We install custom firmware on Samsung Galaxy (any smartphone or tablet, detailed instructions). Firmware for Samsung Galaxy series phone

Instructions for installing the official single-file firmware on the Samsung Galaxy S3 (GT-I930x).

    Drivers and programs


To install the official stock firmware on the Galaxy S3 and return the phone’s status (“Settings” > “About device” > “Properties” > “Device status”) to “Official” after switching from custom firmware and thereby returning the ability to receive updates over the air, just follow the instructions provided.

Installation instructions

    Unpack the downloaded archive into a folder with Odin PC for convenience. The file in the ".tar" or ".tar.md5" format must be left, but the "SS_DL.dll" can be deleted.

    Reset your device.
    To do this, go to the settings tab " Accounts" to the section " Archive and reset", select the item " Reset device" and press the button " Delete everything" The phone will reboot.

    Run Odin PC as administrator.

    Put your device into download mode ( Download Mode).
    To do this, you need to simultaneously hold down the Volume Down key, the Home button and the Power button. Then wait until the phone reboots and agree to the warning by pressing the Volume Up key.

    In this state, connect the smartphone to the computer. In Odin the message “ COM».

    Click on the “ AP» and select the TAR firmware archive.

    Items " Auto Reboot" And " F.Reset Time" must be activated, A " Re-Partition"if active - must be disabled.

    Click on the “ Start" The firmware installation process will begin.

    At the end of the operation, if everything was successful, the message “All threads completed. (succeed 1 / failed 0)". The phone must be restarted manually by holding down the power button until the screen turns off. It may take up to 5 minutes for your device to boot up initially.
    If the device does not boot for a long time or the data has not been reset, it must be performed from recovery.
    To do this, you need to simultaneously hold down the Volume Up key, the Home button and the Power button. After downloading, select " Wipe data/Factory reset", and then - " Reboot system now" If after these steps the device also freezes when loading, you need to reflash it again.

How to flash a Samsung phone?

To flash a Samsung phone, it is not necessary to contact a service center. You can do this work yourself using special software. But it is important to do this process correctly.

Let's take a closer look at how to flash a Samsung phone with your own hands.

Preparing for firmware

Before you start flashing your phone yourself, you must fully charge its battery. After all, if during such a process the phone turns off, then serious problems with its functioning cannot be avoided.

The next thing to do is connect the device to your computer via a USB cable. The PC operating system may offer to install additional drivers for the phone to function correctly. It is recommended to do this, and then restart the computer and disconnect the mobile device.

Samsung phone firmware

Now let's move on to the firmware of the Samsung phone itself. It is performed as follows:

  1. Launch the MultiLoader program on your mobile device (at this time the phone should not be connected via USB to the PC).
  2. Go to its main menu. In it you will need to find the BACK UP option and activate it. This will allow you to back up your data in case problems arise during the firmware.
  3. Go to the main menu, select “Firmware” and then BRCM2133.
  4. In the window that opens, check the boxes next to the following items: Boot (then in the drop-down menu opposite it, select the bootfiles command), Factory FS, Full Download, Rsrc1, Amss (at this point, select the additional file apps_compresset.bin).
  5. Now go to Download mode. To do this, hold down the volume, lock and on/off buttons for a few seconds.
  6. Download should appear on the screen. It will indicate that the process was launched and completed successfully.
  7. Connect your phone to your computer via a USB cable and wait for the PC operating system to detect the device.
  8. The following message will appear at the bottom of the window: com15 ready and your phone model. You need to click on the RELOAD button located opposite it and wait a few minutes. During this process, the mobile device may turn on and off, this is a normal process.
  9. Once completed, you will need to disconnect your phone from the cable and reboot it several times.
  10. If the mobile device menu is in English, you will need to perform reconfiguration. The following command will help you do this: *#6984125*#. Next, in the menu that opens, select the Pre-configuration item and specify this password: “*#73561*#. After which the device reboots and this configuration is entered into it: “*2767*3855#. This will complete the firmware. All you have to do is check the functionality of the device.

If you are not sure that you can correctly flash the firmware for a Samsung phone, then it is better to entrust it to specialists. But contact only experienced craftsmen who will provide you with a guarantee for the work performed.

Despite the high level of reliability of Android devices produced by one of the leaders in the world market of smartphones and tablet computers - Samsung - users are often puzzled by the possibility or need to flash the device. For Android devices manufactured by Samsung, the best solution for manipulating and restoring software is the program.

It doesn’t matter for what purpose the procedure for flashing a Samsung Android device is carried out. Having resorted to using the powerful and functional Odin software, it turns out that working with a smartphone or tablet is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Let's take a step-by-step look at the installation procedure for various types of firmware and their components.

Important! The Odin application can damage the device if the user performs incorrect actions! The user performs all actions in the program at his own peril and risk. The site administration and the author of the article are not responsible for possible negative consequences of following the instructions below!

To ensure interaction between Odin and the device, you will need to install drivers. Fortunately, Samsung has taken care of its users and the installation process usually does not cause any problems. The only inconvenience is the fact that the drivers are included with Samsung proprietary software for servicing mobile devices - Kies (for older models) or Smart Switch (for new models). It should be noted that when flashing firmware via Odin with Kies simultaneously installed on the system, various failures and critical errors may occur. Therefore, after installing the Kies drivers, you must remove them.

Step 2: Put your device into download mode

The Odin program is able to interact with a Samsung device only if the latter is in a special Download mode.

Step 3: Firmware

Using the Odin program, you can install single- and multi-file firmware (service), as well as individual software components.

Installing single-file firmware

  1. Download the ODIN program and firmware. Unpack everything into a separate folder on drive C.
  2. Necessarily! If installed, remove Samsung Kies! We follow the path: "Control Panel""Programs and Features""Delete".

  3. Launch Odin as Administrator. The program does not require installation, so to launch it you need to right-click on the file Odin3.exe in the folder containing the application. Then select the item from the drop-down menu "Run as Administrator".
  4. We charge the device’s battery to at least 60% and switch it to "Download" and connect to the USB port located on the back panel of the PC, i.e. directly to the motherboard. When connected, Odin should detect the device, as evidenced by the field being filled in blue "ID:COM", displaying the port number in the same field, as well as the inscription "Added!!" in the log field (tab "Log").
  5. To add a single-file firmware image to Odin, click the button "AP"(in versions One up to 3.09 – button "PDA")
  6. We indicate to the program the path to the file.
  7. After pressing the button "Open" in the Explorer window, Odin will begin reconciling the MD5 amount of the proposed file. Upon completion of the hash check, the name of the image file is displayed in the field "AP (PDA)". Go to the tab "Options".
  8. When using single-file firmware in the tab "Options" All checkboxes must be unchecked except "F. Reset Time" And "Auto Reboot".
  9. Having determined the necessary parameters, press the button "Start".
  10. The process of writing information to the device memory sections will begin, accompanied by the display of the names of the device memory sections being written in the upper right corner of the window and the completion of the progress bar located above the field "ID:COM". Also in the process, the log field is filled with inscriptions about the ongoing procedures.
  11. Upon completion of the process, the inscription is displayed in the square in the upper left corner of the program on a green background "PASS". This indicates the successful completion of the firmware. You can disconnect the device from the computer's USB port and start it by long pressing the power button. When installing a single-file firmware, user data, unless explicitly specified in the Odin settings, is in most cases not affected.

Installing multi-file (service) firmware

When restoring a Samsung device after serious failures, installing modified software, and in some other cases, the so-called multi-file firmware will be required. In reality, this is a service solution, but the described method is widely used by ordinary users.

Multi-file firmware is called because it is a collection of several image files, and, in some cases, a PIT file.

Firmware with PIT file

The PIT file and its addition to ODIN are tools used to re-partition the device's memory into sections. This method of carrying out the device recovery process can be used in conjunction with both single-file and multi-file firmware.

Using a PIT file when flashing is permissible only in extreme cases, for example, if there are serious problems with the performance of the device.

Installation of individual software components

In addition to installing the entire firmware, Odin makes it possible to write individual components of the software platform to the device - the kernel, modem, recovery, etc.

For example, let's look at installing custom recovery via ODIN.

It should be noted that the above methods for working with Odin are applicable to most Samsung devices. At the same time, they cannot claim to be absolutely universal instructions due to the presence of a wide variety of firmware, a large range of devices, and slight differences in the list of options used in specific cases of application.

Every smartphone user is not immune from failures in its operation, and sometimes from complete system failure. Often the only solution is to update the firmware of the mobile device. Among owners of phones based on Android OS, the Odin program is considered an indispensable tool for flashing the device. It is quite simple to use, but there are some nuances in the program settings.

Firmware is a cure for all diseases

A modern smartphone or tablet is a powerful computer equipped with a multi-core processor, a graphics accelerator, gigabytes of RAM and solid-state memory, as well as a variety of peripheral devices. It works under the control of an operating system (in our case, Android), and individual subsystems: radio module, camera, biometric sensors are also controlled by their own microprograms.

Firmware is a specialized distribution kit that contains all the software components necessary for the full operation of the “gadget”. To flash a device means to install this distribution into the device's memory. And there are usually only two main reasons for updating firmware - updating to a new version or restoring a broken smartphone. After the firmware has been correctly installed, we receive the device in a new condition, just like from a store.

The main reasons for flashing firmware are updating or restoring a broken smartphone

The flash memory of the smartphone, onto which the firmware and microprograms of the radio module are written, is designed for a limited number of write cycles. Therefore, you should not flash several times a day in search of the perfect firmware. When the Flash memory cannot record, the device will have to be thrown out or disassembled into “organs”.

Types of firmware

There are several types of firmware for Android smartphones or tablets:

  • OTA firmware is loaded into the device over the air, via 3G or Wi-Fi cellular networks. It contains updates for individual programs or a newer version of the Android operating system. If installed correctly, user data, accounts and installed applications are saved. Such firmware is the easiest way to flash a smartphone, but also the most dangerous: often during this operation the device becomes a “brick” - it does not respond to keys, the sensor and does not display anything on the screen;
  • firmware in the form of a zip archive. Designed for installation into the device via Recovery - a built-in flash driver, which can be accessed by pressing a certain combination of buttons when turning it on. The firmware rewrites the system partition - installed programs and accounts are deleted;
  • single-file firmware for the Odin program. Contains an operating system with pre-installed applications. As in the previous version, programs and user accounts are deleted;
  • The 5-file firmware consists of the operating system, service firmware and partition tables of the device’s internal memory. Installing it deletes absolutely all user data from the phone’s memory, including those that were on the “internal” memory card.

Forewarned is forearmed: preparing the phone for firmware

During the production process, the manufacturer may make changes to the design of the smartphone/tablet. Therefore, devices released at different times may differ in hardware, despite the same appearance, model name and operating system. Before flashing the firmware, you need to identify the hardware revision of your device as accurately as possible. In most cases, this can be done by checking the serial number of the smartphone on specialized forums. For example, the Samsung Galaxy Win (GT-85520) smartphone has two hardware revisions and they require different firmware.

We list the criteria for successful smartphone firmware:

  • firmware downloaded from the network corresponding to the hardware revision of your device;
  • smartphone drivers and the Odin program itself, downloaded from a trusted source, ideally from the official Samsung website;
  • battery charged to at least 90%;
  • reliable, tested cable for connecting to a computer;
  • a computer that is maximally cleared of background processes and programs, ideally containing only the operating system and the Odin program.

Preparing the operating system

So, the phone is charged to the maximum, a reliable thick USB cable has been found, games have been unloaded from the computer and a thousand tabs in the browser have been closed. It remains to take the last preparatory steps before the firmware process itself:

Remember that a power surge, a pulled out computer power cord or a power outage will lead to an emergency termination of the firmware, and the device will become inoperable - a “brick”. Therefore, connect your desktop computer through an uninterruptible power supply (UPS), and charge the laptop’s battery.

How to flash an Android device

Working with single-file and 5-file firmware differs slightly. The program has several buttons for selecting the appropriate firmware file:

  • BL - bootloader (bootloader) - load a file like APBOOT_xxxxx.tar.md5 (will be present only in 5-file firmware);
  • AP or PDA, depending on the Odin version - the main firmware file CODE_xxxxx.tar.md5 (in the case of a single file - the only one);
  • CP or PHONE - phone radio module file MODEM_xxxxx.tar.md5;
  • CSC - file of the form CSC_xxxxx.tar.md5;
  • PIT - PIT file, is included only in 5-file service firmware. When you select it in the program, additional settings for the breakdown of the device’s internal memory open. Firmware with this file will delete ALL DATA on the device, and if it fails, with a 99% probability it will be “bricked.”

Installing single-file factory firmware

Installation of 5-file service firmware

If the firmware recording is successful, the program will write PASS in the upper left corner of the window and reboot the smartphone.

Enable Re-Partition mode only in case of serious problems with the device: it does not boot, freezes on the screensaver, there are errors in the internal memory - files do not open or open with errors. Most of the devices that died during flashing were flashed with the 5-file service firmware and troubles happened during the re-partitioning of the internal memory. Firmware of the Android operating system kernel and Recovery files

After that:

  1. Click the AP or PDA button in the program window and select the *.img file in the window that opens.
  2. Click the Start button.

If your device has Android version 5 or higher, before flashing the firmware you need to perform several manipulations with the smartphone itself:

Loading custom firmware

Installing custom firmware via Odin is not the best method. The safest option is custom firmware compiled for installation from recovery. The risks of getting a “brick” are much lower than when flashing firmware via Odin. Don’t expect miracles from “custom” ones; they won’t make your old device a top-end one. And in terms of stability and power consumption, factory firmware will always be a leader.

Installing custom firmware is no different from installing single-file factory firmware:

  1. Click the AP or PDA button in the program window and select a *.img file in the window that opens.
  2. In the options block, enable the Auto Reboot mode.
  3. Click the Start button.
  4. If the firmware is successfully written, the program will write PASS in the upper left corner of the window and the smartphone will automatically reboot.

My smartphone is a “brick”

If the firmware completed with errors, the program will report this by writing Fail on a red background. But there are often situations when the firmware was successful, the smartphone went into reboot and never came out of it. Do not panic! The worst has already happened. Remove the battery from the device and let it sit for 20–30 minutes. Then return the battery to its place. Using button combinations, try to enter recovery (Power + VolumeUp + Home) or emergency mode (Power + VolumeDown + Home).

I managed to get into recovery - great! We execute the command wipe data/factory reset and try to reboot the smartphone. If we can only enter emergency mode, we try to flash the device with a 5-file service firmware. If it doesn’t help either, the smartphone has a direct route to the service center. It is no longer possible to restore it using software methods.

Video: restoring a smartphone after flashing

In this short article, we looked at the pros and cons of flashing firmware with the Odin program, assessed the risks and learned what to do if the situation develops abnormally. Do not forget that the program is intended for service centers, and not for smartphone users, and allows you not only to bring a junk device back to life, but also to send a previously working smartphone or tablet to digital paradise with a couple of keystrokes.

Users of Samsung smartphones based on the Android operating system often encounter problems when the phone starts to glitch and freeze. Such problems usually arise due to the installation of unlicensed and third-party software that helps “kill” the system. In some cases, the smartphone begins to take on a life of its own due to viruses that can get onto the device from third-party media (flash cards and computers) and when connected to the Internet.

The best solution to the situation would be to reflash the smartphone. But official service centers most often refuse warranty service (and have every right to do so), while demanding payment for the work. Since the service is not cheap, many users can independently try to bring their smartphone back to life. This article will provide information about using Odin, the most popular official program for updating the firmware.

Beginning of work

The first step towards success in a difficult task is preparation for the process. You need to make sure that the smartphone battery is charged at least 80 percent (it is better if the battery is fully charged). Also, to understand how to flash via Odin, you need to download the program itself to your personal computer. In this case, the operating system installed on the PC must be at least Windows XP.

You will definitely need the firmware itself (it can be single-file or multi-file), and ADB drivers, which can be downloaded from specialized sites. Once it is clear that all conditions have been met, the process can begin.

Installing drivers

One of the key points that must be completed before flashing via Odin is installing the necessary drivers for the smartphone. All you need to do is download the installer file and run it (preferably as an administrator).

There are times when drivers are already installed on the PC. To make sure everything goes as expected, it's worth checking your system for older versions. If you find outdated drivers, you should remove them and install the newest ones.

Loading the smartphone into Downloading mode

How to flash Samsung via Odin? Easily! The first thing you need to do directly with your smartphone is to launch it in Downloading mode. But before that, you should make sure that all the necessary information from the smartphone was saved before flashing the firmware, since after it the device will turn on “like new” and there will be no information on it.

If the device does not turn on, do not despair. With the gadget turned off, you need to hold down the “Volume -”, “Home” and “On/Off” buttons together. As soon as the screen asks you to confirm the action, you need to press the “Volume +” button. After this, an image of an android robot and the inscription Downloading will appear on the screen. We connect the smartphone via a USB cable to the PC, and the necessary actions with the smartphone are completed.

First launch of Odin

Now the moment of the firmware process has come. You should approach this with great responsibility and re-read the entire instructions again. If something goes wrong, you can get a so-called “brick”, and restoring the smartphone will cost a lot of money or will become completely impossible.

Therefore, before flashing via Odin, you need to understand the program itself. To do this, you must first unpack the archive directly from Odin to any convenient location on your hard drive, and then run the Odin.exe file. So, in the interface menu you can see a lot of incomprehensible buttons and words. But don't be afraid of this. In order to learn how to flash via Odin, you only need to know what firmware is available.

How to flash Android via Odin

If the firmware consists of only one file, all you need to do is press the PDA button and in the window that opens, select the location of that same firmware file.

Otherwise, if you have a firmware of three files, you should select the largest file in the PDA line (it contains the word CODE), in the PHONE line - a file containing the word PHONE in the name, in the CSC line - respectively, a file with the keyword CSC.

After these manipulations, you should make sure that the Auto Reboot and F. Reset Time checkboxes are checked. You need to remember that under no circumstances should there be a checkmark next to the words Re-Partition, as this can turn the device into a “brick”!

Other lines and checkboxes are needed for more advanced users and those who develop so-called custom firmware versions for smartphones, so the best solution would be not to experiment with the above-mentioned functions. Next, you need to click on the Start button, and the firmware process will begin.

During firmware

During the firmware process, you need to make sure that the PC does not suddenly turn off or freeze, as this can lead to disastrous consequences for the smartphone. Also, do not unplug the USB cable or press any buttons.

Just? It turns out that yes. After all, in order to understand how to flash a Samsung smartphone via Odin, you do not need any special skills or knowledge. The most important thing is to make sure that the firmware process has reached its final stage and the loading bar has reached 100%. After this, the smartphone will reboot on its own and turn on in setup mode, as if it was unpacked and launched for the first time.

With the correct step-by-step setup, the phone will boot into normal mode and begin to function freely. The entire file system will be updated, no data from the previous firmware will remain. Therefore, once again you should pay attention to the point that talks about saving files on any convenient medium before the firmware process.

In general, I would like to say that almost everyone can cope with the task. But if you don’t have confidence in your PC and smartphone skills, then it’s better not to take risks. In such cases, it is often much more profitable to turn to specialists and get a 100% positive result. Therefore, before flashing a Samsung smartphone on Android via Odin, it is worth deciding whether there is a willingness to experiment with such manipulations.

The most important thing is to be confident in yourself and your abilities, and the rest should be left to the complex computing processes performed by the personal computer, operating system and software.