How to make a simple collage from photos in Photoshop. How to Create a Beautiful Natural Collage in Photoshop

The process should begin by opening the program and creating a new file. The name is chosen at your discretion. Let the size be 1920 by 1080 pixels. Make the background transparent.

On the left side of the working window there are two colored squares. They are responsible for choosing the foreground and background colors. Click on the first square and select some light blue color. We will fill our image with it to get a soft background. To do this operation, you need to select the Fill tool and click on any area of ​​the currently transparent picture.

How to make a beautiful collage in Photoshop?

Now you need to make a beautiful collage in Photoshop: in our case, it will consist of four pictures. All of them should be placed on new layers. For now, we have created only one layer called “Background”. Go to the Layers panel. Double click on the existing layer and rename it. This will unlock this layer, in the future you will be able to perform any action with it. If you are working in one of the latest versions of Adobe Photoshop, then this operation will not be required, since instead of the background layer there will be a regular layer.

Next, you need to open one of those photos using Photoshop that you want to place in the collage. Open the Layers panel and drag the Background layer onto the blue-colored image. The photo will immediately appear on it as a new layer. But its resolution is much higher, so the picture won’t even fit on the screen. Select any tool from the selection group, then right-click on the photo. In the context menu, click on the “Free Transform” item. You will be able to drag the image, rotate it and resize it. For the last two operations, corner markers are used. Change the dimensions only while holding down the Shift key, this will preserve the proportions of the image. You can make the photo smaller and rotate it slightly. When you are satisfied with the result, double-click on the image with the left mouse button. The first frame of our collage is almost ready.

But this makes the photo look faceless. Therefore, our lesson on collage in Photoshop continues with work on this frame. In the Layers panel, you should have the layer with the inserted photo selected. Then click the “Fx” button in this panel and select “Stroke”. By default, we are asked to create a stroke with a width of 3 pixels. This will be quite enough. Set the stroke position to Inside. All that remains is to choose the color. Try making the stroke dark green.

Next in this dialog box, click on the “Shadow” tab. The parameters can be left as default. If you want, no one bothers you to change the position of the shadow and increase its displacement. When you are ready, click the “OK” button.

Photoshop: making a collage from pictures

At the moment, we additionally have a photo of the waterfall open in Photoshop. It can now be closed. Instead, you need to open three other photos intended for the collage. Move them onto our created image. You already know how to do this.

When we make a collage in Photoshop, all three photos need to be correctly positioned in the corners of the created image. To do this, you again need to use the “Free Transform” item. Make the frames smaller and rotate them in different directions. Don't forget that each photo is a separate layer. Therefore, they can block each other. If you need to “pull out” a photo on top of the others, the “Layers” panel will help you. Just drag the desired layer to the very top.

How to create a collage from photos in Photoshop?

Please note that currently only one image has a shadow and stroke. Changing parameters for each photo is very time consuming. Therefore, we will try to create a collage in Photoshop in an easier way. Take a look at the Layers panel. At the moment there is only one layer in it, which has the Fx icon. Hover your mouse cursor over this icon, hold down the Alt key and the left mouse button. Move the cursor to the layer with another image and release the left mouse button along with the Alt key. This will copy the effects to another layer. In the same way, they need to be copied onto the two remaining layers.

You can change any effect at any time. For example, you can change the stroke color of each photo. This will allow you to get a kind of multi-colored collage.

Now you understand how to make a collage in Photoshop. But we're not done yet. Remember that you can move existing photos at any time. To do this, use the Move tool. You will again have to rotate the frame and resize it using the “Free Transform” mode.

Each photo now has a stroke. But why not add a stroke to the collage as a whole? This is done very simply. Select the very first layer, which has a blue rectangle thumbnail. Click the Fx button and select Stroke. Change the settings as you wish. Increase the size to seven pixels. Position - inside. But the most interesting thing is located in the lower half of the provided dialog box. Try using Gradient as the stroke type. You will see several types of gradient included in the main group. To access other groups, click on the gear icon.

This is how we ended up with a collage of photographs in Photoshop. You can work with this image for as long as you like. No one will stop you from changing the usual blue background to a pattern or the same gradient. You can find many beautiful backgrounds online that are perfect for collages like these.

Provides Adobe Photoshop and many other collage creation capabilities. For example, you can implement a beautiful transition from one image to another. But these are already very complex actions that will take much more time to learn.

Collage in Photoshop CS5 and CS6

You can create a collage in Photoshop CS5, for example, our work takes place in the CC version, but it can be repeated in previous releases of the graphic editor.
This lesson was devoted, among other things, to creating a collage in Photoshop CS6 or any more recent version of the graphics editor. Visit our site regularly, then you will learn more complex tricks!

How to make a collage from photos in Photoshop? This question is asked not only by moderators of groups on social networks, but also by ordinary page owners. Often after a vacation you want to create a new photo album about your trip. And it’s great when the title photo is a collage. This way the album will attract more attention. To make a simple collage in Photoshop, just basic knowledge of the program is enough. Perhaps you are interested in how to create a collage in Photoshop from several photos? Then you need to use your imagination and be patient, but you will need a little more knowledge of the program.

Collage in Photoshop quickly and easily

Let's look at how to make collages in Photoshop using examples, from simple to complex. The simplest photo collage can consist of one photo.

Take any photo from a vacation, for example, from an amusement park. From such familiar photographs you can make an interesting photo collage quickly and easily.

Open the image in Photoshop. On the right side of the work area is the Layers palette, which shows the division of the image into layers.

To proceed further, you need to unlock your image layer. It's very easy - just click once on the castle image on the layer.

Keyboard shortcut Ctrl+J make two duplicate layers. Apply an adjustment layer to the duplicate in the middle “Hue/Saturation”/(Hue/Saturation) in tinting mode. Let's hide the top layer for now by clicking the icon "Eye" against. You can call the adjustment layer in the layers palette below. The adjustment layer list icon is a half-filled circle.

To make the adjustment layer work in shading mode, in the settings window that opens after calling the layer, click the checkbox “Toning”/Colorize. Now, moving the checkers Hue, "Saturation" And "Brightness" left or right, achieve shades similar to the old photo. Then apply a Gaussian blur to the same duplicate layer. We stand on the layer and at the point "Filter" select the main menu Blur, “Gaussian Blur”/Gaussian Blur.

In the window that appears, move the slider to the right and select a blur that is comfortable for the eye. Click Ok. This layer will serve as our background.

Now go to the topmost duplicate layer. Click on the empty icon to make the icon appear "Eye" and the layer became visible.

Stay on this layer and select the selection tool Rectangular Marquee Tool. Let's create a portrait for the first element of the collage. Select a frame at random while holding down the left mouse button: simply drag it out as much as we need in the image. The selection will be indicated by a dotted line.

Then immediately, without removing the selection, click the icon "Creating a mask". A mask will appear next to the layer, but the image limited to the selection will remain visible.

Click on the paperclip image between the layer and the mask. It will disappear, and the mask will be free to move around the layer and transform. Go from the layer to the mask (in the layers palette).

Now, having selected the tool "Move"(called by the key V), you can grab the mask and move it anywhere in the image. And if you press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+T, you can stretch or reduce the size of the mask. Grab the corner point of the transformation frame and, while holding down the left mouse button, expand or contract the dimension. To prevent distortion of the rectangle during transformation, click on the paperclip on the control panel.

You can also turn the mask at an angle. To do this, move the cursor to the corner point of the transformation frame and wait for a rounded arrow to appear. Now, hold down the left mouse button and rotate to the angle you want. When finished, click Enter.

On the same layer, go from mask to layer (in the layers palette).

Staying on the layer, right-click. In the console list that appears, select the item.

In the settings window, select “Stroke”/Stroke. Move the top slider to select the frame size. The color can be changed by calling up the palette by double-clicking on the color swatch window. Once you've completed all the collections, click Ok.

Now create a duplicate layer with mask by clicking Ctrl+J. On a new layer, call the tool "Move"(key V) and grab it and drag the mask to a new location. It is advisable to highlight one more portrait. If necessary, change the size of the mask or rotate it differently, as was done on the previous layer. This will give you the second collage element. Repeating the steps from creating a duplicate to finding a new mask position, create as many collage elements as you need. Don't forget: to move the mask around the image, in the Layers palette, go from layer to mask. If you need to undo any actions, press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+Z.

To make the picture even more interesting, you can selectively apply an adjustment layer to the collage layers "Hue/Saturation", as we applied it to the background layer. You can also apply an adjustment layer "Black and white".

To make an adjustment layer effect apply to just one layer instead of all of them, between the adjustment layer and the layer you're applying the effect to, single-click while holding down Alt. An arrow will appear opposite the adjustment layer, indicating the link to the layer below. And the effect will only apply to the specified layer.

Apply adjustment layers to your liking. When finished, save the file ( Shift+Ctrl+S) in psd format, in case you want to change anything. Save the finished collage in any format convenient for you, JPG or other ( Shift+Ctrl+S and specify a different format).

This is how easy it is to create an interesting collage from one ordinary photo. If desired, in the window Blending Option In addition to the stroke, you can also set a shadow and glow around each element of the collage.

How to make a collage from several photos in Photoshop

Let's look at how to make a collage from several photos in Photoshop.

Simple collages include a selection of beautiful photos in the same color scheme. Such collages can be found under the name “Color Inspiration”. Or these are simple collages of photographs of travel and other events. Simply put, these are several rectangular photos beautifully placed in one frame.

Prepare the necessary images in advance. It is advisable to select photographs of large size and good quality. Launch Photoshop. In Explorer, select all the prepared images and drag them into the Photoshop window.

We respond to messages when opening a file Ok.

You can switch image windows if there are too many of them in the list on the control panel. Click on the double arrow and select the one you need.

All images should be unchecked "Lock" on the layer. Think in advance about the order in which you will place the pictures on the collage. Select an image to serve as your reference center frame. Place the cursor on the image layer, click Ctrl+T, if you are satisfied with everything and there is no need to cut out a fragment. When the transformation frame appears, on the control panel, click the icon "Clip". In this case, the transformation will not disrupt the proportions of the image. Move the cursor to the corner of the frame and reduce the image to the desired size. Click Enter to complete the transformation.

If we only need a fragment of the image, then the selection tool (key M Ctrl+C And Ctrl+V. We will have a new layer with the required blank. Remove the old layer. Tool "Move"(called by the key V) move the image to the desired position. To do this, move the cursor to the image and, holding the left mouse button, move the image to the selected position.

We are preparing the next fragment of the collage. Go to the bookmark with the desired image. Selection tool Rectangular Marquee Tool(key M) cut out the desired area, press Ctrl+C. Return to the tab with the first fragment of the collage and click Ctrl+V. A new layer with the image appears. Place the cursor on it and click Ctrl+T and adjust it to the desired size by transforming it. Click Enter to complete the transformation. Tool "Move"(called by the key V) move the image to the desired position.

You can close the bookmark with the image you used so as not to get confused among their many. If you wish, you can set a stroke for each element of the collage. Staying on the layer, right-click. In the console list that appears, select the item Blending Option. In the settings window, select “Stroke”/Stroke. Move the top slider to select the frame size. The color can be changed by calling up the palette by double-clicking on the color swatch window. Once you've completed all the collections, click Ok.

Repeat all the steps of cutting, copying, adding to collage and transforming with all the selected pictures. Complete your collage. Save in any of your desired formats ( Shift+Ctrl+S), JPG, etc. Your collage is ready. If you suddenly want to change something in it, then save the psd file of your collage ( Shift+Ctrl+S) and select psd format). Then, by opening this file in Photoshop, you can easily make changes.

You learned that making collages in Photoshop is simple and interesting. Now you can show your friends, using your work as an example, how to make a collage from several photos in Photoshop. Perhaps creating collages in Photoshop will become your favorite pastime. Happy creative work to you! Try it and share your work on social networks. You will definitely succeed!

It can be difficult for a beginner to create a collage in Photoshop on their own. This genre requires not only skill, but also imagination and the presence of non-standard ideas.

In addition, you can create compositions in Photoshop in different styles and genres, but it is not easy to get a successful result in every genre. Thus, photo art requires the selection of original photographic images, taking into account lighting conditions. Photographers often take such photographs themselves, imagining the end result in advance.

In the first stages, it’s easier to create a collage in Photoshop in a mixed style (Mixed Media) or a poster design. These formats allow you to compose images made in different techniques, texts and geometric shapes into one conventional composition, which helps to visualize the images living in our minds. The “double exposure” effect also looks expressive and symbolic.

Completing the lessons below will help you better master Adobe Photoshop and inspire you to create your own compositions. The techniques presented in these lessons will help you create impressive covers, posters, illustrations for websites and presentations.

Portrait of a woman with flowers and butterflies

This tutorial shows how to create a collage in Photoshop based on a portrait of a woman with plant elements and butterflies. Not only standard ones are used, but also the technique of creating abstract elements is presented. In addition, you will learn how to use filters to add creativity to your work.

Double exposure

Usually, the double exposure effect is used by photographers using nothing but their camera, dividing two images on one film frame. However, we can also reproduce this effect in Photoshop. Are used. This beautiful effect is now actively used in advertising, on websites and in video production.

Mixed style design

Composition of geometric shapes, text and photographs. Geometric shapes help organize a composition and make it dynamic.

Text with flowers

Combining beautiful floral elements with text allows you to create unusual and elegant designs. This collage looks better than just an inscription or just a bouquet.

Collage with texture and brushes imitating splashes of paint

Create a stunning textured collage in Adobe Photoshop. You will learn to use brushes, textures, and mixed media techniques. Brushes that imitate splashes of paint and paper textures help create a decorative graphic effect that evokes associations with works made with living materials.

To create a collage in Photoshop you will need high resolution images

Images for your own collages and compositions can be found on these sites.

Have you ever asked on the Internet, for example, how to stew potatoes, in order to clarify some details, and in response, “listen” to the biography of the legendary vegetable from the times of the Spanish conquistadors and listen to the conviction of the extraordinary benefits of the product? There’s nothing wrong with this, of course, but sometimes it’s easier to go to another link (fortunately, there are millions of them) than to scroll through a “talkative” page until the answer to a specific question, especially when everything is already prepared and chopped up.

This preamble, firstly, may be useful to future webmasters, and secondly, is intended to justify the absence in this article of standard definitions and lengthy discussions about the artistic merits of the photomontage technique, because a user who wants to know how to make collage knows what it is.

However, some people may find some general guidelines for making collages useful.

Parting words

Just as during the creation of the world, “in the beginning there was the Word,” so the creation of a collage must be preceded by a clear plan, which is best first realized in a drawing, a sketch, a sketch - whatever comes out of it.

It is important to decide on the specific topic of your work in order to unambiguously convey to the viewer your plan and the idea embedded in it. Pictures are the same words, only silent, and their content, color and combinations in the composition can tell a whole story, only the viewer must understand what you want to tell him. And no matter what style your photo collage is made in Photoshop (landscape, vegetative, decorative or linear graphic), the main thing is that it makes the impression you expected. This can only be achieved subject to the integrity of the composition and the harmonious combination of its elements, although the plot, of course, is also not in last place, and it goes without saying that the quality of the original images that make up the collage must be high.

If, looking at your work, the viewer wants to express his feeling in the words of the famous song: “I, of course, believe you, I saw it all myself...”, then the composition was a success.

One can theorize endlessly on the topic of photo manipulation, but it is better to follow the actions of the masters by viewing fragments of their creative process, compressed into a single overview lesson of collage in Photoshop.

From sketch to "living" painting

The author of the concept sketch in the picture above used 18 images for his future painting. The composition included photographs of a female pirate, a church bell tower, a palm tree, palm leaves, two bonsai plants, a tree with a spherical crown, a rock tower, the texture of a rocky mountain, a sandy beach, a castle, a lighthouse, a dark cloudy sky, a flag, a steep seashore and three photographs of mountains. In addition, additional (non-standard) brushes were used (waves, rays of light, rain, fog, etc.).

If we now imagine that this is a detailed lesson on the topic “How to make a collage in Photoshop,” what could be the first step in this situation?

This is what the collage looked like halfway through:

And this is the final result:

Now try to find all the elements that make up the picture listed above in the list of images.

Despite the fantastic plot, as well as the diversity and heterogeneity of the collage components, the landscape looks “alive”, and one cannot fail to note the harmony and integrity of the composition as a whole. The ability to achieve such an effect lies in the skill of creating a collage in Photoshop, and we will consider what tools, techniques and photo manipulation techniques are used when creating collages using another example, and in more detail.

Snow Princess

The composition included the following images: Princess Aurelia-Isabella, the edge of a cliff, a snow-capped rocky ridge, boulders, a snowy peak, a mountain range, three different dragons, a perfume bottle, a lantern, a castle, a hair clip, a dark night sky, a mountain pine tree, tree in the snow and two different highlights. Brushes of falling snow, fog/smoke and hair made a strong contribution.

Apparently, imagination allowed the artist to do without a sketch, since he started with the central figure, and then gradually began to immerse her in a fairy-tale world, creating the appropriate surroundings.

If you strain your imagination and, following the author, mentally repeat the main steps, trying to comprehend his creative decisions, you can get an approximate idea of ​​how to make a collage in Photoshop.

Collage layout

Then the artist “related” the light figure of the heroine to the dark sky, applying adjustment layers Brightness/Contrast, Hue/Saturation and Exposure to it, and in each case a clipping mask was turned on ( clipping mask), as it will continue to be.

"Bed" for the princess

Next, the author began to sit the princess on a snow-covered rocky platform, cutting out, pasting and “implanting” fragments of the corresponding images of rocks and stone blocks. The snow is "piled" with a regular brush of the appropriate color and covered with a layer with the texture of the snow cover created using a dry brush. Covering the area with it, the author took care of the cracks and nooks at the junction with the rocky frame.

Then all the layers of the snowy area were “glued together” (Ctrl + E) and blended harmoniously into the environment using adjustment layers Hue/Saturation (Hue/Saturation) and Exposure (Exposure).

Creating an entourage

Thinking about how to make a collage in Photoshop, we are essentially deciding what kind of setting to come up with for the main object of the composition.

By merging the mountain layers (Ctrl+E) and fitting them into the environment using the Selective Color, Brightness/Contrast, Curves and Exposure adjustment layers, the author created a new layer above the merged one layer of mountains, then selected their outline by clicking on the image thumbnail while holding down the Ctrl key, and filled the selection with an averaging, thick dark blue color (#091323). Then the opacity of the color layer was reduced to 80%, after which the mountains simply grew into the composition perfectly.

At the next step, having created a new layer between the layers of the mountains and the snowy area, the author “created fog” with a brush, then reduced the opacity of this layer to 45-55%.

Next, the artist placed the pre-cut castle in the background behind the ridge of mountains on the left, placing this layer below the mountains layer, and again, by analogy with the previous step, added a color layer, blurring it a little with the Gaussian Blur filter and turning the castle into a gloomy, dark silhouette against the background of a gloomy night sky.

Perspective in composition

Creating collages in Photoshop requires not only certain skills in working with the program’s arsenal of tools, but also basic concepts of the laws of perspective, light and shadows, color harmony and other “high matters.” Therefore, when adding a distant chain of mountains behind the castle, the author did not forget to “highlight” it a little, remembering the principle of depth of space, according to which distant mountains should be lighter than objects in the middle and foreground. By the way, the author simply drew this lightened range of mountains, using the Lasso Tool (Lasso) to create a selection with a jagged profile and fill it with a suitable color, then “blot out” fog from above, which just lightened the chain, moving it away from the nearby mountains.

Creating the Foreground

The foreground in the composition was represented by fragments of a mountain pine on the left and a snow-covered tree on the right (on a transparent basis, of course). To bring the objects closer to the viewer and create the illusion of depth in space, the author blurred them a little using a Gaussian Blur filter, then adjusted the brightness levels and used an Exposure adjustment layer to darken the trees, since it was night outside.

The artist painted the shadows of the princess behind and on the ledges of the rock frame with a soft black brush.

Having “conjured” the perfume bottle, the artist made a magic lamp, hung it in the air above the princess’s outstretched palms and “lit it.”

To do this, the outline of the lamp was selected (Ctrl+click on the thumbnail) and on a new layer on top it was filled with a radial gradient “from white to bright blue” with the center in the middle of the bulb. Then the author added a layer mask to this layer and used a soft black brush to remove the gradient from the openwork frame of the lamp.

A bright horizontal beam was created by simply overlaying one of the original glare images on the lamp and changing the blend mode to Screen.

Light and shade

The pale yellow reflection of the light at the bottom right was created by clicking with a large soft brush outside, but close to the edge of the picture, and the horizontal reflections belong to the second image of the highlights, which also had the Screen blend mode applied. The blue highlights turned yellow after applying a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer in the Colorize option mode.

The author did not miss such a seemingly insignificant detail as the reflections on the lamp to the right and below from the light from the lower right corner. The desired effect was achieved using a soft yellow brush, changing the blending mode on the color layer to Hard Ligh (Hard light) and reducing the opacity to about 50%.

Above the highlights and lamp in the layers palette, the artist created a new layer and, using a soft black brush, darkened the edges of the painting along the periphery, then reducing the opacity of this layer and thus creating a vignetting effect.

Then the artist gave the princess a “makeup” and illuminated her face, hair, shoulders and palms with a magic lamp. The light was applied with a soft yellow brush on a new layer, followed by changing its blending mode to Overlay.

To solve such a creative question about how to make a collage in Photoshop, it is necessary to decide on the nature of the constituent components at the design stage. The author used in his composition either isolated objects on a transparent background or fragments of images. In the first case, the elements are easy to fit into the environment, since there are no “seams”, but the author simply hid the junctions of the fragments with the background base behind each other in order to avoid hassle with smooth transitions and harmonious combinations. Therefore, the tandem of a layer mask and a black brush, which is usually used for harmonious arrangement and joining of elements when creating collages, was rarely used here.

Foreground detail

Next, the author sat a sparrow on a dry branch next to the princess, drew snow, covering the hem of the dress with it, made a small snowfall behind the princess’s back with a special brush, to the layer of which he added a Motion Blur filter, then using a layer mask and a black brush The snow has cleared up a bit.

To make individual snowflakes “circle” the viewer’s eyes, another layer with coarse snow created with a larger brush was added on top of the snowfall layer.

The composition is completed by ominous figures of dragons in the distance, causing alarm and filling the scene with a mysterious mystical meaning. Having repainted the flying lizards using an Exposure adjustment layer, the author filled them with a translucent dark blue color, turning them into silhouettes slightly blurred by the Gaussian Blur filter.

12.04.2016 27.01.2018

In this instruction we will tell you how easy it is to make a collage from photos in Photoshop. The end result will be a beautiful collage of several photographs stitched together in Photoshop.

The collage you will learn to make will look like this:

What is needed to create a collage in:

  • 5 different photos
  • Photo or image for background

What is a photo collage and why is it needed?

A collage is a single image stitched together from several others. This can be either a collection of photographs or an image in which you may not notice that it is stitched together from several other images. In this tutorial we will make a regular collage of photographs, like a photo album.

How to make a collage

To make a collage you need:

  • Prepare a background for the collage with photographs above it
  • Prepare your own photographs. In this tutorial we will take five photographs.

Lesson Map

Points that you will need to complete in this lesson:

  1. Open each photo separately in Photoshop.
  2. Open the background for the collage, in this document we will create a collage.
  3. In Photoshop, open the tab with the 1st photo, select it and copy it
  4. Go to the tab with the background for the collage, paste the photo on a separate layer.
  5. Repeat the operation with all photos. So copy and paste all the photos.
  6. Place photos on a collage and change the scale for each photo. Add styles.

Note: In this tutorial you will learn how to make your own collages and use your own photos. This instruction will allow you to create a collage on any topic - a family picnic, lovers in nature, a wedding collage, city landscapes, and so on. You are limited only by your imagination.

Creating a collage in Photoshop

Open in Photoshop 6.jpg- this will be the background for our collage.

If you did not have time to take the required scale for the photo or need to adjust it:

  • Select the desired photo from the list of layers
  • Click CTRL+T
  • Rescale.

Since photographs are smart objects, they can be scaled back without losing quality. For now, arrange the photos randomly on the collage. For convenience, I placed all the layers in a separate folder.

Turn off the visibility of photo layers for now. To do this, click on the eye icon opposite the photo layer.

Using a tool Ellipse (Ellipse Tool), you can use any color, draw a circle where the intended photo will be.

The photo will appear in a circle. In the lists with layers, you will see how the layer with the photo has an arrow, it indicates that the clipping mask acts on the layer below - on the layer with the gray circle.

You can move the photo to the desired position and adjust its scale.

Repeat this pattern with the rest of the photos:

  1. Enable photo visibility
  2. Make a clipping mask out of it
  3. Move to the desired position and change the scale

After this, your collage in Photoshop will be ready!)

Remember that you can play with backgrounds, placement and number of photos. Make a variety of compositions in Photoshop!

For example, someone likes a calmer background and square frames)

If you want to see how it works in Photoshop or you want insert your photos