Home wi-fi network. Home Local Network Computer - Computer - What is it and How to Set it up on Windows? Checking the physical connection

If you use not only one computer at home, but also other similar devices, then they can be combined into home network. In this case, you can create a home network through a router, which will have access to the Internet.

The local network via a router will allow you to easily connect all your devices. You will then be able to exchange files over the local network, play games or use it for other purposes.

To do this, you will only need to purchase a special device – a router. Using a router, communication is carried out between devices connected to the network and a home network is created through wifi router. If your devices use one router to access the Internet, it means that there is a network between these devices. It does not matter how your devices are connected, using a network cable or wireless Wi-Fi.

To create a local network through a router you need to connect necessary devices directly to the router, or use a wireless connection. All modern routers can use a wired or wireless connection option. But you can also use a router to connect several networks with each other.

Creating a home network through a router is usually done using the star principle. When connecting using this scheme, all devices that you plan to use must be connected to the router independently of each other. Router in in this case is such a center of the resulting star or more precisely the network. In this case, the router itself connects to the provider’s network and can distribute the Internet to devices connected to it. Schematically this connection can be seen in the figure below.

Star connection to router

Router for home network

The router is the main device for creating a network. Before you create a network through a router, you must select a suitable router model. You need to know exactly the connection type used by your provider ( cable connection or by telephone). If a cable connection is used, then the router must be selected with a WAN connector, and if phone line, then there must be an ADSL connector.

In addition, other options are possible when using a 3G/4G modem, telephone (“STREAM”) or cable modem (“AKADO”). When using the last two options, a special modem is also required. Such a modem could be separate device or built into the router itself. You can see the diagram for connecting devices and creating a network through a router in the figure below.

On the back or side of the router are the device ports used for connection. The port that is used to connect to the Internet is called a WAN port. Ports for wired connection computer, network storage or other devices to the local network are called LAN ports. There are several such ports, but mostly there are four. If the number of ports does not suit you and you need to connect more devices, you can use a network switch. When installing such a switch with eight ports, you connect one port to the router, and the remaining seven can be used to connect your devices. Switches come in 100-megabit and gigabit versions. Using a gigabit switch makes sense if you need a fast connection between your computer and network drive. This will not affect the Internet speed itself. Setting up a network through a router can be done through the settings in the router’s web interface.

In addition to wired connection of devices using Ethernet technology, other options are possible. The network can be created via electrical wiring (HomePlug). But most often a wifi network is created through a router using a wireless connection. These methods differ in different maximum speed and these characteristics can be seen in the table below.

When choosing a router for your home network with WIFI is the best A router using 802.11n gives results, since it provides, compared to 802.11g technology, better performance and signal coverage. In addition, you should pay attention to other useful features like built-in FTP client or a USB port that can be used to connect a flash drive, printer or network drive.

How to make a network through a router

Opening a port on the TP-LINK TL-WR841N router

For example, here we will describe setting up a home network through a router using the model TP-Link router TL-WR841N, which connects to the Internet. In this case, one of the computers will be connected to the router using a network cable, and the second computer via wireless connection. The local network can also be configured to large quantity computers. On every computer you need to open general access to the necessary resources in order to have access to them from every device on the network.

First, you need to check that the Internet is supplied to the router. When connecting a cable from your provider to WAN port The corresponding indicator on the front panel should blink on the router. If the indicator does not light, then you need to update the router firmware. To do this, download the latest firmware from the manufacturer's website. Or maybe bad connection cable and you need to re-crimp the cable connector. If everything works fine, then you can start creating a local network through the router.

Checking the physical connection

It is necessary to check the connection between computers before setting up a network through a router. You need to ping between them. To do this check, you need to go to the router menu from your computer and find the value of the IP address of another computer in the settings.

To do this, type in your browser network address router, usually and go to the router settings. In the settings, open the tab called “DHCP”, and then “DHCP Clients List”. In this window you will see devices connected to your router. Remember the address assigned to the second computer in order to ping it. Then you need to click the computer Start menu and enter cmd in the search bar to find a utility with this name and run it.

In the window that appears, you need to enter ping command and write the address of the second computer. After that, press enter and see the result of the command. If the exchange of packets takes place, then the connection between the computers is established and you can already set up a home network through the router.

If there is no packet transmission, then the router does not see the network. Perhaps the reason is in the settings antivirus program. Then you need to disable the firewall and antivirus. You can go to the antivirus network settings and find the option to change the mode network security for computer. There you need to check the option to allow sharing.

Setting up a local network via a router

First you need to check which workgroup each computer is connected to and give them a name accordingly. You need to make sure that the name is written in Latin characters and, if necessary, change it. To do this you need to click right key on the My Computer icon and select Properties. Then select the option Additional settings and open the Computer name item there. Here you can change the computer name and group name. After all the settings, you need to click Ok and restart the computer. Now you can set up a local network through the router.

All these steps must be performed on all connected computers that will use the local network via a wifi router. After this, you need to open the computer start menu and open Control Panel. Here we are interested in the Network Control Center. It is important that Home network is selected in the network settings. If everything is so, then you can click the Ready to create button.

Now you need to click the appropriate button to create a homegroup.

Now you need to specify which elements you want to have shared access to.

After this, a window with a password will open, you need to write it down and click Finish. In the next window you need to click the button to change additional parameters.

In the advanced sharing settings, you need to disable the option to require a password on the local network. Then the General tab also opens and this item is disabled with password protection. Now don’t forget to click – Save changes.

Now the basic local network settings are done, and you need to reboot all configured computers. Check whether all configured computers can see each other on the created network. To do this, you just need to go to My Computer and click on Network. All computers connected to the network should be displayed, both via a wired connection and wirelessly, using a wifi network through a router for communication.

Now you can use the network via a wi fi router. But, if you log into another computer over the network, you will only gain access to the Shared Folder. To access a particular drive or separate files, you need to make the appropriate settings.

Setting up sharing

To configure shared access to a folder or drive, you need to open the folder or drive, respectively, click on Sharing, and then select the advanced settings item.

In the window that appears, you need to select the option to open public access by checking the box and clicking Ok. If necessary, you can also specify a name for the share.

After this configuration, all devices connected to your network will have shared access to the specified resource. When you set up your local network, it is recommended to save backup copy network configuration on the computer. This will save you from repeating the actions taken.

Two routers on the same network

Sometimes it becomes necessary to connect two routers to a network. This can be done by connecting several routers together.

Before you create a router-router network, you need to imagine the end result of such work. Routers can be connected to combine two local networks, can be used as a common access point to the Internet, or to connect various devices to a second router via a wired or wireless connection.

You can connect two routers using a network cable or wireless Wi-Fi connections and set up a wifi network through the router. When choosing a wired connection for routers, when one of them is connected to the Internet, you need to follow these steps.

First you need to connect one end of the network cable to LAN port the router that is accepted as the main one. You must connect the other end of the cable to the WAN port of the second router.

Setting up a home network router begins with setting up the main router. You must enable the DHCP function in the settings. After this, you need to open the “IP address” menu for the second router and check the box to automatically obtain an IP address.

If you need to connect two routers via a wireless connection, then in the settings of the second router you need to enable the option to search for wireless networks. Now you can connect to Wi-Fi networks, created by the first router. To complete the setup, you also need to enable the DHCP function in the router settings, and then configure automatic receipt IP addresses. Now you know how to connect the router to WiFi networks created by another router.

Network printer via router

You can customize network access to the printer. Here we will describe a method that is suitable for a printer that does not have a special built-in Wi-Fi module. To connect, you only need a router that has a built-in USB port for a printer. For the above connection, a router model ASUS WL-520GU and Xerox Workcenter PE114e will be used.

The printer can only be connected via a USB port, so standard connection accessing a computer using shared access imposes some restrictions. To be able to always access the printer, the main computer to which the printer is connected must always be turned on. This is not always convenient and in such a situation it is better to use a printer connection to the router.

To properly configure the printer connection to your router, you need to open the computer Start menu and select Devices and Printers. In this window you need to open the Printer Installation item. When a new window opens, you need to select the type of printer to be added (local) and click Next to continue setting up.

Now you need to configure the printer port. You need to select the option -Create new port, and select the port type – Standard TCP, as in the figure below, and then click Next to continue the setup.

In the next window you need to enter a value network IP address printer. Here you need to enter the router address, which in our case will be You can enter any name for the port name, but you can leave the default one after entering the printer’s IP address (the network address of the router). The option to poll the printer and select a driver can be left enabled (checkbox below). This option will not affect the speed of the process.

After this, the computer will need some time until it finds the TCP/IP Port that you specified. This will be indicated by the corresponding window.

If the port is not found, a window will appear asking you to enter additional information about the port. In this case, you must select Device Type – Special, check the appropriate box, and click Next.

If everything went well, a window with port settings will open. Make sure that all settings are set as in the figure below.

In the next printer driver installation window, you need to select the name of your printer and its model. It is possible that you will not find the name of your printer in the list provided. Then you just need to click a button to install the printer driver from the disk. In this case, you must indicate the exact path to the driver file in the appropriate field. Latest version You can download drivers on the Internet from the printer manufacturer’s website.

If you have already installed drivers for such a printer, a corresponding window will appear asking which driver version to use. It is recommended to leave the default selection and use the installed driver.

After this you can set any suitable name for the printer, which will then be visible in the Devices and Printers menu. You can leave the default name for the printer, and then click Next.

Name network printer

In the next window, you can set up printer sharing. But since the printer will already be connected to your router, you don’t have to use the printer sharing option. It is recommended to leave the default value, do not use public access.

You can allow the printer to be used over a network

On last page printer settings You can leave or remove the option to use a custom printer by default. After this you can check the printer and print test page. To complete the printer setup, click Finish.

Access to the printer is now configured on your computer. To access the printer from other computers, you need to repeat these same settings for each of your computers.

Wi-Fi is rapidly bursting into our lives. Module wireless communication equipped with laptops, tablets, smartphones, and even equipment that is obviously not designed for this: refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, irons, washing machines, stoves, air conditioners. You may not have such an abundance of smart technology, but if you have several PCs at home, the question may arise of how to create a home network.

A home network will allow you to easily exchange data between devices

Previously, this would have required laying meters of wires, getting confused in them, and stumbling. Now that many people have a Wi-Fi router at home, you can organize and configure a local network using it very quickly. Let's take a closer look at this process.

Why is this necessary?

When working with several PCs, sometimes you will need to transfer files between them, print a document on a remote printer, watch a video or listen to music from another device. In order not to run around the house with a flash drive, it is recommended to deploy a local network through a router.

Setting up the router

If you are already using at home wireless connection, you can skip this point. If you are still going to configure the router, enter the settings using a browser (,, add a login and password (initially in most cases it is admin/admin, admin/parol).

In the “Wireless Network” tab, change the connection name, password, and encryption protocol. We recommend choosing WPA2-PSK, it is the most secure. Save the settings, reboot the router.

Changing the network type

In Windows 7, the network types are “Home”, “Enterprise network” and “Public”, and in Windows 8, 8.1, 10 - “Private” and “Guest or public”. It is possible to create a home group only if the type is “Home” or “Private”. When you connect for the first time, the OS makes a discovery request, agree to it.

  • In tray right click mouse click on the connection icon - Network and Sharing Center.
  • In the line “View active networks” you will notice the name of the connection and its type.
  • To configure the required type:
  • Windows 7
  • Click on the Internet icon - “Home Network”.
  • Windows 8, 8.1
  • Open sidebar by pressing Win+I or moving the mouse cursor to the right edge of the screen.
  • Changing computer settings - Network - Connections - connection name.
  • Activate "Search for devices and content."
  • Windows 10
  • Start - Settings - Network and Internet - Ethernet (Wi-Fi is the name of your connection).
  • If connecting via cable, click on the name of the connection and activate the “Make this computer discoverable” slider.
  • When connecting via Wi-Fi, under the list of connections, click " Extra options" and make your computer discoverable.

From now on it is possible to configure local group through a router at home.

Changing the PC name

This item is optional, but it is better to replace the PC name, since it is automatically assigned in the form of an alphanumeric code, then it will be difficult for you to navigate the names. To configure the laptop name, follow these steps:

  • Right-click on the “My Computer” icon on the desktop (Windows 7) or launch Explorer - My Computer (on Windows 8–10).
  • System properties - Additional system settings - Computer name - Edit.
  • Come up with a convenient name - OK - Apply, and then restart Windows.
  • Repeat the procedure on each device.
  • Create a HomeGroup
  • Go to Network Sharing Center.
  • In the line " Home group» select "Ready to Create".
  • Create a homegroup - Next - Select files and devices to share - Next.
  • Write down the password and click "Done".

The group with access via the router is ready. You can connect other devices.

Connecting to a homegroup

To add other devices to the newly created group via Wi-Fi, on the connected PC in the Network Control Center in the lower left corner, click on “Home Group” - Join. Enter the password and specify the shared folders. Restart all connected devices.

To make sure the connection between laptops at home is working, go to Explorer, in the “Network” tab all available devices. If you have a printer at home, you can even print documents from any connected device.

Create a shared folder

In addition, if you do not need at home network printing, you don’t have to create a group at all. Simply use File Explorer to share the required folders on each laptop.

Login from other devices

You can access your home network from any Android or iOS device. It is enough to use file manager with function remote access. Scan available devices, connect to familiarize yourself with shared folders.


Please also note that various errors may occur from time to time. Try turning off your antivirus with Windows Firewall and repeat all over again.

Do you use a local group through a router at home? Did our guide help you? We are glad to receive your comments.

A local network (in our context, a home network) is a group of interconnected computers, laptops, printers, and televisions located within a house or room.
Advantages of using a local network:
- Access to general services networks.
A) seamless exchange of file resources over the network (no need to transfer a file (photo, music, movie) from one computer to another, using USB media, you can transfer using local home network).
B) Using a network printer. If you have a printer installed at home, using your home local network you can print from any computer/laptop to this printer.
C) Using a home network to build a gaming area. Many games support playing over a local network, and if you have one, you can play games with computers on your local network.
- All participants in the local network can access the Internet (if configured). If you use Wi-Fi to build a home local network, then tablets and phones can also be connected to the local network and access the Internet from them.
You can create a local home network different ways, I will give diagrams of the most popular of them, starting with the most primitive and ending with more complex methods, with setting up the Internet on a local network.

Connecting two computers/laptops into a home local network using a network cable.

Let's look at the simplest way to connect two computers into a home network (computer - computer or computer-laptop). For this we need two computers/laptops and one network cable. Modern network cards are able to recognize what type of crimp your network cable has, so you can crimp it or buy a crimped cable Computer-Hub/Switch (direct crimp).

A schematic computer-to-computer connection looks like this:

The advantages of this method of creating a home network:

All you need to create a network is a cable and a clear head.

In this way, in most cases, you can only connect two computers/laptops, since most computers/laptops have one network card.

You must manually enter the IP address and mask on all computers/laptops on your home network.

Connecting several computers/laptops into a home local network using Wi-Fi.

For this method, you will need Wi-Fi on your computers/laptops.

Connection diagram:

The advantages of this method:

No wires

High workplace mobility

Connecting network devices into a home local network using a switch (switch).

For this method we need several computers/laptops, the same number network cables and switch (hub). General scheme connections using network switch looks like that:

Those. We connect one of the devices (laptop, computer, printer or TV) to each switch port.
The advantages of this method:
- Ability to connect more than two computers/laptops to a local network (depending on the number of ports in the switch)
- You need to additionally buy a switch (switch), it costs about 500 rubles.
- You must manually enter the IP address and mask on all computers/laptops on the local network.

Connecting computers into a home local network using a router.

Using a router, you can set up a home local network with the Internet, if your router supports wireless transmission Wi-Fi data, then in addition to computers, laptops, printers, televisions, you can add tablets and phones to the local network.
Home local network diagram with using Wi-Fi router/router:

With this method of creating a local home network, you need to enable DHCP on the router - the service responsible for automatic distribution network settings (this feature is enabled by default).
Pros of creating a home network using a router:

Helps to unite various devices(computer, laptop, printer, tablet, smartphone) into one local network.

Ability to set up Internet on your home network.

No need to manually enter network settings on every device.

The need to purchase a router (from 1000 rubles) and configure it.

Setting up networks using a router: general information

IN modern world people simply cannot live without the Internet. Now it is available literally at every step: at home, at school, at work and even in public places. At home and at work we use wired network, that is high speed internet, which connects directly to the computer, whereas in restaurants and cafes we access wireless network called Wi-Fi. But what should we do if we want to connect several computers into a local network? To do this, we will need to purchase a router from a specialized store that will create Wi-fi distribution, and configure the local network through the router. It's not too difficult. In this article we will look in detail at how to configure a local network through a router in the most popular systems on this moment: Windows XP and Windows Seven. So, let's figure it out.

Setting up a local network via a router on Windows XP

Before you start setting up your router, be sure to disable absolutely all programs that protect your computer: antiviruses, firewalls, and others that are related to security programs. If you don't do this, problems may arise due to closed ports that are blocked antivirus systems. Now let's move on to the setup. At the first stage, we will need to place all our computers in a working unified group and assign one name to the entire group so that the devices can recognize each other.

To accomplish this task, we will need to perform a certain algorithm of actions, which is described below. Right-click on the “Computer” icon and select the “Properties” tab. In the window that opens, click “Computer name”, then “Change” and enter any name. Now you should wait until the router transmits the default gateway, IP address, network mask and the addresses of two DNS servers to all computers on the subnet. If this does not happen, you should fill out these fields yourself. This completes the creation of a local network via a router on Windows XP.

Setting up a local network via a router on OS Windows Seven

LAN on 7 is created completely differently, not like on Windows XP. First you need to find out how the computer is signed. If you do not know this information, then right-click on the “Computer” icon and select “Properties”. Now you should click on the “Change parameters” tab and, at your discretion, change the name of the machine and working group. When choosing a name, do not use Russian letters and numbers, write only in English. After making the change, be sure to restart your computer. Next, we will need to set up receiving an IP address automatically. To do this, click the “Start” button, then “Control Panel” - “Sharing and Network Center” - “Local Network” - “Properties”. Check the box “Automatically obtain the computer’s IP address” in the TCP/IPv4 protocol. This completes the setup of the local network via the router. Sometimes there are problems connecting computers. In this case, you will need to delve a little into the router settings and set the IP addresses of the connected computers. Congratulations, you can now use multiple computers on the same network.

If you need to establish this type of connection on other systems, then find necessary information in the Internet. Good luck!

A local home network via a WiFi router opens up a wide range of possibilities for users mobile gadgets and personal computers with the Internet. The user can set up such a network independently, even without deep knowledge in network management.

Wi-Fi router allows you to organize your home wireless Internet, to which you can connect from several devices simultaneously.

Since computers and laptops are no longer luxury items, anyone can buy these devices; many even have several personal gadgets. For ease of use, it is recommended to combine them into a local network (LAN).

A home local network has a lot of functions and allows you to share files, distribute Internet, play online games and much more.

It's quite easy to set up.

What is a local network?

Figure 1. Changing adapter settings. A local network is a group of devices such as personal computers

, laptops, printers, TVs, etc. combined through interfaces via a specific data transmission medium (cable, radio channel).

  1. Direct file sharing. You can transfer photos, music, movies and other files between computers directly via LAN, without using external drives, such as flash drives, disks, etc.
  2. Access to shared network resources. These include, for example, a printer. If it is connected to a local network, this allows you to print the necessary information on it from any computer on it.
  3. Organization of the play area. Video games often have a mode network game, which allows players to compete.
  4. Access to the Internet. Each device located on the home network can access the Internet if it is connected to one of the computers, shared access is allowed and configured.

Figure 2. Create a homegroup.

In a classic local network, the connection between computers is provided using a cable. However, in the age portable devices And wireless technologies the use of this connection method is no longer relevant.

Instead, it is proposed to build a home network through a WiFi router; it will be possible to include devices that support WiFi: tablets, smartphones and others.

They will also have access to all the functionality of the local network, for example, file transfer and Internet access, possibly with some restrictions related to the specific use of mobile devices.

What do you need for a home network?

So, the task is to create a network through a router. To organize it, it is necessary to provide the following configuration equipment:

Figure 3. Network location settings.

  1. Wi-Fi router with DHCP support. Must be connected to the Internet.
  2. Stationary personal computer.
  3. Notebook, laptop.
  4. Tablet, smartphone.

Before setting up a network through a router, you need to take several steps. First you need to make sure that the router is turned on and active DHCP server. The network protocol serves for automatic assignment network parameters(for example, IP address) to nodes connected to the router. Then it’s worth understanding the concept of “working group”. For security reasons, all computers being joined must belong to a single workgroup. This is necessary in order to foreign devices, whose inclusion in the network structure was not envisaged, were not able to use its resources and penetrate network nodes.

You can configure whether the system belongs to a particular workgroup by following the following path: “Start” - “Control Panel” - “System”.

Figure 4. Opening public access.

In the subsection titled “Computer name, domain, workgroup settings” you need to click the link on the right “Change settings”, then in the window that opens click the “Change” button (Fig. 1).

This window allows you to configure parameters such as computer name, workgroup and others. The workgroup field may initially contain the standard name Workgroup; instead, you can enter your own name, for example, Homenetwork.

In the same window you can specify unique name computer. Then you need to restart your computer. This operation must be repeated exactly on all computers on the local network. The group name should be the same for everyone, but it is advisable to make the names different.

How to create a homegroup?

You need to create a local home network group - homegroup. You should follow the path: “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Network and Access Management”. The router, with the help of which a home local network is organized, must be connected and connected in advance.

Figure 5. Enabling password protection.

In the subsection of active networks on the right there is a line “Home group”, next to it you need to click on the “Ready to create” link, then on the “Create home group” button (Fig. 2).

It should be noted that if in the network viewing section the local network you are setting up does not have the home status, you can assign it to it by clicking on the “Networks” link (Network 5 in the figure). The network location settings window will open, where you can select one of three types (Fig. 3):

  1. Home network. It is designed that all nodes are known and safe, the user knows about all devices and completely trusts their work. Access is practically unlimited.
  2. Enterprise network. Optimized for office or corporate local systems.
  3. Community network. Designed for use in public places where it is important to maintain the anonymity and security of each node. Computers on such a network are invisible to each other, which provides high protection from unauthorized entry.

Figure 6. Connecting to your home network.

By clicking on the “Create a home group” button, you can select directories and devices that you want to open for public use (Fig. 4).

After applying these parameters, the system will generate a password. This needs to be written down separately (or screenshotted) as it may be required for the WiFi connection.

Otherwise, setting up a local network through the router will not be possible (Fig. 5).

How to connect to your home network?

After completing all the specified actions, the home group is considered created. It is recommended to reboot the device to full application configurations. Since you need to set up a network for several computers, then you should definitely check the connectivity various computers to the created homegroup. The second computer (for example, a laptop) must be connected to the Wi-Fi point of the router. On it, go to “Network Management”, look for the “Home Group” item, click on the “Join” button (Fig. 6).

Figure 7. Network setup for multiple computers.

After entering the recorded password, we repeat the setup cycle, specify the allowed folders and reboot the device. If the connection cannot be established, you need to disable everything third party firewalls And firewalls(firewalls). When the connection is made, everything network devices should become visible, access to resources and directories should be open.

By default, your computer has access to only a few special shared folders. But this is far from the limit of possibilities; it is possible to make almost any directory in the system accessible. To do this, you need to open the folder properties, find the “Access” tab, click on “Advanced settings” and check the box that opens sharing. We apply the parameters, the folder should become visible to other computers (Fig. 7).

Now let's figure out how to get with using WiFi from tablet to computer.

You can additionally include tablets and smartphones running Android in the created home network.

The ES Explorer application will help with this. After installing it, you need to connect to Wi-Fi. The program has a LAN tab (this is access to a local network). Once there, you need to click on the “Search” button. The application will find everything available computers, you can now enter each of them and view the contents of open folders.