The concept of formalization in methods of optimal solutions. Mathematical and linear programming problems

TASK 1. Simplex method for solving problems linear programming
To manufacture various types of products 1, 2, 3 and 4, the enterprise uses three types of raw materials A, B and C. The consumption rates of raw materials for the production of a unit of product of each type, the price of one product, as well as the stock of each type of resource are known and are shown in Table 1.1.
Draw up a production plan in which the enterprise will receive maximum profit.

Select the initial data of the task in tables 1.1, 1.2 in accordance with the option.

Table 1.1 – Resource cost standards per unit of product of each type (common for all options)

1 2 3 4
A6 8 4 7 a 5
IN0,75 0,64 0,5 0,8 a 6
WITH8 12 10 14 a 7

Problem solution plan:

  1. select the initial data of your option from the tables;
  2. identify unknown tasks;
  3. form a system of restrictions and the objective function of the problem;
  4. bring the system of restrictions to canonical form, designating and introducing additional variables;
  5. draw a simplex table and fill it with the original reference plan;
  6. using the algorithm simplex method, find the optimal solution to the problem;

Open solution transport problem potential method
In wholesale warehouses A 1, A 2, A 3, A 4 there are stocks of some product in known quantities, which must be delivered to stores B 1, B 2, B 3, B 4, B 5. Tariffs for transporting a unit of product from every warehouse to every store.
Find an option for attaching stores to warehouses in which the amount of transportation costs would be minimal.
Select the initial data of the task in tables 2.1, 2.2 in accordance with the option.
Table 2.1 – Tariff matrix (common for all options)

Wholesale warehousesThe shopsReserves
IN 1AT 2AT 3AT 4AT 5
A 15 4 10 7 8 a 6
A 27 6 7 10 6 a 7
A 32 9 5 3 4 a 8
A 46 11 4 12 5 a 9
Needs a 3a 4

Problem solution plan:
  1. Check whether the problem being solved is closed or open.
  2. If the task is open, perform actions that make it possible to begin solving it.
  3. Draw the matrix of the transport problem and write it into it reference plan, using one of the methods known to you for constructing a reference plan (the northwestern corner method, the best tariff, double preference).
  4. Check the constructed support plan for degeneracy. If necessary, take measures to overcome the degeneration of the support plan.
  5. Calculate the value of the objective function for the reference plan.
  6. According to the rules of the potential method, calculate the potentials of rows and columns.
  7. Using the found potentials, check the constructed reference plan for optimality.
  8. If the solution is optimal, go to step 13.
  9. If a solution is not optimal, it needs to be improved. To do this, you need to find a cell of the transport problem matrix that needs to be improved, build a closed cycle for it, and determine the amount of resources for moving along the vertices of this cycle.
  10. Move resources along the vertices of the cycle without disturbing the balance in the rows and columns of the matrix.
  11. Go to point 6.
  12. Write down the optimal solution and conduct an economic analysis of it.

TASK 3. Optimal distribution resources.
The company's board of directors is considering a proposal to increase production capacity to increase the output of homogeneous products at four enterprises owned by the company.
To modernize enterprises, the board of directors is investing funds in the amount of 250 million rubles. with discreteness of 50 million rubles. The increase in output depends on the allocated amount; its values ​​are provided by enterprises and are contained in the table.
Find an offer of investments between enterprises that provides the company with a maximum increase in output, and only one investment can be made per enterprise.
Select the initial data of the task in tables 3.1, 3.2 in accordance with the option.
Table 3.1 – Values ​​of task parameters

Investments, million rublesIncrease in product output, million rubles.
50 a 11a 12a 13a 14
100 a 21a 22a 23a 24
150 a 31a 32a 33a 34
200 a 41a 42a 43a 44
250 a 51a 52a 53a 54

Problem solution plan:
  1. Select the source data for your option from the tables.
  2. Divide the solution of the problem into stages according to the number of enterprises in which investments are expected to be made.
  3. Create recurrence relations
  4. Carry out the first stage of calculation, when investments are allocated only to the first enterprise
  5. Carry out the second stage of calculation, when investments are allocated to the first and second enterprises
  6. Carry out the third stage of calculation, when investments are allocated to 1-3 enterprises
  7. Carry out the fourth stage of calculation, when investments are distributed between four enterprises
  8. Write down the optimal solution and conduct an economic analysis of it.

Methods optimal solutions


The main provisions of the discipline “Methods of optimal solutions” are the foundation of the mathematical education of a certified specialist who has important for the successful study of special disciplines that are provided for in the main educational program for this specialty.

For effective absorption educational material and obtaining final certification is necessary within the time limits stipulated curriculum, execute control tasks and provide them for checking by the teacher according to e-mail. The schedule for studying and reporting by discipline is shown in Table 1.

Table 1.Graph independent work in the discipline "Methods of optimal solutions"

Content Due dates Criteria for evaluation
1. Study of theoretical material

2. Solving test tasks 1.5 months before the session Each task is graded on a ten-point system
3. Preparation for the final exam estations During the session


Decision-making processes are at the core of all purposeful activities. In economics, they precede the creation of production and business organizations and ensure their optimal functioning and interaction. IN scientific research– make it possible to identify the most important scientific problems, find ways to study them, and predetermine the development of the experimental base and theoretical apparatus. While creating new technology– constitute important stage in the design of machines, devices, instruments, complexes, buildings, in the development of technology for their construction and operation; V social sphere– are used to organize the functioning and development of social processes, their coordination with economic and economic processes. Optimal (effective) solutions allow you to achieve goals with minimum costs labor, material and raw materials resources.

In classical mathematics, methods for finding optimal solutions are considered in sections related to the study of extrema of functions in mathematical programming.

Optimal decision methods is one of the branches of operations research - applied direction cybernetics, used to solve practical organizational problems. Mathematical programming problems are used in various areas human activity, where it is necessary to choose one of the possible courses of action (programs of action).

A significant number of problems arising in society are associated with controlled phenomena, that is, with phenomena regulated on the basis of consciously made decisions. With the limited amount of information that was available on early stages development of society, the optimal decision was made based on intuition and experience, and then, with an increase in the amount of information about the phenomenon being studied, using a series of direct calculations. This happened, for example, in the creation of work schedules for industrial enterprises.

A completely different picture arises, for example, in a modern industrial enterprise with multi-batch and multi-item production, when the volume of input information is so large that its processing for the purpose of acceptance definite decision impossible without the use of modern electronic computers. Even greater difficulties arise in connection with the problem of making the best decision.

In the “Optimal Decision Methods” course, decision-making is understood as a complex process in which the following main stages can be distinguished:

1st stage. Construction quality model the problem under consideration, i.e., identifying the factors that seem to be the most important and establishing the patterns to which they obey. Usually this stage goes beyond mathematics.

2nd stage. Construction of a mathematical model of the problem under consideration, i.e. writing a qualitative model in mathematical terms. Thus, the mathematical model is written in mathematical symbols an abstraction of a real phenomenon, so constructed that its analysis makes it possible to penetrate into the essence of the phenomenon. A mathematical model establishes relationships between a set of variables—the parameters for controlling a phenomenon. This stage also includes the construction of a target function of variables, i.e., a numerical characteristic whose larger (or smaller) value corresponds to the best situation from the point of view of the decision being made.

So, as a result of these two stages, the corresponding math problem. Moreover, the second stage already requires the use of mathematical knowledge.

3rd stage. Study of the influence of variables on the value of the objective function. This stage involves mastering the mathematical apparatus for solving mathematical problems that arise at the second stage of the decision-making process.

A wide class of control problems consists of such extremal problems, in whose mathematical models the conditions on the variables are specified by equalities and inequalities. The theory and methods for solving these problems are precisely the content of mathematical programming. At the third stage, using mathematical tools, a solution to the corresponding extremal problems is found. Let us draw attention to the fact that mathematical programming problems associated with solving practical problems, as a rule, have big number variables and restrictions. The volume of computational work to find appropriate solutions is so great that the entire process is inconceivable without the use of modern electronic computers (computers), and therefore requires either the creation of computer programs that implement certain algorithms, or the use of already existing standard programs.

4th stage. Comparison of the calculation results obtained at the 3rd stage with the modeled object, i.e. expert verification of the results (practice criterion). Thus, at this stage, the degree of adequacy of the model and the modeled object is established within the accuracy of the initial information. There are two possible cases here:

1st case. If the comparison results are unsatisfactory (a common situation in initial stage modeling process), then proceed to the second cycle of the process. At the same time, the input information about the modeled object is clarified and, if necessary, the problem statement is clarified (stage 1); the mathematical model is refined or rebuilt (stage 2); the corresponding mathematical problem is solved (3rd stage) and finally the comparison is carried out again (4th stage).

2nd case. If the comparison results are satisfactory, then the model is accepted. When it comes to repeated use of calculation results in practice, the task of preparing the model for operation arises. Suppose, for example, that the purpose of modeling is to create calendar plans for the production activities of an enterprise. Then the operation of the model includes the collection and processing of information, entering the processed information into a computer, calculations based on developed schedule programs and, finally, issuing calculation results (in a user-friendly form) for their use in the field of production activities.

There are two directions in mathematical programming.

The first, already well-established direction - mathematical programming itself - includes deterministic problems that assume that all initial information is completely defined.

The second direction - the so-called stochastic programming - includes problems in which the initial information contains elements of uncertainty, or when some parameters of the problem are random in nature with known probabilistic characteristics. Thus, planning of production activities is often carried out in conditions of incomplete information about the real situation in which the plan will be implemented. Or, say, when an extreme problem simulates the work automatic devices, which is accompanied by random interference. Note that one of the main difficulties of stochastic programming lies in the formulation of the problems itself, mainly due to the complexity of analyzing the initial information.

Traditionally, mathematical programming is divided into the following main sections:

Linear programming – the objective function is linear, and the set on which the extremum of the objective function is sought is specified by a system of linear equalities and inequalities. In turn, in linear programming there are classes of problems, the structure of which allows you to create special methods for solving them, which compare favorably with methods for solving problems general. Thus, a section of transport problems appeared in linear programming.

Nonlinear programming – the objective function and constraints are nonlinear. Nonlinear programming is usually divided as follows:

Convex programming – the objective function is convex (if the problem of minimizing it is considered) and the set on which the extremal problem is solved is convex.

Quadratic programming – the objective function is quadratic, and the constraints are linear equalities and inequalities.

Multiextremal problems. Here, specialized classes of problems that are often encountered in applications are usually distinguished, for example, problems of minimizing concave functions on a convex set.

An important branch of mathematical programming is integer programming, when integer conditions are imposed on the variables.

The goal of mathematical programming is to create, where possible, analytical methods determining the solution, and in the absence of such methods, creating effective computational methods for obtaining an approximate solution.

Finally, we note that the name of the subject – “methods of optimal solutions” – is due to the fact that the goal of solving problems is to choose a program of action. Let's take a closer look at the linear programming problem


Linear programming problem (LPP):

find the vector X = (x 1 ,x 2 ,...,x n) that maximizes the linear form

F = Σ c j x j → max (2.1)


and satisfying the conditions:

Σa ij x j ≤ b i (2.2)


x j ≥0 , j = 1,…,n (2.3)

The linear function F is called the objective function of the problem.

Let's rewrite this problem in vector form:

Let's find the functions:

F = c 1 x 1 + c 2 x 2 + … + c n x n (2.4)

x 1 P 1 + x 2 P 2 + … + x n P n = P 0 , (2.5)

x j ≥0 , j = 1,…,n (2.6)

where P 1, ..., P n and P 0 are m-dimensional vector columns, from the coefficients of the unknowns and free terms of the system of equations of the problem:

B 1 a 11 a 12 a 1n

P 0 = (b 2) ; P 1 = (a 21) ; P 2 = (a 22) ;……. P n = (a 2n) ; (2.7)

… … … …

B n a m1 a m2 a mn

The plan X = (x 1 ,x 2 ,...,x n) is called the reference plan of the main ZLP if the positive coefficients x j are at linearly independent vectors P j .

A solution polyhedron is any non-empty set of plans for the main linear programming problem, and any corner point of a solution polyhedron is called a vertex.


If the main PPP has an optimal plan, maximum value the objective function of the problem takes at one of the vertices of the solution polyhedron.

If the objective function of a problem takes its maximum value at more than one vertex, then it takes it at any point that is a convex linear combination of these vertices.


The non-empty set of plans of the main ZLP forms a convex polyhedron;

Each vertex of this polyhedron defines a reference plan;

At one of the vertices of the polyhedron, the value of the objective function is maximum.

Two-dimensional case of ZLP

Let us find a solution to the problem, which consists in determining the maximum value of the function

F = c 1 x 1 + c 2 x 2 (2.8)

under conditions

a i1 x 1 + a i2 x 2 ≤ b i , (i=1,…,k) (2.9)

x j ≥0 (j=1.2) (2.10)

The linear programming problem is to find a point in the solution polygon at which the objective function F takes on the maximum value. This point exists when the solution polygon is not empty and the objective function on it is bounded from above.

To determine this vertex, we will construct a level line c 1 x 1 +c 2 x 2 =h, (where h is some constant) passing through the solution polygon, and we will move it in the direction of the vector C = (c 1,c 2) until until it passes through its last common point with the solution polygon. The coordinates of the specified point determine the optimal plan for this task.

Stages PPP decisions geometric method:

1. Construct straight lines using equations (2.9), (2.10).

2. Find the half-planes defined by each of the constraints of the problem.

3. Find the solution polygon.

4. Construct vector C.

5. Construct a straight line c 1 x 1 +c 2 x 2 =h passing through the solution polygon.

6. Move the straight line c 1 x 1 +c 2 x 2 =h in the direction of vector C.

7. Determine the coordinates of the maximum point of the function and calculate the value of the objective function at this point.

Example 1.

To produce two types of products A and B, the company uses three types of raw materials. The consumption rates of each type of raw material for the manufacture of a unit of product of this type are given in Table 2.1. It also indicates the profit from the sale of one product of each type and the total amount of raw materials of this type that can be used by the enterprise.

Table 2.1

IN types of raw materials
Raw material consumption rates (kg)
for one product
Total amount of raw materials (kg)
12 4 300
4 4 120
3 12 252
Profit of one product from sales (rub.)
30 40

Considering that products A and B can be produced in any rationias (sales are ensured), it is necessary to draw up a plan for their release in whichThe maximum profit of the enterprise from the sale of all products is small


x1 – production of products of type A

x2 – production of products of type B

Then the problem constraints:

The total profit from the sale of products of type A and B will be: F = 30x 1 + 40x 2

Let's find a solution to the problem using its geometric interpretation.

To do this, in the inequalities of the system of restrictions, let’s move on to equalities and construct the corresponding straight lines:

Let's find the coordinates of point B - the intersection of lines:

Having solved this system of equations, we get: x 1 = 12; x 2 = 18

Therefore, if an enterprise produces 12 products of type A and 18 products of type B, then it will receive a maximum profit equal to

F max = 30·12+40·18 = 1080 rub.

Example 2.

Solve the ZLP

max(min)F = 2x 1 +3x 2 ;

Solution. To build an area admissible solutions We construct boundary straight lines in the system x 1 Ox 2 that correspond to these inequality constraints:

x 1 +x 2 ≤ 6, x 1 +4x 2 ≥ 4, 2x 1 -x 2 ≥ 0.

We find half-planes in which these inequalities hold. To do this, due to the convexity of any half-plane, it is enough to take an arbitrary point through which the corresponding boundary straight line does not pass, and check whether this test point satisfies the inequality constraint. If it satisfies, then this inequality is satisfied in the half-plane containing the trial point. Otherwise, a half-plane is taken that does not contain a test point. It is often convenient to take the origin of coordinates O(0; 0) as a test point. For our example, the region of feasible solutions is the set of points of the quadrilateral ABCD (Fig. 6).

We construct a vector c = (c 1; c 2) = (2; 3). Since it is necessary only to clarify the direction of increase of the objective function, sometimes for greater clarity it is convenient to construct λc(λ > 0). Perpendicular to the vector c we draw a level line F=0. By parallel movement of the straight line F=0 we find the extreme point B at which the objective function takes the maximum value and point A at which the minimum value is achieved.

The coordinates of point B are determined by the system

Where does Fmax = F (A) = 32/9


Solve problems 1.1-1.10 graphically.

Problem with many variables

Consider the following linear programming problem

In order to solve it graphically, it is necessary to transform the system of restrictions in such a way that in the form of the main problem the system includes no more than 2 variables.

This can be done sequentially, excluding variables, or using the Jordan-Gauss method. Let's consider the Jordan-Gauss method.

Table 1

x 1 x 2
x 3
x 4
x 5

























(-3) 1 , (-1) 3,4

table 2

x 2

























(2) 1 , (-1) 2 ,(1) 3

Table 3

x 2

x 4

























(-1) 2 , (1) 3 ,(2) 4

Table 4

x 5

x 2

x 4

























(-1) 2 , (1) 3 ,(2) 4

Let us discard non-negative allowed unknowns in the constraint equations

x 2 , x 4 , x 5 and replace the equal sign with inequality signs, we get auxiliary task linear programming with two variables:

F (x) = 2 x 3 +2 → max

F (x) = 0: 2 x 3 +2 -0 (0;-1) ;(5;-1)

F max = 2 at x 1 = 0; x 3 = 0


3.1. Geometric interpretation of the simplex method

If a linear programming problem is optimized, then the optimum corresponds to the corner point (at least one) of the O.D.R. and coincides with at least one of the non-negative basic solutions. Thus, sorting through final number non-negative basic solutions of the system, we select from them the one that corresponds to the extreme value of the objective function. Graphically, this means that we go through the corner points of the solution polyhedron, improving the value of the objective function.

The simplex method consists of:

1) determining the initial acceptable basic solution tasks;

2) moving to a better solution;

3) checking the optimal feasible solution.

3.2. Tabular interpretation of the simplex method

The simplex method is used to solve linear programming problems written in canonical form:

Find the optimal solution

X = (x 1 ,x 2 ,...,x n) (3.1)

satisfying the system of constraints (equations)

Σa ij x j = b i (i=1,m) (3.2)


and conditions x j ≥ 0 (j=1,n)

and giving the extreme value of the objective function

Z(x) = Σ c j x j (3.3)


Let the initial non-negative basic solution of system (3.2) be found, where x 1, x 2, x 3 ... x m are the basic unknowns, and x m+1, x m+2, ..., x n are free unknowns.

Then system (3.2) turns into an allowed system


This system corresponds to a non-negative basic solution of the form

X 0 = (b 1 ,b 2 ,...,b m ,0,0...0)

Let us substitute the resulting solution into the objective function

Δ 0 = L(X 0) = Σ C j B j (3.5)


and transform it in such a way that it depends only on the free unknowns x m+1, x m+2, ... x n

All basic unknowns x 1, x 2, x 3 ... x m can be expressed in terms of free x m+1, x m+2, … x n and substitute it into the objective function.

Then the objective function will take the form (3.6)

Let us introduce the concept of estimating Δ j of free unknowns


Then the objective function will take the form


Let us introduce into consideration the vectors C = (c 1 , c 2 , …, c m) and B = (a 1j , a 2j , …, a mj) (j=m+1,n) , then equality (3.7) can be written in vector form

Δ j =CB j -c j(3.9)

Equality (3.8) is not different in character from the equations of the system, so we add it to this system and get an extended system:

The results of the transformations carried out, recorded as a system, can be entered into the following simplex table:

c 1c 2... c mc m+1... c j... c n
x 1x 2... x mx m+1... x j... x n
x 1c 1β 1
1 0 ...
0 a 1(m+1) ...
a 1j...
a 1n
x 2
c 2
β 2
0 1 ...
0 a 2(m+1)
a 2j
a 2n
... ... ... ...
... ...
x m
c m
β m
0 0 ...
1 a m(m+1)
a mj
a mn
L(X)Δ j ≥0
Δ 0
0 0 ...
0 Δm+1

the first column contains the basic unknowns x 1 , x 2 , ..., x m ; Column C contains the coefficients from the objective function corresponding to these basic unknowns; in column B - free terms of the system equations, coinciding with the positive components of the initial non-negative basic solution X 0 . Under the unknowns x 1 , x 2 , …, x n the coefficients from the system are written in the columns.

The last row of this table, called the evaluation or index, p calculated using formulas. When moving from one basic solution to For another, the estimated line can also be calculated directly according to the rule square (Jordan-Gauss method).

In the evaluation line, the inequality Δ j ≥0 means the optimality criterion for the reference plan.

Algorithm for solving ZLP using the simplex method.

1. Find the reference plan.

2. Create a simplex table.

3. Find out if there is at least one a negative numberΔj

If not, then the found reference plan is optimal. If among the numbers there are Δ j negative ones, then either the unsolvability of the problem is established chi, or move on to a new reference plan.

4. Find the guide column and row. The largest column is determined by the largest negative number Δ j in absolute value , and the guide line is the minimum of the ratios of the column components of the vector P 0 to the positive components of the guide column.

5. Using formulas (3.7) – (3.9), determine the positive components new reference plan, coefficients of decomposition of vectors P j into vectors new basis and number. All these numbers are written in the new simplex table.

6. Check the found plan for optimality. If the plan is not optimal and it is necessary to move to a new reference plan, then return to point 4, and if an optimal plan is obtained or more than one time is established With determination, the process of solving the problem is completed.

Example 3.1.

To manufacture various products A, B and C, the company uses three various types raw materials. Rates of raw material consumption for the production of one product of each type, the price of one product A, B and C, as well as the total quantity raw materials of each type that can be used by the enterprise we eat, at are shown in the table.

Draw up a production plan for products in which the total cost of all products produced will be maximum.


Let's create a mathematical model. Let's denote:

x 1 – production of products of type A;

x 2 – production of products of type B;

x3 – production of products of type C.

Let's write down the system of restrictions:

The total cost of goods produced is:

F = 9x 1 +10x 2 +16x 3

According to the economic content, the variables x 1, x 2, x 3 can only take non-negative values:

x 1 ,x 2 ,x 3 ≥0

Let's write this problem in the form of the main ZLP, for this we move from the system of inequalities to equalities, for this we introduce three additional variables:

The economic meaning of the new variables is the quantity of raw materials of one type or another that is not used in a given production plan.

Let's write the transformed system of equations in vector form:

x 1 P 1 +x 2 P 2 +x 3 P 3 +x 4 P 4 +x 5 P 5 +x 6 P 6 =P 0


Since among the vectors Pj there are three unit vectors, then for this problem we can write the reference plan X = (0, 0, 0, 360, 192, 180) defined by the system of unit vectors P 4, P 5, P 6, which form the basis of three-dimensional space.

We compile a simplex table of iteration I and calculate the values ​​of F 0, z j -c j.

We check the original plan for optimality:

F 0 = (C,P 0) = 0; z 1 =(C,P 1)=0; z 2 =(C,P 2)=0; z 3 =(C,P 3)=0;

z 1 -c 1 = 0-9 = -9; z 2 -c 2 = 0-10 = -10; z 3 -c 3 = 0-16 = -16;

For basis vectors z j -c j = 0 (j=4,5,6).

The maximum negative number Δ j is in the 4th row of column P 3. Consequently, we introduce the vector P 3 into the basis. Let us define the vector to be exception from the basis, for this we find Θ 0 = min(b i /a ij) for a i3 >0 i.e. Θ = min (360/12; 192/8; 180/3) =192/8 =24.

Those. the limiting factor for the production of products C is available volume of raw materials of type II. Taking into account its availability, the enterprise can produce 24 products C, while raw materials of type II will be completely consumed vano.

Consequently, the vector P 5 must be excluded from the basis. Column vectors P 3 and 2nd row are guides.

Let's create a table for iteration II. First, we fill the line of the vector newly introduced into the basis, i.e. guide line 2. The elements of this line are obtained by dividing the corresponding elements of table 1 by enabling element (i.e. 8). At the same time, in column C b we write the coefficient patient C 3 =16, standing in the column of the vector P 3 introduced into the basis

To determine the remaining elements of Table II, we apply the triangle rule.

Let's calculate the elements of Table II in the P 0 column.

First element - find three numbers

1) the number in line 1 at the intersection of column P0 and the 1st line (360);

2) the number in point 1 at the intersection of column P3 and the 1st line (12);

3) the number in point 2 at the intersection of column P0 and the 2nd line (24).

360-12 24 = 72

The second element was calculated earlier (Θ 0 = 192/8 =24)

Third element -

1) the number in line 1 at the intersection of column P0 and the 3rd line (180);

2) the number in line 1 at the intersection of column P3 and the 3rd line (3);

3) the number in point 2 at the intersection of column P0 and the 2nd line (24).

180-3·24 =108

The value of F 0 in the 4th row of the same column can be found in two waysbami:

1) according to the formula F 0 =(C,P 0) =0·72+16·24+0·108 = 384;

2) according to the triangle rule:

Let's calculate the elements of the vector P 1 t.2. We take the first two numbers from the columntsov R 1 and R 3 v.1,

and the third number is from point 2 at the intersection of the 2nd row and column P1.

18-12 (3/ 4) = 9; 5-3 (3/ 4)=11/ 4.

Number z 1 -c 1 in the 4th row of the column of vector P 1 in table 2

can be found in two ways:

1) according to the formula z 1 -с 1 =(C,P 1)-c 1 we have:

0·9+16·3/ 4+0·11/ 4-9 =3

2) according to the triangle rule we get:

-9-(-16) 3/ 4 = 3

Similarly, we find the elements of the column of the vector P 2.

The elements of the column of the vector P 5 are calculated using the triangle rule.

look different. However, the triangles constructed to define these elements

When calculating the element of the 1st row of the specified column, the result istriangle formed by the numbers 0;12 and 1/8. Therefore, the desiredelement is equal

0 – 12 (1/8) = -3/2.

The element on the 3rd line of this column, is equal

0 - 3 (1 /8) = -3/8.

Upon completion of the calculation of all elements in Table II, it obtained butbasic plan and coefficients of expansion of vectors Р j through basicvectors P 4, P 3, P 6 and values ​​F 0 "Δ j".

As can be seen from this table, the new reference plan for the problem isplan X=(0; 0; 24; 72; 0; 108).

The problem plan found at iteration II is not optimal.

this line contains a negative number - 2. This can also be seen from the 4th line of table 2, since in the column of the vector P 2 .

This means that the vector P 2 should be entered into the basis, i.e., the new plan should provide for the production of products B.

When determining the possible number of production of products B, one should take into account the available quantity of raw materials of each type, namely: possible the output of products B is determined by min (b i "/a i 2") for a i2 ">0 i.e. we find Θ 0 = min(72/9; 24 2/1; 108 2/3) = 72/9= 8.

Consequently, vector P4 is subject to exclusion from the basis; in other words, the production of products B is limited by the raw materials of type I available to the enterprise. Taking into account the available volumes of this raw material, the enterprise should produce 8 products B. The number 9 is the resolving element, and the column of the vector P2 and the 1st row of table 2 are the guides.

Let's create a table for iteration III.

In Table III, we first fill in the elements of the 1st row, which is the row of the vector P2 newly introduced into the basis. The elements of this row are obtained from the elements of the 1st row of Table 2 by dividing the latter by the resolving element (i.e. by 9).

At the same time, in column C b of this row we write c 2 = 10.

Then we fill in the elements of the columns of the basis vectors and, using the triangle rule, calculate the elements of the remaining columns.

As a result, in Table III we obtain a new reference plan X = (0; 8; 20; 0; 0; 96) and expansion coefficients of vectors P j through the basis vectors P 1, P 2 and P 3 corresponding values ​​F 0 "" and Δ j .

We check whether the given reference plan is optimal or not. To do this, consider the 4th row, table 3. There are no negative numbers among the numbers in this line. This means that the found reference plan is optimal and F max =400.

Therefore, a production plan that includes the production of 8 products B and 20 products C is optimal. With this product production plan, raw materials of types I and II are fully used and 96 kg of raw materials of type III remain unused, and the cost of the products produced is 400 €.

The optimal production plan does not provide for the production of products A. The introduction of products of type A into the production plan would lead to a decrease in the indicated total cost. This can be seen from the 4th row of the column of vector P1, where the number 5 shows that for a given plan, including the release of a unit of product A in it only leads to a decrease in the total cost by 5 €.

Example 3.2

Fill in the initial simplex table for the following PPP:


Let's do it next steps in this order:

-in the second line we write the unknowns x 1, x 2, ..., x 5;

- in the first line above them are the corresponding coefficients 3, -2, 1,4, -1 from the objective function;

-under the unknowns x 1 , x 2 , …, x 5 , fill in the columns composed of the corresponding coefficients of the left-hand sides of the equations of the original system;

- in the column we write down the free terms of equations 3,1,5;

-in the first column B.p. let's put the unknowns x 2 ,x 3 , x 5 , since there are unit columns under them, and therefore we will consider them basic; the basic unknowns are arranged in such an order that the units in the columns are at the intersection of identical unknowns;

-in the column we write the coefficients -2,1,-1, from the objective function for the selected basic unknowns x 2 ,x 3 , x 5 ;

- fill in the evaluation line as follows: under column B we place the number Δ 0, calculated using formula (3.5); under basic unknowns x 2 ,x 3 , x 5 - zeros, which can also be obtained from equality (3.9); under free variables x 1 , x 4 - write down the values ​​obtained from equality (3.9).

We record the results of these actions in the following table:

Let us choose the x 4 column as the resolving column, as the “badest” one (it corresponds to the largest negative estimate in absolute value). Next, we introduce the resolving line as follows: for positive coefficients of the x 4 column, we calculate the ratios b i /a i4 and write them in the column θ.

The smallest number will determine the resolution string. We do not consider negative and zero coefficients due to the non-negativity of the right-hand side of the system equations and the requirement that the objective function be at least non-decreasing.

At the intersection of the permitting row and the permitting column, select the permitting element. Let’s ensure that the resolving element is equal to one, for which we divide the entire first line by two. Next, we transform the table using the Jordan-Gauss method.

Thus, already in the table of the second step the optimality criterion is satisfied. We received the optimal plan X(0;0;11/2;3/2;13/2), max L(X) =5.

The methods listed above are applied adaptively to the problems that arise in the process of making a particular decision. Let us dwell in more detail on the fourth section (methods for making optimal decisions), which is the most voluminous, including such disciplines and methods as: optimal (mathematical) programming, branch and bound methods, network methods planning and management, program-targeted methods of planning and management, theory and methods of inventory management, theory queuing, game theory, scheduling theory.

Optimal (mathematical) programming is a branch of applied mathematics that studies problems conditional optimization. In economics, such problems arise during the practical implementation of the principle of optimality in planning and management. Optimal (mathematical) programming includes:

  • a) linear programming,
  • b) nonlinear programming,
  • c) dynamic programming,
  • d) discrete (integer) programming,
  • e) fractional linear programming,
  • e) parametric programming,
  • g) separable programming,
  • h) stochastic programming,
  • i) geometric programming.

To successfully make an optimal decision, you need to know what a mathematical model is, be able to select data for its construction and imagine how a computer finds this solution (i.e. have information about possible methods solutions various types models and algorithms used).

Mathematical modeling has two significant advantages: 1) it gives a quick answer to the question posed, what real situation it may sometimes even take years; 2) provides the opportunity for extensive experimentation, which can be carried out at real object often simply impossible.

Formalize the statement of the problem, i.e. translate it into the language of mathematics, and with a finite number of unknowns and possible restrictions. In this case, it is necessary to distinguish between those quantities whose values ​​can be varied and chosen in order to achieve the best result (controlled variables), and quantities that are fixed or determined by external factors. The same quantities, depending on the chosen boundaries of the system being optimized and the level of detail in its description, may turn out to be either controlled variables or not.

Determining those values ​​of controlled variables that correspond to the best (optimal) situation is an optimization problem.

The model of the economic optimization problem consists of 3 parts:

I. Objective function(optimality criterion). This describes the ultimate goal pursued in solving the problem. Such a goal can be either the maximum of obtaining any indicators or the minimum of costs.

II. System of restrictions.

There are basic and additional restrictions. The main ones, as a rule, describe the consumption of basic production resources (this is the conservative part of the model). They are necessarily present in the model. Additional - can be of a different nature, are a variable part of the model and reflect the peculiarity of modeling the problem.

III. Condition for non-negativity of variables. As well as boundary conditions, which show within what limits the values ​​of the sought variables can be in the optimal solution.

A solution to a problem that satisfies all restrictions and boundary conditions is called admissible. If the mathematical model of the optimization problem is composed correctly, then the problem will have whole line feasible solutions. To of all possible solutions to choose only one, we need to agree on what basis we will do this. That is, we are talking about the optimality criterion that is chosen by the decision maker. Thus, the optimal solution is the solution that is the best possible from the point of view of the selected characteristic.

However, it should be borne in mind that the solution of not all optimization problems comes down to the construction of mathematical models and corresponding calculations. This is due to the fact that circumstances may arise that are essential for solving the problem, but, nevertheless, cannot be formalized mathematically and, therefore, are not taken into account in the mathematical model. One of these circumstances is the human factor. In this regard, we can recall the so-called “elevator problem”. Employees of one of the companies complained that the wait for the elevator was too long. There was an attempt to solve this problem mathematical methods. The solution turned out to be unacceptable for a number of reasons, and further research showed that the waiting time for the elevator was short. Then the idea arose to place large mirrors on each floor near the entrance to the elevator. Once this was done, the complaints stopped. Now people looked at themselves in the mirror and forgot about the long wait for the elevator. This example shows the need to properly evaluate opportunities mathematical description the processes under study and remember that in the field of organizational management not everything can always be formalized mathematically and can be adequately reflected in a mathematical model.


Department of Statistics

and information systems

in economics

B2.B4 methods of optimal solutions

Guidelines for discipline

Direction of training 080100 Economics

Training profiles

Finance and credit

Taxes and taxation

Accounting, analysis and audit

Economics of enterprises and organizations

Graduate qualification (degree)


Compiled by: senior teacher Sagadeeva E. F.

Reviewer: Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematics Gilmanova G. Kh.

Responsible for release: head. Department of Statistics and Information Systems in Economics, Ph.D., Associate Professor A.M. Ableeva


1. Geometric interpretation of linear programming problems

2. Simplex method for solving a linear programming problem

3. Basic concepts of duality theory

4.Dual simplex method

5. Simplex method with artificial basis

6. Integer programming.

Gomori method

7. Fractional linear programming

8. Nonlinear programming problems.

10. Lagrange multiplier method

9. Assignments for independent work Test tasks 11. Tasks for performing calculation and graphic work and

test work correspondence students

12. Foundation

test questions


Optimal decision methods are a branch of mathematics that studies the theory and methods of finding the best options for planning human economic activity, both in one specific enterprise, and in a certain industry, or in a separate region, or in the whole state.

The best options are those that achieve maximum labor productivity, minimum cost, maximum profit, minimum use of resources, etc. From a mathematical point of view, this is a class optimization problems. The main tool for solving them is mathematical modeling. A mathematical model is a formal description of the phenomenon under study and a “translation” of all existing information about it into the language of mathematics in the form of equations, identities, and inequalities. If all these relationships are linear, then the entire problem is called a linear programming problem (LPP). The criterion for the effectiveness of this model is a certain function, which is called the target function.

Let us formulate a general linear programming problem.

Let the system be given m linear equations and inequalities with n variables (system of restrictions):


And linear function

It is necessary to find a solution to system (1) in which the linear function takes on a maximum (minimum) value.

In general, the ZLP can have an infinite number of solutions. Often a solution satisfying constraints (1) is called plan. If all components (3) for tone acceptable solution.

The optimal solution or optimal plan A linear programming problem is called a solution that satisfies all the constraints of the system (1), condition (3) and at the same time gives the maximum (minimum) of the objective function (2).




1) Restrictions



Equations and inequalities

2) Conditions for non-negativity

All variables

All variables

Part of the variables

3) Objective function

(max or min)

Here: – problem variables; – coefficients for variables in the objective function; – coefficients for variables in the main constraints of the problem; are the right-hand sides of the restrictions.

Linear programming is the science of methods for studying and finding the largest and smallest values ​​of a linear function, the unknowns of which are subject to linear constraints. Thus, linear programming problems relate to problems on conditional extreme functions. It would seem that to study a linear function of many variables to a conditional extremum it is enough to apply well-developed methods mathematical analysis, however, the impossibility of their use can be illustrated quite simply.

Indeed, the path must be examined for the extremum of the linear function

Z = C 1 x 1 + C 2 x 2 +... + C N x N

under linear restrictions

a 11 x 1 + a 22 x 2 + ... + a 1N X N = b 1

a 21 x 1 + a 22 x 2 + ... + a 2N X N = b 2

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

a M 1 x 1 + a M 2 x 2 + ... + a M N X N = b M

Since Z is a linear function, then Z = С j, (j = 1, 2, ..., n), then all coefficients of a linear function cannot be equal to zero, therefore, within the region formed by the system of restrictions, the extreme points are not exist. They may be on the boundary of the region, but it is impossible to examine the boundary points because the partial derivatives are constants.

To solve linear programming problems, it was necessary to create special methods. Linear programming has become especially widespread in economics, since the study of dependencies between quantities found in many economic problems leads to a linear function with linear restrictions imposed on the unknowns.

Department of Finance and Management

NOT. Hucek

Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences

by discipline
optimal solution methods
Direction of training: 080100 “Economics”

Training profiles: “Finance and credit”, “Accounting, analysis and

audit”, “Taxes and taxation”, “World economy”
Full-time form of education

Tula 2012

Lecture notes prepared by Associate Professor N.E. Huchek and discussed at a meeting of the Department of Finance and Management of the Faculty of Economics and Management,

Lecture notes were revised and approved at a meeting of the Department of Finance and Management of the Faculty of Economics and Management

Head Department __________________________E.A. Fedorov

1.1. Basic concepts of decision theory 4

1.2. Mathematical formalization 7

1.3. The current stage of development of decision theory 12

Lecture 2. Mathematical modeling 15

2.1. Stages of constructing a mathematical model 15

2.2. Concepts of stability, optimization and model adequacy 18

2.3. Statement and technology for solving optimization control problems 21

Lecture 3. Linear programming 25

3.1. Linear programming as a tool mathematical modeling economics 25

3.2. Examples of linear programming models 29

Lecture 4. Linear programming problems 33

4.1. Forms of linear programming problems and their equivalent transformations 33

4.2. Geometric interpretation of the linear programming problem 37

Lecture 5. Simplex method for solving a linear programming problem 41

5.1. Simplex method 41

5.2. Simplex tables and problem solving algorithm 42

5.3. Application of the simplex method in economic problems 44

Lecture 6. Method artificial basis solving a linear programming problem 48

6.1. Artificial basis method 48

6.2. Application of the artificial basis method 49

Lecture 7. Dual linear programming problems 52

7.1. Dual problem for standard task 52

7.2. Basic duality theorems 57

7.3. Simultaneous pair solution method dual problems 62

Lecture 1. Introduction to decision theory


1.1. Basic concepts of decision theory.

1.2. Mathematical formalization.

1.3. The current stage of development of decision-making theory.

1.1. Basic concepts of decision theory

Mathematical models and methods are a necessary element economic theory at the micro and macro level. The use of mathematics in economics allows:

firstly, to highlight and formally describe the most important, essential connections of economic variables and objects;

secondly, from clearly formulated initial data and relationships using deductive methods, one can obtain conclusions that are adequate to the object being studied to the same extent as the premises made;

thirdly, the methods of mathematics and statistics allow us to inductively obtain new knowledge about an object: to evaluate the form and parameters of the dependencies of its variables, which are most consistent with existing observations;

fourthly, the use of the language of mathematics allows one to accurately and compactly present the provisions of economic theory, formulate its concepts and conclusions.

Mathematical modeling of economic phenomena and processes in order to support decision-making is an area of ​​scientific and practical activity that received a powerful impetus for development during and immediately after the Second World War. This direction developed along with the development of cybernetics, operations research, systems analysis and computer science.

When constructing, studying and applying economic and mathematical models of decision making, various economic and mathematical methods are used. They can be divided into several groups:

Optimization methods;

Probabilistic-statistical methods;

Methods for constructing and analyzing simulation models;

Analysis methods conflict situations(game theory).

In all these groups, static and dynamic settings can be distinguished. If there is a time factor, use differential equations and difference schemes.

Optimal decision methods are based on the theory of optimal decisions. Let's consider the basic concepts of decision theory 1.

Who makes the decisions? In decision making theory there is a special term - decision maker, abbreviated as DM. This is the one who bears responsibility for the decision made, the one who signs the order or other document in which the decision is expressed. Usually this is the general director or chairman of the board, commander of a military unit, city mayor, etc. But sometimes there is a collective decision-maker, for example, the board of directors, the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

The draft decision is prepared by specialists or, as they say, “the decision-maker’s apparatus.” However, responsibility lies with the decision-maker, and not with those who participated in preparing the decision.

IN practical work It is important to clearly separate the discussion stage, when various decision options are considered, from the decision-making stage, after which the decision must be implemented and not discussed.

The procedure for preparing a decision (regulations). Regulations defining the order of work are very important. The decision made depends on them.

Goals. Each decision is aimed at achieving one or more goals. There may be cases where several goals can be achieved simultaneously. But more often it happens differently.

For example, the frequently used formulation “maximum profit at minimum costs” is internally contradictory. The minimum cost is 0; when no work is done, then the profit is also 0. If the profit is high, then the costs are high, since both are related to the volume of production. One can either maximize profit for a given cost or minimize cost for a given profit, but it is impossible to achieve "maximum profit at minimum cost".

Often the same goal can be achieved in different ways.

Resources. Every decision involves the use of certain resources. In practical work on a solution project, it is important to answer the questions: “What do we want to achieve? What resources are we willing to use for this?”

Risks and uncertainties. Many decisions are made under conditions of risk, i.e. with a possible risk of loss. This is due to the various uncertainties that surround us. Uncertainty is a lack of information about certain factors. In addition to negative surprises, there are positive ones - good luck. When making decisions, you should insure yourself against losses and not miss out on success.

The formulation “Maximum profit and minimum risk” is internally contradictory. Typically, as profits increase, so does the risk—the possibility of losing a lot or everything. The uncertainty of the values ​​of the indicators on the basis of which decisions are made is described by the interval values ​​of these indicators, for example (60  3)% or 1000  200 rubles. Therefore, it is necessary to study the stability of the conclusions in relation to permissible deviations of the initial data, as well as in relation to small changes in the premises of the mathematical model used. Any measurement is carried out with some error, and this error must be indicated.

Criteria for evaluating the solution. The criteria for evaluating a solution can be very diverse. You can proceed from the worst case or the best case (pessimistic approach and optimistic approach), average benefit (an integral criterion combining optimistic and pessimistic approaches), lost profits.

The criteria may conflict with each other. Therefore, the decision maker has to decide which criterion is more important for him. In this he can be helped by the theory of utility, which is well developed in economics (in particular, the so-called marginal utility in the theory of consumer behavior, etc.) and has a developed mathematical apparatus.