Direction to satellite on google map. Online satellite map of the world from Google

Every user has at least once wondered how to find their home using aerial photographs.

The surprising thing is that access to this information via the Internet is now completely free.

Thanks to the launch of commercial Earth observations, we now have access to online tools that make it easy to see your home from space.

In our modern space age, there are more than 8,000 satellites that constantly orbit the Earth.

The vast majority of them receive data and transmit encoded information to Earth.

Many of them are equipped with high power cameras. Just look at the sky and you are sure to see the satellite's trail after the satellite passes overhead.

But how can you access this satellite data and aerial imagery of your home?

Satellite images of the entire Earth

If you just want to look satellite images all over the planet, you have several simple solutions.

You can go to the NASA weather forecasters website. Every three hours, images taken by NOAA's Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite appear on the site.

This is a release of images of an entire hemisphere of planet Earth.

From these images you can see the major changes in weather patterns affecting different hemispheres of the Earth.

The pictures are so precise that you can see specific place on Earth as close as possible.

These photographs are striking in their extreme realism. The weather changes that you see in these pictures are happening on the planet right now.

If you don't want to watch videos, but just want to enjoy the extraordinary hemispheres of the Earth, these are the pictures you need.

Also on the Internet you can find amazing new satellite images of the Earth that come from spacecraft Meteosat 3rd generation of the European Space Agency.

Approximation. Looking at satellite images of houses

If these weather satellite photos aren't enough for you, let's see how to zoom in enough to see houses from space.

To do this, we need the best tool on the market today, in my opinion, . All you need is a web browser and an internet connection.

When first launched, the user receives a satellite view that is located over North America.

You can then zoom in or pan the camera across the surface to see any location on Earth.

You can also enter the exact address you want to see.

Once you do this you will receive free access to satellite images of the house whose address you indicated. You can save the image or print it.

Another interesting tool is Google Earth. It can be accessed via this link:

The main difference Google Maps and Google Earth is that you must download and install the corresponding application on your local computer(they have a version for PC, Mac, Linux and even iPhone).

Once you have downloaded and installed, you can see a 3D view of the Earth that you can zoom in and out.

You can also rotate the 3-dimensional model of our planet. You can enter your address and view your home from above.

Google Earth's print function works much better than Google Maps because it uses a printer directly to print rather than through a web browser.

There are among modern users those who choose not to use the search engine leader's products, suspecting that the company's technical engineers are spying on them.

Microsoft's service was previously called MSN Maps, but now the developers have changed the name to Bing Maps, completely updating the interface and functionality.

Yahoo's service is called Yahoo Maps, and it is very similar to Google Maps.

Between these two services there is a big difference.

You can find it on the Internet cool app, which lets you see both of these apps side by side.

Comparing them, you can understand that the latter are worked out in more detail.

And most cities are best viewed through this application.

Where do all these photos come from?

Google Maps and other popular ones mapping services really just clients.

They, just like users, use satellite communication services to actually download these photos from space.

There are several major service providers in the market, including Geoeye.

Geoeye's main competitors are Digitalglobe and Spot Image.

Each company has a fleet of satellites that they use to observe the Earth.

Their technical capabilities allow you to photograph tiny objects on Earth.

The minimum object that this moment managed to record a size of about 45 cm (18 inches).

In other words, a 45cm object will appear as one pixel in the photograph.

Private satellites that monitor our planet around the clock:

  • GeoEye – 5 satellites: IKONOS, OrbView-2, OrbView-3, GeoEye-1, GeoEye-2 (in 2013).
  • DigitalGlobe – 4 satellites: Early Bird 1, Quickbird, WorldView-1, Worldview-2
  • Spot Image – 2 satellites: Spot 4, Spot 5

Each of these services allows customers to purchase satellite imagery directly, but the prices are extremely high: hundreds or even thousands of dollars for specific satellite imagery.

It is usually not possible to purchase photographs directly from the company that owns the satellite.

Most often, in such cases, the services of international intermediaries are used.

Average users are better off sticking to free sources.

When you look at these amazing images from space, you may be surprised at the accuracy and detail. In fact, this is far from the most current data.

At the moment, photographs from two years ago can be found in the public domain.

More current data is purchased by intelligence agencies and intelligence organizations and is never sent to Free access.

But, if you have a burning thirst for up-to-date information, you should turn to other sources that will give you a live view of the Earth from space.

For example, you can access a live feed from NASA's International Space Station.

About 40% of the time, if you go to their website, you will be able to see a video of Earth from the space station.

Another service called Urthecast launched a high-definition camera feed from the International Space Station in 2013 to broadcast video of Earth from space.


Google Maps is not easy popular program, used by the company, but it is also one of the most popular cards used for hybrid web applications.

This makes Google Maps a very popular and versatile tool that is used in various ways.

It is used in localization applications and weather forecasting services.

Learning to use the application is easy. This way you can navigate through various map-based hybrid web apps.

Although some of these hybrids change some of the default settings.

But knowledge of Google Maps will allow you to quickly adapt to small changes in software display.

Tip: While reading the instructions for using the application, try transferring the cards to separate window browser. You can practice in parallel by reading useful tips.

Satellite maps from Google are popular. This is a convenient and practical tool that allows you to view the planet at any scale. The satellite image reveals details: small streets and alleys near the house, cities, countries and continents. This became possible thanks to satellite imagery.
Earlier to receive pictures from space filming was used with a television camera with a signal transmitted to the station or filming with a special photographic camera, the images of which were displayed on film. Today, modern space technologies make it possible to look at the planet thanks to the scanning mechanism built into satellites.

Satellite Map: Applications and Purposes

Currently, real-time satellite world map is used in many fields: analyzing the state of agricultural fields, forests, oceans and identifying the location of friends using a smartphone. Google satellite map is used for these resources.
The main purpose of using satellite images of the world from Google remains navigation. The website features a world diagram showing continents, states, cities, streets and highways. This helps you navigate the area, appreciate its landscape, and simply travel around the Earth without leaving your home.

Quality of online world map images from satellite

The highest resolution images are available for the largest cities in Ukraine, America, Russia, Belarus, Asia, Europe and Oceania with a population of more than a million people. For settlements with fewer inhabitants, images are available in limited quantities and of poorer quality.
Despite this, everyone can take a detailed look at the territory of their home, nearby streets, and look at photos of the planet from almost any point. The pictures reveal the placement:

  • cities, towns, villages,
  • streets, alleys
  • rivers, seas, lakes, forest zones, deserts, etc.

Good quality cartographic images allow you to examine the landscape of the selected area in detail.

Google map capabilities from satellite:

Google satellite maps help you see things in detail that are difficult to assess on regular charts. Satellite images preserve the natural shape of an object, its size and colors. Before printing and circulation, ordinary, classic maps undergo editorial elaboration to match the scale, as a result of which they are lost natural colors terrain and shape of objects. The cartographic images retain their naturalness.
In addition, you can quickly find the city of interest in any country on the map. The diagram has a column in which you can indicate the country, city, and even house number in Russian. In a second, the diagram will zoom in and show the location given object and those who are near him.

Satellite world map mode

Satellite images have the ability to switch to world map mode. It helps to view the territory on the surface of the planet, get as close as possible to the selected object, and consider the layout of the location. This mode allows you to quickly and conveniently plan your trip route, move around the city, find attractions, etc.
By specifying the house number, the diagram will display its location relative to the city center in a second. It is also possible to plot a route from the initially specified object. To do this, click on the appropriate button and enter the address.

Map of the earth from satellite to website

the site allows users to use a satellite map in real time completely free of charge. For convenience, the map is divided into countries. To search for a specific city or get acquainted with the area of ​​the state, click on the one you are interested in and begin your “travel”. The service is constantly improving, work is underway to place satellite images in high resolution small settlements.
Good quality online satellite cartographic images posted on our website help you quickly find the desired object, examine the landscape, estimate the distances between cities, and find out the location of forests, rivers, seas and oceans. With Voweb, traveling around the world has become even more accessible.

" If the map does not open right away, click on the link with your address (on the left of the screen), and a map of your area will open in front of you, with your home marked on it.

In the right corner of the screen, click on the "Satellite" button to switch map to satellite view mode. Use the mouse wheel to zoom in on the image. If for a given location on map there are photographs, videos or descriptions from Wikipedia, you can turn on display them by hovering the cursor over the “Satellite” button and checking the boxes in the corresponding menu items.

Well, to fully experience the beauty of new technologies, hover over the “Satellite” button again and click on the “Earth” icon to activate 3D cards. In this mode, you will be able to get a closer look at houses and other objects on the map, which will be presented in three-dimensional form.

Satellite navigators are increasingly becoming part of the lives of motorists. Thanks to the presence of the device, the driver has the opportunity to determine his location with an accuracy of several meters, choose the most optimal route movements. But in order for the navigator to show the road, the corresponding maps must be loaded into its memory.


Since GPS navigators are produced by many manufacturers, you need to find cards specifically for your model. To do this, enter the exact name of your navigator into the search bar of your browser and add the words “download maps” to the request. Among the links that appear, you will probably find one by clicking on which you can download the maps you need.

If the option of searching for maps on the Internet does not suit you in some way or does not produce results, ask around for them in car stores. As a rule, sellers are well versed in navigator models and will be able to select the maps you need or tell you where you can buy them. This method is also suitable for small towns, for which you can find good cards On the Internet it can be quite difficult. Demand dictates supply, so store owners try to have the necessary goods in stock.

The maps have been found, now they need to be installed on the GPS navigator. To do this you need to connect it with a computer special cable supplied with the device. As a rule, the navigator itself searches for map files on disks computer and downloads them. If the navigator successfully opens maps and orients them correctly, then the installation was successful.

What if the required card couldn't find it? In this case, there is only one option left - to make it yourself. Any GPS map- this is simply a drawing in a certain format (depending on the navigator model), tied to coordinates on the ground. Cards there are raster and vector, the former are more often used in navigators. If you scan a regular topographic map and save the file in *.jpeg format, this will be raster map. But in order for this by card could be used in the navigator, she needs special file bindings with *.map extension. Usually at least four map points are snapped. The more there are, the more accurate the map will be.

To create a map, use special programs– for example, OziExplorer. To be sure link a card, you will need to enter the coordinates of nine points: four in the corners of the map, four in edges and one in the center. The program will calculate all other coordinates independently. About, how to use OziExplorer program, it is better to read detailed articles on this topic.

Video on the topic


  • OziExplorer in 2017

Since the beginning of space exploration, photographs of the earth's surface taken from artificial satellites lands are of great interest to many people. Opening up an unprecedented perspective, they allow you to feel the scale and boundaries of the world in which we live. Modern satellites have powerful photographic equipment and optical systems. Many satellites from private companies are constantly photographing the planet. Today there is a large number of pictures various scales and permits from almost all settlements on earth. And anyone can see such pictures and literally look at city from satellite using interactive maps Google Maps.

You will need

  • Any modern web browser. Internet connection.


Find the object territory or populated area, a photo of which is from satellite must see. Enter the name of a settlement or significant object in the search bar. Press the Enter button, or the Search Maps button located next to search bar. The page will refresh. After updates on map at the bottom pages The search result will be displayed. Typically, this is the object you are looking for, marked with a red icon.

Zoom in and find the objects you need. Click on the "+" icon on the display scale slider located on the right. The image scale will increase. Move map using drag and drop to search the desired object. For more productive work use with card context menu, available by clicking on it right click mice.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

Enable the Webcams, Videos, Wikipedia, Photos, Labels items of the toolbar located under the Map panel in order to have more information about the objects being viewed on the earth's surface.


  • how to view your city from satellite

Satellite photography of the earth's surface is used in various practical areas of human activity - economic and scientific. In the Internet era, every curious web surfer can access such pictures. True, you shouldn’t expect too much from them; nevertheless, the distance from which the photography is taken is very large - two thousand kilometers from the surface of the planet is considered a low satellite orbit. Therefore, most often satellite pictures presented in photo card format - this is their most widely used application.


If you want to find satellite photos Which-a specific point on the earth’s surface (for example, his at home), take advantage of the popular Internet-service search engine Google. It's called Google.Maps, and you can get there by clicking on the "Maps" link in the top line home page search engine.

Default photo image on Google.Maps opens on the smallest scale - it’s more convenient to move to the right point. Use your mouse to move the image to to the right place, and then increase it - move the slider at the left edge of the photo card to the plus. You can save a fragment of a satellite photograph of an area using the “Print” button located to the left of the photo map.

Map of the planet made from satellites photos, can be used without access to the Internet - the Google.Maps service is duplicated in separate application, which is called Google.Earth. If you prefer to use photo cards this way, please use the link to the page free download which is given below.

Photo maps are updated every few years, and more recent, although much less detailed photographs of parts of the planet's surface can be found, for example, on the website of NASA - the American National Aeronautics and Exploration Administration space. Link to desired page this English-language web resource is in the list below the article. After loading the page into the browser, type the name of the locality in Latin in its only input field letters and press Enter. Satellite photos are presented here pictures standard format, so you can save them like any other images from web pages.

If you are not interested in any specific geographical points, but in fresh satellite images of everything visible

Russian car or foreign car?

Many city residents prefer to choose foreign cars, and this is understandable - as a rule, foreign cars are more comfortable, different high quality. But foreign cars have one significant drawback– they need professional service.

In the city there are no difficulties with repairs; you can always find a suitable station Maintenance. But in the village, any breakdown of a foreign car becomes a serious problem. It should also be taken into account that maintaining a foreign car and servicing it at a service center is much more expensive than repairing a domestic car. Salaries in rural areas are lower than in urban areas, so this point should be taken into account.

That is why it is preferable for a village resident to choose products from the domestic automobile industry. Spare parts for Russian cars are quite cheap and are sold in almost any auto parts store. Most types of repairs can be done independently, without resorting to the services of specialists. service centers.

Selecting a car model

Given the poor quality of rural roads, best choice becomes the purchase of an SUV. The number of options here is not so large; among the main contenders are cars such as the VAZ-2121 Niva, Chevrolet Niva, UAZ Hunter, UAZ Patriot and UAZ pickup. Thus, the choice has to be made between two manufacturers - VAZ and UAZ.

The line of cars from both manufacturers includes both well-known models - the VAZ-2121 and UAZ Hunter, and relatively new ones - the Chevrolet Niva, UAZ Patriot and UAZ pickup. The former are distinguished by a lower price, the latter by a different body design and an increased level of comfort.

The models do not differ significantly in terms of reliability level. All have excellent cross-country ability, while the cross-country ability of UAZ vehicles is higher than that of VAZ. But the UAZ also has higher fuel consumption. Its dimensions are larger; in comparison with it, the Niva is more compact and maneuverable.

The UAZ pickup truck is perfect for farmers and all those who often have to transport various cargoes. “Niva” in this regard loses to all UAZ models; its trunk is quite small. However, with the rear seats folded down, the Niva can even transport a refrigerator or other bulky cargo.

In terms of cross-country ability, the UAZ and Niva of both models have no equal among the products of the Russian automobile industry. Moreover, they often have to pull even crossovers from well-known Western manufacturers out of the mud and snow. Unlike many of these cars, the UAZ and Niva are real SUVs that have a center differential lock and a range of low-range gears.

Thus, if you want to feel confident on any off-road terrain and not spend money on expensive repairs at a car service center, choose a UAZ or Niva of any model you like. These are reliable, practical cars that have won the hearts of many Russian car enthusiasts.


  • watch from satellite