How to name yourself on YouTube. What's in my name - how to correctly name a channel on YouTube to get more traffic, tips and tricks for creating a consonant name

The theme of the video is the name of the channel. How to come up with a name for a YouTube channel so that it not only appeals to viewers, but also attracts new ones. Where to get inspiration so that something creative comes to mind and how not to overdo it with this very creativity. We answer the question - what to name a YouTube channel. When creating a YouTube channel, many people think about one of the most important parts - the name. I want something original and unusual, so difficulties often arise. But without this step it will not be possible to develop the channel further: create a logo, collect big number subscribers and views. In addition, unpleasant situations happen when you come up with an original nickname, but it has already been taken. Therefore, in the next video we will tell you how to successfully choose a name for your YouTube channel. Tips for choosing the right name: 1. Individuality. First of all, the name for the channel should be memorable, because even if viewers like your video, but they do not remember the name of the channel, it will be difficult for them to find you again. A catchy name will attract new subscribers, however, it is still worth considering this point carefully. What not to do: Unsuccessful examples of names are certain sequences of numbers after your name (maybe slightly modified). Experience shows that this puts people off and gives them the impression that you don’t have a unified theme and don’t know what you’re doing. 2.

Step away from the computer. Inspiration won't necessarily come if you stare at the monitor or look for help. If your ideas don’t work, try not to be nervous, but to distract yourself, do household chores, or go for a walk. This is a proven way to find what you need for yourself. 3. Write down all the topics that your channel and video will cover. This will make it easier to come up with an original name, based on already familiar ideas. One of the points on the map can help here - a list of video ideas. These could be your favorite hobbies, or something that will set you apart from others. Subscribers will definitely appreciate it if you put a part of yourself into the name of the channel! Using this list, describe: 1. The main theme of your channel 2. Possible expectations of viewers 3. What makes you different from other vloggers Don’t worry if the name is short, because it’s not finished yet, it’s only part of the work that remains to be done. 4. Make your name as memorable as possible. No one will remember "ANDYFOREVERENJOY234", right? You need to put the greatest meaning into the name, while using a minimum of words. What can help make a name more memorable: Alliteration Rhymes Interesting modification of your name Play on words ———————————————————————————— Group on VK —
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“Whatever you name the yacht, that’s how it will sail!!! »

What should be the name of the channel on YouTube?

Before starting any public project, you need to decide on its name. In our case, we will select the name of the channel on YouTube. When choosing a name, we must take into account the following factors: the name of the channel should be easy to remember, correspond to the theme of the videos posted, and contribute to Seo optimization of the channel in YouTube search results at the request of users. You can make a selection of names using “Brainstorming” or use name generation services and select the one you need from there.

  • The name should be simple and easy to remember. It is difficult for a person to remember a cumbersome name, much less reproduce it some time later.
  • The channel name must contain from 6 to 12 characters, this format most convenient and used by most brands. A large number of characters increases the possibility of making a typo when entering in the search.
  • The word you choose should not have multiple spellings, follow the rule “As it is heard, so it is written.”
  • The channel name should be unique, this will prevent you from being confused with your competitors.
  • Topic matching. The name should give a general idea of ​​the topic of the channel. If the channel is about computer games, you can take the word “Game” or “Play” as a basis.
  • Use a keyword or phrase in your YouTube channel name. Keywords in video and channel titles are an integral part SEO optimization. Choosing the right keywords will help you rank better search engines and YouTube search results. But remember, titles and video titles must be unique. You can select the necessary phrases from user requests using
  • Avoid hyphens, dashes and other punctuation marks. Such signs are often overlooked by users, which can lead to typos.
  • Avoid grammatical errors. This is perceived very negatively by the user.
  • Consider your target audience. If you are targeting young people, English titles will be very relevant. For an audience of 40+, it’s better to choose Russian name for the channel.

Read also: How to develop a YouTube channel

You can select names yourself, or you can use special services to generate names. One of such services is the site

Working on this site is very easy. You can choose the first letter for the name and the number of characters. After that, enter the subject in the “Nickname” field and click “generate”. Each time you click, one option will be available to you; if you like something, you can use it.
If you have already created a channel, but you don’t like the name, you can change it. But this method should not be abused.

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Youtuber Nicknames

From this list you can choose a nickname. It all depends on what exactly you are looking for.

Very often difficulties arise when choosing a nickname for, for example, a boy or a thief in law. The same thing happens for animals, such as a dog or a cat, even a horse and a cow.
Collection == : Youtuber Nicknames
Short tags (Nicknames, YouTubers,) Date: 16:00:05

All novice YouTube video bloggers sooner or later face the issue of changing the name of their channel. Such an operation, obvious at first glance, can actually end in psychological self-rape for you with subsequent demotivation in working on the channel. In this post I want to talk about technical features changing the channel name.

You can change the name of your YouTube channel in two ways. The first, simple, but at the same time not entirely ethical, is to change the name of your Google account. The second way is to create a brand account. Let's look at them in more detail.

Changing your Google account name

If you go to the settings page of your YouTube channel, then next to the channel name you will see a link “Edit in Google”.

When you click on this link, you will be taken to your personal data settings Google account. This data is used for all Google services you use. By changing them, you will change the data for all services, including YouTube.

To change the name of your channel, you must enter a new name in the first and last name fields. Here you can also change the channel avatar. Enter your name in the First Name field and leave the Last Name field blank. Change your avatar if necessary. As I mentioned above, now all Google services that you use from this account will contain not your first and last name, but the name of your channel. This is a little confusing, because at the same time I can maintain a page in Google network+, where I would like to use my personal data, and not the channel name. Thus, this method is suitable if you do not intend to use other Google services where you want to use a different name than your channel name.

Creating a brand account

If you do not want to change your first and last name in Google services to the name of the YouTube channel, you can try to create a brand account on Google. To do this, follow this link and click the “Create + page” button.

As you know, all Google services are tied to one account. A brand account is something like a sub-account within your main Google account and you can link it to it, just like your main one. various services Google. But, you will not be able to log into your brand account without logging in through your main account. By clicking the “Create +Page” button mentioned above, you create a Google+ page that will be linked to your brand account.

Once the brand account is created, you will be prompted to enable the +page so that it can begin to fully function. You can click Cancel if you want to change your settings first or if you don't intend to use this Google+ page. You can enable it later. If presets If you don’t want to do this, and want to use this page on Google+ in addition to the YouTube channel, then click the “Enable” link.

So far we have created a brand account. Now we need to change the account settings for our YouTube channel. To do this, click on the account icon in the upper right corner and in the window that appears, click on the “Settings + pages” button.

Note: Please note that in the pop-up window you can switch to your main Google account.

On the edit brand account details page, we can set the name and avatar we want to use for our YouTube channel. To do this, click on the pencil icon.

The brand account is different from the main account in Google yet the fact that the second one is created for you personally.

Therefore, when you edit the main account settings, you are asked to enter your first and last name, and when editing the brand account settings, you are asked to enter the brand name. How does this apply to YouTube? I said above that the name of the YouTube channel, as well as pages in all Google services, is taken from the settings of the Google account to which they are linked. Since your channel is linked to your personal Google account, its name matches your first and last name. Now that we have separate account for our channel, we will unlink the channel from the main personal Google account and link it to the created brand account. Since the name of the YouTube channel is taken from the Google account settings, our channel will be named the same as the brand account to which we linked it.

In order to link our channel to the created brand account in Google, open the settings of our channel on YouTube.

After confirming your password, you will be taken to the linking page, where you will see that your channel is linked to your main personal Google account. In the “My channel (after moving)” block, click the “Select” button, after which all +pages that you created will be displayed in it. Select the +page that you created for your Google brand account from the list, and then below you will see a diagram of the connection between your channel and +page. Complete the linking by clicking on the “Link Channel” button, and then confirming the transfer of your channel to the created brand account in Google.

Thus, we changed the name of our YouTube channel through the created brand account.

In the future, if you want to change the name and avatar of the channel, you can do this by changing the settings of the brand account in Google to which you linked your channel, just as described above in the first method of changing the name of a channel on YouTube.

In this article we will provide several techniques - how to name a channel on Youtube, and also give advice on choosing a name, which will determine the promotion of the project as a whole.

    • What should be the name for the YouTube channel: 5 options
    • 5 simple tips to help you come up with a catchy name
    • Instead of a conclusion: what should you immediately do with the invented name?

What should be the name for the YouTube channel: 5 options

  1. A unique and sonorous name - brand (for example: +100500, thisIsOkay, EeOneGuy), the most profitable YouTube channels use brand names;
  2. The name of the channel, from which it is clear, Which content is posted on it (example: Golden replays of the week, Sons and Daughters, Soviet films, First-person travel);
  3. Modeling top channel names - You can look at the socialblade and VspStats services earnings of the most popular channels;
  4. Channel name under top key phrase , which users are looking for on the Internet, for example, Investments in real estate, How to make money on the Internet from scratch, and so on. To do this, you can use the Yandex service - wordstat;
  5. Compound name - Brand + Key phrase + content content

Watch a detailed video tutorial in which we will go over specific rules for creating a cool channel name on Youtube:

We recommend a course on making money on the Internet Find out over 50 ways to make money online, including ways to make money on Youtube

Rule 1. Check the availability of the name on other social networks

When you gain enough weight, you will decide that it’s time to create your own website and open groups on social networks. If your channel is already popular, smart money makers will already register these names in order to receive a free audience from the search, which will search for your project by name.

Rule 2. Choose a unique and sonorous name - brand

Everything is very simple - besides the simple need to come up with at least some name, the original name will allow you to get the maximum effect during promoting your blog. Match your YouTube channel name with its theme. During registration, you will be asked to enter your first and last name in transliteration.

It is best to choose simple and cool words that are now “heard” and quickly become memorable. You can come up with your own word, but it should be easy to read and certainly catch people who visited your YouTube channel for the first time.

Channel name ideas should be unique and interesting. It's best not to try to imitate names popular bloggers, but choose your own path and show your own talent. Keep in mind that not every person thinks the same way as you - what is easy for you to remember will be much more difficult for others. It is best to develop several options at once; you can make a list with names for the YouTube channel and consult with your friends and family to find out their opinion.

Rule 3. Choose a title that makes it clear what content it contains

Look at TOP video bloggers who earn the most and pay attention to the fact that 99% do not use key phrases, but memorable brand names, plus, if possible, a connection with the content posted on the channel

You should not assume that you will have to give up your name altogether. The wisest thing to do is to “kill two birds with one stone.” For example, you want to launch an online channel in which you will talk about new movies, play games on PC and consoles, or write a beauty blog for girls. In this case, you can add a prefix to your own name, like “LetsPlays” or “Games with”. Try not to make it too big, it should blend harmoniously.

Rule 4. Choose a channel name that matches the top key phrase

If you are seriously planning to run your own channel on YouTube, then you should come up with a name that will immediately contain key query . But under no circumstances should you overdo it! The name of the channel on YouTube should be easy to remember.

Name generators - how to choose a nickname, name a project, channel or group

Rule 5: Consider future development when choosing a name

When developing your channel for reviewing games, movies, or other topics, you can only change something radically in it at the same time as the Google+ page linked to it. Even if you don’t think about the inconvenience, changing the channel name will have a bad effect on your subscribers, because they are used to the same name.

When choosing a channel name on YouTube common mistake Sometimes choosing a niche is too narrow. As an example, here are a few erroneous options: “French cooking” - when you run out of French recipes, your audience will probably want to receive videos with recipes from other countries; “How to make money on window repairs in Lipetsk” - imagine that you are moving, 80% of your audience comes from other cities, and instead of making money on windows, you suddenly decide that doors are much cooler. In this case, you should think in advance and name your channel, for example: “ Making money with your own hands" or " Earnings for men."

How to come up with a name using someone else's brains

If you have already “broken your brain” trying to figure out how to name a channel on YouTube, but have not been able to invent anything suitable, do not despair. There is another way how to come up with a channel name: formulate a task and announce a competition on one of the freelance sites.

Naming is a whole science; If you can’t cope with the task yourself, transfer it to the shoulders of professionals. This will cost you less than placing an order with a specialized agency: on the site you will receive a lot of options for names from many different freelancers and will be able to choose the best one from them. The main thing is to clearly define the task: first of all, performers must understand what kind of channel you are creating, what goals you set for yourself and what exactly the name should reflect, what associations it should evoke, how short/long it can be. The better you explain your wishes, the greater your chances of “getting into the top ten.”

For freelancers, this will be a good opportunity to earn money (from a thousand rubles and above) by coming up with just 1-2 words, and you will choose what best matches your expectations. The only downside is that you have to pay for a good idea.

  1. Rhymes . This is very difficult task, but it helps to stick firmly in the memory of YouTube users. This technique has been used more than once by many popular people, not only bloggers, but also film directors, so you can sweat a little.
  2. Word games . This technique is often used in marketing.
  3. Alliteration . This is a type of audio repeat. Both the vowels and consonants that appear in the first syllables of the word are repeated. If Coca-Cola could get promoted, then so can your YouTube channel!
  4. You can come up with oxymoron .This is a humorous phrase that contains a contradiction in its name. Simple examples from literature - “Living Corpse” or “Honest Thief”.
  5. It's best to come up with something funny . Showing your sense of humor is not a sin, and a good joke will help win the recognition of site users.

In general, choosing a title is only part of your video marketing strategy.

Watch our free master class, where we discussed this topic in detail:

Instead of a conclusion: what should you immediately do with the invented name?

Just imagine - you've thought of everything possible options, took all the advice into account and were able to create a name with rhyme and humor. You, inspired by your success, go to the site, and there you see that such a name is already taken... Angry, you sneeze at the long work, add the numbers of your birthday or a couple of dashes, and then register. Emotions make you do wrong, and you will certainly regret such an action! Moreover, such manipulations make reading and remembering your channel completely difficult, and this will negatively affect your brand.

Come up with 20 name options for your YouTube channel and do this test with them:

  1. Check their availability on other social networks.
  2. Get feedback from your friends and relatives:
    • Is it easy to remember the name;
    • what do they associate the name of your channel with?
    • Is it clear what the videos on your channel will be about?

Be sure to watch free video from Andrey Merkulov, in which he examines various ways earnings on video:

How to make a good video for YouTube?

That's all. When your channel name is ready, you can safely complete its design. YouTube has a wide variety of original templates that allow you to create something unique. The very first thing a person pays attention to when visiting such channels is the name and appearance, and only then he evaluates your content. Make it bright, interesting, and most importantly, make it your own! Good luck.

Do you want to know how to make money from your channel? All the latest information is here 50 ways to make money online

If you can’t make money on YouTube, try other ways of investing, in particular in cryptocurrency. With smart investments in crypto, you can make good money here. To avoid mistakes, sign up for training on cryptocurrencies.

What options did you consider?

Caramel, creative chaos in my head, I adore myself or things like JlABPYlllKA, XyEpLeT and I(andNDER $URpRиzZz?

I welcome everyone to the pages of this blog, Pavel Yamb is with you. Today we’ll talk about such an important topic as the name of your channel. I think there is no need to explain the importance of its name. Everyone knows that the name speaks for itself. YouTube was no exception. It would seem: what’s so complicated about this? But the devil is in the details, mistakes at the beginning of your channel’s life can simply ruin everything in the future - when your business takes off. So, how to name a channel on YouTube? How far are you from the YouTube blogosphere? And then take a fun test.

You can take your channel seriously, especially if you are planning to make money on it, read a lot of literature, take courses, but the name of the channel is your brand. Let's say you are filming a program about film news, it would be logical that it would have a name close to the topics of films, news, etc... A name for such a channel like “Vasily Pupkin” will not work. Here it’s better to choose something like “Movie news from Vasya” or “Movie news”. Got it? The name of the channel must 100% reflect its essence, its content and the topic of the video.

If you want to try yourself as a teacher or trainer in any field, then your name will be ideal. “Vasya Pupkin. Business Lessons" will fit perfectly here, as it immediately makes it clear the whole essence of the content that can be found on your channel. Clearly choose a topic that matches your activities. It will be ideal if the name includes keywords that will be used in further promotion. Try not to go too far, the name should still be easy to understand and be “for people”, not for search engines.

Try to come up with a beautiful and memorable name. From my own experience, I can say that names that are laconic and written are best perceived. in capital letters, it should hit the target and be clearly different from those that YouTube viewers encounter on the Internet. At one time, the very famous blogger Stas Davydov named his channel for reviews of viral videos “This is Good.”

This is a channel name that I think is perfect in my humble opinion. Stas (or his manager) combined Russian and English languages in the title, which is an unusual decision, both from the point of view visual perception, and from the point of view of sonority. Also, the name of the channel works for the author in his videos: he constantly repeats the same phrase: “And that’s good!” . A phrase like this sounds great and is easy to remember; perhaps, in part, it has even become popular on the Internet. This serves as excellent additional PR for the development of the channel.

Try to keep the channel name as simple as possible, this will allow viewers to remember it easily and quickly. Try to avoid unnecessary and complex language and long phrases - be concise. Everything ingenious is simple.

But promoting a channel and your videos is not so easy. There are nuances that you may not even be aware of. here is my 11 second video that has 20,000 views. Imagine 100 such videos, what if there are about 100,000 views? Another level, here comes the earnings. But the main thing is that this thing is fun.

But don't forget about beauty. The name should be pronounced beautifully and look beautiful from the point of view visual perception. For examples, let's turn to the help of such business giants as Apple and Coca-Cola. Did these companies choose beautiful names? Yes. Are they easy to remember? Of course! Are they simple? Simple as can be! And this plays into their hands.

Look ahead. When coming up with a name, clearly decide whether you will be able to release videos with the theme of the channel in the future. If you start making video reviews of games, and your channel is called “Filmovzor” and before that you posted reviews of films, then problems may arise. Some of your viewers may not like this because they subscribed to a channel dedicated to movies, not games! The target audience of such topics is different and their change may not be to the taste of subscribers. Clearly plan a rough outline of the content that will appear on the channel. Ask yourself: will the topic exhaust itself in the future? Will I have to change the name of my channel later?

Despite these tips, I still advise you to focus on the content and give it maximum attention. Constantly work on video quality and improve it. It’s just that the situation with the channel name can get ridiculous. You spent a week coming up with your ideal name, and a month later you suddenly realized that you don’t need it at all and the channel is just standing still.

My main advice: it is not the name of the channel that is the determining factor in successful development, but your videos and desire, coupled with perseverance, to achieve your goals on YouTube, whatever they may be. Even if you don’t want to take YouTube courses, you can make a great channel and promote it. Everything is in your power.

Thanks to those who read the article to the end, I sincerely hope that it will help you decide on your questions. See you later!

Many users who have registered on YouTube are concerned about one thing: important question: “What can you name your channel?” The question is quite interesting, given the fact that famous bloggers make serious money from their broadcasts, attracting hundreds of thousands of subscribers. And the name of the channel is often one of the factors of such stunning success. Let’s try to figure it out and understand how to make sure that the name is a truly effective way to increase popularity and attract users.

When choosing a name for a channel, you should first of all take into account the following parameters:

  • the name should be as simple as possible, but at the same time memorable;
  • it should correspond as closely as possible to the theme of the video materials that will be posted.

Now let's take a closer look at each point.

The channel must be named so that the name is not only easy to remember. It’s better to make it seem like it’s something ordinary for a person, literally stuck in his head. For example, a piece from the chorus of some popular song. Yes, at first glance, this seems like a literally unrealistic task, but if you complete it, the user will very, very significantly increase the efficiency of promoting his channel.

As an example, let's assume that some video materials about the user's life will be posted here. If he has a fairly common surname: Petrov, Ivanov, and so on, then everything is literally fine. You can also replace your first and last name with some well-known pseudonym. And recently there has been a tendency that bloggers have begun to use various verbs in their titles.

Regarding the fact that the name corresponds as much as possible to the topic of the materials, we note that this is done so that the user and potential subscriber understands what exactly this or that channel is about. Nowadays, the direction of game reviews is extremely popular - the so-called “Let’s Play” (from the English Let’s Play - let’s play). You can, for example, use your name together with the verb - “YarikPlay” or “TolyaObzor”. And if the user films shows, sketches or vines, then you can add any of these words to your first or last name.

If we say what you definitely should not do, then it is to use some incomprehensible or non-standard symbols, as well as a lot of numbers. There are two reasons:

  • this may adversely affect the ranking of the channel by the video hosting itself;
  • It will be difficult for users to search for the name in the search bar, and this, of course, will harm the popularity of the channel.

It will be important that one of the factors in order for the channel name to be as high as possible in the list and to be ranked well by both Google and YouTube itself is that a keyword must be organically inserted into the name. For example, if a user films pranks, then the corresponding word will certainly not be superfluous in the channel name.

Finally, we note that only the user himself can name the channel. The main thing in this matter is simplicity and creativity. If the user really manages to come up with something really unique and unusual and at the same time memorable, then this will really be a significant step towards success and popularity on the largest video hosting in the world.

The article is dedicated to the process of finding cool and original title for, which, in turn, may or may not become the key to the success of your work as a whole. For beginners, it can be challenging to come up with the right name that will promote your videos and convey your message to potential subscribers.

The importance of a good name

The name of the channel is extremely important in terms of its promotion. In fact, it becomes a brand and there must be something memorable and catchy in it that will attract the audience to you. Of course, you can’t go far with just a name, and without quality content success will not be achieved in any case. The name is certainly important, but if performed on high level the videos will be useful and informative, you will still attract people, just not as quickly.

When choosing a name, be guided by the following principles:

  1. It should be simple;
  2. Should be easy to read;
  3. Be memorable and eye-catching;
  4. Don't make the name too long;
  5. The name should contain the theme and main message that the channel will convey to viewers;
  6. Based on your potential audience, choose the appropriate language: Russian, English or translit.

Don't try to add a famous name or already . This can cause irreparable damage to your endeavors. Up to the ban of the channel on YouTube.

How do you come up with a name?

The first step is to sketch out a few ideas. Feel free to write them down so you can choose the one that best suits you later. Don't be afraid that some of your thoughts may seem stupid. In the future they will be transformed and may well become extremely successful. While in front of your eyes, the various names will begin to change in your mind. And by playing with words and forms, you can find a name that suits you completely.

Be mindful of channel content

It would be a good idea to combine all the topics covered in your videos into one word or phrase. Visitors should immediately form an impression of what they will be told, this will allow them to attract subscribers from among casual visitors.

Channel name - owner's name

A good option if you are going to present yourself as a... People are interested in watching a real person talking to them through a monitor. This approach leads to the fact that the name becomes your brand. Your words will begin to gain weight, which will further lead to demand for them from potential advertisers.

Ultimately, depending on the goals set, all channels can be divided into:

  1. Personal;
  2. Project-based (can be both personal and corporate);
  3. Gray and trashy;

When creating a personal channel, you can, in addition to your name, use your nickname or nickname as a name. Personal channel involves the opportunity to share your thoughts and impressions with viewers. This approach implies greater trust on the part of visitors and more often arouses interest.

Analyze your competitors

If you don’t have an idea in your head that would fully satisfy your requests for a channel name, you can always turn to a search engine and look at the solutions of your future competitors.

Everything is currently filled with their own names that have become brands. Initially, they did not carry anything unusual. Over time, gaining weight and attracting an audience, channel owners began to work like walking advertisements, drawing attention to themselves and their products everywhere. However, successful videos may contain certain concepts that lead to increased hype. They can be adopted and used for your own purposes. In particular, you can add something like: channel, TV, blog, magazine, etc. to the channel name to give it more style.

Title and subject

You can initially aim at . In this case, simply copy the desired request to demonstrate as clearly as possible to your potential subscribers that this is exactly what they need.

You will get a general and streamlined name that will not attract the attention of casual visitors. However, from the point of view of search engines, the channel will be on top. Perhaps thanks to this you will be competitive in comparison with more successful and already proven channels.

If you decide to name the channel after yourself, but want to add something for the search engine, you can do it with a hyphen. After the name, add a key phrase by which the target audience will be able to find you. Just remember that the title should not be excessively long.

Other people's brains are no less good

Numerous ones will help you find creative people who, given the given parameters, can generate an excellent name that will bring you a lot of benefits in the future. Possible options include organizing a competition for best name, when anyone can offer their own option, and then you will choose the most successful one in your opinion and reward its author for the idea. In any case, hiring outside help will cost you certain money depending on the scale of the search. However, no one bothers you to ask for help from your friends and acquaintances, for example, on social networks. It is possible that there are decent namers among them.

Do a good job with the list.

There is no need to rush into making a final decision. Think about the options, choose a variety of synonyms and rhymes to make the name sound and easy to pronounce and remember. If you are still dissatisfied with the result, postpone making the final decision for at least a day. New and, sometimes, even brilliant thoughts can come in the most unexpected way. It is not at all necessary to concentrate and strain your brains. Often the most best ideas come out of nowhere while you are doing something distracted.