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Origin story

There are 150 spices of plant origin in the world and they are classified according to geographical and historical parameters.

The most worthy are the classic spices, recognized throughout the world; they are popular in the national cuisines of all countries and their peculiarity is that they are used in dry form.

Cloves are one of the five most recognized spices and not only in cooking, they have such a wide range of applications that they rightfully deserve our attention. The pungent and spicy aroma of cloves is known to us when pickling cucumbers and mushrooms.

Clove - from lat. "clavus"- a nail because the dried buds resemble nails in shape - in fact, these are unopened colored buds of the clove tree Syzygium of the fragrant myrtle family. Its homeland is considered to be the Moluccas Islands in Indonesia.

Description of the plant

This perennial evergreen tree, 12 meters tall, grows only in humid tropical climates. There are 300 species of clove tree.

It lives for almost a century and blooms 2 times a year (March and October) with small pink umbrella-shaped flowers. The whole tree emits the aroma, but the unopened buds, which have gained strength and useful substances, are especially valuable; they are collected by hand and the harvest from one tree can reach up to 30 kg, so the price of cloves is low.

The collected buds are poured with boiling water and then dried in the sun, where they are fermented and the result is a dried flower with 4 sepals 1 - 1.5 cm long with a tart smell and healing power.

The clove tree has an interesting history. Since ancient times, cloves have been valued and strictly protected, and people were punished for exporting clove seeds. Ancient healers treated ailments and relieved pain with the help of cloves.

Uses of cloves

Cloves were first mentioned in Ancient China during the Han Dynasty, when it was considered good manners to chew dry cloves at imperial receptions to freshen breath.

In Ancient Greece, hetaeras sprinkled their bedchambers with spices, including cloves, to inflame sexual desires. In ancient Rome, love balms were prepared according to ancient recipes.

And in Ancient Egypt, clove oil was used in embalming bodies; the dead were decorated with fragrant necklaces made from clove branches.

In the Middle Ages, the popularity of cloves flourished and 1 kg of raw materials cost 7 g of gold. In Ayurveda, traditional Indian medicine, cloves were valued for their warming effect and were used for coughs, colds, and asthma.

Avicenna called cloves “a wonderful remedy for the heart and circulation.” In Tibet, it was called the “flower of the gods” and was successfully used to treat rheumatism and diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Once in Europe, cloves saved from the plague epidemic - it was the only remedy for this infection, and in the 16th century A. Paré accidentally discovered that cloves cope with toothache.

Useful properties of cloves

Ingredients of cloves:

Carbohydrates - 10.51 g.
Proteins - 3.27 g.
Fats - 0.15 g.
Fiber - 5.4 g.
Sodium - 94 mg.
Potassium - 37.0 mg.
Manganese - 0.256 mg.
Phosphorus - 90 mg.
Selenium - 7.2 mcg.
Zinc - 2.32 mg.
Magnesium - 60 mg.
Beta-carotene - 8 mcg.
Lutein - 464 mcg.

Vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B6, C, K, PP, E

As well as natural compounds:

Folates, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids, glycosides.

Interestingly, medicine in many European countries has officially recognized cloves as a medicine - it is included in 60 drugs!

  • Its main merit is antiseptic. Cloves have proven their effectiveness in the treatment of viral and harmful microorganisms - diphtheria and tuberculosis bacilli, anthrax, Staphylococcus aureus.
  • In modern dental practice, it is an integral part of temporary fillings and protective pads due to its disinfecting properties.
  • Also, if you have problems with gums or periodontal disease, you should rinse your mouth and rub ground cloves into your gums.
  • A compress can help with toothache: boil 5 clove buds in any oil and apply to the tooth. For caries and pulpitis, chew 1 - 2 buds with a spoonful of honey until completely dissolved in the mouth.
  • Cloves are an excellent substitute for chewing gum; they eliminate odor and disinfect the oral cavity. In Thailand and India, it is added to the popular betel nut chewing gum.

Due to the large amount of fiber, cloves have a beneficial effect on the entire digestive system, promote the active secretion of gastric juice, produce food enzymes, stimulating sluggish digestion, help with colic, flatulence and colitis

Tea recipe:

3 cloves, 2 slices of lemon, grated ginger, half a cinnamon stick, 30 ml of orange juice and 1 tea boat of black tea - pour everything into 500 ml of water, bring to a boil. Drink throughout the day, sugar and honey to taste.

Another area of ​​application: cloves are prevention of osteoporosis . In the United States, 43 million Americans suffer from low bone mass, and according to WHO, osteoporosis ranks 4th in risk of disease.

  • Cloves help strengthen bones and increase bone density thanks to manganese.

Folk recipe for tincture:

Pour 5 bags of cloves (20 g each) into 2 bottles of “Triple” cologne, close tightly and place in a dark place for 7 days, shaking. Rub the affected areas and cover with film.

Cloves - powerful antioxidant and is considered a preventative against cancer, it stops the growth of cancer cells and releases free radicals 5 times more effectively than the essential vitamin E.

Due to the large amount of essential oils (20%), clove oil is in demand in medicine and cosmetology.

Essential oils- these are volatile spicy substances that actively affect the entire human body, as they contain a lot of beneficial properties.

The main advantage of essential oil is its versatility; it stimulates all metabolic processes in the body, improves immunity, restores strength, relieves nervous tension, and improves mood.

In addition, clove oil contains Omega 3 fatty acids and Omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, and without them the work of brain cells, male reproductive cells, and the retina of the eyes is impossible. They give cells energy, regulate the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and treat inflammation - the beginning of serious diseases.

Since ancient times, cloves have been used for women's problems. Indeed, it normalizes hormonal levels, the menstrual cycle, and relieves tension during menopause.

It is used during obstetrics: it intensifies efforts and speeds up labor. And also clove, a wonderful aphrodisiac that ignites passion. Dishes with cloves are a love remedy for two.

It’s easy to make massage oil by adding 2 tablespoons of ground cloves to the base of any oil and leaving it to infuse for a day.

Also in Asian countries, cloves are considered a male spice, as it increases not only strength and desire, but also promotes sperm motility. Cloves have been proven to increase levels of testosterone, the male sex hormone.

Wine liqueur recipe:

30 buds of cloves plus gin root, pour 1 liter of wine, leave for 2 weeks, shaking. Drink 30 ml 30 minutes before bedtime.

In cosmetology, cloves are in demand due to their essential oils and tannins, which impart an unforgettable tart smell.

Even in Ancient Greece, its woody-floral aroma was valued along with ylang-ylang, bergamot and rosemary.

Today, clove oil has found use in perfume compositions, creams, aftershave lotions - all of them have a beneficial effect on the skin, rejuvenating and disinfecting it.

The oil treats acne, rashes, boils, inflammation and suppuration of the skin, burns, dermatitis, warts, killing all harmful microbes.

Cloves are especially useful for oily skin; you need to add 2 drops of clove essential oil and 2 drops of lemon juice to your favorite cream - this restores skin cells, tones, tightens and rejuvenates it.

Mask recipe:

Ground cloves and turmeric are diluted with 2 tablespoons of olive oil and applied to the face for 5 minutes, giving a lifting effect.

For weakened hair, it is necessary to apply a mixture of clove and vegetable oil to it, this will improve the nutrition and structure of the hair.

For stress, relaxing baths with a few drops of clove oil are recommended.


We must remember that you cannot drink clove oil in its pure form or apply it to your skin; you must also take care of your eyes.

Take food strictly according to the recipe, without overdoing it.

Do not use:

  • If intolerable;
  • Pregnant;
  • Children under 2 years old;
  • With increased stomach acidity;
  • For ulcers, gastritis and hypertension.

Cooking and cloves

The uses of cloves are so extensive that it is impossible to list them all. In the East, spices are an integral part of a healthy diet.

The most exotic dishes, of course, belong to oriental cuisine, this is the famous “masala” spice mixture, a spicy “curry” mixture, as well as Worcestershire sauce, where, in addition to cloves, garlic, paprika and chili are added.

In Europe, cloves are used in puddings, mousses, and baked goods; in the Netherlands, they are used in cheese and cottage cheese.

In Russia, cloves are widely used in the canning industry. It is one of the main components in tomato sauces, mustard, pickled fish, spicy sprat, hot smoked fish, brawn, liver pate, ice cream and bakery products.

Also, not a single meat dish, fish, sausage, cake or sweets can do without cloves.

French chefs season soups in an original way: they stick 5 cloves into 2 peeled onions and lower them into the broth 10 minutes before they are ready. And this is called “a bow studded with nails.”

Recipe for lamb with prunes and cloves:

Fry pieces of lamb, mix with sauteed onions, tomatoes, pour in broth and add prunes. All this is stewed until cooked and cloves, cinnamon, sugar and vinegar are added in 10 minutes.

Marinated tomatoes with cloves:

  • Place chopped tomatoes and onion rings in layers in a 3-liter jar.
  • Boil 1 liter of water, add 3 teaspoons of salt, 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 4 pcs. bay leaf, 4 pcs. cloves, 2 peppercorns.
  • Pour over the tomatoes and pasteurize for 10 minutes, at the 8th minute pour in 6 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil and 4 tbsp. spoons of vinegar essence.
  • Roll up the jars, turn them over and wrap them in a blanket.

And, of course, teas, coffee and mulled wine with cloves, which stimulate mental activity, warm you up and lift your spirits. Clove tea in the morning saturates with vitamins, improves tone and immunity, you only need 1 bud per cup.

Carnation in everyday life

Cloves are excellent at fighting blood-sucking insects. You need to either add 2 drops of clove oil to the lotion (cream) and rub the skin, or place a cut lemon with clove buds stuck on the window. They put cloves against moths in the wardrobe, you can enhance the effect and also add lavender.

Esotericists believe that the aroma of cloves helps against the evil eye and envy, and protects against negativity. Since ancient times, magical rituals associated with carnations have brought fidelity and strengthened love feelings.

Cloves were sacrificed to the gods and burned in ritual actions. And some people wore carnations in an amulet to attract wealth, because it is shaped like a cross.

Indian incense and candles are also known. 2 drops of oil dropped into an aroma lamp calm the nervous system and cleanse the space.

Interestingly, 50% of the clove harvest goes into cigarettes; they say the pleasure from inhaling is indescribable.

Recently, New Year's compositions with carnations have become very popular. For example, in combination with oranges it gives a joyful mood: fantasy patterns are made on the skin of the orange with a toothpick and clove buds are inserted into them. The house will smell fragrant, especially if the day before you put the cloves in a container and pour it with essential oil - the aroma will intensify several times.

Cloves, like an oriental spice, are the history and pride of the people, which have served and healed people for many years. It’s not without reason that they say about cloves: its buds make food tasty, the mind happy, and the body healthy. May you be healthy too!

Many people drink tea with raspberries, honey, and linden blossom when they have a cold. But tea with cloves also has excellent anti-inflammatory properties. This drink relieves cough, high fever, and strengthens the body's protective functions.

The beneficial properties of cloves are widely used in folk medicine. This spice contains almost all B vitamins, ascorbic acid, vitamins E, K. It contains micro- and macroelements necessary for the human body - calcium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, sodium, copper, selenium. It is also rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.

Cloves are a pungent spice that irritates the gastric mucosa. Therefore, it is not recommended for use by people who have a history of peptic ulcers. This spice is contraindicated for pregnant and nursing mothers, hypotensive patients, gastritis with high acidity, and individual intolerance.

Basic brewing rules

For tea, it is better to use whole clove buds - they have a richer taste and aroma. It is easy to determine the quality of the spice - when you press on the bud with your fingernail, a little oil is released. Fresh cloves float vertically in the water or sink to the bottom. Poor quality spice floats horizontally on the surface.

To prepare tea, use 2–5 clove buds. You can throw them whole into tea or grind them not very finely using a mortar.

What spices go well with cloves:

  • vanilla;
  • cinnamon.

Healing drinks

Tea with cloves contains all the beneficial properties of the spice. There are several ways to brew tea, each of which helps with different diseases.

The easiest way to prepare: brew your favorite type of tea and add 2 spicy buds.

For the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system

Pour 250-300 ml of water into 1-2 fragrant buds and a small piece of fresh peeled ginger root. Place the container on low heat, and after boiling add 1-2 tsp. black tea. Cover the drink with a lid and leave for 5-10 minutes. Strain, dilute with 50 ml of warm milk.

For the prevention of colds

Pour 200 ml of boiling water over 1-2 cinnamon sticks and leave for 15 minutes. Add 3 spicy buds, 1 tsp. orange zest or lemon. Dilute the resulting drink with an equal amount of black tea and, if desired, sweeten with a small amount of honey. This clove tea perfectly warms and strengthens the body's protective functions.

Vitamin drink

Brew strong black tea. Separately prepare syrup from 200 ml of water and 2 tsp. sugar, add the juice of half a lemon. Then mix the syrup with tea, season with 2-3 spicy buds, leave for 3-5 minutes. This clove tea is rich in vitamins and microelements, increases performance, and improves mental activity.

Masala tea

Cloves are an integral part. This spicy and aromatic drink is indispensable during epidemics of colds and invigorates much better than coffee.

There are many recipes for masala tea, and there are secret preparation methods in every region of India. Here is one way to brew this tasty and healing drink.

You will need:

  • 2 glasses of water and milk;
  • 2-4 buds of cloves;
  • several cardamom grains;
  • 2-3 black peppercorns;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • a small piece of fresh ginger root;
  • 3-4 tsp. black tea;
  • sugar to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Boil water with milk, add pre-chopped spices.
  2. Boil for 2-3 minutes, remove from heat, add black tea, let steep under the lid for another 3-4 minutes.
  3. Before serving, strain and add sugar to taste.

Tea with cloves is an excellent option for a warming vitamin drink. The beneficial properties and unique composition of the spice will not only help you quickly get rid of many diseases, but will also delight you with a pleasant taste.

And we are not talking about spice, not about spice, but about bergamot, what it is and why it is added to tea.

photo:, fahrwasser

Clove is a combination of different purposes of a flower bud, which in the modern world has become a spice, a medicinal object, and even a healing substance. The scent of the processed flower is found in expensive perfumes, sultry colognes and gingerbread. All this resembles a celebration and the eve of something new and bright. However, its beneficial properties have captivated not only the plot of witchcraft on the eve of Christmas and the New Year.

Cloves - beneficial properties and contraindications

Dark brown umbrellas are the most useful and common in every person's life. Cloves - the beneficial properties and contraindications of this unripe fragment of the plant will be discussed further. In addition to the aesthetic direction, this product has become the only powerful symbol against colds and illnesses. Contains:

  • Essential oils;
  • Vitamins;
  • Iron;
  • Mineral compounds.

An infectious agent from cloves can cure a person within 5 days. There is no need to cook it, nor do you need to insist it. There are no prohibitions on taking such decoctions; it is harmless. And almost everyone (with the exception of non-amateurs) can use the spice for its intended purpose, either directly or indirectly.

Carnation for women

If you lived in India, you would only see this bud on your table. Cloves work wonders for a woman in that world of spices, and it’s not about the healer or sorcerers. This is a sprout of violent pleasure, which is so powerful and so small compared to its capabilities.

One small bud has an incomparable chemical composition:

  • Vitamins B6, B4, B9;
  • Group B1-B3 vitamins;
  • Vitamin PP;
  • Provitamin A;
  • Tocopherol of group E vitamins;
  • Omega 3 and 6;
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • Eugenol;
  • Caryophyllene;
  • Ylangen.

Tannins are also present in it - these are glycosides and mucus, 6% proteins and 27% carbohydrates. It contains 20% of the total amount of lipid compounds. One head contains 34% fiber.

Its direct purpose for a woman is to tonify and relax the uterus, and the processes are combined into one solution. For cramps, it’s good to drink the tincture; the aromas will help calm your nerves, and spices in baked goods will improve your mood by producing the happiness hormone.

Uterine carnation for infertility

Uterine cloves are used officially in medicine for infertility. Legally, the drugs are named taking into account the adjustments of the substances - wild cloves. The chemical composition affects the fertility of the pelvic organs:

  1. There are saponins that neutralize adhesions;
  2. Crystalline compounds strengthen the vaginal muscles;
  3. Alkaloids completely suppress tumors and cancer cells.

In the past, people in Central Asia prepared herbs that were given to women before conception. The patient's reproductive system improved, conception occurred within 6-10 weeks after taking the buds. That is why people began to call it royal carnation.

Also in hospitals it is used in the obstetrics department as a means for healing wounds. During the postpartum period, a woman is given herbal and bud teas and refuses the usual oxytocin injections. If the birth was natural, the woman was placed in a bath with clove infusion. This way, wounds and ruptures received during childbirth healed faster. It is also used to treat infertility, which has been diagnosed and confirmed WITHOUT any reason as to the cause of the disease. That is, there is no reason why a woman cannot become a mother, but the fact remains that way.

Classic recipe The basic recipe involves the use of royal cloves as the main ingredient for treating infertility.
  • 4 dried buds;
  • Pour boiling water (200 ml);
  • Strain the broth.

The tincture is drunk 2-4 tsp. per day, a new decoction is prepared every day.

Herbal tinctures If the cause of infertility is known, cloves are usually mixed with similar herbs, such as hogweed and red brush.

To normalize the cycle If a woman has an irregular cycle, add linden flowers and elecampane with Chernobyl.

Oncology For inflammatory processes, give plantain seeds in addition to cloves. This reduces the risk of ectopic pregnancy and also eliminates infectious diseases.

The information is provided for informational purposes only. Before using medications, it is recommended to consult a doctor or pharmacist.

Can you eat cloves during pregnancy?

Studies have shown that cloves can make a significant difference for a woman during pregnancy. Compared to the effects of antibiotics, which have a detrimental effect on the fetus, cloves are not dangerous and only have a preferential effect. Is it possible to eat cloves during pregnancy - and if so, in what cases?

Clove oils cannot be used during pregnancy, but they can be used as a spice. A woman will always not have enough minerals during this period to preserve the list of microelements. The fetus will take the last vitamins, and the woman may feel indignant. In such cases, as an emergency remedy, you can take a decoction of cloves, or wish for a few buds. In addition, it is good for gums and teeth.

During lactation, you should also not drink cloves without reason. It causes skin irritation in a child, and in a nursing mother - excess oils in the body. Essential oils and polyacids negatively affect the composition of milk and its quantity.

Clove oil for hair

In cosmetology and the production of hair care products, clove components have become increasingly used. It has a beneficial effect on hair volume, roots and scalp. The biological composition of some shampoos may affect the pricing policy, so girls prefer to prepare masks themselves. The main ingredient is clove oil for hair, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

  1. The healing part of the process of the hair follicle and epithelium occurs
  2. The structure of the hair becomes denser and thicker, and cannot be destroyed.
  3. Blow-drying and UV rays are no longer the companions of unfriendly factors.
  4. A natural film protection is formed and the process of hair loss stops.

Clove oil is added to some recipes intended for a particular hair type.

*To view the full table on your mobile phone, move left and right

For dry hairFor oily hairFor damaged hairMask
The mixture is prepared from:

· Jojoba oils;

· Pumpkin seeds;

· 35 drops of clove oil.

Prepare the following mixture:

· Shampoo;

· Clove oil;

· Herbal infusions.

After dyeing, it is recommended to wash your hair with this composition:

· Main ingredient of base seed oil (almond, peach, grape);

· 10 drops of essential oil.

For prevention use:

· Chicken yolk;

· 2 drops of clove oil;

· 50 drops of burdock oil.

For prevention purposes, clove oil is added to shampoo in the proportion of 1 drop per 5 ml of detergent.This will help improve the condition of the scalp and restore blood circulation. The bulbs will recover faster.Calculation of added oil - 10 drops per 50 ml of shampoo. Should be heated in a water bath before use. Use 1-2 times a week for 6 months.Since there is a low content of cloves, this recipe can be used for dry ends as a mask and preventive methods for treating hair fragility.

Cloves for weight loss

Cloves will leave a pleasant spicy aroma, and your hair will become smooth and shiny. No more spending money on dubious creams and conditioners.

Cloves are used as a spice for weight loss. But this does not mean that you can bake pies and cookies with it. The calorie content of 100 g of product is 340 kcal, which is relatively little considering that you won’t be able to eat a lot of it. But you don't need to eat it. It is enough to prepare special mixtures for anti-cellulite massage. Within 10 days you can use:

  • Essential oils;
  • Simple base oils;
  • Clove spices.

They act on the skin as a “metabolism booster”, respectively, as a simple method of increasing volume for digestion and lipid breakdown, perfect for figure correction. You can perform body wraps, massages, and make skin scrubs.

Cloves for men

Cloves for men will be an assistant in the fight against the return of former potency. To achieve results, you need to eat foods that contain spice. This is not such a nasty composition, moreover, it is the only effective folk method, and to refuse it means to put an end to your wallet and your own health. An alternative method is to take the buds as chewing gum - it will affect the body's endocrine system. Testosterone will be produced in the blood, which will increase libido and give some desire to take advantage of this situation. And the functioning organ is the path to recovery.

In Arab countries, where special attention is paid to healing methods such as spices, men use clove buds for several purposes:

  • Increased body weight during physical activity - cloves increase muscle tone.
  • Improving blood circulation and breathing - you can increase endurance.
  • Strengthening muscle mass.
  • Increasing the duration of sexual intercourse.
  • Impact on premature ejaculation.
  • Increased sperm motility.

An excellent method for unobtrusive consumption would be coffee with, baked goods, cookies, etc.

Cloves - spice: beneficial properties and contraindications

Cloves are a spice: we will consider the beneficial properties and contraindications of this ingredient for people below. The first thing that comes to mind is the use of spices in baked goods, dough, and confectionery. What is so special that it can present to us, existing like a powder or a stick that housewives rub into dishes:

  1. Cloves soften the taste of strong coffee;
  2. In salads it removes excess moisture.
  3. It is good for teeth because it strengthens bones.
  4. Acts on the body like aspirin.
  5. Reduces swelling and pain syndromes.
  6. Improves pain thresholds - you can withstand several contractions in a row without feeling them.
  7. Reduces inflammation and improves the well-being of patients.
  8. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

The spice has an antiseptic effect. If a person wants to quit smoking, let him chew a clove just like that. It's not very pleasant, but useful. Ground cloves are added to drinks not only for flavor, but also as a stimulant of erogenous zones.

The spice will help athletes avoid excruciating pain after training. Increases brain activity, and you can do several things at the same time.

Cloves for colds

Do you remember there was an episode on Channel One about cloves? Yes, it is she who will save you from acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections. Colds are not always dangerous, but even a doctor will not prescribe medicine for you. It does not exist because of a non-existent disease. What is a cold? This is a defeat of the immune system, but not yet HIV. A cold can become a virus when it drags on, then problems with the nasopharynx (sinusitis) appear, then a sore throat (infectious sore throat), and then the lymph nodes (guardians of the body) suffer. As soon as a person is struck by a disease, and the lymphatic system cannot cope with bacteria, the process of inflammation of the “defense” begins, that same HIV.

Cloves for colds will also help to avoid simple diseases and complications. First of all, make a “hedgehog” out of an orange, just like before the New Year’s holiday. Cloves will give a fragrant scent that will calm your nerves. While you breathe in delicious spices, tease your household and prepare a decoction from it.

  1. Boil a handful of buds.
  2. Infuse the mixture over low heat for 10 minutes.
  3. Store the decoction in the refrigerator.
  4. Use as a gargle.

As soon as the ingredient touches the tonsils, touches the throat, the healing process will begin. This does not mean that airing the room and walking even in winter are canceled.

Cloves for cough

For cloves to help with coughs, you need to use dried cloves. They stimulate blood circulation at the capillary level, allowing you to liquefy mucus and cause an expectorant effect. The respiratory organs quickly get rid of congestion, inflammation and pus.

  • Clove sticks - a handful;
  • Honey - liquid, natural;
  • Water.

Mix all ingredients and leave in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, heat in a water bath, remove the cloves, drink (eat) 1 tsp. every 7 hours.

Cloves for a runny nose

Cloves help with a runny nose faster than other remedies. And you don’t need to put anything in your nose. Dried plant umbrellas are boiled for 2 hours, after which the decoction is cooled. Like inhalation, you need to do several approaches of inhalation and exhalation so that the runny nose goes away in a few hours.

If the infusion does not help, have the disease diagnosed by an ENT specialist. There may be inflammation in the sinuses of the nose in the lobe of the forehead. Purulent discharge is removed using saline solution (0.9% bottle per 1 liter) using a syringe. The nose is cleared, congestion is removed, and the sinuses are cleared. After this, breathing therapy with cloves is carried out.

Cloves for sore throat

Cloves are a good remedy for a sore throat due to the presence of eugenol (4-allyl-2-methoxyphenol). The component has the following properties:

  • Sedative;
  • Antiseptic;
  • Analgesic;
  • Restorative.

Chewing whole clove buds activates the action of a substance that helps reduce the concentration and localization of sore throat. First, you need to suck the cloves until completely softened, then chew. You can swallow.

Cloves for toothache

This plant was often used as an antiseptic and pain reliever. It is highly valued in folk medicine, and now there are special recipes. Toothache is the most dull and piercing to the marrow of the bones, it does not allow you to work, sleep, or whatever, it will not allow you to live in peace. Cloves will “get you out” of toothache without the need to take strong medications. This may be necessary for those who are contraindicated for any reason to take pain medications (pregnancy, lactation, ulcers, gastrointestinal diseases, etc.)

Apply a pinch of spice (with a hammer or crushed in a mortar) to the mucous membrane between the cheek and gum - where the pain is localized. Use your tongue to spread the spice around the tooth. There will be a feeling of numbness. You can also place whole clove buds on a sore tooth. You need to keep the product in different forms for as long as possible until it works (or until it softens, then change it).

In this case, cloves do not heal the tooth, so after neutralizing the sensations, visit a doctor.

Cloves for hypertension

It is difficult for hypertensive patients to find the ideal medicine that would always lower blood pressure and combat anxiety. However, folk methods of “help” exist - cloves for hypertension can cause a number of cleansing reactions that will be accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure.

  1. The drug, prepared independently, is taken with increasing doses. Accordingly, sometimes you will have to take a break and return to drug treatment.
  2. Powder (meal or ground seeds) is needed as a base.
  3. Brew several whole cloves in a glass of water.
  4. Pour boiling water over the brewed mixture (to refresh the liquid).
  5. Stand overnight in a dark place.
  6. Do not expose to cold.

You need to drink the decoction in one gulp when your blood pressure rises. Meal is useful in the first stages of hypertension, when it is enough to lie down and the level will not reach 150 mm Hg. Art. Over the course of a week, the amount of meal is increased every day - at the tip of the knife.

Do not give more than ⅛ of the powder at one time. A double dose (morning and evening) can be used after 2-3 weeks of the course.

Cloves for diabetes

Cloves can be used as an infusion for diabetes. It helps lower blood sugar when treatment for type 2 is not possible. The most effective method of creating a decoction is the following:

  1. Steam 30-40 buds of dried cloves with boiling water.
  2. Wrap in a towel.
  3. Drink ⅓ cup.

The course of therapy can be extended up to six months. The drink can be added to tea, various dishes, etc.

  • Tansy;
  • Honey/ ;
  • Hilda Clark Method;

In some cases, an infusion is made, in others, mixtures with honey and ginger can be added to cookies. This is a basic baking dough recipe. The method of Hilda Clark, who offers:

  1. Make a tincture from the peels of green nuts.
  2. Add wormwood powder to the tincture.
  3. Season the drink with cloves.

Cloves against mosquitoes

Mosquito repellent cloves are used in several products that you do not need to prepare yourself. They are on supermarket shelves and in pharmacies. These can be colognes, canned aromas to repel blood-sucking insects, and aromatic substances with the smell of cloves.

The flower itself repels insects by blinding its sensitive organ of locomotion. They lose the ability to see the goal, to sense its warmth. Clove oil can be applied to things, skin, hair. The price of such a bottle does not exceed $1. An alternative method is oils and decoctions. Of course, the second one is not applied to clothes. But the first one will be a wonderful addition to your image.

At home you can use an aroma lamp to prevent insect attacks. A mixture of oil and water is poured into it. The second settles, the oil lasts for several nights. A special find for you will be a recipe for lemon - like an orange, it is stuffed with cloves. You can leave this beauty for several nights, until the mosquitoes are completely destroyed. Inflorescences in citrus pulp will be very useful, because it is an excellent aroma of freshness.

So, for the purposes of educational discussion, cloves showed their best side. It is applicable in almost all areas of human life. It can protect against diseases, maintain smooth skin and hair, and cure common colds. The main thing is that it is also an excellent antioxidant and weight loss aid. And those who have nothing to lose in volume can enjoy delicious coffee, pies or cookies with the addition of this spice.

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Cloves have been popular for a long time. Its scope is very wide. It is used as a spice in culinary recipes. It is distinguished from other seasonings by its specific pungent smell and burning taste. The clove seasoning, the medicinal properties of which are known from our forefathers, will help get rid of many serious diseases.


What is the spice made from? The seasoning is the dried, unopened buds of the clove tree, which is native to Indonesia. It looks like a small carnation, the cap exudes a sharp spicy aroma, the stem has a burning taste.

As a seasoning, it has a very rich composition. It contains minerals, acids, vitamins A and B, and essential oils.

Minerals include:

  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • selenium;
  • manganese;
  • magnesium.

The main component of the seasoning is eugenol, contained in the essential oil, and is the cause of the pungent odor, as well as a wide range of medicinal properties.

Medicinal properties

The spice cloves can have a multifaceted effect on the human body. Many people use the seasoning for therapeutic purposes as an analgesic, antispasmodic, cleansing, antiseptic, sedative, carminative, and diaphoretic.

It is used in all areas of medicine. With the help of seasoning you can relieve toothache, eliminate periodontal disease, caries, and stomatitis. You just need to chew the dried bud or rub the powdered product on your gums. It will eliminate bad breath.

Helps get rid of frequent headaches; to do this, mix it in equal quantities with cinnamon and almonds, chop, pour boiling water until a thin paste forms. The pulp is applied to a clean gauze cloth and applied as an application to the sore spot.

People suffering from high blood pressure can get rid of it with the help of the seasoning. Several buds are poured with boiling water, then the decoction is drunk three times a day. This application is used to relieve attacks of bronchial asthma.

To eliminate debilitating hiccups, milk is boiled with several dry buds, drunk in small sips, rinsing the mouth. Clove milk will help cope with sore throat.

Dry cloves are widely used in gynecology. It eliminates menstrual pain, helps with childbirth, promotes the health of the female reproductive system, and helps cope with infertility.

Normalizes the digestive system, improves appetite, promotes better digestion, helps with intestinal diseases such as colic, flatulence, diarrhea.

Important! Clove oil is used for rubbing for pulmonary inflammation, clove decoction is used for wiping purulent wounds, burns, cuts, for rapid healing.


When using recipes from traditional healers that contain dry buds, you need to be careful, since cloves are not suitable for everyone and have some contraindications.

  1. People suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, and ulcers should not use the oil as a medicine.
  2. It should not be used by pregnant or lactating women, as the use of the seasoning can lead to an increase in the tone of the uterus and provoke termination of pregnancy. When feeding a child, you should not use the spice, as this will change the taste of the milk. The baby may stop breastfeeding.
  3. It is not recommended to use the spice for people with low blood pressure and mental disorders.
  4. Decoctions and other clove remedies should not be given to children under three years of age.

One of the side effects that arose during use is individual intolerance to the components that make up the dry clove bud.

Use in cooking

Cloves are widely used in cooking due to their unique aroma.

  1. The spice is used to prepare various marinades for meat, fish, and vegetable dishes.
  2. The spice of cloves is used when preserving vegetables for the winter. This helps improve the taste of canned cucumbers, tomatoes, and other vegetables.
  3. The spice is also very often used to prepare sausages.

When purchasing on the market, you can find prefabricated seasonings that include cloves.

Advice! How to check the quality of edible cloves at home? You need to throw a few buds into hot or cold water. They should sink to the bottom of the glass. If the buds float on the surface, then the seasoning is of poor quality and empty.

The seasoning should also be used with caution for culinary purposes. Add to the dish in small quantities, otherwise the aroma of cloves may overwhelm the taste of the main product.

How to cook a dish with added spice? It must be remembered that during long-term heat treatment of various dishes, the spice should be added only after cooking, otherwise the aroma will evaporate and the heat will remain, which will give the dish an unpleasant taste.

Cloves have been used in folk medicine since ancient times. Medicinal compositions containing seasoning or oil are varied. Each recipe reveals the beneficial properties of the spice.

If you decide to turn to such recipes, it is important to study the full information, find out why it helps, how to properly prepare decoctions and tinctures, in what doses to use, as well as the benefits and harm that the seasoning can cause to a person.

Several buds are ground into powder and taken several hours before meals, washed down with a glass of boiled, cooled water. The course begins with taking seven grams, increasing the dose each time. The duration of treatment is a month, taken three times a day. Having gotten rid of worms, continue to take clove powder once a week for prevention.

  1. Tansy grass, wormwood, and dry cloves are ground to a powdery structure.
  2. Take one teaspoon of powder once before meals with a glass of water.

Treatment lasts three weeks.

Advice! The clove-herbal mixture has an unpleasant bitter taste; honey is added to eliminate it.

Another medicinal recipe that will help get rid of helminths once and for all.

  1. To 10 grams of clove powder add 100 grams of flax seed powder.
  2. Take up to 25 grams of dry mixture once every day, which is one tablespoon.
  3. The course is 30 days, taking according to the scheme: 3 days of admission, then one day of rest and so on.

Powder made from dried buds will help get rid of fungal diseases and expel pathogenic viruses and bacteria from the body.

Using cloves for weight loss

When using spice for weight loss, it is important to follow all recipe proportions so as not to harm the body and get maximum effect.

To normalize weight, the use of clove oil and clove powder has the same effect. With the help of essential oil, an anti-cellulite body massage is performed, which helps burn excess fat and even out the skin texture. To obtain a similar result, the oil is used for wrapping.

Important! Drinking tea that contains clove powder helps you lose weight.

In pharmacy chains you can find a medicine called clove oil. It is packaged in small bottles of several milligrams. It is a highly purified natural essential oil. The pharmaceutical product must be used strictly according to the attached instructions. The benefits of essential oil are identical to the medicinal properties of cloves in the form of a seasoning.

In the form of a seasoning, cloves occupy an honorable place among the compositions of traditional medicine; it is important to know why it is useful and how to take it correctly. Its uses vary, but it is mostly used as a pain reliever. It is also known that using a decoction of cloves relieves itching from mosquito bites in children.