Information warfare concept features technology. Information wars: history, essence and methods

In the mid-1970s, when the confrontation between the socialist and capitalist camps was in full swing, a new term appeared - “information war”. It was invented by physicist Thomas Rohn, who was not only the first to understand, but also scientifically substantiated that information is the weakest link in any army.

The techniques and methods used to wage such a war are similar to atomic energy, which can serve people or can be used for their mass destruction. Information warfare technologies are another “double-edged sword,” since they can be used for both evil and good. It all depends on the purpose for which the information war is being waged: for self-defense or for preparing hostile actions against another state. In the first case, the mechanisms of information warfare help society and each individual to develop stably, becoming a reliable support in life, and in the second, they lead to complete social decline and destruction.

What is modern information warfare? Its main goal is to use special technologies to influence an ideological enemy and at the same time reliably protect its own information resources from any hostile influence. In other words, the meaning of the information war is to inflict severe cultural trauma on the population of a certain country. This is a “violent, unexpected, repressive introduction of values ​​that are sharply contrary to traditional customs and value scales,” which leads to the destruction of cultural time-space, and therefore the spiritual foundations on which any society rests.

An information war is, first of all, an invasion of certain ideas that destroy the national identity of an entire people. This is precisely her strategy. There are even more tactical techniques, tricks, methods, tricks in an information war than in a conventional war, where they only shoot and explode. Indeed, “an information bomb explodes in the very midst of people, showering us with shrapnel of images, radically changing both the perception of our inner world and our behavior.”

One should not think that information wars appeared only in the 20th century. In fact, they have been going on since the beginning of humanity. From ancient times we have received information about attempts to misinform the enemy, intimidate him and thereby undermine morale. The art of controlling people's thoughts and actions was developed and used as a secret weapon by the rulers of Sumer, Babylon, Ancient Egypt, China, Ancient Greece and Rome. In the works of Herodotus, Plutarch, Julius Caesar one can find a description of some techniques that can undermine the will to resist, cause betrayal or provoke panic. To achieve this, rumors were spread about the predominant number of their troops and their invincibility; about the presence of new powerful weapons; about treason, capture or flight of command; about good treatment of prisoners, etc.

Thanks to new technical means, it is now possible to reach millions of people simultaneously with propaganda. Organizations have also emerged that are capable of staging previously unimaginable political performances in the form of mass spectacles or bloody provocations. Strange forms of art have emerged that have a strong impact on the psyche (for example, performance art that turns everyday reality into a mesmerizing performance). Today Hollywood, CNN and similar “media monsters” are actively involved in waging information wars.

Information warfare has advantageous differences compared to other wars:

  • 1. Such wars, as a rule, are fought on foreign territory. For them there are no boundaries or moral restrictions. Because of this, information attacks can penetrate even the most forbidden recesses of the psyche, striking the enemy’s mind.
  • 2. Information war leaves no traces behind. It seems to a person (or even an entire society) that he is making independent decisions, although in fact there is a hidden influence on him. For this reason, an information attack becomes especially dangerous: it is very difficult to repel it, not to mention preparing for it in advance.
  • 3. Information warfare is very beneficial from an economic point of view. Its implementation does not require large material and human resources. To influence public opinion, a minimum amount of information is sufficient. If it is presented correctly, it will give excellent results.
  • 4. The features of information warfare are determined by the object at which it is directed. In this case we are talking about human thinking. If the destruction of a bridge requires “hard” methods, then in the case of information it is quite possible to get by with “soft” approaches.
  • 5. Information warfare is characterized by a certain “mimicry”, imitation of the object on which its main impact is directed. This means that the same information can be presented differently for specialized institutions and for a specific person. Thanks to this, the “invisibility” of targeted information influence is achieved, which is successfully “masked” as the truth, and therefore is difficult to detect.
  • 6. The same facts and social phenomena are perceived differently in different situations. For example, mass desertion of soldiers will be considered a good thing from the enemy’s point of view, but from the point of view of one’s own command, it will be considered a crime.
  • 7. Information warfare aims to change the worldview of a large social group or an entire society. For this to happen, the “attacking side” must delve into the ideas about the world of its opponent and become at his level of thinking.

Today, developed countries are increasingly mastering information warfare technologies, which have received another name - “network”. Its main goal is to establish control over important processes (political, economic, social, spiritual) taking place in another country and maintain it for as long as possible. Thoughtful, well-organized propaganda and coordination work deployed in society help, if necessary, quickly mobilize the masses and start a revolution.

The strategy of network warfare, also called “sixth generation warfare,” has been officially adopted by the Pentagon. It allows you to seize foreign territories and establish American control over them without the use of conventional weapons. Therefore, a network war is just that: a war, therefore, it must be taken with all seriousness. One of the methods of information warfare is the creation of public organizations that promote the values ​​of Western culture in society. This is precisely the process that is actively taking place in the post-Soviet space today. Thus, foreign intelligence services undermine national spiritual values. At a certain stage, it is the network of such organizations that turns into the engine of “color” revolutions. As a result, the US administration gets the opportunity to manipulate entire countries in its own interests. The continuous and never-ending nature of network warfare is embedded in American military doctrine. This means that over time this state will be able to establish total control over all the forces of humanity. To achieve this goal, a variety of tools are used: non-governmental organizations, charitable foundations (for example, the Soros Foundation), nationalist, religious and other radical movements, criminal groups, the media, and Internet sites. Individual elements of one system do not always know that they are participating as a united front in the information war against Russia.

The relevance of this work lies in the fact that, from the point of view of timeliness and social significance, the problem of waging information wars in the media and blogosphere is global in nature. Due to the fact that in the last 10 years the Internet has become widespread, the information war has intensified hundreds of times, this is evidenced by the development of a new generation of war, the so-called network war. Goals of information warfare There are three goals of information warfare: to control the information space so that we can use it to protect...

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Chapter 1. Information warfare: concept, types and goals of information warfare......................................................................................

§1. Information war: concept, features and goals……………………...

1.1 Definition of the concept................................................... ................................

1.2 Features of information wars………………………………………….

1.3 Goals of information warfare………………………………...

§2. Types and methods of conducting information attacks………………………

2.1 Types of information attacks……………………………………………………………

2.2 Methods of conducting information attacks…..………………………….

2.3 From the history of information wars……………………………………

Chapter 2. Information attacks of our time………..………….

§1. International information attacks……………………………..

1.1 The threat of nuclear war……………………………………………………………..

1.2 Cooperation between Russia and China……………………………………….

1.3 Sanctions against Russia...............................................................

§2. Information attacks within the country...................………….………

2.1 The scandal around “Tannhäuser”……………………………………………………….

2.2 Promotion on Russia Day……………………………………………..……..

Conclusion................................................. ........................................................ ...

List of sources used……………………………..……..


This work is devoted to the study of information warfare in the media and blogosphere.

Relevance of this work is thatfrom the point of view of timeliness and social significance, the problem of waging information wars in the media and blogosphere is global in nature. Due to the fact that the Internet has become widespread in the last 10 years, the information war has intensified hundreds of times, as evidenced by the development of a new generation of warfare, the so-called “network war.” An information war, compared to a conventional one, affects all aspects of society and concerns everyone; its consequences are unpredictable, which is why consideration of this topic has aroused interest.

Target works to study the essence and features of the “information war”, as well as to consider and analyze the “information wars” of our time.

To achieve this goal we need to solve the following tasks :

  1. identify the essence and features of information warfare, methods of waging it;
  2. collect contexts from online publications and blogs;
  3. analyze the information wars of our time using the example of these contexts;
  4. assess the danger of information wars.

Volume The studied material amounted to sixty contexts.

Sources materials: electronic resources, scientific literature; source of contexts publications of Russian and foreign online publications, site blog materials livejournal and twitter.

Research methods:

  1. analysis;
  2. induction;
  3. deduction;
  4. comparison;
  5. observation;
  6. analogy;
  7. generalization

Work structure . This work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of sources used.

CHAPTER 1. Information warfare: concept, types and goalsinformation warfare.

§1. Information war: concept, features and goals

  1. Definition of the concept

There are many definitions of the concept “information warfare”. In this regard, it seems appropriate to consider the most popular of them and highlight the features inherent in all interpretations of this phenomenon.

Information war is:

  1. influencing the civilian population and (or) military personnel of another state through the dissemination of certain information. The term “information-psychological warfare” was borrowed into the Russian language from the dictionary of US military circles. The translation of this term (“information and psychological warfare”) from English can sound like “information warfare” and “information, psychological warfare,” depending on the context of a specific official document or scientific publication [Manoilo 2005];
  2. purposeful actions taken to achieve information superiority by causing damage to the enemy’s information, information processes and information systems while simultaneously protecting one’s own information, information processes and information systems [Manoilo 2005];
  3. a comprehensive, holistic strategy, determined by the increasing importance and value of information in matters of command, management, politics, economics and public life [Pocheptsov 2000];
  4. actions taken to achieve information superiority in supporting the national military strategy by influencing the enemy’s information and information systems while simultaneously strengthening and protecting our own information and information systems [Rastorguev 1999];
    1. Features of information wars

Analysis of definitions allows us to highlight those features that are always present when waging information warfare:

  1. Impact on any audience (people, military personnel, workers, intelligentsia, etc.)
  2. Information conveyed to this audience.
  3. The strategy for using information means is exclusively offensive in nature.
  4. The purpose of information warfare is to change the thinking of the party on whom the influence is directed and to obtain a more advantageous position.
  5. Protecting your own information space from attack.
    1. Goals of information warfare

There are three goals of information warfare:

  1. control the information space so that we can exploit it while protecting our military information functions from enemy actions (counterinformation);
  2. use information control to conduct information attacks on the enemy;
  3. improve the overall effectiveness of the armed forces through the widespread use of military information functions [translation by Vladimir Kazennov].

§2. Types and methods of conducting information attacks

  1. Types of information attacks

There are two ways to influence the enemy's information functions— indirectly or directly. Let's illustrate the difference between them with an example.

Let our goal be to make the enemy think that the air regiment is located where it is not at all, and to act on the basis of this information in a way that is beneficial to us.

Indirect information attack: Using engineering tools, we can build mock-ups of aircraft and decoy airfield structures, and simulate activities to work with them. We rely on the enemy to observe the false airfield and believe it to be real. Only then will this information become what the enemy should have in our opinion.

Direct information attack: if we create information about a false air regiment in the enemy's information storage, the result will be exactly the same. But the means used to achieve this result will be very different.

Another example of a direct information attack could be changing information in the enemy database about existing communications during combat operations (introducing false information that bridges have been destroyed) to isolate individual enemy units. The same can be achieved by bombing bridges. In both cases, enemy analysts, making a decision based on the information they have, will make the same decision - to transfer troops through other communications [translation by Vladimir Kazennov].

  1. Methods of conducting information attacks

"Direct rebuttal." The method consists of directly refuting all elements of the other side's propaganda.

"Ignoring" It consists of ignoring the elements and topics of the other side, based on the assumption that a negative topic that remains “in the public eye” does more damage than a topic that appears for a short period of time. It is most effective when the topic is insignificant, the other side has little resources to “promote” it, and also when the negative information is highly reliable.

"Distractive propaganda." The method consists of distracting and transferring the attention of the target audience from the propaganda of the other side to other topics. Quite often used by government authorities. For example, it is becoming well known that after moments of intensified criticism of the US President along the “sexual line,” the topics of Iraq, bombing and missile strikes, terrorists, etc. almost immediately intensified. In Russia, at times of various crises, the topic of the burial of V.I. Lenin and others arose.

"Preventive propaganda and anticipation." The method consists of preemptively using a propaganda theme that can be used by the other party, with components or elements modified and toned down to reduce the credibility of the theme. Moreover, counter-propaganda in general is characterized by a proactive character. In the practice of psychological operations, it is often used in the form of proactively making accusations against the other side. In election campaigns it is often used by making obviously false accusations against a candidate, followed by a broad refutation of these accusations.

For example, during the election campaign in one of the regions of the Russian Federation, the “election team” of one of the candidates used this method as follows: a deliberately false accusation was made that the candidate had taken a commercial loan, and then a broad refutation was provided, based on the absence of this form of loan in banking practice . Since the initial accusation was allegedly made by a competitor of the candidate, his further attempts to use information about a similar fact, which was much more reliable, were neutralized.

"Pseudological conclusions". The method is to use incorrect logical conclusions. For example, based on the fact that the candidate supports the idea of ​​​​increasing government intervention in the economy and the fact that communists also advocate intervention in the economy, it is concluded that the candidate is a communist. A variation of the method is its joint use with the “selective selection of information” method, when logical conclusions are drawn on the basis of a specially limited array of information. In election campaigns, it is especially often used when conducting various sociological surveys, developing and supporting propaganda topics, etc.

  1. From the history of information wars

The Cold War, in its ideological aspect, can be considered an information war. It was a war of civilizations, worldviews, basic goals, knowledge. The war ended with the defeat of the communist model of the world, but today many people in Russia continue to dream of an ideal socialist future and blame the United States for all their failures


Information warfare as a method of influencing the population of one’s own state or an enemy state originated a long time ago. With the help of information, not only the media and the Government, but also individual Internet bloggers can influence people. Therefore, you need to be picky about information, not trust one source and double-check any data, as well as distinguish emotions from facts.

CHAPTER 2. Information attacks of our time

§1. International information attacks

  1. Threat of nuclear war

At a meeting with the heads of foreign news agencies in St. Petersburg, the Russian President said that “the growth of hostile rhetoric between the Russian Federation and the United States does not mean that the world faces a growing threat of confrontation with the use of nuclear weapons,” reports RIA Novosti [Vzglyad Russia 2015 ].

Western officials have expressed concern over Russian rhetoric regarding nuclear weapons and intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). Rapidly deteriorating relations between NATO and Russia, exacerbated by the conflict in Ukraine, have once again brought the strength and effectiveness of missile defense to the forefront of discussions. In a recent statement, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that his country would field 40 new ICBMs. He attributed the move to concerns about transatlantic missile defense systems near Russian borders. Russian missiles, according to Putin, will be able to “surpass even the most technically advanced missile defense systems.”["Newseek" USA 2015].

The Obama administration is considering a range of aggressive responses to Russia's accusations of violating a Cold War agreement, including stationing ground-launched missiles in Europe that could launch a preemptive strike against Russian weapons. ", noted in the material.

The White House is considering three options for a military response in connection with the alleged violation of the INF Treaty. The Dempsey report mentions: the development of defensive capabilities, a pre-emptive “counterforce strike” against treaty-violating weapons, and the “possibility of a nuclear strike on enemy industrial centers”["Vzglyad" Russia 2015].

Nuclear war is part of the Pentagon's strategy. One of the passages of the declaration reads: “In the event of an enemy attack, American military forces will take retaliatory actions of such a scale as can force the enemy to cease hostilities or render him incapable of further aggression. War with a serious adversary will require the full use of all instruments of national power.”

The last phrase implies the forced mobilization of all personnel necessary for a war with Russia or China.

The report begins by dividing the world into two categories of countries: “Today, most states, led by the United States and its allies and partners, support the creation of institutions and processes that prevent conflict, respect sovereignty, and strengthen human rights. But some countries are trying to redefine key aspects of the international order. Their actions threaten our national security interests.”

This classification of countries is ridiculous. In pursuit of its interests, Washington regularly violates the authority of international institutions and contradicts international law, including the Geneva Convention. Regarding “preventing conflict, respecting sovereignty, and promoting human rights,” ask the martyred peoples of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya, and Eastern Ukraine about the consequences of American invasions, bombings and CIA drone strikes, subversion, and civil wars instigated and supported by Washington.

The Pentagon divides the world into two camps: those who grovel before America, the dominant world power, and those who, in one sense or another, dare to speak out against the United States.

Russia “does not respect the sovereignty of its neighbors and is prepared to use force to achieve its goals,” the strategy says. Iran "continues to develop nuclear missile technology" and is a "state sponsor of terrorism." North Korea threatens its neighbors with "nuclear weapons and ballistic missile development." China's actions "add to tensions in the Asia-Pacific region."

The hypocrisy is almost incomprehensible! None of the four defendants in the country are actually involved in armed conflicts with anyone today. The United States itself is currently waging war in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. They launch missile attacks on the territory of six other states, and deploy their military forces in more than 100 countries around the world.

The Pentagon document acknowledges that “neither of these countries seeks direct military conflict with the United States or its allies, yet each poses a serious security threat.”

The strategy indirectly refers to these “threats”. “The United States is the most powerful nation in the world, with unique advantages in technology, energy, alliances and partnerships, and demographics. However, these benefits are disputed."[ Fedor Ivanovich Sukhov 2015] .

When talking about the topic of nuclear war, the media uses the semantics of admissibility; in blogs, statements look more confident. This is due to the fact that the media can only present the facts, when as an individual blogger has more freedom of action. He can make guesses, give his assessment of words and events. Some posts on this topic are blocked by Roskomnadzor due to extremism.

  1. Cooperation between Russia and China

Russia and China are hard at work building a new world order in which America and Europe will no longer play a leading role. In any case, this is precisely the main message that came out of the Russian southern Ural city of Ufa last week. It became the meeting place for the heads of state and government of the BRICS member countries and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization - two associations of states determined to get rid of the influence of the West, which they perceive as intolerable tutelage[“Die Zeit” Germany 2015].

Russian and Chinese companies began to abandon the dollar en masse in favor of the yuan and ruble. This is not only salvation from exchange rate fluctuations. It is not profitable for Russia to carry out payments “through America”, given the current geopolitical realities["Vzglyad" Russia 2015].

Most analyzes about the relationship between Russia and China are full of rumors, speculation and superficiality. Depending on what basic point of view this or that expert adheres to, China appears in the materials as either the most dangerous potential enemy of Russia, or almost the most faithful and reliable friend who is able to protect us with his broad chest from any Western misfortune.

In reality, as always, everything is somewhat different. Each of our countries has its own set of interests and priorities. On many issues our positions are the same or close, on others there are unprincipled disagreements, and on others we are, if not opponents, then competitors. But in general, today there are no major differences on strategic issues, which allows our states to cooperate quite closely and effectively develop interaction[chipstone 2015].

The Western media exaggerates the images of Russia and China in order to show the threat they pose to the world community. The Russian media proves the benefits of such cooperation by demonstrating the negative side of opposing actions. Blogs on this topic are blocked with the same frequency as the previous one. The blog shows the related position of Russia and China through comparison. The difference between a blogger and the media is that he does not aim to impose his point of view, but only represents existing ones.

  1. Sanctions against Russia

As a citizen and patriot, I cannot support actions against Russia that would worsen the living conditions of ordinary people. However, I recommend two options that I think will be received positively by the majority of Russians.

First, although Putin's incursion has already prompted the European Union to impose sanctions on 21 officials and the United States on seven, most of these government officials are not considered influential. They do not have large assets outside of Russia and are not related to Mr. Putin; sanctions against them will not change Russian policy.

Instead, Western countries could deal a serious blow to the luxurious lifestyle of Kremlin cronies, whose assets should be frozen. Such sanctions should primarily be aimed at Putin’s inner circle, the “Kremlin mafia,” which is plundering the country’s national wealth. Among them are Gennady Timchenko, head of the Volga group; Arkady and Boris Rotenberg, influential businessmen and former sparring partners of Putin in judo; Yuri Kovalchuk, a financier considered Putin's personal banker; Vladimir Yakunin, head of Russian Railways; oligarchs Roman Abramovich, Alisher Usmanov; Igor Sechin and Alexey Miller, heads of Rosneft and Gazprom, respectively.

Sanctions should also hit the oligarchs, whose media parrot the words of the regime, as well as Putin’s entire “war cabinet”: television political strategists, Duma members and apparatchiks from the United Russia party.

Real sanctions, such as blocking access to their assets in London, will show that Putin's stupidity can lead to serious costs.

Secondly, Western authorities, within their jurisdiction, should investigate the facts of money laundering in their countries, acquired in Russia by ill-gotten means. The Anti-Corruption Foundation, which I set up in 2011, has uncovered dozens of major cases of bribery. In 90% of cases, funds were laundered in the West. Unfortunately, American, British and EU law enforcement agencies have reached a dead end in their investigation of these cases.["The New York Times" USA 2014].

“Sanctions are being applied against Russia aimed at reducing our economic potential,” said Patrushev, “in order to influence the policy that we are pursuing. Well, in principle, to change the leadership that we currently have us in the country"["Rossiyskaya Gazeta" Russia 2015].

Residents of Russia are outraged by the cannibalistic sanctions imposed on them by Western countries. By direct order of the Kremlin, retaliatory measures have been introduced throughout the country, designed to show the seriousness of the current situation. America, come to your senses before it's too late[vvv-ig 2014] !

Alexey Navalny, in his article for an American publication, uses caustic metaphors (“bosom friends of the Kremlin,” “Putin’s circle”) to describe the country’s political elite and the need to replace it. In the second context, the same idea is expressed, but without emotional overtones. The blog ridicules the very idea of ​​Russian anti-sanctions and how Russian people perceive this idea.


From the contexts examined, it becomes clear that other countries see Russia as a threat, but Russia itself does not think about what the policy of militarism leads to. Because of this, Western politicians see danger in any Russian actions that benefit the development of the state.

The West imposed sanctions to influence Russian foreign policy. The measures taken were supposed to hit the country's elite. But due to anti-sanctions, which were supposed to weaken the economies of Western countries, the middle class is suffering.But the federal media presented information in such a way that Russians think that economic problems in the country arose due to sanctions.

In blogs, the topic of international confrontation is often blocked by Roskomnadzor due to extremism. Bloggers boldly express their point of view, because of this, disputes arise on many forums and become personal.

§2. Information attacks within the country

2.1 The Tannhäuser scandal

The head of the United Russia party faction in the Novosibirsk Legislative Assembly, Andrei Panferov, continued to denounce the directors of Tannhäuser. “The names of these people are scoundrels and scoundrels, there’s no other way to say it!” the audience clapped at these words of his. “They think that what is happening in Ukraine, where our compatriots are also dying, that this punishment will bypass them. And the first ones who will hang out on the street lamps when the fascist rubbish comes here will be them"["BBC Russian Service" 2015].

Director and creator of the film “Leviathan” Andrei Zvyagintsev told in a blog how a meeting was held at the Ministry of Culture at which directors, writers, public figures and clergy tried to understand the conflict around “Tannhäuser”. Zvyagintsev provided a transcript of the meeting with his own comments. “We talked about Article 44 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: about freedom of literary and artistic creativity. So what? Is there creative freedom or not? Freedom, it’s like Bulgakov’s fish, there is no such thing as freshness. Its second freshness is already censorship,” Zvyagintsev said. “Educate people, and God will judge them,” the director concluded["Snob" 2015].

The theme of “Tannhäuser” is accompanied by constant invective language, both from the supporting Russian Orthodox Church and from the side of creative freedom.

2.2 Promotion on Russia Day

One of the members of the scandalous group Pussy Riot, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, along with activist Ekaterina Nenasheva, was detained by the capital police for an unauthorized rally in the center of Moscow. The girls came to Bolotnaya Square dressed as prisoners.According to law enforcement agencies, Tolokonnikova and Nenasheva were taken to the Yakimanka police station until the circumstances were clarified.Nadezhda Tolokonnikova was sentenced to 2 years for an action in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior as part of a punk group, and after her release under an amnesty for the 20th anniversary of the Constitution, she founded the “Zone of Law” movement to protect the rights of prisoners. Since then, the ex-Pussy Riot soloist has been traveling around the world, meeting with Western human rights activists and spending time with celebrities.A few months ago, LifeNews published an audio recording of a telephone conversation with Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, in which she discusses the idea of ​​a new PR campaign. Talking to another activist, Tolokonnikova admits that she doesn’t care about prisoners["LifeNews" 2015].

A member of the punk band Pussy Riot was detained by police.As Tolokonnikova told the radio station “Moscow Speaks”, she and her friend staged a performance on Russia Day. “We are at the Yakimanka police station. We came to Bolotnaya Square dressed as prisoners in order to sew a Russian flag. The girl who was with me, her name is Katerina Nenasheva, she has been wearing uniform for the 18th day. This is a project in support of women prisoners,” Tolokonnikova said.Tolokonnikova believes that there were no grounds for her detention. “To be honest, I didn’t understand, because it seems to me that sewing is possible. Even if you sew on Bolotnaya Square. We were told we needed to go to the paddy wagon. I insisted that we need to sew a Russian flag, because today is Russia Day. Unfortunately, we were not allowed to sew a Russian flag. They picked me up and carried me into the paddy wagon,” said the Pussy Riot member.It has not yet been possible to obtain an official comment from the Moscow Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the radio station "Moscow Speaks"[“Moscow Speaks” 2015].

“I have the right to sew in my country,” my uniformed partner tells the cop.

but not in public places! At home sew for yourself[tolokno 2015].

In the media, the heroine of the action on Bolotnaya Square is described as nothing less than a member of a scandalous group Pussy Riot . Accordingly, the attitude towards her is built on the basis of her previous actions (actions in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior). Nadezhda Tolokonnikova herself uses invective towards Russian Law Enforcement Agencies and the authorities in general in her Twitter.


In these texts it is clear that there is an information war between the opposition (which advocates or pretends to advocate for freedom of speech) and the authorities (which wants to show only the advantages and exclude all the disadvantages of their work and social phenomena in society).

It's interesting that audiences react differently. Many people who try to exercise the personal right of free speech are faced with rejection of this freedom. In discussions of articles on sensitive political topics, discussions always arise: some opponents praise the government, while the other part criticizes. Since the parties cannot find a compromise, a transition to personalities occurs, accompanied by invective language and absurd argumentation.


In this study we foundthe essence and features of information warfare, methods and goals of its conduct. We analyzed the information attacks of our time and concluded that the information war is going on both between Russia and the West, and within the country.

Information war– This is no longer some kind of fairy tale about manipulating people, this is the reality of modern life. Mass media is a tool for shaping society’s picture of the world, so it can be used to control mass consciousness. The latest achievements in the field of information technology and globalization are giving rise to new weapons of information warfare. Based on its main task, the media should objectively inform people, but this does not happen. One of the reasons for media bias is that modern media developed on the basis of Soviet journalism, with its special traditions. Another reason is writing articles ordered from above. In conditions of media bias, people themselves must carefully check the information and in no case give in to emotions.

In the blogosphere, information attacks target fewer people than those in the media. But blog authors have their advantages over the media: the absence of orders from above, freedom of speech, the ability to use different functional styles of speech and the absence of censorship. The only limitation on information attacks on blogs is the bans of Roskomnadzor in connection with the dissemination of information prohibited in the Russian Federation.


  1. Manoilo A.V. Information and psychological warfare: factors that determine the format of modern armed forces // Kyiv, 2005.
  2. Pocheptsov G.G. Information and psychological warfare // SINTEG M, 2000.
  3. Rastorguev S.P. Information war // Radio and communications M, 1999.
  4. author unknownFundamentals of information warfare (translation by Vladimir Kazennov). ¶ URL : (Date of access: 07/15/2015).

Sources of factual material

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  2. URL: of access: 07/15/2015).
  3. URL: http://vz. ru/politics/2015/6/5/749253. html (Date of access: 07/15/2015).
  4. URL: http://www. liveinternet. ru / users / dmitryuspeh / post 366582594/ (Date of access: 07/15/2015)
  5. URL: of access: 07/15/2015).
  6. URL: of access: 07/15/2015).
  7. URL: http://chipstone. livejournal. com/1250844. html (Date of access: 07/15/2015).
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  10. URL: http://vvv-ig. livejournal. com/651896. html (Date of access: 07/15/2015)
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  15. URL: https://twitter. com/tolokno/status /609344886035345409 (Date accessed 07/15/2015).

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In our time of free access to a huge amount of information, the struggle for human minds has begun to be waged in this area. By providing the society with the necessary materials and news, it is possible to control the social moods and aspirations of the majority of the population.

What is information warfare?

The term "information warfare" was originally used in American military circles. Information warfare is psychological pressure on all or part of society. Skillful presentation of the necessary information helps create certain moods and provoke a reaction. The first information about this type of war dates back to the 50s of the 19th century and concerns the Crimean War.

Information warfare can be waged both within a state and between different countries and is part of a complex process of confrontation. The presence of information pressure on society is an indicator of behind-the-scenes political actions or preparation for any changes. It does not require large financial investments and efforts. The effectiveness of information warfare depends on well-designed propaganda based on the feelings and desires of members of society.

Signs of an information war

The essence of information warfare is to influence society through information. Signs of an information war include:

  • restricting access to certain information: closing web resources, television programs, printed publications;
  • the emergence of different information sources with the same information;
  • creating a negative psychological background on specific issues;
  • the emergence of emotional tension in society;
  • penetration of implanted information into various spheres of society: politics, culture, business, education.

Information war - myth or reality

Information wars between countries have become commonplace. Although the use of information propaganda in military conflicts has been known since the 19th century, this type of warfare acquired particular power at the end of the 20th century. This is due to the increase in the number of information resources: newspapers, magazines, television shows, and web resources. The more information a society has freely available, the easier it is to carry out information propaganda.

To wage an information war, there is no need to convince people or impose your point of view on them. You just need to make sure that the suggested information comes across as often as possible and does not cause rejection. At the same time, a person may not even suspect that he has become a participant in information influence. To conduct information warfare, they hire specialists with deep knowledge of marketing, social psychology, politics and history.

Information warfare goals

Conducting an information war is one of the components of the policies of many states. The battle for human minds is not an end in itself, but refers to a set of measures to maintain the security of one’s state or to influence the citizens of another state. Based on this, information warfare has the following goals:

  • ensuring the security of your state;
  • maintaining patriotic sentiments;
  • influence on citizens of another state for the purpose of misinformation and achieving certain goals.

Types of information warfare

Information warfare can be used among the military and among civilians. For this purpose, one of the types of information warfare or a set of measures can be used. Types of information confrontation include:

  1. Information warfare on the Internet - different and often contradictory information is offered, used to confuse the enemy.
  2. Psychological operations are the selection and presentation of information that sounds like a counter-argument to the mood existing in society.
  3. Disinformation is the promotion of false information with the aim of sending the enemy side down the wrong trail.
  4. Destruction is the physical destruction or blocking of electronic systems important to the enemy.
  5. Security measures - strengthening the protection of your resources in order to preserve plans and intentions.
  6. Direct information attacks are a mixture of false and true information.

Methods of information warfare

Information war is called cold because it achieves the desired results without the use of weapons. There are such methods of information warfare among civilians:

  1. Involvement of influencers. The essence of this method is to support the necessary actions or slogans by well-known authoritative people.
  2. Accurate statements. The desired slogans are presented as one hundred percent true and do not require proof.
  3. The winning side. Society is asked to choose a solution that is presented as the best and is winning.
  4. Compulsion. This method is often used in slogans and sounds like a precise instruction to action.
  5. Substitution of information source. When it is not possible to stop the penetration of unwanted information, its author is called a source that does not enjoy public trust.

Information warfare and propaganda

Information warfare is effectively used in the political sphere. With its help, candidates for office fight for votes. Given the fact that most voters do not have access to true information, psychological influence techniques are used to influence them. Information warfare in the media is a popular way of influencing society. In addition, political propaganda can use the method of substituting information, distorting reality, coercion, and the participation of authorities.

How to protect yourself from information warfare?

Information warfare is used in various fields, but its goal always remains constant: to influence public opinion. Countering information warfare can be difficult, because manipulation and propaganda are developed by experienced specialists. To avoid becoming a victim of information influence, you should consider the opinions of different people on the issue of interest and use diverse sources of information. When understanding a difficult situation, it is worth answering the following questions:

  1. What is the other side of this coin?
  2. Who can benefit from this information?
  3. To what extent is the issue under consideration covered from different angles?
  4. Is there a logical chain and evidence on this matter, or is there direct suggestion, coercion and influence on emotions?

Information wars in the modern world

Thanks to modern technology, the information wars of our time can be waged all over the world. At the same time, it became possible to create a reality that does not correspond to reality. Modern world information wars are waged both between states and within states, between politicians, companies, organizations, and religious denominations. The main weapon in the information war is the media. Full control over them allows us to provide society with only the information that will form the necessary view of the problem.

All military operations in the modern world are covered in the media in such a way as to show the need to wage war and create negativity among the warring parties. Recent military conflicts in Syria and Ukraine are clear examples of this. Information warfare and terrorism are also directly related. It is not possible for an ordinary person to understand what is actually happening between the warring parties.

Information wars in politics

Political struggle takes place between political parties, organizations and other political institutions. The information war in this area occurs constantly, but intensifies before government elections. Influencing society with the help of information is carried out in such a way that members of society do not notice it and believe that they are making a choice on their own.

Modern information wars in politics aim to discredit the opponent in the eyes of the public and form the necessary opinion among members of society. To solve these problems, they hire specialists in information sabotage - ivors, who carry out an attack on the opponent using various information sources. The main methods of information attacks are: editing, rumors, myths, threats, bluffs, twisting information.

Information warfare in business

Information warfare in the business system is used to weaken the position of any corporation or enterprise. To conduct a confrontation in this area, the enemy tries to collect as much information as possible on the work of the company with which he competes. Particular attention is paid to the enemy's weaknesses. They are made public in an exaggerated form, showing the failure of the company's work.

Information war - consequences

The consequences of information wars can make themselves felt at the very beginning of the struggle. It is impossible to protect yourself from information influence, since it penetrates into all spheres of human life. The essence of information warfare lies in pressure on society, as a result of which members of society receive a distorted view of reality and are not able to draw the right conclusions and make the right decisions.

Topic: Information wars: types, goals, methods


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The relevance of research in the field of information warfare (IW), the versatility of the forms and methods of this work in scientific and practical terms is determined by the fact that today any country in the world needs to create an effective system of state counteraction to information-psychological warfare (IW) operations. It is no secret that in our time many states consider information warfare as an effective tool for implementing foreign policy.

Information and psychological warfare makes it possible to exert an intensive influence on various processes at almost all levels of government and social structure in any country or region.

The set of problems in this area is explained by the discrepancy between the objective need to create such a system and the low degree of readiness of modern society to actively resist any attempts to manipulate public consciousness. The fact is that the mass consciousness of citizens has not yet fully formed an understanding of the threat that modern communication technologies can pose with their hidden information and psychological impact. Especially if you use them for political purposes.

Another unresolved contradiction of IPV is that information warfare uses the same latest communication technologies and basic elements and methods of communication as in other social processes. Thus, the targeted informational and psychological impact of NCT on a person is a type of social relationship, which, in our opinion, is particularly dangerous. IW is acquiring increasingly hidden forms.

There is also another issue motivating our research. We are talking about the discrepancy between the pace of development of special technologies of information-psychological aggression and technologies of psychological protection of consciousness, value systems and mental health of society.

The purpose of this work is to most fully disclose the significance of the latest communication technologies in confrontations and conflicts in modern society with an analysis of their use and use as weapons in modern information wars.

The object of the study is complex information flows, which represent the basis of such a phenomenon as modern information wars.

The subject of study is the latest communication technologies used as a means of waging information wars in modern society.

To achieve the goal set in the work, the following tasks are determined:

1. Define the essence of the concept of “information war”.

2. Identify ways to use CNT as a means of conducting information warfare.

3. Study the “front lines” of the information war.

In the first chapter, “Information Warfare: Origins, Types and Goals of Information Warfare,” we solve the first problem: we define information wars, formulate their main goals, describe their methods and types, and give examples of how information becomes a weapon.

The second chapter examines the consequences of information warfare.

The main theoretical basis is the books of S.P. Rastorguev. "Information War", Pocheptsova G.G. "Information Wars". We also consider foreign literary sources: books by E. Toffler “The Third Wave”, as well as the work of T. J. Czerwinski “The Third Wave: what the Tofflers never Told You”, which allowed us to better understand and correctly interpret the origins and prerequisites for the onset of the information era and , as a consequence - information confrontation.

1. And information warfare: origins, types and goals of information warfare

1.1 Information warfare: definition and scope of activity

Humanity has been faced with the problem of information wars at all levels since time immemorial, and bows, arrows, swords, guns and tanks, in the end, only completed the physical defeat of a community that had already been defeated in the information war.

The technological revolution led to the emergence of the term "information age" due to the fact that information systems became part of our lives and changed it radically. The information age has also changed the way warfare is conducted, providing commanders with an unprecedented quantity and quality of information. Now the commander can monitor the progress of combat operations, analyze events and communicate information.

It is necessary to distinguish between the war of the information era and the information war. Information Age warfare uses information technology as a means to successfully conduct combat operations. In contrast, information warfare views information as a distinct entity or potential weapon and as a profitable target. Information Age technologies have made possible the theoretical possibility of direct manipulation of enemy information.

Information appears based on events in the surrounding world. Events must be perceived in some way and interpreted in order to become information. Therefore, information is the result of two things - perceived events (data) and the commands required to interpret the data and associate meaning with it.

Note that this definition is absolutely not related to technology. However, what we can do with information and how quickly we can do it depends on technology. Therefore, we introduce the concept of an information function - this is any activity related to the receipt, transmission, storage and transformation of information.

The quality of information is an indicator of the difficulty of waging war. The better information the commander has, the greater his advantages over his enemy.

Thus, in the US Air Force, analysis of reconnaissance results and weather forecasts is the basis for developing a flight mission. Accurate navigation increases mission efficiency. Together, they are types of military information functions that increase the effectiveness of combat operations.

Therefore, we will define military information functions - these are any information functions that ensure or improve the solution of military missions by troops.

At a conceptual level, we can say that states seek to acquire, use, and protect information that serves their purposes. These uses and protections can be in the economic, political and military spheres. Knowing the information held by the enemy is a means to enhance our power and reduce or counter the enemy's power, and to protect our assets, including our information.

Information weapons affect the information owned by the enemy and his information functions. At the same time, our information functions are protected, which allows us to reduce his will or ability to fight. Therefore, let us define information war - this is any action to use, destroy, distort enemy information and its functions; protecting our information against such actions; and the use of our own military information functions.

This definition is the basis for the following statements.

Information warfare is “the complex joint use of forces and means of information and armed warfare.

Information warfare is a communication technology to influence the enemy’s information and information systems in order to achieve information superiority in the interests of national strategy, while simultaneously protecting one’s own information and one’s information systems.

Information warfare is only a means, not an end goal, just as bombing is a means, not an end. Information warfare can be used as a means to conduct a strategic attack or countermeasure.

The first to use the term “information warfare” was the American expert Thomas Rona in a report he prepared in 1976 for Boeing, entitled “Weapons Systems and Information Warfare.” T. Rona pointed out that information infrastructure is becoming a key component of the American economy. At the same time, it becomes a vulnerable target, both in war and peacetime. This report can be considered the first mention of the term “information war”.

The publication of T. Ron's report marked the beginning of an active media campaign. The very formulation of the problem was of great interest to the American military, which tends to deal with “secret materials.” The US Air Force began actively discussing this subject as early as 1980.

From a military point of view, the term “information war” in our time was used in the mid-80s of the 20th century. in connection with the new tasks of the US Armed Forces after the end of the Cold War. This was the result of the work of a group of American military theorists including G.E. Eccles, G.G. Summers and others. Subsequently, the term began to be actively used after Operation Desert Storm in 1991 in Iraq, where new information technologies were first used as a means of conducting combat operations. Officially, this term was first introduced in the directive of the US Secretary of Defense DODD 3600 dated December 21, 1992.

A few years later, in February 1996, the US Department of Defense introduced the "Doctrine of Combating Command and Control Systems." The publication defines counter-command and control as "the combined use of security techniques, military deception, psychological operations, electronic warfare, and physical destruction of command and control assets, supported by intelligence, to prevent the collection of information, influence, or destroy enemy command and control capabilities." over the battlefield, while protecting one's own and allied forces, and preventing the enemy from doing the same."

Most importantly, this publication defined the concept of command and control warfare. And this was the first time that the US Department of Defense defined IW capabilities and doctrine.

At the end of 1996, Robert Banker, a Pentagon expert, presented a report at one of the symposiums on the new military doctrine of the US armed forces of the 21st century (the “Force XXI” concept). It was based on the division of the entire theater of military operations into two components - traditional space and cyberspace, the latter being even more important. R. Banker proposed the doctrine of “cyber maneuver,” which should be a natural complement to traditional military concepts aimed at neutralizing or suppressing enemy armed forces.

Thus, in addition to land, sea, air and space, the spheres of combat operations now include the infosphere. As military experts emphasize, the main targets of defeat in new wars will be the enemy’s information infrastructure and psyche (even the term “human network” has appeared).

In October 1998, the US Department of Defense enacted the "Joint Information Operations Doctrine". This publication was originally called "Unified Doctrine of Information Warfare." It was later renamed the “Integrated Information Operations Doctrine.” The reason for the change was to clarify the relationship of the concepts of information operations and information warfare. They were defined as follows:

information operation: actions taken to complicate the collection, processing, transmission and storage of information by enemy information systems while protecting their own information and information systems;

information war: a complex impact (a set of information operations) on the system of state and military control of the opposing side, on its military-political leadership, which in peacetime would lead to the adoption of decisions favorable to the party initiating the information impact, and during the conflict would completely paralyze would be the functioning of the enemy's control infrastructure.

Now there are quite a few different definitions of IW from a technical and technological point of view. In the corridors of the Pentagon, for example, there is such a humorous definition: “Information warfare is computer security plus money.”

But seriously, the military approaches IW as it was formulated in Memorandum N30 (1993) of the Deputy Secretary of Defense and the Committee of the Chiefs of Staff of the US Armed Forces.

Information warfare here refers to actions taken to achieve information superiority in support of a national military strategy by influencing enemy information and information systems while ensuring the security and protection of one's own information and information systems.

In the humanitarian sense, “information war” is understood as certain active methods of transforming the information space. In information wars of this type, we are talking about a certain system (concept) of imposing a model of the world, which is designed to ensure the desired types of behavior, about attacks on the structures of information generation, and reasoning processes.

The main forms of technical warfare are electronic warfare, warfare using electronic reconnaissance and guidance, remote targeted air strikes, psychotropic warfare, the fight against hackers, and cyber warfare.

Before seriously analyzing the various definitions of information warfare from a technical point of view, we note an important property inherent in it:

waging an information war is never random or isolated, but implies coordinated activity to use information as a weapon for combat operations - be it on the real battlefield, or in the economic, political, social spheres.

Therefore, as the main and most general definition of IW, I will propose the following:

“Information warfare is a comprehensive, holistic strategy driven by the increasing importance and value of information in matters of command, control and policy.”

The field of action of information wars with this definition turns out to be quite wide and covers the following areas:

1) the infrastructure of the state’s life support systems - telecommunications, transport networks, power plants, banking systems, etc.;

2) industrial espionage - theft of proprietary information, distortion or destruction of particularly important data and services; collection of intelligence information about competitors, etc.;

3) hacking and use of personal passwords of VIPs, identification numbers, bank accounts, confidential data, production of disinformation;

4) electronic interference in the processes of command and control of military facilities and systems, “headquarters warfare”, disabling military communications networks;

5) the worldwide computer network Internet, in which, according to some estimates, there are 150,000 military computers, and 95% of military communication lines are through open telephone lines.

Whatever the meaning of the concept of “information warfare,” it was born among the military and denotes, first of all, tough, decisive and dangerous activity comparable to real combat operations. Military experts who formulated the doctrine of information warfare clearly imagine its individual facets: these are headquarters warfare, electronic warfare, psychotronic warfare, information-psychological warfare, cyber warfare, etc.

So, information warfare is a form of conflict in which direct attacks occur on information systems to influence the knowledge or assumptions of the enemy.

Information warfare can be conducted as part of a larger and more complete set of military actions.

Thus, the threat of information warfare is understood as the intention of certain forces to take advantage of the amazing capabilities hidden in computers in the vast cyber space in order to wage a “non-contact” war in which the number of casualties (in the literal sense of the word) is reduced to a minimum. “We are approaching a stage of development where no one is a soldier anymore, but everyone is a participant in hostilities,” said one of the Pentagon leaders. “The task now is not to destroy manpower, but to undermine the goals, views and worldview of the population, in destruction of society."

A civil information war can be unleashed by terrorists, drug cartels, and underground dealers in weapons of mass destruction.

The military has always tried to influence the information the enemy needs to effectively control its forces. This was usually done through maneuvers and distractions. Since these strategies affected the information received by the enemy indirectly through perception, they attacked the enemy's information indirectly. That is, for the trick to be effective, the enemy had to do three things:

act after deception in accordance with the goals of the deceiver.

However, modern means of performing information functions have made information vulnerable to direct access and manipulation. Modern technologies allow the enemy to change or create information without first obtaining the facts and interpreting them. Here is a short list of characteristics of modern information systems that lead to the emergence of such vulnerabilities: concentrated information storage, access speed, widespread information transfer, and the greater ability of information systems to perform their functions autonomously. Security mechanisms can reduce this vulnerability, but not to zero.

1.2 Components of information warfare

The components of information warfare include:

1) psychological operations - the use of information to influence the reasoning of enemy soldiers.

2) electronic warfare - does not allow the enemy to obtain accurate information

3) disinformation - provides the enemy with false information about our strengths and intentions

4) physical destruction - can be part of an information war if the goal is to influence elements of information systems.

5) security measures - we strive to avoid the enemy learning about our capabilities and intentions.

6) direct information attacks - direct distortion of information without visible change in the entity in which it is located.

As previously stated, there are two ways to influence the enemy's information functions - indirectly or directly. Let's illustrate the difference between them with an example.

Let our goal be to make the enemy think that the air regiment is located where it is not at all, and to act on the basis of this information in a way that is beneficial to us.

Indirect information attack: using engineering means, we can build mock-up aircraft and false airfield structures, and the enemy will observe the false airfield and consider it real. Only then will this information become what the enemy should have in our opinion.

Direct information attack: if we create information about a false air regiment in the enemy's information storage, the result will be exactly the same. But the means used to achieve this result will be very different.

Another example of a direct information attack could be changing information in the enemy database about existing communications during combat operations (introducing false information that bridges have been destroyed) to isolate individual enemy units. The same can be achieved by bombing bridges. In both cases, enemy analysts, making a decision based on the information they have, will make the same decision - to transfer troops through other communications.

The defensive side of information warfare is security measures aimed at protecting information - to prevent the enemy from carrying out a successful information attack on our information functions. Modern defense measures such as operational security and communications security are typical means of preventing and detecting indirect enemy actions aimed at our military information functions. On the contrary, protective measures such as computer security include actions to prevent, detect direct information actions of the enemy and organize counteractions.

1.3 Goals of information warfare

There are three goals of information warfare:

control the information space so that we can exploit it while protecting our military information functions from enemy actions (counterinformation).

use information control to conduct information attacks on the enemy

improve the overall effectiveness of the armed forces through the widespread use of military information functions.

Let us give a clear example of the use of an information attack when carrying out a strategic attack by the Air Force.

Suppose we want to limit the enemy's strategic ability to move troops by reducing fuel supplies. We must first identify the oil refineries that would be the most suitable targets for this attack. Then you need to determine which plants produce the most fuel. For each plant, we need to identify the location of the distillation tanks. We organize an attack and, with significant savings of forces, disable the factories by blowing up only their distillation tanks and leaving all other equipment intact. This is a classic example of a strategic attack.

Now let's see how to achieve the same goal in an information war. All modern oil refineries have large automated control systems. These information functions are potential targets in information warfare. Early in the conflict, we carried out an intelligence and information operation to infiltrate and analyze the control system of an oil refinery. During the analysis, we discovered several vulnerable information dependencies that give us the means to influence the operation of the oil refinery at the time we need. Later, during the conflict, during one of the operations to block an enemy group, we used one of the vulnerabilities. We simply stopped these factories. This is also a classic example of a strategic attack.

Information warfare must be distinguished from computer crime. Any computer crime is a violation of one or another law. It can be random, or it can be specially planned; may be isolated, or may be part of a larger attack plan. On the contrary, information warfare is never random or isolated (and may not even constitute a violation of the law), but involves a concerted effort to use information as a weapon for warfare - whether on the actual battlefield, or in the economic, political or social spheres . The theater of information warfare extends from the secret office to the home personal computer and is waged on various fronts.

The electronic battlefield is represented by an ever-growing arsenal of electronic weapons, mostly classified. In military parlance, they are designed for combat operations in the field of command and control of troops, or "staff warfare." Recent conflicts have already demonstrated the power and destructive power of information warfare - the Gulf War and the invasion of Haiti. During the Gulf War, Allied forces on the information front carried out a range of operations ranging from the old-fashioned tactics of dropping propaganda leaflets to crippling Iraq's military communications network with a computer virus.

Infrastructure attacks target vital elements such as telecommunications or transportation systems. Similar actions may be taken by geopolitical or economic adversaries or terrorist groups. An example is the failure of AT&T's long-distance telephone exchange in 1990. These days, every bank, every power plant, every transport network and every television studio is a potential target for influence from cyberspace.

Industrial espionage and other types of intelligence threaten a great variety of covert operations carried out by corporations or states in relation to other corporations or states; for example, the collection of intelligence information about competitors, theft of proprietary information, and even acts of sabotage in the form of distortion or destruction of data. This threat is illustrated by the documented activities of French and Japanese agents throughout the eighties.

Intelligence gathering is also reaching new frontiers. Lincoln Laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is developing an aerial reconnaissance device the size of a pack of cigarettes. Another lab is working on chemicals that can be injected into the provisions of enemy troops to allow sensors to track their movement through their breath or sweat. In addition, there are already satellite tracking systems with a resolution of several centimeters.

Privacy is increasingly vulnerable as it becomes possible to access ever-increasing amounts of information at an ever-growing number of subscriber locations. Important people can thus become the target of blackmail or malicious slander, and no one is guaranteed against fraudulent use of personal identification numbers.

Be that as it may, the term “information warfare” owes its origin to the military and denotes a brutal and dangerous activity associated with real, bloody and destructive military operations. Military experts who formulated the doctrine of information warfare clearly imagine its individual facets: headquarters warfare, electronic warfare, psychological operations, and so on.

The following definition came out of the office of the Director of Information Troops of the Ministry of Defense:

“Information warfare consists of actions taken to achieve information superiority in support of the nation's military strategy by influencing enemy information and information systems while strengthening and protecting our own information and information systems.” Information warfare is a comprehensive, holistic strategy designed to give credit to the importance and value of information in matters of command, control and execution of orders of the armed forces and the implementation of national policy. Information warfare is aimed at all the opportunities and vulnerabilities that inevitably arise with increasing dependence on information, as well as the use of information in all kinds of conflicts. Information becomes the object of attention. systems (including associated transmission lines, processing centers and human factors of these systems), as well as information technologies used in weapons systems. Information warfare has offensive and defensive components, but begins with the targeted design and development of its “Command, Control, Communications Architecture.” computers and intelligence", providing decision-makers with tangible information superiority in all kinds of conflicts.

Many leading strategists believe that the confrontation between armies dying on the fields of general battles will very soon take its place in the dustbin of history next to spurs and crossbows. The highest form of victory now is to win without bloodshed. At the same time, it is quite difficult to imagine combat as a game on a video console without fear and pain.

Thus, the threat of information warfare refers to the intention of certain forces to take advantage of the amazing capabilities hidden in computers in the vast cyberspace in order to wage a “non-contact” war in which the number of casualties (in the literal sense of the word) is reduced to a minimum. “We are approaching a stage of development where no one is a soldier anymore, but everyone is a participant in hostilities,” said one of the Pentagon leaders. “The task now is not to destroy manpower, but to undermine the goals, views and worldview of the population, in destruction of society."

A civil information war can be unleashed by terrorists, drug cartels, and underground dealers in weapons of mass destruction. Large-scale information confrontation between public groups or states aims to change the balance of power in society.

Since such a war is related to issues of information and communications, then if you look at the root, it is a war for knowledge - for who knows the answers to the questions: what, when, where and why and how reliable does a particular society or army consider its knowledge about yourself and your opponents.

According to the definition of S.P. Rastorgueva, information war is “a purposeful, large-scale operation of subjects with meanings; creation, destruction, modification, imposition and blocking of carriers of meaning by information methods to achieve set goals." We are talking, in essence, about the work of creating one or another model of the world.

On the other hand, researchers have identified a characteristic feature of human perception, which is that a person better assimilates information that is similar to his existing ideas.

The main means of IoT are focused on this phenomenon. Any manipulations and propaganda campaigns are based on the “resonance effect,” when “implanted” information aimed at changing the behavior of a community is disguised as knowledge and stereotypes that already exist in a specific social community at which the propaganda campaign is aimed.

The purpose of the manipulation is to asynchronize the ideas of the recipient group using the “resonance effect” and transfer it to other models of behavior focused on a completely different value system.

The “resonance effect” is achieved when an artificially exaggerated meaning is given to a particular fact, problem or psychological attitude, which, as it moves into the cultural core, dissonates and destroys the existing value system in society. Dissonance is achieved by inflating one of the already existing moral norms, which, within certain limits, themselves help society.

Large-scale information confrontation between public groups or states aims to change the balance of power in society.

As American military experts point out, IW consists of actions taken to achieve information superiority in support of the national military strategy by influencing the enemy’s information and information systems while simultaneously strengthening and protecting one’s own information and information systems and infrastructure.

Information superiority is defined as the ability to collect, process and distribute a continuous flow of situational information while preventing an adversary from doing the same. It can also be defined as the ability to set and maintain a tempo of an operation that exceeds any possible tempo of the enemy, allowing one to dominate the entire time it is carried out, remaining unpredictable, and to act ahead of the enemy in his retaliatory actions.

Information superiority allows you to have a real understanding of the combat situation and provides an interactive and highly accurate picture of the actions of the enemy and friendly troops in real time. Information superiority is a tool that allows the command in decisive operations to use widely dispersed formations of heterogeneous forces, to ensure the protection of troops and the introduction into battle of groups whose composition corresponds to the tasks to the maximum extent, as well as to carry out flexible and targeted logistics support.

Information warfare is carried out by carrying out activities aimed against control and decision-making systems (Command & Control Warfare, C2W), as well as against computer and information networks and systems (Computer Network Attack, CNA).

The destructive impact on management and decision-making systems is achieved through psychological operations (Psychological Operations, PSYOP) directed against personnel and decision makers and influencing their moral stability, emotions and decision-making motives; carrying out measures for operational and strategic camouflage (OPSEC), disinformation and physical destruction of infrastructure.

In general, according to some experts, attempts to fully understand all the facets of the concept of information warfare are reminiscent of the efforts of blind people trying to understand the nature of an elephant: the one who feels its leg calls it a tree; the one who feels the tail calls it a rope, and so on. Is it possible to get a more accurate idea this way? Perhaps there is no elephant, but only trees and ropes. Some are ready to put too much under this concept, others interpret one aspect of information warfare as a concept as a whole.

However, the problem of finding an appropriate definition of this phenomenon is very serious and requires, in our opinion, the most detailed and serious study. Otherwise, you can completely share the unenviable fate of the turtle from S.P.’s fable. Rastorgueva, who “did not know and will never know that information warfare is purposefully teaching the enemy how to remove the shell from himself.”

2. P consequences of the information war

The explosion of several grenades cannot be called war, no matter who throws them. The explosion of several hydrogen bombs is already a war begun and completed.

The information propaganda of the 50s and 60s, which was carried out by the USSR and the USA, can be compared with several grenades. Therefore, no one calls the past confrontation an information war; at best, it deserves the term “cold war.”

Today, with its telecommunication computing systems and psychotechnologies, has radically changed the surrounding space. Individual streams of information turned into a continuous stream. If previously it was possible to “dam” specific information channels, today the entire surrounding space has informationally collapsed. The time for information interaction between the most distant points has approached zero. As a result, the problem of information protection, which was previously more relevant than ever, turned over like a coin, which brought to life its opposite - protection from information.

Why is it necessary to protect an information system from information? Because any information entering the system input inevitably changes the system. Targeted, deliberate information influence can lead the system to irreversible changes and self-destruction.

Therefore, an information war is nothing more than the overt and hidden targeted information impacts of systems on each other in order to obtain a certain gain in the material sphere.

Based on the above definition of information warfare, the use of information weapons means submitting to the input of an information self-learning system such a sequence of input data that activates certain algorithms in the system, and in their absence, algorithms for generating algorithms.

Creating a universal protective algorithm that allows the victim system to identify the fact of the start of an information war is an algorithmically insoluble problem. The same insoluble problems include identifying the fact of the end of the information war. However, despite the intractability of the problems of the beginning and end of an information war, the fact of defeat in it is characterized by a number of signs inherent in defeat in a conventional war. These include:

1) inclusion of part of the structure of the affected system into the structure of the winner’s system (emigration from the defeated country and, first of all, the export of the most valuable human material, high-tech production, minerals);

2) complete destruction of that part of the structure that is responsible for the security of the system from external threats (destruction of the army of the defeated country);

3) complete destruction of that part of the structure that is responsible for restoring the elements and structures of the security subsystem / destruction of production, first of all, knowledge-intensive production, as well as research centers and the entire education system; cessation and prohibition of the development and production of the most promising types of weapons);

4) destruction and destruction of that part of the structure that cannot be used by the winner for his own purposes;

5) reduction of the functionality of the defeated system by reducing its information capacity (in the case of a country: separation of part of the territory, destruction of part of the population).

Summarizing the listed characteristics, we can introduce the concept of “degree of destruction by information weapons,” assessing it through the information capacity of that part of the structure of the affected system that either died or works for purposes alien to its own system.

Information weapons will give maximum effect only when they are used against the most vulnerable parts of the ISS. The greatest information vulnerability is possessed by those subsystems that are most sensitive to input information - these are decision-making and management systems. Based on the above, we can introduce the concept of an information target. An information target is a set of elements of an information system that belong or can belong to the sphere of management and have potential resources for reprogramming to achieve goals alien to this system.

Based on the definition of the information target, the main directions of work are outlined, both to ensure its security and to increase its vulnerability. For example, in order to increase the enemy’s vulnerability, his information target should be expanded as much as possible, i.e. push it to include in the target as many equal elements as possible, and it is desirable to open access to the sphere of control to such elements that can easily be reprogrammed and externally controlled.

You can force the enemy to change his behavior with the help of obvious and hidden, external and internal information threats.

The causes of external threats in the case of targeted information influence (in the case of information war) are hidden in the struggle of competing information systems for common resources that provide the system with an acceptable mode of existence.

The causes of internal threats are the appearance within the system of many elements and substructures for which the usual mode of functioning has become unacceptable due to a number of circumstances.

A hidden threat is input data that is not recognized by the system in real time and that threatens its security.

In information warfare, the highest priority is given to hidden threats, since they are the ones that allow internal threats to be nurtured and the system to be purposefully controlled from the outside. We will call an information self-learning system totally controllable, and its behavior completely predictable over the time interval , if an algorithm of information influence (for example, a teaching method) is known that allows the system to be brought to the required result (action) x at any time t є.

Is it possible and with what accuracy to predict the behavior of an artificial intelligence system in conditions of unpredictability of its input data? The answer to this question represents in each particular case the specific result of information modeling of the behavior of a particular system. The power and quality of such models evaluate the “information muscles” of any information system. The main initial data for solving the problem of predicting the behavior of an information system in conditions of external information management is knowledge about its knowledge and goals. In conclusion, I would like to emphasize once again that the information war is a war of algorithms and technologies; this is a war in which the structures of systems, as carriers of knowledge, collide. This means that an information war is a war of basic knowledge and it is waged by the bearers of this very basic knowledge. At the present stage, when the basic knowledge of mankind has been accumulated within the framework of various modern civilizations, the information war personifies the war of civilizations for a place in the sun in the face of ever-decreasing resources. It is necessary to speak openly about the techniques and methods of information warfare today because, firstly, understanding a particular technique of information warfare allows us to transfer it from the category of hidden threats to obvious ones that can already be fought, and secondly, the fact of the existence of a theory of information warfare must warn the potential victim against an idealistically naive perception of both the external and his own inner world.

Z conclusion

Public relations plays an important role in society. Initially created to inform the public about key events in the life of the country and power structures, they gradually began to perform another equally important function - influencing the consciousness of their audience in order to form a certain attitude towards the reported facts and phenomena of reality. This influence was carried out using propaganda and agitation methods developed over thousands of years.

Soon, public relations took an important place in the life of states, and with the development of technology and technology, they began to be actively used at the international level in order to acquire any advantages for the state controlled by it. Nowadays, special attention should be paid to the role of public relations in international conflicts, including those of a geopolitical nature, since in recent years, along with classical types of weapons, information and propaganda, based on work with various media, is increasingly being used.

Thus, in the course of the work done, we received answers to all the assigned tasks.

1. The advent of the information era has led to the fact that the information impact, which has existed from time immemorial in relationships between people, is now increasingly taking on the character of military operations.

2. Currently, significant experience has been accumulated in scientific research in the field of information warfare and information-psychological warfare. Whatever the meaning of the concept of “information warfare,” it was born among the military and denotes, first of all, tough, decisive and dangerous activity comparable to real combat operations. Military experts who formulated the IW doctrine clearly imagine its individual facets and types. The civilian population is not yet ready, due to social and psychological reasons, to fully feel the danger of the uncontrolled use of the CNT in the information war.

3. Information has truly become a real weapon. The February Chinese attack on Internet root servers was more than just the fun of a few hackers. This incident could become the “first salvo” in the global information war.

The information war is already in its third generation. Sergey Grinyaev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, gives the following classification:

The 1st generation of information warfare is electronic warfare (electronic warfare). Wired, frequency, cellular communications, eavesdropping, jamming, blocking, interference, etc.;

The 2nd generation of information warfare is electronic warfare plus partisan and counter-partisan propaganda. This was the case in Chechnya in the 90s. Separatist militants had their own propaganda sites on the Internet, they distributed newspapers and combat leaflets, and organized interviews for Western journalists who sympathized with them. Counter-propaganda was carried out by means available to the federal center both in the conflict territory and adjacent territories, and to the wider public.

The 3rd generation of information warfare is a global information war; experts also call it a “war of effects.” The information war surrounding the events in South Ossetia is precisely a third generation war.

The formation of a “sanitary belt” around Russia from neighboring countries is happening through political means - carrying out color revolutions, forming government bodies and a parliamentary majority from pro-American forces, and economic means - buying up national stock exchanges, increasing American capital in key state-owned industries and companies. But in the era of the information society, the media, Internet channels and control over information flows have acquired key importance. From the presented material it is obvious that Russia in this regard lags significantly behind the United States. To form a new multipolar world order, Russia needs to take decisive action to achieve a breakthrough in the information sphere.

WITH list of used literature

1. Afanasyev V. Social information and management of society. - M.: Knowledge, 2005, - 119 p.

2. Black S. Public relations. What it is? M.: Nauka, 2007, - 256 p.

3. Vershinin M.S. Political communication in the information society. M.: Jaguar, 2006, - 256 p.

4. Zverintsev A.B. Communication management: PR manager's workbook: 2nd ed., rev. - St. Petersburg: Soyuz, 2007, - 288 p.

5. Kalandarov K.Kh. Management of public consciousness. The role of communication processes. M.: Nauka, 2006, - 154 p.

6. Krutskikh A., Fedorov A. On international information security. M.: Slovo, 2008, - 234 p.

7. Malkova T.V. Masses. Elite. Leader. M.: Yauar, 2006, - 232 p.

8. Mass information in the Soviet industrial city: Experience of complex sociological research / Under the general editorship of B.A. Grushina, L.A. Okonnikova. - M.: 2006, - 347 p.

9. Pocheptsov G.G. Information wars. M.: ITs Garant, 2008, - 453 p.

10. Rastorguev S.P. Information war. M.: Nauka, 2008, - 235 p.

11. Rütinger R. Culture of Entrepreneurship. - M.: Leader, 2006, 672 p.

12. Toffler E. The Third Wave. M.: Paleya, 2007, - 458 p.

13. Tanscott D. Electronic digital society. Pros and cons of network intelligence. M.: Progress, 2006, - 673 p.

14. Techniques of disinformation and deception. - M.: Slovo, 2008, - 139 p.

15. Firsov B. Television through the eyes of a sociologist. - M. Slovo, 2008, - 418 p.

16. Hubbard L.R. Work problems. - St. Petersburg: Knowledge, 2008, - 342 p.

17. Heine P. Economic way of thinking. - M.: Slovo, 2006, - 457 p.


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Information warfare is the seizure of raw materials, energy, and other resources of a foreign country through the dissemination of false information on its territory and manipulation of the consciousness of the population, eliminating the ability of this population to resist.

The term "information warfare" came into focus in connection with the Gulf War in 1991. This then meant disinformation and physical actions aimed at destroying Iraqi information systems - both military (radio and computer communications) and civilian (propaganda media). To this we can add Western television companies broadcasting from Iraq. Moreover, these broadcasts were not directed at the enemy, but, on the contrary, at citizens of Western countries.

After the Gulf War, theorists of “information warfare” appeared.

In August 1995, the US National Defense Institute published a classic work in the field by Martin Libicki. In it, the author identified 7 forms of information warfare:

1. Command and control in the modern sense is aimed at communication channels between command and performers and aims to deprive control.

2. Intelligence warfare - collecting militarily important information (like an attack) and protecting one's own.

3. Electronic warfare - directed against means of electronic communications - radio communications, radar stations, computer networks.

4. Psychological warfare - propaganda, brainwashing, information processing of the population. Libicki divided it into 4 components - undermining the civic spirit, demoralization of the Armed Forces, disorientation of the command and a war of cultures.

5. Hacker warfare involves sabotage actions against enemy civilian targets and protection from them (actions against the military are regarded as electronic warfare). The actions of hackers can lead to total paralysis of networks, communication interruptions, the introduction of random errors in data transfer, storage of information and services (unauthorized connections to networks), secret monitoring of networks, unauthorized access to private data for the purpose of blackmail. Hackers' weapons, according to Libicki, are computer viruses. Libicki considers hackers a serious threat to the United States, since America is the most “networked” country.

6. Cyber ​​warfare is different from “regular” hacking. This is the capture of computer data that allows you to track down the target (or blackmail him).

Libicki singled out semantic attacks as a special area. He sees the difference between a semantic attack and hacking in the fact that a hacker, roughly speaking, makes the system work incorrectly. In a semantic attack, the computer system works absolutely correctly, but the solutions it produces are incorrect. A semantic attack is aimed at the “sense organs” of a computer system that controls a process using sensors. To deceive these sensors or other means of input means to disable the system without breaking anything in it.

Based on the theater of operations, information warfare can be waged in various areas.

The electronic battlefield is represented by an ever-growing arsenal of electronic weapons, mostly classified. They are designed for combat operations in the field of command and control of troops, or "staff warfare."

Infrastructure attacks target vital elements such as telecommunications or transport systems. Similar actions may be taken by geopolitical or economic adversaries or terrorist groups.

Industrial espionage and other types of intelligence are carried out by corporations or states in relation to other corporations or states; for example, the collection of intelligence information about competitors, theft of proprietary information, and even acts of sabotage in the form of distortion or destruction of data or services.

Confidentiality is becoming increasingly vulnerable as ever-increasing amounts of information become available at an increasing number of locations. Important people can thus be subject to blackmail or malicious slander, and no one is guaranteed against fraudulent use of personal identification numbers.