Application for creating tests online. Testing among trainees can take place

Today, not a single teacher can do without tests, be it a school teacher or a professor of a multi-thousand online course. Selecting an option from several is not the only option: you can insert pictures and videos into surveys, change task formats almost indefinitely. Edutainme has selected seven services that will facilitate the preparation and conduct of testing.

Google Forms

Google Forms - part of the office tools Google Drive. Perhaps this is one of the fastest and simple ways create your own survey or test: write a task, select the type of answer (choose from several options, write your own) - done! The resulting test can be sent to students via email or embed it on your website using a special code. To speed up your work, we recommend adding the Flubaroo plugin - it automatically checks student answers and assigns grades according to specified criteria. The forms are completely free - you only need to have a Google account to use the resource.

With Quizlet, you can create quizzes where students can choose the correct answer from a selection of answers, match images and information, or write their own answers. It's very easy to use - you can figure out the interface in just a couple of minutes; in addition, Quizlet supports the Russian language and works on Android and iOS. Quizlet is free, but there is also a $10 Plus subscription that lets you upload your own pictures and create an unlimited number of study groups.


Proprofs prepares tests for every taste - you can offer one or more options to choose from, ask to fill in the missing word or write a detailed answer. The service allows you to insert into tasks text documents and presentations, PDF files, as well as images, audio and video files. Once you've finished working on the test, you can leave it in public access on the Proprofs website or embed it on your page.

Although the service is free, the capabilities of Proprofs are expanded in paid plans. Teachers should pay attention to the Basic and Professional tariffs. The first opens all the main features of the service and allows you to create an unlimited number of tests for $20 per month; the second allows students to join together closed groups and will cost $40. New users can use all Proprofs features for free for 15 days after registration.

Kahoot! allows you to submit almost all educational material. To establish feedback with students, you can play with new topics in the form simple questions and answers, and consolidate knowledge with more detailed testing. Kahoot! designed for use in the classroom - the teacher shows the material on the main screen, and at this time students answer questions and discuss information using a special client for computers or a browser on smartphones (Android, iOS, Windows Phone). To enter the virtual classroom, students must enter special code, which the teacher will send. The service allows you to find out how each student answered questions, or build charts of the progress of the entire class. Students themselves can monitor their results in special tables. Kahoot! free and fully accessible after registration.


In ClassMarker you can make surveys with different answer formats - in addition to the usual options, there is even an essay. To get started, the teacher needs to create a virtual class and send invitation codes to students. ClassMarker stores the results of all tests taken, keeping progress statistics. If the teacher has his own web page, he can embed test tasks at her.

IN free version ClassMarker allows you to create a maximum of 100 tests. 400 tests per month will cost $16.50, and 1000 tests will cost $33. The service has annual packages for those who rarely take online tests. The minimum number of tests (50 per year) will cost $25 per year, and the maximum (5000 per year) will cost $1000.

A mobile application for teachers that helps arrange surveys right in the classroom. Students are given special forms with answer options (A, B, C and D) - after hearing the question, they raise the necessary cards, which the teacher scans with a smartphone camera. Plickers allows you to analyze the results of an individual student or study statistics for an entire class. The app works on Android and iOS and is free to download.

Easy Test Maker

The most interesting thing about Easy Test Maker is the ability to create tasks where you need to choose true and false statements. Texts can be formatted for ease of reading on a tablet, or downloaded in .pdf or .doc formats for testing in a more traditional format. The service can mix up questions and answer options to make it harder for students to cheat.

The free version of Easy Test Maker allows you to create 25 tests without the ability to export to paper formats. The Plus plan ($44.95 per year) allows you to check English spelling, create an unlimited number of tests, and export to offline formats. With a Premium subscription ($74.95 per year), the service will automatically check the results, and will also allow you to set a time limit for completing tasks and attach graphic files to surveys.

Egor Antonenkov

Instructions from GUSAROV for creating interactive tests at

If you invite users to your site, you must offer them something cool. The text can be 1000 times higher quality, but what difference does it make if the target audience went to a Friday rave. Gamification can save the situation. Our first test was a trial one and was created to be very simple constructor, however, more than 600 people immediately passed it.

Playbuzz was chosen to create the second test. This is a platform for creating surveys, quizzes, tests and more. viral content. Website at English, but it is quite easy to use.

Attention! The most detailed and understandable tutorial on how to make a test on Playbuzz in a few steps.

Step 1 – write the text for the test, questions and answers

On the Internet large number tests, but we do not recommend taking the path of least resistance and copying other people’s questions and answers. Boring academic tests are absolutely not something that can attract a user. The topic of the text should be relevant, the presentation should be original, and the questions and answer options should be thoughtful.

Decide on the topic of the test, write questions and answers. Please note:

  • The best option: a combination of entertaining and educational content
  • The most popular topic for tests - “you”. Use personification

Step 2 – Create a quiz on

First you need to go through the registration procedure or log in via personal account or social net.

On the right top corner select CREATE. You will see a large list of types of content that you can create: tests, polls, polls, slideshows, etc. For different tasks are selected different formats. To create tests, we select Trivia from the list.

Translated from English it means “Trifles”. This is a classic quiz with correct/wrong answer options and a personal result.

So, how to do a website test using an example. What do you know about the new SEO and Internet marketing products in 2017?

Let's fill out the forms!

Add the test name and description. Use simple and understandable sentences - appeals to users on the Internet in entertainment content should not resemble a school exam. Download main photo test.

Add a photo that will be displayed on the social network.

Set tags. You can select them from the list or enter them yourself.

See additional test settings.

Permissions – specify who will see your test. You can select the options "Only me", "Access via link" and "Public" (recommended).

Language – the language in which the test was written. In our case, Russian.

Let's create the first question. For all subsequent ones, the algorithm is preserved.

  • Enter your question in the field
  • Add the required number of answer options
  • Tick ​​the correct answer
  • Select a photo

Attention! Make sure the photo quality is good enough. And the content somehow supported the idea of ​​the test and fit into the general style. GUSAROV – raccoons. Classic. We continue to work.

Using this principle, we add the remaining questions - Add question.

Write down the results. To do this, you need to add the photo and text again. In parting, you can leave a comment - the user’s expectations must be met!

The resulting test can be:

  • View – Preview
  • Save changes (draft) – Save draft
  • Publish – Publish

Step 3 – add test code to the site

After saving the test, you can add its code to the site.

Ready. You are great!

Take our tests, share the results, throw slippers and comments - we are always FOR feedback and tests that make the site cooler.

    It would be nice if someone could tell me how to do the tests.

    So you called your test Avada Kedavra. You made the description very magical and inserted a picture with Death Eaters, its size: 666x666. Now the questions. You made 6 of them, and there are 809 answer options. You added pictures. The questions seemed very funny to you. Let's move on to the results. You decided to make 1092 of them. The first result was called “Sectumsempra”, the second - “Cruciatus”, etc. You inserted a picture of Voldemort into one of the results. Then you went to step 4 and sent the test for moderation. He was in moderation for 3 days. Your test made it to the main page, because it scored 390 points in 3 days. There were also 13,894 completions and 32,489 comments. Category of your test - New, tags - Harry Potter, character, humor.

    So, you called your test “Tweedledum”. You made the description very Horrible and inserted a picture with a terrible and unique fat woman - Veronica Ryzhkova!!!, its size: 1x1. Now the questions. You made 6 of them, and the answer options are 356678876543223456889888777543. You didn’t add any pictures. The questions seemed very stupid to you. Let's move on to the results. You decided to make 2 of them. The first result was called “I”, the second - “I’m here”, etc. In one of the results you inserted a picture with a baton. Then you went to step 4 and sent the test for moderation. He was in moderation for 2 days. Your test made it to the main page, because it scored 46 points in 3 days. There were also 23467899866554444444 completions and 4Ke4e44k444433333333455566pek34 comments. Category of your test - History tests, tags - I'm a fool, you're a fool, we're fools.

    Cool, +3 :))))

    So, you called your test “cats.” You made the description very stupid and inserted a picture with cute girls, its size: 563x563. Now the questions. You made 25 of them, and there were 10 answer options. You added pictures. You found the questions very cool. Let's move on to the results. You decided to make 8 of them. The first result was called “cat”, the second - “what?” etc. You inserted a picture of the street into one of the results. Then you went to step 4 and sent the test for moderation. He was in moderation for 3 days. Your test made it to the main page, because it scored 88 points in 3 days. There were also 1025 completions and 1000 comments. The category of your test is cool, the tags are magic.

    So, you called your test "summer". You made the description very interesting and funny and inserted a picture of the sea, its size: 30x30. Now the questions. You made 7 of them, and there were 4 possible answers. You added pictures. The questions seemed very cool to you. Let's move on to the results. You decided to make 5 of them. The first result was called “cat”, the second – “Yummy”, etc. You inserted a picture of a house into one of the results. Then you went to step 4 and sent the test for moderation. He was in moderation for 3 days. Your test made it to the main page, because in 3 days it scored 56 points. There were also 10 passages and 1 comments. Category of your test: Cute, tags: cat
    My rating: 3+, but I’ll tell you what - you can do better!! And by the way, I even liked the test

    And this is what happened as a result:
    So, you named your test "cat". You made the description very interesting and inserted a picture with kittens, its size: 34x34. Now the questions. You made 23 of them, and there were 29 possible answers. You added pictures. You found the questions very interesting. Let's move on to the results. You decided to make 6 of them. The first result was called “paint”, the second - “shooting gallery”, etc. You inserted a picture of a house into one of the results. Then you went to step 4 and sent the test for moderation. He was in moderation for 4 days. Your test made it to the main page, because in 3 days it scored 67 points. There were also 597 completions and 344 comments. Category of your test - history tests, tags - cats love cuteness.

    So, you called your test “Dream”. You made the description very long and inserted a picture with a Girl, its size: 210x210. Now the questions. You made 21 of them, and there were 6 answer options. You added pictures. You found the questions very interesting. Let's move on to the results. You decided to make 2 of them. The first result was called “Disney”, the second - “Dream”, etc. You inserted a picture of a house into one of the results. Then you went to step 4 and sent the test for moderation. He was in moderation for 2 days. Your test made it to the main page, because it scored 66 points in 3 days. There were also 6 passages and 21 comments. The category of your test is who you are, the tags are magic.

    cool but fuck off ok

    So, you called your test "Dratuti". You made the description very furry and inserted a picture of Perry the platypus, its size: 799x799. Now the questions. You made 6 of them, and there were 2 answer options. You added pictures. The questions seemed very cute to you. Let's move on to the results. You decided to make 666 of them. The first result was called “Putin”, the second - “turd”, etc. You inserted a picture of a butt into one of the results. Then you went to step 4 and sent the test for moderation. He was in moderation for 4 days. Your test made it to the main page, because in 3 days it scored 69 points. There were also 564 completions and 54 comments. Your test category is pregnancy, tags are BTS, Slash, Yaoi.

    So, you called your test "piss". You made the description very boring and inserted a picture of Temmie, its size: 768x768. Now the questions. You made 999 of them, and there are 9687 possible answers. You didn’t add any pictures. The questions seemed very long to you. Let's move on to the results. You decided to make 499 of them. The first result was called “poop”, the second - “character”, etc. You inserted a picture with a guy into one of the results. Then you went to step 4 and sent the test for moderation. He was in moderation for 3 days. Your test made it to the main page, because in 3 days it scored 666 points. There were also 1337 completions and 6454 comments. The category of your test is about love, the tags are skill)))).

    So you called your test "fever." You made the description very strict and inserted a picture with stories, its size: 666x666. Now the questions. You made 6 of them, and there were 6 possible answers. You added pictures. You found the questions very funny. Let's move on to the results. You decided to make 16 of them. The first result was called “test”, the second - “movie”, etc. You inserted a picture of a street into one of the results. Then you went to step 4 and sent the test for moderation. He was in moderation for 3 days. Your test made it to the main page, because in 3 days it scored 66 points. There were also 666 passages and 6 comments. The category of your test is funny, the tags are riddle, meaning, shadow.

    Almost got it right. Predictable... +2

    Very cash test!!!

    So, you called your test "Hockey". You made the description very exactly 20 minutes, like a period in hockey, and inserted a picture with a maple leaf, its size: 500x500. Now the questions. You made 10 of them, and there are 777 possible answers. You added pictures. The questions seemed really bad to you. Let's move on to the results. You decided to make 5 of them. The first result was called “Canadian hockey player”, the second - “stick”, etc. In one of the results you inserted a picture of a trainer’s orgy face. Then you went to step 4 and sent the test for moderation. He was in moderation for 3 days. Your test made it to the main page, because it scored 50 points in 3 days. There were also 666 completions and 90 comments. Your test category is New, tags are sports, Canadians, hockey.
    Heh heh heh...

    So you called your test "chocolate". You made the description very strange and inserted a picture with a dog, its size: 34x34. Now the questions. You made 67 of them, and there are 7890 answer options. You didn’t add any pictures. You thought the questions were very nice. Let's move on to the results. You decided to make 56 of them. The first result was called “fairy”, the second - “humor”, etc. You inserted a picture of a bowl into one of the results. Then you went to step 4 and sent the test for moderation. He was in moderation for 3 days. Your test made it to the main page, because in 3 days it scored 843 points. There were also 758 completions and 32 comments. Category of your test - Who are you, what are you, tags - clothes, fantasy, cinema.
    Zhiza. +3

    So, you called your test "World". You made the description very interesting and inserted a picture with kittens, its size: 345x345. Now the questions. You made 9 of them, and there were 8 possible answers. You added pictures. You found the questions very interesting. Let's move on to the results. You decided to make 3 of them. The first result was called “duck”, the second - “mother”, etc. You inserted a picture of a house into one of the results. Then you went to step 4 and sent the test for moderation. He was in moderation for 2 days. Your test made it to the main page, because it scored 67 points in 3 days. There were also 235 completions and 976 comments. Category of your test: tests for girls, tags: friendship, happiness, honesty.

    So, you called your test "Coffee". You made the description very uninteresting and inserted a picture with a Japanese schoolgirl, its size: 799x799. Now the questions. You made 501 of them, and there were 78 answer options. You didn’t add any pictures. The questions seemed very normal to you. Let's move on to the results. You decided to make 59 of them. The first result was called “stool”, the second - “yogurt”, etc. You inserted a picture with a VIEW mask into one of the results. Then you went to step 4 and sent the test for moderation. He was in moderation for 3 days. Your test made it to the main page, because it scored 46 points in 3 days. There were also 897 completions and 4554 comments. Category of your test - Any category, tags - boredom, pain, despondency.

    I really liked the test +3
    So, you called your test “hello.” You made the description very favorite and inserted a picture with a guy, its size: 799x799. Now the questions. You made 10 of them, and there were 5 possible answers. You added pictures. You found the questions very cool. Let's move on to the results. You decided to make 10 of them. The first result was called “mountain”, the second - “dosvidos”, etc. You inserted a picture with a fairy into one of the results. Then you went to step 4 and sent the test for moderation. He was in moderation for 3 days. Your test made it to the main page, because in 3 days it scored 10,000,000 points. There were also 5 passages and 18 comments. Your test category is best, tags are magic, love, friendship.

    Many advantages, quality test 3 points

    The test is just SUPER; +10000000)

    So you named your test "apple". You made the description very long and inserted a picture with a guy, its size: 455x455. Now the questions. You made 32145 of them, and there are 21232 answer options. You added pictures. The questions seemed very strange to you. Let's move on to the results. You decided to make 461 of them. The first result was called “banana”, the second - “test”, etc. You inserted a picture of a room into one of the results. Then you went to step 4 and sent the test for moderation. He was in moderation for 3 days. Your test made it to the main page, because in 3 days it scored 416 points. There were also 98985635 completions and 445447612 comments. Category of your test - What suits you?, tags - winx, vampire diaries, anime.

    So you called your test "T-shirt". You made the description very original and inserted a picture with a dog, its size: 454x454. Now the questions. You made 17 of them, and there were 5 answer options. You added pictures. You found the questions very interesting. Let's move on to the results. You decided to make 3 of them. The first result was called “dog”, the second - “Naughty”, etc. You inserted a picture of a dog into one of the results. Then you went to step 4 and sent the test for moderation. He was in moderation for 3 days. Your test made it to the main page, because in 3 days it scored 66 points. There were also 17 passages and 98 comments. The category of your test is hall of fame, tags are friendship, love, magic.

    Well, the answer is, I laughed a little, to be honest.
    +2, just for predictability.

    So, you called your test “Ciliates”. You made the description very Strange and inserted a picture with Chaos, its size: 34x34. Now the questions. You made 2525 of them, and the answer options are 34557793. You added pictures. The questions seemed very boring to you. Let's move on to the results. You decided to make 8800 of them. The first result was called “Flagellates”, the second - “Intropy”, etc. You inserted a picture of the Universe into one of the results. Then you went to step 4 and sent the test for moderation. It was in moderation for 444 days. Your test made it to the main page, because in 3 days it scored 222,222 points. There were also 3,443,567 completions and 244 comments. Category of your test - New tests, tags - Music, food, anime.

    So, you called your test “Ciliates”. You made the description very Strange and inserted a picture with Chaos, its size: 34x34. Now the questions. You made 2525 of them, and the answer options are 34557793. You added pictures. The questions seemed very boring to you. Let's move on to the results. You decided to make 8800 of them. The first result was called “Flagellates”, the second - “Intropy”, etc. You inserted a picture of the Universe into one of the results. Then you went to step 4 and sent the test for moderation. It was in moderation for 444 days. Your test made it to the main page, because in 3 days it scored 222,222 points. There were also 3,443,567 completions and 244 comments. Category of your test - New tests, tags - Music, food, anime.

    Very predictable, there are some shortcomings, +2.

    So you called your test "POOP". You made the description very cute and inserted a picture with kittens, its size: 64x64. Now the questions. You made 8 of them, and there are 436 answer options. You added pictures. The questions seemed very stupid to you. Let's move on to the results. You decided to make 4867 of them. The first result was called “cat”, the second - “rainbow”, etc. You inserted a picture of ice cream into one of the results. Then you went to step 4 and sent the test for moderation. He was in moderation for 3 days. Your test made it to the main page, because it scored 50 points in 3 days. There were also 5 passages and 8 comments. Category of your test - What suits you, tags - fantasy, anime, history.

    wow, very funny) =3 +3

    super. cool test. finger vveeeeeeerh +3

    I'm having a little fun here...
    “So you named your test PINEAPPLE.” You made the description very lemon-shaped and inserted a picture with JUNGKOOK, JI'S STACK, its size: five Teletubbies x five Teletubbies. Now the questions. You made EIGHTY of them, MOTHER!, and there were 6 answer options. You added pictures. The questions seemed very orange-smelling to you. Let's move on to the results. You decided to make them SIX HUNDRED SEVENTY-FIVE, KARL! Are you crazy, or what? The first result was called “porridge”, the second - “TEN POINTS FOR GRYFFINDOR!” etc. In one of the results you inserted a picture with TEHYUNG! Then you went to step 4 and sent the test for moderation. He was in moderation for THREE DAMN DAYS! day. Your test made it to the main page, because in 3 days it scored 8768 points. There were also 567 completions and 464 comments. Category of your test: oatmeal, tags: brush, herring, halva"

    And this is what happened as a result:
    So, you called your test “Cool.” You made the description very Interesting and inserted a picture with Harry Potter, its size: 500x500. Now the questions. You made 8 of them, and there are 5 answer options. You added pictures. You found the questions very interesting. Let's move on to the results. You decided to make 10 of them. The first result was called “Beauty”, the second - “Sweetheart”, etc. In one of the results you inserted a picture of Hermione Granger. Then you went to step 4 and sent the test for moderation. He was in moderation for 4 days. Your test made it to the main page, because it scored 55 points in 3 days. There were also 15 passages and 18 comments. Category of your test - Story tests, tags - Love, magic, cinema.
    Interesting, I liked it. +3.

    And I liked it)

    So, you called your test "tree". You made the description very fluffy and inserted a picture with flowers, its size: 567x567. Now the questions. You made 7 of them, and there were 84 possible answers. Of course, you added pictures. You found the questions very funny. Let's move on to the results. You decided to make 543 of them. The first result was called “animal”, the second - “country”, etc. You inserted a picture of a tree into one of the results. Then you went to step 4 and sent the test for moderation. He was in moderation for 3 days. Your test made it to the main page, because in 3 days it scored 2345 points. There were also 342 passages and 76 comments. The category of your test is character tests, tags are TV series.

    2345 points in 3 days? 76 comments? Test about wood rubric-tests about character?
    There are so many numbers to enter...Too many.
    Predictable, boring +1

    Worst insertion test? May be. But out of all of them, there were worse ones.

    So, you called your test "Rooster". You made the description very beautiful and inserted a picture of Aloe in Trance, its size: 666x666. Now the questions. You made 13 of them, and there were 8 answer options. You added pictures. The questions seemed very stupid to you, but funny. Let's move on to the results. You decided to make 45 of them. The first result was called “Peter Vannovich”, the second - “Internet”, etc. You inserted a picture of sugar into one of the results. Then you went to step 4 and sent the test for moderation. He was in moderation for 3 days. Your test made it to the main page, because in 3 days it scored 70 points. There were also 23 passages and 56 comments. The category of your test is a selection of pictures, tags are songs, cats, movies.
    Ornul. In the description, Alois is a normal test, although the name is “Rooster”.+3

    1. Predictable
    2. Uninteresting, boring
    3. Not enough
    4. Inconsistencies
    Sorry Melissa, but this is your worst test yet. I'm not shy about telling the truth.

    So you called your test "anime". You made the description very memorable and inserted a picture of Winx, its size: 647x647. Now the questions. You made 87 of them, and there were 8 possible answers. You added pictures. You found the questions very exciting. Let's move on to the results. You decided to make 7 of them. The first result was called “lipstick”, the second - “HELP”, etc. You inserted a picture with a ruler into one of the results. Then you went to step 4 and sent the test for moderation. He was in moderation for 3 days. Your test made it to the main page, because it scored 87 points in 3 days. There were also 5643456654764565456 completions and 9876545678987656789876 comments. Category of your test - Who are you, what are you?, tags - mysticism, Miley Cyrus, humor.
    It’s not interesting anymore and almost everything is very predictable. I agree with †★ΣzhiЌ ฿ ЌΣDаХ ★† and Severus Snape. +1

    There are a lot of questions, you'll die writing numbers, but the text is small.

    And this is what happened as a result:
    So, you called your test “Kittens”. You made the description very interesting and inserted a picture with kittens and birds, its size: 600x600. Now the questions. You made 27 of them, and there were 14 possible answers. You added pictures. The questions seemed very precise to you. Let's move on to the results. You decided to make 21 of them. The first result was called “pie”, the second - “flower”, etc. You inserted a picture of a peacock into one of the results. Then you went to step 4 and sent the test for moderation. He was in moderation for 4 days. Your test made it to the main page, because it scored 5000 points in 3 days. There were also 2378 completions and 1000 comments. Category of your test - History tests, tags - animals, cats, birds, etc..

    Predictably, there are small discrepancies (it’s unrealistic to get 500 comments in 3 days).
    But there are a lot of questions, the text is large, so 3+

Testing - main tool to test knowledge in distance learning. However, when developing a test, questions often arise:

  • how many tasks do you need to come up with;
  • what types of questions to choose;
  • what passing score to set;
  • is branching necessary?
  • how much time to allocate for testing and also the car “how”, “why”, “why”.

In this article, the founder of the New York e-course development studio, Alexander Vinogradov, will analyze in detail how to make a high-quality online test in the iSpring Suite editor in order to conduct a thorough “diagnosis” of employee knowledge.

Step 1: Determine the test type

Working on a test is very similar to developing an e-course. The starting point is the same - set a goal.

What do you want to achieve by creating a test? Having answered the question, it is easier to decide on the type of practical task.

Based on their objectives, tests in the electronic course are divided into two types:

  1. Educational - help to consolidate the material learned. Typically, such a test is given after each chapter in the course as a little practice. Greenhouse conditions: no time limit, no penalties for the wrong answer. Several attempts are given to solve the problem, after each error an explanation is given as to why the answer is incorrect.
  2. Certification - help to “scan” the employee’s knowledge. Prerequisites: time limits, one attempt per answer, no explanation for each error. The test shows whether the course managed to hit the mark - what you actually taught your employees.

Step 2: Select Question Types

Typically, when creating tests in iSpring Suite, an arsenal of 11 assessment questions is used:

- The user must determine whether the statement in the question is true or false. This is the simplest version of the task.

— the user needs to choose one correct answer from the proposed options.

— you need to select the correct options from the list. Tasks of this type are more difficult than “Single Choice”, because the number of correct answers is unknown in advance. It’s not possible to answer at random.

- there is no choice here, the user needs to enter the correct answer in the text field. To avoid mistakes, it is important to have a good understanding of the topic.

Subsequence— the user is asked to arrange elements in the correct sequence. This type of question is suitable if you need to restore the chronology of events, arrange numbers in ascending/descending order.

— you need to enter a number in the answer field. There are no prompts here, just like in the “Input String” question type. It is impossible to guess the correct answer.

— the test taker is asked to select the correct option from a drop-down list.

— you need to insert words from the word bank to fill the gaps in the text. This is a question type similar to Nested Answers.

- you need to fill in the gaps found in the text. This is a more advanced version of Nested Answers and Word Bank. This type of question is suitable if you need to check, for example, how well an employee has memorized a certain rule.

— you need to connect pairs of words, phrases or images. Add a few extra matching options to complicate the question.

The optimal task contains from 4 to 10 conditions. Correspondences can be made between: concepts and definitions, text and images, list of authors and citations, dates and events.

— the employee must mark areas in the image using markers. If you get creative with your work, you can come up with something interesting. practical task. For example, this:

For the test to be as accurate and truthful as possible, it must follow the 30/40/30 rule.

In this situation, employees will not have to rely on intuition and luck.

Step 3. Think over the text of the questions

The effectiveness of the test largely depends on how well the tasks are formulated. Don’t forget that the employee taking the exam is alone with the test material. If he does not understand the question, there is no one to consult with - he will have to answer at random. And this is already a minus to the objectivity of the final result. Therefore, it is important to carefully work through each task. Here are some recommendations:

  • Keep it simple. The question should be simple and clear. Try not to write long complex sentences with adverbial phrases. Maximum quantity words: 20.
  • Avoid repetitions and double negatives like “not/not.” Example: « Paint program is not a program for working with spreadsheets. Answer options: Yes-No". It is difficult to understand what they want from you: both the task and the answer contain denial.
  • Use acid to burn inaccurate facts, figures and words like “approximately”, “somewhat”, “at least”. “What is the approximate value of the constant Pi?”. Well, approximately three. A stupid question generates stupid answers.
  • Start open-ended questions with words: “what”, “how much”, “when”, “for what”, “how”, “why”.
  • Avoid involuntary hints when the text of the question leads to the correct answer.

Step 4. Work through answer options for each task.

At this stage, for each formulated question, you need to select plausible distractors - answer options designed to confuse and divert attention. What to pay attention to:

  • Use simple wording without complex phrases.
  • Correct answers and distractors must match in content, structure and total number of words.
  • Avoid using “none of the above” and “all of the above” answer options, especially for Single Choice question types.
  • For “Gap” questions, avoid options where you can make a mistake: “Moscow” and “Moscow”, “Carroll” and “Carroll”. After all, if an employee writes the right word, but don’t stand there with a letter, the test won’t count it. The final assessment will be biased.

Step 5. Consider testing parameters

Test settings depend on the purpose: to train or arrange a tough exam.

Setting up points

When creating a test, the question often arises - what passing score to set. There is no universal recipe. Start from the goal.

For example, you are putting together a training test on the basics of time management for salespeople. The goal is for employees to consolidate the material they have learned and remember what they have already forgotten. The passing score here can be set at 70-80.

If you check and certify doctors on the topic “Anatomy nervous system", then here you can put all 100 points for passing. Indeed, in reality, every mistake made by a doctor can cost a person his life.

You can read more about how to set points for correct answers and penalties for incorrect answers.

What type of test to use: training and certification.

Random selection of questions

The optimal length of the test is 25-30 questions. But it’s better to do what is called “with a reserve” - the total bank of tasks should be 3-4 times larger. For example, we include a pool of 75 questions in the test, and employees random order they get only 25-30. As a result, each user's test differs in content - it will be difficult to copy it from a friend.

How to make a random selection of questions from a common bank in the iSpring Suite test, watch in a short video tutorial.

Time limit

To prevent employees from cheating, also set a time limit for taking the test. I usually allocate from 10 minutes to half an hour for tasks - it all depends on the complexity of the test.

If an employee is completely new to the topic, then no cheat sheets will help him answer all the questions correctly and meet the deadline.

In iSpring Suite, you can limit the time to complete the entire test or individual questions:

Number of attempts

If you want to conduct the most accurate “diagnosis” of employee knowledge, enter one attempt per answer - then it will be difficult to solve the task at random. You can do this in a few clicks:


If you are creating a training test, it is important to set up branching. This will help employees fill knowledge gaps and better understand the material they have learned.

The bottom line: when the user makes a mistake, he ends up on a slide with additional information on the topic of the question. If he answers correctly, he moves on to the next task. How to set up branching, see here:


Remember the tests at school or college. After the check, the teacher handed out notebooks with incorrect answers crossed out in red paste. I often wanted to ask: “Why is this wrong?”

In distance learning, the same thing happens, but the teacher is not nearby. And yet electronic test can automatically provide feedback on every incorrect question, as in this example:

Thanks to this approach, it is easier for the test taker to understand what is wrong in his answer and which option is correct. It will take a couple of minutes to set up feedback in iSpring Suite:

Step 6. Voice and format the questions

Employees are not always willing to take the test. This is usually one of the most frustrating parts of an eLearning course. To sweeten the bitter pill, work on the design of the test or come up with interesting interactive tasks.

Question design

Each test question can be designed with a unique design: customize the font, layout, or choose a color theme for the question.

Voiceover of questions

You can add an audio file to each question in the test or record audio directly in iSpring Suite, and then edit it using the built-in editor:

With the right approach, you can come up with interesting interactive tasks that will further ignite the curiosity of employees.

You can read a detailed guide on working with tests in iSpring Suite.

When to run tests

Here is the course of the Yord company - “Tactical Management”. He teaches managers how to properly work with subordinates.

The course of 120 files is divided into four large lessons. Each contains: cases, instructions, work tips. After each section there is a short test of 7-10 questions. This helps the employee remember the important things more clearly.

Now imagine that there are no intermediate tests. You flip through the slides one after another, the information noise in your head increases and, when it reaches its limit, bam - a test of 100 questions on all topics. Unpleasant surprise.

Based on the results of the course. There must be a final test in every course. Otherwise, how will you measure the benefits of e-training?

Based on the results of the training program, that is, a set of courses on global theme. This is a kind of analogue of post-training. The results will show how well the employee applies the acquired knowledge in practice.

As part of general certification. The test shows the residual knowledge of employees. For these purposes, you can use the course final test or create a new one.

Tests in numbers

More than 80% of foreign companies Tests are used to evaluate applicants and employees.

69% of Russian companies tests help in hiring staff. Others use them to evaluate the qualifications of current employees.

$500 million— volume of the testing market in Russian and foreign companies. The market consists mainly of the services of external recruiters, who select employees for customers using tests, and companies that create these tests. Among them are Multi-Health Systems, Captevrix, Hogan Development Survey.

Tests are the most popular format for assessing a person’s knowledge and skills in modern world. Marking the correct answers on a piece of paper is a great way for the teacher to check the student. But how to provide the opportunity to take the test remotely? Online services will help you implement this.

There are many resources that allow you to generate online surveys of varying complexity. There are also similar services for creating quizzes and all kinds of tests. Some immediately give the result, others simply send answers to the author of the task. We, in turn, will become familiar with resources that offer both.

Method 1: Google Forms

A very flexible tool for creating surveys and tests from Good Corporation. The service allows you to create multi-level tasks various formats and using multimedia content: pictures and videos from YouTube. It is possible to assign points for each answer and automatically display final scores immediately after passing the test.

Previously this service from Google could not be called a full-fledged test designer. Rather, it was a simple solution that did its job perfectly. Now it's real powerful tool to test knowledge and conduct all kinds of surveys.

Method 2: Quizlet

Online service focused on creation training courses. This resource contains the entire set of tools and functions necessary for remote learning of any discipline. One of these components is tests.

  1. To get started with the tool, click the button "Begin" on the main page of the site.

  2. Create an account in the service using , or your email address.
  3. After registration, go to home page Quizlet. To work with the test designer, you will first have to create a training module, since completing any tasks is possible only within its framework.

    So, select the item "Your training modules" in the menu bar on the left.
  4. Then click on the button "Create module".

    This is where you can create your quiz in Quizlet.
  5. On the page that opens, indicate the name of the module and begin composing assignments.

    The testing system in this service is very simple and straightforward: just make cards with terms and their definitions. Well, the test is a test of knowledge of specific terms and their meanings - like memory cards.
  6. You can go to the finished test from the page of the module you created.

    You can send the task to another user simply by copying the link to it in address bar browser.

Even though Quizlet doesn't allow you to create complex multi-level tests where one question stems from another, the service is still worthy of mention in our article. The resource offers simple model testing to test other people's or your own knowledge in a specific discipline right in your browser window.

Method 3: Master Test

Like the previous service, Master Test is intended primarily for use in the field of education. Nevertheless, the tool is available to everyone and allows you to create tests of varying complexity. You can send the finished task to another user or embed it on your website.

The service is completely free and easy to use. Since the resource is aimed at the educational segment, even a schoolchild can easily understand its structure. The solution is perfect for teachers and their students.