How to earn 300 per month. Selling unique products

The Beeline tariff plan “All for 300” is the initial one in the operator’s line of services offered in 2017. It will be convenient for users of smartphones and tablets for whom it is important to receive beneficial communication and mobile internet.

“Everything for 300” is available to subscribers via prepaid and postpaid systems. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Additionally, the following services are automatically included in the tariff:

  • home region;
  • conference call;
  • stay informed +;
  • there is contact;
  • welcome to everything!.

If necessary, services can be disabled in your personal account.

Description of “All for 300” Beeline

For subscribers of the tariff (relevant for Moscow and Moscow Region, check conditions for other regions on the official website the following types of services are provided.
For prepayment (10 rubles per day):

  • 2 GB mobile traffic;
  • 100 SMS messages;
  • 300 minutes of calls to numbers of other operators;
  • unlimited calls to Beeline numbers in Russia and in your region;
  • free incoming calls within Russia.

For postpayment (300 rubles monthly):

  • Unlimited mobile internet;
  • 300 SMS;
  • 400 minutes for calls to numbers of other operators;
  • unlimited calls to Beeline subscribers in Russia;
  • incoming calls are free

What conclusion can be drawn from this? The postpaid system looks more attractive - there are 100 minutes more calls and unlimited Internet (without speed limits). But there are nuances. To switch to a prepaid system, you need to pay 100 rubles for connection (or buy a SIM card with a tariff at the official Beeline office) and pay 10 rubles daily.
For postpayment, a different system applies. The connection is free, but the subscriber is charged a guarantee payment of 300 rubles, which is returned to the account after 3 months of using the service. In other words, the operator withholds the amount in order to new subscriber paid bills on time and could not take advantage of the tariff for selfish purposes. The approach is correct and justified. The subscription fee is the same 300 rubles per month as for the prepaid scheme. To summarize: try the prepaid tariff first, if you are satisfied with it, switch to postpaid and get unlimited Internet and another 100 minutes of additional calls.

How to activate the “All for 300” tariff?

For new subscribers:

  • buy a tariff SIM card at a Beeline sales office;
  • leave a request and go to the Beeline network with the old number on the operator’s website or office.

Using “All for 300” in roaming and within Russia

When traveling within Russia, the same rules apply as for home region(Moscow). The exception is the Internet. In a number of regions of the North, as well as Crimea and Sevastopol, per-megabyte pricing applies - 9.95 rubles per 1 MB of traffic. You can view the full list of regions on the operator’s official website.

Calls to operators in other regions in the Russian Federation outside the home region cost 9.95 rubles per minute.

Using the tariff abroad will cost subscribers more than in Russia.

For CIS countries, Europe and popular countries:

  • calls - 10 rubles per minute;
  • SMS - 10 rubles;
  • 1 MB of traffic - 5 rubles.

For other countries:

  • incoming calls - 25 rubles per minute;
  • outgoing calls to Russia - 100 rubles per minute;
  • SMS - 19 rubles;
  • 1 MB - 90 rubles (in China, 1 MB costs 5 rubles).

How to disable Beeline's "All for 300"?

There is no manual tariff deactivation procedure. You can switch to another tariff plan. If there is no action on the tariff (calls, SMS, Internet) within 180 days, the contract will be considered terminated and the SIM card will no longer be active.

Your child is already 5 years old and does not yet work part-time as a cotton candy seller? Your grandmother is only 87 and doesn't sell knitted items on etsy? Then you should read this article.

This is perhaps the most complete collection different options part-time jobs in RuNet. Primarily for schoolchildren, students and pensioners. And also for housewives and adult parasites. And of course for everyone who wants to find additional sources income. I made this collection for my relatives and friends. Now I decided to publish it to the general public.

The ideologists of communism once dreamed of building a bright future where “from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.” The Internet has provided this opportunity. A bright future (with different shades) has arrived. It doesn't matter what hole you live in or who your parents are. If you have a laptop with unlimited internet- you can become anyone. From homeless to president - depending on ambitions and abilities.

The commodity-money relations of the past are gradually turning into exclusively informational exchange of knowledge and values ​​between people. Labor productivity has increased so much that one working farmer can feed 100+ drones, who can spend their entire lives doing nothing and posting cats on social networks, without fear of starving to death.

But let's get back to the topic. So, here are lists of different activity options depending on age.

Work for children 5-12 years old

Spend 1-3 hours a day, earning 100-200 rubles per hour or about 500 rubles. per day or about 10 thousand rubles per month

  • Mow lawns. Water the flowers
  • Walk the dogs.
  • Feed fish and cats when their owners are away or on vacation. Clean aquariums.
  • Distribute flyers.
  • Selling lemonade.
  • Wash cars
  • Deliver mail
  • Clean the house, clean carpets, etc.

How and where to find a job:

  • Leaflets in the area and in pass-through places (grocery stores) in the style of “Hi, I’m Yura, I’m 7 years old, I’m putting together a new bike. I can clean your house and walk your dogs. My mother agrees for me to earn extra money. Phone +7 916...”

simple skills are taught by parents or elders in 1-2 weeks

My first part-time job as a child was collecting bottles. I handed them over and bought ice cream with the change. Plus, adults gave a little for weeding the garden, etc. small errands housework.

One of my nephews drove carts to the supermarket after school for 10 rubles. (coins that pay there to unlock the cart). It came out to about 300 rubles. per day, about 10 thousand per month. This is at the age of 7, in Krasnodar, where average salary adult with higher education— 20 thousand rubles.

Work for high school students 12-18 years old

Spend 2 - 4 hours a day, earning 200-400 rubles per hour or about 1000 rubles. per day or about 20 thousand rubles per month

  • Work part-time in a cafe (bartender) or in fast food (crumbs, McDonalds)
  • Tutoring. If you know a subject very well (English, mathematics or Russian), you can teach someone from the lower class.
  • Learn to play the guitar
  • Make something with your own hands and sell it on ( , and so on.)
  • Assemble furniture.
  • At the sports club there is an administrator and a cleaner.
  • Lead excursions. Learn well about a museum or park and take excursions.
  • Make simple websites on WordPress
  • Process photos in Photoshop
  • Translator from English.
  • Selling tickets in cinemas
  • Keep an eye on other children
  • Look after the elderly - buy milk/food, etc.
  • Prepare cupcakes and take them to the nearest cafe
  • Make soap or candles, make jewelry and hand them over to stores (after agreeing with them in advance)
  • Repair something
  • Lead groups on VK, promote groups, write posts, sell advertising through, etc. and so on.
  • Work as a salesperson in a store or market
  • Rent out your bike or camera
  • Take orders in online stores by phone

How and where to find a job:

  • Leaflets in the entrances of houses in the style “Hello, I’m Yura, I’m 14 years old, I’m assembling a new bicycle. I can fix your computer and take out the trash.”
  • Advertisements on and other bulletin boards
  • Simple tasks on
  • Websites for freelancers -
  • Websites where they sell handicrafts:,,,
  • Announcements and groups on VK
  • Through friends - just ask if they have work for you, I’m ready to work for free.
  • At every opportunity, help people do something for free. Over time, people will offer jobs themselves.

How to learn if you don’t know how:

  • video tutorials on youtube, vk,most can be found for free.
  • find someone to teach and mentor. Work for him for free for 2-3 months, just to teach him.

Any such simple skill can be mastered in 3-6 months of daily practice.

At this age I actively played the accordion. There were cash prizes at competitions. At my aunt’s wedding, drunken guests covered my accordion with large bills, so I had enough to buy a new one. In the summer I helped my relatives a little at construction sites and in the garden, and the rest of the time I studied.

Work for students aged 18-23 and everyone else

Spend 3-5 hours a day, earning 300-500 rubles per hour or about 1500 rubles. per day or about 30 thousand rubles per month

Everything is the same as for high school students.


Creating and selling your own products

  • Register as a webmaster at,,, and earn money from affiliates CPA programs, generate leads in niches: tourism, business, health, etc.
  • Record a simple video course “How to create a website on WordPress” and sell it on
  • Make a plugin or theme for WordPress and sell through
  • Sell ​​photos and video footage through photo stocks, such as
  • Make, publish and sell e-books through Amazon Kindle, ordering everything you need on
  • Sell ​​music on iTunes through or
  • Work as a taxi driver at Uber or as a cleaner at
  • Buy goods from wholesalers or in China using a white label and resell under your own brand. Amazon FBA
  • Launch your products through crowdfunding -,,
  • Prepare various delicious things at home: chocolate/muffins/cheesecakes/croissants/sauces and sell them to a nearby cafe. Ethnic cuisine - khash, etc.
  • You can create and sell recipes. Make video reviews of popular games or blog and earn money from advertising. You can publish your own e-book recipes is a fairly popular niche.
  • Handmade (sell via etsy, instagram, livemasters, avito, ebay)
    • Make candles or soap
    • Making toys like Tilda
    • Sewing clothes and toys for dogs
    • Making bags
    • Make your own jewelry
    • Draw portraits of people/pictures
    • Print custom designs on a 3D printer

Selling your used goods

  • Sell ​​what I have and what I don’t use (phone, speakers, guitar, microphones). On
  • Sell gift cards or going to the fitness center.
  • Sell ​​paintings on
  • Sell ​​records, books, xbox games.
  • Unnecessary furniture
  • Old children's things

Renting out your used goods(

  • Bike
  • Camera
  • Apartment via airbnb
  • car
  • Expensive dress/suit

Learn simple skills and sell your services:

  • Learn to program in Ruby, Python, Swift
  • Write articles - freelance exchange like
  • Make video reviews
  • Quickly develop websites to order
  • Teach fitness/yoga/martial arts/how to lose weight
  • Tutoring. English teaching. Guitar/vocal/dance training -
  • Graphics/Web design
  • Home renovation / Interior design
  • Research Searching for people, doing marketing analysis, etc.
  • House cleaning
  • Sitting with babies
  • Walking the dogs
  • Feed the fish and cats
  • Mow lawns
  • Clean up trash
  • Bring food from the store
  • Shopping assistant
  • Translation from English, etc.
  • Moderator of VKontakte groups or forums
  • Eyelash/nail extensions
  • Hairdresser, etc.
  • Masseur
  • Perform various work on

Some interesting and simple niches:

  • Animals (cats/dogs).
    • Special food for cats
    • Walking or caring for them
    • Taking photos with your pets
  • Food
    • You can bake croissants and take them to the nearest cafe
    • You can publish recipes and put them into a book or make money from advertising
    • Make reviews on youtube
  • Jewelry/Handmade/Cosmetics
    • Make and sell them on or livemasters
    • Online store
  • Books
    • Write reviews or notes on books. Earn money from advertising and leads.
    • You need to focus on a specific genre: business literature
    • Sell ​​used books on avito, etc.
  • Find a niche on avito with marginal and rare goods, for example “tube amplifiers” or “vintage cameras” - buy them cheap and urgently, and sell them not urgently and with a good margin, while listening tube sound and enjoying black and white photos.

Selling other people's goods/services

  • Realtor – help buy/sell apartments
  • Auto – help buy/sell cars
  • Selling credit cards
  • Lead generation for foreign universities and English schools

Where to look for work (see for high school students)

  • The key and most difficult thing is to learn how to sell yourself and your services before you master them perfectly. Everything is made to order.
  • The best way is to start helping people for free: “teach English for free,” “work part-time in a bank for free,” “work with children for free.” Over time, people will start paying + reviews will appear + you will understand what your soul is about.
  • Ideally, work immediately on the English-speaking market. Freelancer sites,, etc.

How to learn if you don't know how

  • Let's start by helping people for free.
  • Find a mentor. Watch video tutorials and do.
  • Learn to sell yourself/service/product before you have a skill or product or service.

During this period I tried a lot various works. The most developing thing was the collection of questionnaires public opinion. It was necessary to walk around unfamiliar apartments and ask various awkward questions to people. Someone tried to let the dogs loose, someone fed them pancakes. This is the best for introverts.

Working as a bartender in a strip club turned out to be no less developing. I didn’t like working as an outdoor advertising electrician and didn’t last more than 2 weeks.

And of course, unloading/loading wagons. I remember there was one carriage of expensive tobacco from Cuba. We unloaded the carriage for almost a day and then realized that the money we received would not be enough for even a pinch of this tobacco. I have never met a stronger and more obvious motivator to work with my head and not with my hands since then.

Work for pensioners (60 years +)

  • Knit, sew
  • Sitting with children and giving advice on care and education
  • Teach children literacy and simple skills
  • Sell ​​on the market
  • Read fairy tales. Record audiobooks.
  • Write memoirs and stories for the newspaper
  • Teach
  • Do simple work housework
  • Cook and sell food
  • Agriculture

Personally, after 70 I am going to teach, keep an apiary of bees and write, maybe even write this blog) And of course study and work all my life to the best of my ability. No retirement or “well-deserved rest.”

What could stop you from earning an extra $300 per month?

The book “Family Wealth” provides an excellent study of the wealth of various families. Brief conclusion: “The 4th generation is poor in the vast majority of families.” History repeats itself over and over and goes something like this:

  1. The first generation, let's call them “parents,” were born poor, but worked very hard and eventually saved up the initial capital to give their children a better life. These are the kind of entrepreneurs who rose from the bottom from scratch and made themselves.
  2. The second generation, let’s call them “children,” were already born into a wealthy family. Their parents tried to give them a good education, business, and the opportunity to travel and enjoy life. Naturally, they are not accustomed to work, because their parents wanted them better life. Some children already at this stage manage to squander all their parental capital, so that their grandchildren end up with debts and poverty; some have enough capital for another generation.
  3. The third generation, let’s call them “grandchildren,” does not remember at all what work is. Usually they live beyond their means, on credit, but on a grand scale. They consider work to be the lot of second-class people. A kind of aristocracy. Usually they completely squander and leave their great-grandchildren with nothing at best.
  4. The fourth generation, let's call them “great-grandchildren,” the children of bankrupt “grandchildren,” find themselves in complete poverty and start from scratch.

This story is repeated again and again and is observed in all countries and at all historical periods. The only exception is families that have managed to hold onto capital for many centuries. What's the secret? It's simple - they make each generation work harder than the previous one. It's as if they are starting from scratch. There are many more factors, but this is the main one.

But despite the availability of the Internet, knowledge and large number opportunities, great amount adults cannot even earn their own food. Even $300 a month, which is affordable for a schoolchild. Here are the main reasons:

  1. Laziness and excessive self-pity. Parents did not teach them to work from childhood, wishing their children a “better life.”
  2. Excessive conceit and pride, which does not allow you to take on work “beneath your dignity.” False nonsense like “working in a bank is cool,” but “working as a waiter is not cool.” In our country, many people view their work as “temporary”, without love and enthusiasm, and almost all university students study at least to become directors and investment bankers.
  3. Greed borders on stupidity, which pushes people to “make a million quickly” in casinos, financial pyramids, forex, MLM, stock trading, inflated capitalization of startups, etc.
  4. Alcohol, drugs and other unhealthy habits acquired from the desire to be “happy for free” and which ultimately destroy the personality.
  5. Physical disability or mental impairment.

Bonus track. Classification of types of work by degree of ideality

There are types of work from which you cannot get rich in principle, and those that will allow you to do this. Here are the works, in increasing order of ideality.

    1. Unemployed with loans.Worst case, rock bottom. You spend money on food every day + you have to. And debts grow like a snowball. There are no sources of income. You don't bring any benefit. The meaning is lost. This causes health problems: laziness, alcoholism, apathy. The solution is to get a job somewhere with a fixed salary + try to move to the next level.
    2. An unemployed person on benefits or a pension or a student on a scholarship.You don’t owe anyone much, but you live on “handouts” from relatives or the state. You get used to living like this, but you feel that you are of no use to anyone and you don’t know how to do anything special. This causes health problems, laziness, alcoholism, apathy, and binge drinking. The solution is to get a job somewhere with a fixed salary. Sample different types works
    3. An employee in a company for a fixed salary per month.You change 30 days a month and that's it free time for fixed salary, for example, 20 thousand. This is the ceiling. You give all the time and under no circumstances will you earn more than 20 thousand. The eternal “rat race”. Money is always short + partial loans. There is only 1 way to break out: free at least 4 hours a day from family and work and start working part-time and studying during this time. Trying to sell yourself more expensive. + Set aside 10% of all money for a deposit, so that there is “ financial cushion” in case of dismissal. Plus try to get to the next level.
    4. An employee in a company for a fixed salary per month +% of sales or bonuses.Here, in principle, you can earn a lot, especially if you know how to sell: yourself/your company/your company’s products. It’s difficult, but it’s possible, some people build their careers this way and feel good about themselves.
    5. Working for yourself. You trade time for money. Freelancer.For example, you get eyelash extensions for 2 thousand rubles. at one o'clock. You can earn more than 100 thousand per month. But the ceiling is 200 thousand rubles. You can make websites. But the key here is sales. If there are clients, good. But if everything is bad with sales, such a freelancer will soon slide down to the “Unemployed with loans” level.
    6. Working for yourself and giving work to other people. You are not selling your time, but goods or the time of other people.Unlike the previous point, there are no time restrictions (if an eyelash extension artist or consultant cannot sell more than 10 hours a day), then there is no “ceiling” in product sales. But there is a risk - costs may be higher than profits or there may be insufficient demand or competition - then bankruptcy. The path of company owners.
    7. Investment.Money works for you. If you have a capital of at least 1 million rubles, you can put it in the bank at 10% and receive 10 thousand rubles a month for nothing. The only negative is inflation is above 10% and then money depreciates over time. An investor must always look for where else to invest money + how to protect it. Basic rules of investing for children and adults:
      1. Always set aside 10% of all income for a rainy day. Keep it on deposit in a bank.
      2. Clearly separate what brings in money (deposits, your business, renting out a store) and what “steals” money (unnecessary purchases, cars, entertainment, etc.)
      3. Until you have accumulated the required amount, invest in your development, sales and business. Spend less on beautiful “candy wrappers”, clothes, food, cars, etc.
      4. If you have accumulated several million rubles. buy commercial real estate (a store in the city center) and rent it out - this is a stable income for all cases.
    8. Creation of exclusive products with the potential for rapid replication.This is writing books, music or programs. It’s hard to be a bestseller here (it’s hard to get promoted). But if you become popular, then a multiple increase in profits is possible. Money and eternal glory).
    9. Creating companies and selling them to even larger companies.The fastest, but also the most risky way to get rich.

Business or self-employment? Is it possible to teach the basics of business to a schoolchild?

What do you think is the difference between business and self-employment? And should you strive to build a business right away or is it better to start with self-employment?

To answer this question, we

The Beeline company can offer many different favorable tariffs to its customers. "Everything for 300", for example. This offer seems very attractive to many subscribers. True, not everyone understands what they will get with such a tariff. And so now we will try to study it, and also find out what reviews subscribers leave about this offer. Maybe it's really worthy of attention?


Unlimited communication is what many are looking for. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to pick up profitable plan to implement this idea. True, the Beeline company's "All for 300" tariff helps solve the problem very quickly.

The fact is that the "ALL" line is unlimited communication within home network, as well as when roaming. Therefore, the tariff of the Beeline operator “All for 300” receives very good reviews from subscribers. After all, it helps you save money. For 300 rubles per month you get 300 minutes free communication with subscribers throughout Russia. Local calls do not require any fees at all. In addition, with this offer you also get 3GB internet traffic and 100 SMS messages. It is very beneficial if you really communicate a lot.


By the way, the tariff from the Beeline company “All for 300” has one very interesting condition. It concerns payment for services. As already mentioned, the average is 300 rubles per month. If you look at the information on the telecom operator’s page, you will notice that the tariffs here are daily. This tariff will cost you 10 rubles per day.

Transition and connection are free. And this, of course, makes me happy. A trifle, but from the Beeline company “All for 300” receives very good reviews. It turns out that you won’t have to overpay for either calls or subscription fees.


In terms of connecting this “option”, everything is also pretty good. After all, all subscribers have a lot alternative solutions. For example, most users prefer to connect unlimited tariffs"Beeline" using special USSD commands or via the Internet.

This option is also available when connecting “All for 300”. In this case you will have to dial mobile phone combination 0674000300. Next, click on the “Call” button and wait a while. If you have not previously been a Beeline subscriber, you will have to purchase the appropriate SIM card at the nearest office of the company.

Cancellation of the service

Well, we learned how to connect. But you also need to be able to turn it off. How can you do it? For example, by calling the operator at 0611. Wait until they answer you. Now let us know that the Beeline “All for 300” tariff is no longer suitable for you. You will be offered several tariff plans to choose from. Select the most advantageous offer, in your opinion, and then connect.

In other words, you can refuse “All for 300” only by changing the plan on the SIM card. In principle, this no longer surprises anyone. After all, it’s no secret - options are connected and disabled different methods, but the tariffs themselves are not. In principle, to cancel the “All for 300” service, you can buy yourself a new SIM card. But in this case, your phone number will change.

Cost outside

The "Everything" line is favorable rates. Beeline gives its subscribers the opportunity to communicate in fairly good conditions even after they reach their limits. This, of course, makes me happy. But how much will you have to pay?

All messages and calls to local numbers will cost 1.5 rubles. Not very much, if you think about it. But the Internet will already be more expensive. For every 150 megabytes of traffic you will pay 25 rubles. All this thanks automatic connection"Extend speed" services. In Russia, by the way, all calls will also cost the subscriber 1.5 rubles. This moment brings a lot of pleasure to clients. It turns out that even after spending 300 free minutes conversation per month you can save money. In the CIS countries, the cost of dialogue is 2 rubles, in Europe, Canada and the USA - 50. Here, a slight dissatisfaction of subscribers is visible, but not too often. After all, calls to Europe, the USA and Canada are extremely rare.

General impression

What can we say in general about our proposal today? As you can see, "All for 300" - profitable proposition for sociable subscribers. True, in some cases you may encounter customer dissatisfaction. On the one hand, 300 minutes per month is very little. On the other hand, it is enough for business communication. If you try and fit within the limits, there will be no problems. For 300 rubles you will get really favorable conditions.

In cases where this limit is not enough, subscribers say that the costs of communication are enormous. And this despite the fact that all prices for messages, Internet and calls are set quite humanely. In this situation, you should just pay attention to other packages of the “ALL” line. Maybe you can find something worthwhile among them. In any case, no one expresses outright disgust with All for 300. The average subscriber is quite satisfied with the limit that is given for the subscription fee. The main thing is to be able to distribute minutes, as well as messages for a month. And then you won’t have any extra problems or costs. There’s no point in giving up “All for 300.” In any case, a large number of subscribers advise trying this offer in practice. Most likely, it will pleasantly surprise you. As you can see, Beeline Corporation's tariffs can be quite profitable and interesting.

Every person who strives for a better life sets certain goals for himself. To live happily and not deny yourself anything, you must first of all become financially independent. We will tell you how to earn 300,000 rubles a month in this article.

Selling unique products

In our country, the market is oversaturated with high-quality branded goods. But in Lately consumers began to give preference to designer products. They are ready to pay huge amounts of money for exclusive samples made in a single copy. If you are interested in how to earn 300,000 rubles in a short time, try selling unique products:

  • Knitted products;
  • Bed sheets;
  • Clay crafting;
  • Hats and more.

To achieve success in such a business, you must have creative abilities and certain professional skills. Products can be sold in online stores, on forums and in social networks. The most profitable option is foreign sites where they pay good money for designer products.

Consulting services

There are many different areas entrepreneurial activities that allow you to earn good money. One of the most the best ways how to quickly earn 300,000 rubles - your own consulting business.

Almost every modern company needs to professional help. Many businessmen hire highly qualified specialists who help them resolve any issues related to business activities. By providing such consultations, you can earn good money. The most important thing is to properly advertise your activities in order to attract the attention of potential clients to your business.

Forex currency trading

Any business requires certain financial investments. This also applies to Forex trading.

Trading is an excellent option for those who are looking for where to invest 300,000 rubles to earn money. You can achieve success in the foreign exchange market only if you learn to control it. This will help you avoid losing trades. In this matter, you should rely only on your mind and intuition.

To make informed, thoughtful decisions, you need to constantly develop, otherwise you may lose all your investment. Focus on one system and bring it to ideal level. This will allow you to receive a decent, stable income.


By making forecasts for certain events - horse racing, sports matches, etc., you can earn good money. After the end of the event, the betting organizer distributes the collected funds among the players who were able to correctly predict its outcome. He keeps a certain percentage for himself as a reward.

Many citizens who want to receive additional income are interested in: There are people for whom betting is their main source of income. Experienced players develop their own strategies that allow them to accurately predict the outcome of events.

Everything is very simple. Every home has unnecessary clothes, Appliances and other things that can be easily sold online. Select a regional resource, place your ad on it and wait for the first buyers to respond. If you have some rare items, you can sell them on forums for collectors and antique lovers. These could be old books, stamps, vinyl records, etc.

Small business

In our country there are many government programs, which are aimed at supporting business activities. If you want to improve your financial well-being, start your own business.

The most important thing is to find a profitable working idea. If your products or services are in demand among domestic consumers, your business will prosper. Before starting your own business, thoroughly research the market and draw up a competent business plan. This will help you achieve success in any field.

You have to call and write often a large number of SMS messages and use the Internet for work purposes? Then the Beeline “All for 300” tariff is what you really need! What does the service include? Inexpensive fast internet, attractive conditions for communicating with friends, even if they are roaming. Read more about the tariff below.

All description

The subscription fee is charged once a month, on the first day, in the amount of 300 rubles. Calls to you are free, you can also call to Beeline numbers free and without restrictions.

You also have three hundred minutes per month at your disposal for clients of other operators in your region.

When the three hundredth minute ends, the price of each subsequent minute of conversation is 1.6 rubles. to other operators in your region. Calls to other operators in other regions cost 3 rubles/min.

Call rates

Detailed description of the tariff

The subscription fee is 300 rubles per month.

Services included in the price:

Services exceeding established limits:

Outgoing calls to Beeline contacts throughout the countryFor free
Outgoing calls to customers of other operators in your region1.6 rub./min.
Outgoing calls to contacts of other operators outside your region3 rub./min.
Outgoing SMS to Beeline numbers throughout the country and to clients of other operators in the home region1.6 rub.

The service includes 2 GB of traffic every month for use mobile internet. The connection speed depends solely on how well the phone receives the connection.

As soon as 2 GB runs out, the “Auto-Speed ​​Renewal” add-on is automatically turned on, which buys additional traffic every time it runs out, even if you don’t need it.

To disable this option, dial on your phone *115*230# and press the call button. Or dial the number 0674717780 . After the option is disabled, the maximum possible speed becomes only 64 Kbps.

If this speed is not enough, you can connect the “Extend Speed” add-on, which will allow you to purchase only the required amount of traffic.

List of services provided for the day

How to connect a tariff plan

Call 0781

If the last transition from a tariff to another was carried out more than a month ago, then connecting to a new tariff is free, if less than one calendar month, then connection cost is 100 rubles.

Important! This applies to absolutely all tariffs.

Go to new tariff possible in the following ways:

  • Call to automatic number 0781 , follow all instructions; the connection command will change the tariff within a few minutes;
  • Tariff change via Personal Area in the mobile application or through the official website;
  • Connection through the communication salon.

Advice! Before changing the tariff, set all the parameters you personally need so that you are not charged for unnecessary options.

How to disable the service

Disconnection occurs by changing one tariff plan to another. Along with the subscription fee will not be refunded for this month, even if the transition to a new tariff is made at the beginning of the reporting month.


You can find out the remaining minutes, messages and mobile traffic through mobile app, official website or by dialing *102# (press the call key and an SMS message will be sent within a minute).

Video about postpayment and Internet speed test: