How to remove all page numbers in Word. How to remove page numbering in Word

Word long time occupies a leading position in the ranking of the most popular and popular text editors for various operating systems. The popularity is due to the combination of an intuitive interface and advanced functionality, daily work which may raise some questions and difficulties. After analyzing the most popular support requests, “How to remove the page number from title page in Word? is the most difficult problem for ordinary users.

Not surprisingly, a student completing an assignment, an office employee, or an ordinary PC user may encounter this problem. We will look at ways to resolve the issue on different versions of the software.

“How can I remove the page number from the title page?” – a common question among users who urgently need to submit a document with strictly regulated formatting rules. Let's consider the procedure for Word example 2016:

The above method is not suitable for all cases and is applied immediately after automatic installation. If the numbering has already been automatically assigned, you will need to slightly change the algorithm of actions:

  • After activating the “Special Footer” function, proceed to setting up a specific section;
  • Double-click on the area of ​​the displayed page, after which the header and footer will automatically be highlighted;
  • IN manual mode delete desired number and exit edit mode.

Modern versions of a text editor allow you to open this menu settings by double clicking in the numbering area. Further actions similar to the above.

Delete in Word 2007-2016

The word processor began to be developed in 1983, and the first version was released in 1989. Since then, the program began to receive active updates that significantly affected the functionality. Today on some office computers you can see the 2003 versions still in active use. When considering how to remove page numbering in Word from the title page and contents, it is worth paying attention to each specific version software.

Generation Word up to version 2007 works with this action through the “File” tab, where you need to:

  1. Find the “Page Settings” section and go to the “Paper Source” setting;
  2. Open the “Differentiate headers and footers” menu;
  3. Place a marker next to the “First page” item.

Now the first sheet will be automatically deleted, and numbering will start from 2. Manual editing will also become available.

Considering how to remove the page number from the title page in Word 2010, you can come across the following solution - software 2010, 2011 and 2013 also received a change in the order of editing pages. The following procedure should be followed:

  • Go to the "View" menu;
  • Find "Page Layout";
  • Go to the “Document Elements” tab, “Header and Footers”, activate the “Page” button;
  • Set individual settings and save changes.

How to remove page number in Word

Having received the answer to the question “How to remove numbering from the title page?”, You can move on to studying the process of editing the header and footer on any other page. As stated earlier, working with modern versions software, it will be enough to click on automatically several times set number page, after which you will have the opportunity to edit or delete it.

In other cases, it will be enough to activate the display of the header and footer and manually delete the required page. Process for different versions MS Word is described in the sections above. Inventive users have come up with another way to get rid of the annoying number. Although it cannot be considered correct even if it is necessary to send source file it will not be counted for verification, the method is quite interesting and can be used in some cases:

  1. Find the “Insert” item in the ribbon, click on it;
  2. In the drop-down menu, find the “Shapes” section;
  3. Here you will only need to select a rectangle white and delete the outline;
  4. Move the shape to the number you want to delete;
  5. Save the file and send it to print.

Such tricky way allows you to remove an unnecessary element without unnecessary interference in the structure of the document.

Working with Word Online

The online version of the popular text editor not only gets everything latest updates, but also allows you to quickly edit a document from a variety of devices.

Cross-platform simplifies work and allows you to work on one document collectively. The process of deleting a number here is performed in a similar way to MS Word 2016. Action may vary depending on mobile application, which creates the need for additional study of this issue. Browser version available for everyday use on free terms, and the basic volume of cloud file storage enough to create a lot text documents. Such files can be synchronized between various types devices, which allows you not to be distracted from the work process.

Working with the Word program is a set of skills required to modern man. Preparation of reports, statements, scientific and coursework, abstract research - all this requires knowledge of the basics of document formatting. As a rule, problems arise when changing headers and footers - that part of the printed sheet on which headings and subheadings and page numbering are displayed. About the last point and we'll talk in this material.

Adding or removing a page number from the title page

Page numbering is already a familiar function, widely used in preparing any scientific research printed format. In order to use this text editor option, you need to go to the “Insert” tab and start working with the header and footer, which can be displayed either at the top of the printed sheet or at the bottom. Standard numbering is a footer located in the middle of the page, indicated in the form of a number or number. In order to carry out the specified document formatting, you must:

  • On the “Insert” tab, click on the “Page Number” function.
  • Then click on the “Bottom of Page” sub-item.
  • Select a sample – “Simple number 2”.

You will see many other options for placing document pagination. Accordingly, you can change the location of the number on the page (left, right, top, etc.), depending on the requirements for the preparation of your work. However, the selected numbering type will be applied starting from the first sheet, without taking into account the title. In order to get rid of an extra number, you need to:

  • Go to the “Insert” tab.
  • Click on the “Page number” sub-item.
  • Select the required type of numbering.
  • Left-click on the “Special footer for first page” command.

In this way, each sheet of your work will be numbered, with the exception of the first, title page.

Removing document numbering

Sometimes it becomes necessary to remove the specified pagination. To execute this simple command, you must follow the specified algorithm of actions:

  • Go to the “View” tab.
  • Click on the “Page Layout” command.
  • Selecting the “Header and Footer” item.
  • Click on the page number (a dialog box should appear to format the number).
  • Click on the “Delete” (or “Delete”) command.

Adding a starting page number other than 1.

Document numbering can start from any number. This optionuseful tool in the event that it is necessary to continuously number two different documents. To run the command you need to do the following:

  • Go to the “View” tab.
  • Selecting the “Page Layout” item.
  • In the “Document Elements” panel, click on the “Header and Footer” column.
  • Click on the “Page” function.
  • Click on the “Format” button.
  • In the “Start with” field, enter the required value. For example, “Start at 21.”
  • Click on the “OK” command.

Thus, the document will be numbered in order, starting with designation 21.

The work of preparing research will seem trivial and easy if you master the basics and get to know the Word text editor better. And formatting and changing documents will take a matter of minutes if you spend a little time studying this article. And let everyday things be a joy!

Renowned editor from Microsoft V automatic mode Indicates page numbers to make it easier for the reader or author to find the required place in the document. Sometimes, according to the requirements for the file, it is necessary to remove the numbering; this can be done in several ways, which differ slightly depending on the year of release of Word.

How to remove page numbers in Word

In most cases, the work will be numbered in the header and footer area, which is not part of the general content of the page. With different partition settings, the numbers may be in the lower or upper zone. The easiest way to remove numbering is to use the section for working with headers and footers in the editing mode. You can do this as follows:

  • hover the mouse cursor over the number;
  • double-click with the mouse button (left);
  • A blue dotted line will appear around the footer area and say “Bottom” or “Top.”
  • you can then edit the content.

Page numbers in Word 2007 and older can be removed in two ways. The first is using the “Insert” menu. When you go to the subsection of this item, you will have the opportunity to edit the entire file at once, so that the pages are no longer numbered. The second method involves manual editing. You can go to any part of the Word document and change all the elements in the workspace.

Page numbering in Word 2003 is also editable, but the path to the tools is somewhat different. In this version, changes are made through the “View” tab, where the section for editing headers and footers is located. You can also remove numbers from the editing mode, which you can switch to by double-clicking on the numbering. After closing the tool, the header and footer changes will take effect.

How to remove page numbers in Word in an entire document

Can use two simple ways, how to remove page numbering in Word. This is much easier to do for the entire file. For the first option:

  1. Double click on any document number.
  2. Press the Del or Backspace button.
  3. The numbers will disappear from all work.

If the file is divided into several sections, then this procedure must be carried out for each. The second option for clearing numbered sheets is the editing tool. For this:

  1. Go to the "Insert" tab.
  2. Select "Page Numbers".
  3. At the bottom of the menu, click on the line “Remove page numbers”.

If you are using version 2003 of the program, then you should look not for the “Insert” item, but for the “View” tab. All necessary actions should be done through the “Header and Footer” section. Everyone is there necessary settings for editing. Method with double click by number is equally relevant for all versions of Microdoft Word, it removes numbering from the entire file.

How to remove page number from title page

In some requirements for scientific or artwork it is necessary to start counting the document from the second sheet. You can use one of the options for this, how to remove numbering from the first page in Word document. Below is an example of how to do this for the 2010 version of the editor. Instructions:

  1. Open the file for which the numbering of sheets should begin with the contents.
  2. Find the "Insert" tab on top panel menu tools.
  3. Click the Page Numbers section.
  4. A window will open where you can set the location where the line numbers will appear (bottom, top). Choose any option.
  5. Next, you will need to select a numbering type.
  6. The numbers will appear in the entire file at once and now you will need to remove the number from the sheet under number one.
  7. On the top menu bar, find the item “Working with headers and footers” and click on the “Designer” section.
  8. Place a check mark next to the line “Special for the first page”.
  9. Go to the beginning of the file, you will see that the name “First Page Header” is highlighted at the top.
  10. Select and delete the number.

How to remove numbering in Word for a specific page

Sometimes it is necessary to make part of the file start numbering again. To do this, you should know how to remove page numbering in Word in one or more places. There are a few steps you need to take to prepare. To remove a number in only one place:

  1. Before text where there should not be numbering, you must set a section break.
  2. Place the cursor at the end of the previous sheet.
  3. Click on the “Insert” section, click “Break”.
  4. In the window that appears, activate the items “ New section" and the line "From the next page."
  5. Place the cursor on the text where numbering is not needed.
  6. Click the "File" menu item and select the "Options..." line.
  7. Click on "Paper Source".
  8. Find the “First Page” item and check the box next to it. This will remove the number from the selected section of text.

This method can be used as many times as necessary throughout the text. If it is necessary for the numbers to disappear immediately from two sheets of the file, then indicate the beginning of the numbers from 0. The editor will not write “0” and will leave the field empty. This will result in two sheets from the file without numbers. For convenience, it is better to make the necessary settings at the beginning of working on the file so that they work correctly and there is a minimum number of errors.

Video: how to remove page numbering in Word 2013

When typing text in the Word editor, it is automatically divided into pages (sheets) in the background. However, their numbers are not visible by default.

Regular numbering

To display regular sheet numbers in a document, follow the following steps step by step.

As a rule, the numbering of documents and books starts from the second sheet. The first number is not displayed. To hide his number (including with title page) you should check the box next to the “Special footer for the first page” tool. As you can see in the screenshot, the numbering of the second and subsequent sheets is preserved.

Other numbering methods

After automatic transition On the “Working with Header and Footer” tab in its left section “Header and Footer” three tools are duplicated – “Header”, “Footer” and “Page Number”. We saw them before on Insert. Consideration of other numbering possibilities can be continued here, without returning to this tab.

Separate numbering of even and odd pages

In documents with double-sided text printing, it is customary to align the numbers of even sheets to the left, and odd sheets to the right. Separate numbering is implemented by slightly adjusting the headers and footers.

Start numbering with an arbitrary number

Sometimes it is convenient to divide a multi-page document into several sections with continuous numbering. To start it with an arbitrary number, you should open the “Page Number” list in the “Header and Footers” section of the “Insert” tab, and activate the “Page Number Format” in it.

In the new window you need to select the last line “Start with” and enter the desired number. The result is clearly visible in the following screenshot (in the red oval).

Removing numbering from arbitrary pages

How to remove page numbering in Word? The answer to this question is obvious from the previous screenshot. The last line of the list will allow you to completely remove page numbers.

At times it may be necessary to remove numbering from some pages, for example, from the first or last. The simplest and convenient way, which also does not make changes to the structure of the document - direct removal of the number in the header and footer area. To do this, just double-click next to the number and, after the cursor appears, delete the number.

Selecting number formatting

At the top of the “Page Number Format” window of the last screenshot, the user has the opportunity to select the original number format. By opening the “Number Format” list, instead of the usual Arabic numerals, you can select Roman or letter designations, and also add a chapter index (if, of course, the document is divided into chapters).

Video: How to remove page numbering in Word?

Text editor versions

The above page editing was considered in Word 2010. In Word 2007 it is required similar actions. The situation is different in the 2003 version. Its interface differs from older editions. The section for editing headers and footers in Word 2003 is located on the “View” tab, where you should go.

"Word" - text editor, created by Microsoft. This processor allows you to create great amount documents: diplomas, essays, graduation papers qualifying work etc. The program is easy to use, which is why it is so popular. However, not all users know how to work with this processor. So in this article you can learn how to remove page numbers in a document.

Word 2003

  1. Double click on the icon word processor to open it.

  2. IN graphical interface program, find “Insert”. Click on it.

  3. In the window that appears, click the main button of the coordinate device on the phrase “Page numbers”.

  4. Uncheck the box next to “Numbers on the first page.”

    Note! To configure sheets, click on “Format”.

  5. Click on “Ok” to confirm your actions.

Word 2007

  1. Double-click the editor icon with your pointing device.

  2. In the GUI, find "Insert". Click.

  3. In "Header and Footer" find "Page Number". Click the button.

    Note!– a line in a document containing the title of the text, the author’s full name, page numbering, etc.

  4. If the column numbers should be at the end of the sheet, click on “Bottom of Page”. If the signs should be at the beginning of the page, click on “Top”.

  5. All sheets of the document contain numeric characters. You need to delete the number on the first page. Click on "Insert", located between "Home" and "Page Layout".

  6. In the "Header and Footer" group, select the line you previously preferred.
  7. At the very bottom of the interface that opens, find the phrase “Change header and footer.” Click on it.

  8. In the “Designer” that opens after clicking on “Change Header and Footer”, find the line “Special header and footer for the first page”. Place a check mark next to this phrase.

  9. Double-click the main pointing device button on the document sheet. There is no pagination on the pages.

Note! Pagination is the sequential numbering of pages.

Word 2010

The column number on the first sheet of the document has been removed.

Note! Colonnumeral – page number.

Removing all numeric characters in headers and footers

Word 2003

There is no pagination.

Word 2007

Word 2010

How to remove a number on a specific page

  1. Scroll through the document until the page you want appears.

  2. Place the carriage at the end previous page. Note! The carriage is a symbol for returning the device position to the beginning of the line.

  3. In the CPU GUI, find the Page Layout tab. Click on it.

  4. In Page Setup, click the Breaks button.

  5. A window will open. Find the line " Next page" Click on it.

  6. The carriage will go down. Double-click the number digit with the main mouse button. Select it.

  7. In “Transitions”, click with your input device on the “Same as in the previous section” button.

  8. Re-select the number in the header and delete it.

  9. Click on “Close the header and footer window”.

The numeric sign has been removed.

If you want to know detailed instructions, read new article on our website.

Video - How to remove a number from the first page in Word 2010