How to change android application name. How to rename apps on Android home screen? In order to change icons, the Icon Changer application for Android is best suited.

I’ve long known a way to rename applications, but since I couldn’t find such an article, I decided to write it myself. I’ll say right away that I know that people know how to do this, but not all of them, I write for them, don’t tell me nasty things.
We will need MobilHEX.


2009-08-24T10:48:55Z 2009-08-24T10:48:55Z

7 good

NORMALLY rename applications.

- I’ve long known a way to rename applications, but since I couldn’t find such an article, I decided to write it myself. I’ll say right away that I know that people know how to do this, but not all of them, I write for them, don’t tell me nasty things.
We will need MobilHEX.
So, we launch MobilHEX, follow the path to c:/resource/apps/, look for the resource responsible for the application that we want to rename, for example for X-Plore it is x-plore.rsc (if you have files with the extension .r01 , r.16, etc., then you need to change the file that corresponds to your language in the phone). Open our file, press 5. A list of resources appears. We only need a name. We find it, in my case it is X-Plore. We change it to what we want, in Russian. If the resource also contains the names of our application, we change them too. We save the changes, go out and admire. If you are unable to save, then we check whether the caps are turned off and whether the application that we are modifying is running. In order to rename it in standby mode, you need to assign this application to the soft key again, everyone can do this. All the best, thanks for your attention!!!

Attached file #1.


Android provides the ability to rename shortcuts to installed applications on the desktop. This could be a funny prank on a friend or a way to declutter your smartphone.

Standard Android Tools

If almost any launcher is installed on your device, renaming the shortcut is the easiest way. Just click on the icon and hold your finger for a couple of seconds. Select the “Edit” action from the context menu. A field will open in which you can edit the name. Note! Only the name of the shortcut changes. The list of installed applications on your phone displays the default name.

The second way is to install the Xposed system program

To rename applications, there is a module called xRenamer. The difference from the previous method is mainly that the name is changed not only on the desktop, but throughout the entire system. The required module is located in the "Download" section of the Xposed Framework. Download and install xRenamer, and then activate it in the “Modules” section. All that remains is to reboot your smartphone. After this, xRenamer will appear among the installed programs. Open as a normal application and change the names as you wish.

For the third method you will need QuickShortcutMaker

With this application you can change the name only on the start page. This does not change the interface. You can download the program for free on Google Play. To edit, just click on any line in the list and select Tap to change label. After entering the required characters, confirm the action, and then click Create.

title application (13)

Changing the manifest file did not change the application name,

but changing the Label attribute in MainLauncher did the trick for me.

Is there a way to change the name (Launcher App Label) of an application without creating a new project?

Note. The name of the application and the shortcut shown on the Launcher icon on the home screen on mobile phones may vary.

Example. On my mobile home page where my apps are, I have an icon and name Foo, but I want to change the name to Bar. I can do it?

change the app string resource to the new activity

  1. Go to the Strings.xml file under the values.
  2. Change the app_name tag to your app name as needed and you're all set, you should be able to see the name you're currently changing.

Edit the application tag in the manifest file.

Change the label attribute to the latest name.

if you want to change the app name under the launcher icon, change this android:label="@string/app_name" inside the main launcher activity tag

And if you want to change the application name inside

Settings -> Application Manager -> Downloaded

where you have all installed apps change this android:label="@string/app_name" inside app tag

........ .......

To change the Android app name, go to the activity that starts the activity and changes its label like I did above in my code.

I noticed that there are some differences in how the app name may appear on Lollipop devices. Before Lollipop you can have different application names:

// <-- appears in manage app info // <-- appears in actionbar title // <-- appears in icon launcher

In Lollipop it would be like this:

In Lollipop, the android:label in the intent filter is mostly useless, while the actionbar title and launcher icon are identical. So, if you want a different title in the action bar, you have no choice but to set it dynamically


Yes Of-course ........ Android Supports changing the application name before creation, like iOS (Build Configuration). You can change it by changing the Android manifest file for the project.

Nevermind I found it. This can be done in the manifest file in the application, just set the android. Was reset at first because it didn't change the app name shortcut.

This is a simple thing in Android Studio,

go to: res folder -> values ​​-> strings.xml

change the application name (in the following example: MitsuhoSdn Bhd) to whatever new name you want.

MitsuhoSdn Bhd Hello world! Settings

Yes you can. By changing the android:label field in your app in AndroidManifest.xml .

to your Splash screen, then the Launcher icon name will be changed to the Splash Screen class name name.

Make sure you change the label:


in your Splash Screen activity in the strings.xml file. It can be found in Res -> Values ​​-> strings.xml

It depends on what you want to do. I personally wanted to rename my project so it wouldn't say MainActivity at the top of the app and under the icon in my phone menu.

To do this I went to the file Android Manifest.xml and edited

And edited android:name=".Mynewname" and then edited the title_activity_main line in the title_activity_main file according to the name.

Hope this helps!

Here's a way to get the version code:

Public String getAppVersion() ( String versionCode = "1.0"; try ( versionCode = getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(getPackageName(), 0).versionName; ) catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) ( // TODO Auto-generated catch block e .printStackTrace(); return versionCode;

Sometimes situations arise when, at the end of work on a project, it is discovered that the name of the package specified when creating the project should be changed. A similar situation may arise if this name is already used in the Google Play application store or, for example, you made a mistake when creating a project and now you cannot update your application. This problem is easily solved if you used the old Eclipse as an IDE, but with Android Studio things are a little worse.

An attempt to refactor the package name in studio results in only the project name being changed correctly – . This happens because Anndroid Studio combines the middle names of a package (essentially a folder) into one name and considers the rest to belong to a specific developer or company, and therefore is their identifier. But you can still change the middle names of the package without any problems. The first way is to change the names of folders within the project, but this will be followed by a routine change of all connections in the project, and besides, the already slow Gradle will begin to act up more than ever and it will be extremely difficult to put its work in order. Therefore, I recommend using the second, simpler and faster method of completely changing the package name.
First, you need to unbind the middle names in the package; to do this, you need to select the parameters for displaying the project structure, which is located above the texture itself, and uncheck “Compact Empty Middle Packages”.

Once the names are unpinned, each name can be changed individually. We change the necessary names by selecting Refactor –> Rename from the context menu or by pressing the key combination Shift+F6. When a warning appears, click the Rename Package button.

When changing the first package name – com/ru/ua, you must click “Rename all”, since inside this folder there are library packs in which you also need to replace the names.
Now the package name has been changed, the connections in the classes have been rewritten, but the project settings still do not know that we have done anything. To alert, open the Gradle settings file called build.gradle (Module:app), find the following piece of code in it and change the package name to a new one.
defaultConfig ( applicationId "" minSdkVersion 14 targetSdkVersion 21 versionCode 1 versionName "1.0") In most cases, Gradle will detect that changes have been made and will offer to sync with the project, showing a corresponding notification in the upper right corner. But if this does not happen, you need to perform synchronization manually. To do this, go to the studio menu Tools -> Android -> Sync Project With Gradle Files.
The last thing left to do is to change the package name in the manifest, although for the activities the names will already be changed. Open the manifest file AndroidManifest.xml and change the name at the very top