Presentation on the topic of working with a local network. Local and global computer networks

Local computer networks

Completed by: Khrushcheva T.O. student of class 10 "A"

Checked by: Pospelova G.V.

MBOU "Secondary School No. 20"

Novomoskovsk, Tula region.

  • The local network
  • Network adapter
  • OS
  • LAN Features

Local network Diagram of local network devices

The local network

Peer-to-peer local network with linear bus topology

In home local networks that included 2-3 computers, a topology is used to connect computers linear bus.

In this case, all computers are connected to one cable, and the printer is connected to one of the computers.

Peer-to-peer local network with star topology

IN peer-to-peer local networks with star topology all computers and a network printer are connected to a hub or switch, which provides data transfer between devices on the network

Server based local network

To increase productivity, as well as to ensure greater reliability of information storage on the network, a powerful computer is allocated to store files and application programs.

Such a computer is called server, A the local network– server-based network.

Network adapter

Network adapter - a special board (connecting computers in wired local networks)

The main function of the network adapter is to transmit and receive information from the network


Operating systems have built-in networking capabilities that make connecting your computer to a local network easy and fast

Modern versions of operating systems

LAN Features

A local network connects computers installed in the same room or building. For example, school computer classes


Office 22

Office 16

Office 12

  • Ugrinovich N.D. Computer Science and ICT. Basic level: textbook for grade 10 / N.D. Ugrinovich.-9th ed.-M. : Binom. Knowledge Laboratory, 2012.-213s-: ill.

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What place does dictation take among them? How to dictate, and to whom and when? And most importantly - why? Our article is devoted to the types and variants of dictations.

The answer at the board is a situation familiar to every schoolchild. Only children behave differently in this situation. For some, going public is not difficult and even pleasant. They like the attention of others to their own person. They answer the teacher’s questions perfectly, even without knowledge of the subject. Others experience discomfort and slight anxiety, which they can easily cope with without outside help. And some, upon hearing their last name, feel confusion and horror. They get lost, get confused in words and, in the end, completely forget the learned material. What to do if a child refuses to answer at the board?

Computer network – a system of interconnected computers designed to transmit, store and process information.

The connection of computers located at a short distance from each other is called local network . Users have shared access to computer resources and can also share peripheral devices.

  • A local network in which all users have equal rights is called peer-to-peer .
  • If there are 10 or more computers on the network, then to increase productivity, some computers are specially allocated to store a certain part of the information. Such computers are called servers , and the local network is server based network . Other computers are called workstations or network clients .

??? What local network

in office number 41?

network topology .

  • The simplest option for connecting computers, when a cable connects all computers and peripheral devices in series, is called linear bus .

The connection diagram of computers on a local network is called network topology .

  • If each computer is connected to a separate cable from one central node (hub), this connection option is called star .

The connection diagram of computers on a local network is called network topology .

  • When a very large number of computers are connected to the network (more than 100), for greater performance the servers are connected in ring using fiber optic cable. The ring cable is connected to a high-performance hub. Switches of other network segments are also connected to it.

??? What is the topology in the office? № 41?

subscriber name


server name

Computer network services

Teleconference – exchange of information on a specific topic between users. Teleconferencing allows you to distribute your message simultaneously to a large number of network users. Each conference is dedicated to a specific topic.

Example conference address: fido7.multimedia

Working with files on file archive servers (browsing directories and files, copying, deleting and updating files). It is used, as a rule, for exchanging programs (supported by the ftp and http protocols).

Computer network services

IRC (Internet Relay Chat) – interactive communication in real time: exchange of messages typed from a keyboard between several users, exchange of audio messages, exchange of video images.

ICQ ( internet pager) – two-way exchange of text information in real time.

Internet telephony – the ability to create voicemail, as well as exchange video images, text messages, and files.

Internet radio – a service that allows you to listen to radio stations broadcasting on the network.

Internet television – a service that allows you to receive television channels.

Online stores – a service that allows you to make purchases without leaving your home. Payment is made either in cash or through virtual banks.

Local and global computer networks MBOU Secondary School No. 6 Reutov Kuryanova Olga Alekseevna

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Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 6, Reutov Kuryanova Olga Alekseevna

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Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 6 Reutov Kuryanova Olga Alekseevna Author: Purpose of the drug Exchange of files between network users Effective use of publicly available resources: more disk space, printer, scanner, software, etc. Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 6, Reutov

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Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 6, Reutov Kuryanova Olga Alekseevna Author: Types of local networks Peer-to-peer All computers have equal rights. No more than 10 computers in total Server-based network One computer is specially allocated for storing files and software applications Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 6, Reutov

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Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 6 Reutov Olga Alekseevna Kuryanova Author: The general scheme of connecting computers on a local network is called network topology All networks are built on the basis of 3 basic topologies: bus ring star In addition to basic topologies, there are topologies: tree mesh fully connected Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 6 . Reutov

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Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 6 Reutov Kuryanova Olga Alekseevna Author: Ring Signals are transmitted along the ring in one direction and pass through each computer. Advantages: Disadvantages: The cable does not have a free end and therefore does not need a terminator. Each computer amplifies the signals by transmitting them to the next computer. If one computer fails, the entire network of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 6 in Reutov stops functioning.

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Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 6 Reutov Kuryanova Olga Alekseevna Author: Unification of computer networks Regional networks - connect computers within one region (city, country, continent). Corporate networks – unite computers of one organization in different countries and cities, protecting them from unauthorized access (for example MicroSoft Network). Global computer network - unites many local, regional and corporate networks and includes hundreds of millions of computers (INTERNET). Internet (translated from English - between networks) is a giant worldwide computer network. Its purpose is to provide anyone with constant access to any information. Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 6, Reutov

Thumbnail" src="" alt="Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 6, Reutov Kuryanova Olga Alekseevna Author: IPv6 - new version of the pro..." title="Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 6, Reutov Kuryanova Olga Alekseevna thumbnail" src="" alt="Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 6, Reutov Kuryanova Olga Alekseevna

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 6, Reutov Kuryanova Olga Alekseevna Author: Permanent connection Asynchronous access via telephone line (ADSL) - high speed of information transfer (512 kbit/s), but also high cost of equipment and operating time. In Russia, this method is still just developing. Synchronous access over a dedicated channel - a communication channel is allocated, designed for a certain operating speed (from 64 kbit/s to several Mbit/s). It is too expensive for a private user in Russia. Connecting via a local network at home or in an area does not require high costs, but there are restrictions on the amount of information downloaded. For exceeding this volume (traffic) there is an additional payment. Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 6, Reutov

Presentation on the topic"Локальная компьютерная сеть" предназначена для использования при изучении компьютерных дисциплин студентами 1 и 2 курсов. Презентация включает в себя понятие локальной компьютерной сети, классификацию, описание аппаратного и программного обеспечения локальной компьютерной сети, режимов доступа к сети.!}



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Local computer network

A computer network is a connection of computers to exchange information and share resources (printer, modem, disk memory, etc.).

A local network unites computers installed in one room (classroom, office, etc.), in one building or in several nearby buildings. Typically, local network computers are located at a distance of no more than one kilometer. As the distance increases, special equipment is used.

Based on the way computers interact, local networks are divided into: peer-to-peer; networks with a dedicated server. The local network

Peer-to-peer local network In a peer-to-peer local network, all computers have equal rights. Shared devices can be connected to any computer on the network.

Network with a dedicated server Network structure with a dedicated server

Server (from the English server - service device) is a computer that distributes resources between network users. The server has a powerful processor, large RAM and disk memory, and stores the bulk of software and network data that can be used by all network users.

Less powerful computers with less disk and RAM memory are usually used as workstations.

In networks with a dedicated server, client-server technology is implemented. Server software is installed on the server: server operating system; WEB server (Intranet organization); proxy server (ensuring work with Internet workstations); file server (providing file sharing), etc. Dedicated server network software

Client software is installed on the workstation: operating system for workstations; client part of application software, etc. Dedicated server network software

The most common ways to connect computers are: bus (usually used for peer-to-peer networks); star (used for any local networks). Network hardware

Components of a local network To organize a local network, you need to install a network card in each PC and connect all computers using a special cable.

Sometimes the components necessary for connecting computers are already installed on the motherboard and then a separate network card is not needed. In this case, the socket for the network cable is located on the rear wall of the system unit.

Local network components Coaxial cable – transmission speed up to 10 Mbit/s. Twisted pair - transmission speed up to 100 Mbit/s.

Components of a local network Hubs (HUB or Switch) - used to connect computers on a network. A hub can have a varying number of connection ports (usually from 8 to 32).

LAN Components The overall network connection speed when using a HUB is determined by the speed of the slowest network card. For Switch, the connection speed of any pair of computers is determined by the speed of the slowest network card in the pair (group).

Network software To organize a local network you need to: determine the name of the Working Group; assign each computer a unique name and IP address in this Workgroup, and also set a subnet mask address (in some cases, an explicit IP address and subnet mask address may not be set).

Network Software This window is used to set the computer name and Workgroup

Network Software These windows are used to set explicit IP address and subnet mask parameters

This window is used to set the level of access to local computer resources. Modes of access to network resources.

Local resource. Network users are prohibited from accessing computer resources. To ensure availability, you need to set the switch to the Shared resource position. Shared resource. Allows the use of computer resources (disk memory and peripheral devices - printer, modem) to network users. To do this, you need to allow Sharing the folder. In this case, it is necessary to determine the access level. Modes of access to network resources

Network resource access modes Read only Allows network users to open or copy files and folders. Full access Allows network users to perform all operations on files and folders (move, delete, edit, rename, etc.). Password Access This mode gives different categories of users different access rights, such as read-only or full access.

Presentation - Transfer of information - Local and global computer networks

For multiple computers to operate efficiently, they need to exchange information.

Computers can exchange information using channels of various natures:
radio channels
Download and read Presentation - Information transfer - Local and global computer networks

Presentation - Computer networks - Communication technologies

Computer network is a collection of computers and various devices that provide information exchange between computers on a network without the use of any intermediate storage media.

Networks provide users with the opportunity not only to quickly exchange information, but also to collaborate on printers and other peripheral devices, and even to process documents simultaneously.
Download and read Presentation - Computer networks - Communication technologies

Presentation - PC Internals - Getting to know the computer

Devices are considered internal located in the system unit. Some of them are accessible on the front panel, which is convenient for quickly changing information media. The connectors of some devices are located on the rear wall - they are used to connect peripheral equipment. Access to some system unit devices is not provided - it is not required for normal operation.

Motherboard– the largest PC board. It contains highways that connect the processor with RAM - the so-called buses. All other internal devices of the computer are also connected to the motherboard buses. The operation of the motherboard is controlled by a microprocessor chipset - the so-called chipset.

Microprocessor– the main chip of the PC. All calculations are performed in it. The main characteristic of the processor is the clock frequency. The higher the clock frequency, the higher Download and read Presentation - PC internal devices - Getting to know your computer

Presentation - Computer networks - The local network

Computer network- connecting computers to exchange information and share resources (printer, modem, disk memory, etc.)
Download and read Presentation - Computer networks - Local network

A computer network is a connection of computers to exchange information and share resources (printer, modem, disk memory, etc.).

  • A computer network is a connection of computers to exchange information and share resources (printer, modem, disk memory, etc.).
The local network
  • A local network unites computers installed in one room (classroom, office, etc.), in one building or in several nearby buildings.
  • Typically, local network computers are located at a distance of no more than one kilometer. As the distance increases, special equipment is used.
The local network
  • Local networks are divided into:
  • peer-to-peer;
  • networks with a dedicated server.
Peer-to-peer local network
  • In a peer-to-peer local network, all computers have equal rights. Shared devices can be connected to any computer on the network.
Dedicated server network
  • Network structure with dedicated server
Dedicated server network
  • Server (from the English server - service device) is a computer that distributes resources between network users.
  • The server has a powerful processor, large RAM and disk memory, and stores the bulk of software and network data that can be used by all network users.
Dedicated server network
  • Less powerful computers with less disk and RAM memory are usually used as workstations.
  • In networks with a dedicated server, client-server technology is implemented.
  • Server software is installed on the server:
  • server operating system;
  • WEB server (Intranet organization);
  • proxy server (ensuring work with Internet workstations);
  • file server (providing file sharing), etc.
  • At the workstation
  • client software is installed:
  • operating system for workstations;
  • client part of application software, etc.
  • Dedicated server network software
  • The most common methods for connecting computers are:
  • bus (usually used for peer-to-peer networks);
  • star (used for any local networks).
  • Network hardware
Connection type - “bus”
  • The cable runs from one computer to another, connecting computers and peripheral devices
Connection type - "star"
  • Each computer is connected to a separate cable from one central node.
  • LAN Components
  • To organize a local network, you need to install a network card in each PC and connect all computers using a special cable.
  • LAN Components
  • Sometimes the components necessary for connecting computers are already installed on the motherboard and then a separate network card is not needed.
  • In this case, the socket for the network cable is located on the rear wall of the system unit.
  • LAN Components
  • Coaxial cable – transmission speed up to 10 Mbit/s.
  • Twisted pair - transmission speed up to 100 Mbit/s.
  • LAN Components
  • Cable connectors
  • for coaxial cable
  • for twisted pair
  • LAN Components
  • Hubs (HUB or Switch) - used to connect computers on a network.
  • A hub can have a varying number of connection ports (usually from 8 to 32).
  • LAN Components
  • The overall network connection speed when using the HUB is determined by the speed of the slowest network card.
  • For Switch, the connection speed of any pair of computers is determined by the speed of the slowest network card in the pair (group).
  • Network software
  • To work on a local network, you need special network software.
  • On Windows operating system
  • you already have everything you need to install the network.
  • Network software
  • To organize a local network you need:
  • determine the name of the Working Group;
  • assign each computer a unique name and IP address in this Workgroup, and also set a subnet mask address (in some cases, an explicit IP address and subnet mask address may not be set).
  • Network software
  • This window
  • used for installation
  • computer name
  • and the Working Group
  • Network software
  • These windows are used to install
  • explicit IP address and subnet mask parameters
  • This window
  • used for installation
  • access level
  • to local computer resources
  • Local resource. Network users are prohibited from accessing computer resources. To ensure the availability of local resources, you need to set the switch to the Shared resource position.
  • Shared resource. Allows the use of computer resources (disk memory and peripheral devices - printer, modem) to network users. To do this, you need to allow Sharing the folder. In this case, it is necessary to determine the access level.
  • Modes of access to network resources
  • Modes of access to network resources
  • Only reading
  • Allows network users to open or copy files and folders.
  • Full access
  • Allows network users to perform all operations on files and folders (move, delete, edit, rename, etc.).
  • Password access
  • This mode gives different categories of users different access rights, for example, read-only or full access.