How to make a transparent background in a picture. How to make a layer transparent in Photoshop

"Photoshop" is a multifunctional and very complex program. It is designed for professionals. Therefore, it is difficult to understand it. It is almost impossible to do this without outside help. That is why we came up with special lessons on Photoshop. But they will not have the most important thing - the basics of working with tools. Because each lesson uses its own tools and settings. Our task is to master the basics. For example, such a simple action as simply making transparency in Photoshop may be an overwhelming task for a beginner. Therefore, we will analyze this particular moment.

Why is this necessary?

Transparency of an image in Photoshop may be required for a variety of tasks. For example, you need to superimpose one image onto another and replace the background. There is no transparency here. Or you need to make a watermark. It should also be translucent. And in general, transparency is almost the most important component of any work in Photoshop. There are many uses for transparency. That is why it is worth learning how to use this interesting tool for creativity.

There are several ways to apply transparency in Photoshop. Some of them are indecently simple, and some will require some effort. But the result will exceed all expectations. Everyone wants to feel like a Photoshop god. And without studying the “materials” this is impossible. So learn the basics, gentlemen. And as a first lesson, let's learn how to work with transparency.

Making the entire image transparent

Everything is very simple here. It is much easier to apply transparency to an entire image than to a specific section of it. So, go to “File”, “Open” and open the image we need. Now in the list of layers we look at the layer called “Background”. Opposite it will be a lock icon. This means the layer is locked. To change any parameters of a layer, you need to unlock it by clicking on the lock icon. After this, you can perform various manipulations with the layer.

Now in the same layers window just above there are a number of sliders that adjust the transparency of the image. Using them, we set the transparency in Photoshop that we need. Layer transparency in Photoshop is a simple matter. And we will get a translucent image without a background. Instead of the background, black and white squares will appear through. This means that the picture has become transparent. But that's not all. Now the main thing is to save the image correctly. It's a whole story.

Saving the edited image

The fact is that the default one for pictures cannot work with transparent images. Therefore, you need to save the resulting image in No way without this. Go to “File”, “Save as...” and in the line for selecting the output file format, select PNG. Click "Save". That's all. But this is just the tip of the iceberg, since we looked at the easiest way to create transparency in Photoshop. Using the whole image as an example. But what if we need to make a watermark with some inscription? More on this below.

If you plan to further work with the resulting image in Photoshop, then it is better to save the image in PSD format - the standard for this editor. With this method, even individual layers are saved, which will greatly facilitate subsequent work with the image. But this format is absolutely not suitable for web publishing.

Creation on the image

Here, in principle, there is nothing complicated. The first thing you need to do is open a new image. Then add a new layer to the layers menu and go to the "Text" tool. We enter the desired text and transform it the way we need, using control elements. Then we begin to create transparency in Photoshop. Make sure that you have the text layer selected, and then adjust its transparency using the sliders we are already familiar with. Then again go to the layers menu and execute the “Flatten Layers” command. The result must again be saved in PNG format.

This way you can add more than just text as a watermark. You can use any image as a logo. Naturally, in this case there is no need to use the “Text” tool. It will be enough to drag the desired image onto a newly created layer and reduce it to the desired size. And then do everything according to the instructions.

Making the background of an image transparent

This task is no longer as simple as the previous ones. Here you will have to use combinations of many tools. In order to apply transparency in Photoshop to a specific area of ​​the image, you must first create a new duplicate layer. Then you need to apply transparency to the background image without affecting the new layer. After that, go to the toolbar and look for the Eraser tool. Turn on the duplicate layer and use an eraser to erase the entire background, except for the object that we want to leave intact. You should work with the eraser very carefully, because you can damage an image that should not be touched at all.

After the above-described manipulations have been performed, we flatten the layers and look at the result. If we are satisfied with it, then we save the image in PNG format. If not, then cancel the last action and continue working with layers until the result suits us. This work is very painstaking and requires concentration. Because one wrong move with the eraser and you’ll have to redo everything. Do you need it? We don't think so.


Thanks to this short tutorial, you learned how to use transparency in Photoshop. Now your work with this program will be more productive. And transparency is always needed. No matter what kind of editing process you're doing. The main thing is not to overdo it, because excessive transparency is not necessary. The image needs to be at least a little visible. In the same way, you can save objects with a transparent background in PSD format for later use in other projects. Using background or image transparency can be a great way to expand your creative horizons. So go for it, future gods of Photoshop. Train and you will be happy.

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It often happens that when you select a picture for a certain purpose, it seems to suit you, but there is one important nuance - it does not match the color. This situation is very familiar to content managers, or people who deal with the placement of graphic elements. What to do in this case? Nothing else comes to mind other than making the background of the picture transparent so that the main image looks advantageous against the background of a website or banner. Today we will tell you how to do this.

You will need:

Preparation for processing

To do this, open the Adobe Photoshop graphic editor, click “File”, “Open”, and select the image for which we want to make a transparent background (or right-click on the required image, go to the “Open with ...” menu, and among the list pre-installed programs, select Adobe Photoshop).

We'll use the STOP sign as an example, but in principle any original photograph will do. So, we have uploaded the image. What's next?

Working with a "magic wand"

It is located, as you may have guessed, on the side toolbar (if you have not changed the assignment of hot keys in Adobe Photoshop, then you can select this tool by pressing the “W” button).

By selecting the “magic wand”, its settings menu will become available in the top menu. In the “Tolerance” column, we recommend setting the value to “21”. Perhaps this is all the preparation needed to make the background blurry or transparent (as in our case).

Removing the background

So, point the “magic wand” at the area with the background that needs to be removed and left-click on it. The area with the background will be highlighted with a dotted line, and all that remains for us is to press the “Delete” button. We repeat this procedure one by one until we get a background that is colored with something similar to a chess square. This means that such an area is transparent.

Saving an image

Please note that you need to save the file exclusively in the .PNG format, otherwise the “transparency” of the background will simply not be displayed (it will be filled with white instead).

Very often when creating greeting cards or videos, I was faced with the question: How can this be done? without knowledge photoshop?

Anyone who is familiar with Photoshop will do this without difficulty. But not everyone has studied this smart program yet. How can they be? Is there really no way out?

After all, there is always a desire to make our presentations, congratulations, and pages the most attractive and professional. I have already told you how to use the program for these purposes. It will help you make your pictures and you can even use it to make your first one.

And now I’ll tell you another secret: today you will learn how to make the background of a picture transparent. Moreover, you will do it absolutely free and spend only 2 minutes of your time.

Let's get down to business.

Find the picture you like. To begin with, it should be an image on a non-multilayered background - for example, on a white one. Go to the service page. You don't need to go through a tedious registration procedure. Just click on the online service link.

The following window will open in front of you:

Click on " Upload an image from your computer". Select the picture you have prepared. You can place it in a separate folder in images. Or on the desktop, so as not to search for a long time. Click once on this picture and press " open".

The picture appears on the server page:

There are 3 windows coming out on the right and in the middle of them there is a padlock. Click on it 2 times with the left mouse. This will open the door to magic.

On the left side you see the panel " Tools", one of which is that " wand", which we will now use. Click on it once, and then click on any empty space in the background of the picture you selected. A dotted line will appear around the image.

The final step towards transformation: press the " Del" (delete) on your computer. The background becomes a checkered area. If not all the space around is covered by the checkered area, touch this place again with the magic wand and press the "Del" button

A window appears asking you: “Save the image before closing?” Click " Yes".

Hello dear visitors. In this lesson I will show how using Photoshop you can remove background and make the photo transparent. You don’t need any special knowledge of this Photo Monster, as everything here is very simple. The main thing is that you have Photoshop installed and you repeat all the steps after me.

So, how to make a transparent background in Photoshop?

Launch Photoshop and open the experimental photo. Click the File – Open menu and specify the location of the image.

Great, the photo is open and let's start cropping the background. First of all, we need to unlock the layer. Pay attention to the lower right corner of the program. There you will see the main layer of our photo and small padlock.

This lock needs to disappear, that is, the layer is unlocked. To do this, straight to the lock make one click with the left mouse button. And the lock is gone!

Now we need to remove the background. To do this, take some kind of selection tool, for example, Wand.

Click the tool on the background of the photo, thus selecting the object we don’t need.

A dotted line appeared (running ants). All you have to do is press the DELETE key on your keyboard and the background will be deleted. See how it turned out:

Super! Now deselect it by pressing the keyboard shortcut CTR+D.

Well, in general, how make a transparent background in Photoshop We figured it out and now all that remains is to save this photo correctly.

To do this, click the menu File – Save for Web. Or just use ALT+SHIFT+CTR+S.

You will see a window in which we must select the PNG-24 format and only then click the Save button.

Now look what happened and what has become:

Finally, it’s worth saying that in some cases, when you decide to make a transparent background in Photoshop on some picture, you may have to use other selection tools, for example, Pen or Magnetic Lasso. I used the tool Wand, since in my photograph the person was easy to separate from the background. If you remove the background from complex images, you will have to work a little harder.

That's all for today, good luck!

The article provides a method for getting rid of the background by selecting and moving the image onto a created transparent file. The selection is made manually using a pen. The lesson is intended for a beginner audience and therefore all four steps are accompanied by detailed screenshots with red explanatory notes.

Step 1. Enlarge an object. To do this, click on the Zoom Tool (Z) and move the cursor over the image. The cursor turns into a plus sign and with each click the image enlarges. After we work with the image, change the tool value at the top of the settings bar back to Zoom Out and with the cursor turning into a minus sign, reduce it again. The Zoom Tool (Z) button represents a magnifying glass. In this example, we enlarged the image with two clicks; this will be enough to carefully outline the object.

Step 2. Select an object. To do this, click on the Pen Tool (P). Pay attention to the ruler settings at the top.

When you hover over the image, the cursor should turn into a pen. Start tracing, point by point, with your pen the object you want to free from the background. The moment the circuit closes, you will see that the object is surrounded by a solid line. Now move the cursor over this solid line and right-click. In the window that appears, select the Make Selection line, that is, selection.

In the next dialog box, set the radius.

The outline of the picture flickers, which means we have selected the object.

Now let's use a magnifying glass to reduce the object back down as described in step 1.

Step 3. Create a transparent background. First make a duplicate of the image. To do this, select sequentially Image – Duplicate – Ok from the menu.

Now we need to select our entire duplicate using the Rectangular Selection tool.

Now double click on the lock icon on the right and OK. With this action we unlocked the layer. Press the Delete key on your keyboard. The image has acquired a checkerboard coloring, which means transparency. This is our transparent background onto which we must drag the previous selected image.

Step 4. Move the image to a transparent background. To do this, click the cursor on the desired previously selected picture and then click the Move Tool (V) button. We hold down with the left mouse, and after dragging the object onto the transparent background, release it. The goal of changing the background to transparent has been achieved.

This is one of several possible ways to free an image from its background.

Save your image in png format. It should be noted that there are other ways to change the background to transparent. But more on that in other lessons.

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