Apple's Siri voice assistant. Who is Siri? Best friend and personal assistant

Greetings, friends. Today we will talk about the girl Siri, we will explain who is Siri and what it was created for.

Siri- the best personal assistant and friend for iOS. It is present on the following gadgets: , . The English abbreviation Siri (Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface) in Russian stands for Interpretation and Speech Recognition Interface. Yes, Siri works as a question-and-answer system, that is, you ask it a question, and it answers you.

Siri adapts to each person individually, thereby learning their preferences and morals. This application uses natural speech processing, which gives it the ability to give different recommendations, ask questions in response and give answers to the questions we pose.

If you look at the devices on which Siri is available, their creation dates back to 2011. It is officially impossible to install the Siri assistant on a device that is not on the list, but hackers were able to do it. By the way, see the instructions for iPhone 3GS/4, iPod touch 4, iPad 2. For this procedure you will need to jailbreak.

The Siri app was first available in App Store(read), in the USA. The application interacted with services Google Maps, TaxiMagic, MovieTickets, OpenTable.

Using unique technology from Nuance Communications, users could make restaurant reservations, buy movie tickets or call a taxi. Siri was acquired by Apple on April 28, 2010. After this, Siri was removed from the App Store and ceased to exist on October 15, 2011.

Supported languages

  • English (UK, Australia, Canada and USA)
  • Spanish (Spain, Mexico and USA)
  • Italian (Switzerland and Italy)
  • German (Germany and Switzerland)
  • Japanese (Japan)
  • French (France, Switzerland and Canada)
  • Chinese (China and Taiwan)
  • Korean (South Korea)
  • Cantonese (Hong Kong)

Unfortunately, Siri is not yet available in Russian, but don’t worry, experienced programmers are already working on creating this directive.

Thank you for your attention and see you soon.

Siri - personal voice assistant with artificial intelligence, present on everyone modern devices Apple. Siri was originally separate application, which users of Apple devices could download from the AppStore. In 2011 Apple company purchased Siri, and mobile app ceased to exist. The voice assistant first appeared on the iPhone 4S as a component of the basic software.

Apple developers before iPhone release The 4S touted Siri as a revolutionary technology. However, domestic fans of the brand Apple new the function was disappointing - Siri simply couldn't speak Russian. The function supported only a few languages ​​- French, German, Japanese and English in various variations (USA, UK, Australia, Canada).

Domestic users began to hope that Siri would soon receive support for the Russian language after the beta release. iOS versions 7. The voice assistant was taught to read names written in Cyrillic. Siri was able to pronounce them in Russian quite ridiculously, but previously the program had not even tried to do this.

With the advent of iOS version 8.3, Siri finally officially mastered the Russian language, and besides it several more - for example, Malay, Portuguese, Turkish, Thai. However, domestic users were still dissatisfied - due to the peculiarities and versatility of the Russian language, the program did not work correctly.

Siri became truly suitable for daily use only with the release of iOS 9. The updated assistant turned out to be smarter: it began to understand complex queries and process them much faster (according to the manufacturer - by 40%). iOS 9 was released on June 8, 2015 - from that day on, Russian users stopped looking at Siri as a funny but useless toy.

The quality of Siri depends not only on the version operating system, but also from iPhone modifications. You can fully use Siri on iPhone 6th generation and newer models. The problem with previous models is that they are not able to filter out extraneous noise effectively enough.

What can Siri do?

You can find out about the capabilities of the Siri intelligent assistant by simply asking him about it. It is enough to ask the question: “ Siri, what can you do?» - and a list of all the main functions and capabilities of the program will appear on the screen.

If a user asks Siri to perform an operation that it doesn't understand, the program will respond that it doesn't understand (as in the image on the right). However, such situations are rare: the functionality of modern Siri is quite wide. What tasks can this program perform?

Route planning. Launch the navigator and manual input addresses per line can be time consuming. It's much easier to activate Siri and ask her to get directions to desired point. You can create a query like this: “ Siri, how to get to Lenina Street, 56?».

Built-in iPhone navigator often criticized, but he is not that bad at all. Thanks to him Siri capabilities is able not only to show how to get to the address by the shortest route, but also to answer how long the journey will take.

Creating an alarm clock. The user needs to tell Siri what time he should wake up in the morning, and the program will set the alarm itself. You can set not only a specific hour and minute, but also a time period. For example, if the user uses the request “ Siri, wake me up in 30 minutes", the program itself will count down half an hour, starting from the current time.

Calendar planning. This Siri feature is worth its weight in gold for business people. Thanks to the intelligent assistant, an iPhone user can schedule phone conversation With business partner, schedule or cancel a previously scheduled meeting, adjust the meeting time - and all this without directly accessing the built-in Calendar application. Siri doesn't just blindly record the plans of the iPhone owner - if, say, a telephone conversation and an appointment coincide in time, the virtual assistant will definitely inform the user about this.

Sending messages. Write an SMS message or email with tiny buttons on-screen keyboard not very convenient - especially when T9 tries to slip in a word that is ridiculous and completely inappropriate in context. Dictating a text message is a completely different matter. A user who tries to do this for the first time will probably be surprised at how well Siri recognizes Russian speech.

Intellectual Apple Assistant There are other functions - less useful, but very fun:

  • Coin. What to do if you need to resolve a dispute using lots, but your pocket is full of bills? It’s clear - ask Siri to throw a coin. Money, of course, will not start pouring in from the iPhone - the virtual assistant will simply report What It came up: heads or tails.
  • Title. An iPhone user can tell Siri to call himself “Great Emperor” or “Lord of the Galaxy” - and the assistant obeys. This function is useful only for those who have delusions of grandeur - for the rest it will simply lift their spirits.

How to use Siri?

There are 2 ways to enable Siri. The first way is to press the " Home"and hold it until the moment appears blue screen and Siri will ask how she can help (“ What can I help you with?»).

The second method is voice activation: the user can simply say “ Hey Siri!", and the virtual assistant will immediately start working. To launch Siri in the second way, you need to go to the settings of the virtual assistant and activate the corresponding slider.

On iPhone 6S and the latest models activate Siri voice possible at any time. On iPhone 6 and less modern devices, enable the virtual assistant with the command “Hey Siri!” will succeed only if mobile device is being recharged.

After the program starts and a sound recording line appears on the screen (as in voice recorders), you need to dictate a command or question. For example, we will ask Siri, “ What is 120 by 80?- obviously, if she is a robot, she must count faster than a person. The virtual assistant processes the user's voice command and translates it into text that appears on the iPhone screen.

Siri uses built-in iPhone applications to perform trivial operations. If the user wants information that Siri is unable to provide (for example, " How many years do cats live?"), the program will redirect it to the global network.

By default, the virtual assistant uses the search engine. Bing system. If the user wants to access another system, he should clarify this point - say, say, “ Find on Google how many years cats live" Then Siri will launch Safari browser and will independently contribute to search bar request.

What's remarkable is that Siri is capable of learning. If a user “chat” with a virtual assistant for 1.5-2 hours, he will certainly notice that the program has begun to understand him better and fulfill his requirements faster. Siri needs time to adapt to the pronunciation features of a particular user.


Despite the fact that Siri is already quite effective and is capable of performing voice requests a bunch of useful actions, virtual assistant Apple has a lot to strive for. Recent studies have shown that Siri, although better at recognizing accented speech than Amazon's Alexa, is outright inferior in this criterion to Google's assistant called Google Home.

Apple is not going to stop improving its intelligent assistant - Siri regularly gains new skills. For example, on iOS 10, the assistant can order pizza to the user's home and produce Money transfers through the Square Cash service.

Would you like to have a personal assistant on your iPhone? For example, so that you can plan your day, week and even month, and someone in a pleasant manner reminds you of important matters, schedules your meetings, directs your actions, calls or sends mail directly from your smartphone. Such an intelligent voice interface program Siri on iPhone was developed in Russia project group SiriPort.

The individual characteristics of the Siri voice assistant meet modern innovative requirements for the creation of artificial intelligence. The application is super smart and can fully carry out voice commands from all possible actions on a smartphone: call people from your contact list, send messages, find necessary information, create bookmarks and task texts without using the smartphone keyboard, but only voice interface. This article will tell you how to install Siri on iPhone 4 or iPhone 5 or 6 generations.

The new licensed personal assistant application is a voice recognition program, and in all devices Apple it is installed. It should be added that the voice assistant works based on iOS 7 on iPhone devices 4S using Siri, Siri on iPhone 5, on iPhone 5S, iPhone 6, iPhone 6S, iPhone 7 generation. In addition, the assistant can serve iPad Mini, Mini 2 and Mini 3, also present on the 5th generation iPod Touch, on Apple devices Watcha, and also works on iPad 3rd generation and higher.

After the release of iOS 8.3, Siri iPhone can be set to Russian. iOS 10 on new generation devices takes into account even greater capabilities of the voice assistant. This makes it much easier to find and remember personal information, saving, as they say, time and money.

Want to know how to enable Siri on iPhone?

For example, if you don’t know how to turn on Siri on iPhone 4 - 7 or don’t understand how to turn off Siri, then we’ll proceed step by step. Consider voice assistant on iPhone 4S or iPhone 6S using voice assistant. First, you should find out whether the application is installed on the iPhone 4 or iPhone 6S and why Siri does not work on the iPhone. If it turns out that the assistant program cannot be launched on an iPhone, do not despair, you can install other quite similar alternative programs, for example, the program “Dragon Go!”, developed by the Nuance Company, which will be able to access other programs installed on the iPhone, such as Google, Netflix, Yelp and others.

If the voice assistant was installed on the iPhone when it was sold, it will most likely be in the active state by default. To check this, press Home button on iPhone. Siri will beep when it is ready to use. You can give a command by voice: for example, say clearly out loud: “Check your mail!”

If Siri is not activated as required, you can do it yourself in the following way. Open the main screen of your phone and click “Settings”, find the “Basic” folder and, knowing how to use it, launch the “Siri” application. However, working with smart program, you can give a dozen tasks to your assistant, communicating out loud. Try saying a greeting such as “Hey!” or “Hey Siri!”, or, say, “What’s the weather, Siri?” In addition, you can determine the gender of your assistant by selecting it in the settings section.

How to change Siri voice or language

If voice assistant communicates with you in an incomprehensible language, you can change his language. To do this, find Siri in the iPhone’s “settings” menu, select the “Siri Language” command. A list of language options will open in front of you and, after scrolling through, select the one you need, with the help of which the assistant will communicate with you in the future.

If you want to program the communication style of an individual assistant, configure not only her voice, but also the established style of address, various phrases, which you will be pleased to hear. For this purpose, go to the “Settings” section again, launch the “Siri” program, find command line“Audio feedback” and accordingly activate the communication option that suits you.

By the way, the developers of this software product We prudently introduced into the consciousness of the voice assistant the ability to recognize voices, intonation, accent and even dialect; it understands any languages.

Siri mode in the car

Inclusion Siri apps can greatly facilitate your tasks by choosing the desired direction on the map when you are driving a car. To do this, the car must support software CarPlay or use the “no looking” function available in this program. To use the services of an assistant, you need to call him by pressing the button voice command, located directly on the steering wheel of the car and give Siri the appropriate command.

If the car has touch screen with CarPlay support, activate Siri by launching the Home button through the screen menu. If you voice a command, the assistant waits for a pause in speech before it begins to execute. But, if the car is very noisy, it is better to respond with a button located on the screen that transmits a sound wave, and then Siri will guess that you have finished and will begin to carry out the assigned task. If necessary, by going into your iPhone settings, you can also read how to disable Siri.

You can also connect the assistant to the source via a Bluetooth headset, as well as via USB wire. In this case, perform all actions in the same order.

Siri is a voice assistant or artificial intelligence. Who likes it more? This is a program that is built into all devices running under the operating system. iOS system. Before the release of the ninth version of the Apple operating system, Siri was more of an entertainment tool.


Needless to say, its functionality did not match its competitors from Microsoft and Google. But everything changed after the release of iOS9. Siri has gotten smarter and can now be used to solve your everyday problems.

How to launch Siri?

Launching the voice assistant is very simple. It is enough to hold the home button for about two seconds. You don't even need to unlock the device. It is enough that it is included. After sound signal An image of a microphone will appear on the screen. This means that Apple's assistant is ready to go.

Click on the image question mark. This will open a list of applications that can be controlled using Siri. Thanks to this voice assistant, you can save a lot of time when working with your device. Moreover, most importantly, Siri is able to adapt to the user’s pronunciation characteristics.

Sending messages

Probably the easiest way to use Apple's voice assistant is to read text messages. This will help you save time before typing them on the keyboard and at the same time increase your productivity. Which is especially useful when using a smartphone. Where is it even comfortable? virtual keyboard from Apple cannot always correctly “count” finger touches on the screen.

Dictate text notes, emails, messages for friends and colleagues in instant messengers, etc. using Siri. Two to three days using Siri and you can do it many times faster than using a keyboard.

Working with the calendar

Another one smart opportunity using a voice assistant on iPhone and iPad - working with a calendar. At the same time, many people place the use of Siri for such “work” higher than dictating simple notes. With Siri you can:

  • Find out what's planned on your calendar without activating the corresponding program
  • Reschedule the meeting to another time
  • Schedule a phone call
  • Make an appointment with a colleague or companion
  • Cancel meeting

All these actions can be performed simply by telling Siri to do it.

You'll love telling your phone the date, time, and location of a meeting, event, or visit—and finding it in your calendar. And if you have a situation in which two meetings overlap each other in time, Siri will immediately notify you about this.

Route planning

You can also ask Siri to get directions to a desired point. This is very useful in a new city where you have trouble finding your way around. In this case, you will no longer need your navigator, where the address is entered manually. Just say “Siri”:

  • “How to get to Lenin Avenue, building 37”
  • “Where is the nearest gas station or grocery store?”
  • "Where does Katya live"
  • “How long will it take me to get to the Koroleva microdistrict, house 24?”

It is very convenient, simple and does not take much time, as if you enter the address manually.


Another feature you can't imagine without. smart use voice assistant - reminders. Human memory often fails. Especially when you don’t expect it from her. In order to better organize your life and minimize memory problems, we leave reminders. You can also do this using Siri. We simply tell our voice assistant:

  • “Remind me to buy printer paper.”
  • “Remind me to call Ira and resolve the supply issue”
  • “Remind me to go to the service center for diagnostics”

Create a few of these reminders using Siri and you'll see how convenient it is compared to writing in your diary.

Alarm clock and mail

Are you still setting your alarm clock manually? Ask them to do it for you smart Siri. Tell her:

  • "Wake me up tomorrow at 6:15"
  • “Set the timer for 15 minutes.”
  • "Tell me when it's 12:00"

Artificial intelligence Siri will help you find an email from the desired recipient. Of course, you can use this electronic assistant to dictate and send email. But be sure to check such letters before sending. What if Siri understands something wrong?

Other examples of using Siri

“What films did Benedict Cumberbatch star in?”
"What is a decanter"
"Britain's First Prime Minister"

Proactive Assistant feature

The new Siri features Proactive Assistant. This key innovation helped Apple’s voice assistant, if not overtake its competitors, then certainly catch up with them. Using the Proactive Assistant mode, the voice assistant is able to predict the user's actions and help him carry them out.

Siri's self-learning intelligence will study the user's habits and predict them. If you like to listen to music in the morning, Siri will turn it on automatically. And if you like to check your email or browse Facebook during your lunch break, Siri's Proactive Assistant will help you do it without unnecessary reminders.


And in conclusion, I would like to say a few words about safety. Many people are afraid to use Apple's voice assistant for fear that their data will leak online. The developer assured that this will not happen due to the fact that Siri is not directly connected to the Apple ID. Therefore, all data will be controlled only by a specific user.

Video. Siri in Russian. iOS 9.2

Apple's voice assistant, which is found in almost every iPhone and iPad, is bored without attention in Russia. Without knowing the Russian language, Siri, with all the breadth of its capabilities, is not of much interest to our compatriots. We expect that soon the virtual personality will learn the great and mighty. In this case, you need to get acquainted with its capabilities in advance. Colleagues from Business Insider have selected the most impressive and interesting features voice assistant that you will definitely want to try.

Siri works with . If you now tell your assistant “Wolfram planes overhead”, you can see the flights that are in the sky above you in this moment.

Siri can easily tell you how many calories are in the food you eat, all you have to do is ask.

Register on the site and want to come up with secure password? Siri will do this for you by asking “Wolfram, password.”

Give yourself a funny nickname and tell it to Siri. Just say that you should now be called “mighty lord”, and communicating with the voice assistant will become noticeably more fun.

Do you know Morse code? Siri can teach you any word.

Siri will happily read you the latest incoming message and will answer for you. Time to forget about the keyboard.

Siri mispronouncing your name? Feel free to point out the mistake to her. The voice assistant will happily learn and improve.

Have you sat down at a card table and discovered that you don’t have enough knowledge to play? Siri has all the necessary knowledge.

Adding a new reminder is as easy as asking someone to remind you. Ask Siri, she definitely won't forget.

Are you driving and don’t want to search for the track you need on your smartphone yourself? Siri will find it for you and start playing.

If the search for the desired icon is on home screen device is not such a simple task, ask Siri to open the application for you. This does not work with all applications, but, for example, it will do a great job with searching for “Settings”.

Sometimes Siri misunderstands you. Especially when you have to speak a language that is not your native one. You shouldn’t try to repeat the entire phrase; just a simple tap can edit what the voice assistant has recognized.

Finished talking to Siri and can't close the dialog box with a keystroke? Just say goodbye to Siri.

Based on materials from Business Insider