Wi-Fi is connected. Connecting to your neighbor's wifi

Many modern models no smartphones or tablets required additional settings. Almost everything is ready to go, all that remains is to synchronize the data: numbers, music, photos, etc.

To connect to the Internet, as a rule, you need to use either a mobile or Wi-Fi connection.

In the latter case, you just need to find the one you need and enter the password for it. The only exception is open network. After this, the user can fully use the Internet.

However, the settings may be confused or simply not set by default yet. Accordingly, you need to edit the properties for everything to work.

Preliminary measures

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You don’t always need to blame everything on a non-working Wi-Fi module or just a parameter failure.

First of all, check if the Wi-Fi you want to connect to works on other devices. Additionally, try also joining another connection.

If your smartphone doesn’t connect at all, although everything is fine on the other device, then you should try setting up Wi-Fi yourself.

If it is the router that is not working, you need to check the configuration via your smartphone. Let's take a closer look at this.

Settings on your mobile device

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In this case, you need to go to the settings in the Wi-fi section and scroll through the entire list of networks available for connection to the end. Then click on the “Add network” panel.

The following is required for connection:

  • enter a name;
  • specify the security type;
  • save the connection.

If you are not sure about the security type, it is better to double-check. Otherwise it will be impossible to connect. This setting must be the same on all devices.

Most modern smartphones support security types such as WEP, WPA/WPA2 PSK, 802.1x EAP, WAPI PSK, WAPI CERT.


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This is special network protocol. Thanks to it, users can connect third party devices. They automatically receive all the necessary information for working in a TCP/IP network.

If DHCP is disabled, then your device cannot receive data from the network, and therefore you cannot access the Internet either.

This protocol must be configured in the router itself. If it is disabled, then there are two options: either you enable it, or work without it.

In the second case, go to Settings, to the Wi-fi section and look at the advanced settings.

They will have the following parameters:

  • proxy server;
  • IP address;
  • change password
  • static IP.

Exactly last parameter needed to restore connection. Turn it on and enter the details of the network you are connecting to:

  • IP address - the address of your device. Typically, it is in the range from to However, there may be other options depending on the router configuration.
  • Gateway - main route for communication with other gateways. Used in TCP/IP. The gateway determines the ability to access the Internet. In most cases, you can find out by looking at the information on the bottom of the router or by contacting your provider;
  • network mask - bit mask. Also required for connection. Most often it comes in the format More precisely, you can look in your settings on your computer. Having opened information about the network, one of the fields should indicate a mask.
  • DNS 1, DNS 2 - DNS is a special service that connects you to a specific resource. That is, you enter the website address, and DNS server processes this and recognizes exactly what IP this resource has. This way you can move from site to site. In addition, there is a primary and secondary DNS. When setting up a connection, you can use public servers from Google: and

If you don't know necessary information, you can watch it on your computer. To do this, you need to go to the connection properties. You can also call your operator or find an agreement with your provider; these parameters may be indicated on it.

After filling in the fields, save the changes and connect again. In most cases, everything starts to work. Otherwise, check the functionality of the Wi-fi module or router.

Set up Wi-Fi via phone

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You need to understand the configuration on the router not only if there are any problems.

For many users, only this method of setting up a router is suitable due to the lack of a laptop or regular computer. To do this, just launch the browser on your smartphone.

As a rule, in addition, you should open the instructions for your router. If you don’t have it in stock, you should download it via the mobile Internet.

Also, before setting up, make sure that you have connected the wire correctly and also turned on the router to the power supply.

After activating the Wi-fi network on your device, go to the list available connections.

Connecting to the router from a smartphone

Read also: WiFi Analyzer for Windows and Android: How to use?

The list should contain a router with the name of the manufacturer and product code number. Connect to this device. As a rule, it does not have a password, but if the network asks for one, reset the router to factory settings.

You can reset the router by clicking Reset button(red on some models) and hold it for 30 seconds. Then unplug the device and turn it on again.

Then go to the browser on your smartphone and write or in the line, enter your login and password.

For unconfigured routers, these parameters are admin. Then configure WAN connection. Don't forget to save these settings.

Then check your Internet access. You should not immediately enter a new name and come up with a password for the router. You need to make sure that the device itself is working. Try visiting a website via Wi-Fi.

If the connection is working, we proceed to setting up Wi-Fi security. To do this the user will need:

  • come up with a network name;
  • set a password.

Enter this and save your changes.

In some routers, when you change any configuration, the router temporarily freezes or completely interrupts the connection. This happens because the network starts working according to different settings, and the smartphone needs time to reconnect.

If the phone does not want to connect, then go to Settings, to the Wi-fi section. There, click on the name of your connection and select “Forget”. Then simply log in again using your password.

Change password

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Except normal setting, you can change your password via your smartphone operating internet connections. This procedure is also carried out through a browser. Similar to the previous method Log in to the router configuration by going to the authorization page.

Advice! If admin as a login and password does not suit you, turn the router over. On back side Login details must be provided.

Next, go to “Security Mode” and decide on the security type - you need WPA/WPA2. Then enter the password for the network key. You can come up with anything. However, as a rule, you need to use the Latin alphabet.

Most secure passwords contain upper and lower case, as well as signs. You should not use the name of the street and apartment, as well as your first and last name; this data may be available to your friends or neighbors, they will be able to connect to your network without your permission.

Today we will learn about how to connect to WiFi. The procedure will be described in detail and analyzed using an example. operating system Windows 7, however, if for some reason you have a different version, do not worry ahead of time. In principle, everything is done the same everywhere, and if there are differences, they are invisible and insignificant. Therefore, if you need to connect to Wi-Fi in other systems, then read the article to the end, the information will still be useful, and now see for yourself.

The long-awaited day has finally arrived! It was decided to replace the old and inconvenient wires and cables with wireless type communications. Having installed the device (router), you went to the computer as soon as possible, installed the signal receiver (if it didn’t exist) and went into Windows 7. What to do next? In fact, the situation here can turn out differently, I’ll tell you in more detail about each scenario.

By the way, on the blog I wrote detailed instructions, how to install Wi-Fi on your computer if you didn’t have one. Read the article: "". There may be problems with the password: " "

Case one. After Windows startup, automatically detected the device, will display information in the lower right corner that it was able to figure out this wireless connection. We go into the browser, type our favorite site in address bar and move on. The Internet resource opened immediately, everyone is happy and everyone is happy. If this is your situation, then congratulations. This means that everything necessary settings were produced in automatic mode and nothing was required from you. This happens rarely, but it does happen. In this situation, there is no need to go into the settings and try to configure anything there.

But as I said, this is very unlikely. Most likely, a notification about the discovery of a new wireless communication Wi-Fi will appear, but nothing will work. It is also worth remembering that Wi-Fi drivers must be installed on your computer or laptop. If they are not there, then first of all we install the drivers.

On this issue, on my blog there is information on how this is done: “”.

Upon completion of this procedure, it is advisable to restart the computer/laptop, and try to connect to Wi-Fi as follows: look for the icon with four vertical stripes in the lower right corner, click on it with the left mouse button.

Find the name of your connection (SSID) in the list and left-click on it.

If the network is secure, then you will not be able to automatically log into this network, since you need to know the password to do this.

Above I showed how to connect to Wi Fi, but if it doesn’t work, then after connecting, go to the “Start” menu, then “Control Panel”. In the upper right part of the window, select the viewing mode: “Category” and find the “Network and Internet” tab.

We go there and in the window that appears, click on the inscription: “Network and Sharing Center shared access" Now we are interested in the list of functions located on the left side of the window, click on: “Change adapter parameters”.

We click on it, and a list of all available connections opens in front of us. Among them should be “Wireless network connection”. If there is a signal (this can be determined by the green color vertical stripes on the icon), then click on the icon right click mouse and go to “Properties”.

If not, then we do the same thing, but select not “Properties”, but “Enable”, after which we go to “Properties”.

Note. If you don't turn on your wireless connection, you won't be able to connect to Wi-Fi.

In the “Network” tab we are interested in the item called “Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4)”. You need to select this inscription and click the “Properties” button in the same window.

And now - attention! If the router distributes IP addresses automatically, then you need to check the boxes, as in the image below:

If it does not distribute IP addresses, then you must enter them yourself. In this case, you need to turn on the logic a little. Most quick way, view this data on your computer or laptop by going to these settings. If there is no such device, then you must specify it yourself; usually, when connecting to Wi-Fi, IP addresses are assigned themselves (if the router is configured that way).

After making changes, you need to click “OK”.

Don't rush to close the Control Panel. Where we went to “Change adapter settings” there is another item: “Manage wireless networks”. Click on this item and select our connection from the list that appears. Right-click on it and go again to “Properties”.

We just need to make sure that there is a checkmark opposite the inscription “Connect automatically if the network is within range”; if not, check and save the changes.

After all these procedures, we should try to connect to Wi-Fi. Sometimes glitches occur when connecting, just restart your computer. Then open the browser and use the Internet, everything should work!

It may happen that even after all this, the Internet does not want to work, although the signal seems to have appeared. Then you have two options on what to do next. The first one is to call the provider and make sure that they do not have any trouble and that the signal actually reaches your apartment. If this is the case, then immediately ask technical support for the following information (you might still have a contract, then you don’t need to call anywhere, everything listed below is listed there):

  1. IP address.
  2. Subnet mask.
  3. Main gate.
  4. Preferred DNS server.
  5. Alternative DNS server.

Stay awake while the operator tells you this data, write it down on a piece of paper. Each of the written lines will be a set of specific numbers written through a dot. For example, like this:

Now let's remember the moment when we set automatic settings for all connection parameters, I also asked you to pay special attention to this. We follow the same path described just above, open the same window and instead automatic settings in the fields that are also called the data that was reported to us from technical support, we enter the appropriate values.

In most cases, at least one of the situations I described above should help you connect Wi-Fi to your computer or laptop. However, as they say, no one is immune and if you are still cut off from the Internet, you will again have to call your provider and ask them what to do next. Most likely, the problem here is already in the settings of the router itself, but I won’t discuss this in detail here. Technical support The provider can look at the router settings and tell you what to do next.

Tip 1. The IP address of the router can be found on the router itself, at the bottom or on the side.

Tip 2. When you reinstall Windows, you should write down this data on a piece of paper. A specialist can quickly figure out what data needs to be entered, but it is much more difficult for a novice user.

There are several ways to connect to Wi-Fi with mobile phone(on Android and iOS) or from a computer. In the instructions, we will also look at what problems you may encounter and how to solve them. We will also consider the configuration issue in detail. network connection through the interfaces of the router itself and Windows.

How to connect Wi-Fi on your phone

Every modern smartphone It has a Wi-Fi module in its filling. Typically, you can connect your device to Wi-Fi in just a few steps. Use the menu quick access or connect through your phone settings. Learn more about these steps for devices running iOS control and “Android” will be discussed further.

On iPhones

IN modern versions operating room iOS systems There is a quick access menu that can be called up by swiping up. If your phone automatically connects to your home network, then you can safely turn on Wi-Fi through the lower toolbar. Click on the indicator wireless connection so that it lights up and becomes active. After will happen automatic connection to a well-known network.

If you are connecting for the first time to your home or public network, you must perform the following steps:

Now you know how to connect Wi-Fi on any iOS device.

Possible problems and solutions

There are situations when a phone or tablet does not connect to Wi-Fi. The first and most common problem is a password-protected access point. You need to enter it in the appropriate field when connecting.

If the point does not have a password, but you cannot connect, take the following steps:

  • check the Internet connection to see if the network is accessible from a computer or other device;
  • make sure you are close enough to the router;
  • make sure that automatic IP address distribution is enabled (DHCP function);
  • reboot the router;
  • reboot your mobile gadget;
  • reset your router.

If other devices connect to yours without problems wireless network, this means that the problem is in a specific mobile phone. We recommend taking it to service center for diagnostics.

On Android devices

Despite the differences between Android and iOS, fundamentally connecting to Wi-Fi follows the same principle. To access quick menu Swipe down on the unlocked screen, and then tap the corresponding Wi-fi icon.

Users can activate Wi-Fi through settings:

  1. Go to your phone settings.
  2. In the wireless networks section, click on WLAN (or Wi-Fi).
  3. Move the slider to the activated state, and among available networks click on the one you want.
  4. Enter your password if the system prompts you for one.

If you have problems, do similar actions, described in the troubleshooting section for iOS.

If the connection to the router is hidden

When devices are connected to Wi-Fi, a corresponding icon appears at the top. However, in some situations, you may not be able to connect to a wireless network because it is hidden. The user will not find it in the search list. To connect to a hidden wireless point to access, follow the instructions:

If all parameters are entered correctly, the phone will automatically connect to hidden network. Make sure you are within its coverage area.

When DHCP is disabled

When trying to connect to the router, the user may see a persistent “Obtaining an IP address” message. Each device connected to the router receives its own IP address. DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is responsible for the function of distributing addresses. It may be disabled on some routers, so you must enable this protocol manually.

To activate DHCP, you need to go to the router settings. How to do this is described in detail in the subsequent paragraph “Access via the web interface”. Once you are in the settings, find the DHCP (or equivalent) section, and then select the Settings sub-item. It should enable the Enable inscription. Click "Save" and reboot your device.

DHCP may be disabled due to a problem in the router. Try full reboot. Press the button on the back of the router that says reset, and then hold it down for more than 5 seconds. Your password settings will be lost, but this will allow you to restore DHCP functionality.

Connecting Wi-Fi on a laptop

If you are connecting to a wireless network via a laptop, follow these steps:

Connecting to the router is quick and easy WPS technology. Using it, you do not have to enter a password on your computer or laptop. To do this, go to point 3 of the previous instructions. As soon as the password entry window appears, find the button on the router that says WPS, and then click on it. The laptop will automatically connect to the network.

WPS is often disabled by software. You can activate it in the router's web settings. Go to the WPS section, and then click the “Enable WPS” button. If necessary, you can add a new device through the web interface by clicking the “Add device” button.

Now you know how to connect to Wi-Fi with a password.

Enabling on the case or using a keyboard shortcut

On some Wi-Fi laptops disabled by hardware. It must be turned on before connecting to a wireless network. The first way is to click special button. Some manufacturers place a similar key on the keyboard or on the side of their devices.

You can also connect your laptop to Wi-Fi using key combinations. On many models for Wi-Fi activation There is a button among the functional ones (F1-F12). It must display the appropriate icon. To activate Wi-Fi, you need to press it together with the Fn key.

This current methods, how to connect your laptop to Wi-Fi using buttons.

Widespread Wi-Fi in the modern era high technology is perceived by us as an everyday occurrence and does not surprise anyone. However, some people have slightly different thoughts about this: “Why not connect to some Wi-Fi for free?” This is a completely logical idea, especially considering the fact that there are countless access points around us. We see this when we see a list of available wireless connections on our smartphone or laptop. And the desire of a person to take advantage of any good just like that, without giving anything in return, has existed since ancient times, and in modern society is also present, maybe in a slightly different form, but it is there - and don’t deny it.

WiFi is wireless way connections to World Wide Web and local network

What are the options

For any action there is always a reaction. The situation is the same with access to Wi-Fi. The more complex the levels of protection become, the more sophisticated ways are found to circumvent it. The same is true with Wi-Fi. The most in effective ways protection are password creation and data encryption protocols. With encryption protocols, things are much more complicated - everything that has been encrypted can be decrypted, the only question is how much time and resources it will take. However, the topic of data decryption is a bit complex and requires some basic skills besides everything else. Therefore, we will put it aside, but let’s talk about passwords in a little more detail.

Simple and effortless

Most simple option use free Wi-Fi will go to some large shopping mall or a cafe where, to attract customers, they give out free wifi, which you can enjoy to your heart’s content.

Another option that does not require you great effort, there will be an option to connect to if, out of the goodness of his heart or simply out of naivety, he has not set a password. To do this, go to Start - Control Panel - Network and Internet - Center network connections- Network connection. A list of available networks will appear in front of you and, if among them there is at least one marked exclamation point, you can celebrate - this will be your “good” neighbor. You can connect to it at any time, and you can take advantage of it.

Passwords are different

If, nevertheless, your neighbors turned out to be greedy and vigilant, then hope is not completely lost either. First, you can try to guess the password manually. According to statistics, the most common passwords are 1111, 1234, qwerty, and so on. Perhaps, with a little patience and free time, luck will smile on you, but here we will not give any guarantees that you will be able to connect - it all depends on your luck and the ingenuity of your neighbors.

IN Lately Many utilities have appeared with which anyone can get inside a nearby Wi-Fi network

Another way to log in without knowing the password is neighbor's Wi-Fi, will use programs for collecting passwords Aircrack-ng 0.9.3 win and CommView for Wi-Fi. They have an intuitive interface that makes them easy to understand. And they work according to the following principle: the program contains a password database and starts selecting from the most popular and in descending order. This procedure can take several hours if you are fast enough and modern computer, up to several weeks if this is not the case. Do you have the patience to find the desired password...

Worth it or not

We looked at methods on how to connect to Wi-Fi without knowing the password. They can help you, but there is no 100% guarantee. An experienced hacker will hack any Wi-Fi in a couple of minutes, but his services will not be cheap. And if you also take into account that using someone else’s Wi-Fi is illegal and can be punishable both by the neighbor himself and by law, then it will probably be easier to contact an Internet provider and connect your own wireless Internet.