Medium speed take a screenshot on a Mac. Shadow under the screenshot

To take screenshots on a MacBook, you don't need to install software from third party manufacturers. The Mac OS developers did their best to implement this feature into the system. And this is implemented much better than the print screen in Windows. Screenshots are taken using keyboard shortcuts.

Everything is so convenient on a MacBook that you don’t need to use any third-party software. Files are saved directly to your desktop: you don’t have to search for them in folders or paste them into graphic editors and then save them.

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So, how to take a screenshot on a MacBook:

  • Hold three keys: Command, Shift, 3;
  • The screenshot is already waiting on your desktop.

Screenshot files are saved in PNG format. The advantage of taking screenshots on a Mac is that you can take individual elements. This is part of the screen, window, menu, menu without a title. Therefore, if you need to illustrate some aspects of working with a MacBook, this can be done quite clearly. And most importantly, you don’t need to process anything in editors!

We remove part of the screen

To remove part of the screen, you need to do the following:

  • Press Command, Shift, 4;
  • The cursor becomes cross-haired. Drag it to where you want to take the photo;
  • Drag the cursor to select the area to take a screenshot;
  • The selection principle when dragging can be changed; to do this, you need to hold Shift, Option or Spacebar;
  • Select the desired area and release the mouse button;
  • The screenshot file is saved in PNG format on your desktop.

You can also deselect before the screenshot is taken. To do this, press the Escape key before releasing the mouse button. After this you can try again.

Removing a separate window

IN MacBook You can remove a specific window. This is convenient because you don’t have to select it manually. This is done as follows:

  • Press Command, Shift, 4 ;
  • The cursor becomes cross-haired;
  • Press Spacebar. The cursor icon becomes shaped like a camera;
  • Move the cursor with the camera icon to the desired window, highlighting it;
  • Click;
  • The screenshot file appears on the desktop.

To cancel taking a screenshot, you must press Escape before clicking.

Taking off the menu

In order to remove the menu, you must:

  • Click on the menu to expand its contents;
  • Press Command, Shift, 4;
  • Drag the cursor to select a menu;
  • Release it to save the screenshot on your desktop.

To cancel: Press Escape before releasing the cursor. It may be necessary to take a screenshot of the menu without the title. To do this, after the Command, Shift, 4 command, you need to press Space. Drag the cursor and click the mouse.

How to take a photo without saving to your desktop

Sometimes there is a need to take a photo without saving it. At the same time, it is entered into the clipboard. This is necessary, for example, to avoid clutter on the desktop when the user wants to send a snapshot. In some programs, selecting the "Insert" option inserts the image into a file, dialog box, etc. For example, this is useful when you want to insert a screenshot into a (graphical) editor.

To take a screenshot and save it to the buffer, you need to use the key combination Command, Shift, Control, 4. Do not forget that the snapshot will be in the buffer until the next time it is used, which means you can necessary actions preferably immediately. Otherwise, you can simply forget about the screenshot.

Please note that not all programs may allow you to take pictures of windows. For example, a DVD player. In general, Finder and most programs allow you to capture anything from them.

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In this lesson I will talk about how to take a screenshot on MAC computers (running OS X). Creating screenshots (from the English screenshot - screenshot) sooner or later may be necessary for any user. Personally, I very often use images of different windows and programs when writing articles and lessons on this site.

There are many applications for creating and processing screenshots, but MAC OS X has a built-in screenshot function that completely covers the needs of the average user.

So, here are the basic keyboard shortcuts for taking screenshots in OS X:

Command + Shift + 3 - creates screenshot of the entire screen and places it in the graphic. png file on your desktop.

Command + Shift + 4 - after pressing the combination, the cursor will appear as a crosshair with coordinates, all you need to do is select the area on the screen that you want to save. This way you can do screenshot of only part of the screen

Command + Shift + 4, press spacebar - if you press spacebar after the key combination, the cursor will change to a camera. Move the cursor over any of the windows (it will be highlighted in blue) and click the mouse. This way you can create screenshot separate window and save it to a file on your desktop.

Additional buttons and features

If, together with any of the above combinations, you additionally hold Control button, the screenshot will be placed on the clipboard, but the file will not be created on the desktop. To insert an image into in the right place(in most cases this will be graphical or text editor) press Command + V.

While selecting an area of ​​the screen (after the combination Command + Shift + 4), you can hold down the following function keys:

Spacebar - freezes the size of the selection rectangle and allows you to move it around the screen
Shift - blocks the selection rectangle from stretching in one direction only (vertically or horizontally)
Option – allows you to stretch the selection rectangle from the center (in all directions at the same time)

Using Terminal (from the command line)

Yes, yes... Screenshots can even be taken using the Terminal command line. To get acquainted with the full range of functions " screencapture» enter in the terminal line:

screencapture -help

For example, to take a screenshot with a ten-second delay (so that you have time to go to the screen you need), enter the command in the terminal window:

sleep 10; screencapture ~/Desktop/screenshot.png

Using the terminal you can also change the format of the resulting images. To do this, enter in a terminal window:
defaults write type image_format
killall SystemUIServer

Where image_format is one of the formats: jpg, png, bmp, tiff, pdf or pict. The function on line 2 is necessary for the changes to take effect. You will also need to restart your computer.

Screenshot and Preview utilities

If you are not satisfied with the methods listed above, try the built-in utility " Screenshot" It is located here: /Programs/Utilities/Screenshot. From the Snapshot menu you can select different ways create screenshots: Selected, Window, Screen, Screen with delay.

Utility " View» also allows you to take a screenshot in MAC OS X. From the menu File > Take Screenshot > select the item you need (Selected..., Window..., Whole screen).

Using other applications

Every time I discover some non-standard functions in MAC OS X, I am convinced how well thought out it is in terms of comfort for users. So almost all applications with the ability to enter text allow you to insert a screenshot directly into the text field. To do this we call context menu on the text field (click right button mouse or Control + Click) and select " Save a snapshot of the selected screen area" After this, you can go to any other desktop (using gestures on the trackpad) and select the area needed for the screenshot. The selected area will automatically be inserted into the text field where the cursor was left.

Third-party methods for taking screenshots on MAC

In addition to the built-in tools for creating screenshots, you can install and use third party applications for the same purposes. Typically, such programs give you a wider range of options. So in the application Share Bucket You can add arrows, circles, “blur” and other things to freshly created screenshots. Jing And Snapz Pro X allow you to record screencasts (videos from your desktop) and make it possible to automatically upload finished images to cloud services Dropbox and others

Screenshot on MacBook is called “Screenshot” and the principle of its creation is slightly different from that used in Windows. There are also hotkeys here, but you can’t save it in RAM, but also immediately ready graphic file on the MacOS desktop. At the same time, you have the choice of creating a screenshot of the entire faucet, a separate part of it, or a specific program window. This is true for both the most popular MacBook Air ( Macbook Air), and for the Pro version ( MacBook Pro).

The easiest way to take a screenshot of everything Mac screen book- this is to press the key combination "at the same time" Command + Shift + 3«.

You will hear the characteristic click of the camera shutter, and a new image called “Date and Time Screenshot” will appear on the MacOS desktop. The file format is PNG.

Now you can open it in a graphic editor and change it at your discretion

Screenshot of the selected part of the screen

If you don’t need to shoot the entire screen, just some part of it, then there is another key combination for this - “ Command + Shift + 4»

The cursor will change to a cross, with which we select desired area screen

To center, you can also press the “Option” button during the selection process.

Immediately after this, the sound will be heard again and a snapshot of this part will be saved as a file on the desktop.

Screenshot of a separate window

When creating some kind of manual for working in a particular program, it is more advisable to take a screenshot of only it active window. This feature is also available on MacBooks. a separate option and is called by the same key combination “Command+Shift+4”, but after it you don’t need to immediately start highlighting, but click on “ Space»

The cursor will change its appearance to the camera image - now you just need to point it at the desired window and click on the touchpad or left mouse button.

We look for the finished image in the same place as usual

How to copy a MacBook screenshot to the clipboard?

There are also situations in which saving a screenshot directly to a file is inconvenient - for example, if you are still going to edit the image later in Photoshop. In this case, it is logical to use the function of copying the image to the clipboard, and then pasting it directly into the editor. To do this, use the keys " Command + Shift + Control + 3»

As in the first considered option, the entire screen will be copied to RAM. After this, using the “Command + V” keys you can import it into graphics editor and continue working with him.

Screenshot in MacOS Mojave

With the release of the next release macOS Mojave The principle of calling functions for creating screenshots on a MacBook has changed slightly in the direction of improving usability. Now there are no multiple combinations for different options- all of them are called using “Shift + Command + 5”.

Appears graphic menu selecting screenshot type:

  1. Screenshot
  2. Window shot
  3. Selected area

Numbers 4 and 5 are menu items for recording video from the entire screen or from a separate window, respectively. You can read more about all the innovations in official instructions Apple.

If you have recently purchased a device that runs on Mac OS X, then you probably have a lot of questions that seem to be completely unsolvable. For example, when you need to take a screenshot on a new device, difficulties may arise, because on the platform from Apple absent special key with such a function (for example, in Windows there is Print Screen). So let's look at the question: Mac?


Let's start with criticism. Many users who work with the Mac OS X operating system say that it is very difficult to take screenshots here. But in fact this is a false statement. Perhaps they have simply never had to perform such actions before. Create a screenshot of a window in this operating system it is also simple and convenient, the most important thing is to find out how such a procedure is performed.

Special teams

In the operating system we are interested in, almost all special actions are performed using hot keys. And if you manage to remember all the combinations for certain actions that you use regularly, then overall speed your work will increase significantly. You can also take a screenshot of your Mac using keyboard shortcuts.


Let's now look at a few examples of how to properly take a screenshot in this operating system. To take a screenshot of a specific area of ​​your device, you need to press the combination Shift keys+ Command + 4. And in order to do general photo display, you will need to press a separate combination. The key combination Shift + Command + 3. If you have done everything correctly, then you should see new picture In fact, this process can be considered one of the most convenient options, since in this case you will no longer need to work with a graphic editor, adjust the image to size and then save the processed image. By choosing this approach, you will have the entire process optimized. It will take place in automatic mode. Sometimes it may happen that a Mac screenshot does not need to be automatically created on the desktop, but you just need to save it and then install it somewhere. In fact, you shouldn’t be afraid of this option, since everything here is quite easy. If you need to take a snapshot of the entire screen and then save it to the clipboard, then press the keys on your keyboard Shift + Control + Command + 3. And if you need to take a photo of a specific part, there is also a way out. Press Shift + Control + Command + 4. Next, the whole process is probably familiar to you. You will need to open any graphic editor, and then paste the image into it for further processing and saving. For example, you can choose not only programs for creating drawings, but also Word application, and after opening of this instrument you should press Command + V. This is necessary so that the contents of the clipboard are uploaded to the program of your choice. As you can see, it’s very easy to take a Mac screenshot using one of the two options above; the most important thing is to remember the keys that need to be pressed in a certain sequence. However, if you regularly take screenshots, then after a fairly short period of time you will be able to remember these buttons without difficulty.


If you do not want to use hotkeys to take a screenshot, you can also perform the entire process using the mouse. To do this you will definitely need to download special application for the operating system, which is called Grab. You can find this program using the Spotlight service, which is probably present on your device. Screenshot Mac using support program you can do it in just a few mouse clicks. At the same time, you can independently specify the area of ​​​​the screen or take a photo of the entire display; here it’s up to you to decide for yourself. In conclusion, let's say a few words about the operating room itself. Mac system OS. This development ranks second in the world in terms of prevalence among users. It is also interesting that the term Mac OS itself did not exist before its official appearance in the nineties of the twentieth century, although the platform had been operating for quite a long time by that time.