How to make your own file hosting service. File sharing service Yandex.Disk - basic information

How to install Yandex disk and what is it for? All more people gladly uses his own as a file hosting service Mailbox on Yandex. I know from myself how convenient it is. If you want to live in peace, install Yandex disk. Sometimes I get so tired of downloading files from the Internet. Either your limit is over, or you get an error when downloading, or the file doesn’t exist, or you get confused in all these transitions from page to page. You'll spend the whole day trying to get it required file, and in the end you get broken archive, or at the last percent the download stops and you are left with complete set curses and a completely ruined mood. Common situation? What if your Internet connection keeps dropping out or barely crawling?

I, too, have failed more than once with these file hosting services. Once I desperately needed a file, and I even risked choosing paid service. They chased me around and around all the pages. As a result, they ripped off 300 rubles, and at the end they wrote that such a file does not exist. I swore for three days. Not so much because of the money, but because I was left in the “fool”. Since then I never choose payment by SMS.

Can you imagine what it’s like for a newbie who is inexperienced in all these Internet twists and turns? He's even worse! He generally cannot understand where to press and what to do. Well, if you need to transfer a file to someone, then there is generally a “pipe”.

You still need to be able to upload a file to a file hosting service, and not all files are allowed there. Someone will complain that you are using this file illegally, and it will simply be deleted. Or they might not let you in there anymore.

Mailers currently do not allow files with the extension . EXE(such an extension for program files), so it is simply impossible to send it by mail even in an archive. This is due to the fact that self-executing viruses can have the same extension. So it's not just intrigues mail clients- this is the safety of you and me, and there is no point in arguing about it. In general, complete “hemorrhoids”!

20.11.15 19.5K

File sharing or file hosting is a service that provides users with a place to store and synchronize files and ensures constant access to them on the network. The Yandex file hosting service has an excellent reputation.

File sharing services from Yandex - history of development

The Yandex.Disk cloud service is designed to store data on servers, as well as synchronize and exchange it with other users. The Yandex.Disk file sharing service works on the principle of data synchronization between different devices. Since 2012, registration of new users has been carried out exclusively by invitation. Today, anyone can use a file hosting service.

Before the launch of the Yandex.Disk project, Yandex People file sharing service was responsible for the safety of user files. The service allowed storing documents up to 5 GB in size. However, since January 2013 it was closed, and all tools for downloading and exchanging data became available in the Yandex.Disk cloud storage. Yandex.People itself moved to the uCoz service platform. The resource addresses remain the same and the content is preserved.

The main competitors of the service are Google Drive, Dropbox , [email protected] :

Advantages of using Yandex.Disk:
  • No need to upload files to HDD or flash drive. It is enough to save the document in the cloud, and the storage period is unlimited. After a file is posted on the file hosting service, the user will receive a link to it. This link can be left on the website, posted on the forum, in social network, chat, etc. In this case, your file will be available to everyone who sees this link;
  • Downloading files from cloud drive occurs without speed limit;
  • Access to files can be configured for each user individually;
  • Opportunity automatic download photos and video files from a smartphone, camera, memory cards, etc.;
  • Available special applications, allowing you to recognize scanned text, is present file manager, a utility for Reserve copy etc.:

File sharing service Yandex.Disk - basic information

The idea of ​​creation cloud storage data turned out to be very promising. Initially it was embodied in the product Dropbox, later [email protected] and OneDrive ( formerly known as SkyDrive) , however, the capabilities of the Yandex.Disk file sharing service are truly impressive. Several users can work with documents located in the cloud at once, no matter where they are located or from what devices they access the network. Users can view the downloaded file directly in the cloud storage without downloading it.

Operational synchronization and eliminating the risk of information loss perfectly explain the rapidly growing popularity of this service.

Please note that Yandex.Disk is free, but for a fee you can increase disk space for storage large files. By default, the service provides 10 GB of space, forever. And if you invite users, your disk space can reach 20 GB.

Moreover, for each friend you are given 512 MB. For promotions with partners you can get up to 50 GB. For example, in April 2014, the campaign “ 50 GB for smartphone owners on Yandex.Kit" The end date of the promotion is April 9, 2019. By purchasing a smartphone on Yandex.Kit and logging in on the device, you automatically receive additional disk space ( 50 GB for two years from the date of activation).

There are also paid packages ( +10GB – 30 rubles per month; +100 GB will cost 150 rubles per month and 1 TB can be obtained if you pay 900 rubles per month).

It is also possible to integrate Yandex Disk into Microsoft Office 2013 and automatic downloading of video files and photos from external media and digital cameras. In this case, the user receives an additional 32 GB free space for a period of 6 months. Every year, the Yandex Disk file hosting service becomes more and more functional:

How to upload a file to the Yandex file hosting service. Disk?

File upload options:

  • Without registration, go to the interface of your mail on Yandex and find the “Disk” tab at the top:

  • Using the Yandex.Disk program. Download and install the program. After it is installed, in order to upload the file to a file hosting service, drag it to the Yandex.Disk folder. Data stored in this location will be automatically synchronized:

and Android.

The application allows you to save existing data or take photos, videos, screenshots and save them immediately to Yandex. Disk. The mobile version has gained some similarities with Dropbox, especially since it introduced the feature automatic synchronization what the user captured on his tablet or smartphone.

When you first launch the application, you will be prompted to activate auto-download and upload the file to a file hosting service in cloud folder“Camera”, which is duplicated on your PC, which allows you to quickly download captured photos to your computer:

Despite the fact that the installation is standard, during the process it is suggested to install Yandex.Browser, make Yandex home page in your browsers, and Yandex itself is the default search. All these checkboxes can be unchecked.

As a result, in the tray ( right Bottom part screen) the program shortcut will appear. A blue circle will be visible during the synchronization process. When the files are synchronized, a green checkmark will appear. The location of the local Yandex.Disk folder, which is used for synchronizing and storing data, can be changed in the application settings.

How to copy someone else's file?

If you have a link to a file that is stored on Yandex.Disk, you can copy it to your Disk. To do this, follow the link and click on the button “ Save to Yandex.Disk" Immediately after this, the file will begin moving to the downloads folder of your Yandex.Disk. You can make downloaded files public or, conversely, restrict access to them.

You can make a file public by selecting an item from the menu called up by pressing right button mice, " copy public link».

This way you can publish any data stored on your computer. As soon as you perform the above manipulations, the files will automatically go to cloud storage, and you will receive a link that can be published on websites or sent to users:

How to share a file?

Having provided general access to the folder, you will allow other users to see its contents. The moment you give selected users access to the contents of the folder, it will appear in their Yandex.Disk. To do this, you just need to select a folder and click on “ Make the folder public».

Yandex.Disk allows you to create new links to the same file. This function useful if it is necessary for an information product to be distributed for a fee. To replace, simply delete the public link and generate it again - a new link will appear.

Before using a file hosting service, especially if you have to work with large files, make sure you have free space in the cloud.

If you decide to delete a file, then after it goes to the trash, the free space in the cloud storage will not increase. To get more space, you need to empty the trash:

Is it possible to create your own file hosting service and is it worth it?

Everyone has heard that using such services you can make good money. However, before creating a file hosting service, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons. For example, not so long ago the file hosting service Turbobit, in addition to participating in affiliate program invited users to take advantage of the opportunity to create their own file hosting service.

The service will be hosted on the user’s domain, and it will be possible not only to send files via a file hosting service, but also to attract visitors. The technical part is taken care of by

Advantages of creating a file hosting service:

  • Possibility of receiving additional income;
  • Ability to customize the design of the file hosting service in accordance with the style of your own resource;
  • Promotion of the main site.


  • The need to moderate normal material from XXX;
  • The need to purchase a powerful server, which can cost several thousand dollars.

You may also need the services of a programmer or even a lawyer ( for example, in case of disputes regarding content rights).

How to send a large file via the Yandex.Disk file sharing service?

Before you hand over big file via a file hosting service, check the amount of free space remaining on virtual disk. To do this, go to the Yandex.Disk settings and then to “Account”.

Go to folder cloud storage You can also use “My computer”. Archiving will speed up the process of downloading large files. Archiving will make it possible to reduce the weight of the file and reduce the time it takes to load it into cloud service and subsequent downloading to your computer.

Good bad

Earning money on file hosting services is a good way to earn extra money for beginners in the information business, or for those who do not yet have their own website. And don’t think that it is something extremely complicated, it is quite real, you just need to perform a series of sequential actions and the result will not be long in coming.

Probably each of you has downloaded something from file hosting services. We are all familiar with such sites, but few people know that you can still make good money with their help.

Earning money on file hosting services

The principle of operation is that after you send your files to their server, you receive a download link, and then begin to pass it through various forums, blogs or sites. After your link is noticed and followed, the file is downloaded, and for this you make a profit. Most file hosting services pay out money after a fixed number of downloads. Payment can vary from 5 to several hundred dollars, depending on the file hosting service and the conditions of your work with them.

What's interesting about making money on file hosting services?
1. No initial investment is required here.
2. You can determine for yourself how much time to spend on work.

Of course, the less you work, the longer you will wait for reward for your work. Like any business, it requires persistence and diligence.

Principle of operation…

After registering on the selected file hosting service (the list is given below), you should place files that will be interesting to people, then write advertising posts and place them on various services, blogs, news portals and people start downloading it.

Arises logical question: WHY DO FILE SHARING SERVICES PAY US?

If the file hosting service is free, then payment is made for advertising, which people unwittingly view, expecting to receive a download link. If it is paid, then payment occurs in the form of a percentage to you from the purchase of a Gold or Premium account. The percentage varies from 50 to 70%, which in monetary terms reaches $10 - $80. If we take average data, then for every thousand downloads, 15-20 paid accounts are purchased. So consider it!


It should be noted that by posting about twenty posts on several files, you will not be able to get mountains of gold. If you want to receive additional income of $40-80, it will be enough to place from 30 to 40 posts on the same number of sites. And if you want more, be prepared to put in the effort!

The files can be anything, as long as they are of value to a certain circle of people. Look on your computer, you probably have a lot of interesting things there. The most popular files are movies, music, books, programs, games and photos. The most the best option will work with exactly these files.


There are two types of file hosting services:

Free – Letitbit, Uploading, Turbobit, Sharingmatrix/Filesonic

Paid – Vip-FILE, SMS4FILES, FilesMonster

Free ones are good for small files, since downloads will be more frequent due to the small size of the file, and therefore you can earn more. On paid file hosting services, it is better to post things that take up a large amount of space (for example, films) and, as a rule, new releases. Earnings here are higher, but less frequent. The main thing is not to stop if things are not going as well as you expected. Don’t expect a good income right away; it takes time for the process to improve. You should work hard for several months, and then, even if you stop working, it will bring you income for some time, since the uploaded files will remain on the servers. It's something akin to passive income, which not everyone has, so take it on board and use it!

Many of those who have worked with TurboBit know that you can use it to create your own file hosting service and make more profit. However, they did not dare to do it, thinking that it was very difficult and expensive. Actually this is not true! In this article I will try to describe in as much detail as possible the entire process of creating your own financial institution and placing advertising on it.

Advantages of your own financial institution:

1) On the pages of your financial institution you can place any advertisement and receive additional income. Moreover, you can earn even more than by downloading files.

2) You will be guaranteed to receive 10% of sales. For sales from classic TurboBit, this percentage is usually received by the Administrator of the site on which the sale took place. And if you add a link to your file hosting service, then everything will go to you.

3) If another user registers on your FO (even without a referral link), he will automatically become your referral.

4) If other users distribute files through your FO, then you will receive money from advertising and 10% of sales. The most interesting thing is that TurboBit will pay money to other users instead of you. That is, you receive money, don’t give anything to anyone and are not responsible for anything.

5) If you have your own warez portals, then adding mirrors to such a FO will be good decision. Because if you pollute your website with advertising, there may be problems with search engines. And if it is on a file hosting service, then you will receive additional income without harm to the site.

7) If the downloaded file is deleted, you can still earn money from advertising.


1) You need to buy a domain. It will cost you about 99 rubles, which will pay for itself quite quickly.

2) Some Admins do not want a mirror for such a file hosting service to be added to their sites. But there are very few of them. Most likely you won’t come across such sites at all.

Don't be alarmed that so much has been written. It will take about half an hour to set up.

So, it's time to start...

STAGE 1: Registration on TurboBit

If you have not yet registered on this file hosting service, then you need to do so.

STEP 2: Buying a domain

Whatever you say, you need to buy your own domain.

I buy domains for 99 rubles only here:


2) Top up your account with 99 rubles.

4) The following window should open, screenshot 01.

View screenshot 01:

5) Write the name of your future domain and click on the “Continue” button.

6) In the next window, check the box next to the line " Use the registrar's DNS server for FREE" and click on the "Continue" button.

8) Left-click on your domain.
A window like the one in screenshot 02 should open.

View screenshot 02:

9) In the menu that opens, select " DNS zone management".

10) Now you need to change the A record. Enter "Subdomain name" and fill in " Data (IP, CNAME, HOSTNAME...)" as shown in screenshot 03.

View screenshot 03

11) Click on the "Add" button.

Everything is ready here!!!

STEP 3: Activating your file hosting service

We need to inform TurboBit about our FO.


3) Click on the "Add" button.

Watch screenshot 04:

4) In the text window that opens, you need to write a link to your domain and click on the "Save" button.

STEP 4: Domain delegation

At this stage you don't have to do anything. You just need to wait a couple of hours for all the settings to take effect.

When your file hosting service is working, proceed to the next step.

STEP 5: Installation of the meter

In order to place highly paid advertising, such as teasers, site traffic must be more than 100 people per day.

Therefore, we need to know how many people access the file hosting service, and for this we need to install a counter.

As a rule, everyone installs a counter from Live Internet. Let's not make exceptions.


2) Enter all the necessary data and click on the “Next” button.

View screenshot 05:

4) Now select the type of counter and configure it. Then press the button again Get the HTML code of the counter >>".

View screenshot 06:

5) After this, the counter code will appear, which you will need to copy and transfer to your file hosting service.

6) Go to TurboBit

8) Go to the FO settings.

View screenshot 07:

9) Now read very carefully!!! Go to "HTML" > "Footer", click on the "Source" button, add the counter code to the main pages and click on the "Save" button 2 times.

View screenshot 08:

10) Now you need to add the code again to the download pages.

View screenshot 09:

Now let’s install advertising from “Pop-Under” and “Wap-Trafik” on our FO. To do this, you need to follow the links, register, get a special script and put it on the download pages in the basement. Exactly in the place where we placed the counter in the previous stage.

After you publish a sufficient amount of news and the counter on the file sharing service shows more than 100 people per day, then it’s time to put up teaser advertising.

Teasers are a block of several pictures with text and links, for clicking on which you will receive money.


1) Increase the attendance of your financial institution to 100 people per day. To do this you just need to publish news.

2) Register on the best teaser affiliate programs: and

3) Add the FO (that is, the platform) for moderation.

4) Create a block of teasers, for example 6×1.

5) Place the resulting script on your FO:
We put one on the download pages in the basement. Along with other advertising and counter.
The second one is placed in the header on the download pages.

As a result, one block will be at the very top of the page, and the other at the bottom.

STEP 7: AddNews Setup

Those who publish news using the AddNews program know that the list of exchangers cannot be edited.

What to do then?

It's actually very simple:

1) Instead of our FO, choose any other one, for example TurboBit:

See screenshot 10:

Watch screenshot 11:

STEP 8: Increase efficiency

In order for more users to follow the link to your affiliate file hosting service, you must follow the following rules:

2) Reduce to a minimum the number of mirrors on a single news item.

First- your file hosting service.
Second- LetitBit, as it is required on many sites.
Third link can be added to any other FO. If you can’t choose, then use a different file hosting service for each news item.

3) Of course, publish a lot of interesting news.

That's all!

I hope I wrote everything clearly.