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A mother on maternity leave is bored sitting at home doing nothing for several years, and she also wants to bring at least a small income to the family! There are many ideas for earning money for those on maternity leave. You can spend this time not only caring for your baby, but also direct your energy towards self-development and improving your skills. Let’s take a closer look at the question that worries most mothers – what to do while on maternity leave?

Earning money during maternity leave – myth or reality?

If you read the forums where mothers discuss life, you will find out that most of them quickly get bored of sitting at home with nothing to do. The need for self-realization is one of the most important for every person. Of course, mothers do not want to degrade, so many are already earning money while on maternity leave.

Mothers of our century try themselves in photography, programming, design, handicrafts, and cooking. They start blogging and write books, earning good money. Women have learned to benefit and profit from everything around them, even from conversations about shopping for babies or from communicating on forums.

There is work for everyone on maternity leave! Millions of women are already doing this, can't you?

Internet professions for earning money while on maternity leave at home

People of the 21st century have long proven that you can earn real money online. When you need to constantly look after a child, the best work option is one in which you can always take a break, plan your own schedule, and not overexert yourself physically. This will allow you to have strength for your baby and yourself.


Bloggers make a lot of money today. Choose the platform where it is more convenient to do this. The blog topic can be anything. Write not only about motherhood. Tell us about everything you understand.

Selling unnecessary things

Surely you have an old dress, so beautiful, but too big or too small. Or maybe 10 pairs of shoes, of which you only wear two. Start selling what you don't use! It’s no longer needed, it’s a shame to throw it away, but someone will definitely need it! So you can do general cleaning


On the Internet you will find platforms for those who want to work with a flexible schedule and perform only those tasks that are interesting. More often than not, no special skills are required! There is a lot of work to be found on freelance sites.

  • Become a call center operator, only from home. The task is to call people using the database of numbers that will be provided to you, format the results in the form of tables and send them to customers
  • Photoshop, color correction
  • Video editing
  • Copywriting (editing, writing custom articles)
  • Programming
  • Transcription (translation of audio/video into text)
  • Design of brochures, business cards, websites
  • Writing reviews on websites, participating in surveys on various topics
  • Surfing (access different sites using links)
  • Writing term papers, abstracts, essays
  • Translation of texts, etc.

At first you won’t be able to earn too much freelancing, beginners need to gain a reputation, but soon you can earn good money without even leaving home. It's okay if you don't receive many orders at once. A couple of days will be enough to understand this system, then things will go uphill.

Earning money while on maternity leave on YouTube

You can film your child or record conversational videos. Now the concentration of such content on the Internet is off the charts, many people like it.

Career prospects for mothers on maternity leave

Surely there are areas in which you have long wanted to try yourself, but still haven’t dared. Don't know what to do on maternity leave? Improve yourself in something new!

You can set up a small beauty salon at home. But for this you will have to master the corresponding profession in courses. But you can do this kind of work even after maternity leave. Once you obtain the necessary professional skills and buy a set of tools, all that remains is to find clients. Publish a post about the services on social networks or use special services for finding clients (such as Avito).

When trying to make money while on maternity leave, you can try yourself in the following roles:

  • Visagiste
  • Hairdresser
  • Masseur
  • Manicurist

Mothers on maternity leave would like to go to a regular job, because not everyone likes to stay at home with their child for days. But then they have a problem. Where should I take the child? Who will look after him?


By working as a nanny, you can not only help other women and improve your skills in handling children, but also find friends for your little one.


If you are well versed in a particular subject, you can place an advertisement on the Internet looking for students. They can come to your home. Such work will not distract much from the child and will bring profit.


Start preparing confectionery products to order, decorate them with fondant. Even if they are inexpensive, customers will definitely appear. If you don’t yet dare to bake cakes, start with cupcakes (muffins), gingerbread cookies or pastries. It doesn't matter what you cook as long as this activity brings profit and pleasure. Designer desserts will definitely help you make money on maternity leave.

Breeding indoor plants

If you love flowers very much, but there is no more room on the windowsills, sell them! You can also try to propagate them. You can sell such a product on the Internet (Avito, Yula, etc.)


Embroidery, sewing, knitting, beading, soap making - all this can generate income. Try making children's clothing, toys or accessories. If you are good at it, then why not turn this hobby into a profession? Here's another way to work while on maternity leave.

Write a book

Have you always dreamed of doing such a global project? Maternity leave is the time!

What to do if you don’t have the skills and knowledge?

Trade and entrepreneurship

Another good option to make money while on maternity leave is trading. This can be done online or offline. Isn't it perfect? Each of us buys something regularly! What if you resell other people's goods? Order things online, post information about their sale on social networks or on classifieds websites. You can resell clothes, shoes, and cosmetics.

Create your own online store on Instagram and become a successful mom entrepreneur!

  • Keep your sleep schedule! It is sleep that will provide energy for further work;
  • Delegate some of your household responsibilities. Ask your husband or grandparents to babysit or clean the house while you work;
  • Get ready to work;
  • Working on maternity leave is a reality, and we just proved it!

You don't have to miss out on life because you're pregnant or have a baby. Maternity leave is not a reason to stop being part of society. Anyone can find something they like, and this article will help you decide what to do on maternity leave!

A parent who goes on maternity leave receives a monthly benefit - 40% of the average salary for the last two years. There are also maternity benefits - maternity benefits. This is a one-time payment that is given to a woman when she goes on maternity leave.

There is another Federal Law “On monthly payments to families with children” help from the state, but often it is not enough: there is one more person in the family, and less money. Because of this, some people give up maternity leave and go to work, leaving the baby with grandparents, but not everyone has this opportunity. Here's how you can earn extra money while on maternity leave without harming your family and child.

1. Monetize your hobby

If you have a hobby you love, try to make money from it. This could be handicrafts, drawing, floristry, plant breeding or fostering animals - the list of hobbies is almost endless. The more original the idea and the final product, the greater the chances of success. It is important to find your own type of creativity so that the activity does not start to infuriate you after a week.

Making money from this is not so easy, but it is possible. At first you fulfill orders from friends and acquaintances, and then word of mouth starts working. To do this, you need to pleasantly surprise customers - in marketing this is called the wow effect. You will also have to create pages on social networks and master PR and SMM at a basic level: without this you will not be able to find buyers.

Elena Kharlamova

I started knitting hats while on maternity leave. Seven years later, she opened the online store and two retail stores.

When my son was six months old, I knitted a hat for my husband. I took a photo in it and posted it on Instagram. Friends immediately began asking if I could knit it to order. I doubted it, and then I thought: why not? It was boring on maternity leave; winter in Omsk is long.

I came up with the name - “Simply Shapka”, drew it myself, and created a separate page on VKontakte. And people began to actively order. The hat cost 650 rubles, I knitted two a day. The first - during the child's daytime sleep, the second - at night. The hats were made of thick yarn, each took 1.5–2 hours. My husband, a photographer, helped a lot; we photographed a lot with friends and acquaintances.

The following year, I had to hire home-based assistants to cope with the large number of orders. So it started spinning and spinning. We opened a full-fledged retail store in the center of Omsk and an online platform. And a month ago - a store in Tyumen. Now we have 30 employees and a separate small production facility.

The disadvantage of a hobby as a part-time job is that it does not bring stable income at the initial stage. You need to invest in product development: devote time to maintaining a page on social networks, respond to customers, look for the best angles for shooting and process photos. Some areas are very competitive. For example, for the request “custom cake Moscow” there are 716 thousand photos on Instagram - you will have to advertise your account and look no worse than experienced confectioners.

While there are few orders - one or two per month, you can work without registration. When your hobby begins to generate income consistently, you need to register as. This will protect Based on the results of the raid, income declarations were provided from the tax service and will protect you from fines for non-payment of income taxes.

2. Find a part-time job in your profession

If you are a sought-after specialist and plan to continue your career after maternity leave, find a part-time job in your specialty. This will help you not to lose your skills and make it easier to integrate into the process after maternity leave.

There are several options to earn income:

  • part-time work in the staff of your company;
  • part-time part-time;
  • freelancing

Part time

During parental leave, you can agree with your employer to work part-time. This option is suitable for those whose duties can be performed remotely from home and who are willing to devote 4–6 hours to this daily.

I was able to start working when Matvey was six months old. Officially, I was there, but I agreed with the editors to work part-time. Payment was by the hour. At first I managed to work four hours a day, then six.

But I was lucky with the child and breastfeeding: Matvey was not very capricious, although I often had to be held in my arms. If he started crying, the problem was solved simply: you need to give him the breast. He calmed down, and at this time I continued to work. My husband helped me: if I was busy, he could cook dinner himself or babysit the child.

I didn’t plan a working day: all your plans depend on the child. You cannot have plans apart from him: when he wants, he will fall asleep, when he wants, he will throw a tantrum. That's why you work when you have the opportunity.

To work remotely as part of a company’s staff, negotiate with the employer and write an application for part-time work. The second option is to draw up a civil law agreement. In both cases, you receive both child benefit and salary. It is calculated based on the volume of work performed or based on the number of hours worked - as agreed by the parties.

Maria Nikolaeva

HR Director of Lifehacker.

In my experience, combining maternity leave and part-time work in the state is a rare practice. For example, this rarely happens in financial or government agencies. In commercial companies this is easier, but it all depends on the employer.

Part-time work

In this case, the parent on maternity leave is on the staff of one company, and works part-time in another. For example, an English teacher found a vacancy in a private school or a recruiting manager got a job remotely at another company. There is no need to notify your main employer that you have found part-time employment.

Important: part-time work should not last longer than 4 hours a day. This way, you will retain child care benefits and will receive additional work experience. Your previous place of work also remains with you.

Most often they work part-time while on maternity leave Testers, translators and designers are most often able to work in their specialty while on maternity leave. Specializing in software testers, translators, designers and journalists.

These are one-time orders. You yourself look for clients and do a certain amount of work. There are many exchanges on the Internet for copywriters, where similar tasks are posted - write or edit text, rewrite, translate an article.

One-time orders can also be fulfilled in other areas. For example, an accountant can remotely keep accounts for a small company, a lawyer can draw up contracts and advise clients via video conference. Special skills will also come in handy. For example, if you know Excel, you can write custom formulas or macros, and if you know how to use Photoshop, you can retouch photos.

Tatiana Egorova

Freelancer and mother of 5-year-old Katya.

Before maternity leave, I was a freelancer and was engaged in content management: I supported the company’s website, managed several accounts on Instagram and. Two weeks after the birth of my daughter, I continued working. This was not a separation of the child, but a joint activity. The baby slept in a sling, and I sat at the laptop for several hours a day.

At first I devoted two hours to work every day, then sacrificed my sleep, but I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. This is too expensive a price to pay for the mother’s well-being with her child. At first, the income was small - about 10 thousand. There was only enough for diapers and children's books and toys. Now the child is in kindergarten for half a day, but even in this situation it turns out to be about 15-18 thousand. The amount is floating, because there is no salary as such in freelancing.

In order to be able to deliver work on time, I adhered to a strict work schedule and hourly schedule for projects. I wrote down the time: there are two hours of work, that’s 120 minutes. I have two projects, which means 60 minutes for each. Timer - and immediately switched to the next project. I looked for clients through friends and social networks. The ad still hangs and sometimes works.

You can look for a one-time job through friends, colleagues, using the services YouDo,, ExpertMe, as well as by posting advertisements on specialized forums or in groups.

3. Find a part-time job that does not require special skills

This could be busy on the Internet or offline tasks. For example, on copywriting exchanges and sites with side jobs, you can perform one-time tasks: transcribe an audio recording, leave a comment or review, follow links, analyze content. There is a special service for this kind of work - Yandex.Toloka.

Alexey Meshcheryakov

Dad is on maternity leave. She is raising her daughter Masha, who is 1 year and 9 months old.

Some time after going on maternity leave, many young mothers have enough free time. Although the child requires constant care and close attention, still, during his sleep, stay in kindergarten and other activities, a free window still appears. So why not use this time as efficiently and productively as possible?

For example, you may probably be interested in working at home for mothers on maternity leave. This is a great way to bring extra income to your family while doing what you love. And to make it easier for you to find a suitable field of activity, I have prepared the best ideas, ways to make money while on maternity leave, as well as a list of sites for finding work on the Internet. You can learn many of them in the shortest possible time, and some do not require special knowledge and skills at all.

Why do most modern women think about part-time job on maternity leave

First, let's figure out with you the reasons why young mothers want to work part-time during maternity leave:

  • Perhaps the main reason is the lack of money in the family. After all, you not only lose one salary, but also significantly increase your expenses for a new family member. In this case, working for mothers on maternity leave, one might say, will become a “lifeline” and will allow them to feel more confident and reliable;
  • many women want to continue self-development during maternity leave, and this is commendable. If you spend the entire 3 years doing only household chores, it will be very difficult to return to your old place of work and adapt to your previous schedule;
  • Due to the emergence of free time, you can try yourself in new areas and directions, and reveal your potential. In the future, temporary part-time work while on maternity leave may develop into your main source of income on a permanent basis;
  • Even if there is enough money in the family, many people want to have personal funds for pocket expenses and other small items. For example, cover the costs of cosmetics, hairdresser, household items, etc. You will be able to gain financial independence from your husband and actively help your family;
  • Working from home for mothers on maternity leave is a great way to cope with boredom, get away from routine and make life more varied.

Pros and cons of working from home for mothers on maternity leave

Earning money while on maternity leave has a number of both positive and negative aspects. I suggest you familiarize yourself with them.


  • Working from home, you can plan your day and schedule yourself;
  • you will not have superiors and a team - there is no need to reckon with anyone or report to anyone;
  • no need to spend money on transport, a business suit, lunch in the canteen, daily makeup and hairstyle. Your workplace is your home or apartment and, in some cases, a computer with Internet access;
  • You have the right to independently choose which field of activity to engage in. In addition, you can change it at any time or even earn extra money while on maternity leave using several ways to earn money at once.


  • since you do not have clear obligations, you must monitor self-discipline - the amount of work you do is how much you will earn;
  • using some ways to earn money while on maternity leave, it is impossible to achieve high financial results;
  • if your child is a real fidget, then you will have to work in not entirely comfortable conditions, you will often be distracted;
  • On the Internet you can find scammers who often scam naive users. But in this article I will give some practical tips on how to protect yourself online.

Earning money while on maternity leave - where to start and what to do

As I noted above, you can earn money while sitting at home on maternity leave in various ways. However, before choosing a suitable niche, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. How much time are you willing to devote to work? Different ones may take up completely different amounts of your time. In addition, some may involve deadlines, scope, and other responsibilities. At the same time, be sure to take into account that your baby can get sick or start acting up at any time.
  2. What can you do? Perhaps, having a certain amount of knowledge, experience or education, you will want to associate yourself with an already familiar activity. Many young mothers begin to turn their talent or hobby, for which they previously did not have enough time, into a part-time job.
  3. Are you ready to learn? If you want to try yourself in a completely new direction, then get ready for the fact that you will need to learn and develop yourself. This may take some time, which no one will pay you.
  4. What level of earnings do you expect? Depending on whether you need a significant amount every month or money for small expenses, the scope of your activity may differ radically.

If, having answered these questions for yourself, you have already selected suitable options in your head, you can safely begin to implement them! Well, if you haven’t decided what to do while on maternity leave to earn money, I suggest moving on to considering the best ideas and sites for generating income.

Where and how to make money for a mother on maternity leave: TOP-38 proven and reliable ways to earn money while on maternity leave

So, it’s time to answer the main question - how can you earn extra money at home during maternity leave? So that you can quickly choose the best field of activity for yourself and immediately eliminate unsuitable options, I have divided all methods of earning money into several categories:

Working on maternity leave in your specialty

If, before going on maternity leave, you managed to obtain a higher education or held some position, your existing knowledge, skills and precious experience can be very useful. You can do something you already know at home. Moreover, in this case, you will work completely for yourself, receiving 100% of the income in your pocket. Here are a few options on how to really make money while on maternity leave in your profession:

1. Home beauty salon (stylist, cosmetologist, makeup artist, manicurist)

2. Tutoring, writing coursework/diploma/test papers — the best online services in this area will help you implement this part-time job: VseSdal, StudWork and StudLance.

3. Seamstress (fashion designer)

4. Designer

5. Accountant

6. Masseur

7. Lawyer

8. Psychologist

9. Translator

10. Financial (or any other) advisor

11. Home kindergarten

Earning money while on maternity leave for a hobby

Many girls, in addition to their main job, often have a secondary hobby that they do in their free time. If you think that you are excellent at a particular activity, and you create really high-quality products that you are not ashamed to show to people, you can sell them for good money.

Using such online resources as LiveMaster and Etsy, you can create your own online store completely free of charge and in a couple of clicks. Fill it with your works (on LiveMaster you will even be able to accept orders), thereby using all this you will have the opportunity to organize, albeit small, but your own business. So, it would seem very simple, any talented mother on maternity leave will be able to earn good money without leaving home.

P.S. By the way, a similar online store can be created from your own page on the social network Instagram.

Nowadays, handmade goods are in great demand and popularity. Therefore, you can safely take the following directions into your arsenal:

12. Embroidery

13. Knitting

14. Creation of souvenirs and other small items (hand-made)

15. Cooking (confectionery to order)
Alternatively, you can even record the process of preparing your culinary masterpieces on camera, supplement it with a step-by-step recipe, and then post it on special culinary sites like PhotoRecipe or on the social network Pinterest and earn additional real money from this.

16. Sewing soft toys

17. Drawings (portraits) to order

18. Breeding indoor plants

19. Making soap and cosmetics

20. Making jewelry and decorative items

Internet business ideas for mothers on maternity leave

A huge number of people dream of owning their own business. However, there is not always free time and free funds to start your own business. Often we just don't want to leave our comfort zone and try something new.

During maternity leave, you have an excellent opportunity to open your own small business, which at first will require minimal investment. Home based business examples:

21. Infobusiness

22. Selling cosmetics from catalogs

23. Consulting

24. Blogging

Options for part-time work for mothers on maternity leave without the Internet

In fact, you can give many more options on how you can earn money while on maternity leave without using the World Wide Web. For example:

25. Nanny

26. Conducting master classes

27. Photographer (videographer)

28. Retouching and photo processing

You can always find clients, customers and buyers on free classifieds sites, such as:

  • Avito;
  • Olx;
  • YouDo;
  • HeadHunter;
  • Advice.

10 popular ways to make money on the Internet for mothers on maternity leave

In addition, there are ways to earn money that you can implement right at your computer on the Internet. To do this, you will need to register for special services and projects, and then carry out the proposed orders and tasks for them.

35. Group administrator on social networks – now there are a huge number of different thematic groups, pages and public pages on social networks. Many of them require constant moderation, content, communication with subscribers and filtering from unwanted comments. To do this, they hire ordinary people with free time who will do this work for a certain payment.
You can find work in this area in thematic social groups and on free message boards, which I mentioned earlier.

36. Call center operator - a good and relatively well-paid job at home, which is suitable for many mothers on maternity leave. Its essence is to receive telephone calls and consult with the company's clients. You can find a suitable job on popular job services:


37. Internet sales – above we looked at several ways to earn money that are associated with the sale of products that are actually produced. However, you can trade online without having the goods in hand. This can be done using or .

Even while staying at home with your baby, you can earn a decent additional income. And after about six months, having already gotten used to the role of a mother, almost every woman thinks about how to make money while on maternity leave. If you are one of them, we invite you to find out real-life ways to earn income from home.

We will also reveal prospects, pros and cons. And we’ll help you decide which of the 40 ideas provided will work for you and won’t interfere with child care.

From this article you will learn:

Why does a mother on maternity leave need work?

Depending on the situation, the reasons for looking for work at home are different. Let's consider the main ones:

  1. Banal lack of money. The husband earns little, when there were two salaries for two people it was enough, but now it’s becoming difficult for three of us to live on one, especially in conditions of constantly rising prices. Therefore, the mother has to stay at home on maternity leave and look for additional sources of income. By the way, I recommend a useful article.
  2. Mom copes well with the child, and she still has free time. In this case, maternity leave is the ideal time for self-development, improving existing skills and acquiring new ones, discovering new talents that, in addition to pleasure, can bring additional money to the family.
  3. It happens that a woman on maternity leave for some reason does not want to return to her previous job. And now is the ideal time for her to look for a new direction, to determine what she will do in the future. It is advisable to start working as quickly as possible, so that at the end of maternity leave you will already be an expert in your field and earn good money.
  4. Or maybe, on the contrary, the mother plans to continue doing what she did before maternity leave, but in order not to lose her qualifications in 2 or 3 years, and to keep abreast of all the innovations, she decides, if possible, to do what she loves at home. For example, if you worked as a lawyer, then while on maternity leave you can give legal advice via the Internet to friends, etc. The main thing is to organize everything correctly.
  5. Some women, even without experiencing financial difficulties, want to be financially independent. It is inconvenient for them to ask their husbands every time for money for cosmetics, clothes or other feminine little things, and therefore they actively begin to look for ways to earn money while on maternity leave at home.

Video for motivation.

In general, everyone has their own story, and if you decide to earn extra money at home, this is very commendable. The main thing is not to give up halfway, if one thing didn’t work out, try something else. Maternity leave is a great time to find, discover and develop your talent and potential.

➡️ Earning money while on maternity leave - where to start, 3 main questions

There are many ways to make good money while sitting at home on maternity leave. To decide which jobs are best for you, consider the following questions:

  1. How much time can you devote to work and when? This will happen only when the child is sleeping, or he can occupy himself for a while while he is awake, letting his mother go to work. Is there anyone to replace you if necessary? Here a grandmother, grandfather, neighbor, friend, nanny can come to the rescue.
  2. What do you already do best? Maybe you really love cooking, or you have a knack for design, or you really like spending time not only with your child, but also with other children. All these and other talents and abilities can be developed in many directions and made money from them.
  3. Are you looking for a job for fun or, above all, to earn more money? How quickly do you need money - are you ready to invest time in training, developing your business, that is, work for the future, or do you need income, the faster the better.

Well, the last, most important question:

Ideas for making money at home for mothers on maternity leave

There are plenty of options on how to earn money for a young mother on maternity leave. In general, if you take active mothers, then almost everything and more will suit them. Let's look at some of them, dividing them into several logical groups for convenience.

Working on maternity leave in your specialty or with reference to a previous organization

There are specialties that can be combined with maternity leave. A huge plus here is that you will not lose your qualifications, skills, and will always be “in the know.” And this will be very useful when the time comes to return to work. Read more about this link.


Are you fluent in foreign languages, good at mathematics, or able to play musical instruments? You can make money from this! Maternity leave is the best time to try yourself as a tutor. Classes can be conducted at home, online via Skype, or on-site to the client. Of course, for a young mother, the first two job options are more suitable.

Schoolchildren and students need a tutor most of all when preparing for the Unified State Examination, the Unified State Examination, and exams, especially entrance exams. Then you can earn more.

Writing coursework, tests, essays, solving problems, making drawings

If you did well at school, university or worked in the education sector, why not make some money now? Modern students very often resort to the help of people who do their work for money. Having the necessary knowledge, a mother on maternity leave can make good money from this.

Lawyer, psychologist

Are you an expert in such areas? Agree with your employer and earn money by performing part of your duties at home while on maternity leave. You can give consultations, organize trainings, draw up contracts, check the correctness of their conclusion, provide support in legal proceedings, etc.


Was your previous job a designer? You can agree with your boss and work from home on maternity leave part-time, fulfilling orders in your free time.

You can also offer your services on the Internet, designing interiors, furniture, landscapes, web pages, leaflets, albums, banners. Being a good specialist can always make money.


If you are a physician by training and have the skills to work as a massage therapist, that’s absolutely great! If you don’t have the skills, you can complete courses and acquire them. Very often young parents look for good massage therapists for their children in their first year of life. Considering that a massage course is a minimum of 10 sessions, you don’t need to find many clients to make a living.


You can quite successfully conduct the accounting affairs of a small company or enterprise at home while on maternity leave. This newfangled trend is called outsourcing - when a company or enterprise shifts part of its work and responsibilities to an individual or another enterprise.

Earning money from your favorite activity while on maternity leave

Women are mostly creative individuals, each has a favorite pastime, hobby, hobby, something that she likes to do in her free time. If the process is properly organized, these hobbies can bring money into the family budget. Below are ideas on how your mother can make money from her hobby while on maternity leave.


Children's products are especially popular, for example, sets - hat, scarf, mittens. You can knit soft toys, better than various cartoon characters. It’s very good if you know how to knit and crochet, then you can create real masterpieces.


You can embroider with threads, ribbons, beads, using various techniques. Embroidered paintings, tablecloths, and clothes look very beautiful. If embroidery is your thing, develop yourself and earn money while on maternity leave.

Embroidered national clothing has become especially popular lately - shirts, blouses, women's dresses, embroidered with beads, look original. You can earn money by embroidering custom clothing sets for the whole family.

Sewing educational books, rugs, etc.

Modern mothers pay great attention to the development of their babies right from the cradle. Educational books, rugs, cubes, pyramids, organizers with various fabrics, textures, with ringing, rustling elements are in great demand. Create something original and you can make good money from it. You can get ideas from the Internet and add your own imagination to them.

Creation of jewelry and costume jewelry

Start small - making jewelry for little girls. Multi-colored elastic bands, hairpins, bows, hoops, wreaths, headbands, hats, decorated with homemade flowers, ribbons - mothers love this very much and buy it in considerable quantities for their babies.

And also, at all times, costume jewelry for women, rings, earrings, bracelets, beads, pendants has been and will be in demand - how could we not do without it? You can make money by creating sets for mother and daughter in the same style.

Making soap and decorative candles

These products are perfect as a gift, and original, designer, handmade gifts are highly valued.

Making candles will cost a little less than making soap, since the materials for soap are more expensive. But the main thing you need in both cases is imagination, since you will have to come up with an original design for each product, mix colors, scents, and come up with shapes. But if you want, you can learn everything, and it is not as difficult as it may seem at first. There are various videos, master classes, photos with ideas, and detailed instructions on this topic on the Internet.

Breeding indoor plants

Let us immediately note that a one-year-old child and many indoor plants in a small apartment are unlikely to be able to exist together. But if your living space allows it, why not do it - there will be time for this on maternity leave. Choose one species, for example, the most popular orchids or violets, each of which has a number of varieties. There are entire communities on social networks and forums where people buy, sell, share experiences and other secrets about growing and caring for indoor plants.

Making holiday paraphernalia - for weddings, birthdays

A popular theme recently is children's birthday parties of a certain theme and style, for example, in the style of a cartoon. Invitations, garlands, balloons, pom-poms, banners, three-dimensional figures, caps, masks, bonbonnieres, everything for table setting - in general, there is no end to the work. You can buy something, make something yourself in an individual design (a garland with a name, a banner with photos, etc.) and make money from it by selling everything as a set.

Likewise, weddings require various paraphernalia - loaf bags, invitations, a chest for money, a pillow for rings, glasses for the newlyweds, and much more. In addition, there are many other holidays and parties - hen parties, baby showers - a holiday for pregnant women, christenings, corporate parties, holidays in kindergartens.

Decoupage, scrapbooking, souvenirs

Using the decoupage technique, you can decorate boxes for women's small items, souvenirs, small paintings, magnets, decorate pots for flowerpots, jars for spices, even furniture.

Scrapbooking is a separate type of handicraft art - the creation of original unique photo albums, postcards, photo frames and the like. In this direction, children's photo albums of the first year of life are popular.

The topic of souvenirs is very broad; it is important to choose one direction and develop in it. Souvenirs can be made of wood, coffee beans, beads, coins, natural materials (stone, dried branches, grass, fruits) and others - the flight of imagination is not limited here.

Remember, in order for there to be demand for your products, you need to offer something unique and interesting. Then there will be more opportunities to earn money.

Sales of goods

You can start selling your products with friends and acquaintances. You can simply donate the first works, and inform them that, if necessary, you are making them to order.

Then you can think about fairs, sales, souvenir shops, exhibitions, shops. For example, wedding paraphernalia can be sold through wedding salons. If you are planning to make children's holiday paraphernalia, you can agree with those who bake sweets for children's parties and refer clients to each other.

We would like to especially mention the Internet – thematic forums, groups and communities on social networks, trading platforms. You can even create your own online store and personal blog, where you can post your master classes, share your experiences, and describe the process of working with photos and videos. In the future, you will be able to earn extra money not only from products, but also from your blog.

Don't forget to take high-quality photos of your work. Portfolio and reviews are two important components for successful online sales and stable earnings. It is also important to have your own business cards and give them to your customers along with the product. From time to time your business card will catch your eye, people will remember you and contact you again or recommend you to someone.

Professions that you can learn in a short time and earn money at home

Sometimes, after the birth of a child, mothers discover completely new talents and hobbies. They start doing things they have never done before. Or maybe there was simply no time? But on maternity leave you can try everything!

To master the professions listed below and start earning money, you don’t need to study for 5 years. It is enough to master certain skills by enrolling in special courses, if possible. Or study online, there are enough materials on each topic.

If things go well, you can think about it after maternity leave; many mothers do this.

Hairdresser, makeup artist, cosmetologist, stylist, manicurist, pedicurist

The services of these specialists will always be in demand. They can be administered at home or on-site to the client. In the beginning, to get people to know you faster, you can offer your services cheaper. Good specialists quickly have their own regular clients, and, accordingly, the opportunity to earn a stable income. Of course, if you want to be a sought-after specialist while working, you must study at the same time to keep abreast of all the new products, since the world of beauty and fashion is changing very quickly.


Who has never ordered a birthday cake for a child? Probably only those who know how to make them themselves! But most still order.

If you like spending time in the kitchen, why not take up baking - for a maternity mother, this is a good opportunity to earn money. You can start with something simple, for example, sweets for a candy bar for children's parties - cupcakes, muffins, cake pops, macaroons. If you don’t feel like baking, you can make dumplings, dumplings, pasties. A lot of people buy them in stores, why not offer them homemade ones?

Photographer, photo and video editing

If you love photography and you are good at it, then having a good camera can also make good money. The work of a photographer is very promising, and can subsequently become the main one. Various photo sessions - for pregnant women, newborns, families, love stories, photographing weddings, birthdays, children's parties in kindergarten, school... In general, there is always a job for a good specialist. Only here we must take into account that professional equipment is not cheap.

And if you decide to develop in this direction, you will definitely need to master Photoshop and other graphic editors, and learn how to do editing.


Do you know how to make beautiful bouquets and flower arrangements? You can also make money on this while on maternity leave, offering your services, for example, for weddings. But here it is important to have a good supplier of always fresh flowers.

Fashion designer, seamstress

Do you love and know how to sew? Then you can always make money. Just try to get people to know about you. Everyone needs clothing repairs from time to time, but you can go further and sew exclusive items to order. As they say, the job itself finds a good specialist.

Working on the Internet

This is a very tempting offer, since there are many options for earning money on the Internet that do not require any investment or special education. But, as you know, there is no easy money! To be normal, like everywhere else, you really need to work.

Writing custom articles (copywriting)

No special education is required for this job. It is enough to be able to write correctly; the skills to quickly type text will appear with experience. To find customers, you need to register on special platforms - copyright and rewriting exchanges. It’s clear that at first there won’t be a lot of money - you need to gain experience and earn a reputation.

IMPORTANT: The first articles will be cheap (15-20 rubles per 1 thousand characters), since they will not buy expensive articles from a person with zero reputation. But with each article written, you can increase their value. Over time, regular customers will appear, and you can earn money consistently, the main thing is that the work is of high quality, since there are thousands of competitors in copywriting.

Each exchange also has article stores where you can put up ready-made articles for sale. You can write on any topic that is close to you and in which you are oriented. You can write interesting, useful articles about every specialty, hobby, or interest. Share your experience and knowledge with others, and you can make money from it.

Online trading

We will divide this current direction of earnings into several areas:

  1. JV (joint purchases). The task of the joint venture organizer is to find clients to buy sizes (size range) from the wholesale site, collect money, place and receive an order, and send out the goods. All this is done for a certain percentage - usually plus 10-20% to the price of the product.
  2. Dropshipping or mediation. The essence of sales is that you take photographs of goods from wholesale suppliers, post them on various resources, but set your own prices. Buyers pay you, you place an order to the supplier, but ask them to ship the goods directly to your buyer.
  3. Own online store. This is the most expensive type of trading, both in terms of finances and time, but with proper organization, in the long term, the most profitable. You need to create a website, invest in promotion, purchase goods and sell them profitably.
  4. Organizing purchases from popular foreign online stores. Having basic English language skills, you can organize purchases from well-known European and American online stores, taking on the role of an intermediary. You need to gather a target audience (create a group on social networks, Viber) and regularly inform participants about interesting offers - discounts, promotions, sales. As practice shows, you can purchase high-quality items from world-famous brands even cheaper than our domestic ones, often of average or even low quality. This way people will receive a quality product, and you can make money.

Personal blog

The most promising option for moms to make money on the Internet is income from their own website or blog. But here you need to take into account many nuances and get serious about work. You need to be willing to invest time and possibly money first before you get the return.

To get started you need:

  1. Come up with a topic and decide how you will monetize it;
  2. Create a website (yourself or pay a programmer);
  3. Fill it with quality content (yourself or buy articles from copywriters);
  4. Promote the resource by making it visited.

You can create a website for different purposes:

  1. To make money from advertising and posts (informational blog);
  2. To work with affiliate programs;
  3. To promote your services (business card website, portfolio);
  4. For the sale of various goods, own products, information products.

A mother on maternity leave can write a blog where she shares information about child care, development and upbringing. If your mother is a fan of handmade things, you can develop a blog where you can post master classes and at the same time combine it with an online store where you can sell your products.