Time with the highest VKontakte activity. The best time to post on Instagram

The success of the material posted in in social networks, largely depends on the time of publication - different audiences have different preferences, daily routines, work schedules, and so on. There is no exact answer to the question of when is the best time to post on certain social networks. But there are numerous resources that can help you find the right time for you and your goals. Hootsuite.com has compiled a short guide, which we offer you in an adapted version.

Best time to post on Twitter

Since Twitter is a constant stream of information, choose right time It may seem like high art to post a post here. The half-life of a single tweet is 24 minutes - that's 4 times less than a Facebook post - meaning your window of opportunity is very narrow.

2. Be involved in social media– Knowing the right time to tweet from your company's Twitter profile starts with social media engagement.

No one can say for sure what time is the best time to post on VKontakte. Periodic analysis activities, coverage and advertising response made it possible to calculate two main time periods when the effectiveness of posted posts will be the highest.

The first period is from 12 noon to 3 pm, that is, the lunch break and the hours adjacent to it. The surge in activity in this period is due to the fact that on the eve of lunch, many employees begin to kill time on social networks, sitting in their favorite groups; they prefer to combine the meal process with monitoring news feed, and the time after lunch is spent getting into the mood for work, again disappearing among the vastness of social networks.

The second period is from 21 to 23. This is the best time for posting, and it is in the evening that maximum coverage is achieved. Returning from work, people monitor the news feed from their devices on the go, and when they get home they often switch to computers, or just collapse into a comfortable chair with their phone, continuing to explore the expanses of social networks in search of new posted content.

But all this is only average data, which depends on the age of subscribers, their place of residence, hobbies and other factors. Any community has a different audience, different attendance and activity. Therefore, in each individual case, it is advisable to carry out the analysis yourself in order to always know when it is better to display this or that information.

Important! Post on VKontakte not at regular hours, but a couple of minutes later. For example, it is good to display a recording not at 20:00, but at 20:02, not at 12:00, but at 12:01, etc. Similarly. This is necessary for the reason that posts in most communities are published at exactly the same time, which forces you to compete for coverage in an unequal fight with hundreds and thousands of other, larger publics. If you post a post a couple of minutes later, then the peak of posting will pass, and you will find yourself in the feed above the overwhelming majority of other communities.

There is also an opinion that it is better to post commercial posts on weekdays rather than on weekends, since on Saturday and Sunday people devote more time to family and leisure, preferring to put social networks in the background.

We distribute posting correctly - a 6-point system

Knowing the most effective hours is not enough to properly build a publishing system. You need to properly distribute content throughout the day. For most communities, with average frequency 10-20 posts per day, the following system is suitable:

  1. morning (6:00-7:00) begins with positive, simple publications;
  2. from morning until lunch, posts of average quality occur at infrequent intervals, sometimes alternating with strong content;
  3. during lunch hours the quality of publications is slightly enhanced and high-quality materials are used;
  4. from lunch to evening, average posts again alternate with strong ones, gradually increasing the frequency of publications;
  5. in evening prime time, it is necessary to use the strongest content and increase the frequency of its posting in order to reach the maximum audience that this moment actively scrolls through your news feed;
  6. The day ends with simple fasts closer to midnight (23:00-1:00).

Scheduling delayed posting

Wherever you are and no matter what happens, posts should always be posted. One or two days of downtime in publishing may well cover the entire previous one. long work, therefore, such a situation should not be allowed under any circumstances, and this is where a postponed post will come in handy.

To help set up a competent publishing process in the community and on the page, there is a timer that allows you to create delayed publications. Thanks to this functionality, you can prepare content in advance, arranging it for the best time, and it will appear on the wall on the right day and at the specified hours, maintaining the interest and activity of subscribers.

With the help of auto-posting, you can provide the community with material for a long period of time, while focusing on other important areas of project development.

A little parting word

The functionality of the VKontakte social network is quite extensive, and if used correctly, you can make the work of maintaining a community easier by automating part of the work process as much as possible. Develop a content strategy, prepare blanks, ideas and templates for publication, decide on the target audience and the right time for posting, set the content on a timer and start. And remember: the main thing is the quality of the content, because without it, even the most productive hours will become just time gone by.

Internet services for business.
A link to the material is required!

Recently, I set out to find out what time I should publish posts on VKontakte in order to get maximum coverage. To find out, I did some research.

We will talk about groups of copywriters. Other areas have their own audiences with their own preferences and schedules.

Theoretical part

Interested subscribers regularly come to the group to read new posts. There is no point in adapting to them. The more interesting you write, the more more people will remember the community and view its wall.

But you can influence the number of people who see the post in the news. To do this, you just need to publish content when a lot of your subscribers are online. or just before rush hour. These are the indicators I measured.

Let's experiment

For experiments, I chose 3 communities: Overheard | Copywriting, My blog Web.txt and Panda Copywriting (the liveliest of the major groups). Goal: determine the time with the maximum number of online copywriter subscribers.

The study lasted a week - from July 14 to July 21. Every hour, starting at 9 am, Alexey and I checked online in these three groups and entered the indicators into a table.

In total I made 7 simple tables

And then I calculated the average values, divided the results into groups: from the warmest (peak online) to the coldest.

Everything was calculated according to Moscow time.

1pm is the busiest time

Early in the morning people are still sleeping - there is no point in publishing posts. The revival begins at noon, reaches a peak value by 13-00 and lasts for another 4 hours. high level. After 5 p.m., working copywriters go home - the online service drops. And at 21-22 o'clock people come in again.

What conclusions can be drawn from this:

  • The best time to post is just before the lunch rush. For example, at 12-30.
  • The next post can be published immediately after lunch - online will be large for a few more hours.
  • Publish evening posts around 20-30 - before the night peak.

Days of the week

At the same time, I will share the results by day of the week. This will be useful for those who do not write posts daily.

Weekends are always terribly slow

Of course, statistics based on one week's results are not very accurate. Therefore, I do not advise you to listen to her too much. Now I'm working on automating measurements. When everything is ready, I will collect evidence in a couple of months - and then I will publish new, more accurate data.

But here the statistics of the Overheard group come to my aid. There people offer content themselves, new posts appear regularly throughout the day. And we can look at activity statistics by day of the week.

Activity chart in Overheard | copywriting for the last month

Do you see the "pits"? It's the weekend. Don't post anything important on the weekend. Nobody will read this. The coolest content should be released on Monday-Tuesday. Then you will get maximum coverage and the group will grow faster.

Social poll

I conducted a survey with almost 200 people. The purpose of the survey is to find out at what time people prefer to view the news feed.

Most often the feed is scrolled in the morning and evening

Conclusion: publishing evening posts (around 20-00) is a great idea. Firstly, there is a good online presence in groups at this time. Secondly, people are already free from work and ready to read your content. Thirdly, almost no one writes at night - so in the morning your publications will still be closer to the beginning of the news feed.

Of course, 200 people is very little. Don't take this survey too seriously.


I repeat. I conducted research in copywriting groups. It only applies to copywriters. If your target audience is not copywriters, do not use this data. They may not work for you. It’s better to take a week and monitor your subscribers - it will immediately become clear to you when the content should be released.

What can be learned from the study:

  • The best time to post is before lunch. This way you will get maximum coverage in the news.
  • Second place goes to the evening - 20-21 hours. The online presence is good at this time, and your publications will still be visible in the morning.
  • Don't post anything important on the weekend - your coverage will be minimal.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I hope my little research will help you increase your reach.

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We released new book“Content Marketing on Social Media: How to Get into Your Followers’ Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.”


Companies create accounts on Instagram in order to disseminate information about goods and services, promotions and discounts among subscribers as much as possible. At one moment, users are active and hearts and comments appear on posts, and at the next, almost no one pays attention. Is it important for a brand to choose the best time to post on Instagram in order to reach all followers as much as possible? Let's check.

If you are interested comprehensive promotion business on Instagram - read our guide to marketing on this site!

Instagram Algorithms: Why Post Timing Still Matters

The social network supports the smart feed algorithm. The user sees posts not in chronological order, but depending on interests. How does the algorithm determine what is liked and what is not? By behavior: what a person comments and likes, and what posts he simply skips. Important role plays a person’s attitude towards the account.

With a smart algorithm, the audience coverage changes: not all subscribers can see the information. What time to make and post posts still remains relevant on Instagram, albeit not at the same level.

How to find the best time to post on Instagram

Pay attention to your target audience. Young people are active throughout the day and even night, and working people are most likely to check their feed in the morning or evening. Determine when your subscribers are most willing to interact with you and adapt to their times. This way you will achieve maximum coverage. Watch for any signs of activity.

Second important point- these are time zones. If customers are located all over the world, select optimal hours it will be more difficult, because one client is awake, and the second on the other half of the ball is already falling asleep.

Special statistics tools, such as Iconosquare and Buffer, will help you determine when it’s best to post on Instagram.

How often to delight your subscribers with posts

Regardless of the most popular time for posts, the quality of the content posted on Instagram plays a decisive role. However, posting frequency also helps a brand grow faster.

According to Buffer research, different companies with the number of publications from 1 to 10, engagement may not have dropped.
Tailwind analyzed 100,000 records to see the importance of frequency. Companies that updated their profiles more than 7 times a week received more likes, comments and subscribers.

When choosing a frequency for a brand, you need to focus on the audience, whether it is ready to receive a large number of information or should it be reduced. Publishing requires preparation and high-quality materials, which takes a lot of time. Perhaps it will not be enough for too active introduction of the profile.

Optimal time of day

Try experimenting with different periods of time. Each period has its advantages:

  • Morning hours. Many people go to social networks to wake up and get inspired for the next day. A fresh post will attract their attention.
  • The middle of the day when subscribers have a lunch break. Typically during these hours they check updates and share news with others.
  • Evening. Most people return from work, travel by transport, and rest. Mobile phone always at hand, you can check the feed updates.
  • Night. Almost no one posts when everyone is asleep. Low competition will make it more visible. The first likes will come from young people who like to stay up late.

Don’t get hung up on one period, combine and analyze the results.

When is the best time to post on Instagram, taking into account the content?

Photos can be viewed at any time, but with videos it’s not so easy. When is the best time to publish video posts on Instagram? Research says that in the evening. And there is an explanation for this: people return from work, can turn on the sound and concentrate on the video. Or weekends when subscribers have a lot of free time.

It is also better to move the live broadcast to the end of the week or to the evening. If this is not possible, warn the audience in advance: publish an announcement with the date and time of the event, expand on the topic to convince the subscriber to join you.

Let's analyze the days of the week:

  • Monday. Not the best day for information that makes you think and make a decision. On this day it is best to add entertainment content: funny pictures, tips, motivation, etc.
  • Tuesday. The transition from weekend to work is over, subscribers are already ready to perceive important information. Talk about analytics and numbers.
  • Wednesday. Many brands prefer to post the internal process and show the results of the work. Share your participation in important conferences and contributions to social projects. Show that the work is in full swing and is bearing fruit.
  • Thursday. Tell us about your clients. Share your activities with clients. Many companies use this trick.
  • Friday. Just like on Monday, it’s better not to leave important information in subscribers' feeds. They will be more likely to enjoy fun and encouraging content heading into the weekend.
  • Weekend. If you still want, you can publish light and pleasant content or plans for the next week, motivating your subscribers.

Things to remember

  • In 4 hours the recording gains the most large quantity views and likes.
  • The speed of gaining likes and subscribers contributes to promotion using hashtags. Make content high quality and unique.
  • Diversify your content. Publish not only products and services, but also news, articles on the topic, and don’t forget about entertainment content.
  • Don't forget about feedback with subscribers. Organize giveaways: they significantly increase audience engagement.
  • Research and select hashtags. By increasing the reach of the display, you will show the publication not only to followers, but also to other, possibly potential clients.
  • Unlike other social networks, Instagram does not allow publishing without the participation of the author. However, you can use dedicated notification tools. They allow you to prepare a post in advance and remind you when to press the last button.

About research

Huffington Post, MarketingProfs, CoSchedule and SumAll conducted research on the best time to post on Instagram and found optimal time. Here's what each one got:

  • from 2:00 to 17:00;
  • from 13:00 to 14:00;
  • 14:00 on Tuesdays;
  • 17:00-18:00 on weekdays, 20:00 - day off.

Conclusion: there is no universally good time to publish posts. It is different for each company and you need to display it yourself.

Let's sum it up

Each brand chooses what time to publish posts on Instagram. Many studies were carried out, but they did not lead to a single result. It all depends on the target audience: when it is active, what it is interested in and how it relates to the company’s profile. Special tools for collecting statistics will help you track the best time to publish. Don't forget that Instagram is mobile app, and it's always at hand.

If we take the average temperature in the hospital (or in the office, whichever is closer), then the best time to post on Instagram is 12, 15, 21 hours in your time zone on weekdays. Statistics services also recommend the following days of the week and hours: Monday 17-18, Wednesday and Thursday 15-16.

But people are not robots scanning Instagram by given schedule. People live on different continents in different time zones, each work according to their own schedule and access Instagram in different time. To collect maximum amount likes, you need to understand when exactly your subscribers go to Instagram.

What do you need to do to find this best time for your subscribers?

If you don't know where to start, then look at your competitors. When do they post photos and videos? But the best thing is to find the best time for your account yourself.

  1. Who are your subscribers (target audience) and where do they live? Look at their profiles manually or find geolocations of subscribers in statistics services for Instagram. For example, websta.me.
  2. Who are your subscribers (occupation)? Students, young mothers or office workers? It depends on when they have free time for hanging out on Instagram.
  3. Your subscribers scroll through Instagram in their spare time - on the subway, in a traffic jam, at lunch, before bed. Think about what time it is.
  4. Test! Do it by day of the week and post at different times (think about points 1-3 and choose the best time in your opinion). Early morning, lunch, late evening, etc. And see when there are more likes/comments.
  5. Do it and you will be able to see the number of views under each post and the time when the most subscribers come to Instagram.

This simple algorithm will help you find the best time to post on Instagram specifically for your account.

How often to post photos on Instagram

Universal advice - 1-4 posts (photo/video) per day - every day. Break between posts - from 4 hours. But let's think about it.

If you have a blog/public about cats, then finding 4 posts for every day is relatively easy. Look for photos on the Internet, take pictures of your own wallpaper eater.

What if you have a professional one? You need to take notes on topics that concern your audience, publish sketches from the doctor’s professional life, and make selling posts. And as a plus, don’t forget about high-quality photographs. It’s not easy to produce such content 2 times a day, every day, without sleep or rest. Unless you have a team of copywriters.

The good news is that the more “complicated” your posts are, the less often you need to do them. Because for subscribers, looking at a funny picture with a cat takes three seconds, but studying useful post from a doctor on the topic of health - this is already a long time and you need to concentrate. People won't study serious topics three times a day. Once a day or two- more than enough for meaningful posts. In this case, you can alternate between an “educational” post and a selling or entertaining one.

Time for video on Instagram

You can publish videos for 60 seconds to your account (you can upload 10 such videos, for a total of 10 minutes), and for 10 seconds. What time is best?

According to statistics, videos are best watched in the evening, after 20. But take into account time zones if your subscribers are from different cities and countries. Best of all, test it. Make three similar videos and post them at different times. Then you will see which video was watched more.

When to go out? It’s best in the evening or on a weekend, when subscribers have time to watch you for an hour. Make a post about it and an invitation to your Story in advance.

Example: The best time to post photos on Instagram

Of course, I just want to know without any hassle what time is best for posting on Instagram. But the truth is that little effort = poor results. And to get the most out of Instagram, you need to roll up your sleeves and work. Because even if you pay another agency for promotion, they will often just turn on your mass like and won’t even advise you on issues such as the best time to post on Instagram.

Let's look at how to find out the time for posts using the example of an account selling 0-3 years.

  1. Who are your subscribers?

Moms (mostly) and dads.

2. When do subscribers scroll through Instagram?

Not all mothers live according to the same schedule - some have helpers, some don’t. Some work, some don't. But we need to highlight the “core” - the “average” mother of the baby.

Such a mother does not work and she does not have permanent assistants (except for her husband when he is not at work). Her schedule is as follows: gets up early in the morning, takes care of her child and husband. Then after 8 am the husband leaves for work, and the child is already fed and washed. This is time for yourself, incl. on social networks - from 8 to 9.

After taking care of the child and the house again, you need to take a walk, tidy up, and do a bunch of things with the child and around the house. The next “window” for social networks for mothers is between 17:00 and 20:00, before her husband comes home from work.

What about on the weekend? The best time is Saturday before 12 and Sunday after 19. The rest of the time my family and I go for walks, meet relatives, go to cafes and movies. And only at the end of the weekend we begin to prepare for the next week. This means that you can get the maximum number of likes if you post at this particular time.

3. How many times a day should I post?

In most cases, it is better to do no more than 2 posts per day. And on weekends you can make one post at a time. Especially if these are informational or selling posts.

If you have an online store, then you need to publish many posts at once in order to show the maximum of your products. The main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise you will spam the entire feed for subscribers and they will start unsubscribing. Sometimes it is better to create a separate catalog account. In the main store account, post a separate product from the category (for example, “clothing for girls under one year old”), in the description of such a post give a link to the catalog account and the corresponding one (in our example, #girlsdogoda) - “and by the hashtag #girlsdogoda see the entire collection." Important! You need to come up with a unique hashtag (that no one but you uses).

We hope that our example helped you figure out how to determine what time to post photos and videos on Instagram. The better you know your target audience and the more different post timings you try, the more effective your posts will ultimately be. More people will see them potential clients which will ultimately bring you more income.