How to send a newsletter on behalf of a VKontakte group. Secure Mailing Rules

This function is handled by our service “VKONTAKTE Message Distribution”; it will quickly deliver all letters to the specified recipients. I think there is no need to explain what it can be used for this function. After all, it’s already clear that this is a great way to invite people to a group or notify all your friends about important news. VKontakte does not provide a mass mailing function. That's why we developed our service. Yes, you are right, we are not the first in this matter, but unlike others, we do not charge money for our service. Sending messages to VK is absolutely free. No phone numbers or SMS required. Just register, add your account to the system, select users to whom to send messages and send, there are no restrictions on mailing. Send out as many as you like. The only thing our service cannot do yet is enter a captcha, which appears after every 20 messages in the newsletter. You will have to do this yourself, but don’t worry, we will soon get rid of this problem, but now let me show you how to set up a newsletter, you will understand that it is as easy as shelling pears.

The first step is to register.

To do this, click the “Login/Register” button in the menu and go to the “Registration” tab.

Enter your address Email, create a password and enter it in both password fields. Type the text from the picture, read the user agreement and check the box. Click the "Registration" button.

You will be taken to the add account page.

Click on the button marked in the picture. A page will open in the next tab where you will be asked to log in to VK and allow our service to access your information from the page.

After this, you will be taken to a page that will contain the secret key. He is in address bar browser.

Copy it and return to our site.

Paste this line into the field marked in red in the image below.

And click the "Submit" button.

All you have to do is enter the message you want to send, select the users you want to send this message and click the “Submit” button.

To select users, we have provided several function buttons.

The All button selects all users.

The “Online” button selects users who are online in this moment time.

The M/F button selects men or women.

You can also check off users.

Users in green boxes are currently online.

The social network VKontakte is quite popular among Internet users. It is intended not only for private communication, but also for receiving news, promoting companies, organizing interest groups and advertising.

Sending an email by creating a conversation

  • go to the “messages” section;
  • Find the “+” icon next to the search bar;
  • by clicking it, you can select all the people from the list of your contacts to whom you want to send a letter;
  • mark the participants in the dialogue;
  • Enter the name of the conversation below and proceed to communication;
  • in the process, you can add new people from your contact list.

The disadvantage of this mailing method is that each contact added receives notifications about all new messages, about the addition or departure of a participant from the conversation. If the group is large enough, then people who are poorly interested in what is happening will quickly leave it. To do this, you should use the “leave conversation” option.

It's simple and safe way send messages on VKontakte. It makes it possible not only to familiarize several people with information at once, but also to discuss it together. The limitation is that you can only use this feature among existing friends, and not new or unauthorized ones.

What actions lead to account blocking?

If you have created a group in contact, are promoting it, or want to actively sell your products or services, you can also organize mailing messages. But this method is quite risky. Site moderation quickly determines intrusive advertising(or spam) and may temporarily or permanently block (ban) an account or group. The most common words that classify a message as spam are:

  • promotion;
  • for free;
  • discount;
  • buy;
  • only today.

This is a short list for clear example, how you don’t need to compose messages, even if you want to send out mailings for the purpose of advertising or promoting your group.

Also considered spam:

  • a large number of similar messages;
  • creating more than 50 new friend requests;
  • sending more than 20 messages to users who have not confirmed their friendship with you;
  • absence of personal photos, activity and communication in your profile, except for sending spam;
  • complaints from users who received a letter from you.

How to properly send a newsletter and compose text

The best way to avoid having your account or group banned is to:

  • write each message with a different selection of text;
  • compose correctly, without slang, non-standard vocabulary and gross speech errors (well, only if this style of communication is not a well-thought-out marketing ploy);
  • avoid the above dangerous words and phrases;
  • address the recipient by name;
  • attach non-commercial photos or pictures to a message;
  • send requests or messages not in a row in large quantities, but at time intervals and 2-3 at a time;
  • Do not send a mailing to everyone, choose at least an approximately interested segment of the audience;
  • You shouldn’t immediately move on to the issue of selling or joining a group; first try to interest your interlocutor with several messages, and only after that, get to the heart of the matter. This makes it easier to avoid complaints about spam.

As you can see, such an activity is quite a labor-intensive process. How to make VK mailing easier? You can use special programs, which will help generate different messages, insert the recipient's name into the text, and avoid entering captcha manually.

The feasibility of mass mailing

Having general ideas how to properly send messages to social network VK, we will highlight the main advantages and disadvantages of this method for promoting a group or sales.


  • free advertising;
  • the opportunity to expand your audience and increase the number of subscribers;
  • a quick way to spread information among existing friends and subscribers by creating a conversation.


  • large time costs for “safe” and “high-quality” mailings;
  • there is a high probability that messages will end up in spam or your account will be banned;
  • Today, this method is considered in an outdated way advertising;
  • According to statistics, the useful return will be no more than 5%. But here, the relevance, novelty and quality of the service, product or information that you distribute plays an important role.

If you decide to implement mass mailing letters or invitations in contact for advertising and promotion, think carefully about your strategy. It is advisable to start by practicing on a fake account to understand the intricacies and returns of such a method. like this account I wouldn't mind losing it.

Video instruction

So, sending messages on VKontakte - programs:

Quick Sender - Program for mailings and promotion on VKontakte.

Quick Sender is a program for: mailings and promotion on VKontakte, promotion and sale of goods and services through the VKontakte network, promotion of groups or public pages/pages, search target audience, mass automatic mailing messages on VKontakte.

Program for promoting VKontakte groups.

Quick Sender - Program for:

Search for target users by criteria:

  • age
  • Country city
  • open/closed wall

Parsing other people's friends according to the following criteria:

  • age
  • a country

Parser for likes with criteria:

  • open PM
  • open wall
  • open comments

Video parser

Parser for likes

Mass mailings on VKontakte

  • Mailing to groups/publics
    (text + photo\video\audio):

On the wall
- in the comments
- in discussions
- NEW! Function Suggest news!

  • Mailing to a list of users
    (text + photo\video\audio):

On the wall
- in the comments
- in private messages

  • Newsletter to friends
    (text + photo\video\audio):
    - in private messages
    - on the wall
    - in a comment on the wall
    - in the comments to the video
  • From 1 account you can send 150-300 messages per day without a BAN! +Built-in text uniqueizer. This is also multiplied by 3.
    In combination with a multi-account, this makes it possible to make really huge mailings!
  • Support for text and media randomizer (the program can work simultaneously with many variants of texts and photos/videos for mailing, which reduces the chance of a BANN by 90%).

Increase subscribers, likes, reposts on VKontakte!

How to get subscribers to a VKontakte group?

  • Using the program, you can also get subscribers to your group or page, get likes and reposts on your posts (100+ per day).
  • Increase reposts on VKontakte- Do you want thousands to know about any of your material? Cheating VKontakte reposts is a universal advertising tool!
  • Cheating likes on VKontakte– an easy way to draw attention to your photos, videos, comments or posts.
  • Cheating friends to your profile/group!
  • NEW!!! Automatic function promotion of the group/public!

Account cleanup function

Using the cleaning function You can:

  • Remove all posts from the wall
  • Delete all videos\photos
  • Remove friends/followers
  • Leave groups
  • Delete messages
  • Remove blocked users from a group

NEW!!! Anti-Ban function

The account is not blocked because the program imitates the work of a living person as accurately as possible, due to the following functions:

  • Between sending messages you can set
    delay (5-90sec).
  • The program works simultaneously with many options for messages and photos\video\audio when sending out mailings. (built-in uniqueizer)
    This allows you to make all messages different, and not send one text to everyone, which leads to a quick BAN!
  • Automatic captcha entry simplifies your work a lot and makes it automatic, without your participation!
  • Support for proxy servers makes it possible to use multiple accounts without the chance of being banned!

You can purchase the program here >>> Universal program for VKontakte

NEW!!! ANSWER MAN function

The autoresponder function will not leave any user unattended! Now there is no need to respond to messages! VK's answering machine will do everything for you. It can be configured so that it instantly responds to people who write a message with a certain text. Now there is no longer any need to ask the question: “How can I respond to a large number of VK messages?” A specially trained program tailored specifically to your needs will do everything for you.

LSender VK PRO

LSender VK - a program for sending messages and conducting dialogues on VKontakte

LSender VK is a program for sending mass messages and communicating with your target audience on VKontakte. Using it, you can attract an unlimited number of clients to any project from the social network.

Easy settings for beginners and many features for professionals. Unique functionality designed to achieve maximum results that you will not find in other programs. A proven tool with a 4-year history.

Program website: LSender VK

Clear and user-friendly interface programs

Clear and convenient program interface

Main advantages of the program:

  • ANY NEWSLETTER - Program 16 effective methods mailings
  • FULL AUTOMATION - Assign tasks and their completion times through the built-in task scheduler
  • TARGET AUDIENCE - built-in parsers will gather your main target audience
  • SECURITY — Developed algorithms reduce the number of bans
  • DIALOGUES - Communicate with customers at the same time different accounts in a programme
  • ANSWER AUTO - Create template responses so that the program communicates without you
  • SETTINGS – More than 100 various functions, tune the program to the result
  • SPEED - Control your email speed at your own discretion, no restrictions

Main modules of the program:


  • along the walls of groups
  • on user walls
  • by comments to group posts
  • by comments to user posts
  • according to the comments to the photo
  • according to the comments to the video
  • by discussion topics
  • by product comments
  • by comments via replies
  • to group albums
  • in private messages to users
  • by friends


  • topics of discussion
  • groups
  • users and friends
  • Photo and video
  • albums
  • goods


  • multiplayer dialogues
  • customizable autoresponder

You can download the program here: LSender_VK_PRO

Quick Sender is a program for promotion and mass mailings on VKontakte.

Not free, BUT THE MOST POWERFUL (as of 01/01/2016) Program for generating traffic, promotion and promotion of VKontakte, program for sending VK messages - QuickSender.

QuickSender is a program for promoting and selling goods and services through the VKontakte network, promoting groups or public pages and pages, searching for a target audience (country / city / gender / age...), mass mailings of messages (wall / groups / DMs / discussions / comments) , increase subscribers / likes / reposts.

More details about it and my experience with it at the very end of the article. This is the best option today.

No one has such rich potential.

The parser alone is worth it! Parser - collects the target audience:

  • you can collect a list of people who like/repost certain posts
  • collect a list of groups by keywords, With a certain amount subscribers and open wall/comments
  • search for videos by keywords and other parameters
  • search for people by parameters
  • parser of discussions, people by comments, message parser

Liker- needed to attract the attention of the target audience. The program allows you to select people based on various parameters and like their wall, posts, etc. For example, do you need to like a wall for users of a certain community? - No problem. You enter a link to the group and launch the liker - the work has begun. You can also start liking your friends, which will have a positive effect on loyalty to your profile.

Promotion of pages, increase of likes and reposts

Quick Sender allows you to add likes and reposts to posts. For example, you copy the link to the group that you want to promote and launch the program. The algorithm independently performs the necessary actions.

Sending messages to VK is powerful tool. This way you can gather the right audience and send them an offer. The newsletter can be set up by a list of users, by community subscribers, by friends, by group walls, by comments, etc. At the same time, I recommend sending an offer only to those people who will really be interested in it. Otherwise you can easily get banned. The mailing function has many additional options, which will help optimize your work.

Inviter— invites people to a group, to an event, and so on. Adds users as friends from search or using the required parameters.

Removing "dogs" from the VKotakte group.

You can watch a video of how the program works and get the program on the author’s website.

In this article we will talk about mass mailings on VKontakte.


In this article we will discuss a question that is of interest to many - how to send VKontakte mailings, we will talk about common methods that allow you to simultaneously send information to any users.

What do you need to know about VKontakte mailings?

At its core, sending the same information, even with words rearranged, is common spam. But sometimes this is necessary, for example, if you need to invite people to an event.

Spam is always punished, this is especially noticeable In contact with. First of all, because this is a network with a commercial component, because it was created initially to make a profit. Therefore, sending out your advertising here risks blocking.

  • In general, mass mailing is already an old method of advertising. About 10 years ago, when email spam first appeared, its effectiveness was more than 500%. Now this figure has dropped to 0.5 - 2%. It all depends on how useful the information you send is.
  • When sending any advertising messages In contact with You can easily end up in a ban, and often forever. It is enough for at least one recipient to complain that you are sending spam. Therefore, if you are blocked, it is not necessarily due to violating network rules; perhaps you sent too many messages.
  • The most in a fast way mailing is the use of programs, for example, applications, services, and so on. But the most harmless is manual mailing, since you are looking for an audience, composing a text for each individual person and communicating with him. This is really difficult, since you have to find an approach to everyone and waste time. And if you think about how much benefit this will bring, is it worth doing it at all?
  • Based on the above, we can say that mass mailing is still not relevant, regardless of the social network used. To date, this method is ineffective. Moreover, you can be left without an account altogether and run into a wave of indignation from customers.
  • If you still have the desire, then let’s talk about how to send mailings so that you don’t get banned all the time. It’s worth saying right away that there is no method that is safe and effective at the same time. Therefore, first think carefully about whether you need it and then start acting.

What is the safest way to send messages?

On VKontakte, it is safest to use manual mailing. Here's what you need to know to use this method:

  • Messages must be sent directly. This is the only way they will give some effect, because the person will be interested in your offer. Accordingly, it will be easier to promote your services.
  • Finding your target audience takes a lot of effort. To do this, use the internal search on VKontakte, where you can sort by age, gender, place of residence, and so on. Moreover, there is a search by key queries with your own theme. You will see messages from people posted on their page, which means they are interested in this topic and can offer your service.
  • The message text cannot contain explicit advertising. You don't even have to write anything. Many users are already accustomed to the fact that when they are added as friends, they offer something. Therefore, if you have been added as a friend, it means your activity is interesting to the person. Such “silent” advertising is very popular today In contact with.
  • As we said, it is unacceptable to write advertising in the text. Say hello, ask about current affairs, although today few people buy into this. Everyone knows very well that there is no sincere interest in the commercial age. Once I wrote stranger, it means he wants something, and accordingly the blocking is already ready, and at the very first message with something advertising a complaint is received.
  • In addition, any mailing event must be conducted from a fake account, which you won’t mind losing if it fails. It is better to make contact with people of the opposite sex, taking into account their age and sexual preferences.
  • If your target is men 25 - 50 years old, then you need to write from a female account 18 - 25 years old. If an adequate man of normal orientation is sitting on the other side, then he will definitely be interested in such a young lady. By the way, women over 40, especially unmarried ones, are always interested in men 30-40 years old.
  • Not last place people's activity also occupies them. If someone is online all day long, communicating, posting pictures, this means that in reality he has nothing to do.
  • This all means that if you approach the search for an audience correctly, your promotion task will be quickly completed. It is additionally worth studying the person’s communication style, skills and attitude towards virtual space to be on the same wavelength with him.
  • Moreover, the system is constantly being improved and detects spam, so it is not recommended to send more than five messages per day to strangers. Of course, this is very little, but if you do this more often, the messages will be recognized as spam and you will be blocked. You can also get blocked for sending messages over the limit per day.

Automatic message sending

This program is designed for those who love social networking In contact with and wants to save his time when working with it. If you install , you will save a lot of time doing simple steps Online. These are invitations to friends, to a meeting, to a group, and so on. Now this process will be automated for you. Moreover, you will get other useful features.

The program has several convenient options, for example, blacklist, sorting and search capabilities. In addition, it has its own macros, which make it possible to automatically change a message from a temporary set in advance.

How to invite users to a group?

  • You can invite a maximum of 40 people from one page once a day. First, you can find friends with similar interests, and then send them an invitation.
  • This will make it possible to get live users into the group, because they independently decide whether to join the group or not.
  • But you should be careful, because if you add too many friends, you may be banned for some time.

So, to invite a person to a group:

  • Go to the page of the group where you want to invite friends
  • Join it if it is not yours and click on the line "You're in a group" and select "Inviting Friends"

  • A list of friends will load, with a light next to each one. blue inscription"Send an invitation"

  • If you do not need everyone, but only people specific by age or gender, then first select "Inviting friends from the full list". Then it will open full list friends
  • Click on "Options" and sort the list by criteria

  • As we have already said, you can send no more than 40 invitations per day. If you try to send more, the system will notify you that you have exceeded the limit
  • Some users also prohibit inviting themselves to groups. You will also be notified about this

Video: How to make a VKontakte newsletter?

If you are active user social network “VKontakte”, you are probably already interested in the question of how to create your own official group. In fact, in order for it to become truly popular and visited, it needs to gain subscribers.

Currently, there are a large number of ways in which you can develop your community. There are both paid and free options. Today we decided to tell VKontakte users how to send a newsletter. After all, this question is currently very relevant.

This term refers to a way to send personal messages to your existing subscribers and friends. Of course, a newsletter for strangers you physically will not be able to create, since this is simply impossible at present, but at any time you can order paid advertising from a social network. For some, such a service may be too expensive, but for others it is not necessary, in the case where the administrator wants to use his strengths and capabilities. By the way, you can send personal messages with various offers. For example, if your group sells goods, then you can inform in this way about pleasant conditions or promotions, competitions, and so on. "VKontakte" is a social network that can bring good traffic, and this also attracts money.

Advertising intrusiveness

Let's first understand marketing, how newsletters work, and how users respond and react to them. When a message arrives from an unfamiliar user who addresses them by name, and it contains a link leading directly to their profile, some people are surprised, but many have long been accustomed to receiving advertising in this way and have long turned a blind eye to it. “VKontakte” is a social network whose scale is practically unparalleled, and, accordingly, it is not so difficult for other users to find you, even if they are not your friends or subscribers. For example, they can find you through special form. The same applies to your mutual friends.

Preparatory work

If you have created your personal group, you have already managed to fill it with unique and interesting content, which you think will be interesting not only to you, but also to other users, then it’s time to start sending out mailings. Before you send messages, you will need to do some preparation. So, carefully compose not only an interesting and attractive sample, but also check that it is written correctly and without sending messages “VKontakte” should be done carefully and with caution. If you have your personal page and you are the creator of the group, in this case we recommend using a second, third-party account to distribute invitations, which you are not so afraid of losing. You can register or buy a new account yourself; currently there are a large number of stores that provide similar services.

Spam protection

Experts do not recommend sending an advertising message with an invitation to a group to all users in a row, since the system will definitely notice such an action and consider it spam, and, accordingly, under such circumstances you can very quickly lose your account. This will happen even if no complaints are filed against you from those users to whom you have already sent such an invitation. If you want the VKontakte newsletter to be really high-quality and without problems, then you definitely need to know about the special rules, which we will now tell you about.

No advertising slogans

If you read the first part of this material and you are an active user of VKontakte, now you know how to send a newsletter. But you should still remember the most important nuances and details that are categorically not recommended for such actions. In the subject of a message that you plan to send in the future, never write the words “free”, “promotion” and so on, since such letters are immediately sent to the Spam folder, and users practically do not read them and in most cases delete them. If someone stood in front of you important question, associated with the social network “VKontakte”: “How to make a newsletter?”, then remember that it is very simple, the most important thing is to prepare responsibly.


If you have additional accounts, it doesn’t matter whether they are registered by you personally or you bought them, you should test different advertising messages, and only in this case will you be able to find the most best option. So we solved another problem regarding the social network “VKontakte”: how to make a newsletter. Try our tips and don't be afraid to experiment.