The full name of the computer and the short name windows. How to change the computer name and why it is necessary

Today we'll look at how different ways change name Windows computer 7.

What is the name of a computer, what is its meaning? In most cases, it makes no difference what your PC is called. IN local network clients are identified by name, not IP or MAC addresses, so the names of computers on the network must be unique. Having two identical names will lead to a conflict and reset the network connection, and the user will see a notification about this. If this happens, let's figure out how to rename a PC on Windows 7.

Properties of the system

It's easy to change the system name of your computer or laptop.

  1. Open the properties of the “My Computer” object through its context menu.

If the directory icon is located on the desktop, it is not necessary to expand this drop-down menu.

This window is also called in another way.

  • Open the “Control Panel”.
  • Click “System” if the elements are displayed as icons.

  • Otherwise, click on the “System, Security” link.

  1. In the window where basic system information is displayed, click “Change settings”.

To gain access to the dialog in which a new network name computer, you must have administrator privileges.

The first two steps can be replaced by running the command “sysdm.cpl” in the command interpreter window (launched by the combination Win + R.

  1. In the window that appears, click “Change...”.

Another window will open. There you can already enter a new computer name.

  1. IN text form write the desired name.

Please note that it must consist only of Latin characters, hyphens and numbers. Spaces and special characters are not allowed. If you try to do this, an error will appear saying that the name entered is invalid, listing characters that should not be in it.

Entering a character underscore and Cyrillic characters in the name of the PC can lead to the fact that it will no longer be visible to other network participants if they do not use a DNS server from Microsoft.

  1. Press Enter.
  2. If necessary, we reboot, saving the work progress in all open applications.

Until you do this, the computer will use the previous network identifier, and a corresponding notification will appear in its properties.

If you are working under an account with limited rights, you will be asked to confirm the operation or enter a password.

Renaming from the command line

Computer names in Windows can also be changed via the command line. Open it with elevated privileges.

  1. To do this, call the command interpreter when help Win+R.
  2. Enter and run the “cmd” command.

How to change the computer name in the black window that appears?

  1. We execute the following code:

wmic computersystem where name="%computername%" call rename name="NAME"

Here we replace “NAME” with a new name for the computer, taking into account the restrictions described above.

The renaming command can also be executed in command interpreter– the effect will be similar.

Although the method is simpler and shorter, it has a couple of disadvantages. The first is that almost no one knows how to find the computer name in the command line. Let's sort this out.

Enter the command “hostname” (will display the name, taking into account the case of letters) or “echo %computername%” (all characters will be in capital letters). The screenshot shows both options.

The second drawback: the command line does not show the new name that will be assigned to the machine after it is rebooted.

Registry Editor

Below are instructions from which you will learn how to find the computer name in the registry editor and replace it with a new one.

  1. Execute "regedit" in search bar or the Run window.

  1. Go to the section with global HKLM parameters.
  1. In the “SYSTEM” folder, expand the “CurrentControlSet”, “Control” and “ComputerName” directories.

  1. Open the “ActiveComputerName” folder.

The “ComputerName” key stores the current name of your machine. We don't touch it under any circumstances. In the “ComputerName” directory there is a similar key with a new name if it has been changed. Otherwise, the values ​​of the entries will be identical.

  1. Open the parameter editing window in “ComputerName”, for example, through the context menu.

  1. Set a new name, click “OK” and reboot.

We looked at what a computer name is in Seven, where to find it and how to change it different ways: via the command line, registry editor and system properties.

Video instruction

We suggest watching how to rename a PC using the first method in the video below.

The user selects the computer name during the installation of the operating system and it can be changed at any time. It is intended to identify a computer on the network and should not contain more than fifteen characters, spaces and special characters, for example, If you are puzzled by the question of how to find out the computer name, then you should refer to the system settings. To do this, you can use our simple instructions, which are offered below.

How to find out the computer name

First, you should go to the main “Start” menu, where you will find the “Control Panel” item. You should find the “Performance and Maintenance” category, where you then need to click on the “System” shortcut.

After opening System Properties, you can see the name personal computer. This component can be called not only in this way, but also in another way. You need to open the “Start” menu, where you can find the “My Computer” shortcut. This shortcut can be located directly on your desktop, which allows you to access it much more fast access. You need to click on this shortcut right click to select “Properties”. In the system properties window that opens, you need to go to the special “Computer name” tab, where in a special field called “ Full name"The name that was assigned to your computer during the installation of the operating system will be indicated.

You can change it; to do this, on the same tab you should find the “Change” button, after which another window will open in which you can set a different name for the computer. This is one way to find out the computer name.

Now you should know that if you intend to change the computer name, then you should not make it very long, but you must remember that there should not be another computer with the same name on your local network. This can become a networking experience. When the new name is entered and you click OK, all changes will be saved.

If you are interested in another way to find out the computer name, then you can do this using the special “System Information” component. You can call it through simple manipulations. To do this, you must open the Run option in the Start menu. IN empty line open window you should enter msinfo32.exe, and then press “Enter”. In the new one, you should highlight the line containing the inscription “System Information”, which you can see on the left side of the window. In the “Element” group, located on the right side of the window, there is a position “System name”, and in the “Value” field there is the name of the personal computer that interests you so much.

How to find out the computer name on the network

On a local network, each computer has its own own address online. Such a machine identification system is almost the basis laid down in basic components functioning of networks. When using operating system tools and third party programs you can determine the name of each individual PC by its IP.

Let's figure out how to do this. To obtain information about the network status, you can use special program ping. It is designed to determine the health of the network and the time that must be spent on transmitting packets along a dedicated client-server route and back. If you use parameter a, then latest versions commands will be able to determine the computer name by IP. Let's figure out how to find out the computer name by IP? To do this, you should enter the command “ping - a”, which contains the conditional IP of a certain remote PC on your local network. Now the system will display information about the node, including its name.

You should understand that there should not be any problems in determining the computer name in different ways.


To set your computer original name, go to the main system settings. To do this, right-click on the “My Computer” shortcut to bring up the context menu. Select the bottom "Properties" item. A window for basic system and computer settings will open. This indicates the name of the operating system, its bit depth, computer performance expressed by a special index, system license activation data, as well as the names of the computer and group.

Click on “Change settings” to open the network name and group settings window - it is also one of the tabs in the “System Properties” window. Click on the “Change...” button - the “Changing computer name or domain” window will open.

Change the computer name as you wish. Don't ask too much long names: When displayed, the name will be abbreviated, as is customary in Windows for long names shortcuts. As a rule, it is better to enter the name in the language, since many applications, when connecting to a local network, automatically use the name of your personal computer and detect only Latin characters and numbers. Save your changes.

The operating system will warn you that you need to restart the computer to complete the renaming procedure. Do this and then open System Properties again to check the results of your actions.

Video on the topic

Renaming a group is rarely drastic. Most often, some inaccuracies in the name are corrected, new information. Change of name in social network is entered only by its administrators.


In the Name field, enter a new name for the community. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the "Save" button.

Video on the topic


When choosing a new name, consider some requirements. For example, if you want the community to remain recognizable and cover the same issue, you should remain in it keywords former name or synonyms. Example: if the community was dedicated to creativity music group“Polar Bears”, you can change the name to “Polar Bears: Tour of the cities of the Moscow region. Tickets are on sale now! Another option: “Polar bears aka Polar explorers.” Over time, the group can be completely renamed “Polar Explorers”
If there is a radical change in the name or activity of the community, an outflow of users may occur.


  • how to rename yourself in contact

At normal mode working on his computer Name Usually you don't need to know. However, when creating a local network or testing its functionality, you may need to define a name computer, located on the network. This is not difficult to do.


In order to find out Name computer in the operating room environment Windows systems Xp, go to the desktop and find the shortcut with the image computer. Next, right-click on this shortcut and select “Properties” from the menu that appears.

If this shortcut is not on your desktop, you can use the control panel. To do this, click on the “Start” button, thereby calling up the menu of the same name, in which you need to find the “My Computer” item. As when working with a shortcut, right-click on this item and select “Properties” (the very last one in the list) in the context menu.

In addition, there is another way to display a window with system properties. It may not be the fastest, but it still shouldn't be overlooked. To do this, as in the previous paragraph, open the “Start” menu, but now select “Control Panel”. When you click on this item menu, you will see a window with many icons, of which we are interested in the icon with a computer, on the screen of which there is a red check mark (labeled “System”). Double click on this shortcut.

Next in this window we are interested in the “Name” tab computer" By selecting it, we get information window, which communicates not only Name computer, but also a working group in which this computer consists of currently.

As you might have guessed, in the tab that opens we are interested in the line “Full Name", opposite which the real is written Name your his computer.

Video on the topic

The task of renaming the selected network in Windows 7 and Windows Vista can be done using the Network and Sharing Center shared access", providing the user with the functions of configuring all parameters and managing the computer’s network connections.


Click the "Start" button to open the main menu of the Windows Vista or Windows 7 operating system and enter the value " net" in the search bar field to perform the operation of renaming the selected network. (An alternative way to open the main window of the Network and Sharing Center can be to right-click on the "Network" icon on the computer desktop and select the "Properties" item in the drop-down context menu. It is also possible to launch the required element through the network shortcut in the notification area.)

Bring up the new “Configure Network Properties” dialog box double click mouse on the icon of the selected network and enter the desired value for the new network name in the “Network name” field.

Click the “Change” button to select the required image symbolizing the parameters to be changed net(if necessary), and click OK to confirm that the selected changes are applied.

Return to the main Start menu and go to Control Panel to perform the operation of renaming the selected VPN connection.

Call the context menu of the connection name to be changed by right-clicking and specify the Rename command.

Enter the desired name for the selected VPN connection in the text field of the dialog box that opens and click OK to apply the required changes.


Use the capabilities provided by the Network and Sharing Center and the Setup Wizard tool. network connections", which is one of the components of the center, for setting up additional parameters displays all network connections of the computer.

Helpful advice

Carrying out some of the above operations requires administrative access to computer resources.


  • How to change the network name and icon in Windows 7 in 2019
  • Renaming VPN connections in Windows 7 in 2019

When accessing drives, folders or optical drive someone else's computer on the local network, the system uses the addresses of these devices and objects, which include the network name remote computer. The same goes for accessing a printer, flash drive, and other devices connected to someone else’s computer. peripheral devices. You can change this network name in the operating system settings.

On the “Computer Name” tab in the system properties window, click the “Change” button, after which, finally, a window will appear with the “Computer Name” field, the value of which you need to change. Enter a new network name, following standard rules for Internet names. They allow the use of letters only from the Latin alphabet, as well as numbers and some symbols, with the exception of special ones. Prohibited items include, for example; : " * + \ | , ? =. Microsoft recommends that names be short and descriptive, no longer than 15 characters. Additionally, they should not consist only of numbers and cannot contain spaces.

Then click OK and close Control Panel. If the computer is part of a domain, the system will also require you to enter the password of a user who has the right to change the names of computers in the domain. And if the domain is not used, note that other computers on the local network will try to find the resources of this computer (for example, network drive) at the same address. Therefore you will need to manually change the name in the address network resource or disconnect it and connect again.


  • how to change computer name in windows xp

Today's article will tell inexperienced users how to change the computer name in Windows 10 to the desired one. But first it is worth noting that when naming the system you cannot use Cyrillic characters, punctuation marks and most special characters (?).

Also for renaming user computer You must have an administrator account or have administrator privileges in account, from which the PC is renamed.

Why rename your computer?

If a user knows how to change the computer name in Windows 10, will he need this knowledge in practice? Definitely yes. For example, in a local network, each computer must have its own unique name(different from others). If there are two PCs with the same names on the network, conflicts may occur when accessing one of them, which is unacceptable for normal operation corporate or home network.

Due to the fact that Windows 10 generates these names randomly based on algorithms specified by the developers, some devices may have same names. The problem is widespread in Windows builds 10, where their authors specify specific names for the system.

Important! If the option of automatic authorization in the system is activated, deactivate it while renaming the computer, and then enable it back after restarting the operating system, when the PC has a new name. This is necessary to avoid problems with creating new accounts with the same name as the PC.

Changing the PC name in the operating system settings

Let's begin our discussion of the topic with Microsoft's default method of renaming a PC to Windows environment 10. This is using the Options menu.

  1. We call it using the keyboard shortcut “Win ​​+ I” or by clicking on the item of the same name in the Start context menu.
  2. In the window that opens with a tiled structure, go to the “System” section.
  3. Let's go to last tab"About the system."
  4. In the first section, click on the icon that says: “Rename your computer.”
  5. Set a new name with Latin letters and click “Next” to save the changes made.

In the window asking you to reboot, it is advisable to answer in the affirmative, saving everything before doing so. open documents. Only after a reboot will the computer have a new name.

Change the PC name in its properties

Changing the name of the computer is also available in the window familiar from the “seven”.

1. Call up the computer properties through the Start context menu by selecting the “System” item in it.

3. Click on the “Computer name” tab and click on the icon called “Change”.

4. Set a new name for the PC and click “OK” in both windows to close them and save the changes made.

Remember: the changes will take effect only after the “ten” is restarted.

Changing the PC name from the command line

Let's look at how to change the computer name in Windows 10 using command line.

  • We launch the tool with administrator privileges, for example, through the Start context menu.
  • In the window that opens, execute: wmic computersystem where name=”%computer_name%” call rename name=”. Instead of the phrase “computer_name”, enter its desired name in Latin, which does not contain special characters.

After a notification appears about the successful completion of the procedure, close the window and reboot the system.

Please note that replacing the computer name in Windows 10 when working on it from under Microsoft account ensures that a new device is linked to the user’s online account. Although this is not accompanied by problems, old device should be removed from the list of devices in your account on the Microsoft page.

When using the archiving functions and file history they will start again. Last tool will notify you about the launch, and will also offer options for actions that should be taken to add old story operations to the current one.

If you find computers (with an old and a new name) on your home network, the router should be rebooted while the computer is turned off or in hibernation mode.

Every computer, be it desktop computer, laptop, netbook or tablet, when installing the Windows operating system, a name is assigned. All computers have it individually. Know him to a simple user not at all necessary, but if your computer is connected to a local network, then you can create shared folder to exchange information, and for this you need the name of yours and all computers on the network.

There are many ways to find out the computer name, but I will tell you only about five. This, I think, is quite enough. All these methods can be applied in any operating system Windows/

  1. Determining the computer name using the Run window

Open the window " Execute" To do this, press hot keys on the keyboard Win + R.

A window will open in which you need to enter the command msinfo32 (without space)

And click the button below OK».

The window “ System Information", in which you need to find " System name" in a collumn " Element».

This is the computer name.

  1. Determining the computer name through “My Computer”

Right-click on the " My computer" (in Windows XP), or " Computer" (in Windows 7), or " This computer" (in Windows 10), and select the item " Properties».

If there is no such icon on your desktop, then find the link of the same name in the menu “ Start", right-click on it and select " Properties».

The System window will open. On the right, find the block " Computer name, domain name and settings working group ", and in it the line " Computer" And " Full name».

This is the name of your computer.

  1. Find out the computer name by the shortcut

Select any shortcut on the desktop. This should be a shortcut, not a folder or a file.

The label has a small blue arrow at the bottom right.

Right-click on the shortcut and select “ Properties" It is usually at the very bottom.

The window “ Properties: Shortcut name" Go to the " Details" In line " Owner" And " Computer p" you will see the name of your computer.

  1. Find out the computer name through the command line

In order to quickly get to the command line, we will again use the “ Execute" To do this, press the treasured keys on the keyboard Win + R and enter the command cmd, and press ENTER(on the keyboard) or the " OK».

In the command line window, enter the command hostname and press the button on the keyboard ENTER.

Below you will see your computer name.