How to remove an unnecessary page in Word. How to delete a page in Word

Hello again! Today we will talk about such a seemingly simple topic as deleting pages in a Word document. Of course, this operation is unlikely to cause any particular difficulties for anyone. The only thing you need to consider is which page you want to delete - with or without text and where it is located - at the beginning, end or middle of the document. Word also has ways of working here that you probably don’t know about. We will consider these tricky moments today.

As usual, we will cover the topic in several simple examples V different versions programs. And at the end of the article is posted short video. So, let's study the material.

Deleting a page in Word 2010 in the middle of a document (with text)

If you have an unnecessary page of text that needs to be deleted, you can do it as follows. The first thing to do is place the cursor anywhere on the page to be deleted. After this, on the right top corner document on the main panel we find the “find” button. A binocular icon is shown next to it. Click on it and in the drop-down menu click on the inscription “Go”.

A window will open in front of us in which the search object is selected. In our case, this is a page and it is the first one by default and is already selected.

Next to it there is only one field “Enter page number”. Here we type “\page”, and then click the “go” button. As a result, all text on the page will be highlighted. All that remains is to press the “DELETE” key and the page with this text will disappear.

In essence, this procedure is the removal of only unnecessary text, and not the page as such. After all, the text that comes after the one being deleted rises higher, replacing what was there before. Therefore, there is a much simpler way to delete pages in this way. Just select it by holding left. Click on all the text on the page and also press the “DELETE” button.

Removing the last blank page at the end of the document (with headers and footers)

If your document contains headers and footers, but there is an empty last page, then removing it is very simple. Place the cursor on the previous page and press the “DELETE” key, pressing it multiple times to remove the blank page. Before starting the operation, you can include non-printable characters to make it easier to navigate the pages being deleted.

How to remove an extra blank page at the beginning of a document in word 2010

The appearance of an extra blank page is most often associated with the use of breaks. We don’t see all this in the usual format. To display them, use special button on the main panel. However, many people like to type with the non-printable characters feature turned on. So, let's turn on the visibility of these non-printable characters: ¶.

Then select them on the page to be deleted and press the Delete or BackSpace key. As a result, the page will be deleted.

Removing a blank page in word 2013 in the middle of a document

When deleting an unnecessary page in a Word document version 2013, you must enable the function of displaying non-printable characters. After this, place the cursor in the place where the last non-printable character is displayed before the page to be deleted. By pressing the Delete key several times we delete unnecessary page.

You can also delete a page using the page break options. You can open them from the “Paragraph” tab on the main menu panel.

In the first tab, “Indents and Spacing,” large Before or After spacing values ​​can be set. In the second tab “Page Position” you need to check the value of the “pagination” section. After checking the correctness of the settings and removing what is unnecessary, you can safely delete what you don’t need.

Removing the blank page in word 2007 at the end of the document

To remove the blank page at the end of the document, we will use enough simple action. Place the cursor at the end previous page and by pressing the “Delete” key repeatedly, delete invisible lines. For convenience, we include these non-printing characters. Then you can select them all on the page to be deleted, and then simply press the Delete key. And at the end of the topic there is a short video on deleting pages in Word.

That's basically all simple steps to remove unnecessary pages. Although everything is simple, you need to know some tricks. That's all for now.

In the lesson “How to delete a page in Word 2007” we will learn how to delete blank pages and pages with text inside a document Microsoft Office Word 2007.

Our task: learn how to delete pages inside a document Microsoft Word.

What do we need: installed package Microsoft Office programs and any document with a .doc or .docx extension. Download Microsoft program Office Word you can from the program developer's website - Microsoft Word

Let's look at two tasks that we will encounter every day: deleting a blank page from a document and deleting a page with content.

Let's say we have a document in the format “document.docx” (Word 2007) or “document.doc” (Word 2003).

Fig 1. Microsoft file Word in a folder

We open our document, it contains several pages of text and perhaps with pictures and, say, 5 pages. The number of pages in the document is shown in the lower left corner of the program:

Fig 2. Open file Word with text with 5 pages

Suppose we must be removed 3rd page in this document:

Fig 3. 3rd page of our document

To delete the content of this particular page, we can use two options:

1st removal option.

Scroll the document with the mouse wheel to the beginning of the 3rd page. Next, move the mouse cursor over the fields opposite the top line until the cursor changes to a white arrow:

Fig 4. Method for selecting an entire line of a document

Left-click on the top line page, after which the line should look like a selection:

Fig 5. Selecting an entire line on a document page

Hold down the “Shift” key on your keyboard and click on last line current sheet:

Fig 6. Select the line at the very end of the page

Now all the text on the page you want to delete is highlighted. Next, press the “Del” or “Delete” key on the keyboard:

Fig 7. Result after pressing the “Delete” key

Now page deleted. If you don't like this option, there is another one.

2nd removal option.

We find the page that needs to be deleted (let's say we want to delete page No. 3). Left-click anywhere on this page. After this, press the key combination on the keyboard “Ctrl + F”. The Find and Replace dialog box opens:

Figure 8. Find and Replace dialog box

In this window we see three tabs: “Find”, “Replace” and “Go”. Now we are interested in the “Go” tab, left-click on the tab, we will see the contents of this tab:

Figure 9. Contents of the “Go” tab of the “Find and Replace” window

Fig 10. Necessary manipulations to select a page

After clicking the “Go” button, the contents of the page on which the cursor was located will be completely highlighted. Next, click the “Close” button in the “Find and Replace” dialog box:

Fig 11. Close the “Find and Replace” dialog box

Now we see that the contents of the required page are completely selected, after which we press the “Delete” key on the keyboard.

From the lesson we learned that we can delete a page in Word in two ways. Which one is most convenient is up to you to decide.

The people's truth has been said for a long time: “what is written with a pen, everything is done by the way, you can’t cut it out with an ax.” No, cunning and resourceful comrades can, of course, object here. So to speak, to counterbalance the argument. Why not, for example, tear out the sheet with writings that are no longer needed, and throw it out - in the trash or burn it completely. It is possible, but what is not! But you will have to work hard, slog, sweat... Especially if pages need to be quietly destroyed in some report, diary, magazine or (God forbid!) art book.

It's another matter to delete a page in Word. This is where the freedom of action and fullness of sensations come from editing a virtual canvas for writing. There are no operation costs, no signs of “execution” on the sheet, be it blank or with words. In short, user grace.

However, you need to know where these same buttons are located for this very thing and how to operate them correctly. Don't know yet? Then read the instructions below. And your work in Word will become much more comfortable.

The sheet is removed from the project different ways and functions, depending on the specific situation and user task.

How to delete a blank sheet?

1. Place the cursor on the blank page you want to delete.

2.Press simultaneously Ctrl keys+ Shift + 8. Or click on the ¶ icon (show all characters) in the Word interface panel.

3. After activating this function, special control characters will be displayed on the blank page. They are responsible for formatting the text, and normal mode text displays remain invisible. Delete them using the “backspace” button (“left arrow” above “Enter”) or “Delete” (Del). After cleaning blank sheet will disappear automatically.

How to remove a page with text?

Method No. 1

1. Place the cursor anywhere in the text on the page you want to get rid of.

2. Left-click on the “Find” option (the leftmost block in top panel Word).

3. Select “Go to...” from the drop-down menu.

4. In the additional Find and Replace window, on the Go To tab, select the Page transition object.

5. In the “Enter number...” field, type the directive - \page.

6. Click the “Go” button. The text on the selected page will be highlighted.

7. Click “Close” and then press the “DELETE” key.

Method No. 2

1. Select all text on the page to be deleted: hold left button mouse, move the cursor from the beginning to the end of the sheet.

2. Click "Delete".

How to restore a deleted page?

Left-click on the left arrow icon (cancel the operation) or press Ctrl+Z, and the disappeared page will reappear in the project.

Enjoy using Word!

Digital text documents Quite often you have to adjust, delete or add text or entire pages. As a result of such manipulations, dozens of pages or even blank pages may appear that should be deleted. The most common text editor is considered Word program and, based on this, we will consider how to delete a page in Word.

There is nothing complicated about deleting a page in Word, and any deletion can only be done using the “Delete” or “Backspace” keys. But sometimes situations arise in which even pressing these keys for a long time does not lead to anything, which is why many people have the question of how to delete a page in Word.

The problem in this case is the presence of a large number of hidden non-printable characters that must be removed to delete the page itself in Word. Let's look at clear example. We have a blank page in Word that should be deleted. Blank pages mainly occur when page breaks are used, primarily used to separate individual chapters of a document. To delete such a page in Word, you must place the cursor at the end of the text if the blank page to be deleted will be the next one, or place the cursor at the beginning of the text if you need to delete the previous blank page in Word. Deleting is done using the “Delete” or “Backspace” keys.

To see what we need to delete to delete the entire page in Word, we need to enable the display of hidden non-printable characters. It's basically a tab and jump character. next line. You can enable their display by clicking the corresponding icon in the “Home” tab.

Deleting a blank page in Word will occur only after removing all these icons, as well as removing the page break icon, which is located at the very end.

If you need to delete a large number of pages, whether empty or with text, you need to place the cursor before the first page to be deleted, scroll the pages to the last page to be deleted, leaving the cursor on designated place, then hold down the “Shift” key and place the cursor at the end of the pages to be deleted. After this manipulation, all the pages to be deleted in Word will be highlighted, and to delete them you will just need to press “Delete” or “Backspace”.

If you've ever edited text documents that were created by someone else, you've probably encountered problems. One such problem may be blank pages that cannot be deleted. This is precisely the case we will consider in this article. Here you can learn how to delete a blank page in Word 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016.

Blank pages can usually be deleted without problems. Simply place the cursor at the end of a blank page and erase all spaces and line breaks. After which the blank page is deleted without any problems. But in some cases this doesn't work. You can press as much as you like Backspace keys and Delete, but the page still refuses to be deleted.

More often this problem associated with non-printable characters that are on the page. To solve similar problem and to finally delete this unfortunate page you only need to do a couple of steps. First, you need to enable the display of non-printing characters. This is done very simply. If you have Word 2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016, then you you need to open the “Home” tab and click on the “Display all symbols” button. You can also use the key combination CTRL+SHIFT+8.

If you are using Word 2003 then this button should be somewhere on the toolbar.

After clicking this button, Word document All non-printable characters will begin to display. Now you need to go to a blank page that is not being deleted and remove all non-printing characters from it. Besides everything else, you must remove the page break. Since it is he who, in most cases, blocks deletion blank pages. To remove a page break, place the cursor in front of it and click on DELETE key on keyboard.

In some cases, deleting blank pages in Word may be blocked by a section break. If such a non-printing character is on a blank page, then it must be removed. It is removed in the same way as a page break. You need to place the cursor before the section break and press the DELETE key on the keyboard.

If necessary, after removing the blank pages, the section break can be restored. In Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016 To do this, use the “Breaks” button on the Page Layout tab.