of all, due to inaccuracies file system. in an incorrect way. A large number of pictures and sketches overloads the system. Videos don't always have required format. Even having two photo folders under the same name on an external and internal flash drive can cause problems with the process! It is not surprising that media control sometimes fails.

Note that on Android 4.3 and later versions this error is extremely rare. But if you are using earlier versions, crashing can seriously fray your nerves.

How to fix the error

The error elimination method is based on the fact that the process error is caused by a cache mismatch with real media data. If so, you should delete all cache related to the contents of the smartphone or tablet’s memory.

  • Open Settings
  • Select "Applications"
  • Find the Download Manager app and open it
  • Delete app data
  • Go back, select the Media Storage app
  • Delete data from this application as well
  • Reboot your smartphone or tablet

Once you do this, both applications will be forced to update their data and bring it into line with the actual contents of memory. Now the error should not be repeated, and the media monitor will work correctly.

There is another rather radical solution. If your device has external card memory, then simply remove it and then install applications via Google Play. However, this path has its drawbacks:

  • It is not always convenient to remove the memory card. Especially if the slot for it is located under the battery or simply covered with a cover.
  • Frequent removal is dangerous for both the card and the slot.
  • You will have to do this every time you need to install an application.
  • Applications will be installed in, which, as you know, is not rubber.

The memory card can also be formatted directly on your smartphone or tablet. Copy all your valuable data and then copy it back in an organized form. But that's enough long process, especially if the card is large.

Therefore, of course, it is better to use the first method.

How to avoid the problem

If your smartphone has been updated to version 4.3 Jelly Bean or later, it is better to install it. Optimizing the file system and working with the memory card did its job. There are practically no reports on the Internet about problems with on latest versions this operating system.

Another useful trick- create empty file with the name.nomedia and place it in all folders that do not need to be monitored. Then the media monitor will only take into account those folders where this file does not exist, which will reduce the likelihood of errors. Many applications (like QuickPic) can do this automatically, you just need to exclude the folder from viewing through the settings.

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="error applications" width="300" height="194"> !} What should I do if an error suddenly occurs in the Android Process Media application? The guide below will help you understand what exactly is causing this problem and how you can fix it.

Unfortunately, in the operating system for mobile gadgets Serious failures may occur. One of the most common problems faced by Android users is the error. If the ongoing process is stopped, then the problem can be solved independently and without seeking help from specialists.

There are several problems that can stop the process. Here is a list of the most common reasons:

  1. transition from one unofficial firmware(ROM) to another;
  2. error in firmware update;
  3. malicious software;
  4. restoring applications via backup Titanium;
  5. Failure of some applications such as download manager and media storage.

Creating a Backup

If an Android Process Media error occurs, how can I fix it? Before you try to solve any serious problem on your device, it is recommended that you back up your data first. As a result, the user will not lose all his files and will be able to restore them if something goes wrong. The MobileTrans Phone Transfer application will help you easily create backup copy gadget with Android. The user will have the opportunity to save any information from their phone or tablet.

The MobileTrans Phone Transfer application offers the following set of functions:

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt=" copying data" width="353" height="183" srcset="" data-srcset=" 300w" sizes="(max-width: 353px) 100vw, 353px"> !}

  • transfer photos, videos, calendars, contacts, messages and music from Android to iPhone or iPad;
  • backup and restore data by pressing 1 button (the process takes no more than 10 minutes);
  • support for Apple, Samsung, HTC, LG, Sony, Google, HUAWEI, Motorola, ZTE, Nokia and other smartphones (a total of more than 8,000 different models);
  • the ability to transfer files from HTC, Samsung, Nokia, Motorola and other mobile gadgets to iPhone 7, SE, 6s (Plus), 6 Plus, 5s, 5c, 5, 4S, 4 and 3GS that run under iOS control 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 and 5;
  • support Windows 10 and Mac 10.12.

Nothing in our life can be eternal. This is how our world works. Even technology begins to fail us over time, namely various phones, smartphones, tablets, computers and everything like that.

Today we will talk about one of the most common problems of smartphone users.

It occurs frequently in almost every person. The system displays the error “Process Android process media has been stopped."

The question arises, what kind of error is this and how to deal with it? Worry aside, now let's deal with this problem.

Android process media process has stopped what to do

First you need to understand what kind of problem this is and why it occurs. First, let's define the error itself. She gives us an immediate clue as to what the problem is. The word Media translated from English means processing.

That is, this problem occurs when a sophisticated smartphone cannot load various videos, photos, pictures, music, and so on. Everything related to multimedia. And we get new question- How will solving this problem help us? Simply and easily.

Actually exists two options, why did this problem arise? The first one is cache problem.

The second is a problem with Google synchronization. Let's think about how to solve this problem.

The first thing we need to do is clear the cache. What is cache? This processed phone information, which over time accumulates a very large number throughout the phone. Thus, to clear the cache, you need to clear unnecessary files.

We will now explain how to do this step by step. First you need go to “Settings”. We warn you that clearing the cache may lead to data loss, so be prepared for the fact that some part will be lost.

So, we went to “Settings” and now goes to the “Applications” column. Here you will see a large number of applications that are installed on your phone. There may or may not be a lot of them, it depends on you. In the “All” tab you need to find Google Services Framework , which is on every phone. And now we go in and clear the cache. This helps to deal with part of the problem, now let's move on.

We return again to the applications and find there already Google Play Store. We do exactly the same thing as we did with the application above. Now we go back to the application we already know and there we press a button such as “Disable”. Did you click? Great.

Now clean again the same way as before. Great. We return to the main menu and launch the application that showed this error. She will appear again, do not think that we have already decided everything.

It will be necessary after this reboot the phone, so that the error starts to disappear. So we deleted the cache and solved the problem. But maybe they didn’t decide, right? Still happening? Okay, here's the second method.

In the second method you need to deal with Google synchronization. Go to Android settings. We will need manipulation with accounts on Google. Do not worry, this method will not harm your phone or your data in any way.

After being found desired profile, you need to uncheck all the checkboxes that appear there. They are not needed in this method. Now we remember the first method. Again the same “Settings”. We go to the “Applications” we know, with the same column “All” and look there for an application such as “Gallery”.

Now we will solve the problem in this way. We will need delete all gallery data. You already know how to do this from the descriptions above. We delete what is unnecessary for us, and then we will need to go back again and find the “Download Manager”. We do exactly the same thing with it and reboot the phone.

Well, as they say, it was not. Now the phone will start and everything will be fine. So we turn it on and... Voila, the problem is gone. However, that’s not all, you will need to once again launch those applications that we disabled. This Download Manager and Gallery.

We turn on both to make sure that the problem has left us and will not bother us again. However, remember that the problem may also be a virus. Yes, viruses have already been found even on smartphones, oh, those persistent hackers.

Such problems often lead to people taking their devices to professionals, who do not understand the problem. They immediately decide that they need to interrupt everything, deleting all possible data. Oh, these “professionals”.

This concludes our article. It was not quite simple There is no solution to the problem, but we managed it, and I congratulate you on this. We solved the problem, settled everything and here it is, progress. It’s good that this method helps many, otherwise people would suffer and not know how to solve this problem.

Thank you for reading our article to the end and we hope that you will not have a single problem in the future. We wish you all the best!

Many mobile users Samsung phones encountering Android Process Media error. What is the error? How to fix this error?

Android process media: what is it?

Android process media is a process that is responsible for accounting for all media files on the smartphone. Every user knows that his audio and video data should not only be stored in the device’s operating system, but also be additionally taken into account by applications.

For this reason, the video player does not require manual opening different files, but is able to immediately offer a list. The same thing happens with the audio player and gallery.

Why does Android Process Media error appear? In most cases, the following reasons lead to this:

  • incorrect operation of the file system;
  • incorrect file deletion;
  • a large number of pictures and sketches lead to overload of the operating system;
  • the video is in the wrong format;
  • presence of two folders under the same name. Sometimes the error occurs even if folders under the same name are located on the external and internal devices.

Most often, you can understand why the android process media error occurred and how to fix it.

It is important to note that on Android 4.3 and later versions of the operating system, the Android Process Media error is rare, but in earlier versions failure can occur frequently.

Methods to resolve Android Process Media error

Method 1: Clear cache and data.

  1. Settings – Applications – All. Now you need to scroll to Google Services Framework. You will need to clear the cache and delete all data.
  2. The next item is Google Play Market. You should delete the data again and clear the cache.
  3. Now you need to click on “Back” and return to Google Services Framevork. IN forced mode You should stop all services using the “Disable” button. Now you can repeat the cache clearing procedure.
  4. A new task is to open Google Play and select the application that failed. You need to click on “OK”.
  5. It is advisable to turn off the smartphone.
  6. Now the smartphone turns on. In the “Applications” and “Google Services Framevork” sections, it is recommended to restore the services.

The second method involves checking Google sync and media storage.

  1. Google synchronization needs to be stopped: Settings – Accounts – Synchronization. The checkboxes will need to be unchecked.
  2. The Gallery application is disabled and all data is deleted: Settings – Applications – Gallery – Erase data – Disable.
  3. Now you need to disable the Download Manager.
  4. The smartphone reboots.
  5. More likely, Android problem Process Media solved successfully. Allowed to return all the checkboxes for gallery synchronization as well as the download manager.

If Android Process Media still bothers you, you need to contact a service center.