Special topographic maps. Types of topographic plans

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Department of Geoinformatics and Geodesy



Donetsk 2013

Guidelines for laboratory work in the course "Geodesy" (for students of specialties 3001, 0901) / Correspondence: D.V. Brezhnev, N.N. Grishchenkov. - Donetsk: DPI, 1989. - 43 p.

Designed to provide practical assistance in the study of topographic maps and solving engineering and geodetic problems based on them: determining the nomenclature of a map sheet, coordinates and heights of points on the map, line orientation angles, slope steepness, boundaries of a drainage area, designing a line of a given slope, constructing a terrain profile according to a given direction, measuring areas on the map.

Correspondents: D.V. Brezhnev, associate professor N.N. Grishchenkov, associate professor

Rep. for graduation S.G. Mogilny, prof.

The "Topographic Maps" section is an important component of the "Geodesy" course. Studying topographic maps - necessary link professional training of geodesic engineers and mining surveyors. Mastering the material in this section will allow students to master necessary knowledge and skills in the technically competent and effective use of topographic maps to solve various engineering problems.

The purpose of these guidelines is to provide practical help students when studying topographic maps and solving problems on them during independent work. For this guidelines equipped with the necessary background information and contain a number practical examples problem solving.

Problem solving is carried out on an educational topographic map at a scale of 1:25,000. Options for problems are given by the teacher. The graphical part of problem solving is performed on a copy of the map, drawn independently by the student on tracing paper.


Everything for its intended purpose geographic Maps are divided into general geographical and thematic. Depending on the scale and completeness of the image of terrain elements, general geographical maps are divided into overview and topographic. Survey maps include maps whose scale is smaller than 1:1,000,000.

Topographic maps are those maps whose completeness of content allows them to solve various engineering and technical problems. Topographic maps depict relief, vegetation, rivers, lakes, complete spaces, settlements, roads and means of communication, state and administrative boundaries, etc. The completeness, detail and accuracy of the terrain depicted on the map depend mainly on its scale.

Topographic maps are drawn up at scales of 1:1,000,000, 1:500,000, 1:300,000, 1:200,000, 1:100,000, 1:50,000, 1:25,000, 1:10,000. Maps at a scale of 1:5000 and larger (1:2000, 1:1000, I:500) are large-scale and are usually called plans.

The scale of the map shows how many times the length of the line on the map shows how many times the length of the line on the map is less than the corresponding horizontal length on the ground. So, for example, a line segment of length 1 cm on a map of scale 1:25,000 corresponds on the ground to a line 200 m long .Scale indicates bottom side map frame in digital terms (numerical scale) and in the form of a straight line (linear scale), on which segments of a certain length, usually multiples of 1 cm, are plotted and labeled, indicating their corresponding distances in meters on the ground.

When comparing cards various scales The one with the smaller scale denominator is considered larger. For example. A map at a scale of 1:10,000 is larger than a map at a scale of 1:25,000. The larger the scale of the map, the more detailed the terrain depicted on it.

Topographic maps of the USSR are drawn up in a conformal transverse cylindrical Gaussian projection, calculated from the elements of the reference ellipsoid by F.N. Krasovsky, in the accepted coordinate system and in the Baltic height system. Maps of scales 1:10,000, 1:25,000, 1:50,000, 1:100,000 are intended for studying the terrain, orienting on it, taking measurements when planning and designing engineering structures and communications, and during various events of national economic and defense significance.


For ease of use of maps, a special system of dividing them into separate sheets has been introduced. The boundaries of each sheet are meridians and parallels, the extent of which depends on the scale of the map. This division of the earth's surface into parts to depict it on paper is called graphing. Grading is also used to divide a map sheet of the same scale into map sheets of a larger scale. In this case, the division of a map sheet into parts involves obtaining sheets of maps of different scales of approximately the same size.

Availability of many map sheets different scales required the creation a certain system for accounting and search separate sheets kart. This system of designation (numbering) of individual sheets of topographic maps of various scales is called nomenclature kart.

The nomenclature of maps of various scales is based on the international map layout adopted in the USSR at a scale of 1: 1,000,000 (Fig. 1). To obtain one sheet of a map of this scale, the entire surface of the globe is divided by meridians from the Greenwich meridian through 6° in longitude into 60 columns. The columns are numbered in Arabic numerals from west to east, starting from the meridian with longitude 180 0. Thus, the number of the column differs from the number of the 6-degree zone by 30. All columns are divided by parallels through 4 0 in latitude into rows.

Topographic maps, their classification, purpose and use in operational combat activities of security agencies. System symbols on the maps

A topographic map is a reduced, detailed and accurate image of a small area of ​​terrain on a plane (paper).

Topographic map - main graphic document about the area, containing an accurate, detailed and visual image of local objects and relief.

Maps at a scale of 1:10,000 (1:25,000) are the most detailed and accurate, designed for detailed study and assessment of individual small areas of terrain by unit and unit commanders when crossing water obstacles, landing airborne and amphibious assault forces, conducting combat operations in cities, and construction engineering structures. They are also used for precise measurements and calculations when planning and executing activities on terrain engineering equipment and topographic and geodetic preparation of shooting.

A 1:50000 scale map is intended for studying and assessing terrain, orientation, target designation and is used, as a rule, by units and units in various types battle, especially when organizing defense. In an offensive, it is used to study and assess the terrain when breaking through enemy defenses, overcoming water barriers, landing air and seaborne assault forces, as well as when conducting combat operations for populated areas. This map is also used for topographic and geodetic preparation of shooting, designing military engineering structures and performing calculations on terrain engineering equipment.

A 1:100,000 scale map is intended for studying the terrain and assessing its tactical properties when planning a battle, organizing interaction and command of troops, terrain orientation and target designation, topographic geodetic reference of elements of combat formations of troops, determining the coordinates of enemy objects (targets). It is also used in the design of military engineering structures and the implementation of terrain engineering activities.

The 1:200,000 scale map is intended for studying and assessing the area. It is used in planning combat operations of troops and measures to support them, and command and control of troops. The map is widely used as a road map, as it clearly and fairly fully displays the road network and its suitability for the movement of military and other equipment. In addition to the road network, this map clearly shows the general nature of the relief, the main water barriers, large forests and settlements. Therefore, it is used to study off-road terrain, its protective and camouflage properties.

The 1:500,000 scale map is intended for study and evaluation general terrain during preparation and conduct of operations. It is used in organizing interaction and command and control of troops, for orientation during the movement of troops and target designation, as well as for plotting the general combat situation.

A 1:1,000,000 scale map is intended for a general assessment of the terrain and study of the natural conditions of large geographical areas, military-geographical assessment of theaters of military operations, command and control of troops and solving other problems.

System of symbols on maps

Conventional signs are graphic symbols, showing the position of an object on the ground and conveying its qualitative and quantitative characteristics. In the Russian Federation and the CIS countries, 465 symbols are used (in the USA - 243, in France - 288, in Germany - 231).

Groups of homogeneous local objects are depicted on maps using the main (basic) symbol. The qualitative and quantitative characteristics of objects of one group are determined by complicating the basic symbol.

The larger the scale of the map, the more objects and with greater detail are shown on it when depicting a given territory. As the scale of the map decreases, the information capacity images of various objects on it.

On topographic maps of scale 1:25000 - 1:100000, whenever possible, all topographic objects and their characteristics, important for the troops. On maps of scales 1:200000 and 1:500000 only the most significant of them are displayed, with a significant generalization of their planned outlines and other indicators.

Conventional signs of local objects are divided into three main groups:



Cartography is one of the most ancient branches of human knowledge, and its origins go back to the distant past. It developed together with geography, whose task was to depict the earth's surface in a drawing.

Such drawings were called differently by different peoples. The modern name "card" comes from the Latin "charte" and means "letter".

It is difficult to determine when the first cartographic images appeared. Among the archaeological finds on all continents one can see primitive drawings of the area made on stones, bone plates, birch bark, wood, the age of which scientists estimate is approximately 15 thousand years. More recently, in the 70s of the last century, one of these ancient drawings was found in the Cherkasy region. It was carved on a mammoth tusk.

The first map makers were travelers and sailors, traders and nomads.

One of the brightest pages in the history of Russian cartography is associated with the name of Peter I. Passionately wanting to establish relations with the outside world, he first of all paid attention to communication routes, especially water ones.

Peter I created the first Mathematics and Navigation School in Rus', where students studied marine navigation, geodesy and cartography. By a special decree of December 9, 1719, he sent surveyors trained at the school to all parts of Russia to survey individual territories. Graduates of the school, surveyors I. Evreinov and F. Luzhin, made a very large contribution to mapping the country. They traveled from Tobolsk to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and further to Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands. It was they who first determined the exact location of various geographical points and drew up a map of Siberia and the Far East,

So what is a map?

A map is a reduced image on the plane of the physical surface of the Earth, constructed according to certain mathematical laws and clearly showing, using a system of symbols, the placement and connections of various objects and phenomena, as well as their qualitative and quantitative characteristics.

The totality of the elements and terrain objects shown on the map and the information reported about them is called the content of the map. Based on the content, map images are divided into topographic and special.

Topographic maps display a set of basic terrain elements (relief, hydrography, vegetation cover, settlements, road network and others) without highlighting any of them. The detail of the image of terrain elements depends on the scale of the map (the degree to which the earth's surface is reduced when depicting it on the map).

Topographic maps are published on a scale of 1:1,000,000 (with a reduction in the actual terrain by 1,000,000 times) and larger, that is, with a smaller reduction in the actual terrain. So a map at scale 1:500000 is larger than a map at scale 1:1000000.

A topographic map is the main graphic document about the area, containing an accurate, detailed and visual image of local objects and relief. It is published on paper or in in electronic format(electronic topographic maps of the area). What electronic topographic maps are and their purpose will be outlined in Chapter 4.

Topographic maps are intended for the work of commanders and staffs of all levels during the preparation and conduct of combat operations. They are used to study and evaluate the terrain and solve various calculation problems.

Topographic maps serve as a reliable guide that troops use to navigate and move on the ground. A march is planned along them, and data for movement along azimuths is prepared. Maps allow you to accurately determine not only your location, but also the coordinates of landmarks and goals. Therefore, they are widely used for target designation in battle and for topographic and geodetic reference of elements of the battle formation of missile forces and artillery. Currently, a topographic map is one of the main means of control in the preparation and conduct of combat operations.

Topographic maps published on paper, depending on their use by the troops, are divided into:

large-scale (1:25000, 1:50000);

medium-scale (1:100000, 1:200000);

small-scale (1:500000, 1:1000000).

According to their use at various levels of management, topographic maps are divided into:




Large-scale maps are used at the tactical level, medium-scale maps at the operational-tactical level, and small-scale maps at the operational level.

The classification and characteristics of topographic maps are given in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1 – Classification and characteristics of topographic maps

Classification of cards Scale Frame sizes Area covered by a map sheet at latitude 540 (in sq. km)
by latitude by longitude
Tactical cards

(large scale)

1:25000 (in 1 cm 250 m)

1:50000 (in 1 cm 500 m)

5" 7,5" 75
Operational-tactical maps (medium scale) 1:100000 (in 1 cm I km)

1:200000 (1 cm 2 km)

20" 30" 1200
Operational cards

(small scale)

1:500000 (5 km in 1 cm)

1:1000000 (1 cm 10 km)


1:25000 scale map contains detailed information about the terrain and is used for detailed study and assessment of the terrain by commanders of units and units during the preparation and conduct of combat operations, topographic and geodetic preparation of artillery fire and missile launches, determination of the coordinates of objects and targets, engineering calculations during the construction of roads, defensive structures, airfields and other military infrastructure facilities , as well as when organizing a fire system, engineering barriers, communications, etc.

A 1:50,000 scale map is the main one at the tactical level (division, brigade, regiment, battalion, battery) and is intended for a detailed study of the terrain and assessment of its tactical properties during the preparation and conduct of combat operations, organization of interaction and control, terrain orientation and target designation, topogeodetic preparation of artillery firing and missile launches, determination of the coordinates of objects (targets), as well as for carrying out various measurements and calculations.

The 1:100,000 scale map is intended for the study and general assessment of the tactical properties of the terrain when planning combat operations, organizing interaction and command and control of troops at the army (corps) - division (brigade) link. A map of this scale for terrain orientation and target designation, for topographic and geodetic preparation of artillery fire and missile launches can be used only in the absence of larger scale maps.

The 1:200,000 scale map is intended for studying and assessing the area. It is used when planning military operations of troops and measures for their comprehensive support, command and control of troops at the front-army (corps) link, as well as when planning and carrying out marches, since it clearly and fairly fully reflects the road network and its suitability for the movement of combat and other technology.

Maps of scales 1:500000 and 1:1000000 are used at the headquarters of formations and higher and are intended for assessing the general nature of the terrain over large territories, planning operations, organizing interaction, command and control of troops and regroupings of troops.

The following can be used in missile forces and artillery: special cards: overview geographical, relief maps, maps of terrain changes, maps of geodetic data, maps of water boundaries, mountain passes and passes, water supply sources, traffic conditions and others.

Survey-geographical and relief maps are created in advance by the state topographic service. The remaining special maps from those mentioned are published by the military topographic service in preparation for and during combat operations.

Overview geographical maps of scales 1:500000, 1:1000000 and smaller scales contain in a visual form (full color or blank) generalized information about the terrain over large areas. These maps are intended for studying and general assessment of the terrain and planning military operations.

Relief maps of scales 1:200000, 1:500000 and 1:1000000 in single copies in areas with mountainous terrain. They serve as visual aids in operational-tactical headquarters and are intended for detailed study and assessment of the terrain when planning combat operations. Relief maps provide a visual three-dimensional image of the relief with a cartographic image of other terrain elements. The basis of the map is usually white plastic, on which the contents of a topographic or survey map are pre-printed. Relief maps provide definition of conditions for observation, camouflage, protection and movement of troops. The vertical scale of the map is chosen depending on the nature of the terrain with the calculation of a visual display of its main forms, the study of which allows one to determine the most accessible directions of action of troops, the protective and camouflage properties of the terrain, select areas for creating various obstacles and determine ways to overcome rubble and various destructions. The vertical scale is always larger than the horizontal one.

Maps of terrain changes at scales 1:50000, 1:100000 and 1:200000 are produced at separate areas terrain. They are prints of topographic maps with imprinted changes that have occurred on the ground, and are used in the same way as topographic maps.

Geodetic data maps of scales 1:50000 and 1:100000 contain imprinted coordinates of points of the geodetic network and the most prominent contour points (local objects) on the ground and are intended for quick and more accurate topographic geodetic reference of elements of military formations of troops. The coordinates of points of the geodetic network are written out from catalogs of geodetic points. The coordinates of contour points for imprinting on the map are determined from large-scale maps that provide the necessary accuracy. Topographic maps of appropriate scales are used as a basis for imprinting special content.

Maps of water boundaries at scales of 1:25000 and 1:50000 are intended for a detailed study of water barriers and the surrounding area. They are used in organizing and implementing the crossing of water barriers. The maps contain data on flow speed, river depth, soil and bottom profile at individual sections, bank steepness, hydraulic structures and possible changes in the river regime after their destruction, characteristics of crossings (bridges, ferries, fords), information on the boundaries of floodplain flooding and its passability .

Maps of mountain passes and passes at scales 1:50000 and 1:100000 are intended for a detailed study of mountainous terrain and selection of the most convenient ways to overcome mountain systems. They are given detailed characteristics passes and passages.

15 Classification of topographic maps and plans, requirements for them.

In order to take into account the storage and retrieval of information contained in maps, they are classified according to 1 type of cartographic object-map earth, moon, planets and astronomical. Simple ones cover maps of the earth's surface, hemispheres, continents, in scale - large-scale (1/100000 and cr.) medium-scale (1/200000.1/500 thousand 1/1 million) small-scale (1/1 million and bl) In content - general geographical- displays the totality of all emails. Localities. Thematic is the main thing. The creation of which is revealed. The specific topic being displayed. Topographic maps and plans - purpose - scientific and reference educational, maritime navigation, road, cadastral, tourist. Topographic maps and plans have a multi-purpose purpose; therefore, terrain elements are shown in equal detail. Requirements for maps and plans. 1 Accuracy is the correspondence of the location of the outline and size of objects in relief situations to their actual size on the ground. 2 completeness is possible detail and detailed depiction of objects and information that does not make reading the map difficult. Reliability - the correspondence and plausibility of the information to the reality depicted on the map. Visualization - the properties of transmitting for visual perception of the ZP its characteristic features and features.

16 Symbols of topographic maps and plans.

Topographic maps and plans depict various terrain objects: the outlines of settlements, gardens, vegetable gardens, rivers, lakes. The combination of these objects is called a situation. The situation is depicted using conventional signs. Conventional signs are divided into 5 groups: area, linear, non-scale, explanatory, special. Area whiskers Signs are used to fill the areas of objects, for example, arable land, forests, lakes, meadows. They consist of a dotted line object boundary sign and filling in its images or conditional coloring. They show linear objects, roads, rivers, the length of which is expressed on a given scale. Various characteristics of objects are shown in conventional images. Out-of-scale symbols are used to depict objects whose dimensions are not expressed at a given scale of a map or plan. They determine the position but not the dimensions. Explanatory symbols are digital and alphabetic inscriptions of character objects, for example, the depth and speed of river flow. They are placed on the main areal linear out-of-scale signs. Special symbols are established by the respective departments of sectors of the national economy, and they are used to draw up special maps and plans for this industry. To give a map or plan visual clarity various elements Colors are used: for rivers, lakes - blue, highways - red.

17 Terrain and its depiction on topographic maps and plans

The terrain is a set of uneven terrain. Of all the variety of terrain, the most characteristic ones can be identified. A mountain is an elevation above the surrounding area, a cone-shaped form of relief, the top in the form of a platform called a plateau, pointed - a peak. The side surface of the mountain consists of slopes, the line where they merge with the surrounding terrain is the sole, or base of the mountain. A basin or depression is a bowl-shaped depression. The lowest point of the basin is the bottom. The side of the surface consists of slopes, the line of merger with the surrounding environment is called the edge. A ridge is a hill that gradually decreases in one direction and has two steep slopes called slopes. A hollow is an elongated depression in the terrain, gradually descending in one direction. A saddle is a lowered part of the terrain between two peaks. Roads often pass through saddles in the mountains. The top of the years is the bottom of the basin. Characteristic points of the relief. Watershed and thalweg jav. Characteristic lines of relief. Methods of depicting the relief on maps and plans should make it possible to judge the direction of the steepness of the slope, as well as determine the marks of terrain points. It should be visual. Methods of depicting the relief in perspective, shading with lines of different thicknesses, colored washing of mountains - brown valleys - green. Labels of horizontal point marks are a representation of the relief with contours in combination with labels of characteristic point marks. A horizontal is a line on a map connecting points with equal heights. The distance between secant horizontal planes is called the height of the relief section. The distance between contour lines on a map is called location. The greater the depth, the less steep the slope on the ground. And vice versa. To make contour lines on the map easier to read, some of them are thickened. With a section height of 1,5,10 and 20, every 5th horizontal line with marks is thickened. At 2.5, thicken every 4th horizontal divisible by 10 m.

19 Layout and nomenclature of topographic maps and plans.

Maps and plans are classified mainly by scale and purpose. By scale, maps are divided into small-, medium- and large-scale. Small-scale maps smaller than 1/1000000 are overview maps and are practically not used in geodesy; medium-scale maps of scales 1/1000000 1/500000 1/300000; large-scale (topographic) – scales 1/100000 1/50000 1/25000. The scale series adopted in the Russian Federation ends with topographic plans on scales 1/5000 1/2000 1/500 In construction, plans are sometimes drawn up on scales 1/200 - 1/50. According to their purpose, top cards and plans are divided into basic and specialized. The main ones include maps and plans for general mapping. These are multi-purpose cards, so they display all emails. Localities. Specialized maps and plans are created to solve specific tasks a separate industry. They selectively show a cut circle of el. For example, geology of soil structures. Special plans also include survey plans that are used only during the design and construction of this type of structure. For ease of publication and practical use, the top map of a large territory is divided into sheets. Each sheet is delimited by medians and parallels, the length of the arcs of which depends on the scale of the map. The division of a multi-sheet map into sheets according to a defined system is called layout, the system of designating sheets of a multi-sheet map is called nomenclature. The nomenclature is based on the international layout of map sheets at a scale of 1/1000000. sheets of this scale are limited by meridians and parallels of latitude 4 degrees and longitude 6 degrees. Each sheet occupies only its own space, being entitled with a capital Latin letter, a horizontal belt and an Arabic numeral, a vert column number. Moscow - N-37 graph of larger scales is obtained by dividing a sheet of map at a scale of 1/1000000 4 l -1/500000 symbolized by letters A B C D 9 l - 1/ 300000 - in Roman numerals

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A topographic survey may be required to draw up a construction project. In addition, the materials obtained during the topographic survey will provide the basis for further engineering and geodetic surveys. The results of the topographical survey of the area will be reflected in the compiled topographically or map and technical report. This documentation will be transferred to the customer immediately after completion of the desk stage of topographic survey.

The geobasis, that is, the topographic plan, is created in graphic And digital form . Topographic survey will be aimed at a detailed study of the area. Special symbols on the topographic plan will display all objects present in the study area, underground and above-ground utilities, relief features, vegetation and much more.

Depending on the purpose of surveying the area, developed terms of reference, upon completion of the work, they draw up a specific topographic plan. The following can be distinguished types of topographic plans, taking into account plan purpose:

  • Basic plan– the standard plan will indicate absolutely all elements of the terrain, no exceptions will be made for any type of structure;
  • Specialized plan– the plan is also drawn up after all stages of the topographic survey, but not all terrain objects will be plotted on the map, but only selected ones. That is, such elements that will need to be specified, focusing on a specific technical task.

Classification of topographic plans by scale

The topographic plan may have small or large scale . Since a topographic map helps to see all the features of the terrain and uneven terrain, the smaller the scale, the more accurate the created picture will be. By scale, the following types of geological foundations are distinguished:

  • Plan 1:5 000. Plans are 1: 5,000 if topography is carried out for:
    • drawing up a master plan for a settlement;
    • drawing up a technical project for laying roads and railways;
    • developing a plan for the reconstruction of the settlement;
    • drawing up a cadastral plan;
    • developing a more specific topographic plan with a smaller scale. In this case, the large-scale plan will act as a basis.
  • Plan 1:2 000. In fact, topographic plans with this scale are drawn up, having the same goals as when drawing up geobases with a scale of 1:5,000. But plans 1:2 000 more convey in detail the features of the study area. Topographic plans 1:2000 may be needed to develop plans for the development of a specific area of ​​the city, to create technical designs for large civil and industrial construction projects. These can be industrial enterprises, power plants, pumping stations, etc.
  • Plan 1:1000. Plans with scale 1:1 000 are being developed to have a basis for further engineering and geodetic surveys. They are also needed for drawing up master plans for low-rise construction and developing working drawings.
  • Plan 1:500. To obtain a building permit, utility networks, will need to be submitted to the appropriate authorities topographic project. The 1:500 plan is drawn up for individual plots of land and small garden societies.