How to get frame URL in Chrome browser. How to get frame URL in Chrome browser How to remove frame from Google Chrome browser

When you are on the Internet, there is always a risk of downloading a virus onto your own hard drive. Attackers disguise malware as harmless programs that supposedly make surfing the Internet easier or speed up your computer.
Create a website yourself with


  • If the frame disguises itself as one of the popular resources and interferes with access to the Internet, open the C:WINNTsystem32driversetc folder and find the hosts file. Double-click on it and in the “Select a program” window, select “Notepad”. Confirm by clicking OK. The hash symbol indicates developer comments. In addition to the comments, there should be only one line localhost, delete the extra text.
  • To get rid of the frame in the Mozilla FireFox browser settings, select the “Add-ons” command in the “Tools” menu and click the “Extensions” tool on the left side of the window. Remove all items that, in your opinion, are not related to the processes you know.
  • To clear the Opera browser frame, select the menu item “Settings” and “General settings”. Go to the “advanced” tab and on the left side of the window click on “Content”. Click "Configure JavaScript". Delete the contents of the “User Files Folder...” line and click OK twice.
  • If the frame is built into IE, select the “Internet Options” command from the “Tools” menu and go to the “Advanced” tab. Click Reset.
  • After completing these steps, go to the DrWeb support page and download the free Drweb Cureit utility (this can be done at Run the program in deep scan mode.
  • If the frame is blocking your actions, restart your computer in Last Known Known Configuration mode. To do this, press F8 on your keyboard after a short beep. In the menu for selecting boot options, use the “Up” and “Down” control keys to select the appropriate item. On your calendar, mark the date closest to when the problems started.
  • If you have System Restore disabled on your computer, you can change the system time in the BIOS. Restart your computer. After the initial polling of the hardware, the message “Press Delete to setup...” appears on the screen. Another key may be specified instead of Delete, depending on the manufacturer. Usually this is F2 or F10. In the SetUp menu, find the System Time item and enter a new value in the dd (“Date”) field.
  • I want to check that my URL is redirected correctly (parameter etc) in Chrome. Only the main URL is shown in the address bar. In IE, all you need to do is right click -> Properties. How to get the same in Chrome? Source source URL, e.g. The iframe tag doesn't solve the problem because the page in the frame does redirects, postbacks, etc. without changing the origin in the iframe. So you can't find the url in the html source.

    4 answers

    Right-clicking on the frame should show you the View Frame Source option. Clicking on it will open the source code in a new tab. Its URL is in the address bar. Just needs to be ignored to remove the "view-source:" prefix.

    Sometimes the "frame" is more of a "bubble" and doesn't have a URL because it's compiled from different pieces of code from the main page.html. No URL for "frame"

    If you click on one of the displayed cases, a "frame" will appear that explains that case in detail (French). "Frame" has no URL because all the code (Joomla) is hidden in main.html

    The main.html is where the images are loaded and the content text is also taken from the main.html etc. The only difference is the # at the end of the original main URL

    The frame itself does NOT have its own URL, so it cannot be found!

    Advertising in the browser is not so noticeable, but it can also be overly intrusive: pop-up banners, flashing pictures offering an incredible beauty recipe, promotions flying behind the cursor can irritate even a patient user. To get rid of annoying advertising in the Google Chrome browser, you have three options: configure pop-up windows in the browser settings, install the AdBlock Plus or Adguard add-on, or block advertising in the antivirus on your computer. Learn more about all three options to protect yourself from Google Chrome ads forever.

    How to remove ads in Google Chrome through settings

    This method will block pop-up windows in your browser, thereby eliminating advertising in this form.

    • Go to the Google Chrome browser menu by clicking on the three dots in the upper right corner.
    • Select “Settings” from the list that appears.

    • Numerous browser options will open in front of you. You need to scroll to the bottom of the page until you see the “Show advanced settings” link. Click on it.

    • In the “Personal Information” section, click on the “Content Settings” button.

    • Now check the box next to “Block pop-ups on all sites.” Don't forget to click "Done".
    • Now exit from settings. Pop-up banners will no longer bother you.

    How to remove ads in Google Chrome: AdBlock Plus and Adguard

    Special add-ons for the Google Chrome browser will help you forget about advertising altogether. Install any of them as per your choice.

    • Go to your browser settings again and select the “Extensions” tab.

    • Click on the “More extensions” field.

    • Enter a query with the name of the add-on in the search bar. Click on the “Install” button next to it. Please note that the original AdBlock add-on is distributed from the adblockplus site and not from any other site.

    • A notification indicating the successful completion of the installation will appear on the screen.

    • The Adguard add-on is distributed from the site, be careful.

    How to remove ads in Google Chrome using an antivirus

    Almost all antiviruses have an advertising screen function on the Internet. You just need to enable this type of protection in your antivirus settings and continue surfing the Internet.

    This article is for Chrome version 63 and above.

    The information below applies to managed Chrome browsers and Chrome OS devices.

    As a Chrome administrator, you can enable site isolation to protect the data of Chrome Browser users visiting untrusted sites.

    This feature separates pages from different sites. When isolation is enabled, it is more difficult for sites with malicious content to bypass the security systems that protect user data.

    You can enable isolation for all or only some sites.

    Step 1: Check the rules

    Rule Description and settings

    Included: Isolation is enabled for all sites and applies across the entire organization. Each site that users visit will be treated as a separate process.

    Turned off: Each site in the browser is not processed in a separate process.

      Find the parameter Enable isolation for all sites and turn it on.
      Advice. .

      Test all site isolation locally using the command line flag:
      - - site-per-process

    Enable isolation for specific sites

    If you do not select any of the options, the rule will be applied to users as follows.

    1. Find the parameter Enable isolation for specific sites and turn it on.

      Advice. If you don't see this rule, download the latest version of his template.

    2. Enter the URLs of the sites you want to isolate, separated by commas.

    3. Apply the update to all users.

    The information below applies to Apple computer usersMac

    In your Chrome configuration profile, add or update the following keys, and then apply the changes to users.




    The information below applies to Linux computer userswho are signed in to a managed account in the Chrome browser.

    Using the JSON file editor:

    1. Open the folder /etc/opt/chrome/policies/managed.
    2. Create or update a JSON file and enter the required URLs.
      • Enable the rule SitePerProcess.
      • For the rule IsolateOrigins specify the URLs of the sites that need to be isolated, separated by commas.
    3. Test site isolation locally using the command line flag:
      - - isolate-origins=,
    4. Apply the update to all users.

    The example below shows how to enable the SitePerProcess rule:

    "SitePerProcess": "true"

    This example shows how to isolate and

    Step 4: Check if site isolation is configured

    To ensure that site isolation is configured correctly:

    If the subframe is listed as a separate process in Chrome Task Manager, site isolation is enabled. If you are isolating specific sites, you will need to include one of the following URLs in your list of sources: or

    How to turn off site isolation

    To disable site isolation, disable the rules specified in the instructions above.

    If you turn off a site isolation rule, Chrome will use the same process to process site content as it did before you turned site isolation on. This may cause sites to share processes, and cross-site window processing may begin to occur in the same process as their main page. Disabling either rule will disable testing of both rules.

    Known Issues

    • There may be minor glitches when rendering a web page or processing input events such as clicks, taps, and other interactions with the page.
    • Chrome Developer Tools may not fully support cross-site iframes in the Performance Panel or mobile device emulator.

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