Making money from traffic arbitrage from scratch: step-by-step instructions, diagrams, reviews from real people.

I learned about traffic arbitrage quite recently and initially this type of earning money on the Internet seemed very easy to me. But when I studied the issue a little, I realized that everything is not so simple, and not always arbitrage can bring profit. Therefore, in this blog I will share with you my knowledge about possible earnings on the Internet using traffic arbitrage...

I learned about traffic arbitrage quite recently and initially this type of earning money on the Internet seemed very easy to me. But when I studied the issue a little, I realized that everything is not so simple, and not always arbitrage can bring profit.

Therefore, in this blog I will share with you my knowledge about possible earnings on the Internet using traffic arbitrage, I will give some recommendations regarding places where you can buy traffic and how to find it, as well as some affiliate programs, which you can send traffic to to make a profit.

General information about traffic arbitrage

Traffic arbitrage – a type online business, the essence of which is the purchase and subsequent resale of previously purchased traffic for more favorable conditions. The essence arbitration traffic very simple: we buy where it’s cheaper and dump it where they pay more; the difference is our profit from arbitrage.

For example: you bought 1,000 referrals to your website for $10, out of these thousand people, 800 people went through referral links from your website to the affiliate program website and 6 of them sent an SMS to order some product offered by the affiliate program, for which you received interest income - $60. Then your earnings from arbitrage will be 60-10 = $50.

In theory, everything is very simple, but in practice you have to sweat. The process itself is not complicated, but quite painstaking, there is a lot of daily routine in it, which bears fruit with the right approach.

There are 3 main types of arbitration:

  1. direct arbitrage (when purchased traffic is directly transferred to);
  2. using Landing page(traffic is purchased on a specially created lining - Landing page, from which the visitor goes to the affiliate page via a referral link);
  3. With using Landing page+email registration (that is, when you go to your Landing page for further actions the visitor must register on the site. A significant advantage of this is that you receive a database of email addresses that you can use to send letters in the future running of your business).

“3 elephants” on which arbitrage rests: Where to buy? How to control? Where to drain?

Considering the arbitration process, I would like to highlight the following 3 main components:

  • Traffic source, purchasing process.
  • Traffic tracking in the middle.
  • Conversion on some offer that you found.

So, let's look at each of these stages in more detail.

1. Where to buy traffic?

First, let's try to understand the types of traffic sources and where it is better to buy traffic in order to achieve maximum conversion.

Free traffic – first of all, these are thematic forums and boards free ads. It should be noted that searching forums, posting unique articles, and administering a topic is painstaking and tedious work, but if taken seriously it gives good results. Moreover, if you are new to arbitrage and have a small budget, you should not disdain this type of traffic.

Sometimes such affiliate programs combine payment for action and a percentage of sales, such as, for example, some gaming offers from actionpay.

2) SMS affiliates have recently lost their relevance, as they are highly dependent on the rules of mobile operators. After passing a simple test, a person who has entered the paysite is asked to enter a mobile phone number or send an SMS to a short number. The two largest SMS paysites are and

3) Sales affiliates (% of paid purchases made) - at the moment they are becoming more and more popular, since, unlike SMS payers, most users receive a real product that costs relatively the price paid for it. Example – CPA aggregator Myragon (offers you 5% of purchases on the affiliate website).

A little warning: never pour all your traffic into one affiliate program! Each affiliate program has paid subscribers in different topics, but not all of them are equally good. One affiliate program may have a good payer for entertainment topics, another for business. Therefore, there is no need to put all your eggs in one basket, distribute them!

The main rule of an arbitrageur is testing

Remember! At each stage of traffic arbitration it is necessary to test:

  • different traffic sources;
  • offers;
  • pictures for teasers and banners, ad texts;
  • different landing page designs;
  • time to buy traffic (day or night, every other day), etc.

But don't expect the results of your tests to be immediate. To get stable traffic you will need at least a couple of weeks.

How much?

The first question that arises for a novice arbitrageur is: how much money do you need to invest first? There is no exact answer to this question. Some advise to start with having 200-300 dollars in your pocket to purchase traffic, others say that 100 dollars is enough.

The problem is that you will need to buy traffic every day, and you will be able to withdraw the money you earned (if any) only after 2 weeks (this is the principle of any affiliate program: at the end of the week you can withdraw money for the previous week). Therefore, you need to have a reserve so that there are no failures in your work.

The only thing I would like to note on this issue is: don’t take too many risks! To begin with, allocate as much money for experiments as you don’t mind losing. Because in 99% of cases, initially doing arbitrage is nothing but losses until you get the hang of it. Therefore, allocate not a large amount, but one that is not critical for you to lose.

Every experienced arbitrageur has more than once lost hundreds of dollars to nowhere, but then always recovered this money. The main thing is to find your niche!

The knowledge required before starting arbitration

Finally, I would like to formulate for those new to this internet business A small reminder of what everyone needs to know.

  • general knowledge about website construction (buying a domain, renting hosting, uploading an engine, etc.);
  • ability to work with Google Analytics service;
  • knowledge of HTML will not be superfluous;
  • the ability to accept risks and be aware of them;
  • familiarization with the rules of working with the selected traffic source and the selected affiliate program;
  • the ability to write selling texts (on this issue I advise you to read the book by Sergei Bernadsky “Selling Texts. How to turn a reader into a buyer”).


Today, traffic arbitrage is a very promising area in terms of earnings. Those who can comprehend its subtleties will be able to earn decent money.

This is a risky business, because without a competent approach to business, without analyzing the market situation and without monitoring statistics, you can waste all your money. But if you learn to make money through arbitrage, then big money awaits you.

Remember: The arbitrage opportunities are endless. Income is also unlimited. So I wish everyone good luck making money on the Internet!)

What is arbitration mobile traffic and where to start making money on it? Where is the best place to get traffic for arbitrage on the Internet? Where can I get training on how to make money from traffic from scratch?

The Internet has given rise to a lot of new, never-before-seen ways to make money. One of them is traffic arbitrage. This term has nothing to do with judicial proceedings. This is about attracting visitors to websites and redirecting them to other resources.

Thousands of people earn decent money from such activities. If you want to join their number, read this article!

Denis Kuderin is with you, an expert on financial topics at HeatherBober magazine. I will tell, what is traffic arbitrage who directs visitors to Internet resources and where, what are CPA networks and what is more profitable - advertising on social networks or banners?

1. Traffic arbitrage – an additional source of income or a waste of time?

For those who are not at all aware of what traffic arbitrage is and what it is used for, I will explain the essence of the term using a simple and understandable diagram.

For any commercial transaction to take place, two things are needed: product (service) + people ready to become buyers. In order to generate more sales, sellers involve a third party - those who will tell potential buyers about the product. It is these people who arbitrate (i.e. redirect) traffic.

On the Internet, this marketing option often costs cheaper than running full-scale advertising. Or these methods complement each other, helping to attract the target audience to advertisers’ websites through all possible channels.

Traffic(sometimes spelled with two “f”s, which is also acceptable) is the number of visitors to a site over a certain period of time.

It's obvious that the more popular the resource, the more visitors it attracts. But there are also artificial ways to get visitors to the site: all available methods attracting an audience.

Traffic can be redirected (sold) from one resource to another. This action will be called traffic arbitrage. The point is to buy it cheaper and sell it more expensive. The difference will be your earnings (profit). How can you buy visitors online, you ask? Who sells and buys them anyway?

What do arbitrageurs do? Place advertisements, links to sites and landing pages, thereby forcing potential clients do useful action– register on the seller’s website, use the services offered, buy goods.

The potential buyer is called lead. Converting visitors into leads is called lead generation.

The user was distracted by advertising and is now making a purchase in an online store - which means the affiliate did a good job

Why does the seller need this? It’s simple - by paying once for a lead, the advertiser will be able to recoup their costs many times over in the future through repeat sales.

For a deeper understanding of the topic, you need to understand the meaning of the main terms of the arbitration topic:

  • Offer– an offer from an advertiser interested in attracting leads.
  • Landing– a landing page created to hold the user’s attention and encourage him to take targeted actions.
  • CPA network– an affiliate network operating on the principle of Cost Per Action – payment for action.
  • Hold– the time for which the CPA network delays payment to the webmaster. The delay is necessary for the advertiser to verify the quality of the attracted traffic, since the latter can be useful and useless.
  • Profit– net profit of the webmaster.
  • Conversion (ratio)– the ratio of the total amount of traffic and leads. The higher the ratio, the greater the advert's profit.

At its core, arbitrage is a slightly improved and “industrial basis” for attracting visitors using affiliate programs. This is one of the most popular and available types.

Modern advertisers are bringing ever-higher profits mobile traffic arbitration. According to statistics, every third Internet visitor accesses the network with mobile device. For such users, special applications and programs are developed that differ in many ways from desktop advertising.

To make money on arbitrage, it is not at all necessary to have your own website - you can launch an advertising campaign both on a social network and on a blog.

2. How to make money on traffic arbitrage - step-by-step instructions for beginners

Thousands of newcomers come to arbitration, but not everyone has a stable income from this business. Buying traffic requires certain investments, although there are also free methods of promotion.

There are many companies online that train beginner arbitrators. Examples - groups CPA NOOB, RichAdvert And CPA King VKontakte, proprietary courses and trainings from experienced arbitrators.

However enough for a start free information , which is full on the Internet. Universal advice for beginners is not to focus on one direction, but to try different offers, traffic sources and affiliate programs.

Helps you avoid mistakes and start wisely step-by-step instruction.

Step 1. Select an affiliate network for cooperation

First, you need to register in a CPA network or even several, otherwise where else will you get offers. It happens that V various networks owners or specialists responsible for website promotion indicate different prices per lead– look for the option that is most beneficial for you.

By the way, a difference of even 5 rubles significantly affects profits in the long term. If the number of leads is measured in hundreds and thousands, then even a small plus in your favor will significantly increase your earnings.

Step 2. Get a referral link

After that, select an offer and get referral link– this will be your main earning tool.

Choose the offer that suits you very clear and satisfactory in all respects. Advertising something you don’t understand will be uncomfortable, to say the least.

Step 3. Direct the maximum amount of traffic to the link

The key issue of the arbitration business is where to get good traffic at minimal cost?

There are two options for attracting traffic - for money and without it.

The free method is available to those who have their own resource with decent traffic. If people who are interested in the topic of your chosen offer regularly spend time on your website and social network group, then attract target audience it will be much easier.

For example, you are running a video blog dedicated to online games. You have hundreds of subscribers and regular readers. Choose an offer that requires leads to register in a new online game, do as honest and professional review product, encourage visitors to register using a link. Counting coins.

But the bitter truth is that not everyone has their own well-promoted websites and blogs, so most novice affiliate marketers have to resort to paid methods. These include - contextual advertising, teasers, posts and banners in in social networks . We will talk about all these options in detail a little later.

Step 4. Find the best options for making a profit

Traffic arbitrage is a constant analysis and search for new ways to get rich. If you want to earn more, regularly test the effectiveness of your advertising campaign. You start it up and relax - this option will not work here.

Those who are engaged in:

  • traffic analysis– find out which source gives the best conversion;
  • checking the effectiveness of advertising materials– see how well the advertiser works on his page;
  • creating various ad blocks– we check what is more effective: teasers, banners, contextual advertising;
  • define best time display advertising– at what time of day the ad is seen by more users.

Step 5. Filter low-quality traffic

Low-quality traffic needs to be cut off and eliminated. For this they use special services statistics (for example, GoogleAnalytics) and all sorts of traps for bots that are invisible to real users.

At first, while you have minimal experience, it is better not to use Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords. For newbies the best choice– teaser networks like BodyClick or TeaserNet.

3. Where to get traffic for arbitrage – review of the main sources

As I already mentioned, the main sources of traffic are social networks, teaser advertising, contextual and banner advertising.

Let's make a comparative review.

Source 1. Teaser advertising

Teasers are small pictures with short texts. This is a source of dirty traffic, but at proper configuration high converting. Teasers are most suitable for entertainment websites.

One example of teaser advertising

This is the most a budget option for a beginner advertiser. Everyone has seen provocative and “shocking” headlines like “ Fat goes away in 48 hours, all you need to do is…" or " The doctors were shocked when I showed..." Teaser advertising is cheap, irritates everyone, but lives on. And we have to take this into account.

Source 2. Contextual advertising

Sometimes it's ordinary text string with a description of the offer and a link, but more often also with a picture that is not shocking like the image in a teaser advertisement. Contextual advertising is available in Yandex, Google and other search engines.

Such traffic will be more expensive, but setting it up also requires experience. Plus contextual advertising is that it attracts targeted visitors who came to look on the Internet for exactly what is advertised.

Source 3. Advertising on social networks

The youngest and most promising type of advertising. With the help of social networks, they buy traffic for resources on a wide variety of topics. The plus is that traffic here is easily filtered by age, gender, interests, education and other criteria.

The most popular and “monetary” social networks are: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Instagram, Facebook. Anyone can try a free way to attract traffic - create a group (community), promote it, and then encourage participants to take various targeted actions.

Source 4. Banner networks

An old-timer among ways to acquire traffic. This conversion method is most effective for major projects, designed for long terms and a solvent target audience.

Source 5. Posting on forums

A free source of traffic for affiliates.

If you are an active participant in various thematic forums, no one will prohibit you from promoting offers from advertisers on such resources. Another thing is that the conversion rate of this method is unpredictable and in most cases low.

Source comparison table:

4. Where is the best place to drive traffic – TOP 3 main directions

You need to decide on the scheme by which you will earn money. What is preferable for you – payment for an action (registration on an advertiser’s website, filling out an application for services), interest on a sale, or a reward for sending an SMS message?

You may be happy with all three options.

Direction 1. CPA networks

CPA networks are the most popular type of affiliate programs. Working with them involves payment for a specific action - registration, filling out an application for services, downloading any files etc. You will be paid solely for leads. Simple clicks on links don’t count.

There are plenty of CPA networks on the Internet. There are entire catalogs of CPA networks offering arbitrators to choose partners to suit every taste, and offers of any type and cost.

Direction 2. SMS affiliates

Such programs pay their partners a fee for sending by users SMS as confirmation code or a specific word.

According to experienced advertisers, this option is gradually losing its relevance due to the restrictions imposed by mobile operators.

Direction 3. Affiliate sales programs

In this case, you receive a commission from each sale that users make by clicking on your link. Another name for such programs is product affiliate programs . The difference with a CPA is that you only receive money for direct sales, and not for registration or application.

The most generous aggregators are willing to pay advertisers 5% or even 10% of each sale.

A short video about product offers to help you:

Your income directly depends on the attractiveness of the offers, which you have chosen. How to find an offer that users cannot refuse?

Expert advice will help you with this.

Tip 2. Pay attention to the simplicity of the offer for your leads

The best option is when the offer is simple registration, turning an ordinary visitor into a coveted lead. Conversion rates will be lower if there are other useful actions in addition to registration.

Tip 3. Evaluate the quality of landing pages

Don't be a blind guide - if you bring visitors to websites or landing pages, evaluate the quality and convenience of the latter for users.

The simpler and clearer the landing pages and full-fledged websites, the higher the “envelope” (conversion in affiliate slang). A good landing page does not contain redundant information and does not look clumsy or intimidating.

The more conditions for the visitor, the lower the likelihood that he will fulfill them. If he is required to fill out five fields with detailed personal information, it is easier to say “goodbye” than to carefully follow the instructions.

Tip 4. Analyze the duration of the hold

If you forgot what " hold", look at the first section. The smaller the hold, the faster you will get your profit. If an advertiser spends too long figuring out the purity of the traffic you attracted, this is beneficial for him, not disadvantageous for you.

Tip 5. Carefully study advertisers’ traffic requirements

It is imperative to study the requirements of partners for the quality of traffic - depending on these parameters you will set up your advertising campaign. Otherwise, you risk losing your budget if the advertiser is not satisfied with your results.

6. How much can you earn from traffic arbitrage?

Lungs and fast money not in this area. Beginners earn 10-20 thousand rubles per month, and sometimes even less. It is possible that in the first months you will only spend and not receive.

What is traffic arbitrage, where does it come from and how beginners can make money on it - all this is touched upon in this article. The simplest explanation of this topic. The following questions are also considered: what is an offer, where does it come from, where does the traffic come from, and how much capital should be invested.

    • What you need to know about traffic arbitrage
    • What is an offer and where does the traffic come from?

What you need to know about traffic arbitrage

Arbitration is the re-export of traffic at a discount. You buy traffic at one price, and thanks to arbitrage you pay less than necessary. For example: you invested 10 thousand in traffic, and received 20 thousand back. The principle of traffic arbitrage is this: the more you spend on purchasing a product, the more income you can earn.

For any newbies starting out, the thing to note is that they will need traffic. Traffic- these are users who see an advertisement and if they are interested in it, they will click on the link.

Thanks to the system “the more you spend on purchasing a product, the more income you can get,” beginners have the opportunity to promote groups on social networks, create “n” number of sites with promotion of up to 1000 users per day.

Watch the video on the topic:

But even this does not mean that you will receive a large income from the work performed. Profit depends on many aspects of the work, for example, the popularity of the resource, the traffic itself and much more. An excellent option for beginners, to make money from thematic traffic that is poured into a thematic offer.

What is an offer and where does the traffic come from?

First you need to understand what an offer is. An offer is an offer from an advertiser to all webmasters. That is, the advertiser offers a task for an offer, it can be a traffic source that puts up thematic landing pages, and the freelancer decides whether he needs to take on the work or not.

Download the free checklist: 18 ideas on what you can sell on Avito right now to make money

The next question in the matter of how to make money from arbitration is where to get this traffic.

There are two types of traffic - paid and unpaid.

For arbitrage, you can use the following four main points of non-free traffic:

  • AdWords;
  • Begun;
  • Yandex.Direct;
  • Advertising through social networks, etc.

With the right investment in earnings, traffic will not be a difficult task. You can also run an animated advertisement, if you manage to get the audience excited, you can come up with an original advertisement.

Investment in making money on arbitrage

How much can you earn from traffic arbitrage?

Newbies most often have a question: do they need to invest money for traffic and, if so, how much? Any business development requires capital. You determine the amount of money you spend for yourself.

After receiving traffic, choosing an offer, testing it, you determine a limited portion of money to purchase either contextual advertising or targeted advertising. The amount may vary. For beginners, it is recommended to invest little by little.

Invest one amount in the offer, another in advertising, and save the third. It may come in handy if you find yourself at a loss. Many beginners quit making money on arbitrage after the first failures.

The very first and the very main secret success, how to start making money on arbitrage, lies in making mistakes, failures, investment and self-analysis of your work.

To have a successful career in traffic arbitrage, you need to work all the time. Without work you won't succeed.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make money through arbitrage for beginners

7 secrets of teaser advertising

Step #1 - Register on the following sites:

  • Affiliatecule;
  • Smartbax;
  • Cityads.

And also sign up for their teasers.
Step #2 - Then select your payment type.
Step #3 - Create sub-accounts for each of the teasers.
Step #4 - Select teaser photos.
Step #5 - Create one campaign where all the teasers will be located. It should be noted that each teaser has its own personal link to sub-accounts.
Step #6 - Create a copy of the campaign and set the price for one click to 1 ruble.
Step #7 - Set up your campaign:

  • If the campaign fails, delete it and create it again;
  • If teasers receive a high CTR and gain traffic, then delete them, and copy what was inside into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

Step #8 - Look through the traffic table and choose the best teasers of all.
Step #9 - Then send them out to other campaigns either via Pop-In or Wap and increase your CPC.

Traffic arbitrage has appeared as a type of earnings recently and is the redirection of received traffic (usually purchased) to other resources in order to obtain financial benefits. There are many articles and debates about the effectiveness and harm of traffic arbitrage. Expert opinions often differ.

To start working with traffic arbitrage, it is worth finding the answer to the question “what is it?”
Traffic arbitrage is the profitable resale of traffic purchased at a low price. This traffic may represent user activity on various internet platforms. Previously, traffic arbitrage was considered a risky means of promoting Internet projects and good remedy earnings for webmasters. The second statement remains true today.

The development of the Internet space, the emergence of competition among webmasters and the emergence of many competing Internet sites give rise to strong competition, displacing weak or unscrupulous resources from this market. The risk is reduced for both traffic sellers and potential buyers. Traffic Sellers guaranteed to receive payments for the services provided, and buyers receive the necessary planned benefit for your resource.
Traffic arbitrage requires a clear plan from both the webmaster and the customer. The customer must initially analyze the goals of the upcoming traffic arbitrage, draw up a plan and calculate the benefits. A WEB master must have a large traffic base to perform the assigned tasks efficiently. Otherwise you can get low conversion your resource.

You should order traffic arbitrage only on trusted sites and from sellers with good reviews. Otherwise you may get low quality traffic, which includes bots that do not perform the required actions. Such acquisitions are a waste of money.

Where to buy traffic for arbitrage?

WEB-master, having received specific task, begins to search for profitable and high-quality sources of acquiring traffic for its subsequent profitable resale. The effectiveness of such advertising and the future conversion of the promoted resource depend on the different sources and methods used.

Buying and selecting traffic - the main task WEB-master, on whom the result of all further actions will depend.

There are many resource methods for buying traffic. Let's look at some of them:

Teaser advertising Teaser advertising - pictures ranging in size from 80x60 to 250x250 pixels with a brief text description . This is the source itself low quality traffic , however, even from it you can benefit . By using teaser advertising, you can successfully achieve high conversion

entertainment projects. This is due to the low cost of a unique click on a link and human psychology, which delays users on interesting entertainment projects, forcing them to navigate the site, purchasing, if possible, the services offered.

contextual advertising Contextual advertising is a text string describing the advertising object. This type advertisements are provided search services Google and Yandex, as well as various third-party projects. Purchasing this traffic is much more expensive. This decision suitable for monetization narrowly thematic projects
on business, construction, medicine...

Using contextual advertising to buy traffic for arbitration requires the WEB master to have a clear plan for its further use. Achieving conversion of such advertising is the most difficult.

Advertising on social networks Advertising on social networks is the youngest and most effective type of advertising, allowing you to effectively buy traffic for a variety of broad and narrow thematic projects. Using the VKontakte service as an example, you can sort the list of necessary people by gender, place of residence, age, language, education, etc. Wide range of possibilities and inexpensive cost of display allow you to achieve good results

in further arbitration.

Banner networks Banner networks - old way acquisition of traffic, losing its popularity due to growing competition from other types of advertising. This is due to high cost best options For good conversion of large projects. Working with banner networks requires studying the resources used for advertising.
There are many other methods of acquiring traffic for further arbitrage. The above methods are the most profitable, relevant and competitive solutions that allow you to get greatest financial benefit from resale of traffic. The success of traffic arbitrage and the conversion of a certain resource depends entirely on individual approach WEB masters.

How much do you earn from traffic arbitrage?

Earning money from traffic arbitrage entirely depends on the experience of the WEB master, the sources of traffic used, and the ability to make the most efficient use of this traffic to complete the task assigned by the customer. Earnings can reach 10-200% of the invested funds for the acquisition of traffic.

To obtain the greatest financial benefit, analyze the task at hand, the advertising market and the resources from which you purchase traffic. Protect yourself and the customer from boosting views and clicks by bots and inactive users. The ability to obtain maximum profit from traffic arbitrage comes with experience WEB masters and developed base to purchase traffic.

Traffic arbitrage example

Traffic arbitrage - the new kind traffic monetization, in demand both among beginning WEB masters and large projects. The use of traffic arbitrage is equally beneficial for both the customer and the contractor. High-quality completion of the task guarantees a good mutual profit. You can verify this by looking at a few real examples successful traffic arbitrage:

Using traffic arbitrage and an affiliate program with the sale of souvenirs*

*Souvenirs can mean absolutely any product.

For example, we will take a themed gift shop that pays 10% of the goods sold by attracting your traffic. Let's say you use advertising on the social network VKontakte and place an advertising post with information about the sale of souvenirs. 300 people follow your links and 25 of them order a product with an average cost of 500 rubles. You receive 10% from the affiliate program, which is 1250 rubles. Ordering advertising on VKontakte will cost you ~500 rubles. Total net profit is 750 rubles, which is 150% pays off invested amount. And this is just an example of the easy to use traffic arbitration.

Work with private clients, large resources and development own system traffic arbitrage brings big profits. It all depends on the ingenuity, experience and demand of a particular WEB master. All in your hands!

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Traffic arbitrage is redirection targeted traffic, purchased as cheaply as possible through affiliate programs or various resources for financial gain.

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Most modern business projects are built on the principle of resale of goods or services. They increase the starting price and make a profit. Traffic arbitrage can be compared to going to the market. After purchasing a bag of potatoes from a wholesaler, you sell them at retail at a nearby market. But the doubled price still attracts many customers. They don’t know that somewhere it is possible to buy a product cheaper. Or let’s draw a parallel with cryptocurrencies. You could buy Bitcoin for $1,000 in 2013, and 4 years later get your capital multiplied by 17 times. The product is the same, the place of sale has not changed, but the price increases over time.

First, you need to learn definitions such as traffic, CR, CPA, ROI, etc. Let's start with a standard dictionary of basic terms and abbreviations that every affiliate marketer should know.

  • Traffic – the flow of people on the site for certain period time.
  • Lead – an attracted client who responded to a marketing move.
  • Offers() – promotional offers affiliate networks, which receives traffic.
  • CPA (Cost per Action) – payment for performing a certain action by an attracted client. For example: registration, ordering goods, paying for services, etc.
  • CPC (Cost per Click) – cost per click when organizing an advertising campaign.
  • CR (Conversion rate) – conversion, that is, the ratio of the number of leads to the total number of unique hosts.
  • EPC (Earn per Click) – earnings of an affiliate per click.
  • CTR (Click-through rate) is the ratio of clicks on your ad to the total number of impressions. Illustrates the effectiveness of your creative.
  • ROI (Return of investment) is a percentage value that reflects the ratio of income to funds spent on advertising.

How to make money from traffic arbitrage

Arbitration is an entire area of ​​online business that has its own major players, its laws and rules. Every day, thousands of people from all over the world buy huge flows of traffic, which they successfully (or not so successfully) redirect. Most new players in this market simply thoughtlessly buy advertising wherever they can. This approach rarely brings success, which can often be observed on thematic forums of arbitrage specialists, where such “would-be businessmen” shout at the top of their lungs that this is all a deception and there is no money to be made here. In reality, they simply didn't put in enough effort.

Despite high competition, anyone can make money on arbitrage. The main advantage of this type of income is that you work for yourself and do not depend on anyone.

To get started, just find an affiliate program. Let's walk through important details things you need to know:

Where can you buy traffic for arbitrage?

There are paid and free ways to get traffic on the Internet. Receipt free traffic requires a lot of time and effort, which does not always pay off. If you don't have starting capital, then you can try your luck in getting free traffic. Traffic from personal resources is also considered shareware: your blog, website, VK public page or YouTube channel.

The main flow of traffic is bought for money. The more investment, the more traffic, but does not mean more profit. Earnings from traffic arbitrage occur due to the difference in advertising costs and profits.

Traffic sources

Affiliate networks

Webmasters work for themselves. Everyone chooses their own niche to which they direct traffic. There are many offers in different areas and directions: from affiliate programs of AliExpress and GearBest to offers from Vulcan Casino.

Many arbitrageurs are engaged in product offers, where they receive a certain percentage of sales. CPA networks in this segment great amount, they have been working steadily for a long time, paying their webmasters fairly. For beginners, networks such as .

There is also whole line various affiliate networks that offer gambling offers. These include casinos, slot machines, slots and more. Beginners should not enter such a market, because... a very high entry barrier that requires large budgets. One of these is Welcome Partners, which has been on the market for several years.

When choosing affiliate programs you need to be extremely careful. You may encounter scammers who will not pay you and disappear. Use affiliate network monitoring sites like FFERATOR (

There are a huge number of tools for searching for offers in different affiliate programs; the most convenient, in our opinion, is the search on CPA Daily. The main thing is not to be afraid to try something new, because the market situation changes every day. Stable profits and high ROI today can turn into large losses tomorrow.

Let's summarize. To start making money from traffic arbitrage, you need:

  1. Select CPA networks.
  2. Decide on an offer based on analytical data provided by the affiliate network.
  3. Choose a traffic source, study in detail the features of working with it.
  4. Create, order or copy a creative.
  5. Wait for transitions and leads.
  6. Make a profit.