Computer stories stories in detail about computer parts. What is Caps Lock on a computer and VKontakte

According to the rules of the Russian language, individual words or sentences must be capitalized. If everything is clear with writing with a pen on paper, then how can this rule be observed when typing on a computer?

For these purposes, the keyboard has special function– Caps Lock, which allows you to easily use capital letters in the text if necessary. What is Caps Lock? How is it turned on and what is meant by this word in online communities such as VKontakte?

What does the word "Caps Lock" mean?

Caps Lock is an abbreviated Russian spelling of the English phrase capitals lock, which translates as "fixation of capital letters" .

The concept dates back to the advent of typewriters, which had a fixation function uppercase. For this purpose, the devices were equipped special key Shift– the first time you clicked on it, you could enable printing in capital letters, and when pressed again, disable the function.

The creators of modern computer devices We kept the Shift key, but added Caps Lock to the keyboard, which makes typing much easier.

What is Caps Lock on a computer?

Caps Lock is a convenient and functional tool, which is comfortable to use if you need to write a word, phrase or whole sentence in capital letters. The key is intended for automatic change case, however, it allows you to change only the letters - when pressed, numbers and other symbols are printed without changes.

The location of Caps Lock is quite convenient for the user. On a standard keyboard, the key is located in the left row under the Tab button - to the left of the letter "A". The function is best used for writing a whole range of letters. If you need to select only one letter, then just press and hold the Shift button.

How to enable Caps Lock on your computer?

The transition to capital letters mode is made by pressing Caps Lock once. To turn off the function, just press it again. If the keyboard has a light indication, then when you turn on Caps Lock in the right top corner layout, the LED lights up. When you turn off capital letters, the green indicator goes off accordingly.

It is worth noting that most programs on the Internet that require user authorization differ hypersensitivity to the register, so if you accidentally press Caps Lock, they will be entered incorrectly. In this case, the indicator light comes to the rescue, allowing you to determine the position of the key.

What is Caps Lock VKontakte?

In communication in World Wide Web Caps Lock refers to words or phrases that are written in capital letters. They can often be found on VKontakte, as well as in online communities - on forums, blogs, chats. Using Caps Lock is considered bad manners and implies shouting and raising your voice.

For many people, such writing causes irritation, since phrases composed entirely of capital letters, difficult to read. On most resources, irrepressible use of the key is not encouraged, and on some it is prohibited.

Sometimes it is advisable to turn on Caps Locks to highlight a word - to emphasize its importance, but usually at the same time, a constantly pressed key indicates the user’s limited vocabulary and indicates to other visitors his weakness as an opponent.

It is estimated that about two-thirds of beginners who are just starting to master the Internet resort to using Caps Lock. They often think that in this way they can highlight their main idea. If no one reacts to the good news, newcomers think that the phrase should be repeated - what if no one read it.

However, after numerous complaints from other users and warnings from the moderator, their regular use of Caps Lock “comes to naught.”

Why do we need a button, we more or less figured it out. But recently I had a completely reasonable question: why do users need a button? Caps Lock? Its history goes back to printing machines, when this button recorded the press of the Shift button. Now please strain your brain and let’s break it all down:

1. Remember when you last time it was pressed on purpose to type information in capital letters? And if you did, did you enter a lot of text like that? Isn’t it better to just press and hold Shift and type the desired message in capital letters, if you really feel like it?

2. Now remember how often you accidentally pressed this button and typed text without looking at the screen, and then suddenly realized that they had pressed Caps Lock, erased it and started typing again?

3. Remember how often you entered your password incorrectly because the Caps Lock key was pressed? The keyboard designers made a clear mistake by placing this button next to the TAB key. You enter your login, switch “TABOM” to the password and miss and hit the ill-fated Caps Lock. Moreover V English layout There is another frequently used “A” key nearby, and often people don’t hit it either. Well, do you recognize yourself?

4. You are sitting in a chat or ICQ and suddenly a message arrives in capital letters.
HELLO. I ACCIDENTALLY SPILLED COFFEE ON YOUR BLOUSE TODAY. The subconscious reacts to large letters with anxiety and you feel discomfort. You mentally curse the person, although it makes absolutely no difference to you what she spilled on her blouse and write to him so that he doesn’t write in capitals. And the poor interlocutor accidentally pressed “our favorite” Caps Lock and did not at all think of attracting such attention to a trifle. This is where the expression “Don’t capsi” came from.

If you recognize yourself in at least one of the points, then further information is for you.

AnticAPSLOCK is the name official company, which advocates for the abolition of the Caps Lock key in future keyboards. As an option, you can make a removable key. The only thing designers need to think about is how to close the gaping void. I think many computer users around the world will subscribe to the calls of this company. Compared to medicine: Caps Lock is like appendicitis of the keyboard. It’s good with him, but without him it also seems good for many.

Hello everyone, A keyboard is a device through which we can enter text on a PC. It sounds like it’s 1990 and no one knows what a keyboard is.. This means there are all sorts of buttons on the keyboard, if it’s a regular one, then there are few specific buttons. But there are keyboards for gamers, there additional buttons maybe a lot..

But here’s what caps lock is and why on the Internet they write things like don’t write caps lock or turn off caps lock. What does this even mean? Caps lock is simply a button that activates the entry of capital letters. If you press Caps Lock again, entering capital letters will be disabled.

Usually the button is labeled Caps Lock and is located on the left side of the keyboard here:

So when you see that people say don’t write caps lock, then I think now you understand what they mean

Whatever the keyboard, the caps lock will always be in one place. Here's an example of a scary gaming keyboard:

And she has caps lock in the same place, if you look closely:

Although the keyboard is really awesome

By the way, the caps lock button is the same as it has been for a cloud of years typewriters. There, just like on computers, she changed the case of the entered text. I found this joke on the net:

When a user types text with caps lock enabled, it is perceived on the Internet as a scream. In such cases they say no capsi

Damn it, I completely forgot to write about the main thing, that’s how I could forget! When caps lock is turned on, the Caps Lock light on your keyboard will light up:

Caps key Lock - handy tool, which can be used when the user needs to write one or more letters or even the entire text in capital letters. It is worth keeping in mind that pressing this key will cause a change appearance only letters to be typed: for example, numbers and others special characters will not change from its use.

Using the Caps Lock key

The Caps Lock key on a standard keyboard has a fairly convenient location: it is located in the middle of the left row of the main part of the keyboard, located between Tab key, the letter A on the Latin layout and Shift key. Enabling the Caps Lock key allows you to switch to using capital letters mode on on an ongoing basis. The transition to this mode is carried out by pressing the Caps Lock key once. In turn, in order to disable this mode, you must press once again specified button on the keyboard. In order to inform the user about enabling the mode, standard keyboards there is a special indication of this key: if it is pressed, above digital block on the right side of the printing device, a green indicator, indicated by the capital letter A, lights up, which goes out when the corresponding mode is turned off.

Additional options for using the key

Thus, the mode that turns on when you press the Caps Lock key is convenient if you need to type several words or even entire text in capital letters. If you need to capitalize one or more letters, you can resort to another method: for example, holding down the adjacent Shift button while pressing the key indicating the letter will automatically capitalize it. Some users find this method more convenient, since converting one letter to capital case actually requires only one press of an additional key, whereas Caps Lock mode must first be turned on and then turned off, that is, using a double press.

This technique, however, can be used in the opposite way. For example, you are typing text in capital letters with the Caps Lock key turned on, and you need to change one or more letters to lowercase. In this case, you should hold down while pressing the required letters Shift button: It is temporarily lowercase, and after you release it, Caps Lock mode will become permanent again. Don't forget to turn it off after you've finished typing in capital letters.


  • Caps Lock key

On computers that have been connected by a network, restrictions are always placed: from running websites social networks until the possibility of using hot ones. As a rule, such restrictions are set in offices, computer clubs and other institutions where work safety policies are encouraged. For example, having completely closed access to the Start menu, launching Explorer will not be difficult if you know the hotkeys associated with Windows button.

You will need

  • Create a registry file.


Most of the 101-key standard come with additional keys with the Windows window logo. On desktop keyboards there are 2 of them (left and right), but mobile ones contain only one (left) key. Above was an example of launching " Windows Explorer" Using the “Win” key you can do this much better (Win+E). For example, some combinations of useful key combinations: - Win + R – Start menu - “Run”;
- Win+D – minimize all windows;
- Win+L – a welcome window will appear;
- Win+Pause – “System Properties”.