The joystick is recognized by the computer as an unknown device. The “Insert disk” message appears even if the flash drive is already connected to the USB port

Cell phones, gadgets and all kinds of others external devices They are almost always connected to a computer using a USB port. In some cases, the computer cannot recognize the connected device and displays a corresponding message. As practice shows, the “USB device not recognized” error can be caused by both hardware faults and software deficiencies.

There is a sequence of actions that will help solve the problem in 90% of cases. So, what to do when an error appears about unidentified device after connecting to PC?

  1. The first step is to try connecting the device to another computer. If the problem persists, you need to change the cable - if the wires in the cable are broken, the error will occur everywhere. If the problem does not disappear after changing the PC and cable, the connected device itself may require repair or replacement.
  2. The problem may be with a specific USB port. You need to try connecting to other ports, located not only next to the one that is not working, but also on the back of the system unit (on the side or back of the laptop).
  3. Sometimes the problem is caused by static electricity, which prevents the computer from processing signals correctly. Static electricity perfectly accumulates dust that collects in USB connectors and inside the computer. You should turn off the PC and completely disconnect it from the power system for a few minutes, and at the same time blow out any dust from the connectors.
  4. Often a recognition error appears due to a driver malfunction. To fix the error you need to find the file INFCACHE.1 and delete it. This file contains USB device driver data and erroneous information may cause recognition problems. For removing system file Administrator rights are required.

How to find and delete the INFCACHE.1 file?

To do this you should:

  1. Go to the C:Windows folder.
  2. In the “Tools” menu item, find the “Folder Options” section.
  3. In the “View” tab, find the “Advanced Options” section.
  4. In the section you need to: uncheck the box next to the “Hide protected files” item.
  5. Check the box next to "Display contents" system folders" and "Show hidden files and folders."
  6. Go to section C:Windowsinf (if using Windows XP) or C:WindowsSystem32DriverStore (if using Windows 7 and later).
  7. In the section you need to find the file INFCACHE.1, press the right button and select “Delete”.

It should be understood that after these steps the device will not be recognized immediately. Lack of driver information will not allow the system to find them, so drivers will have to be installed again. After this, you need to connect the device again - most likely, the computer will recognize it normally. On the downside, when connecting other devices, you may also need to install drivers, even if they previously worked fine (the drivers were installed).

Error with USB controller driver

Slightly less common error Caused by corrupted USB controller drivers located in system unit computer. Fortunately, in most cases the system itself reinstalls the necessary software in case of damage or removal. Therefore, to correct the recognition error usb devices All you need to do is uninstall the controller drivers.

  1. You need to open the Control Panel, find and expand the “Administration” section.
  2. In the section that opens, double-click on “Computer Management”, then double click"Device Manager" opens.
  3. In the window that opens, you need to find the line “Universal Serial Bus Controllers USB” and click on the plus sign on the left.
  4. After clicking on “+”, a list of known computer usb devices. You need to click on each of them right click mouse and select “delete” in the menu that appears.
  5. After reboot the computer will not be able to find necessary drivers and install them yourself. If for some reason automatic installation The software has not happened, you will need to download and install it manually.

Other reasons for the error

If the basic methods for solving software problems do not help, you should check performance of the USB controller itself. To guarantee this, you can purchase so-called USB hubs that attach to the PCI slots of your computer. The problem is that without experience and skills, doing this yourself is problematic, and the computer will most likely need to be taken in for repair.

If several or all computer ports are used at once, then there may simply not be enough power for all of them. This problem is often observed on older computers and weak laptops with small power supplies. If there is a lack of power to the computer does not have the ability to support the operation of all devices at once and disables one or more of them. The error “USB not recognized” appears on the screen.

System message at malnutrition may occur immediately after a new USB connection, since the computer initially does not have enough power to fully power and detect the connected device.

The solution to this problem is the simplest: just disconnect something from the computer and free up some energy in the power supply. The remaining power should be enough to power the new connection.

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Problems with USB are not as rare as you might initially think. Moreover, the error is the same for all devices, be it a flash drive, keyboard, mouse or printer. IN in this case it makes no difference which device was connected to the PC. You can even connect a smartphone, and Windows will not recognize it either. Let's find out!

Of course, the first solution that comes to mind is to change the port. But if again the Windows 7 USB device is not recognized, few people know what to do and how to fix the problem. No matter what the user does, the system writes about the same problem on the computer even after a reboot. The most interesting thing is that the problem “can” arise simply out of nowhere. Let's say you can remove the devices and then reconnect them to the PC, after which a failure will occur, although, it would seem, there were no prerequisites for this.

You can try to plug the plug into another port as much as you like, but any OS, be it Windows 7, 8 and 8.1, 10 or XP, Vista, will tirelessly report the same problem. You can try to enter the registry settings and change some settings, but this will not lead to success either. Following some tips from Internet forums, the user can sometimes restore functionality by reinstalling the USB drivers; however, this method rarely works with a modem. Connecting it back again displays the already annoying notification. In isolated cases (when the problem lies precisely in the connection or the built-in driver), you need to remove an unidentified element from the Device Manager. However, this action followed by a reboot may not help you, because more often the problem is hidden elsewhere. Indeed, there is a not entirely obvious and simple solution that you should initially resort to before trying other methods.

And in fact, the problem can be fixed quite easily. Try unplugging your PC for a short time, then wait a bit and reconnect everything. It is important to understand that we are not talking about a regular computer shutdown. This is just the first step. Then you remove the cable from the power source (in other words, unplug the device's cord from the outlet and wait a bit). You can even go and have some tea before you start putting everything back in its previous place. After this, all you have to do is turn on the PC: try plugging in a USB device - everything should work fine. It is better to start checking with a regular flash drive. If portable storage functions normally in all ports, then other devices should also function well.

This method can really help, since your laptop or computer is directly connected to the battery or UPS. And there is always a small charge of energy there, even when the device is turned off. Minor errors also occur in the operation of the circuit, which can lead to such a failure that USB connection will not be recognized. By completely removing the power and waiting, you give the PC the opportunity to boot everything normally again.

Other solutions

Discussed below whole line other solutions to the problem when the USB device is not detected. Therefore, if the option of turning off the power did not lead to the desired result, please pay attention to the list of actions highlighted below.

USB controller

It’s worth starting with him. Try removing and then reinstalling all existing USB controllers. They represent the ports that will appear together in the Device Manager. Click on this point to expand the menu. Now select any of the devices and through the call context menu right key pointer, delete it. Repeat the same steps for all USB controllers. Now restart your PC. Once turned on, Windows will automatically detect hardware changes and repair them. Insert the device into the port to make sure it works.

Download driver for USB

When Windows is unable to recognize a device, it is clearly displayed through the Device Manager. Next to the element there will be yellow icon, and it itself will be signed as unknown. Try right-clicking on it, opening the tab called “Driver”, and then clicking “Update”. The OS will "attempt" to restore functionality. If this does not work, try going to the official website of the equipment manufacturer and download the necessary software from there. In particular, this applies, of course, to printers, modems and other technically complex equipment.

Don't ignore the option complete shutdown all USB devices and reboot the PC. After booting the computer, try connecting only one thing: usually the component that was causing the problem. If a particular port does not work, choose another one. Thus, when everything functions normally in one port, but not in the other, this means that a hardware problem has occurred with the second.

Energy Saving

This parameter is also set through the Device Manager service. The fact is that if the settings are set very economically, then the computer can simply turn off certain devices in order to save electricity. This is quite easy to check. Click on power management and look at the settings. Naturally, when the “Allow the device to turn off to save power” option is active, the PC simply does not allow the equipment to work. Try unchecking all the checkboxes for this setting, then reboot and test the changes.


For Windows 7, 8 and 10 there is a unique tool that is developed by Microsoft itself. Below you can download Diagnosis and fix Windows USB problem automatically. Run the utility - it will automatically identify problems and in some cases even try to fix them, telling the user what exactly the problem was.

Device display

Often, Device Manager does not display all components that may have been connected to the PC over time. This even applies to equipment such as printers. As a rule, only those devices that are directly in the current time have a connection. So if you previously installed the same printer but didn't use it, it will be installed, but you won't be able to find it in Device Manager.

When the device has not been used and has become hidden, an error may occur. You can assess the current situation quite simply by immediately identifying what exactly you may not be displaying. Open command line (Windows combination+ R), write “cmd” and enter the commands below.

start devmgmt.msc

Immediately after launching Device Manager, click on “View” and then on “Show hidden devices”.

The list that appears will begin to display new items. If any of them are marked in yellow and indicated as unknown device, delete it.

Connecting to another PC

Take the device and simply plug it into a port on another PC. If it begins to function normally, then “correctly” remove it back using with a special icon on the "Taskbar". After this, reconnect the equipment to the PC on which the failure occurred. In some cases, this method allows, especially on Flash drives, to get rid of the problem.

BIOS Settings

Open the BIOS menu and try disabling USB in it. After this, reboot the computer and reactivate the ports. The only difficulty here may arise if both the keyboard and mouse are connected via USB. To avoid getting into trouble, use PS/2 hardware.

Tell us in the comments which method helped you. Don’t forget to share this page with your friends so that they too know how to solve such an unpleasant problem. Rate the information! Thank you!

Surely many users, when connecting a USB drive, a third-party hard drive or some other equipment, could see a notification on their screens that an error has occurred and the USB device is not recognized. This can happen at all latest versions Windows operating systems and appear with USB 2.0 and 3.0. This error can be resolved quite simply.

Exists great amount reasons that contribute to the appearance of an error when the operating system does not recognize the flash drive. In addition, there are also quite a few options for fixing the problem. It is worth noting that the methods for solving the problem are individual for each method, so it may be suitable for some, but not for others.

The first manipulations when the error “USB device is not recognized” occurs

First of all, if you have a problem connecting a USB drive, printer, mouse or keyboard to your PC, you need to check the functionality of the device itself.

In this case, you need to try connecting this USB device to a third-party PC or laptop, if possible, and check its functionality. If the device does not work, then we can say with confidence that it is this device that is causing the error, and there is no point in looking for other reasons. In this case, you need to check whether the USB device is connected correctly. You can connect it to another port, and if this does not resolve the error, then you need to check the drive itself.

In addition, there is another option that can be applied. It is suitable if the device has worked correctly up to this point. It can also be used when the first method is not possible.

In this case, you need to disconnect the drive that the computer does not recognize and turn off the PC. Then you need to unplug the power cord from the outlet and press and hold the computer's power button for a few seconds. As a result, all remaining charge will disappear from the motherboard and all elements of the computer.

In addition, there is another method that will help much faster than all others. If used desktop computer, and has a lot of different equipment connected to its front panel, it is necessary to disconnect some of them that are not needed in this moment, and connect the device that is causing the error to the back panel of the PC. This might help fix the problem and further actions won't be needed.

It is worth noting that if the USB device has its own power supply, you need to connect it or make sure that it is connected. In addition, you need to check the functionality of the power supply.

Device Manager and USB Drivers

Also, to correct the error when the USB device is not recognized by the PC, you can use the device manager of the seventh or eighth version of the operating system. This option involves several methods to solve the problem, which may work in a particular situation, or maybe nothing will work.

The first thing you need to do is go to Device Manager. This can be done very in a simple way. You need to press the Win+R combination on your keyboard and write devmgmt.msc in the “Run” window, then press Enter.

In most cases, an unrecognized device can be located in two departments of the dispatcher. It could be " USB controllers" and "Other devices". The last item may be called “Unknown devices”.

If an unknown device is displayed in Other Devices, then you can connect to the network and right-click on it. In the drop-down menu you need to select “Update drivers”. In this case, the operating system can independently install everything necessary. If this does not happen, you can try updating the drivers yourself.

If the unknown device is located in the "USB Controllers" list and is labeled exclamation point, then you can perform a couple of actions. You need to right-click on the device and select “Properties” from the menu. After that, in the “Driver” section, you need to click on “Roll Back”, if possible. If this cannot be done, then you need to eliminate the driver by clicking the “Delete” button.

Next, you need to click on “Action” in the device manager. Here you should select “Update device configuration” and check whether the PC recognizes the USB device.
In addition, you can go to the settings of each USB device named Generic USB Hub, USB Root Hub and in the “Power Management” section, uncheck “Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power.”

If this does not bring the desired result, then you can try another method, which can definitely be useful for the “eight”. For all devices connected to the PC, several manipulations must be performed in order.

You need to right-click on each one and select “Update drivers.” After this, you should specify “Search for drivers on this PC.” Then you need to click on “Select a driver from the list of already installed ones.” This list should show a compatible driver.

After that, you need to select it and click “Next”. As a result, the driver for the USB controller to which the device is connected will begin to be reinstalled. This may resolve the error.

USB 3.0 devices are not recognized in Windows 8

On laptops running Windows 8, such errors are quite common. This mainly occurs for drives using USB 3.0.

You can get rid of this problem by changing the settings of the laptop's power supply circuit. You need to go to “Control Panel” and select “Power Options”. Here you need to find the applied scheme and click “Change” additional settings nutrition." After that in USB settings Temporary shutdown of USB ports should be deactivated.

These are the main reasons and methods for eliminating the problem when the system does not recognize the USB device. Surely one of them will be suitable for eliminating the error.

Probably everyone has at least once encountered a problem when, when connecting a USB device, an error pops up: USB device not recognized. A similar error occurs when using both USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 devices.

Let's try to figure out the reasons.
There can be many reasons for such an error. And there are many solutions too. Therefore, we do not guarantee that you will be able to solve this problem with the help of our recommendations.
Perhaps this article will help you solve the problem.

Resolving the “USB device not recognized” error.

Also sometimes (rarely, but it happens) such a problem can occur if you connect a USB 2.0 device to the USB 3.0 port.

Method 1. This error often occurs when using a USB extension cable. In this case, try connecting a USB device without an extension cable. Or replace the extension cord. Second common reason- this is a malfunction of the device itself or the USB port. Try testing USB devices on known working USB ports.

Method 2. This method can help if everything worked fine before and such failures have never happened with this device. Disconnect the problematic USB device. Turn off the power to the computer, unplug the cord from the outlet and hold down the PC power button for a few seconds. If you have a laptop, unplug it and remove the battery. this action will remove residual charges from the computer motherboard.
Then turn on the computer and connect the problematic device. There is a chance that the device will work.

Method 3. If you have too many USB devices connected to your computer, and moreover, some through a splitter, try disconnecting some of the equipment, restarting the computer and turning on the required USB device. Also pay attention if the USB device has external source power supply (for example, some removable hard drives) connect it.

Software solution to the problem

Now let's try to solve the problem using software.
Run "Device Manager". (For Windows 7 - “Computer” - “Management” - “Device Manager”)

The unidentified device will most likely be located in the following sections device manager:

USB controllers
-Other devices (and be called “Unknown device”)

Method 1. If the unknown device is in partition D other devices, you can right-click on it and select "Update drivers" and perhaps the operating system itself will install everything you need. Or select the menu "properties" unknown device and open the tab "Intelligence". Select an item from the list Equipment ID. Try searching the Internet by ID (simply typing ID in search engine) what exactly is this equipment, and what driver is possibly required for it.

Method 2. Right click on the device, select "Properties", then on the tab "Driver" Click the "Roll Back" button if available, and if not, click the "Uninstall" button to remove the driver. After that, in Device Manager, click “Action” - “Update hardware configuration” and see what happened to the unknown USB device.

Method 3. Try going to the properties of all devices with names Generic USB Hub, USB Root Hub or USB Root Controller and tab "Power Management" uncheck "Allow this device to turn off to save power."

Another option is that a USB 3.0 flash drive or external hard drive is not recognized in Windows 8.1.

This problem is solved like this:
Go to panel Windows management - power supply, select the power plan you are using and press "Change Extra options nutrition". Then, in USB parameters ban temporary disabling USB ports.

We hope you were able to resolve this issue. If not, most likely the problem is with the device itself.

So you connected something to your computer, or just turned it on and at the bottom you saw the inscription, “usb device not recognized.”

What to do? Don't panic, there may be several reasons, but they are all solvable. To find out why the usb device is not recognized in your windows 7 or XP, first check out what it comes with.

In simple terms, the operating system sees that something is connected to it, but cannot determine what it is or make it work. These are two main circumstances.

What to do with a usb device

Let's start in order. First reason, your usb device is not working. To do this, you need to check it. It’s very good if you have 2 computers, but this rarely happens, so we go to a friend, take his laptop or netbook and check whether the error “usb device not recognized” pops up (if it’s not big, then we take it to friends).

Find another one or try if it is possible to connect other devices through it. As before, we consider the result to be positive, but this did not bring any results.

I don’t want to rewrite this, but in the beginning (before contacting friends) I needed to draw your attention to operating system, in most cases it is she who is to blame for the fact that your usb device is not recognized. Turn it off and on again, or reboot your computer. This usually helps.

The second reason is the driver. If there are no corresponding ones, your usb device will never be recognized. How to fix this problem is described in detail in the article. Therefore, I will not describe this issue here, but move on immediately to the next point.

At the bottom of the screen the inscription usb device is not recognized, it must appear if the USB port is burned out or on motherboard controller. It’s better not to put your hands into the motherboard yourself, but the port can be replaced. Just make sure that he was the cause. However, this is easy to check, use another one; today PCs with one port are not released.

Rare reasons why a usb device is not recognized

Sometimes the culprit for not recognizing a usb device may be the BIOS. The entrance to it is not the same, depending on the manufacturer. The most common is f2, Del or f10. You just need to press these keys immediately after turning it on, otherwise it won’t work.

So you're in. At the very top, click “advanced” (in the BIOS clicks are made with the “enter” key and transitions are done with the “arrows”). Next, find USB configuration. Now look as shown in the picture, only if this option does not help, return the settings to previous position. The settings are saved by pressing the F10 key.

The largest number of usb device not recognized errors occurs with flash drives, modems and printers. Sometimes the controller driver may crash, then do the following:

If this doesn't help, there is another option. Click on start at the very bottom on the left side and at the very bottom (find program files) paste this text: eventvwr.msc, a utility will appear at the top, click on it and you will see an event log that describes everything that happened to your PC (in Everything is always recorded and recorded on it: errors, malfunctions, etc.)

First with right side Click “Windows Journal”, then “System” and look at the top of the large window for “information” indicated by a red icon (there is no red icon in the figure).

Then click on it and read what happened below. In this way you can find out the exact reason why the usb device is not recognized and what to do.

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