How to disable offline mode? Instructions. How to work with network files when using Windows offline mode

Offline mode has been introduced in browsers for the convenience of users and allows you to view previously visited pages without an Internet connection. When a connection to the network is established, the offline mode does not turn off automatically; it must be removed manually.


  • Typically, when you try to navigate to any page while offline mode is enabled, the browser displays a warning. For example, if you are using Internet Explorer, you will see the message: “This web page is not available offline. To view this page, select Connect. Below the message there are two buttons: “Connect” and “Offline”. By selecting the first one, you will cancel the automatic mode and can go to the page you are interested in.
  • Other browsers also issue similar messages. If you want to disable offline mode without waiting for the warning to appear, in Internet Explorer, open the “File” menu and uncheck the “Work offline” option. In Mozilla Firefox and Opera browsers, disabling offline mode occurs in exactly the same way.
  • The Opera browser has the ability to display various buttons on the panel, which significantly increases the ease of use. You can also add a button to turn on/off the offline mode, which will allow you to switch with a simple mouse click on the icon. To do this, open the menu “Tools” - “Design” - “Buttons”. Select the “My Buttons” category, find the offline icon and drag it onto the address bar.
  • Many users never use offline mode, although this option is useful if there are traffic restrictions. Using the offline mode is very simple: enable it by checking the corresponding line in the “File” menu. After that, open the magazine, select any page you visited previously and try to go to it. If the page is saved in the browser cache, you will see it. It is worth noting that not all pages can be viewed this way. Offline viewing of some sites is only possible if they are specially saved.
  • Programs created to work on the Internet and with the Internet can be used without a currently connected World Wide Web. Designed for this "Offline mode" or function "Work autonomously". I already wrote in the post how to work with it

    Sometimes situations arise when you need to exit offline mode. The main reason for the need to perform such an operation may be the automatic transition of the browser to offline mode.

    Basically, browsers (, etc.) or mail collectors (Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird, etc.) switch to offline mode. In this mode, working with Internet sites and online email accounts is impossible.

    !!! The popular browser does not support offline work.

    Disabling offline operation can be done in several ways, depending on the user’s computer literacy, level of access to computer resources and other incoming circumstances.

    Open your browser. To cancel offline mode, open the menu "File" any browser. Find functionality “Work Offline” and uncheck the box.

    Opera Internet Explorer Mozilla Firefox

    Refresh the page. You can follow the links again.

    We do the same for Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird, etc. Open your mail collector. To turn off offline mode, open the menu "File", find the line "Autonomous work", uncheck the activation box. Done - you can send or receive email again.

    For Internet Explorer

    Eif item"Work autonomously"missing, then do the following:

    1. Go to "Service" and expand the link "Internet Options" to alternatively perform the operation of disabling the browser's offline mode.

    2. Go to the tab "Connections" dialog box that opens and apply the checkbox to the " Never use dial-up connections."

    3. Press the button "Network Settings" and uncheck all the fields in the dialog box that opens "Configuring local network settings."

    4. Press the button OK to execute the command and confirm your choice by pressing the button again OK in the request window.

    5. Shut down the window "Internet Options" and restart your computer to apply the selected changes.

    If for some reason it is impossible to disable offline mode using the methods described above, do the following:

    1. Click the button "Start" to call the main menu of the system and go to "Run" to use the following method to disable Internet Explorer offline mode.

    2. Enter value regedit in the field "Open" and press the button OK to confirm the launch of the tool "Registry Editor".

    3. Expand the registry branch HKEY+CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings and select or create a string parameter DWORD GlobalUserOffline.

    4. Enter the value of the selected parameter: 00000000 and quit the Registry Editor utility.

    5. Restart your computer to apply the selected changes.

    At working with files and folders on the network You can make them available offline and access them even when your computer is not connected to a network. You can use this when connecting your laptop to the network at your workplace.

    If a file is made available offline, Windows creates a copy of it on your computer. This file is called an offline file. After disconnecting from the network, you will be able to open, edit and save the file in the same way as before disconnecting. And the next time you connect to the network, Windows automatically synchronizes the offline file on your computer with the corresponding network file.

    How to make files and folders available offline

    1. With your computer online, find the file or folder you want to make available offline.
    2. Right-click the file or folder and select Always available offline.


    • To make sure that a file or folder is available offline, right-click the file or folder and check whether the Available offline checkbox is checked.
    • If you no longer need access to a file or folder offline, right-click the file or folder, and then clear the Available offline check box.

    How to work offline when you have network access

    Sometimes it's better to work with offline versions of files even when connected to the network. This is appropriate if your network connection is slow or having problems.

    1. Open a network folder that contains files that are available offline. Then click the Disconnect button on the toolbar. (This button appears only if the folder is made available offline.)
    2. When you have finished working offline with files, click the button on the toolbar Working on the Internet. All changes made to files offline are synchronized with online files.

    How to enable offline files

    If the Offline Files feature is disabled, you must enable it to work with offline files from a network folder.

    1. On the tab General click Enable Offline Files.
    2. You must restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

    How to find out what mode you are working in: online or offline

    If you are not sure which version of the file you are working with (offline or online), follow these steps.

    1. Open the network folder containing the file.
    2. Select the file with the mouse. If the parameter Autonomous operation appears in the toolbar, you are now working online, and double-clicking the file will open the online version. If the parameter Work online appears in the toolbar, you are now working offline, and double-clicking the file can open a separate version.

    To view offline files

    If your offline files are stored in different folders, you may want to view them without opening each folder individually.

    You can view all offline files in one place like this:

    1. Open the Offline Files window.
    2. On the tab General click View offline files.

    Use Sync Center for Offline Files

    Windows syncs offline files automatically, and if the network file is changed, the offline copy stored on the computer is also updated, and vice versa.

    But sometimes you need to sync offline files immediately to make sure you have the latest versions of your online files.

    To do this you can use sync center:

    1. Open Sync Center.
    2. Select folder Offline files. Then click on the toolbar button Synchronize to sync all offline files.

    Clue: To sync just one folder, file, or selected files, you don't need to open the Sync Center. Right-click the item, point to Sync, and then click Sync Selected Offline Files.

    Working offline means that the user has the ability to open the site without an Internet connection. True, you can only open a site that you have already opened before. For example, you read an entertaining story on the Internet. A few days later, you wanted to refresh your memory of this story. But there is no Internet connection at the moment. In this case, there are two possible options. Either the user temporarily forgets about his desire, or tries to open the page offline.

    Using offline mode

    In other words, in fact, the computer can remember individual pages of sites you have visited. You can open such pages even without an Internet connection. Unfortunately, not all pages will open offline. The ability to view some sites offline is only possible with special saving.

    Many people never use offline mode, although this method can be useful if there are restrictions on data usage. It’s easy to use: enable it by checking the checkbox in the corresponding line in the “File” menu. In the magazine, select the page you previously visited, then try to go to it. If the page is saved in the browser cache, you will see it. When the Internet connection is restored, offline mode must be removed manually. But how to disable offline mode?

    Disable offline mode in Explorer

    There are several ways to disable offline mode in Internet Explorer. Most often, the need to perform such an operation may arise when the browser automatically goes into offline mode.

    • Typically, when working offline, attempting to navigate to any site will result in a corresponding warning. For example, in Internet Explorer, the following will appear: “This web page is not available offline. To view this page, click Connect. Right there, just below, there are two buttons: “Offline” and “Connect”. How to remove offline mode? To do this, you just need to select “Connect”.
    • Click “File” on the top toolbar in the Internet Explorer application window. Then, in the drop-down menu, uncheck the “Work offline” box. If you don’t have this panel at the top of your window, right-click on the empty gray field at the top of the program. A menu will appear where you will need to click on “Menu Bar”.

    To disable offline mode in Internet Explorer, run:

    • Go to the “Service” item.
    • Expand the “Internet Options” link.
    • Go to the “Connections” dialog box that opens and check the “Never use dial-up connections” checkbox.
    • Click the “Network Settings” button.
    • In the “Configure local network settings” dialog box that opens, uncheck all the boxes.
    • Click the “OK” button, then confirm your choice by clicking “OK” again as required.
    • Next, close the “Internet Options” window.
    • Reboot the computer.

    Another way to disable offline mode in Explorer:

    • Click the “Start” button. Thus, we call up the main menu of the system.
    • Go to the “Run” line
    • Enter the value “regedit” in the “Open” field that appears. Click the “OK” button to confirm the launch of the “Registry Editor”.
    • Expand the registry branch HKEY+CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings and select the DWORD GlobalUserOffline key.
    • Enter the value of the selected parameter: “00000000”
    • Next, we close the “Registry Editor” window.
    • Reboot the computer.

    Disable offline mode for Opera and Mozilla

    When you try to go to a site in offline mode in Mozilla Firefox, a message appears on the screen stating that offline mode is enabled and that: "... in this mode, working with sites on the Internet is impossible." The following instructions are given: “Click “Try again” to connect to the Internet and reload the page.” After clicking "Try again", the offline mode in the browser will turn off itself.

    When working with Opera, everything happens similarly. How can I disable offline mode without waiting for a warning to appear in Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer? You can do this through the “File” menu: uncheck the “Work offline” box.

    Similarly, you can use the “Menu” button in the top line of the Opera browser to select the “Settings” line, then select “Work offline”.

    The Opera browser has a very convenient function to display different buttons on the panel. You can also add a button to enable offline mode. This will allow you to turn offline mode on and off by simply clicking on the icon. To do this:

    • "Service" menu
    • then - “Design”,
    • then - “Buttons”,
    • select the category “My Buttons”,
    • find the "offline mode" icon
    • drag it with the mouse into the address bar area.

    By clicking on the “offline mode” button, you will notice that it has changed its color. This is convenient, because in order to check the operating mode of the computer, a fleeting glance is enough.

    To use another option to turn off offline mode when working in the Opera browser:

    • you need to disconnect the established connection to the Internet and call the main system menu through the “Start” button;
    • go to the line “All programs”;
    • launch the Opera application;
    • open the main menu in the program and select the “Settings” item;
    • Uncheck the “Work offline” box.

    If you have the ability to open a website without an Internet connection, you can work using offline mode. But in this case, you will be able to open only those resources that have already been viewed before. To help you understand what we are talking about, imagine that you were reading an article on the Internet. After some time, you decide to do it again, but the connection is interrupted. In this case it turns on

    Your computer has the ability to remember some of the pages of websites you visit. The offline mode in this case will allow you to open them when the Internet connection is inactive. However, previously visited sites will not always open in this mode.

    Nowadays, when almost every apartment has unlimited Internet, this mode is practically not used, however, in cases where you need to pay for each megabyte, it will be very useful. So if the issue of economical use of traffic is important to you, you can periodically activate this function. However, users may encounter another problem. It happens that when you launch your browser, you receive a message from it that it is impossible to open a particular site due to active offline mode.

    Let's talk about how to disable offline mode in some common browsers. For example, in Opera, when you try to go to some resource, you will see a message on the display stating that this mode is currently active, so it is impossible to work with sites. You will then be given instructions on how to disable offline mode. To do this, you must click on the retry button and reload your page. After these steps, this mode should turn off, and the site you need will load.

    As for such a popular browser as Chrome, it does not have an offline mode, so such problems will never arise there. I don’t know why the developers thought that it would not be useful to users. Perhaps in the future this function will be introduced into it.

    As for how to disable offline mode in another well-known browser called Mazila, this procedure is similar to Opera’s. But you can still do this without waiting for such warnings to appear. To do this, you need to call the menu through the “File” tab, in which you uncheck the offline work line.

    With Opera, this is done by clicking on the menu button, which is located in the very top line, and there you need to click on the settings section, in which you can deactivate offline work. This browser also has another way to disable offline mode. In Opera, you can use the unique function of placing various buttons on the panel. So do this with the button that is responsible for this mode.

    We have discussed with you what offline mode is in browsers, why it is needed, and how to disable it. Just do not confuse this function with a similar one in some games. Steam's offline mode has nothing to do with this. The names are really very similar, but that's the only similarity.