Traffic consumption on your computer. Review of the best programs for monitoring traffic on a PC

In addition, you can install on your computer one of the many programs that keep records traffic and provide detailed statistics. Such programs will not take up much space or RAM on your computer, but will show you at any time how much you have downloaded or transferred. You can try the following programs: NetWorx, AccountXP, IO Traf and others. You can download them on one of the popular soft portals in (, www., etc.).

If you are using the Windows 7 operating system, you can use a convenient solution to determine the spent traffic. Download and install the Network Meter RU gadget on your computer. You can do this on the website in the "Network Gadgets" section. After installation, a gadget will appear on your desktop that will show not only the amount of data transmitted and received, but also the current Internet connection speed, as well as other useful information.

Often you need to know the statistics of your network traffic: how many megabytes are received and how many are sent. In order to do this, you don’t need much effort, since all the necessary information is stored right on your computer.


Click "Start" -> "Control Panel" -> "Network". You should be interested in only two icons: “Network connection” and “Your main” (it’s called differently for everyone depending on the operator, settings and connection preferences).

To get started, open Local Area Connection. At the bottom of the window that appears, your activity is clearly displayed, how many packets are received and how many have been received. But this is only one side of the coin, which reflects the quantity traffic within the network (that is, when you use local resources, all downloaded information is credited here). The other side of the coin is external traffic. In order to find out all the information about it, open the icon with your main connection, which is described above. Everything is identical to the local connection, but only the activity of your external one is displayed traffic, which you can easily track.

Also, if necessary, you can view the traffic of other connections registered on yours, since it is monitored in the same way. Now you are armed with all the necessary information that will allow you to monitor the amount of information received and sent. This is very convenient, for example, when you have an Internet connection with traffic restrictions.

If the cost for internet services calculated for you based on the cost traffic Both when using a mobile phone and when using a computer, you can use special programs that compress traffic, or configure your computer to maximize savings on additional items that are not a priority for downloading.


If you work in , one of the ways is to disable images, as well as the execution of java and flash scripts in the browser settings. Once you disable the above items, you will reduce traffic by at least thirty to forty.

If disabling the above-mentioned elements is not possible, you can try using an anonymizer. This is a service designed primarily to bypass a proxy server, but with a couple of clicks you can upload images and run non-php scripts with much the same results as using browser settings.

If you want to reduce traffic as much as possible, both and, you can use the special Opera mini browser. In order to use it from a mobile phone, you just need to install it, but in the case of a computer, you will need a java emulator, after installing which you will be able to use this browser. To increase savings traffic, disable it in Opera mini settings.

Working in Internet, the user can visually monitor the network connection by the connection icon in the system tray. But if the connection icon is active even when the computer is idle, there is a need for more complete control over traffic.


Uncontrolled network activity on a computer may indicate either that the system is infected with malware or that it is not configured correctly. So first open Control Panel and turn off automatic Windows updates. Then, after checking your computer, you turn it on again.

Open the startup folder: “Start” - “Run”, msconfig command, “Startup” tab, uncheck all programs you don’t need. Many installed programs register themselves in autorun, which slows down the loading and operation of the computer.

After completing the previous steps, check your computer's functionality. If the traffic continues to be used uncontrollably, open the command line: “Start” - “All Programs” - “Accessories” - “Command Prompt”. Type the command netstat –aon and look at the list of current connections - they will be marked as Established. On the right side of the window you will see a list of process identifiers - PIDs.

Enter the tasklist command in the same window. You will see a list of running processes; their identifiers will be indicated in the second column. By matching the PIDs from the connection list with the IDs of the process list, you can figure out which processes are using the Internet connection.

If you cannot determine by the process name which program it belongs to, use the AnVir Task Manager utility. Launch it, find the one that interests you in the list of processes. The information on it will indicate both the file to be launched and the autorun key in the registry. The AnVir Task Manager utility also shows current connections; it is very convenient to use for system diagnostics.

If you need full control over, install and run the BWMeter program. Open the Details tab and click Start in the Control panel. The program window will list all connections with IP addresses. Additional program windows will give you complete information about traffic. You can enable logging; all information about the traffic used will be saved in a text file.


This article will be especially useful for those users who use Internet connection tariff plans that imply restrictions on Internet traffic. Let's first understand what Internet traffic is. Internet traffic is the information you receive and send when you surf the Internet (incoming and outgoing traffic).

Origin of the term

In Russian, the term “traffic” is a transcription of the English term “traffic”, which means “movement” or “freight turnover”. At the same time, a similar term, interpreting the original concept somewhat differently, is also used to denote heavy traffic.

The borrowing of this term from the English language occurred relatively recently, therefore, in Russian writing, a single variant has not yet been established in relation to the word “traffic”: in particular, in written speech you can find its spelling with either one letter “f” or with two, similarly to the original.

Meaning of the term

The general term "traffic" is used to refer to the total amount of information flowing from the user to and from the network. At the same time, it is customary among specialists to distinguish between its two main types. The first of them is incoming traffic, that is, content downloaded by the user from the Internet. For example, if you download music or movies from the network, the amount of information received will be equal to the amount of incoming traffic. The second type is outgoing traffic, that is, content sent by the user to the Internet. For example, you post your photos on a social network: in this case, you generate a flow of outgoing traffic.

There are special indicators on the Internet designed to measure this volume. Thus, the amount of information is usually measured based on the use of a special unit - the byte. However, a byte is a very small value, so in practice its derivatives are more often used - kilobyte, which is 1024 bytes, megabyte, which is 1024 kilobytes in size, gigabyte, which is 1024 megabytes, and so on.

However, to measure traffic, not only its absolute volume is important, but also its speed, that is, the amount of information transmitted per unit of time. However, the data transfer speed on the Internet is usually very high, so very short periods of time, for example, seconds, are used to evaluate it. As a result, the units of measurement for Internet traffic are usually kilobytes per second or megabytes per second. These indicators are used to measure the speed of both incoming and outgoing traffic.

Video on the topic


  • What is Internet traffic in 2019

Computers are connected to each other using external or internal networks. Thanks to this, users can share information with each other, even while on different continents.

Office traffic control software

Using ICS, you can easily control traffic accounting and its distribution between users, influence the ability to connect to Internet resources at your discretion, and ensure the security of your internal network.

School traffic control software

ICS is a universal Internet gateway with tools for protecting an educational network, traffic accounting, access control and deployment of a mail, proxy and file server.

Home traffic control software

ICS Lite is a free Internet gateway that provides all your Internet needs at home. ICS Lite is a full-featured version of Internet Control Server, which includes a license for 8 users.

Types of networks

  • Home - combine computers in one apartment or house.
  • Corporate - connect the working machines of the enterprise.
  • Local networks often have a closed infrastructure.
  • Global - connect entire regions and can include local networks.

The benefits of such communication are enormous: specialists’ time is saved and telephone bills are reduced. And all these benefits can be reduced to zero if safety is not taken care of in time.

Firms that are not familiar with the concept of “traffic control” suffer enormous losses or completely limit access to information. There is an easier way to save safely - a program for monitoring traffic on the local network.

We turn quantity into quality!

It is important for a manager to know how the company's funds are spent. Therefore, the system administrator is responsible, among other things, for monitoring network traffic in the office. Statistics are collected not only on the volume, but also on the content of the information transmitted.

Why do you need local network control? Although the answer to this question is obvious, many system administrators cannot substantiate the need to control Internet traffic consumption.

Benefits for the manager

Traffic control software:

  1. optimizes network operation - by saving specialists’ working time, labor productivity increases;
  2. shows the distribution of traffic by users - makes it possible to find out who needs Internet resources;
  3. shows for what purposes the traffic was spent - excluding inappropriate access.

Benefits for the system administrator

Monitoring traffic on a local network allows you to:

  1. limit user access to unwanted information;
  2. quickly receive data on the volume of traffic - avoiding network congestion;
  3. prevent viruses from entering the network and identify security violators.

Control implementation options

Monitoring Internet traffic on a corporate network can be organized in several ways:

  1. Buy a firewall with the ability to differentiate traffic.
  2. Configure proxy servers with NAT drivers with traffic accounting functions.
  3. Use different types of add-ons.

Only a comprehensive solution can provide maximum protection. Internet Control Server provides full access control and offers all the necessary functionality. ICS is a router with a built-in proxy server running on FreeBSD.

Advantages of ICS

  1. Statistical studies have revealed that employees spend 1/3 of their working time accessing the Internet for personal purposes. A special ICS Internet gateway will help prevent unauthorized access.
  2. The traffic consumption monitoring system keeps records on any user operating systems.
  3. ICS offers flexible settings.
  4. Prepares detailed reports in a convenient form.

Download for free!

Start right now - download the demo version of the program for monitoring Internet traffic from our website. You will be able to use all the features of our solution without restrictions for 35 days! After the end of the test period, you just need to purchase the full version by placing an order or contacting our managers.

Traffic accounting programs monitor connections across all interfaces. They count the amount of data received and sent.

Some of them allow you to limit the speed of each individual connection.

Thus, you can distribute Internet traffic depending on the priority of the task.

Another useful feature of such utilities is the ability to maintain statistics.


Such software is necessary for corporate structures in which every financial aspect is important. Using a traffic monitor also benefits home networks.

Among all such programs, there are five most common, functional and convenient.


A free traffic accounting program that combines a simple interface and good functionality.

The program's capabilities allow you to monitor multiple connections, which is very useful for monitoring traffic on corporate networks.

Detailed connection monitoring allows you to identify and defeat unauthorized access attempts.

A flexible notification system will allow you not to miss an important event, be it connection problems, suspicious actions or a decrease in connection speed.

The collected data is not only displayed graphically in the program window, but is also saved in a special statistics file.

The statistical data is subsequently easily exported to a spreadsheet, HTML or MS Word document.


Monitoring multiple connections;

Flexible notification system;

Maintaining detailed statistics;

Free distribution model.


True, in this mode you can only observe the dynamics, you will not be able to influence them.


Free distribution;

Possibility of remote monitoring;

Good for home use.


Significant consumption of RAM resources;

Mandatory presence of the .NET Framework (conditional disadvantage).

Internet Count

The program is designed to account for the cost of an Internet connection. Accounting is possible both for time-based pricing and for tariff plans with traffic limits.

The program's universal capabilities allow you to calculate the cost of an Internet connection for users in any region.

All collected data is stored in detailed statistics by day and month.

The collected data can be exported to various document formats for subsequent detailed analysis.


Free distribution;

Possibility of cost accounting regardless of region;

Detailed statistics.


Only cost accounting is carried out;

Only Beta version is available.


An excellent tool for traffic accounting. The utility collects maximum information on data exchange processes.

TMeter provides traffic counting as well as the ability to manage multiple connections.

Statistics are collected on a variety of parameters, displayed in accordance with the current state of affairs and saved in graphical and text forms.

The program's powerful functionality allows you to manage connections using its own authentication system, based on IP addresses or other parameters.

Data flow controls allow you to limit the connection speed for each user individually.


Huge tools for managing corporate networks;

NAT mechanism, which provides local network users with Internet access via a single IP;

Built-in authentication service;

Flexible filter system.


Windows-oriented; work in other operating systems is impossible;

Not suitable for home use;

The difficult-to-learn interface is not suitable for ordinary users;

The free version has a limit on the filters used (up to 3).

The head of a company of any size must be aware of the amount of resources consumed by his organization, how much money is spent and where, how much electricity is consumed, what are the costs of telephony, etc. In the last 10-15 years, another expense item has been added: the Internet. To correctly budget for the company Internet traffic costs, you need to know reliably what its monthly consumption is in the company. That's why traffic accounting- one of the most important responsibilities of a system administrator, who is responsible for counting traffic and saving it, which includes continuous monitoring to ensure that the volume of, for example, weekly traffic allocated to a company does not exceed the established limit.

To save money, more and more organizations are switching to using unlimited Internet access packages, but this does not diminish the importance of traffic accounting. So, for example, on the network, there may be a periodic drop in the speed of the Internet connection, for which there can be many reasons: from an unscrupulous provider or an employee downloading large files during working hours, to a failure of one of the network interfaces. And low Internet speed or its absence for modern business is fraught with a decrease in the quality of services today and the loss of partners and clients tomorrow.

Depending on the security policy, traffic accounting can be implemented in the following ways:

1. Using SNMP protocol (Simple Network Management Protocol). The advantage of this method is that there is no need to install additional software on user computers. In this case, the traffic accounting program is installed only on the system administrator’s PC, and on remote computers it is only necessary to correctly configure the SNMP service, which is not at all difficult for a specialist. This protocol allows you to take into account traffic, firstly, on computers running Windows and Linux, and secondly, on network printers, switches and other network devices. Therefore, the system administrator also has the opportunity to control the operation of the company’s active network equipment. Often, by default, the SNMP protocol is disabled in the OS and needs to be additionally installed and configured.

2. With WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) services, which is an alternative to SNMP. This traffic accounting method, like the previous one, does not require the installation of any additional modules on controlled computers. However, this method is only suitable for Windows OS.

3. If the company's security policy prohibits the use of SNMP and WMI services, then the system administrator can use traffic accounting using agent installations to remote computers, which are usually included with the traffic accounting program. If the agent is implemented as a service, then it reads all traffic values ​​unnoticed by the user and without loading the computer.

4. The next method is traffic accounting using NetFlow protocol, which was developed by Cisco and is designed to collect information about IP traffic within a network. The principle of its operation is to accumulate all statistics about transmitted IP packets in a special buffer, and then process it. The most important advantage of this method is the ability to keep track of traffic in large companies with a complex and geographically distributed network. However, it should be noted that this method of traffic accounting can only be implemented in networks where there is equipment that supports the NetFlow protocol, and it, admittedly, is quite expensive.

5. Another method is to count network packets using sniffer or traffic analyzer. This method allows you to find out the IP address of both the sender and the recipient, which means you can see where the organization’s resources are being spent. It is important to know that in networks with a large volume of transmitted traffic or high bandwidth, this type of traffic accounting may produce some errors.

Using several traffic accounting methods at once helps to get a complete picture of the work of the enterprise and its employees. Traffic accounting separately for each protocol, as well as automatic display of all collected information in the form of tables and graphs, allows you to calculate the employees who most actively use the Internet, as well as find out for what purposes it is spent: viewing photos, downloading files, messaging or browsing videos on the Internet.

Some traffic accounting programs allow you to customize their reaction to certain events, for example, exceeding a set limit of consumed traffic or the failure of a network interface. Thanks to this, the system administrator can quickly respond to these events and troubleshoot problems with minimal loss of time and effort. But the most important task of the traffic accounting process is the ability to always be aware of current expenses, on the basis of which you can more carefully plan your budget in the future, as well as draw objective conclusions about the work of the organization’s employees.

More information about the traffic monitoring program can be found here

These are programs that allow you to monitor active connections on all network interfaces.

Modern tools for detailed and detailed traffic monitoring, as a rule:

  • are quite affordable;
  • allow you to limit the speed of each connection separately;
  • give a clear picture of which files and programs load the network and what speed they need to have;
  • allow you to determine the sources of the greatest traffic consumption.

The program will help you decide on your priorities when using the network.

Today there are many similar utilities for monitoring and planning traffic consumption.


This is a program for monitoring Internet traffic both on a local network (monitors the Internet activity of several clients at once) and on a personal computer using a modem connection. Accounting and statistics of Internet work will be displayed in the form of bandwidth graphs. They show the amount of outgoing, incoming and total traffic.

The program can be configured for almost any tariff plan, which is based on the established volume, takes into account the time of day and connection time. The CommTraffic utility is equipped with:

  • convenient indication;
  • accurate cost calculation;
  • possibility of notification in case of overspending.

Moreover, it is simple and easy to use. Once you set a traffic and time limit that matches your tariff plan, you will receive notifications with a sound signal or a message to the specified address when you approach the set limits.

Program for monitoring Internet traffic Network Meter

An application for collecting network information that allows you to monitor all network adapters installed in the system. Also provides detailed statistics about outgoing and incoming traffic. First, configure the downloaded program when you first launch it. To do this, specify what data you want to see in the main window, and the adapters that Network Meter will “monitor”.

Minimize the utility window to the notification panel so that it does not take up space on your desktop. Even in this state, the application continues to work in the background.

The program will plot graphs of network connection consumption intensity in real time. It is not overloaded with unnecessary interface elements and settings. The graphical shell of the utility is clear and simple. You can also use it to see:

  • Internet session duration, MAC address and IP;
  • connection type;
  • Maximum cable throughput.

By downloading Network Meter, you will get a fairly compact, simple and free tool. Great for monitoring traffic and viewing information about network equipment.

Internet traffic counter Simbad Traffic Counter

The utility keeps track of incoming and outgoing traffic, and also calculates its cost, according to the tariff of your Internet provider. The consumed traffic is displayed in various quantities (gigabytes, megabytes, kilobytes). In addition, the application keeps statistics. It will automatically detect the modem connection and display the time spent on the Internet. This program for monitoring Internet traffic consumes virtually no system resources and is small in size. Supports work with a large number of protocols.

Net Activity Diagram Application

The program for monitoring traffic and Internet speed Net Activity Diagram monitors the Internet and network activity of the computer.


  • tracking of all established connections;
  • displaying various warnings in the form of a message;
  • traffic analysis for specified periods of time.

Current network activity is displayed both in a separate window and on the taskbar. In addition, the Net Activity Diagram service tracks statistics independently for each port and provides the ability to monitor each type of traffic separately.

The program is quite flexible. It informs the user in cases of exceeding or approaching the established limits.

Traffic accounting using Internet Connection Counter

This program for monitoring Internet traffic will allow you to take into account the cost and time spent on the Internet, the total amount of traffic consumed. Supports various types of connections: Dial-Up, ADSL, LAN, GPRS, etc.

With this utility the user can:

  • use several Internet provider tariffs at the same time;
  • get acquainted with statistics on the traffic used;
  • customize the appearance of the application.

In addition, the application will show all active connections, synchronize the system clock and export a report to Excel format.

Traffic saving program

HandyCache will allow significantly (3-4 times) caching. The next time you visit the site, the application will help you avoid downloading it from the Internet. In addition, you can view these sites without an Internet connection, in offline mode.

To get started, you need to install HandyCache and point it to the browser as a proxy server. After this, all browsers installed on you will use the HandyCache cache. The default settings of this application suit users in most cases.

The utility is equipped with flexible settings for managing a wide variety of parameters. Can load files from cache depending on the HandyCache file type or URL. And if necessary, it will download files from the Internet in case of constant version updates. Before this, the program will check their version and only then decide whether to contact the download source.

The utility is convenient in that to search for any previously used data you do not need to find it again. Just look in the cache for a folder with the same name as the site name. In addition, this Internet traffic monitoring program for Android is ideal.

Clear and accurate accounting of money

And also time and traffic can be done using the StatistXP application. A program for monitoring Internet traffic will allow you to use the network comfortably and economically. For the trial period, 10 launches are given. And for further use, the utility is equipped with the option of prepayment and Internet cards.

The program carries out:

  • notification when connecting and disconnecting by voice;
  • accounting of time, money and traffic with connection statistics by month and year;
  • There is detailed information.

BitMeter II - a program for monitoring Internet traffic

This utility is a traffic counter. In addition, it is equipped with a wide range of tools for collecting and monitoring network connections.

In the main window of the application, you can see a graph of outgoing and incoming traffic in real time. To quickly calculate the time spent downloading, there is a special calculator.

The application supports setting warnings about exceeding the limits of the maximum traffic limit and Internet connection time.

Some features of the program:

  • Customizable settings and alerts when the speed drops to a set level or when a certain amount of data is downloaded.
  • Uploads and downloads are monitored and recorded. This will allow you to see how much traffic was used during a specific period of time.
  • On-screen stopwatch.
  • Nice help file.
  • Convenient, customizable appearance.
  • Possibility of selective monitoring of network cards.