Different passwords and logins. What is a login (username) and password, how to come up with and create them

Greetings, friends! So tell me what to name your mailbox so that it is not only easy to remember and beautiful, but also “works” for you. Yes, yes, almost literally. Today I want to discuss what I think is a very important question: how to create a beautiful image for yourself on the World Wide Web.

Long and awkward mailboxes only cause irritation, this is a well-known fact. Try to remember, maybe you’ve even come across somewhere on the Internet or on someone’s business card an email consisting of an incredible number of characters or numbers, between which no logical connections can be traced? I'm almost certainly sure that you've seen this. But they didn’t even try to remember or create in their subconscious at least some kind of connection between the address on the network and the person to whom it belongs.

Therefore, it is very important to competently approach the issue of choosing a name for your mailbox. It should be short and concise, but at the same time catchy and sonorous. In addition, you need to try to make it so that it helps you in your work activities if you plan to use it for these purposes.

What NOT to do when choosing a name

The most important thing is to forget about the numerous services for automatically generating logins. These clever algorithms act as their author intended them to, but not in your interests. They generate long and awkward logins that you yourself will forget after 5-10 minutes. Yes, of course, you can set the required settings in them, but all these services will select such options for you that you won’t even want to look at them. And this is logical, because a computer program cannot know how to name an email so as to please you.

There is no need to make long logins, since it is very difficult for the person who will write to you in this mailbox to remember them.

In general, we can give a few tips that will be optimal when choosing names:

Create a short login

For example, let's take one of the common surnames in Russia - Smirnov and the name - Alexander. There are thousands of people with such names and surnames. And coming up with a name for the box would seem to be a difficult task. When registering mail on Yandex we receive

List of suggested login options for the mailbox name

The entire part that is located before the “@” symbol is the main one, after it there is domain information typical for all mailboxes - @mail.ru, @yandex.ru, @gmail.com and so on.

So, in this main part, it is advisable to keep it within 10-12 characters, otherwise the person entering the address will simply go crazy. Imagine that he would write something like this: paramonov_alexandr. Long, difficult and unnecessary. If you made a mistake in one letter, then you can generally send the letter either to the wrong place or to a non-existent mailbox.

If you absolutely want to use your first or last name, try shortening it as follows:

  • Alexey, Alexander – Alex; Natalia - Nata, Natali; Sergey – Serg, Sergio.

Try writing your last name or first name backwards. Perhaps you will get the original version.

These are just a few examples. Similar associations can be made to any name, you just need to use a little imagination. Otherwise, it will be better if, instead of a long name and surname, you write your initials in the address.

As you can see, Yandex offers many options, but all of them are not entirely successful. Let's assume that our Alexander has a middle name, which is also very common, - Ivanovich. Let's try to use it. After several experiments, I came up with this list of available names for registration.

Pay attention to the top login in the list, in my opinion, it is quite simple and original. And the others are good too.

Experiment with numbers

Let me make a reservation right away: in moderation. In fact, it is now difficult to do without numbers when selecting an address for a mailbox. Many letter combinations are busy, so it is recommended to dilute them with numbers.

By the way, in the example above, the letter “O” in the last name is replaced by the number “0”.

This could be the year you were born or the year the post was created. The last option, by the way, although it looks interesting, such an address will only be relevant in the year in which it was registered. If, for example, you create mail in 2017, then in 2018 this address will already look archaic. Alternatively, indicate the age. This can be done either with ordinary numerals - “21”, or Roman numerals - “XXI”. In any case, they will only thank you later for such a shortening and uniqueization of the address. I’m exaggerating, of course, no one will tell you, but you definitely won’t experience any problems with entering the address.

Today, they often use a phone number as a mailbox name, which is also an option.

Select the purpose and purpose of the mail

When choosing a name, it is better to come up with one that you can give to a friend, parents, colleagues, director, or even strangers. Agree that it will not be very comfortable and respectable if you sit and think:
– Let’s call the email something like “Captain_America_Forever”?
Yes, maybe this reflects your interests, but think about how the boss or recruiter will look at such mail during an interview with you? Such an address will definitely not evoke the image of a respectable, mature and reasonable person.

If email is needed for work, then it should be extremely correct and concise.

Your email will be seen by many people, the vast majority of whom you don't even know. That is why it should not cause any negative associations and be easy to remember.

Don't try to use car names, initials of famous people, any famous brands, etc.

This is not very correct, since it will only confuse the other person, because on a subconscious level we all try to learn more about each other in the process of communication, and such name options can immediately tell about your preferences.

That's all the advice, friends. I sincerely hope that now you understand the importance of a beautiful and concise address and understand how to come up with an email name. If you have any questions, write them in the comments, I will be happy to answer them!

Also, don’t forget to subscribe to blog updates and share the article with your friends on social networks. See you soon!

PS: Interesting facts about bottle mail

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During the account registration process, any email service requests a login and password. In turn, the login for mail is the user ID and email address, and the password is necessary to protect access, that is, it is the key to login.

Coming up with credentials is a responsible task that should never be neglected. After all, the comfort of use and the level of security of the e-mail depend on how well the name and key are composed.

This article will tell you how to select beautiful email address options and create a powerful but easy to remember password to log into your profile.

Creating a login

Method number 1: select a name generated by the service

In many online emails, when filling out the registration form, the user is offered a choice of ready-made logins. They are created on the service server automatically based on the specified first and last name, as well as the registration date.

To use the generated address, just click on it (it will immediately appear in the line).

Method number 2: compose manually

There are quite a lot of methods that allow you to come up with an address yourself. Let's look at the most basic ones:

  1. If you plan to use e-mail for business correspondence, communication with clients, in other words, for business, for an address, take the name of your company, store, or company as a basis.
  2. In order not to forget your login, use your first and last name and date of birth.
  3. If it is difficult for you to achieve uniqueness, that is, the address you compiled is already used by someone, add to it numbers, numbers, dates familiar to you (year of birth, wedding date, first digits of the phone), some suffix or prefix la-, net- , si, -istor, -x or add a famous word (Win, Boss, Super, etc.). Examples: mySuperak12, vasyaNet.
  4. Write down the nickname you like in reverse order.

Method number 3: use an online generator

There are a huge number of services on the Internet that provide logins according to specified settings.

For example:


Offers three creation options: “Random”, “Fantasy”, “Fruit and vegetable”. You can also set the language (Russian or English), as well as the number of syllables.


Has advanced generation settings. Before creating a login on this service, you can specify which character sets should be used (lowercase and uppercase letters, special characters and numbers), as well as the letters or syllables with which the address should begin and end.

Composing a password

To create a hack-resistant password, you must adhere to the following rules and tips:

1. Read the rules for creating a key on the mail service. Some sites do not allow the use of Russian letters and special characters in the character sequence.

2. Use long combinations (at least 10-15 characters). This way you will significantly reduce the risk of the key being hacked through guessing.

3. Do not use your mailbox login, your name, phone number or other data that is easy to predict as a password.

4. If you don’t know which key will optimally protect your mailbox from unauthorized access, use a password generator. On these web services, you can set all the parameters of the combination - length, character set, composition algorithm (random, readable, generated using entropy methods).

Good luck creating your login and password!

Work, entertainment, and even personal life for many today is connected with the Internet. Therefore, every day we have to register on many different resources. But how to come up with a login and password for registration so that everything is convenient and practical. After all, you cannot use the simplest combination of numbers for all sites. Otherwise, you may be hacked.

How to come up with a login for registration?

Unlike a password, there can be only one login. Come up with 1 beautiful combination of letters. And it will become your middle name. This solution is especially good for those who work on the Internet. After all, this way you can gain a certain reputation, and you will be remembered under your login.

The login itself can be:

  • Your last name and first name. But such combinations are often busy;
  • Nickname. Come up with a cool nickname for yourself, like “Master Blog”;
  • Some people add their field of activity to their login. For example, “Sergeant copyright”;
  • You can put a significant number in your login that you remember in some way.

Often logins can only be written in English. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid those combinations of letters that are difficult to read: sh, SC, IE, etc. Remember that the login may have to be dictated to someone. Therefore it should be simple.

Also, do not write the year of birth, year of registration or age in this combination. Do not disclose your personal information. Otherwise, you may not inspire confidence in many.

How to come up with a password for registration?

You must create a password each time you register on the site. And to do this you must:

  1. Use at least 8 characters;
  2. Use different case (capital and small letters);
  3. Add numbers;
  4. Add punctuation marks;
  5. Change layout, etc.

In particular, you can take any word and write it in the English layout. You can also put a number. For example, let’s take: “disco”, add “2017”, write it all down in the English layout (not in English). And no one will definitely break your password.

What else can be used for passwords and logins?

To come up with a login and password for registering on the site, you can use anything you like. Many people use the first and last names of relatives, even very distant ones.

Some use the names of pets and children. The names of friends and acquaintances also work well. You can also use the names of plants and animals. Moreover, it is better to use such names in Latin.

And the most secure password is the word that is not in the official dictionary. After all, hacker programs today primarily search the Russian language dictionary. This means it becomes easier to hack your data.

How to store data?

To prevent your logins and passwords from being lost, you should write them down in a notebook. This is the simplest and most reliable option. After all, only paper media cannot be hacked or destroyed at the touch of a button.

But storing passwords on a computer is very dangerous. After all, with the help of viruses they can be easily found out. Also, don't try to remember everything. After all, even simple combinations can fly out of your head.

Most sites have the ability to recover logins and passwords. But you shouldn't hope for it. Save your data and don't lose it. This way you will save your time and effort.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site! For experienced users, of course, it is not difficult to answer the question in the title regarding the login and password for an account that is created on one or another online service.

However, novice users sometimes encounter difficulties when they need to figure out for themselves these components of authorization during registration, and even more so when they need to decide how and where to store this very important personal data so that it is convenient, and most importantly, so that they do not become the property of attackers.

Therefore, it is extremely important to immediately understand some rules for yourself, which I will discuss below, so that later you will not be excruciatingly painful for your unreasonable frivolity. Also, during the story, we will look at how to create logins and passwords in the correct form and use automation methods in the form of reliable software to store them and log into accounts.

What is a login and how to create one

This term comes from the English phrase “log in”, which means “log in”, “log in”. It is used on any site where registration is required (large online portals like Yandex and Google, social networks, various services, video hosting, etc.). Now let's try to understand how to create your own login, which would fit the required parameters.

You should distinguish between login and username. The login is intended for subsequent authorization and must be written in Latin letters regardless of which service (Russian or English) you register on, otherwise the system simply will not accept it.

The user name is used on some resources within the system primarily for communication and it is quite acceptable to write it in Russian on Russian-language services, which is quite logical. To avoid confusion in this matter, recently, authoritative sites often use email addresses or mobile phone numbers as logins.

This can be said, for example, in relation to the largest social networks - Linkedin. In fact, the question is not idle, especially if you are going to use the World Wide Web for serious purposes, including or even running an online business. But even if this is not the case, being online also involves communicating with people.

The username you entered when registering on large sites or portals, very often part of your email address, plays a very significant role, so choose it with the utmost seriousness.

It should also be noted that any system needs to identify each user. Therefore, the selected login will be unique and belong only to you. Every year it becomes more and more difficult to find not only a beautiful and “speaking” name, but also an exclusive one, since the number of users on the Internet is growing by leaps and bounds, so you will have to work hard here too.

You can experiment with finding a suitable username, and the system will reject existing names, while simultaneously offering several free options, including combinations of real first and last names (or parts thereof):

If the proposed variations do not suit you, you can initiate the search again by entering a different user name in the field. Personally, I like derivatives with parts of first and last names, but in combination with numbers they do not look so attractive, again for my taste. So in this case I would try to find a different name.

Somehow like this. Keep in mind that in the vast majority of cases, the selected login cannot be changed later. The only option is to register a new account, but this way out of the situation is not always acceptable, especially if your account has collected a very decent amount of necessary data.

Choose a complex password - this is the way to ensure maximum security

Now let's turn our attention to another part of the data for authorization and logging into your account. Speech about the password or password(from English password). What is it? Of course, for experienced users such a question sounds funny, but there are always those who are just starting their “life on the Internet,” isn’t it?

But even experienced users sometimes make childish mistakes by not following basic security rules when creating and storing passwords, which I would like to remind you of. I think this will not be superfluous, since this topic is extremely important.

So, perfect "my" password is a complex combination of numbers, letters and other symbols that makes it extremely difficult for unauthorized (without permission) access to confidential information for bad guys. I would like to immediately warn you against using passwords like qwerty (the first six letters on the keyboard) or 12345678, which will in no way protect you.

In addition, do not under any circumstances create a password using letters or numbers placed in a row on a computer keyboard. Always remember this, even if you think there is nothing valuable in your account. But this is in your opinion, which may not coincide with the opinion of hackers who can use even the most insignificant data at first glance to your detriment.

A dozen passwords can still be written down somewhere on a piece of paper and stored in some secluded place. But imagine if there are several dozen, or even hundreds of services in which you are registered. Especially if you use them not occasionally, but daily.

In this case, it will be quite problematic to manually enter complex passwords into the authorization form each time. We need to automate the process somehow. In addition, a completely logical question arises: where to store passwords and logins for the sites on which you are registered.

To be honest, I don't fully trust the autofill and password storage features that are present in all modern browsers. But a reliable third-party free and open source program like this may be the tool that will help in this matter.

At one time, when searching for the necessary software, it was the presence of open source code that any more or less experienced programmer could check that I paid primary attention to. Well, positive reviews online played a role, of course. Since then I have been successfully using Kipas for several years.

KeePass Manager is an almost perfect solution in every sense. You should only come up with the most complex main password, consisting of 25-30 characters, which must be entered to enter the created database of logins and passwords for all services in which you are registered.

There is a portable version of this manager, which, by the way, I use myself. You can easily store the database itself on, or even better, on removable media in the form of a flash drive. This will further increase security.

KeePass has all the necessary tools to make the process easier and faster, including a great tool with which you can generate extremely complex passwords fully automatically, which not only saves a lot of time, but also ensures reliability.

If you need to log into your profile on any site, simply open the authorization page and press the necessary hot keys (of course, you first need to open Kipas), as a result of which the form with login and password will be instantly filled out and you will be automatically logged in. Lepota.

Yes, this manager allows you not only to log into accounts of any online services, but also into the necessary programs, for example, in FileZilla to connect to the hosting server where your site “lives”, or in Keeper WinPro of the WebMoney payment system. In general, use the recommendations given here and always remember to be safe. Amen.

Whenever you register on the Internet, you must come up with a login (also called login, username, nickname) and a password (password) for subsequent authentication in the system and login to your personal account. It is extremely important to create combinations that meet two important requirements:

  • Login - easy to remember;
  • Password is a very difficult combination of characters, numbers and letters for an outsider.

The login can be used everywhere the same, as a kind of brand, and the passwords certainly had to be completely different in order to make hacking it as long and difficult as possible. There are no “unhackable” options, since competent specialists can do almost everything in computers, the Internet and programming. Hacking the password for an ordinary social network account is a trivial matter for them. Therefore, it is important to make a complex version of the code so that a hacker does not have the patience to break into your profile and do something nasty there.

Many people think that creating a good personal password and nickname (login) is a completely simple matter, however, such a misconception often leads to very sad consequences in the form of the loss of their favorite account. In this case, it is possible to lose everything - friends, your community, important records, personal photos, contact information, correspondence, and much more. etc. To prevent this from happening to you, we will make your identification data as reliable and beautiful as possible, observing special rules.

Why come up with a beautiful login?

Login (nickname, also known as login) is a reflection of you as a person, presented in the form of an alphanumeric combination (maybe some other characters). Of course, it’s not difficult to come up with an arbitrary combination of symbols and make a super complex abra-kadabra.

People care about you, and not some name on the site. This is true, but...

  1. If the combination is complex, then for sure at some right moment you will forget your nickname, and the sheet where it was written down for safety reasons will simply not be found. Such records have the ability to get lost at times of extreme need. In any case, it will take a long time to enter characters correctly, switch between upper and lowercase writing, check for errors, etc. These are all additional difficulties.
  2. Friends, relatives and simple strangers will be more willing to contact you when the login is well-remembered and immediately points to a specific person. If your login immediately comes to mind, it’s easy to type it into the address bar and contact you or write a message (email).
  3. For online earnings, a solid nickname is extremely important, because often customers or partners only see this nickname. Based on it, they form their own initial impression of you. It is difficult to achieve success and earn substantial sums as a specialist if the login line says, for example, “Svetik-semitsvetik22” or “Terminator_1994”. In serious matters, sometimes it is login that plays a decisive role.
  4. You need to work scrupulously on your brand, that is, on your nickname, from the moment you register on any web project. All steps should be thought through in advance, since under such a virtual name you will go down in history.
  5. Some unusual areas of activity select performers solely by login. This nickname clearly demonstrates the creativity, originality and mental abilities of a person. This approach is especially relevant for services where you can earn money online (copywriting, naming, rewriting, freelancing, etc.).

All the above factors should be taken into account!

An example of creating a good password

You will create an amazing password if you follow these instructions:

  • take any word you know well and remember well. Let it be Siemens2017; - go through all the points (instructions from specialists) of the manual from the previous paragraph. It will look like this: Siemens2017 -> SieMenS2017 -> 5ieMenS2O17 -> 5ie,Men.S2O17. The last dot does not apply to the password;
  • It turned out to be an original combination. Using this method, you can easily and quickly create a code that is very difficult for hackers, but quite easy for you to remember.

Bad password options

  • children's names, animal names, your famous nickname;
  • any variations of the first and last name. Even attaching numbers does not complicate such a password;
  • special dates and events from your life, known to a large number of people or noted on public resources (social networks, forums, open competitions, photographs, etc.);
  • words in reverse alphabetic keyboard layout. You write, for example, the familiar word “Yaroslavl”, but with the English layout it will turn out to be “Zhjckfdkm”. Special programs can easily solve such passwords;
  • any complex words from dictionaries, for example, “synchrophasotron”. Hackers have software in their arsenal that recognizes such words.

Remember! Any information that is easy to obtain is definitely an unacceptable password solution!

How and where to store passwords

Coming up with complex code and an original login is half the battle. Now it is important not to forget or lose this data. It is very difficult to remember combinations of characters, numbers and letters, especially when there are more than two or three such codes and logins. For this reason, it is extremely important to create a special place in which this vital information will be stored. If anything, you will always open the required page in your notebook (notebook) and enter the required data correctly.

Not long ago, security experts noted that creating complex passwords facilitates hacking. Since people are not able to remember complex passwords, they began to write them down directly on computers and phones, from where hackers steal the treasured password.

The basic rules for storing passwords and nicknames are as follows:

  • Make a note on paper (notebook, diary, notebook, regular sheet, etc.) and keep it close to you. It is not advisable to indicate what your login and password are for, but if you need to do this, then somehow encrypt the purpose of the data;
  • You can also save it on your PC, but first mask it. Write information in a text editor, take a screenshot and save it in a separate place (HDD or flash drive). In principle, it is acceptable to leave the data in text format, but you should change its format - change DOC, DOCX or TXT to JPG. The computer system will now display the file as a picture. These are the documents that hackers look at last, if they decide to study them at all. The nuance here is important. Now, in order to see the masked information again, you need to change the format back from JPG to TXT, DOCX or DOC - depending on what you used;
  • use special virtual password storages from well-known anti-virus software manufacturers (Kaspersky, Dr.WEB, AVAST). In them, the data is securely encrypted and access to it is possible only by entering a special cipher. Ultimately, you only need to remember one password well. This is a good, reliable and convenient way;

Warning! On many sites, in order to restore access to your personal account if you lose your password, you are asked to additionally use the answer to a strictly secret (security) question during registration. This is also a good thing, but you need to take it seriously. Do not use questions suggested by the system. Always come up with your own question and indicate the answer to it. It is better to use very personal information for this!