Do you need a Java program on your computer? How to minimize the presence of Java on your computer

If you see Java in the list of installed programs, but don’t know why it is needed, this article is for you. Many users ask Why do you need Java on a computer or laptop? how it was installed and what it does. Let's figure it out.

Why is Java needed?

Java is a free platform that is designed to run applications written in Java of the same name. Many programs and web applications run in Java. What is this platform?

The JRE (Java Runtime Environment) is most often installed on the computers of ordinary users. Roughly speaking, this is a container within which Java programs are launched and run. It provides security, stability and environment for some of the software on your computer.

Previously, Java was actively used to write “applets” - small applications that run directly in the browser. For example, a calendar, guest book or online chat. Currently, JavaScript is used for these purposes, which does not require Java installed. But still, many sites on the bottomless Internet operate on this technology. And if you don't have Java, then such sites will not work correctly and you will not be able to interact with them. The site does not respond to your actions? Perhaps the reason lies in the lack of Java.

More widely, Java was and is used to create desktop applications. Therefore, some programs simply cannot work without Java installed. For example, the popular game Minecraft runs entirely inside a Java virtual machine. And if you are involved in programming, then some IDEs (software development environments) also require Java to run.

Where does Java come from on my computer?

Java is often installed right after Windows is installed or as a utility program. Perhaps it was installed by the person who installed Windows for you, or it was pre-installed on your . Or some application that requires Java has installed it on the PC. Just know that this is not a malicious application at all, and there is no need to remove it in time. It's not for nothing that we included Java in .

From time to time, you may see notifications asking you to update Java. With each update, the Java platform is improved, vulnerabilities are addressed, and bugs are fixed. I recommend agreeing and updating it. This also applies to other software - periodically update your antiviruses, the programs you use, and your operating system. Now you know, Why do you need Java on a PC and what does it do?.


Java is a programming language and computing platform that was first released by Sun Microsystems in 1995. There are many applications and websites that do not work without Java installed, and the number of such websites and applications is increasing every day. Java is fast, highly secure, and reliable. From laptops to data centers, from game consoles to scientific supercomputers, from cell phones to the Internet, Java is everywhere!

Is it possible to download Java for free?

Yes, Java is free to download. Download the latest version from the website.

If you are developing an embedded or consumer device and want to use Java technologies in it, contact Oracle to learn more about integrating Java into various types of devices.

Why is it necessary to upgrade to the latest version of Java?

The latest version of Java contains important improvements that improve the performance, stability, and security of Java applications running on your computer. Installing this free update package will ensure that the Java applications installed on your computer run safely and efficiently.

I've heard the terms Java Virtual Machine and JVM. Is this Java software?

The Java Virtual Machine is only one aspect of Java software that is used when communicating over the Internet. The Java Virtual Machine is built directly into the Java software download and is used to support running Java applications.

Hello everyone Let's talk about what Java Update Scheduler is, what kind of program is it? Well, the first and probably most important thing is that this is not a virus, that’s already good! This is a Java component that sometimes, from time to time, checks for a new version of Java. If there is a new version, then most likely you will be given a message saying that there is a new version of Java and you need to download it. Or it may be that it will be installed automatically, some programs are updated this way, for example Google Chrome

This thing, Java Update Scheduler, runs under a process called jusched.exe, so if you see it in the manager, you will already know what it is. Yes, you can disable it in the same manager, but this is NOT a solution to the problem, because it will most likely appear again later.

It’s strange, of course, but I don’t have the jusched.exe process in the manager. I don’t even know why, maybe it’s in older versions of Java? Or maybe they complained about it a lot and decided to remove it? Well, I don’t know how it really is, but I don’t have it, period.

But there are other processes, these are javaw.exe, jp2launcher.exe, jucheck.exe, well, look for yourself:

Yes, there are quite a few Java processes, and one of them definitely checks for updates, so to speak, checks them, this is jucheck.exe. But then it’s not clear why jusched.exe is needed?

I looked for the file jusched.exe on the disk and finally found it, it is located in the Java Update folder, which means it definitely belongs to the update:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Java\Java Update

I right-clicked on the file and selected Properties there, look, it also says that this is Java Update Scheduler:

But as you can see, there is the word Scheduler, which means that perhaps this has something to do with the scheduler, maybe this process creates a task in the scheduler regarding the Java update?

So, what is the solution to remove the jusched.exe process forever? You can simply delete the Java Update folder from here:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Java

And then you will get rid of all sorts of things that relate to updating Java. Because it’s not that difficult to go to the official website and manually install a new version of Java, I think you agree with me.

You can also disable checking for updates; oddly enough, there is a setting for this. Press the Win + R buttons and write the following command there:

A window with icons will open, here you need to find the Java icon and click on it once:

A window with Java settings will appear, here you need to go to the Update tab and there uncheck the automatic update box, this checkbox:

Click OK and that’s it, you’ve disabled automatic Java updates

In principle, this is enough. I personally delete the Java Update folder; I like this method better. And if anything, I myself can manually download a new version of Java and install it, it’s not difficult for me.

But you can simply disable the jusched.exe process, and do it safely, you never know, in case you don’t want to change the settings or delete the Java Update folder. Disabling is safe and you can return everything back at any time, there is no point in telling me how to do this, because I have already talked about this with an example

Why do you need a Java program on your computer?

A technician came to me to set up my computer. I installed Windows 7, a bunch of drivers and a dozen standard programs, obviously. So I look at the list of programs, and I seem to understand everything why they are needed. But I don’t know why I need a Java program on my computer. Is it something systemic, like a driver? Thanks for the answer.

Asuna | December 23, 2015, 6:56 pm
There are many applications and websites that do not work without Java installed.

Zhenya Vaidberg | February 19, 2015, 11:00
Java is such a programming language (object-oriented, if that says anything). The beauty of it is that Java applications can run on any platform and computer architecture with the help of a so-called Java virtual machine. Actually, when you download Java, you download this particular virtual machine to your computer, which can interpret the code.

Without installing this distribution, many of the programs, for example, OpenOffice, Minecraft, etc., simply will not work. Even the nVidia driver wrapper uses it. Therefore, it is necessary to install it.

Eugene | 16 February 2015, 09:52
Java is a special language for writing programs. For these programs to work, you need to install Java on your computer (one for all Java programs).

This distribution can be installed on a system, which is better (less hassle) and portable. There are programs in almost every category in Java. If I'm not mistaken, they can work on a computer with any OS (not just Windows). And even on mobile devices.