How to unsubscribe from all subscriptions and email newsletters. How to unsubscribe from email and SMS mailings from different services

Probably more than half of the world's population has their own e-mail, or simply email. An Internet user quite often subscribes on various sites to the automatic sending of letters. After a while, he realizes that the information he receives is not particularly interesting to him, so he wonders how to unsubscribe from Mail mailings.

Review of mailing services

If a user has subscribed to any news site or resource that offers information of interest, then his data (at least email and first and last name) will be entered into the database. There are various services for sending letters:

  • Smartresponder;
  • Subscribe;
  • Rss mailings;
  • justclick;
  • other, lesser-known resources.

The database of these sites may contain data from hundreds of thousands of users. And almost all of them receive automatic letters from one or another author. After some time, the subscriber thinks about how to unsubscribe from mailing lists by email, because useful information is no longer in the incoming messages. It is necessary to understand this issue.

Opting out of receiving mailings from the Smartresponder service

Perhaps this resource was the most popular at its time. Unfortunately, it is already closed. But the principle of unsubscribing from this service also applies to others. There is no need to wonder how to unsubscribe from Mail mailings if you receive a letter that the user did not subscribe to.

Usually at the end of the letter there is always an “Unsubscribe” link. The subscriber needs to follow it. On the page that appears, the user will be presented with a choice of one of two options: complete deletion of the e-mail address (database) or a complaint about receiving spam from this author. The second option should be selected if you have received a lot of fraudulent emails.

Opting out of receiving newsletters from the Subscribe service

Surely many users found a large amount of useful information on the presented information portal. And accordingly, we subscribed to topics of interest. Over time, either the information becomes outdated or there is no longer a need to receive such letters. In this regard, a logical question arises: “How to unsubscribe from Mail mailings from Subscribe?” There is nothing complicated here.

Unsubscription occurs in your personal account on the information portal. It turns out that the user initially registered for the service. To unsubscribe, he should go to his personal account and, in the “My subscriptions” tab, delete those news feeds that should no longer bother him.

Opting out of receiving newsletters from the RSS service

Many blogs, information portals, and news services have this widget for sending interesting information to readers. If such letters begin to annoy you, then after the question appears about how to unsubscribe from Mail mailings, you need to take a number of steps. They are aimed at freeing e-mail from spam and unnecessary information. Such messages have an “Unsubscribe now” button. This means "Unsubscribe Now". You need to click on this element of the letter, and voila: you're done.

Opting out of receiving newsletters from other services

As for this situation, everything will be a little more complicated. Many users work on the Internet and, if necessary, leave their email address on various sites. Potential employers or scammers add the specified e-mails to the databases of various services. Addresses are added here without the consent of their owners. The same Smartresponder or Subscribe do not allow themselves to remember email addresses without the user’s knowledge. And then, after some time, mailing resources begin to send a lot of letters. And to the question of how to unsubscribe from Mail mailing lists, there may not be an answer here. The only advice: do not leave your email addresses on unfamiliar resources.

If you are as inquisitive as most residents of the country of the Soviets, then most likely your mailbox resembles either a chaotic dump of information garbage, or an orderly warehouse in case of the Third World War.

In both cases, this is a accumulation of materials put aside for later, which will not be reached in the next thousand years, because you continue to subscribe to more and more new mailings.

Sooner or later, everyone faces the question: how to unsubscribe from a mailing list that you will no longer read for one reason or another.

When should you unsubscribe from the mailing list?

  1. If you have read/viewed 2-3 letters and have not opened any more. Don’t throw it away because you hope to receive something valuable in the future or don’t know how to unsubscribe;
  2. If the distribution level has exhausted itself, i.e. at first you read it with interest, but now you don’t find anything useful in it;
  3. If the author's style of conducting a newsletter is not close to you and/or irritates you, even if the information is useful - there are countless authors on the Internet, you will find another, more congenial

Now about the main thing: how to unsubscribe from the newsletter if you are tired of receiving it. You can, of course, write a hysterical letter to the author: “don’t you dare write to me anymore!”, to which the author will just shrug his shoulders - you subscribed yourself, activated the newsletter yourself, which means you should be smart and smart enough to unsubscribe in the same way.

In fact, it is much easier for you to unsubscribe yourself than for the author to search for you in his database of thousands.

So the salvation of the suffering is the work of the suffering themselves.

Today I will tell you how to unsubscribe from mailings in different mail services, and you will no longer have to suffer - you can easily manage your subscriptions

How to unsubscribe from the service mailing list

1 way

With Smart it’s easiest - at the end of each letter sent by this service there is a link cancel subscription

When you click on it, you will be taken to a page with this choice:

Here you can mark the box “I want to completely remove my address from the author database”

Please note that marking the second box is a direct accusation against the author of the newsletter that he sent letters to your e-mail without your consent. Which is nonsense for the Smartresponder service.

Smart monitors this very strictly, and no one can simply add your address to their database without your consent.

Therefore, if you simply forgot that you once voluntarily subscribed, this is not a reason to take out your irritation from your own inability to unsubscribe from the mailing list on a person who is not to blame for this.

Method 2

You can wholesale free yourself from all unnecessary mailings. To do this, you need to log into your subscriber account on the service by clicking on the button To come in in the upper right corner.

If you can’t remember your password, click on the link in the same window Forgot your password? And Smart will send it to you by email that you use when subscribing

Here you will find a bunch of newsletters that you once subscribed to. You have already forgotten about many of them. Moreover, in secret, many authors have already forgotten about their mailing lists that you subscribed to.

After checking the checkboxes for mailings that you no longer want to receive, click the button at the very bottom of the page Unsubscribe

Voila! We got rid of a bunch of unnecessary junk in one fell swoop, and you are left with only those newsletters that you would like to continue to receive.

How to unsubscribe from RSS updates

At the very bottom of the letter received from the service there is a link unsubscribe now

Click on it and in the window that opens, click on the button Yes, unsubscribe me now

1 Method

It is as simple as in Smart. In the same way, at the end of the letter we find a very subtle opportunity Unsubscribe. Subscribe offers a choice: On the site or By mail.

Click On the site and on the next page click the button cancel subscription

After which Subscribe immediately gives us the opportunity to check all subscriptions and unsubscribe from unnecessary ones

  • Select from the menu My newsletters -> My subscriptions
  • We discover that we managed to subscribe to a bunch of nonsense and click on the links Unsubscribe

We admire the result

1 way

The same as in previous services: goes down to the very bottom of the letter, look for the Unsubscribe link and unsubscribe

Method 2 is also not fundamentally different

Follow the link, log in, put a tick in the checkboxes of those mailings from which we want to unsubscribe and press the freedom button

1 way You already know.

Method 2

IN Subscriber menu choose home

Press the button Update

In the block Unconfirmed subscriptions We put a tick in the checkboxes of mailing lists that we don’t want to subscribe to

Click Update

In this simple way, we got rid of unnecessary mailings and can breathe more freely.

I will not list all email services - these are just the main ones. But, I think, you have already understood how to unsubscribe from the mailing list: either at the end of the letter or in your subscriber account, you can always get the long-awaited freedom without appealing to the conscience of the author. Believe me, subscribing to his newsletter is your doing, he is not involved and did not even notice your appearance. And, in the same way, you can leave in English without saying goodbye, again he won’t notice.

According to official information from Yandex, about 90% of all letters that come to email are unwanted mailings and spam. From 15 to 20% of their senders do not leave an option to unsubscribe, the rest often complicate this process.

Where does so much spam come from?

Spam accumulates unnoticed. Once you register on a suspicious resource, you can “infect” your mail for a long time. This is how an email address falls into the hands of scammers and is distributed across many email databases without the owner’s consent.

How to unsubscribe from Yandex mailing lists?

You can unsubscribe from unwanted mailings and get rid of spam in your mailbox in just a few clicks. Where to find the unsubscribe button, what to do if the sender did not leave such an option, and how to get rid of a large number of unwanted subscriptions in one click? How to unsubscribe from Yandex mailing lists?

Via the sender's website

How to unsubscribe from mailings to Yandex mail through the website of the sender of the letters? As a rule, such an opportunity is provided in each letter. The “Yandex Requirements for Fair Mailings” stipulate that the sender is obliged to give clear instructions about the process of unsubscribing from the mailing list. These steps should not be difficult for the user and can take a maximum of ten minutes.

How to unsubscribe from the Yandex mailing list? It's simple. In one of the unsolicited letters you need to find text with something like the following: “If you no longer want to receive information from the site [name of resource], click here” or simply a link “Unsubscribe from mailing list.” Most often this is written in small print at the very bottom of the letter. The unsubscribe option may look like this:

However, not all email senders follow the rules of honest internet marketing. Often the user may be required to authorize on a resource or restore their login and password. In this case, you can unsubscribe from unwanted mailings using the mailer.

In your mailbox

Recently, an entry appeared on the Yandex blog that the service has added the ability to unsubscribe from unwanted mailings directly from your mailbox (“Yandex. Mail”: unsubscribe from mailings). Not only is this very convenient - there is no need to go to third-party web pages, remember or recover long-forgotten passwords, but it is also possible even in cases where the sender did not provide the possibility of unsubscribing. The latter, by the way, is considered a serious violation of the basic rules of Internet marketing.

So, how to unsubscribe from Yandex mailing lists using a mailer? All suspicious emails go to the Mailings folder by default, but may remain in the Inbox. First you need to open one of the spam emails. At the top there are buttons: “Spam”, which provides for deleting the letter and subsequently sending similar ones to the “Spam” folder, and the actual “Unsubscribe”. The location of the buttons can be seen in the photo below.

Automatic services

There are also third-party automatic services that analyze incoming mail and then offer a list of potentially unwanted email senders. With one click, you can get rid of a whole bunch of unwanted subscriptions and clear your email of spam.

How to unsubscribe from Yandex mailing lists automatically? The service does an excellent job. All you need to do is go to the service’s website, click on the Get started now button and enter your email address in the field provided for this. Next, you need to give the service access to your mailbox. will provide a list of mailing lists that the email owner has subscribed to. In one click you can leave emails in your inbox (Keep in inbox) or unsubscribe (Unsubscribe). In addition, the service provides an interesting additional option: the Rollup function will collect all the mailings that arrive during the day and send them all together at any convenient time. This option will be very useful for those who like to view the news in the morning over a cup of coffee or before bed, because now you don’t need to waste time “collecting” all the letters in your inbox.

There is no need to use the service on an ongoing basis. Preventive cleaning from time to time is enough to keep all incoming letters neat and not get lost in the mass of unnecessary mailings.

Mailbox protection from spam

The best way to protect your own mail from spam and unwanted subscriptions is to filter Internet pages where you need to enter an email address. In order not to ask the question: “How to unsubscribe or block mailings to Yandex mail?”, you need to refrain from registering on suspicious sites.

Not all resources comply with the rules of fair mailings. Web pages are often used to collect personal addresses of inexperienced or curious users, which then end up in open e-mail databases, and the owner begins to receive tons of letters with advertising and unnecessary information.

My inbox is flooded with letters. No, I’m not such a business or popular person - these are newsletters, mostly from resources that I haven’t subscribed to. For example, after I had the imprudence to listen to one conference on online journalism and leave a comment under the stream, almost daily letters from the organizers began to arrive. After installing demo programs that I never used, reminders regularly flash to buy the full version and tips on how to use the software.

The resources I dealt with under King Pea are still sending notifications. Stores send promotional offers to buy what you don’t need and for free or enticements like “buy two down jackets for the price of three and get the third for free.” And all this is terribly annoying. I think you too. Therefore, we will get rid of garbage in the mail and on the phone, including touching on special cases that are most often asked about in the search engine.

How to unsubscribe from email newsletters

Option 1.

In most cases, in the letter itself mailing, you can refuse to continue it and clutter your mailbox. At the end of the email, as a rule, you can change the frequency of receiving such letters or unsubscribe from them by clicking on the appropriate link. So, click Unsubscribe, turn off or something like that, and we are informed that we have successfully unsubscribed.

In many, although not all, emails there is an “Unsubscribe” link at the very beginning of the email next to the sender’s address. At least in Gmail.

I was able to unsubscribe from a dozen mailings in a similar way. But one of them, when clicking on the link, gave a 404 error. In this case, the next option.

Option 2.

In my case, this turned out to be problematic, since I do not remember the password and have not used the mailbox from which I registered for many years.

Option 3.

If the first two methods do not work, you can install a filter: block address, from which the newsletter comes.

In Yandex mail, you need to open the settings and add the corresponding address to the blacklist in the Mail Processing Rules.

In in the settings there is a section “Filters and forwarding”, there you need to create a filter by specifying the address and checking the “delete” box.

In Gmail you need to go to Settings, Filters and blocked addresses, Create a new filter. Also specify the mailing address and set “Delete” messages received from it. And voila - you can enjoy the cleanliness of your mail.

How to unsubscribe from SMS newsletters

Option 1.

To unsubscribe from mailings, there is an option for the user to send an SMS to a short number or the number from which letters come, with a word or code number. Or unsubscribe using a free call to the hotline: when you need to chat with an answering machine.

For example, on MTS you can block SMS from a specific number by sending a message with the command off and this same number to 4424.

Option 2.

You can unsubscribe from SMS mailings from stores and other “postmen” in your personal account on the website from which the messages are sent. All you have to do is find a special form, enter your phone number and confirm that you definitely do not want to receive these types of messages on your phone. And if the advertising mailing is from the operator and its partners, find the appropriate section and check the boxes for the services you are refusing.

However, these methods work if it is possible to send SMS (digital number) or if a personal account is provided. But it happens that these options are not suitable. Especially when you have no idea why the bank, whose name you only know from this spam, regularly sends you an offer to take out a loan. Or nightclubs are inundated with text messages about hot parties, although you avoid such establishments. Then try the following options.

Option 3.

  • In the message feed itself, open the settings and select an item like “Add to spam numbers.”
  • Or, as operators advise, contact the resource sending messages using contact information on the official website or simply found on the Internet. And ask to remove your number from the mailing list.

Option 4.

Use special services and applications. For example, “No need for SMS!” - a site specifically for unsubscribing from annoying messages.

Enter your number, sender's number, text and date of the message. The service will send this data to the distributor, and they promise to send you an email when they add you to the stop list.

There are also applications for blocking SMS, but after reading the reviews, I think that they should only be used in very advanced cases. If you just want to get rid of annoying spam, the options before this will be simpler.

And now a few specific mailings, which, judging by the requests, users most often want to unsubscribe from.

How to unsubscribe from Beeline mailings

You can disable notifications from Beeline in your personal account on the website or by calling toll-free numbers.

How to unsubscribe from MTS mailings

On the Russian MTS website, the “Support” section “Connect or disconnect services” immediately takes you to your personal account.

Apparently, if you do not want these messages, you will have to use option 3.1: block the number using the methods available on your mobile OS.

How to unsubscribe from Bonprix mailing list

To refuse messages, you can use the settings in your personal account by unchecking the appropriate boxes. Or use the feedback form on the website: enter your details and ask to disable SMS messaging.

How to unsubscribe from the newsletter Okay

The hypermarket itself offers to call the toll-free line 8 800 250 00 08 for such purposes. But you can try other of the above methods of refusing messages.

How to unsubscribe from mailing lists on VK

Another popular request. If you don't want to receive notifications from a specific group, click the three dots at the top of the chat and select "Block messages." All.

We are waiting for your comments on which methods you think are effective or vice versa.

Finally, a little feedback for those who do mailings. I was recently getting ready to go to a festival, clicked the “I’m going” button on social media, and reposted it. And I received several useless letters a day. Thanks to the sponsors of the event, repeated information about performing musical groups and reminders that there will be a food court with shawarma on the territory of the festival. And these letters almost discouraged me from going there, because they were terribly annoying.

To those whose inboxes and messengers are still littered with letters and newsletter messages, successful “decluttering”!