The blue screen of death often appears. What to do if Windows Blue Screen of Death

Good evening, dear blog readers! Moving computers from one place to another sometimes causes them to subsequently behave inappropriately, such as a blue screen. Why do I say this? Let’s just say that this has been noticed :) Moreover, everything would be fine if all this was explained by the shaking of the computer during transfer, for example, something happened to the clocker on the motherboard. But how can, for example, explain the USB 3.0 driver that then stopped working due to the fact that someone once used not the drivers from the manufacturer’s official website, but from the “left” drive? Shocked too? 🙂

We sit like this at the computer, not bothering anyone, and he BAM and draws this picture:

If we had unsaved data at the time of the blue screen, then I'm afraid it's bad, we'll have to redo everything. Fortunately, many software products now have the ability to autosave.

Let's try to figure out what leads to such a nuisance as a Windows blue screen. Generally speaking, BSoD occurs when a critical error is detected that the Windows operating system is unable to handle. In order for our program to cause BSoD, we need to give it the ability to execute code at the system kernel level, for example, so that it itself can be a driver. This is not typical for our usual programs, which we usually use at home and in the office.

The system properties window will open in front of us on the “Advanced” tab, which is exactly what we need. In the "Boot and Recovery" group, click on the "Options..." button.

Here you need to uncheck the “Perform automatic reboot” checkbox and be sure to make sure that in the “Record debugging information” group we have at least “Automatic memory dump” in the drop-down list. This is enough for us. I'll tell you the difference between the types of dumps. And it is necessary that something is also written in the “Dump file” field.

By default, the Dump File field contains the entry


Causes of Windows blue screen. Why are there only 2 of them?

Globally, all the reasons why a blue screen pops up can be divided into two large groups:

  • hardware
  • software

Let's analyze each of these groups and try to give recommendations for eliminating them.

Hardware causes of blue screen

In my own practice, I have developed a certain ranking of the causes of blue screen crashes according to the frequency of their occurrence. It may not coincide with your practice at all. So…

First place

Most often in my practice, the blue screen of death appeared when one of the RAM sticks was faulty. To diagnose which memory stick is “naughty”, you can get into the computer and try to pull out one memory stick at a time and see if there is a result. It is also worth cleaning the computer from dust and wiping the contacts of the RAM sticks with an eraser. But this work is dusty if the computer is not a laptop.

Starting with Windows 7, the operating system already has a built-in utility for checking RAM strips. To search for this utility, you need to click the “Start” button and type “operate” in the search bar. The utility for diagnosing RAM problems should appear in the list.

When you click on the name of the utility, a window like this should appear:

Select the first item, the computer will reboot and begin checking the RAM.

If errors are found, the test will be marked as failed.

Second place

Second place went to a dying hard drive. To understand whether everything is in order, you need to check it using standard tools, as well as third-party programs.

Among the standard tools, it is worth pointing out the chkdsk utility, known since time immemorial. To check the disk, just use the command from a cmd window running with administrator rights:

However, most likely the system response will be like this:

File system type: NTFS. The current drive cannot be locked. The CHKDSK command cannot be executed because the specified volume is in use by another process. Should I scan this volume the next time I reboot the system?

I have to agree here...

Then you should turn to third-party programs that will conduct S.M.A.R.T. test, they will also find broken sectors and show them colorfully.

Among such programs, it is worth paying attention to the free HDDTest program.

This program allows you to check the condition of the disk surface and “twitch” sectors for read/write speed.

If you hear a beating or grinding sound from the hard drive, then there is no diagnosis, but you need to backup it.

Third place

Somehow it just so happened that equipment overheating took third place in my ranking. In any case, you need to periodically clean your computer from dust. Believe me, there is plenty of it there! This can be done either with a vacuum cleaner or a compressor. It is possible for the processor to overheat due to dried thermal paste; you can buy it and change it, but this must be done carefully. It is better to have it done by a professional.

Other problems

Swollen capacitors on the motherboard can also lead to a sad result, but in my practice this happened a little less often. There are three solutions here - either we take the motherboard to a landfill, or to a service center, or we arm ourselves with a soldering iron and replace the swollen capacitors. There is nothing complicated, the main thing is not to burn the board. It is necessary to open the computer case and first conduct a visual inspection of the motherboard. First of all, you should inspect the capacitors located near the processor. The swollen ones will look something like this:

Once there was a case when a blue screen was caused by the power supply, because... it was not able to provide the necessary voltage for the computer components. Replacing it solved the problem once and for all.

To be honest, I’ve never encountered this myself, but problems with Windows crashing can easily lie in our attempts to overclock the processor.

In principle, the cause of the malfunction can be any of the computer components.

Software reasons for blue screens

Very often problems are caused by installed drivers. They are capable of a lot! Especially if you install not the latest drivers from the manufacturer’s website, but from some left-hand drive, a la “Driver Pack”. The solution is to try to reinstall them. However, you must keep in mind that there are programs that use their drivers to work with the operating system in kernel mode. Among them are antiviruses, disk burning programs, and some network software. If there is information about when BSoDs began to appear, we can guess which program was the hero of the occasion.

The second thing to check is file system errors. We will still need the same chkdsk utility. If we haven’t run it yet, then it’s worth considering that the /r flag is optional; we needed it to check for bad sectors on the disk.

The second option to carry out such a check is through a conductor. To do this, go into it, right-click on the disk being checked and in the context menu that pops up, click on the “Properties” item. Go to the “Service” tab and click on the “Check” button.

You should definitely use the sfc utility.

sfc /scannow

She saved me many times.

Malicious programs can also cause blue screens. Moreover, the computer often crashes into a blue screen immediately after booting. You can try to reboot from a Kaspersky boot disk or any other similar in functionality and check your computer for malware.

Types of Debug Information

The Bluescreenview program uses small memory dumps created when a BSoD appears. I would like to see what types of dumps exist and how they differ from each other.

In the "Record Debug Information" drop-down list of the "Boot and Recovery" window that we opened earlier, the following options are presented:

  • Small memory dump
  • Kernel memory dump
  • Full memory dump
  • Automatic memory dump (default) - starting with Windows 8
  • Active Memory Dump - Starting with Windows 8

By default, Windows 8 is set to automatic memory dump. Essentially this is the same kernel memory dump. The difference is how Windows manages the size of the paging file, which is needed for this dump to fit safely there. If you do not set the paging file size rigidly, but select the “System-defined size” option, in the event of an automatic memory dump, Windows may set the paging file size to be smaller than the size of the RAM. However, if the memory dump somehow does not fit into the page file, then Windows increases the latter to the required size. The increased size lasts for 4 weeks, and then decreases back as unnecessary. The dump file is located in the location you specified, by default here:


%SystemRoot%\MEMORY. DMP

A small memory dump contains the minimum information to make a decision about the source of the error. These include the error code, information about the process in which the error occurred, information about the loaded drivers at the time of the crash. By default, the data is contained in the folder

BSoD or Blue Screen of Death in Windows can appear for various reasons. Starting from a failure in a separate program, ending with the breakdown of important equipment. If you've seen BSoD only once, it's too early to sound the alarm. But if the failure is regular, it means there is some problem with the computer. And you need to pay attention to the information that is shown in the error.

You were quietly working at your computer and saw the “Blue Screen of Death” in Windows 7. What to do in this case? There is no need to immediately restart your PC. Look at the error code. From it you will understand what is “broken”. And you can eliminate the cause of the failure.

When the BSoD appears, pay attention to the sections:

  • "The problem seems to be caused." The file that caused the failure is indicated there;
  • Below is the name of the error;
  • "Technical Information". Technical information. The error number must be written after the word “STOP”. For example, "0x0000007E" or "0xC0000135";
  • Next comes the driver name and error address.

Reasons for the error

Remember what happened before the Blue Screen of Death occurred. This way you can figure out what to do about it. For example, you connected a new device, installed a program, updated the system, or downloaded unlicensed drivers for Windows. If it was after this that problems began, then you have found the culprit. You can also determine the cause by looking at the error codes.

Here's what causes the crash:

  • Hardware faults. The hard drive, RAM, network card, video adapter may be damaged;

The problem may be caused by a faulty hard drive.

  • An incompatible device or equipment is connected. Let's say you decide to install new RAM cards or attach an external hard drive. And after that, Windows began to crash into BSoD;
  • Software conflict, in particular drivers;
  • BIOS failures or bad firmware;
  • Overheat;
  • Updating Windows or individual services. Along with this, you can download a huge number of errors. Even licensed programs are not immune from them. If BSoD appears after a system update, simply roll back the system. And wait until the update is fixed and optimized;
  • Contact between wires and internal equipment. For example, the cable got caught in the cooler blades;
  • , which damaged important files;

  • User actions. Someone tried to “overclock” the computer. Or deleted system data.

Error codes

To understand how to get rid of the problem, you need to look at the error codes. Blue Screen of Death provides the information you need. But the list of such numbers is huge. After all, anything can break. And it is not clear what to do in this case. Here are the most common failures:

  • “0x0000000X”, where “X” (“X”) are numbers from 1 to 5. Relevant for Windows Server 2003 and Win XP with SP. Appears when installing some antiviruses. To fix everything, download the “KB887742” update from the Update Center or from the official Microsoft website;
  • “0x0000000A” and “0x0000000X”, where “X” is equal to numbers from 6 to 9. The driver is damaged. Or there are incompatible programs/hardware;
  • “0x0000000X”, where “X” can be a number from 13 to 19. The codes mean that there is no communication with the memory board. Or the connection to the hard drive on which the swap partition is located is lost;
  • “0x0000001F” and “0x0000000X”, where “X” are numbers from 20 to 23. Error when reading/writing information. Appears in FAT file systems. The cause may be a broken hard drive or severe data fragmentation. Blue Screen of Death with this code also occurs due to incompatible antiviruses and firewalls;
  • "0x00000024". The same thing, but for the NTFS file system;
  • “0x0000000X”, where “X” are numbers from 28 to 35. Problem with drivers or RAM;
  • "0x0000000B", "0x0000000C", "0x0000000D". Associated with software failures for the Sound Blaster Live sound card;
  • "0x00000051". Occurs when the system cannot read a registry element. This happens when the system or equipment is damaged;
  • "0x00000057". There is something wrong with the network card;

Death screen example

  • "0x00000069". Incorrect system installation or incorrect configuration;
  • "0x00000073". Part of the registry is damaged. Or there is not enough free memory;
  • "0x0000007E". May appear when updating Windows. For some reason the update caused a failure. To eliminate it, you need to roll back the system;
  • "0x0000008E". RAM failure. Or the RAM modules are incompatible with each other;
  • "0x000000FE". Critical failure in the USB controller;
  • "0x00000104". Problem with the video adapter driver or BIOS firmware;
  • "0x1000007E", "0x1000008E" or "0xC000009A". The Windows system kernel does not have enough resources for stable operation. Free up RAM and local memory;
  • "0x80070570". The system is not installed correctly. The problem may be in the installer itself;
  • "0xC0000135" and "0xC0000218". Important dynamic libraries are damaged or missing. BSoD shows which object is unavailable;
  • "0xC0000221." Problem with driver or library;
  • "0xDEADDEAD". The user himself initiated an emergency stop of the system.

The list is quite long. It has hundreds of different rooms. You can enter the failure code in the search engine to find out detailed information. Or look it up on the website “” (tab “BSoD: description of errors”). There are also instructions that describe what to do in each situation.

If the same failures occur with different objects (the codes are the same, but the file names are not), most likely the problem is not in the system, but in the hard drive. Back up your important data as soon as possible. If they end up in a damaged sector, it will be difficult to restore them.

View the code if the system reboots

How can I find out the failure number if the computer restarts when a BSoD appears? And you simply don’t have time to read the message.

Blue screen codes can be viewed in dumps. They are located in the Windows\Minidump system directory. To open these files, you need the BlueScreenView program. Find it on the Internet, install it and open it. It will scan the dumps and display a list of them. Files that contain information about the failure will be marked in red.

BlueScreenView window

How to fix the error

Equipment broke down

If the equipment breaks down, it is unlikely to be repaired at home. But sometimes it’s enough to turn it off and on again. Let’s say the error codes make it clear that there is no access to RAM. Here's what to do:

  • Turn off the computer's power. Don't just press the "Off" button, but remove the plug from the socket;
  • Open the cover of the system unit;
  • Find the RAM boards there;

  • Carefully remove them from the nest. You need to pull back the latch that holds them;
  • Push them back in;
  • Turn on your computer and check if everything works.

The same can be done with a hard drive, a video adapter, and a sound card. But if you are unfamiliar with the internal workings of a computer, it is better to leave it to the professionals. You should not remove all the parts from the system unit one by one.

If it doesn’t help, it means the equipment has become unusable. It needs to be changed.

Disabling external devices

Very often, BSoD appears when hard drives or other external devices are connected to the computer. How to fix the Blue Screen of Death in this case? Turn off the equipment. Try inserting it into a different port. See how it appears in Device Manager. Check to see if there is an exclamation mark next to the model name. Update your drivers.

Perhaps the problem is not with the computer, but with the port controller. If it is faulty, it must be turned off.

Problems with the file system or hard drive

Run scan and repair of the system disk. To do this:

  • Right-click on it;
  • Item “Properties”;

Go to “Properties”

  • “Service” tab;
  • “Check” button;

Click on “Run check”

  • Check all the boxes. In particular, you need the “Repair bad sectors” option;

Check the box next to “Repair bad sectors”

  • "Start" button;
  • The service will warn you that it will start checking the next time the system starts;
  • Restart your computer;
  • It will begin disk recovery. This may take a long time. Don't interrupt the process.

Software glitch

Here's how to remove the Blue Screen of Death if the problem is in the system itself or programs installed on it:

  • Uninstall everything you installed immediately before the crash;
  • If it doesn't help, make a backup;
  • Go to Start - Programs - Accessories - System Tools;
  • Click on " ";

  • In the window that opens, check “Select a restore point”;
  • If necessary, check the box “Show all restore points”;
  • They show the time when the backup was made and what happened (installation, deletion, update);

Restore points

  • Select a suitable point and confirm;
  • Do not turn off your computer until the recovery is complete.

The system will roll back. It will return to the state it was in before the errors appeared.

Other options

  • Scan the system with a good antivirus;
  • Clean the hard drive from debris. Remove unnecessary files. But don't touch system data. You can use the built-in Windows services (Start - Programs - Accessories - System Tools - Disk Cleanup) or install programs for this: for example, CCleaner;

CCleaner program

  • It makes sense to fix registry errors. But you shouldn't do it manually. Use Registry Fix, Registry Boot and the like;
  • If you have an installation disk with the system, try reinstalling it or restoring damaged files;
  • Update all drivers. Download the latest updates.

If a Blue Screen appears when you turn it on

If the Blue Screen of Death appears immediately after turning on the computer, you will not be able to log into the system. And it will be difficult to fix anything. Therefore, you need to start the PC from a boot disk or drive. If you don't have one, use the Windows installation CD. A free program from DrWeb - “Live Disk” is also suitable. It can be downloaded from

  1. When you start the PC (on the very first “frame”), a key will be indicated that must be pressed to open the settings (“PRESS TO ENTER SETUP”). This is usually F1, F2, F5 or Del;
  2. Click on it. The BIOS options will open. In them, all control is tied to the keyboard;
  3. Go to the “Boot” tab;
  4. “Boot Device Priority” item;
  5. There will be a loading order. Place first the device from which you plan to download data (disk or drive);
  6. Open the “Save” section, select the “Save and reset” option;
  7. Now the computer will start from the external media (don't forget to insert it);
  8. If this is a boot disk or CD with Win distributions, try reinstalling them;
  9. Live Disk also has tools for resuscitating the system;
  10. After recovery, change the boot order again to start from the hard drive.

This will work if the problem is due to a software glitch. But it will not help in case of equipment failure

You need to take care of your system and computer, even if there are no problems. Regularly check the disk for errors, remove unnecessary junk from it, and clean the registry. Don't try to improve your PC's performance if you don't know how to do it. If you take precautions and monitor the state of the system, the Blue Screen of Death is unlikely to bother you.

You can handle some problems yourself. But if BSoD appears due to hardware failure, it will have to be replaced.

Most users, when interacting closely with a computer, have encountered a sudden shutdown of the system, accompanied by a blue screen with incomprehensible information. This is the so-called "BSOD", and today we will talk about what it is and how to deal with it.

BSOD is an acronym that literally means Blue Screen of Death. It was impossible to say more precisely, since after such a screen appears, further work without a reboot is impossible. In addition, such system behavior indicates quite serious problems in the PC software or hardware. BSODs can occur both when the computer boots and while it is running.

There are a great many options for errors written on blue screens, and we will not analyze each one separately here. It is enough just to know that the causes that cause them can be divided into software and hardware. The first includes failures in drivers or other programs closely related to the operating system, and the second includes problems with RAM and hard drives. Incorrect BIOS settings, for example, incorrect voltages or frequencies during overclocking, can also cause BSOD.

Most special cases are described on the website To work with this resource, you need to understand the structure of the data provided by the system.

The most important is the hexadecimal error code shown in the screenshot. This information should be found on the website.

In the event that the system automatically reboots and there is no way to read the information, perform the following actions:

Now, when a BSOD appears, a reboot can only be performed manually. If you cannot access the system (an error occurs during boot), you can set the same parameters in the boot menu. To do this, when starting the PC, you need to press the key F8 or F1 and then F8, or Fn+F8. In the menu you need to select to disable automatic reboot during a failure.

Reason 1: Drivers and programs

Drivers are the main cause of blue screens. These can be either firmware for hardware or files embedded in the system by some software. If a BSOD occurs precisely after installing the software, then there is only one way out - to “roll back” to the previous state of the system.

If there is no access to the system, then you need to use installation or boot media with the version of the OS that is currently installed on the PC recorded on it.

Read more: How to create a bootable USB flash drive with,

Carefully monitor the behavior of the system after installing any programs and drivers and create restore points manually. This will help you correctly identify the causes of errors and eliminate them. Timely updating of the operating system and the same drivers can also save you from a lot of problems.

More details:
How to update the operating system,

Reason 2: "Iron"

The hardware problems that cause BSOD are:

  • Insufficient free space on the system disk or partition

    You need to check how much storage capacity is available for recording. This is done by right-clicking on the corresponding disk (partition) and going to properties.

    If there is little space, that is, less than 10%, you need to remove unnecessary data, unused programs and clean the system of garbage.

  • New devices

    If a blue screen occurs after connecting new components to the motherboard, then you should try to update their drivers (see above). If unsuccessful, you will have to stop using the device due to its possible malfunction or inconsistency of characteristics.

  • Errors and bad sectors on the hard drive

    To identify this problem, you should check all drives for problems and, if possible, resolve them.

  • RAM

    Faulty RAM modules are very often the cause of failures. You can identify “bad” modules using the program.

  • Overheat

    BSOD can also be caused by overheating of components - processor, video card or motherboard components. To eliminate this problem, it is necessary to correctly determine the temperature of the hardware and take steps to normalize it.

Reason 4: BIOS

Incorrect motherboard firmware settings (BIOS) can lead to a critical system error and a blue screen. The best solution in this situation would be to reset the settings to default.

Reason 3: Viruses and antiviruses

Viruses that have entered your computer can block some important files, including system files, and also interfere with the normal operation of drivers. You can identify and eliminate “pests” using free scanners.

If a virus attack has blocked access to the system, then a file recorded on removable media will help you perform this operation. In this case, scanning is performed without loading the operating system.

Antivirus programs can also behave inappropriately. They often block “suspicious” system files that are responsible for the normal operation of services, drivers and, as a result, hardware components. You can get rid of the problem by disabling or uninstalling your antivirus.

Features of a blue screen in Windows 10

Due to the fact that Microsoft developers are trying to limit user interaction with system resources, the information content of BSODs in Windows 10 has decreased significantly. Now we can only read the name of the error, but not its code and the names of the files associated with it. However, the system itself now has a tool for identifying and eliminating the causes of blue screens.

  1. Let's go to "Control Panel" by calling the line "Run" keyboard shortcut Win+R and entering the command

  2. Switch to display mode " Small icons" and go to the applet "Security and Service Center".

  3. Next we follow the link "Troubleshooting".

  4. Open the block containing all categories.

  5. Select an item "Blue screen".

  6. If you want to fix the problem immediately, click "Next" and follow the prompts "Masters".

  7. In the same case, if you need to get information about the error, click on the link "Additionally".

  8. In the next window, uncheck the box next to the inscription "Automatically apply fixes" and proceed to the search.

This tool will help you obtain detailed information about BSOD and take appropriate actions.


As you can see, eliminating BSODs can be quite difficult and time-consuming. In order to avoid critical errors, update your drivers and system in a timely manner, do not use dubious resources to download programs, do not allow components to overheat, and before overclocking, read the information on specialized sites.

Blue screen is a very pressing problem that hundreds of users are struggling with. Why does a blue screen appear and how to solve this problem?

A blue screen often appears when you use non-licensed software, so if such a problem already exists, then think about purchasing licensed software. On licensed systems, a blue screen will never appear. What should you do if you don’t have the money to buy expensive software, but the blue screen still haunts you?

It is also called BSOD or STOP error. It is in vain that many people slander Bill Gates that he came up with a crooked operating system that constantly produces an error in the form of a blue screen with different configurations. If it weren't for the blue screen, many computers would lose a lot of important information. A blue screen refers to hardware errors, in other words, the problem may be in the hardware or their drivers. If the problem is not corrected in a timely manner, it may affect the operation of your computer and the integrity of the spare parts.

- This is not a widespread problem, but most likely a defensive reaction of Windows. When the system does not find the optimal solution to the problem, then for insurance, a blue screen is turned on, which shows all the detailed information about the error and says what further actions need to be taken to solve it. Most often, a blue screen appears when some hardware in the computer malfunctions. The reason may be RAM or hard drive, video card or power supply and others. BSOD can appear due to pirated software, non-original drivers, and any other programs that you downloaded from the Internet and installed on your computer.

I want to please you that soon the blue screen will disappear altogether, since Windows 7 is one of the last operating systems where it can appear. Don't get too excited because other Microsoft products will have black screens instead of blue ones. By and large, this problem does not solve, so it is worth understanding well how to deal with it and what it is.

I think everyone already knows what a blue screen looks like. I am sure that most users do not know how to solve this problem. It happens that a blue screen appears for a couple of seconds, and then the computer immediately restarts. Often the PC may reboot on its own after a blue screen appears. Many people solve this problem by reinstalling the system, but as practice shows, this is far from the best option and it does not always help solve the problem.

You can read the error very simply. You need to press and hold the F8 key as soon as the computer restarts. Then select “disable automatic reboot” from the menu list. After restarting the computer, you should again see a blue screen that will not go away. Carefully write down everything you see on a piece of paper or take a photo of the monitor screen with your camera. It is very important to rewrite the last line, which begins with the words STOP. What needs to be done next?

First you need to perform a number of standard simple steps, which often help fix the problem very quickly. Determine whether your problem is software or hardware. This can be done very simply, you need to take a Live-CD, every system administrator or computer technician should have one. If this is a hardware error, then even with a Live-CD you will still get a blue screen.

Next, you need to turn off the computer and turn it on after a while. If nothing changes anyway, then think carefully about what you recently installed on your computer and changed some components. Often new devices cause this error because they conflict with Windows. Try to put everything back in its place and check again. If the system boots and BSOD appears, but not as often as before, then you need to try updating the system through the official Microsoft website.

A blue screen can also appear when the power supply is very low. Check your voltage. If you don’t know how to do this yourself, then it’s better to call an electrician, because it can be life-threatening. Test your RAM with Memtest. The check lasts a very long time, on average from 6-9 hours, but it will accurately provide all the information about the state of your memory. If the RAM is broken, then it is better to replace it. This is often the cause of blue screens.

Check your hard drive. I recommend using the MHDD program. You will find all these programs on the Live-CD. If everything is fine here, then go to the BIOS and reset the settings to default. Check which BIOS version you are using, if there is a newer one, update it.

In conclusion, I want to give a little hint. There are many sites on the Internet that have a complete explanation of any BSOD error. It is enough to know the error code that starts with 0x000...., after which you will receive recommendations that will help fix the problem. In any case, diagnosing your equipment will not harm.

The question is how to what to do if your computer crashes into a blue screen BSOD(Blue Screen of Death, which translates as “blue screen of death”), users of computer devices often ask themselves, since the phenomenon of BSOD is quite common. The symptoms of a blue screen are very eloquent, or rather, “blue screen”: the computer turns on and starts to boot, after which the Windows screensaver appears, and after a while the PC, without fully loading, displays a blue screen with white inscriptions on it.

BSOD: cause and benefit

Many users are unhappy with Bill Gates' brainchild - Windows. They say I wrote a crooked operating system that now produces blue screens of various configurations. But such an attitude is wrong and unfair. Many people do not know that if it were not for BSOD, if the OS failed, many computers could be damaged and a lot of data could be lost.

The fact is that Windows operates directly with the hardware of the computer, and if something suddenly goes wrong, the hardware of the computer device will be given the wrong command, which can be anything (for example, delete all data from the disk). Of course, the consequences of such a command are obvious: data loss and PC breakdown.

But this does not happen, since BSOD comes to the rescue - a special defensive reaction of the Windows operating system, which occurs when the OS is no longer able to account for and control its actions, and therefore is forced to take decisive actions aimed at its own emergency stop. They say, so as not to mess up the computer.

Thus, a BSOD error, or STOP error, appears in cases such as:

  • error in Windows OS operation,
  • hardware conflict,
  • driver incompatibility,
  • damage to the driver with which the OS controls the computer,
  • corruption of system files,
  • physical damage to some components.

It often happens that a STOP error occurs when:

  • running pirated or inadequate software,
  • when viruses enter,
  • in case of launching third-party incorrect drivers,
  • using false anti-virus programs and other “fraudulent” products.

If a blue screen occurs, you should begin to eliminate the causes of BSOD and the consequences of operating system errors. Dealing with a blue screen is not so difficult, and even an ordinary user can get rid of bsod on the computer on your own.

STOP error identification

Sometimes STOP error identification does not seem possible. The message about the blue screen of death, as a rule, does not look entirely clear, since it is impossible to make out what is written in the mysterious STOP error, since the computer is constantly restarting and does not allow reading the already illegible “non-Russian” text.

In order to understand what your operating system wrote to you and begin to take some action to solve the problem that has arisen, you need to press the F8 key on the keyboard and hold it down the next time you restart your PC. After this, the safe mode entry menu will appear. Find in the menu the item “Disable automatic reboot when the system fails,” and then enter the menu. Now when you start your computer shows blue screen with white records and will remain in this position until you press the Reset key.

To get rid of the blue screen of death, do the following. Start by trying to boot your computer from a diagnostic Live-CD. This will help determine what type of problem you have - hardware or software: if it is hardware, you will not be able to boot from the Live-CD, and the PC will persistently issue a BSOD.

Then proceed as follows:

1) Restart your computer, or better yet, turn it off and turn it on again after a while.

2) Remember what you inserted into the computer the day before the problem appeared. Or, perhaps, you changed some kind of hardware - maybe it didn’t make friends with Windows? Perhaps you installed some incorrect program? Try putting everything back “the way it was” and see what happens.

3) If the OS boots, and the STOP error appears only occasionally, update the operating system by taking the update from the official Microsoft website.

4) Check if the computer has enough voltage. Because if it is insufficient, the computer may issue a BSOD.

5) Check your RAM. This can be done using the Memtest utility (it is on the Live-CD) or using the RAM checker that is available on the OS installation disk.

6) Check the hard drive for sufficient free space and then for bad zones using the MHDD utility (you can find it on the Live-CD).

7) Go into BIOS, find the Default settings option and enable it. Save the changes and restart your computer.

8) It would be a good idea to launch the “System Restore” option or activate the “Load last known good configuration” option (you can call the options via F8).

One of the following methods should help you fix blue screen on computer. If this does not happen, check your computer for viruses - they often cause problems. Good luck!