Which comes first android or ios. Comparison of iOS and Android

The main operating systems used in smartphones are Android and iOS. Before purchasing a new mobile device, you should determine for yourself: what better Android or iOS.

Which is better Android or iOS

When buying a smartphone, any user is interested in the issue related to the stability of its operation. iOS is the leader in this situation, since it is used only on Apple devices, so each element new version undergoes rigorous testing. iOS is also more secure. All applications are available for download only in the App Store. They pass preliminary check. There is no possibility of infecting the device with viruses. Latest version for iPhone is iOS 11.3.

iPhone is more stable in operation and is practically not susceptible to viruses

Android OS is inferior to iOS in stability and security, but has its advantages.

  • Android provides the ability to use 2 SIM cards in one device, as well as increase memory using a microSD card;
  • Another advantage of Android is the personalization of the smartphone. Available wide choose various settings and firmware that allow you to give your mobile device its own personality;
  • Android has simplified data exchange between different devices.

The latest version of Android 8.1 was released in 2017.

You can expect surprises from Android, and not the most pleasant ones

Table: comparisons between Android and iOS

Indicators for comparison Android iOS
Stability No stability, possible infection with viruses.More stable due to its closed nature.
Applications work Errors may occur. Some apps don't work on cheaper devices.There are practically no failures. When they appear, just restart the application.
Synchronization Data exchange is possible with any device. In this case, the smartphone serves as a removable storage device.Only compatible with Apple devices. For third-party ones, you need to install a special iTunes program.
App stores A large number of free applications. There are many paid apps on the App Store
Firmware Ability to install firmware on top of OSNone.
Updates Available only for top models.New versions of updates are regularly released, which can be installed even on older iPhone models.
Flexibility of settings Has great variety individual settings, which allows you to personalize your smartphone.There are minimal settings.
Multitasking Supports simultaneous operation of multiple applications.Small RAM does not allow multitasking.
Performance More thoughtful and slower.High.
Price Wide price range: from budget models to expensive.All produced models belong to the high price category.

iOS is a more closed, but at the same time stable and secure system. Android OS is suitable for those who love individuality.

BlackBerry and Windows Phone are virtually non-existent these days, so for most of us, buying a smartphone comes down to choosing between iOS and Android.

However, by now, how many differences remain between the two platforms? Who will win the Android vs iOS battle?

If you've spent most of your smartphone life on one platform, you may not be aware of the other - but we've taken the time to introduce you to both. Here are the main differences and similarities between Android and iOS.


The first Android smartphone, the T-Mobile G1 (or HTC Dream in the US), was released in October 2008, and the first iPhone was launched in June 2007. Since then, these operating systems have changed significantly - if you remember, in the beginning the iPhone did not even support third-party applications.

Now we have the 6th Android version(Marshmallow) and version 9 of iOS and new versions of both platforms are on the way. We've seen these platforms become more similar over the past nine years in terms of the features they offer, how they handle notifications, and the apps they support.

Many more users are using iOS 9 than Android 6, even though Android is installed on more smartphones. This is something Apple is proud of, although Google stresses that its OS is much more flexible and customizable - if you don't like the sharing app text messages, you can install another one. This circumstance is a strong argument in the Android vs iOS debate.


Since Google decided to spin off its core apps from Android, the mobile OS itself has essentially become just an app launcher and settings screen. Unlike him, iOS updates still includes updates for Mail, Maps, Safari, Notes, News, and all the other apps you get with the software. In the question what better than iOS or Android, a lot depends on the user's habits.

As we've already noted, Google is giving users and app developers more flexibility in terms of editing the way the OS works (default apps, lock screens, widgets, etc.). On iOS, everything is more conservative and depends on how Apple wants to implement and develop the idea (which for many users is just fine).

Visually Material Design from Android offers a more colorful, well-defined visual interface than iOS, which hasn't had a major overhaul since 2013. Apple is all about translucent shades and thin lines, while Google is all about blocky shapes and bold headings and fonts.

Both operating systems have multitasking based on a similar principle. Both have battery saving features, support mobile payments, digital assistants, and the ability to automatically back up all your data to the cloud.


Both Google and Apple want to keep you in their respective ecosystems, but Apple is much more serious about it. You won't find support for iCloud or Apple Mail on Android, while all of Google's apps are available (and work very well) on iPhone and iPad. As an exception, we can recall that in August 2016 Apple Music officially released on Android.

Google's focus is more on the cloud, while Apple prefers local devices and native applications. iPhone and iPad work very well with Mac computers and Apple TV, but view iTunes movies on Android console TV is not an easy task.

As you'd expect from the company behind Chrome OS, accessing your Google data on the web is much easier, although Apple there is now an iCloud web interface.

On the other hand, if everything in your home is made by Apple, then iOS becomes much more attractive, for example, when you are trying to get digital music and movies, switch between the same applications on different devices, or easily sync data between smartphones, tablets and computers.

Native and third party apps

As we already said, Google applications (Gmail, Google Maps, Google Keep, etc.) are now updated independently of Android. These apps are all available on iOS, too, although the versions for Google's own OS tend to be a little higher (and often updated first).

Trying to compare all of these apps against the Apple equivalents is not an easy job: chances are you're already used to one set of apps. Hangouts vs iMessage, Gmail vs Mail, Google Maps vs Apple Maps - the features are similar and there are no clear winners.

Now rare to find large application or a game that would ultimately not be released on both platforms, despite the fact that it may launch first on one or the other OS.

New, experimental apps tend to appear on iOS before Android: due to the fragmentation problem, it's easier for developers to write code for iOS users (they also spend more money). In this regard, Apple's platform still has the advantage.

Google Now vs Siri

Looking ahead, we can say that the biggest innovations in development mobile industry will most likely receive in super-intelligent digital assistants: Google Now and Siri. Both give you voice-controlled access to your device, as well as smart travel and event tips when you need them.

Traditionally, Google Now is more concerned with timely delivery correct information, whenever you need it, although Apple has also recently started making Siri more active. Google Now is also available on iOS in a truncated form, but Siri is limited to the native platform and new Apple TV.

The apps also show the two companies' conflicting views on data privacy: Google collects as much data about you as it can. different platforms and services, supposedly giving Google Now a better idea of ​​what information you'll need. In contrast, Siri is more private and limited in nature. On the Android vs iOS scale, Apple definitely wins when it comes to security.

Android 7.0 vs iOS 10

New OS versions from Google and Apple will be distributed in the near future.

iOS 10 isn't the biggest upgrade, but it brings with it cleaner notifications, smart auto-tagging in photos (like Google Photos), visual improvements to Apple Music and Apple Maps, and more effects and emoji in iMessages (probably also in WhatsApp).

As of Android 7.0, the developers added native support for multiple windows, a dedicated VR mode, and the ability to launch apps directly from the Internet without installing them directly on the device. There are also several other tweaks, including better battery performance.

As always, the question with Android is how many devices will get Nougat and how quickly - which is one of the reasons why apps like Gmail and Google Maps are separated from the core OS and can be updated separately.


Both of these platforms are user-friendly, stable and secure, with thousands of applications available. Android is undoubtedly more customizable, and iOS, although you could argue, is a bit more polished (especially on tablets). Visually, they are quite distinctive, having different approaches to design.

Setup, ecosystem, applications, compatibility with other applications and devices - these are the key issues that you should remember when deciding for yourself after our tips - which is better iOS or Android.

Numerous disputes on Android theme vs iOS will apparently never subside. Armies of fans of two operating systems They never tire of praising their favorite mobile platforms, throwing mud at their opponents in every possible way. In disputes where the most unimaginable arguments are presented, the truth is poorly visible. Therefore, we will try to consider the features of the two operating systems and identify their strengths and weaknesses. What will we look at in our review?

  • Stability of two operating systems;
  • Technical features of devices running the above OS;
  • Distinctive features of both platforms.

After reading this impartial review, you will be able to draw your own conclusions and decide on the choice of platform when buying a smartphone or tablet.

Operation stability

When trying to answer the question of which is better, Android or iOS, you need to find out how both platforms are developed and how these platforms are integrated into digital devices. Apple products have a big advantage in this regard - they only make iPhones and iPads, while simultaneously releasing their own operating system for them. Thanks to this, developers have the opportunity to “polish” the system and make it incredibly stable.

operating room iOS system is not used on devices from other manufacturers and is not adapted for them. Therefore, there is ideal compatibility with hardware of our own production. This leads to a reduction in errors in the operating system code, stable operation of the equipment and the almost complete absence of any conflicts (software or hardware).

As for the Android operating system, it is installed on thousands of devices. Manufacturers are adjusting source to their often unbalanced devices, which is why users face many problems:

  • With unexpected system freezes;
  • WITH unstable work smartphones and tablets;
  • With unstable applications.

That is, Android is a universal system for many devices, but it is this universality that causes the lack of stability. The system itself is very stable, but the lack of thorough testing with hardware (unlike Apple) leads to errors and glitches.

The exceptions are flagships and expensive smartphones from famous brands. Here we see a careful selection of hardware components, the perfect adaptation of the Android operating system to the selected hardware, the stability of the gadgets and the stability of the software. Choosing flagship smartphones that are close in cost to iPhone smartphones on iOS, we get balanced devices that are no different in stability from Apple products.

The same applies to flagship tablet computers from many well-known manufacturers mobile devices– they work quickly and very stably.

Software and how it works

Continuing the comparison of iOS and Android, let's look at the features of the software on these platforms. There are a lot of Android devices, they differ in processors, GPUs, quantity random access memory, screen diagonal and many other factors. There are also differences in the operation of devices running on different chips - for example, from Qualcomm or from MediaTek (the latter are installed in budget gadgets).

This abundance leads to the fact that developers have to solve a lot of problems with the compatibility of hardware and software. An application that works correctly on one smartphone may not work at all on another device. And developers will have to make every effort to figure out the problem. This is impossible on Apple devices - everything that is in the AppStore application store will work stably. This is another advantage of devices such as the iPhone or iPad.

Let's be clear - buying top smartphones and Android tablets, you can count on more than stable work applications. In addition, the flagship models are distinguished by a significant performance reserve.

App stores

When comparing iOS and Android, we will not measure the number of applications in the stores of both platforms in units. We will simply mention the fact that for the Android operating system there are a lot of free applications, while in the AppStore you have to pay for literally every more or less serious application. Therefore, in this regard, mobile Android platform rushes forward.

As for the abundance of applications for performing any tasks, there is practically nothing to compare here - the stores of both platforms are full of software for any occasion.

Communications with the outside world

Which is better - Android or iOS? Both platforms have advantages, so it’s simply not possible to answer this question with any certainty. Therefore, we will continue to consider the features of both systems - let's talk about communication abilities. Devices running Android and iOS operating systems can access the Internet via Wi-Fi networks and mobile networks(2G, 3G and 4G).

But with Bluetooth things are not so smooth. Bluetooth modules in iOS devices are designed to connect wireless headsets, as well as iPhone work as a modem or connection smart watch. You won't be able to transfer contacts or files here.. As for Android devices, the functionality Bluetooth modules is not limited in them. You can easily exchange files with other smartphones and gadgets, connect various devices, and transfer contacts. Also allowed using bluetooth for a communication channel in some gaming applications.

Synchronization with computer and file transfer

Connecting to a computer and synchronization are entering the ring of the Android vs iOS war. What do you need to upload music, movies or clips from hard drive to your Android smartphone? Yes, almost nothing - connect the device to the computer, select the desired folder and upload to it necessary files . That is, Android devices are defined as ordinary removable media.

Upload files to iOS devices using the usual file manager It won’t work - they are not perceived by computers as removable disks. To upload files you must use special application iTunes. It is also used to download purchased videos and music from the Apple branded multimedia store. That is, we cannot come to visit someone, connect a smartphone to a computer and download the content we like - we must use iTunes (which may not be on someone else’s computer).

But with using iTunes convenient to create backups and update software in gadgets. In the case of Android devices, you should use proprietary applications from developers or look for universal software. But owners of Android devices do not need any programs to simply upload files.

iTunes is very convenient for synchronizing data, purchasing content, and working with applications. But the inability to use iOS devices as removable media somewhat overshadows the delights of iTunes.

Firmware and updates

Why iOS better than android? Yes, if only because iOS is regularly updated, and these updates are available to absolutely all owners of Apple devices. As for Android, things are not so simple. The operating system itself is updated regularly, but manufacturers are responsible for providing these updates to their users. They check the compatibility of devices with new versions of the OS, modify the software, and only after that offer it to users.

As a result we get:

  • Latest software on all iOS devices (at least for users who have agreed to install the update);
  • Absence Android updates on cheap smartphones from little-known brands;
  • Availability of Android updates only on expensive and top-end devices.

If the manufacturer has released cheap smartphone for 4-5 thousand rubles, then he will not release updates - it is expensive, time-consuming and unprofitable (and not always possible on cheap and unbalanced hardware). Moreover, new models appear every month, and no one will release so many updates for each model. Even Samsung, known for its concern for users, does not bother with updates for the lowest-end smartphones and tablets. But they are available for the more expensive segment (from 12-13 thousand rubles).

It would seem that Android devices have lost out here. But no matter how it is! Custom modified firmware is released for Android smartphones and tablets, something that technically literate users who love to subject their gadgets to the most unimaginable abuse are incredibly happy about. And literally every user who understands the relevant instructions will be able to install the firmware they like - this is a plus.

Device Cost Differences

The high cost of iOS devices is one of the factors due to which most people cannot afford to buy these gadgets. The cheapest are outdated iPhones and iPads, sold in some stores or simply from hand - usually sales are held when new versions of equipment appear. As of the end of November 2017, the cost silver iPhone 6s with 16 GB of memory starts from 25,000 rubles, iPhone 8 with 64 GB - from 46,000 rubles. If you don't chase the most latest models, you can take a closer look at the iPhone 5s with 16 GB of memory - its cost at the same time is 13,000 rubles.

The cheapest tablet in the official Apple store is Apple iPad mini 4 with 128 GB of memory, which will cost 29,990 rubles. Behind iPad Pro for 10.5 inches with Wi-Fi and 64 Gb you have to pay 46,990 rubles.

In the Android space, prices are lower. For example, the cheapest Android smartphone costs about 4-5 thousand rubles. But in this case you can’t count on speed, reliability and powerful functionality. More or less decent models cost around 12-17 thousand rubles. – the Samsung Galaxy A5 smartphone is available for this money. And this smartphone will be quite fast, no matter what iOS fans say. Smartphones from lesser-known brands are cheaper - for example, powerful smartphone Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 4/64 Gb can be purchased for only 14 thousand rubles.

There are also interesting offers on the market from brands such as Lenovo, Meizu, Huawei, Sony and Asus. Android tablets are no less affordable. If you want to get devices that are not inferior in stability to smartphones on iOS, you should take a closer look at models such as the Samsung Galaxy S7, Samsung Galaxy S6, LG G4 and flagships from well-known Chinese brands.

Differences in memory

iOS devices are equipped with memory ranging from 16-256 GB. And there is no expansion provided here - there are no slots for memory cards. If free place suddenly it ends, you will need to look for some way out of the situation. For example, take a closer look at cloud storage or to external wireless hard drives. You can also upload unnecessary data to HDD computer (if you have one).

Device owners on Android is simpler– most of them are equipped with slots for microSD memory cards. Depending on the maximum supported capacity of the card, the capacity of the smartphone can be expanded by 1-128 GB (this is the capacity range of memory cards on sale). If your smartphone supports cards up to 64 GB, you can purchase a card of the specified size and install it in the slot. Need more memory? Buy two cards at once and carry them in your everyday bag.

Some Android devices do not have slots for memory cards, since they are quite thick, and in the world of mobile devices there is a race for the minimum thickness of gadgets. To reduce the thickness, dual slots for SIM cards and memory cards are used.

Android devices are good because they provide the ability to install applications on memory cards. This saves faster-acting inner memory, while in iOS devices there is no way to install a micro-SD card at all. iOS owners may argue that they don't need this, but where do the requests regarding the ability to expand the memory on the iPhone come from? And truly unlimited and high-speed mobile internet There is simply no way to fully use cloud services in Russia.

Additionally, some Android devices come with OTG support. This means that we can connect to these devices external media through micro USB port. On sale there are adapters for standard flash drives, as well as special flash drives with a standard micro-USB connector. Therefore, owners of such devices do not have problems with expanding memory.

In addition to the ability to connect flash drives and install memory cards, owners of Android devices are not deprived of the ability to use cloud services and wireless hard drives. This allows you to expand memory for storing data to incredible sizes (up to several terabytes).

Setting a ringtone

This operation is familiar to everyone who has ever held in their hands mobile phone. In order to set your favorite melody for a call, you need to download it from the Internet, call the file properties and define it as a ringtone for a call. It is also possible to set the downloaded melody as a ringtone for certain group subscribers. Of course, owners of iOS devices also have the opportunity to set their own ringtone. But the whole point here is to realize this opportunity.

On Android we can set any ringtones to the call. In devices above iOS we will need iTunes - here we select the desired melody, we trim it, convert it to another format, and perform synchronization. Do you feel how much more body movements are needed for such a simple operation?

In terms of ease of setting your own ringtone for a call, Android devices unconditionally win - ringtones are set in the same way even in the simplest push-button handsets.

Voice assistants

TV screens teach us how to communicate with Google’s voice assistant, which is activated by the phrase “Okay, Google.” The assistant is really interesting, but has little functionality. It can set alarms, show the weather forecast, work with reminders and maps. But you can talk to Siri in almost human language. And this assistant has more impressive functionality. That's why iOS devices are the leaders in the battle between iOS and Android this time – Siri has surpassed Google Now.

And even the new Alice assistant from Yandex cannot yet bypass Siri.

Functionality and performance

Further comparison of iOS and Android leads us to an offensive fact for owners of Android devices - whatever you say, iOS devices work incredibly flawlessly. As soon as you call a function, it immediately appears on the screen. Android smartphones and tablets often freeze and think about something. This is especially true for models from the cheap and mid-range segment. To get rid of the “brakes,” memory cleaning applications are downloaded on Android - they allow you to partially restore the performance of gadgets.

As for smartphones on iOS, then they really work without annoying users with their slowness. As soon as you call up the phone book, it immediately appears on the screen. Install the application and you can be sure that it will work. And this applies to everything that smartphones and tablets on iOS can do.

However, many modern Android devices can boast high performance. The same smartphones from Xiaomi show excellent performance.

Flexibility and personalization

operating room Android system It is distinguished by its flexibility in settings. Here you can customize literally everything to your liking. Take a look at the settings section - you will find dozens of checkboxes and switches. Users can customize the screen, flexible setup accounts, tools for developers and advanced users are also implemented here.

Also present in iOS devices various settings, but there are not so many of them. Therefore, with fine tuning There are obvious problems in iOS. Change appearance desktop, choose a different display of shortcuts, completely change the current launcher - for devices on Android OS all this is more than possible.

In the shop Play Market There are hundreds of applications for personalizing smartphones and tablets, thanks to which each user can give their smartphone or tablet at least some individuality. Even third-party keyboards, of which dozens have been written for Android, are not available on iOS devices..

What can you personalize in iOS? Yes, practically nothing - except maybe set a different background image.

Installing third party applications

Some applications never make it to the AppStore and Play Market without going through moderators for various reasons. Therefore, many developers publish applications only on their websites. To install software, you need to download it from one source or another, and then install it into the operating system. In smartphones and tablets on Android installation applications from external sources is possible only after checking the “ unknown sources" in settings. In iOS devices, install software from third party sources impossible.

In order to be able to install applications from third-party sources on iOS, you need to jailbreak - this operation will remove many restrictions from Apple tablets and smartphones.

Such a strange closedness of the iOS operating system (you cannot install applications, limited Bluetooth functionality, and much more) can be explained very easily - it is to ensure the safety of users. For example, by agreeing to install applications from dubious sources, Android device owners expose their data to the risk of theft. Installation on iOS third party software is impossible, and everything that ends up in the AppStore is carefully checked - the level of security and data integrity is quite high.

Final conclusions

Concluding the comparison between iOS and Android, it should be said that both operating systems have every right to exist. Only they are designed for two completely different audiences. Those who have no time to understand the functionality will choose iPhone or iPad - here users can expect impeccable performance and instant response to various actions . Restrictions for such users are not scary and are not important, since the ability to use smart technology and not be nervous about any failures and “brakes” is more important.

Don't like any restrictions and advocate freedom when working with gadgets? Do you like to tinker with technology and applications? Do you like to reflash everything, from smartphones to irons? Then Android devices are suitable for you. But even among them there are differences - for unpretentious users and tech geeks, devices from the budget or mid-range are suitable, and for business people, models from the high segment (flagships) are suitable.

The iOS operating system is more closed, but also more secure. It is created for those who value convenience and attention to detail. As for Android, this operating system is valued for its openness and flexibility - an excellent platform for experimentation.

Finally, after many beta versions, Apple's new mobile OS is ready to be released. The release date for iOS 12 was announced at . Starting September 17, iPhone and iPad users will be able to upgrade to . But users of Android devices have been using the new one for more than a month. This means now is the best time to dot all the i’s and compare new mobile operating systems. And ask the eternal question: which is better iOS or Android?

Optimization and improvement of the management system

The problem that our gadgets start to work poorly and slowly is not always due to their malfunction. Very often, this happens due to poor optimization of the applications that we install on our smartphone and the operating system itself.

The developers are doing their best to fix this. As a result, more and more updates are constantly coming out, which should make our interactions with our gadgets more comfortable. After all, every new update is, first of all, a more optimized system. What have Apple and Google done to optimize their mobile platforms?

Major improvements in the field of optimization

iOS 12:

  • opening the camera from a locked screen is 70% faster;
  • keyboard opening time reduced by 50%.

Android 9 Pie:

  • new navigation system gestures;
  • improved quick settings menu;
  • The Always On Display function now shows not only the time and calendar, but also notifications, weather, etc.

Battery consumption optimization

Improving optimization not only makes working with the gadget faster, but also has a positive effect on its battery life.

One of the new Android Pie options for charge management is the ability to “freeze” applications that are running in background consume excessive battery power. Also appeared new mode Adaptive battery. With its help, the user can learn how to properly use a smartphone for reasonable energy saving.

The new iOS also has several new features for correct operation smartphone battery. Now everyone can familiarize themselves with detailed statistics battery consumption. Which ultimately makes it possible to control the processes that consume the most energy.

Application monitoring

Both Apple and Google have implemented features in their operating systems to monitor application runtime. This way the user will be able to find out when and how long certain applications were running. On iOS, this option is called Screen Time, for Android - Digital Wellbeing. Both systems determine the time of use individual applications, the number of notifications received and the frequency of interactions with these programs.

Why might such options be needed? This is one way to deal with. After all, in this way we can see what we spend the most time on and set a time limit for the applications on which we depend most. In addition, these options will be useful not only during the day, but also at night. Because they know how to silence notifications until the morning. Moreover, Digital Wellbeing discolors the smartphone screen at night. This is supposed to make it less attractive to use.


The way we use our smartphones largely depends on how we receive notifications. Quick access to them is one of the most important properties of modern gadgets.

Android for several years recent years, is working to make the system for receiving and responding to notifications as simple and convenient as possible. As a result, this system has become even better with Pie.

Apple has also worked on customizing notifications. Now the user can choose which notifications he will respond to and which ones he will ignore. In addition, it is finally possible to group notifications together, as well as remove the Notification Center from the lock screen.

Quick Links

One of important aspects both new OS, this is the presence quick links for functions and applications. On Android 9 Pie they are called Slices, and on iOS 12 they are called Siri Shortcuts.

Slices have appeared inside the apps shortcut and offer context-based actions. For example, if you are on the subway every morning, on the way to work you write a message to your mother via WhatsApp. Then, over time, your smartphone will begin to prompt you to send a message to your mother in the morning when you are on the subway going to work.

Siri Shortcuts are created by Google models Assistant's Routines. Thus, the user himself programs the exact commands for the voice assistant, which will perform one or more specific actions.

The best OS is the one that makes you happy

The main difference between Google and Apple's new mobile platforms is the ecosystem that is built around them.

Those who use Mac, HomePod and Apple Watch, are unlikely to be able to use anything other than an iPhone. Moreover, after iMessage and FaceTime, it will be difficult to adapt to communicating with loved ones through other alternative messengers. You will also have to give up Animoji, Memoji and group video calls. Moreover, you will have to forget about the App Store, with its quality control.

On the other hand, Google is using the opposite strategy to Apple. If iOS is an exclusive club with special rules, then Android embraces everyone. The choice of Android smartphones is endless, and is well represented in every price segment. Additionally, Google's system allows freedom of use and customization that iOS would never allow due to its closed and conservative nature.

Therefore, in the confrontation between iOS and Android, there is no winner. And when asked what is better than iOS or Android, everyone answers for themselves. After all, these are two sides of the same coin. Two different roads that lead to the same destination. Even though these two systems are different, they have the same goal: to give us access to the entire world with one touch.

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What to choose: iOS or Android? This question bothers everyone potential buyer new smartphone. As a result, each of them makes their choice based on personal preferences, advice or experience of other users. The publication decided to conduct a survey among senior positions in the field mobile technologies and find out which system they prefer.


“Today, when choosing a smartphone or tablet, the main thing is not the different specifications like battery capacity, camera resolution, etc. They are more or less similar at all modern devices. The main thing for the user is the mobile ecosystem. And on iOS, for example, it is much more developed. The most active users are on iOS, which is why the developers of all popular and successful applications make their product primarily for this operating system and only then finalize it for Android and Windows. 90% permanent and active users Wheely also uses Apple smartphones, so our main product is the iOS version.” - speaks Anton Chirkunov, founder of Wheely.

"Data transfer. Flash technology"

"When Android first came out NTS phones, founder Apple Steve Jobs said he would do everything to destroy the main competitor of iOS. Back in 2008, he predicted that Android would eventually gain significant market share, and he was right: Android held about 70.1% of the smartphone market in the fourth quarter of 2012, according to Strategy Analytics.

Over the four years of its existence, Android, along with iOS, has created innovative and advanced software products and has established itself as an integral part of many electronic devices, has gained popularity among users. Unlike iOS, Android supports Flash, which is used on many websites, and has opened its source code to developers, which gives freedom of choice software products. Android also benefits from the fact that transferring files to mobile devices occurs without special programs, this can be done via USB or via a flash card.

According to the expectations of many analysts, Android's share of the mobile device market will not decrease in the coming years; there is a tendency for it to remain at the same level or even increase. But regarding iOS, on the contrary, the forecasts are not very positive. Well, we’ll wait and see.” Maxim Evdokimov, CEO MOBI.Money.

“User-friendly interface, serious design”

“How many famous, successful people have you seen with an iPhone? What about Android? Probably the ratio will be 95% to 5% in favor of the iPhone. And it's not because it's fashionable. Quite the opposite: the iPhone has become popular among successful people because it is convenient. People whose time is valuable make this choice because the iPhone allows them to save time, enjoy using the device and focus on what they want to do: communicate with the right people, write messages, use social networks, and do it all without hindrance. Don't fight with the interface.

Both devices and software iPhone provisioning look great. The devices look appropriate in the hands of an entrepreneur, a student, a catwalk model, and a neighbor from the nearest entrance.

It's funny, but it's true that all applications almost always look more attractive and more convenient on the iPhone. Just compare in the store by running the same applications. It gets to the point of comical: compare how the icons of identical applications look, which, it would seem, should look the same: on Android the icons will look “collective farm”. Anatoly Maryin, CEO of ShopPoints and StarCard.

"Accessories and repairs"

There are plenty of accessories for the iPhone: cases of various textures and properties, films, external batteries etc. Another thing is Android, on which so many devices have been released that accessory manufacturers simply do not have time to develop their products for each of them.

When it comes to repairs, the situation with iPhones is much simpler - they are repaired literally at every step, unlike Android smartphones, for which you will have to look for better repair shops.


Thanks to the fact that Apple has been honing its already established design for years and refining its already stable operating system, i-smartphones are much more reliable than all their competitors. Even if your iPhone already three to four years, it will work quickly and without brakes, unlike an Android device, which begins to slow down over time.

According to a study by Strategy Analytics, the iPhone is three times more reliable Samsung smartphones and five times - Nokia.

"App Store vs. Google Play"

To say that the number of applications in the Apple store exceeds Google's trading platform no longer makes sense - the numbers are approximately the same. However, game and program developers strive to launch their products on iOS first and only then on Android. Why? It's simple - it's easier to create applications for iOS thanks to convenient tools.

Whether Android owners agree with the above is rather a rhetorical question. Both operating systems have their own pros and cons. In my opinion, it is better not to make a choice in favor of one thing, but to use, if possible, both systems and get maximum pleasure and benefit from it!