How to recover your microsoft account password. How to recover a forgotten Microsoft account password

Password from account administrator- this is the protection of your data from unauthorized access by strangers. Of course, it is important to protect documents if, for example, the computer is in the office and any employee can copy, steal or even delete your data.
There are times when the user simply forgets the password. The situation is extremely unpleasant, isn't it? And what to do in this case, how to find out the password? Don't tear down Windows. Especially if important documents or memorable photographs and videos are stored there.

How to recover a lost Microsoft account password

Usually, when Windows installation 10 a Microsoft account is linked to it. And if you are “lucky enough” to forget the password for this account, then you can reset it. This is done very simply.

If you don't have additional device, and therefore the ability to go online to do the steps described below, but you have installation disk or flash drive, then add the user using the method described in last section this publication. Log into Windows as this temporary user, and recover your lost password via the Internet using the instructions below.

So let's get started:

If for some reason you do not have access to your mailbox, then select “This verification option is not available to me.”

After you have entered the code sent to your mailbox, you will be asked to combine all your accounts under one password. Click “I understand” if you agree with the proposal or “Cancel” if you do not want to merge your entries.

Note: when selecting the “Got it” button, entered by you the password will apply to all your accounts Microsoft, this is both Skype and Office, which you linked to the mailbox specified during registration.

Thus, the password reset procedure was successful, and you can now log into your computer using the new password.

How to restore access to your computer using Windows 10 distribution

There is another way to restore access to a computer or laptop for which you have forgotten the password. The method is not similar to the previous one: it will be necessary to replace the utility " Special abilities" on the screen Windows locks 10 on the command line with administrator rights.

To restore access using the second method, you will need system image. This must be an image of the exact system that is installed on the PC, and must be of the same capacity. Once you have prepared it, follow the steps given later in the article exactly.

You can use an image disk or a USB flash drive. If you have boxed version, then simply insert your disc into your DVD drive and follow the instructions below. If not, then you can create it by downloading the image from the official website.

By the way, or anyone, even an inexperienced user, can do it by following simple and understandable prompts Windows installer 10.

Your sequence of actions should be like this:

  1. Restart your PC and when it restarts, vigorously press one of the keys: F1, F2, Delete. These keys are usually used, but in some cases it can be any other key from the function row F1 - F12, and possibly some others. Your goal is to get to the options menu Windows boot 10. When loading the PC, there may be a hint about which key to press to enter the BIOS.
  2. In the BIOS, set the first priority to boot the system from a disk or flash drive (depending on what you boot from). If in your BIOS you see several boot options and they all start with the word USB, then select the item USB-HDD. Sometimes you have to try different variants write the system to it or perform more complex BIOS settings. We recommend using the program to record the system to a USB flash drive Rufus.
  3. Start the reboot by first inserting the prepared disk or flash drive with Windows image 10. During the process, press any key to start loading the disk or installation flash drive.
  4. In the first window that appears, click Next.
  5. Select " Troubleshooting" In some cases you may have to press the menu sequence " System Restore»→« Diagnostics»→« Extra options».
  6. Then click the " Command line».
  7. If you know exactly what drive the operating system is installed on, go to next point. If not, then in the console that opens command line Browse the contents of your PC's drives to find the folder " Windows" Enter the commands sequentially: dir c: then dir d: or dir e: This is necessary in order to determine which disk the system is on. In the example below, this is drive “d:”
  8. Enter the command: copy d:\windows\system32\utilman.exe d:\utilman.exe This will create a copy of the utility special features. You will need this copy to restore this utility in the future.
  9. The following command will replace utilman.exe with standard program cmd.exe (this is the console or command line file) from Windows package. Enter the command: copy d:\windows\system32\cmd.exe d:\windows\system32\utilman.exe Confirm your choice by typing the letter y or word yes and press Enter.
  10. Restart your computer in normal mode, the disc can be removed.
  11. On the Windows 10 login screen, click on the accessibility button in the lower right corner of the screen: a command prompt window will open with the necessary rights.
  12. Now you can view the list of users using this command: net user Select the user for whom you decided to change the password and enter the following command: net user Username Password For example, the command could look like this: net user Alex rFgfd35sGc
    This way you will reset your password and replace it with a new one.
  13. After successfully changing the password, return remote utility utilman.exe using move commands(move). To do this, you will have to restart your PC again from bootable flash drive , repeating steps 3–6, and run the following command:
  14. Reboot your PC again and use the password you just created for your administrator account or any other.

Remember that if you do not return utilman.exe by following instructions in step 13, old place, then any user who has access to the PC will be able to change the password and log into the OS.

How to create a new user if you forgot your Microsoft account password

If you have a Microsoft account, the previous way you will not be able to change your password. However, you will be able to access the Internet (if you have no other available computer or laptop), creating another user and log in through him. After creating this user, the system will long time do the setup and don’t let it scare you. There will also be no access to your documents, applications and files, but you can go online and reset your password on the Microsoft website by following the instructions described at the beginning of the article.

Create a new user account:

The following command will help make the added user an Administrator: net localgroup Administrators Username /add

Don't forget your passwords or write them down and store them in a safe place, in a notepad or in a special notebook.

As you can see, following the simple tips described in the article, you can easily and quickly reset your account password and restore access to important documents and data. Try it and you will succeed.

Video on the topic

Loss of account from Microsoft Windows Phone can happen for various reasons:

  • Unauthorized access (hacking) to an account;
  • Lost password or login;
  • Accidental or intentional deletion of a Microsoft profile Windows Phone.

Fortunately, losing a password or login in all three cases is easily solved using the tools that we'll talk in the article.

Comment. An account from Windows Phone is the same account used to log in from a computer, so you can recover a lost password from a PC.

Account recovery through the official Microsoft website

Before starting the main algorithm, you need to make sure that you have entered the password correctly:

  • Check if the caps lock button located on the keyboard is turned off;
  • Make sure your keyboard layout is correct;
  • Look carefully at the email you entered, as an error in even one letter may result in the message “Incorrect login or password.”

At first glance, the tips are quite simple, but many users simply forget about these factors and begin to panic.

If the account owner is sure that he has forgotten his password, then to recover it, follow the instructions:

  1. We go to the official website of Microsoft Corporation. You can do this through the search engine in your browser:
  2. On the right top corner Click the “Login” icon:
  3. The user is transferred to next page, which asks you to enter your login information. Since the code is forgotten, we click on the “Forgot my password” button, which is located a little lower:
  4. We go to the page with the question “Why can’t you log in?” There are four answer options to choose from:
    1. “I forget my password” is selected if the user simply forgot the password;
    2. “I know my password, but can’t sing in” is pressed when there is a suspicion that the account has been hacked;
    3. “I think someone else in using my Microsoft account” is clicked if the owner is absolutely sure that his account has been hacked Windows entries Phone.
  5. Since in our case the code is simply lost, we select the first option and move on to the next section;
  6. A window appears in which the profile owner must enter an email or phone number and fill out a line with a “captcha”:
  7. After filling in the data, the password recovery tool will prompt the owner to authenticate using a secret code. Re-enter the email to which the profile is linked and click “Send code”:
  8. If the email is active, it will receive secret code and a link where you must enter it to change your password. Everything is quite simple and clear.

Restoring your account after losing your login

Losing a login from a Windows Phone account often happens, so you need to be able to restore your nickname. Everything here is somewhat more complicated than with a Windows Phone password, since email is used as a login on this resource. If you don’t have an email, there is nowhere to send the secret code. In this case, you can restore access to your account in two ways:

  • If you have an Xbox console, you can log into the account of this service and look at the profile data, where the email will be written (in most cases, one account is used);
  • If there is no Xbox, then the user will have to write to the service Microsoft support to recover all data from Windows account Phone.

Restoring an account after deletion

If a user accidentally or intentionally deletes his Windows Phone account, he has the right to restore it within 30 days. As soon as a month passes, such an action will become unavailable and the profile data will be lost forever.

The article describes how to recover a Microsoft account.


Often, users really need to have a strong password, which would be impossible to hack. Many computers, for example, have passwords containing up to several dozen characters. Of course, such a cipher is not only difficult to crack, but it will also be almost impossible to remember.

It also happens that users simply cannot remember or accurately recreate their password and, as a result, lose access to the computer’s operating system. What to do in such a situation? IN this review we will talk about how to recover your account " Microsoft"if the password has been forgotten, deleted or hacked.

How to recover your Microsoft account if you have forgotten your password?

It happens that a person is sure that he is entering correct password when entering " Windows", but still access to his account remains closed. In this case, you must first make sure that you enter the password without accidentally pressing the " Caps Lock " This is often the cause of the problem, always keep an eye on the keyboard (while pressing " Caps Lock» the corresponding indicator is always illuminated).

Secondly, you need to check whether the keyboard layout is configured correctly - whether you are entering the password in Latin characters. When entering a password, the input language will be indicated on the monitor. You can enter your login to check, it will be visible, while the password is usually hidden from view, and it is difficult to understand in what language you are entering it.

You will also need to check how you entered your email. An incorrectly entered email may also result in your account being denied access.

If the above factors do not turn out to be the cause of the problem, then we will act in a different way. You will need to reset Old Password and create a new one, do the following:

  • Log into the operating system as a guest, that is, under a different account and without a password. Then go to the Microsoft website.

How to recover your Microsoft account if you forgot your password after deleting your profile, hacking Recovering your Microsoft account on your phone, Windows Phone

  • Next in search bar type the request " forgot password" and click on search as shown in the screenshot.

How to recover your Microsoft account if you forgot your password after deleting your profile, hacking Recovering your Microsoft account on your phone, Windows Phone

  • The system will display several options, go to “ Forgotten account password Microsoft records »

How to recover your Microsoft account if you forgot your password after deleting your profile, hacking Recovering your Microsoft account on your phone, Windows Phone

  • After this, the system will show instructions on what to do in this situation. You don't have to read all of this, just follow the link " reset your password immediately"as shown in the picture.

How to recover your Microsoft account if you forgot your password after deleting your profile, hacking Recovering your Microsoft account on your phone, Windows Phone

  • Next you will find yourself on new page, which will begin recovering your password. Check the box “I don’t remember my password” and click on “ Further».

How to recover your Microsoft account if you forgot your password after deleting your profile, hacking Recovering your Microsoft account on your phone, Windows Phone

  • As a result, you will need to enter your email or mobile number, captcha (symbols from the picture) and click on “ Further».

How to recover your Microsoft account if you forgot your password after deleting your profile, hacking Recovering your Microsoft account on your phone, Windows Phone

  • After that, you will receive an email with a link that you can follow and reset your password. Or you will receive a code on your phone that you will need to enter to reset your password. Next, create a new password.

How to recover your Microsoft account if you forgot your password after deleting your profile, hacking Recovering your Microsoft account on your phone, Windows Phone

How can I restore my Microsoft account after deleting my profile?

If you carefully studied the previous paragraph, then restore your account " Microsoft“After removing it, it will be easier for you. You just need to remember that you can restore your account within a month after deletion. After this period, you will still have to create a new one.

So, to gain access again to a remote profile « Microsoft", do the following:

  • Go to the site again " Microsoft»
  • Click on login and enter your login and password

How to recover your Microsoft account if you forgot your password after deleting your profile, hacking Recovering your Microsoft account on your phone, Windows Phone

How to recover your Microsoft account if you forgot your password after deleting your profile, hacking Recovering your Microsoft account on your phone, Windows Phone

  • If you have forgotten your password, proceed according to the previous instructions
  • After all operations, all you have to do is reactivate your account (remember that this can only be done within 30 days after deletion).

How to restore a Microsoft account on a phone running Windows Phone?

How to recover your Microsoft account if you forgot your password after deleting your profile, hacking Recovering your Microsoft account on your phone, Windows Phone

To restore your account " Microsoft“On the phone you will need to do almost the same steps as described above for the computer. Account in " Windows Phone" - the same account as in operating system « Windows» different versions.

How to recover a Microsoft account after being hacked?

How to recover your Microsoft account if you forgot your password after deleting your profile, hacking Recovering your Microsoft account on your phone, Windows Phone

Recover account " Microsoft"After hacking, you need to do it in the same way as indicated in the first instructions. You just need to reset your old password and create a new one, thereby preventing attackers from logging into your account.

Video: How to recover your Microsoft account password?

For each user software Microsoft may have problems accessing your account for a number of reasons. To recover your Microsoft account, you need to follow the action plan we outlined in this article. Here you can find out about returning access to your account in the following cases: losing your password, login, after deleting your profile, or hacking your profile.

What to do if you lose your password

If the user has forgotten the password for his own account, then all he needs to do is follow the plan presented below.

Go to pageMicrosoft and trying to log into your account. Don't notice the button Reset"The password will be difficult, click on it. Now you need to enter all the data in the required fields, writing down the address Email or phone number, the captcha entry process follows. Then the user will have the opportunity get access code to profile. He can choose between sending the access code by email or mobile phone. By selecting suitable option, all that remains is to wait for the message.

Lost login

For Microsoft, login is there E-mail address. If the user has forgotten his mail, then he can look at it, for example, using Skype, since he is directly Microsoft product and uses exactly the same identification data. If the user still could not find his login, then there is nothing left but to contact Customer Support. But they will definitely help you there, or they will diligently try to help you.

Recovery after account deletion

This method can only be used if the profile has been deleted less than 30 days back. If the period is even slightly longer, then nothing can be done to help. In this case, all data has already been erased. If the user managed to do it on time, then the following manipulations should be carried out: go to official site Microsoft, go through the login procedure, enter your email address or phone number and password. Then a window with a button “ Activate". Click on it and that’s it, the account is activated and you can use it.

What to do if your account is hacked

If you encounter this problem, we regret in advance, because the process of obtaining an account to the rightful owner will be somewhat difficult or not at all possible, depending on the situation itself. While the user is looking for ways to solve his problem, the attacker is already sending various spam and malware, and also, most likely, he managed to change the password for his account. Therefore, in order to gain access back to the account, the user must reset the password and try to log into your account. If it works out, then you immediately need to ensure further security by activating the rest protection systems. If you were unable to do this, you should urgently contact support " Microsoft«.

We all sometimes encounter the inability to log in to any service, because... The password for it was forgotten. A Microsoft account is universal method log in to many services: mail, cloud storage, Windows 8 and later, Xbox, etc. How to recover your Microsoft account? You will find the answer here.

If you have forgotten your password, this is not a reason to register a new Microsoft account, because the system has a login recovery function, but to do this you need to convince the system that you are the rightful owner of your account.

To do this, go to to the Microsoft account sign-in troubleshooting page, check the box "I don't remember my password" and select the button "Further" .

In the next window in the column "Email or phone" from a Microsoft account, and below in a separate column, enter the characters shown in the picture.

You must verify your identity by providing the system with a security code. When registering for an account, you were required to provide a backup email address and mobile phone number. Select the most suitable source to obtain the code and proceed further.

If neither the first nor the second method of obtaining a confirmation code is suitable for you, check the box “I don’t have this data” .

If you checked one of the first two points, then a security code will be sent to the specified source, which must be entered in the specified column. Next, the password will be reset, after which you.

If you selected the “I don’t have this data” option, then in the next window you need to indicate additional address email by which you will be contacted by the service feedback Microsoft. You will be asked questions to help ensure that you are the legitimate user of the account being restored. If you pass the verification, your password will be reset.