How to format a system disk in BIOS. Formatting a hard drive via BIOS

Standard means do not imply a direct possibility to format hard drive via BIOS. Once upon a time, when using DOS, which itself was already an operating system but booted just like the BIOS, you could type in Command line DEL plus the drive name and perform this action. Today's PCs do not provide this option. Therefore, to perform this operation you must use either the operating system or special programs. The first option is not suitable if the OS does not start. Additionally, Windows protects itself. If you try to format a volume, usually drive “C” on which the OS is recorded, this action will be prohibited. Therefore, a different approach is needed. But exiting to the BIOS is mainly necessary as an intermediate stage of performing an action. Therefore, we will figure out how to format a hard drive through BIOS, taking these features into account.

What is formatting

The hard drive is structurally a plate on which a coating with special magnetic properties is applied. There are initially no reference points for the hard drive heads on it. In order for every bit of information to be stored in certain place, and was provided quick access to it, the disk needs to be marked. This process is called formatting. Tracks, sectors are applied to it, and information is also recorded to identify the hard drive and control it. During this operation, the physical condition of the surface is also checked, those areas where there are defects that exclude reliable recording and storage are marked as unavailable.

Formatting is carried out not only on new hard drives, for which this is almost always done at the manufacturer, but also when reinstalling the system. Disk sectors on which Windows or another OS was recorded are marked in a new way in order to eliminate conflicts between programs. In addition, deleting files from storage does not mean that they are completely erased. Quick formatting deletes only information about the location where they were located. Therefore, over time, the disk becomes filled with their fragments, which does not improve the stability of the machine. Approximately the same applies to solid-state hard drives (on chips) that are gaining popularity; the OS works with them according to the same principle.

Formatting Types

When reading files, the machine does not search for them across the entire surface of the disk. The disk has a service area in which a list of files and exact addresses, that is, track and sector numbers, are stored. The reader immediately goes there, and then precisely positions the heads in right place. This feature is associated with the existence of two types of formatting. When considering how to format a hard drive, you need to take this feature into account.

Quick formatting takes minimal time. When executed, the list of saved files is simply erased.

Standard normal formatting- a longer operation, during which all information is erased and the disk is checked. In this case, the entire proprietary information, taking into account detected inoperative tracks and sectors.

Conducting quick formatting it is necessary to take into account that information previously recorded on the disk becomes inaccessible standard methods. True, most of it can be restored using special utilities. With full formatting, everything is lost forever.


If you need to format the disk, you can select one of the following: file systems. By the way, the need to change it is also the reason for formatting the disk. It doesn't matter which system was installed before, all programs and versions of Windows work with both options. Let's figure out what to choose.

NTFS supports working with large amounts of data, but, as experience shows, it works slower on older machines with low performance. This is her only drawback. If you choose FAT32, then you need to take into account that you will not be able to copy or move a file larger than 4 GB, because when the system was developed, all computer memory was smaller. Also, this system does not support data encryption and restriction of access to it. Therefore, if speed is important disabilities hardware, then for formatting you should select FAT32, otherwise NTFS which is more suitable for hard drives modern cars.

Using an operating system boot disk

This solution is actually formatting a disk in Windows; we simply use the system that is not installed in the machine, but load it from removable media. Let's consider the sequence of actions:

Using the Command Line

Another way is possible, through the Command Line. Then you should do the following:

Another method using a boot disk, but without booting

In this case, you do not need a boot disk, but a Windows recovery disk version 7, 8 or even XP. It's just as easy to do:

The process takes several minutes. Now you can use this disk to format your hard drive, even if the OS does not start. To do this you need to follow these steps:

  1. Insert the recovery disk into the drive and reboot the machine. The system will not start booting from hard drive, but from an optical drive.
  2. After selecting the language, press Shift + F10. This will open Command line.
  3. To determine the usual volume name, enter the command wmic logicaldisk get deviceid, volumename, size, description
  4. Then format the disk using the already known command format /FS:NTFS X: /q

Formatting using special programs

There are many formatting programs, but the vast majority of them are installed and run from Windows. We are interested in those that do not require a working OS; relatively speaking, they allow formatting the hard drive via BIOS. True, this is a double job, since after performing an operation on the disk on which the OS was, you will still need to reinstall it, and for this you need a boot disk with Windows.

One of the utilities that works without an OS is ERD Commander , intended for disaster recovery system and is actually a trimmed version of Windows.

The program has many useful functions, but let’s consider formatting the disk. The sequence of actions, which is very similar to formatting work using the OS, will be as follows:


We will be glad if this short article helps you solve the problem of formatting disks using BIOS if other options are not possible. A solution to this problem is presented using the capabilities operating system and attracting special programs.

Video on the topic

After purchasing a hard drive, you should definitely format it; without this, the system will not be able to use the device properly. Usually the procedure is carried out under Windows, but in some cases (for example, if you purchase a completely new system unit) this becomes impossible. In such situations, you need to know how to format a hard drive via BIOS.

Nuances of the procedure

The need to clean the hard drive using the BIOS usually arises when it is impossible to access the appropriate operating system tools. This happens in two cases:

  • purchasing a new computer that does not have any software;
  • critical failures in the operation of the equipment that do not allow formatting.

It should be noted that formatting via BIOS is a relative concept, since in most available BIOS versions the necessary tools are missing, although access to the hard drive is open by default.

This means that the user will still need auxiliary tools, and the BIOS acts in the formatting algorithm only as a logistical link that allows you to perform the necessary operations without using the functions of the operating system.

You need to understand that full formatting will destroy all information stored on the HDD drive, and it will be impossible to restore it. If you need to manipulate a disk that contains something valuable, you should make a copy of the data in advance or send it to the Cloud.

Supporting tools

The formatting procedure can be performed in several ways, but for each of them you will need additional tool, namely: bootable USB flash drive, operating system disk, or Live CD.

As a rule, HDD and SSD media are quickly and easily formatted to initial stage operating system installation.

If you need to completely wipe your hard drive and reinstall Windows, it is better to use a boot disk or flash card with the system. If there is no need to install the OS (for example, when the media is formatted for subsequent sale), you should use special utilities.

Working with bootable media

As an auxiliary tool, you can use both flash drives and CDs or DVDs. Since DVD drives have actually lost popularity, it makes sense to describe the process algorithm based on the use of a bootable flash card. In order to receive it, you need to perform the following steps:

When creation boot drive will be completed, you can move on to the next step - BIOS setup. So that the computer boots not from the hard drive, but from required media, you need to enter the BIOS and set the appropriate parameters in this order:

  1. When you turn on your PC, laptop or netbook, you need to press the Del or F2 key several times.
  2. When the BIOS menu appears on the screen, you need to find the Advanced section in the list of proposed items (sometimes called Boot).
  3. The option should be disabled Secure Boot, and then select an item from the list Boot Device Priority and press the Enter key.
  4. Need to put it first USB Storage Device and confirm the changes with the F10 key.

If all manipulations are performed correctly, the next time you start the PC, booting from the flash drive will begin. Of course, it needs to be inserted into a USB port. When the installer welcome window appears on the screen, you need to click on the “Next” button and then select the option complete installation systems. After this, click on the disk that you want to clean, click the “Disk Settings” button and select “Format”. This method is ideal for cases when you need to format a new hard drive and immediately install Windows on it.

Special programs

If installing an operating system is not required, it is best to use programs for formatting hard drives.

This will also require preliminary creation bootable media, however, the basis will not be the Windows OS, but the utility itself.

The algorithm for writing such a flash card is similar to that described above.

To format an HDD or SSD drive, you can use the following utilities:

The described methods will help you clean the hard drive of a desktop PC or format a laptop with Windows 7/8/10. The sequence of actions is the same for most operating systems and BIOS versions, although some points may differ slightly from each other. In any case, you'll have to stock up boot device, since it is not possible to format the media directly through the BIOS.

Good afternoon, dear readers of my blog! Has your laptop started to behave in a completely incomprehensible way; you can’t find the files you need on it? Is your computer glitching at startup and it has become completely impossible to work? Antivirus diagnostics not helping? All that is visible at startup is a dead blue desert? Then the last one remains radical way. Let's try to figure out how to format a hard drive on a laptop via BIOS.

The design of the hard drive is extremely simple. The main disk of a computer is a round plate with a magnetic coating applied to it. Its surface is absolutely smooth and polished to a mirror shine. There are no sector markings on it, and where this or that type of information will be stored is determined by the formatting operation. During this process, the plate is physically marked and any broken or damaged areas are inspected. Such places are excluded as unreliable and information is not recorded on them. Primary disk formatting is performed at the manufacturing plant. All subsequent cases occur every time you reinstall Windows. Each of them checks the disk surface to avoid a conflict between the system and newly recorded programs.

Attention! Formatting will lead to complete loss of data previously saved on the laptop. For example, only an experienced programmer can restore your favorite photos using special utilities. For money, of course.

How to properly format a hard drive via BIOS

To reformat, bring a boot disk or a copy on hard drive with Windows. You can download the OS file Windows any versions on the Internet or use a licensed copy Windows distribution. To achieve the final result, it makes absolutely no difference where the new Windows comes from. For revision HDD drive Without access to the main OS, you need to do all the operations at the boot stage. Pre-integrate the media with the new operating system.

What to do in this case:

  • We reboot the laptop and during the initial startup period, activate the Del key to enter the basic system. In some models, as an alternative to Del, Insert or function keys F2, F5, F12 are used. Pay close attention to the message at the bottom of the screen when loading. Accurate information is always provided there. If you have saved documents for your device, you can find detailed instructions there.
  • Wait for the BIOS text window to appear on the screen. It is impossible to navigate through the mouse, but only by activating the block of buttons on the keyboard: up, down, right, left. Let's go straight to the “Boot” tab.
  • We set the priority for loading the system from the one we need boot sector CD or USB storage, and not from the HDD. How does this happen? Use the arrows on the keyboard to get to the “Boot Device Priority” item. Using the F5, F4 functionality, select the value CD-ROM or flash drive to the most important first position.
  • Now you need to leave the base system, but preserve the consequences of the intervention by activating function key F10. We are waiting self-reboot laptop.
  • To configure Windows 8 OS, select language - diagnostics - additional features - command line. To configure Windows 7 OS, activate the “Command Line” item.
  • If you come across unfamiliar information while working, use a text editor line

wmic logicaldisk get deviceid — volumename-size-description

format /FS:NTFS X: /q - partitioning process in the NTFS system;

format /FS:FAT32 X: /q -accelerated process markup in FAT32,

value "X" - symbol the desired disk.

Issue the format confirmation command and reboot.

On latest versions Windows 10 can be selected at the same time MBR conversion to GPT and apply the new partition scheme.

BIOS does not recognize drives of any type

Sometimes when setting up basic system In the Boot section, all or one available disk is not visible. What should you do in this case? First of all, if the laptop is very old, most likely it simply does not support the format of flash drives. If the input/output system does not see the hard drive, and problems are observed in the operation of the laptop (and they are observed if there is a question about formatting the disk), then the most probable cause problems - mechanical damage hard drive or cell where it is installed.

Problems with BIOS

Your favorite Asus, Acer, HP or Lenovo does not turn on at all, but you haven’t dropped it? Most likely, there is a failure of the input/output system itself. Only a change can help here motherboard, but it's not cheap. However, it has its advantages. You can upgrade your laptop to the maximum permissible parameters.

The second option is that the battery powering the system has failed. You need to unscrew the cover on the back of the laptop and find a small round-shaped coin cell battery. Carefully replace it and try to reboot the device.

Bottom line

Be extremely careful and you will see that the hard drive partitioning process is not that complicated. The most primitive way to do formatting is directly in the operating system by activating the “Format” command.

In addition, periodically the procedure of reinstalling the operating system will benefit any laptop if it begins to freeze and irritate its owner.

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At active use personal computer the most different situations, requiring responsible decisions. In some unexpected situations, formatting may be the only solution. And many users are seriously wondering: Nowadays, for some reason, some people think that this is impossible, but this statement is not true. This opinion is provoked by the fact that such formatting requires floppy disks, which are now outdated. So, how to format a hard drive through BIOS?

First step

Of course, first you need to insert a floppy disk into the drive. By opening the Control Panel, which can be found in the Start menu, you need to find and select the option to install and remove programs and operating system components Windows systems. Computer disks can have different purposes. IN in this case we need a bootable one. In the window that opens, click on the corresponding tab “ Boot disk" and click on the "Create" button. Execute this action quite simple, just follow the instructions that appear.

Second step

Now you need to completely turn off your PC, reinsert the floppy disk and turn on the computer again. If the BIOS contains the option to boot the system from the hard drive, you should change it to boot from. To do this, immediately before booting the system, press the “Del” button, which will allow you to enter the BIOS. Next you should open the “Advanced” item BIOS Features", which will display several sub-items. IN this menu in addition to the floppy disk and CD, there may be several partitions with hard drives. This is due to the fact that hard drives for PC can be installed on a computer in the amount of two or more pieces. We need the item " First Boot Device". Using the “PgDn” and “PgUp” keys, set the “Floppy” line to the first place. Now close the window with the “Esc” key and exit the BIOS while saving the data by pressing the “F10” button. After these steps, the system will first boot the floppy disk rather than the hard drive.

Third step

After the PC boots, a menu will appear on the screen in which you should use the cursor keys to select next point: “No. 2. Start computer with CD-Rom Support.” The selection will need to be confirmed by pressing the enter key. After a few seconds of loading, the command line “A:\^” will start flashing at the bottom of the screen. Now you should type the command and confirm it again with the enter key. Instead of drive C, you can format any other one; to do this, you just need to change the letter in the command. For example, D would be called by the following command: Format D:. After confirming the entered command, a warning will appear stating that all files with of this disk will be irretrievably erased. To confirm, press the Enter key again. Now the question of how to format a hard drive via BIOS should not cause any difficulties.

But remember that formatting will completely destroy all your data on the selected drive. After the procedure has been completed, it will be impossible to restore them. Therefore, before formatting the hard drive via BIOS, the files needed in the future must first be saved to any external storage device.