Wordpress most popular plugins. How to Install a WordPress Plugin

Perhaps you, like me, use for your website CMS WordPress. This is a wonderful engine for a site that is deservedly the most popular in the world. But without additional plugins, WordPress is of little value, since in its “naked form” it does not have much functionality. But on the other hand it is wordpress plugins, and in particular their huge variety, made this CMS so popular.

It's a lot like Linux: you install the bare minimum to get the job done, and then install exactly what YOU need. But there is also a minus: you need to know WHAT to install. And therefore, for beginners in both Linux and WordPress, it is at first a little difficult to navigate this huge selection.

Numerous experiments begin, on which a LOT of time is spent. This was the case for me, and now, many years later, I have my own set of programs for Linux and my own set of plugins for WordPress that I use. Here's what best plugins WordPress, in my opinion, is on this site.

But we need to start with this: just needs to be done after installing wordpress- this is to set up a person clear urls. To do this we go to WordPress settings- Permanent links and in the last column we enter the following value: /%postname%/

After this small operation, you can install the most necessary WordPress plugins. Yes, there are WordPress plugins that are simply necessary, and there are those that are simply useful.

1. The most important WordPress plugins

Google XML Sitemaps - this WordPress plugin creates a sitemap for search engines so that your site is better indexed. Although this function is available in WordPress SEO , I still use this plugin because it works more correctly.

Cyr-To-Lat- this wordpress plugin changes page urls to Latin.

RusToLat- similar to the previous one, but I use both at the same time, since one, but does not change the name of the pictures. The second one picks up these tails.

Breadcrumb NavXT- this wordpress plugin does bread crumbs for better page linking and easy navigation. This function is also available in WordPress SEO, so I don’t use it yet.

WordPress SEO- this WordPress plugin is needed for SEO optimization of a blog, it’s the best, but also quite heavy.

WP-Optimize- this WordPress plugin is needed to optimize the site and clean it.

WP Super Cache- this WordPress plugin is needed to speed up the loading of the site.

2. Very useful WordPress plugins

404 Simple Redirect- this WordPress plugin is needed to redirect from non-existent pages.

Broken Link Checker- this WordPress plugin is needed to identify broken links Online.

Dynamic To Top- this WordPress plugin makes a button to return to the top of the page.

GD Star Rating- this WordPress plugin allows you to rate articles and this result is shown in Google results.

Yandex.PDS Pinger / Yandex Site search pinger- this WordPress plugin pings Yandex and reports a new article.

Redirection- this WordPress plugin allows you to create 301 redirects.

Top 10- this WordPress plugin tracks which articles are visited on your site and you can display the most viewed ones in the sidebar. You can also view the most visited ones in general and today in particular in the admin panel.

3. WordPress plugins that may come in handy

Cackle comments- this WordPress plugin is associated with the comment service of the same name, which is connected to my site.

Auto_more- this WordPress plugin allows you to automatically add the MORE tag

Exclude Pages from Navigation- this WordPress plugin allows you to remove any pages from navigation.

Generate Post Thumbnails- this WordPress plugin allows you to generate thumbnails of your images.

New Adman- this wordpress plugin displays advertising where it is best.

PageNavi Automatic Page Numbers- this wordpress plugin does page navigation.

Posts Character Count Admin- this wordpress plugin shows how many BUKF you have written in a particular article.

Related Posts by Zemanta- this WordPress plugin outputs similar posts after the article with thumbnails.

Social Media Widget- this WordPress plugin allows you to display social media buttons.

Special Text Boxes- this WordPress plugin allows you to create different blocks with different designs in your post.

TinyMCE Advanced- this WordPress plugin expands the capabilities of the visual editor.

Watermark RELOADED- this WordPress plugin allows you to automatically write captions on pictures.

WP Realtime Sitemap- this wordpress plugin outputs simple map site for users.

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After a website or blog has been created using the WordPress engine, it needs to be brought to life with the help of fine settings.

I present to your attention the best plugins for WordPress that will make your website faster, more convenient and more reliable!

I personally use all of the listed plugins. It is important to know that the more installations, the stronger load to the server. This will adversely affect the operation of the blog or website. If you have installed a plugin but do not use it, remove it.

5. Easy Table of Contents

Easy Table of Contents – generates a table of contents for articles on the fly. If you write large texts, then the plugin will help structure them. Something similar was done on Wikipedia.

Recently I have implemented such navigation. It’s easier for people to navigate and the article looks much more presentable.

6. Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is one of the most popular SEO plugins for WordPress that optimizes your website for search engines. By using fine tuning you can change the headings, page descriptions and select keywords.

If the text is voluminous, then the plugin will tell you where to break it into subheadings and remove complex sentences. No blog or website can do without it.

After installation, you need correct setting plugin Yoast SEO. Watch the video.

7. Google XML Sitemaps

Google XML Sitemaps is a technical plugin that automatically creates a sitemap in xml format. First of all, this is necessary for search engines, so that it is easier for them to understand the structure of the site.

The plugin is required to be installed. It is simple and does not require any settings. Installed, activated and forgotten.

8. Quick Adsense

Quick Adsense is a plugin for displaying ad units. I currently use very little advertising on my blog. But, under each article I have a large banner with a contact form, this is done using Quick Adsense.

9. Rus-To-Lat

Rus-To-Lat – converts URL from Cyrillic to English layout. If you do not install it, the link will look like:


Link in Russian (Cyrillic)

10. WP Super Cache

WP Super Cache – optimizes the site and caches data. When a person accesses the Internet resource for the first time, the entire code is downloaded. This requires some time and traffic. For example, when the article contains a lot of pictures and other graphics.

If the visitor decides to return to the site, it will open instantly, the code will already be saved in the browser cache. The plugin is recommended for mandatory installation. Additional settings does not require.

Search engines lower a site's ranking in search results due to slow loading. WP Super Cache will help solve this problem.


WP-PageNavi – makes blog navigation more convenient. In the standard version of WP, page navigation is done in the form of links. This plugin will allow you to go to any numbered page.

Standard site navigation Now it’s easier to navigate through the site’s pages

12. Broken Link Checker

Broken Link Checker – checks links for functionality. Over time, the site accumulates a huge number of links to different blogs, partnership programs, services, etc.

Some resources stop working or become unavailable for various reasons. Such links are called “broken”. We need to get rid of them.

IN manual mode This is almost impossible to do, but in automatic it is easy and simple. Link Checker itself regularly checks all links on the site and notifies you by email if it finds one that is not working. You will only need to remove such a link with the click of one button.

For example, in my article a person left a comment and indicated his blog. After some time, the owner abandoned it and the link no longer worked. The plugin informed me about this and now I will delete it!

The plugin finds all broken links on the site

13. Shortcodes Ultimate

Shortcodes – provide a nice visualization for articles. Have a nice text not enough now. The text must be correctly and beautifully formatted.

Shortcodes allow you to do this without knowledge graphic design. Frames, quotes, slides and more. All this will be available by pressing one button. Make your article more attractive with Shortcodes Ultimate!

Decorate your article with shortcodes

In custody

In the article I shared the plugins that I use myself. The list is current for 2018 and will be constantly updated.

if you have useful plugins that help in your work, please share them in the comments!

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Best regards, Sergei.

Greetings, dear readers of the iklife blog.

Let's talk about such an important topic as the necessary plugins for WordPress. Extensions that a good website cannot do without. Below I will present a list of modules, grouping them into categories, each of which is important and useful for your site in its own way.

This will be a kind of top best extensions for WordPress, and I hope that it will help you decide on the choice of the necessary software for your project. So, let's waste no time and get started.

Surely you know what SEO is - it is responsible for optimizing your website for search engines. Standard WordPress functionality is hardly enough for proper configuration under search engines.

For this reason, we must install one of the SEO modules presented below. It is important to understand that all these add-ons have their own set of tools and settings. Which one is more preferable - decide for yourself.

This is the most popular add-on for search engine optimization, which is presented in the official catalogue. It has more than 5 million installations and a huge army of fans. Rating – 5 out of 5, almost complete support for the Russian language and a wide range of features are not all the reasons why this plugin deserves to be installed on your website. In addition to all that has been said, Yoast boasts technical support, an extended premium version and regular updates.

Yoast SEO has all the necessary features:

  • SEO design – title and description;
  • checking text for readability (Russian language support);
  • optimizing text for SEO and checking for keys;
  • XML sitemap and robots, htaccess editor;
  • a convenient snippet showing how the article will look in the search results.

The premium version has some more cool features. You can learn about them from the official website or from a separate article.

Installing Yoast is very simple: you just need to go to the directory, find it in the list and click on the button. We’ll look at how to configure this plugin in more detail separately.

Another mastodon of the WordPress catalog, which has more than 3 million active installations. It takes an honorable second place in the top of the best SEO plugins, but there are no less opportunities here.

The add-on also has support for the Russian language and is distinguished by the presence large quantities the most different functions. Starting from automatic generation of meta tags (which Yoast does not have) to integration with WooCommerce. A significant advantage of this module is its versatility. You just need to install it.

From all the abundance of tools we can highlight:

  • Google AMP and Analytics support;
  • notification of search engines about the release of new articles;
  • no duplication;
  • XML sitemap, etc.

This plugin is available for installation from the WordPress admin panel.

A small plugin that creates xml sitemaps for search engines. Only needed if you are not satisfied with the map built into a larger SEO module. It is possible to create a separate xml file for each section of your site. There are also tools available for fine-tuning the code in the xml document (remove some elements or, on the contrary, add).

Available for download and installation in the default directory.

  • The SEO Framework

A young plugin that has just appeared. Positioned by developers as a fully automated solution for website promotion. Possesses everyone standard tools. You can install it from the panel.


A solution that will help increase the loading speed of your project. The idea is to cache pages of your site that have much less weight than the main page. Has several customization options:

  1. Simple - for beginners.
  2. Advanced – for advanced users.

Here you can connect your site to a CDN, which will speed up its loading even more. In addition, in the advanced settings there are many various functions and settings. If you organize them correctly, the web resource will simply fly. Otherwise it is small but function module. Recommended for installation.

Does the same as the previous extension. However, there is still some useful functions. For example, minification is reducing the weight of html and css files, thereby reducing their loading time. Setting up W3 Total Cache requires an exact understanding of what you are doing. With this add-on you can significantly improve the performance of your web resource.

Automatic minifier for html, css and js files in WordPress. Autoptimize reduces the weight of your site's files, allowing them to load even faster. Due to the fact that the web resource loads quickly, this creates convenience for users and makes it more valuable to search engines. The plugin's functions are already built into the previous one - W3 Total Cache, but if you do not need all the other functionality, then Autoptimize will be a good solution.

  • WP-Optimize

Databases can also become clogged. As a rule, this happens when active use all kinds of modules, templates and so on. To keep your resource clean, it is recommended to use this solution.

With WP-Optimize you can clear your databases of unnecessary tables MySQL data. Your project will run much faster if there is no garbage in it.

Another multifunctional plugin for optimizing your website on WP. Unlike the previous ones, this one has a very nice feature for optimizing images (reducing their weight without losing quality). The module is quite new, but already has a decent number of installations. The developers also delight their users with frequent updates.

  • Smush Image Compression and Optimization

SICO is an excellent tool for optimizing images in WordPress. It has an intuitive interface and excellent features. With this extension, you can easily reduce the weight of images, thanks to which your site will open very quickly.

A large module for versatile resource optimization on WordPress. There is a huge variety of functions here. Minification, disabling unnecessary WP tools, automatic creation necessary files, filling alts for images, supporting meta tags and much more. This extension appeared recently, and the developers promise to make it even better.


A well-known anti-spam fighter, Akismet will help you forever forget about annoying weight loss creams and new super ways to make money, which for some reason “kind” commentators decided to talk about on the pages of your blog. Yes, it is antispam, and it is also very powerful.

My experience tells me that the plugin is simply irreplaceable. If you do not install it in time, then with almost one hundred percent probability your web resource will end up in the spammer database, from where tons of spam will come.

You can get this plugin absolutely free, provided that it is used on a personal website. When corporate solutions you will have to buy a license.

  • Wordfence Security – Firewall & Malware Scan

Simply a huge plugin that provides full protection site on WP. Wordfence Security has in its arsenal a lot of different tools and features to ensure the security of your web projects. There's a firewall here Malware scanner, access settings and much more.

  • All In One WP Security & Firewall

A solution that has the same functions and tools as the plugin above. Quite a good choice, considering that the creators of the All In One series of modules have proven themselves to be excellent. Their products highest quality, so it’s worth paying attention to this addition. Just like above, All In One WP Security has everything you need to protect your WordPress project.


  • Cyr to Lat reloaded

Usually, if you use Russian, all your links are also generated in Cyrillic. If you don't want to change them manually every time, then Cyr-To-Lat will solve this problem for you. As you might have guessed, the plugin automatically transliterates your links to Latin. In addition to the main functionality, it is possible to transliterate image names.

  • WP Translitera

Performs exactly the same functions as the extension above. The interface is also in Russian, which makes it extremely easy to use. I use it on my projects due to its simplicity and lightness. Also pleasing is the function of replacing characters with lower case in downloaded files (plus their transliteration, respectively).

We looked at this plugin as an example. The solution is truly multi-purpose and cannot be described in a few words. However, Jetpack is an example of a very functional and convenient solution. With it you will have access to a huge number topics, statistics, marketing and protective tools.

  • Regenerate Thumbnails

As soon as you decide to change your usual design for something else, you will certainly need help in re-creating the miniatures. Otherwise there will be problems with display. Regenerate Thumbnails was created for exactly this purpose. The RT interface is clear and simple, you just need to click and it will do everything automatically.

  • UpdraftPlus WordPress Backup Plugin

Backups are extremely important at all stages of working with a web resource. One wrong move and your site will be destroyed; you will need a backup copy to restore it. Hosting usually provides built-in tools for backups, but they may be paid or not very convenient.

Updraft Plus will help you create backup copy and even automatically upload it to Google Drive, Amazon or other well-known data storage services. You can also download files to your computer, after which, using the same plugin, you can quickly recover. A good free solution that will not harm your project.

  • Duplicate Post

You work a lot with content, you often need to “copy” the structure or individual elements your posts? Duplicate Post will help you do this in just one click. Intuitive tools in Russian make this plugin an attractive proposition for installation.


Today we looked at plugins that are recommended for installation for various purposes. I sincerely hope that this top will help you make your choice. Let me tell you right away that this is not all. The article will be gradually updated with new solutions that will appear on the Internet. Therefore, check our blog often.

Also, do not forget that new products are constantly appearing in the internal plugin directory. Feel free to try them, because perhaps they will turn out to be much more advanced than their earlier counterparts.

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WordPress plugins - you can’t live without them. Today we will only look at best wordpress plugins. I have tested all these plugins from personal experience and divided them into categories for your convenience, my dear blog readers.

Plugins that will come in handy immediately after creating a website on WordPress:

  1. RusToLat is a classic plugin of the genre, it converts the Cyrillic alphabet into the Latin alphabet in the URL names of articles and pages. Such URLs are much better perceived by search engines, resulting in good optimization.
  2. Google XML Sitemaps– creates a site map XML format, all search engines understand it perfectly. When new materials appear on the blog, the plugin automatically rebuilds the site map - adding these materials, which is very conducive to fast indexing.
  3. FD Feedburner Plugin– necessary for normal accounting of your subscribers and connecting your RSS feeds to google Feedburner is very convenient and functional service, which is used by millions, you won’t regret it!
  4. WordPress Related Posts– creates a list at the end of each post similar posts, this will have a positive impact on both search engine indexing and user convenience.
  5. SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam– will protect your blog from spam. You can configure the captcha to sound, or you can turn it off. You can also attach a captcha to the registration form, if of course this is required.
  6. Social Share Buttons– will allow you to add social media buttons. A very multifunctional plugin with many settings and extensions, I recommend this plugin to everyone.

WordPress administration plugins:

  1. – the plugin will do WordPress blog faster due to caching. The WP Super Cache plugin creates static pages from dynamic pages of your blog - and this, in turn, relieves the load on the engine and accordingly speeds up the site.
  2. Simple Page Ordering– structures the pages in your WordPress admin simple drag and drop, very convenient, try it, I recommend it.
  3. WP-log-robots– allows you to track which search engines visited your blog.
  4. WP Super Edit– serves for significant expansion of the built-in WordPress visual editor.

WordPress Security Plugins:

  1. WP Automatic Hotlink Protection– protects your blog images from copying.
  2. – will completely copy your blog data. It will save both the files and the database into an archive.
  3. W.P. Security Scan – will also increase the security of your blog. He scans the blog for possible problems security.

WordPress plugins to improve the appearance of your blog:

  1. WP-Polls– will help you create a poll on your blog. The poll can be inserted both into a post and into the sidebar.
  2. Disqus Comment Systemalternative system comments. If you don't like the plugin, you can delete it and the old comments will remain in the database.
  3. WordPress Content Slide-using this WordPress plugin you can create a slider display of your images on your blog.
  4. Breadcrumb NavXT– serves to ensure that the user knows where he is.
  5. WP-PostViews– serves to display the number of views of posts and pages of your blog.
  6. Most Commented Widget– will allow you to display the most commented blog posts.
  7. WP-Cumulus– will help you create a beautiful 3D tag block on your blog.
  8. cformsII– used to create a form feedback on your blog. For some users, this is more convenient than sending a letter via mail.

WordPress plugins for blog socialization:

WordPress plugins for Twitter:

WordPress plugins for facebook.com:

  1. Simple Facebook Connect t- allows you to integrate your wordpress with facebook profile, has many settings.
  2. Facebook Members– will allow you to create a widget on WordPress to attract new users.
  3. Facebook Comments for WordPress-allows your readers to leave comments using facebook login.
  4. Like-Button-Plugin-For-Wordpress– will add a Facebook like button to your blog. Has many settings.

Other social plugins:

  1. VKontakte Share Button– allow you to integrate your WordPress with the social network Vrontakte.
  2. BuddyPress– will allow you to create a social network based on WordPress.
  3. Social Profiles Widget– embed your profile icons on various social networks on your blog.

WordPress plugins for blog monetization:

  1. iMoney– will allow you to easily work with Google Adsense, Sape, TNX/XAP, Begun, Mainlink, Linkfeed, Adskape.
  2. AdRotate– shows banners with rotation (that is, different banners will be shown with each reboot.
  3. All in One Adsense and YPN– allows you to work with Google Adsense or Yahoo Publisher Network (YPN).
  4. Easy AdSense-another plugin for working with Google Adsense, it is also possible to embed Google search on your blog.
  5. WP e-Commerce-This more advanced plugin will allow you to add a shopping cart to your blog.

Plugins for the convenience of users on the blog:

  1. Loginza– will allow the user to log in to your blog using VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter, MyOpenID, Google, etc. accounts.
  2. WP-PageNavi– will create page navigation (following example 1,2,3,4...)
  3. Yet Another Related Posts Plugin– automatically displays similar articles at the end of each post. Good for increasing page views and time spent on your blog.
  4. Related Posts Thumbnails – also displays similar articles, but with pictures.
  5. PollDaddy Polls & Ratings-another WordPress plugin for creating polls on your blog.
  6. Better Tag Cloud– allows you to create a tag block with many settings.

WordPress plugins for images:

  1. Page Flip Image Gallery– creates a stylish image gallery with a page-turning effect.
  2. WordPress Content Slide-the plugin will allow you to create a slideshow from your images.

Plugins for audio and video on the blog:

  1. Smart YouTube– will allow you to embed a video from YouTube into your blog, and set the desired color and window size settings.
  2. WPaudio MP3 Player-a popular WordPress plugin for inserting audio files.
  3. Blubrry PowerPress Podcasting plugin– created for podcasters. Supports many formats: mp3, m4a, ogg, wma, ra, mp4a, m4v, mp4v, mpg, asf, avi, wmv, flv, swf, mov, nodivx, 3gp, midi, wav, aa, pdf, torrent, etc. d.

Plugins that speed up the work of WordPress:

  1. – reduces the load on the server. It generates static HTML files from dynamic pages of your blog.
  2. Quick Cache-good plugin WordPress caching, thereby reducing the load on the server, has many settings.

WordPress SEO plugins:

  1. -in my opinion, this is the most necessary SEO plugin, as it will allow you to optimize your blog for search engines.
  2. All in One SEO Pack-another interesting plugin for optimizing your blog for search engine promotion.
  3. SEO Friendly Images– will allow you to add alt and title attributes to your blog images, thereby increasing traffic from image searches.
  4. Keyword Statistics– will help you in optimizing written articles using meta tags.

One of the main reasons why WordPress has become so popular in last years, is the availability of a huge range of plugins for any need. However, such a large number of plugins has its downside - the best plugins for WordPress are not so easy to find.

Luckily, you don't have to go far. Many free solutions can be found in the WordPress Plugin Directory. There are plugins for adding additional functionality such as strengthening security, integration with social networks, Reserve copy and much more.

In this guide, we will try to select the best plugins for WordPress in 2019. We will tell you about 14 plugins that every website owner or developer should pay attention to. Without unnecessary words, let's move on to the plugins that will provide you with invaluable help this year!

1. WooCommerce

Used by almost a third of all websites ecommerce WooCommerce is one of the most popular WordPress plugins for those who want to create an online store. This e-commerce plugin allows you to sell a wide range of physical and electronic products worldwide. It also includes a huge library of extensions with different price points.

Already, according to a survey among the US population, 51% of people prefer to make purchases via the Internet, so it never hurts to prepare the basis for future success.

Key Features:

  • Integration with a wide range of extensions and plugins.
  • Availability various methods payment.
  • Friendly structure for developers.

Website owners or developers who want to sell their products or services through their WordPress site.

2. Yoast SEO

The Best WordPress Plugins in the Industry SEO optimization rightfully leading Yoast SEO, it is designed to help you publish high-quality, search engine-optimized content. Since the SEO landscape is constantly changing, it's important to have a great plugin on hand to help you stay up to date.

Yoast SEO with unique system, clearly shows you how your content will interact with search engines. In addition, it evaluates the readability of your text, so not only will search engines be happy, but readers will too.

Yoast SEO completely free plugin, but there is also a premium version of the plugin starting at $69.

Key Features:

  • Analyzes WordPress pages and posts and finds SEO gaps in them.
  • Updates page analysis results immediately after corresponding SEO changes.
  • Creates XML Sitemaps.
  • Creates a breadcrumb trail in compatible WordPress themes Oh.

For those who want to win the top ranks of the most popular search engines.

3. W3 Total Cache

Getting straight to the point, a slow website has a detrimental effect on your traffic and therefore sales. To handle this, you need to use a cache plugin like W3 Total Cache. In short, this plugin saves a version of your site on the visitor's computer, making it much faster to load on repeat visits to the site. This is a serious tool in the fight against slow loading speeds, especially due to increasing usage mobile devices in 2019.

Key Features:

  • Compatible with many hosting platforms and servers.
  • Caches most WordPress elements.

Website owners of all types who want to speed up their website.

4. Jetpack

IN basic version it includes constantly updated threat protection that protects your site with new web application firewall (WAF) rules, malware signatures, and more. Moreover, there are features that help you set up IP blacklists and whitelists, automatically block users and countries, and in its premium plan it provides two-factor authentication for all users.

Key Features:

  • Identifies and blocks online threats.
  • Provides continuous monitoring of your site.
  • Works with a constantly updated database of malware.

Almost everyone who wants to thoroughly protect their website from all kinds of threats.

10. Imagify Image Optimizer

Even though the download speed was important factor for many years now. In 2017, due to the dominance of the mobile sphere, this factor became even more relevant. Very often, large images are the main culprits of slow site loading speed. Therefore, using plugins such as Imagify Image Optimizer will greatly help in reducing page size and, accordingly, loading time.

This plugin is fully automated. It will check and optimize any images in the WordPress media library. However, there is a limit to the number of images that can be optimized in the free version.

Key Features:

  • Compresses images based on three algorithms.
  • Restores the image to previous state after its removal.
  • Automatically optimizes images in the Media Library.

For those who are worried about how fast their site loads. Also if you have large collection images to the site, then Imagify Image Optimizer is a great option.

11. Sumo

Just like the previously mentioned Jetpack, Sumo is a collection free tools to expand the functionality of the site. However, this plugin is more focused on visitor interaction than any other aspect.

For example, you can implement buttons to publish to in social networks, generate an activity map. It also provides multiple options for pop-up messages to build a subscriber list and more. In addition, Sumo can be integrated with most popular autoresponders, including AWeber, MailChimp and Constant Contact.

Key Features:

  • Provides a set of social interaction tools.
  • Allows you to analyze the activity of your visitors.

Representatives online marketing who want to increase traffic using a number of powerful tools.

12. UpdraftPlus

Backup is a constant concern for every website owner, and finding a quality solution should be the first task after publishing your website. UpdraftPlus is one of the most popular (and powerful) backup plugins available.

This plugin provides automatic and scheduled backups in its basic version. It has a variety of storage methods to choose from, like email, Google Drive and Dropbox. Backup and restore are done in one click, and the developers have made sure that the plugin consumes a minimum amount of resources. There is also a premium version with a large list of backup file storage methods, along with many other features.

Key Features:

  • Backup and restore your website in one click.
  • Provides an automated schedule for backups.
  • Allows you to choose from a variety of storage methods.

13.NextGEN Gallery

Finally we come to NextGEN Gallery. Modern websites require fluid visuals that don't overwhelm the site's content. This plugin is the choice of millions of users and developers who need a gallery plugin for WordPress that can provide modern way display images.

The functionality allows you to have more control over your media files than the standard Media Library. You will also get two layouts and two design styles. Each of them has a set of options to customize to suit the style of your site. For those who need additional functionality, there are several premium extensions that will help you turn your gallery into a space for selling and displaying images.

Key Features:

  • Provides powerful system image management.
  • Includes multiple design layouts, all customizable.
  • Allows you to expand functionality through premium extensions.

For those who work professionally with images or simply want more control over how their images are presented.

14. Migrate Guru

Migrate Guru is a fully automated and free WordPress migration plugin. It offers a clean, smooth and reliable process for moving any WordPress site or WordPress multisite network.

This plugin runs on the BlogVault server (the team that creates the plugin). Running on external servers, Migrate Guru does not overload the WordPress site and ensures that 200 GB sites can be migrated without any issues. Moreover, he has three simple process, which are easy to understand even for those new to WordPress.

Key Features:

  • Can move a site up to 200 GB in size
  • Runs on external servers
  • Easy to use

Website owners who want to switch to another WordPress hosting and freelance WordPress developers.


With so many plugins out there, it's easy to get confused when it comes to choosing the best one. Of course, choosing the wrong plugin can sometimes lead to some unpleasant consequences for your website.

However, following a guide (like this one!) can help you narrow down your selection to only proven plugins. For example, WooCommerce is a clear choice for , while a plugin like Wordfence Security is practically prerequisite protecting your website and its visitors from malicious attacks.

Do you know of any other plugins that can help improve WordPress in 2019? Let's choose the best plugins for WordPress in the comments together!