How to copy data from cell to cell in Microsoft Excel? Adding cells in Microsoft Excel.

The first command is Paste. As you can see, the button has a long list (Fig. 2.40).

Here you do not paste data into a cell, as in a similar command in the Clipboard group, but additional cells into the table. There are situations when an empty cell (row, column) needs to be inserted into the middle of an already typed table. How to do it?

If you need to insert an empty cell into a table, then select the cell (or range of cells), select the cell insertion command, and in the window that appears, specify where the selected cell will move (Fig. 2.41).

In Fig. 2.42 cell C2 is inserted with a shift to the right.

In the same menu you can add an entire row or an entire column. You can also add a row and column using the menu shown in Fig. 2.40, which has separate commands for this.

Select a line and click the add line button. The row will be inserted, and a button will appear to the right of the last inserted cell. If you click on it, a menu will open with which you can choose how to format the inserted line (Fig. 2.43). If you want, it will look like the line below it; if you want, it will look like the line above it. If you want, clear the format and do everything again. You can insert a sheet using the menu shown in Fig. 2.40, or by using the button located at the bottom of the sheet next to the bookmarks.

Now let's look at the Delete Cell Groups command. When you click on its triangle, a menu appears (Fig. 2.44).

If you delete a cell, you “pull” it out of the table. Forever. You will only be asked where to move the contents of the table (Fig. 2.45).

In Fig. In Figure 2.46 I showed an example of deleting two cells with an upward shift. You can also delete a row, column, or even an entire sheet. With a slight movement of your hand, use the Delete button menu (see Fig. 2.44).


When working with Microsoft Excel, it is important to know many subtleties for greater convenience and greater time savings. Today we will talk about how we can copy data from one cell to another and how to do the same if we have a range of cells. Go!

Copying data from one cell

If you are faced with a situation where data has been placed in the wrong cell and you are not very good with the computer, then now you will learn how to transfer this information to another cell. And it's very easy to do.

Method 1. Using hot keys

  1. Left-click on the cell from which you want to copy information.
  2. Press the key combination on your keyboard Ctrl+C to copy data from the selected cell (note that when you press this combination, the cell borders will become dotted).

    If you press Ctrl+X instead, the data will be “cut” from the first cell, which means that the initial cell will become empty after the action is completed.

  3. Click on the cell where you want to paste the selected data and press the key combination Ctrl+V.
Method 2: Using the context menu

The result will be the same.

Copy a range of cells

If you have several cells that need to be copied, then use one of the options below.

Method 1: Using mouse selection

If the data is located nearby and forms a rectangular area, then select this area by holding the left mouse button with one click.

As a result, this area should darken a little (except for the cell where the selection started).

It is not necessary to outline the area where the data will move. You just need to click on the cell that will indicate the upper left edge of the new range.

Method 2. Selecting data using Ctrl

There are times when the data is separate or its range does not form a rectangle.

In this case, you can still copy data from cells in parts using the methods already described above, but it is much easier to use the key Ctrl on keyboard.

To do this, hold down this very button and select the data to move with the left mouse button (you can click, you can circle). At the same time, do not forget that The Ctrl key must be constantly held down .

Once the data is highlighted, press Ctrl and use already known methods for cutting or copying information.

Bottom line

Of course, if you are at all familiar with a computer, then these tips will seem funny to you, but many people do not know that there are some ways to move data from cell to cell in Excel. We hope that some of the readers found this material useful.

Paste or Ctrl+V is perhaps the most effective tool available to us. But how good are you at it? Did you know that there are at least 14 different ways to insert data into Ecxel sheets? Surprised? Then read this post to become a paste master.

This post consists of 2 parts:

— Basic insertion techniques

— Insertion using data processing

1. Paste values

If you just want to paste values ​​from cells, press the Z, M, and Z keys in sequence while holding down the Alt key, and finally press the Enter key. This is necessary when you need to get rid of formatting and work only with data.

Beginning with Excel 2010, the Paste Values ​​feature appears in a pop-up menu when you right-click

2. Paste formats

14. What is your favorite insertion method?

There are many more hidden insertion methods such as inserting XML data, images, objects, files, etc. But I'm wondering what interesting insertion techniques you use. Write what is your favorite insertion method?

Inserting rows and columns in Excel is very convenient when formatting tables and sheets. But the program’s capabilities are further expanded by the function of inserting cells and entire ranges, both adjacent and non-adjacent.

Let's look at practical examples of how to add (or delete) cells to a table in Excel and their ranges on a sheet. In fact, cells are not added, but the values ​​of some are simply moved to others. This fact should be taken into account when the sheet is more than 50% filled. Then there may simply not be enough cells for rows or columns and this operation will delete the data. In such cases, it is rational to split the contents of one sheet into 2 or 3. This is one of the main reasons why new versions of Excel have added more columns and rows (there are 65,000 rows in old versions up to 1,000,000 in new ones).

Insert a range of empty cells

How to insert cells in an Excel table? Let's say we have a table of numbers in which we need to insert two empty cells in the middle.

We perform the following procedure:

In this situation, you can simply click the “Home” - “Insert” tool (without selecting options). Then new cells will be inserted and old ones will be moved down (by default), without calling the options dialog box.

To add cells in Excel, use the hotkeys CTRL+SHIFT+plus after selecting them.

Note. Pay attention to the options dialog box. The last two options allow us to insert rows and columns in the same way.

Removing cells

Now let's remove this same range from our table of numbers. Just select the desired range. Right-click on the selected range and select “Delete”. Or go to the “Home” - “Delete” - “shift up” tab. The result is inversely proportional to the previous result.

To delete cells in Excel, use the hotkeys CTRL + “minus” after selecting them.

Note. You can delete rows and columns in the same way.

Attention! In practice, using the Insert or Delete tools when inserting or deleting ranges It’s better not to use it without a parameter window, so as not to get confused in large and complex tables. If you want to save time, use hotkeys. They bring up a dialog box for insertion and deletion options, allowing you to quickly complete the task in any case.

In this article, you will learn the 2 fastest ways to insert the same formula or text into several cells at once in Excel. This will be useful in situations where you need to paste a formula into all cells of a column or fill all empty cells with the same value (for example, “N/A”). Both techniques work in Microsoft Excel 2013, 2010, 2007 and earlier versions.

Knowing these simple techniques will save you a lot of time for more interesting activities.

Select all the cells into which you need to insert the same data

Here are the fastest ways to select cells:

Select an entire column

  • If the data in Excel is formatted as a full-fledged table, simply click on any cell of the desired column and click Ctrl+Space.

Note: When you select any cell in a full table, a group of tabs appears on the Menu Ribbon Working with tables(Table Tools).

  • If this is a normal range, i.e. when one of the cells in this range is selected, the tab group Working with tables(Table Tools) does not appear, follow these steps:

Comment: Unfortunately, in the case of a simple range, pressing Ctrl+Space will select all the cells of a column in the worksheet, for example from C1 before C1048576, even if the data is only contained in cells C1:C100.

Select the first cell of the column (or the second if the first cell is occupied by a header), then click Shift+Ctrl+End to select all table cells up to the far right. Next, while holding Shift, press the key several times Left arrow until only the desired column remains selected.

This is the fastest way to select all cells in a column, especially when data is interspersed with empty cells.

Select the whole line

  • If the data in Excel is formatted as a full-fledged table, simply click on any cell of the desired row and click Shift+Space.
  • If you have a regular range of data in front of you, click the last cell of the desired row and click Shift+Home. Excel will highlight the range starting from the cell you specified and up to the column A. If the required data begins, for example, with a column B or C, press Shift and press the key with Right arrow until you achieve the desired result.

Selecting several cells

Hold Ctrl and left-click on all the cells that need to be filled with data.

Selecting the entire table

Click on any table cell and click Ctrl+A.

Select all cells on the sheet

Click Ctrl+A from one to three times. First press Ctrl+A highlights the current area. The second click, in addition to the current area, selects rows with headings and totals (for example, in full tables). A third click selects the entire sheet. I think you can guess that in some situations you will need just one click to select the entire sheet, and in some situations you will need as many as three clicks.

Select empty cells in a given area (in a row, in a column, in a table)

Select the desired area (see image below), for example, an entire column.

Click F5 and in the dialog box that appears Transition(Go to) press the button Select(Special).

In the dialog box Select a group of cells(Go To special) check the option Empty cells(Blanks) and press OK.

You will be returned to the Excel sheet editing mode and will see that only empty cells are selected in the selected area. It is much easier to select three empty cells with a simple mouse click - you will say and you will be right. But what if there are more than 300 empty cells and they are scattered randomly over a range of 10,000 cells?

The fastest way to insert a formula into all cells in a column

There is a large table, and you need to add a new column with some formula to it. Let's say this is a list of Internet addresses from which you need to extract domain names for further work.

If you decide to return from the table to the regular range format, then select any table cell and on the tab Constructor(Design) click button Convert to Range(Convert to range).

This technique can only be used when all the cells in the column are empty, so it is best to add a new column. The next technique is much more universal.

Paste the same data into several cells using Ctrl+Enter

Select the cells on the Excel sheet that you want to fill with the same data. The techniques described above will help you quickly select cells.

Let's say we have a table with a list of clients (we'll take a fictitious list, of course). One of the columns of this table records the sites from which our clients came. Empty cells in this column must be filled with the text “_unknown_” to facilitate further sorting:

If you know other techniques for quickly entering data, tell us about them in the comments. I will be happy to add them to this article, citing you as the author.