Help telephone internet megaphone. Megaphone hotline contact number

One of the most common mobile operators in Russia is Megafon. At the same time, it is the most focused on feedback from its customers, so contacting the operator will not be difficult. Many subscribers still do not know all the ways to call a megaphone operator, so this issue is very relevant today.

Megafon values ​​each of its clients, so the operator does not avoid direct dialogue with the subscriber. If such a need arises, then everyone can call the service number. and communicate with a “live” consultant who will definitely solve all the questions that the client has.

The company is also working on alternative ways to communicate with the subscriber, so today you can contact a support center representative not only by calling the call center, but also via SMS, email or online.

How to call Megafon operator using a short number

Almost every subscriber knows the short number 0500, used to contact a customer support center specialist.

By typing it, you are immediately connected to an auto-informer, which allows you to solve most typical tasks and problems, such as balance status, changing the tariff plan, participating in promotions, connecting additional services.

However, in addition to the answering machine, you can also contact an employee of the subscriber support center using this short number. To do this, after connecting, you need to press the “0” button in tone dialing mode, after which the robot will inform you that your call is being forwarded to a free specialist.

An alternative way is the key combination “9” and then “0”. This also allows you to contact a “live” person, but at the same time you will have to listen to the information in order to wait for the subsequent voice menu.

Please note that calls to the short telephone number 0500 to connect with an online support consultant are only available from Megafon numbers.

Megafon operator numbers for communication from a mobile phone

You can reach a support service representative in another free direction +7 926 111 05 00. This number is an alternative replacement for the short 0500. Calls are absolutely free from Megafon SIM cards.

Contact Megafon technical support from a landline number

To contact the support center, it is not necessary to call from a Megafon SIM card, because the client has other options in his arsenal. One of these options is to call from a landline phone or from a third-party mobile company operator.

Various situations happen in life, and sometimes there are situations when it is not possible to call from a Megafon number.

No problem! In this case, you need to dial 8 800 550 05 0000. The call is free for both landline numbers and mobile phone numbers.

It is worth noting that after making a call you will not have to listen to the answering machine and wait for a connection with a consultant, since an employee of the customer support center will be on the line with you immediately after the answer.

In addition to the single federal telephone, Megafon offers its customers a list of city telephone numbers. number to contact the support center:

  • Bryansk and region - 8 4832 300 500;
  • Vladimir city and region - 8 4922 600 500;
  • Kaluga and region - 8 4842 400 500;
  • Kursk and region - 8 4712 745 500;
  • Orel and region – 8 4862 630 500 ;
  • Ryazan and Ryazan region - 8 4912 510 500;
  • Nizhny Novgorod and region - 8 831 4131 500;
  • Tula and region – 8 4872 790 500.

How to call a megafon operator from a phone in roaming

In the case when you are not in your home region, but within the Russian Federation, the concept applies "intranet roaming". In this case, any method described above will be suitable for contacting a specialist. Just use one of the phones to connect to the support center:

    Short tel. – 0500

    Federal – 8 800 55 050 00.

As well as a number for calls from landlines and third-party operators - +7 926 111 05 00.

If the subscriber is located outside the Russian Federation, then the concept of "international roaming" and there is only one way to contact a consultant - +7 926 111 05 00. You should dial the phone number only in this format with the prefix “+7”. Moreover, the call is also free.

For corporate subscribers who are within the international roaming coverage area, short telephone numbers 0500 and 0555 remain relevant. The algorithm for communicating with a support specialist is quite simple: after dialing a short telephone number, the call is dropped and a call from the phone is immediately received on your device. Megafon +7 928 111 05 00 or +7 926 111 05 55. Incoming calls from these phones. free.

Other ways to contact the operator

You can ask a specialist a question by sending a text message to 0500. According to Megafon representatives, a response will follow no later than 10 minutes after sending the message.

In addition, you can talk with a company representative online. To do this you need to use the service "Online consultant" on the company website.

Before starting the dialogue, indicate your name and contact phone number; you should also correctly indicate the topic of the question so that the person who will talk with you is as competent as possible in this matter. After sending a message, you will receive a response within a few seconds, depending on the workload of the customer service center.

I would also like to remind you that many problems can be easily solved directly through "Personal Area", where you can independently change your tariff plan, check your balance, activate or deactivate additional services, and also view statistics.

Every mobile operator has a support phone number, and Megafon is no exception. Megafon support phone is a quick and convenient opportunity to get comprehensive information on any question. Below are all the phone numbers of the Megafon service center.

How to contact Megafon technical support?

Megafon subscriber service has several numbers:

  1. 0500 is a toll-free number available to all clients. By calling here, you can find out information about your tariff, balance status, connected services, etc. Since calling with questions is not always convenient, the company has provided the option of sending an SMS notification to this Megafon support service number. You will receive the answer in the same form. All conversations and correspondence on this Megafon short number are completely free and are available only to those subscribers who are located in Russia.

The company has developed a separate option for tablet owners that allows them to communicate with the operator via the Internet. To do this, you must first fill out a short form where you need to provide all the required information, and only after that you will receive a consultation via chat. The help desk on this number is available 24 hours a day;

  1. 8-800-550-0500 is a support phone from Megafon, designed for calls from other mobile operators and landline phones. This Megafon hotline was created specifically to ensure that every subscriber has the opportunity to receive the necessary information from any phone. Here you can also find out the answers to all your questions and chat with a qualified specialist. Technical support works around the clock, so save this Megafon phone number;

There is another opportunity to call the operator from another mobile network or landline number. To do this, dial 8-800-550-07-67.

  • Megafon's automatic support service is available at this number. By calling here, you will be provided with information about:
  • New tariffs;
  • New services and options of the company;

Connection methods, etc.

  1. It is important to remember that calls to the Megafon hotline from numbers of other subscribers and landlines will be paid.

+7-926-111-05-00 – a single number created for subscribers in roaming. By calling here, you will find out all the useful information. For convenience, it is recommended to save it in your phone book as any other support number will be blocked. All outgoing calls are completely free, so you don’t have to worry about your balance and calmly resolve any issues or problematic situations that arise.

Additional ways to contact the operator

  1. Being one of the leading mobile communication companies, Megafon technical support offers several more options for communicating with the operator: Via email. Each client has the opportunity to write an e-mail to[email protected]
  2. – company email. It is worth considering that this address is only suitable for subscribers living in Moscow. Each region has its own email address, which can be found on the Megafon website;
  3. Through social networks. If you are an active user of VK, Odnoklassniki and Facebook, then subscribe to Megafon services and ask questions directly there. In chat mode, company employees will answer them;

Through your personal account. Here you can control your calls, track funds, connected options and services.

Now you know how to contact an operator via the Internet.

  1. By following these simple tips, you can always quickly and efficiently solve the problem:
  2. Don’t put off calling until the weekend; it’s better to do everything on weekdays;
  3. From Friday evening to Sunday evening, Megafon's support service is 95 percent busy;
  4. During holidays, winter and summer holidays, all Megafon subscriber service numbers are rebooted, so it will be very difficult to find out the necessary information;
  5. Try to call the operator as soon as a problem arises. Firstly, this way you can better explain what is bothering you, and secondly, you will avoid unnecessary financial costs.

Now you know all Megafon support numbers. It's better to save them all in the phone book. Situations in life are different, so you won’t always guess which one will be useful to you at the right time.

Sometimes, subscribers have urgent questions that cannot be resolved on their own. Then an experienced Megafon hotline consultant comes to the rescue. But just at the moment when you need it, the number is successfully forgotten or, say, your phone is dead. What should I do? To know how to call the Megafon operator from any phone, remember several digital combinations listed below.


How to contact the Megafon operator?

Both experienced users and amateurs should know that there are several ways to contact a Megafon support line specialist:

  • Using a short number for Megafon SIM card owners
  • Using a single number from any mobile operator
  • Using a single number from a landline phone
  • Using dedicated Megafon numbers for regions
  • By calling from roaming

Megafon operator phone numbers: short

Company managers came up with short numbers to contact hotline operators. They look like this:

  • 0500 — the number is suitable for servicing individuals
  • 0555 suitable for communication with corporate clients

If you forget these numbers, you can find them on the Megafon website by going to the “Support” section in your personal account.

When making a call to these numbers, remember that this is a multi-line phone, and by pressing various numbers, you can solve your problem yourself. For example, before connecting to an operator by number 0500, you can press a number "1" and you will be provided with information about your connected services. If the spoken commands do not suit you, then press the number «0». As soon as one of the operators is free, you will be immediately connected to him. In the meantime, you might need to listen to some tunes.

Do you know... What if, during a call to a Megafon specialist, you immediately dial 0000 (four zeros) from a SIM card of the same operator, that is, when they just start listing services. Your call will be a priority and the time spent waiting for a specialist will be reduced.

remember, that number 0500 is suitable exclusively for Megafon subscribers and is valid throughout Russia. Calls to hotline specialists are free of charge.

  • If you are corporate client, then dial from mobile 0555. To contact a specialist, you first need to put the phone in tone mode and press * - asterisk
  • You will then be presented with a list of commands that you can run manually and get information about them. After listening you will be asked press number 8
  • Next, after executing these commands, you will be connected to the Megafon cellular operator. You can press a number to contact a specialist without waiting for all commands to be listed

Attention! Be aware that if your account balance is negative, an operator will still answer your call.

Contact a Megafon specialist for any operator

Suppose it so happens that you have run out of funds, your phone has turned off, or you simply do not have a Megafon SIM card, but you really need to contact the operator of this connection. Get a phone with another telecommunications company.

  • Dial 8-800-550-05-00. This is a free Megafon support line. It is available for communication from any operator. There is no charge for the call
  • From anywhere in the world you can reach an operator using these numbers 8-926-111-05-00 . It is available for communication from the number of any telecommunications company
  • An online help desk consultant will be available at 8-800-333-05-00. Here you will be answered, even if you call from numbers of other cellular operators. Only for this you need to be geographically located in Russia

The Megafon company offers its subscribers several ways to contact the customer service, where you can get answers to all service-related questions and resolve any problems that arise. The main options are calling toll-free customer support numbers. Thus, clients located in Russia have the opportunity to contact a support specialist free of charge by calling 8-800-550-0500. You can also use the number +7-926-111-0500, calls to which are free not only from the territory of our country, but also from anywhere in the world. It is recommended to use the operator’s help only in cases where you cannot find the answer to your question yourself using detailed information posted on the company’s official website.

Other methods of telephone communication with

If for some reason you are unable to call Megafon customer support at the phone numbers listed above, you can use the help of an automatic voice assistant. To do this, subscribers of this cellular operator just need to dial a simple number 0505. When using this option, many problems are resolved independently, without the participation of the operator. Finally, another quick and convenient way to communicate with the customer service is to send a free SMS message to the number 0500 for the company’s clients.

Alternative ways to interact with Megafon subscriber service

If for some reason none of the methods of telephone communication with Megafon customer support specialists is suitable, then the subscriber has the opportunity to use alternative channels of interaction with this department. So, from the main page of the operator’s official website, you can go to a special chat designed to interact with customers. You can also quickly get the necessary information and answers to your questions. Finally, the slowest, but also possible way to interact with the subscriber service is a special form, a link to which is also posted on the Megafon portal. Having filled out all the fields of the specified form, the subscriber will receive a response from a customer support specialist after a while. The listed methods are secondary, since the greatest efficiency and accuracy is ensured by a regular phone call.