Private browsing in Firefox. How to enable private incognito mode in the browser

Incognito mode is the security of your data and your computer on the Internet. How to enable it? Detailed instructions on how to use this tool in all browsers.

Hi all!
Today we will talk about incognito mode in browsers.
Incognito what is this anyway? In one word, it is your safety.
Security of your data on the Internet.
Why do you need to enable incognito mode?
Did you know that no matter what website you go to on the Internet, it all merges?
What exactly?
Yes all! Your location, name, age, interests. Logins and passwords, by the way, too.
Do you think why exactly those advertisements appear in browsers, what are you interested in?)

Did you know that Google works for the FBI and leaks all the information about every Internet user?
In Russia there is no exact information on this matter, but I think Yandex is doing the same thing).

What are the advantages of accessing the Internet this way?
All your views are hidden from prying eyes.
Logins and passwords are not saved.
No need to clear cache and cookies.

Let's get started, let's start with Yandex.

Incognito mode in Yandex browser

How to enable incognito mode in Yandex browser?
This is done quite simply by simultaneously pressing three keys on the keyboard
“Ctrl” + “Shift” + “N” If you have a Windows operating system.
If you have a Mac OS operating system, then the key combination “⌘” + “Shift” + “N”
If you did everything correctly, you should see a tab like this.

All. You can use it without fawn

Incognito mode in Google Chrome is enabled in 2 ways.
A combination of 3 keys or through the browser settings - whichever is more convenient for you).
1st method
Using a key combination.
Press “Ctrl” + “Shift” + “N” at the same time
2nd method.
Through Google settings.
Come in and choose. "New window in incognito mode."
Like the picture below.

If you did everything correctly, you should get a picture like this.

Let's move on to less popular browsers in Russia and neighboring countries.
Let's start with hacker
from the Opera browser.

Incognito mode in Opera

How to enable incognito mode in Opera?
Opera incognito mode is also activated in 2 ways.
1st method is the same “Ctrl” + “Shift” + “N”
2nd method. Go to Opera settings. select an incognito window.

Incognito mode in Mozilla

how to open incognito in mozilla?
There are also 2 ways.
1st combination with simultaneous pressing of 3 keys.
By the way, here other buttons will be used, unlike in other browsers.
Press “Ctrl” + “Shift” + “P” simultaneously
2nd method.
Opera settings, then select “private window.”

how to exit incognito mode on any browser

In order to exit incognito, just close the window with the incognito tab.
The instructions are universal), suitable for all browsers.
You can watch a video from YouTube on how this is all done.

That's all for now!

You, of course, know that when surfing the Internet, the browser remembers and stores a lot of different information on disk: browsing history, site cache, etc. This is done for the convenience of the user, but can sometimes bring some discomfort: anyone who sits down at the computer will be able to see your information. If you don’t want this, use a special mode in browsers, which will be discussed below.

The mode of operation of the browser, during which no traces of the user are left on the computer, is usually called private or incognito. By enabling this option, the user, of course, will not be able to become completely anonymous on the Internet, but the following information will not be saved to the local computer:

  • Logins and passwords;
  • Data entered into web forms;
  • Browsing history;
  • Cookies;
  • Web page cache;
  • List of downloads.

Google Chrome

This mode in Chrome is called “Incognito”. You can open it from the main menu or using the “Ctrl+Shift+N” keys.

Mozilla Firefox

Similarly, a private window opens in Firefox. Click the main menu icon and select the corresponding icon in it (or the “Ctrl+Shift+P” keys).


The steps to open a private window are exactly the same as in Chrome.


The new browser from Microsoft also has an “InPrivate” mode. To start, open the main menu and select “New InPrivate window”.

In this mode the browser will not save information about the actions performed in it. We are talking about browsing history, cookies, saved passwords, download history, autofill data, hosted application data, content licenses, and other data.

Your work in the browser becomes completely private. All information about your network activity will be deleted.

For those who care about the protection of their personal information, this regime will be especially relevant. After all, your actions online are constantly are watching and keep records of statistical data. For example, the provider takes into account incoming/outgoing traffic from the PC you are using, and search engines, based on your requests, select contextual advertising to show you. This is how the browser collects all kinds of data about you.

To make surfing the net more safe We recommend using this mode of operation. It will not protect you from data collection by the provider, search engines and visited sites, but it will allow you not to save data about user actions in the browsing log, media files will not be saved in the cache, cookies, passwords, history will be cleared immediately after the end of the session. However, when authorization on any site under your account, your actions will be noticeable; you won’t be able to become “invisible” this way.

This is a great way to hide your activities from other users of the computer you use. Each user decides when there is a need to use it.

How to enable incognito in Yandex and Chrome

In Google Chrome and a very similar browser from Yandex, the procedure for enabling incognito is identical.

In the settings, mark “ New window in incognito mode"(or the same combination of clamped " Ctrl+Shift+N»).

The following window will appear.

Notice that in the upper left corner appeared hat icon with glasses (spy), which symbolizes incognito enabled.

You can also make a click right-click on any link on the network and select “ Open link in incognito mode».

It should be noted that although information about your visits will not be saved in the browser, your presence on the sites you visit can be registered one way or another. For example, in a Google account. To avoid saving history when privacy is enabled, come out temporarily also from your account. This can be done by clicking on the icon settings and selecting Web history.

Click Suspend.

Private mode in Opera

As for Opera, this mode is called Private. You can create a private tab by clicking on the menu button - Tabs and windowsCreate a private tab.

You'll see message about enabling privacy mode.

Then, a privacy icon (black glasses) will be attached to all new tabs.

The combination “ Ctrl+Shift+N».

How to disable incognito mode

You can disable it simply closing current window. The next time you open the browser, it will no longer work privately.

Incognito mode is a special feature that allows you to increase your anonymity online. When activated, the Internet program stops saving your browsing history, downloads, cookies and other information.

This mode does not provide absolute data protection, but it does allow you to hide what you are doing on the computer. That is, other people who use the same computer will not be able to find out what you watched on the Internet.

How to enable incognito mode

To enable incognito, you need to activate this function in your browser (Internet program). Then a new window will immediately open, which will work in this mode. That is, all sites need to be opened through it. Only then nothing will be saved.

When finished, you just need to close this window.

Enabling via hotkeys

This is the fastest way to turn it on. You just need to press a few keys on the keyboard and an anonymous window will open:


First, hold down the Ctrl key, then Shift and, without releasing these two keys, press N (Russian T). In Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer, the combination is different: Ctrl + Shift + P (Russian P).

Enabling through the browser menu

And this, so to speak, is the classic way to launch anonymous mode - through the Internet program menu. This is done almost the same way in any browser. I'll show you in the pictures.

Google Chrome: → New window in incognito mode

Yandex Browser: → Incognito mode

Opera: → Create private window

Mozilla Firefox: → Private window

Internet Explorer: → Security → InPrivate Browsing

What data does incognito mode hide?

What anonymous mode hides (does not save):

  • pages visited
  • search
  • temporary files

For most users this is quite enough. But nevertheless, all your actions will be visible to the system administrator if, for example, you use a computer at work. They will also be available to the provider, that is, the company that provides Internet access.

In addition, the owners of the sites you visit will know some information: your IP address, operating system, browser.

How to become even more anonymous

There are many ways to increase anonymity on the Internet. It all depends on what goals the user is pursuing. Using these tools, you can achieve almost complete anonymity, but only on the condition that your actions will not interest certain services.

TOR Browser

The Tor program, unlike regular browsers, works with a network of proxy servers by default. In other words, when you access a site using Tor, the site owner sees not your real IP address, but an address from another part of the world, for example, the USA.

Internet traffic is also encrypted and transmitted through a system of virtual tunnels. However, this browser is far from a panacea, and to increase anonymity it is recommended to combine it with other protection methods.


In English, the abbreviation VPN stands for/translates as “virtual private network.” Today, this concept is understood as a set of technologies that make it possible to create other logical networks on top of the Internet network.

Let's say you have an Internet connection, and all traffic goes through your ISP. Using a VPN, traffic will first go in encrypted form to the VPN server, and from there it will go to the final site. The provider will not be able to find out what sites you visit unless it receives the encryption.

When choosing a VPN, you should pay attention to the following things:

  • Network structure. There are complex multi-layer VPN networks (traffic goes to one server, then to another... and only then reaches the end point).
  • How the company is registered. Firms that provide services to unscrupulous individuals initially try to register through a variety of front persons and companies. In this case, legal proceedings can be delayed for years or decades.
  • Is there logging?

Free VPNs. Opera has a built-in VPN, and you can install additional extensions with a similar function on other browsers. Then you will be able to hide information from your provider and by combining it with incognito mode you can get a very good result.

Proxy servers

Proxy servers are usually hacked IPs. Using special software or standard Windows tools, the user registers certain data and goes online under a different IP address.

There are free sites with databases of proxy servers, but such IP addresses, as a rule, become free after they are included in many blacklists. For this reason, some sites may not trust your computer and ask you to enter a captcha.

other methods

When the task is not only to avoid being exposed yourself, but also to imitate the actions of another person, for example, impersonating a US citizen and buying something, then expensive programs, hacked computers and other bad things can be used.

In this article, I will show you how to enter incognito mode or how to enable incognito mode in different browsers and on different operating systems. More precisely on Windows and Android. Incognito mode is the so-called private mode, using which you can be sure that no one will be able to track your actions.

Features of incognito mode:

  • Website browsing history is not saved
  • The history of file downloads is not saved, but the downloaded files are successfully saved on the computer
  • Cookies are deleted immediately after closing all open private mode windows
  • There is no way to open a closed tab
  • The IP address does not change

Enable private mode in Opera

How to enable incognito mode in Yandex Browser

InPrivate in Microsoft Edge

Incognito mode appeared in Microsoft Edge in the latest Windows 10 updates. But to ensure it doesn’t happen again, it was given the name InPrivate. But essentially this is the same private mode that is available in other browsers.

How to open incognito mode on your phone

Most smartphone users use Chrome and Opera to surf the Internet. Therefore, here I will show you how to enter incognito mode in these mobile browsers.

And so to go into incognito mode in Chrome on Android you just need to press a button in the browser Functions(three dots from top to bottom) and select New incognito tab.

To open a private tab in Opera, You need to go to open tabs and swipe right to switch to private tabs. Then click + to open a new private tab.

You can also see how to enable incognito mode in the browser on your computer.

That's all. In this article, I showed you how to enter incognito mode on your computer and phone. I hope the article was useful to you. You can now use social networks from two accounts in one browser without any problems. Well, now no one will know your secrets. Don't forget to subscribe to updates and share the article on social networks.