How to choose an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for your computer. How to choose an uninterruptible power supply - tips on Yandex.Market

Hello, friends! In this article we will figure out how to choose? The name speaks for itself. The main task of the source uninterruptible power supply(UPS or UPS) - ensuring a stable power supply to the devices connected to it. In our case, this is a home desktop computer. Laptop and others mobile devices this is nothing. They have a built-in battery that supplies power during power failures. Why do you still need an uninterruptible power supply for your computer? First of all, so that you do not lose information that you worked on and perhaps did not save. Secondly, to protect against damage to your computer due to unstable power supply. In this article you will learn how to choose a UPS for your computer.

Uninterruptible power supply - Uninterruptible Power Supply or UPS. A device whose main task is to ensure uninterrupted power supply to the equipment connected to it.

There are currently three types of UPS:

  • Spare
  • Linear interactive
  • On-Line

Backup UPS or Back-UPS

It can also be called Off-Line or Standby. The easiest to make. Thanks to this it is the cheapest. Consists of a battery, charger its power supply, inverter and relay.

Battery. The source of energy from which power is supplied during power failures. Typically has parameters of 12 V and from 7 Ah to 9 Ah

The more Ah, the more powerful battery and therefore will be able to keep your computer turned on longer.

The charger is located inside the uninterruptible power supply. Serves to maintain the battery in combat readiness.

Inverter. Converts constant pressure 12V from battery to 220V AC. Works when powered by battery.

Relay. Switch responsible for fast switching from mains power alternating current to the battery and back.

One of the most popular backup uninterruptible power supplies is APC Back-UPS ES 525. Has four standard sockets for connecting devices. Three of them are connected via a battery and one directly.

It is convenient because it does not require the purchase of special cords to power the computer. The battery in this model is easy to remove and install. The main thing is not to confuse the color. Otherwise you will have to disassemble and solder. It takes a long time to solder)

Uninterruptible power supplies in this category are characterized by the switching time from the AC mains to the battery. Measured in milliseconds ms. How fewer topics better.

Line-interactive uninterruptible power supply or Smart-UPS

Can also be called Line-Interactive. It is built on the basis of a backup UPS and additionally includes a step voltage stabilizer. Thanks to which it can equalize the supply voltage up to 220V without switching to a battery. This add-on allows you to work in more wide range incoming voltages

Typically Smart-UPS are designed to more power and thanks to the presence of a stabilizer, they are much ahead in cost.

These models come with active system cooling. It doesn't work all the time. It is naturally noisy during operation. Comes with two batteries.

These smart uninterruptible power supplies for computers have reduced switching times compared to backup UPSs. This allows them to be used for servers and other equipment sensitive to changes. In the figure below you see the APC Smart-UPS 1500 in a rack mount version

They are equipped with exactly the same 12 V 7 Ah batteries as four backup power supplies. In the figure below you see another representative of “smart” UPS with a power of 2200 VA.

It is rack mounted and most likely requires eight batteries to perform its functions.

Uninterruptible power supply On-Line or double conversion

In these uninterruptible power supplies, the input AC voltage first converted to constant, then to variable and supplied to the output. This wastes energy. Therefore, these UPS have low efficiency (about 85% - 95%). Some companies seem to have managed to increase efficiency to 99%, but this is not verified information

Thanks to this scheme, there is no switching relay, therefore the delay when supplying power from the battery is zero. She's gone. This determines the scope of application of on-line UPS to provide equipment critical to the parameters of the incoming power. These uninterruptible power supplies regulate not only the voltage (like Smart-UPS), but also the frequency, thereby always supplying high-quality power.

The complexity of the circuit makes these UPSs leaders in pricing.

Calculation of required power

Uninterruptible power supplies are characterized by a Volt-Ampere (VA) characteristic. For example, APC Back-UPS ES 700, as the model name implies, 700 VA. The computer consumes energy in Watts, W. To convert VA to W, you need to multiply VA by a factor equal to 0.7

W = VA x 0.7

Using our APC Back-UPS ES 700 as an example

700 x 0.7 = 490 W

Therefore, we can connect a load of maximum 490 W to this uninterruptible power supply. At maximum load, naturally the UPS will hold very little. Therefore, it is recommended to load the UPS by 50 - 70%. Total from 250 W - 340 W. The less you apply the load to uninterruptable power source, the longer your computer can stay on.

A logical question arises. How to calculate load power? If everything is clear with the monitor, you can look at the specifications on the manufacturer’s website or on the website of the online store. What about the power of the system unit?

Approximate calculation of the power of the system unit

70+50+10+150 = 280

That's not all. It is necessary to take into account the efficiency of the power supply. More information You can read about them and how to choose in the article Computer power supply. The efficiency of the power supply is determined by whether it belongs to the standard.

For example, we have a modern power supply of the 80 PLUS GOLD standard with efficiency = 90%.

It turns out system unit consumes 308 watts overall.

You must add monitor consumption to the resulting value. Approximately 30-50 W. Let's take 40 W for example.

The resulting computer power of 308 + 40 = 350 W almost fits into the recommended range of the APC Back-UPS ES 700. This is 250 - 340 W.

It was difficult option calculation. There is a much simpler option. You count the total consumption of your computer and multiply this value by two.

In our case

Based on the obtained value, we select an uninterruptible power supply for the computer with equal or greater current-voltage characteristic. In our case, this is 700 VA or more.

1. Choose uninterruptible power supply for computer with maximum guarantee. Typically this is a one year warranty, but you can find two.

2. Choose in the store, service center which is located in your city

3. Decide whether you need to control the uninterruptible power supply via USB. What advantages does this provide? If your computer is turned on when you are not at home and the power goes out, then a UPS with a connection to the computer will be able to send the latter to sleep or turn off the system. An uninterruptible power supply without communication with the computer will keep it going as long as it can and turn off the power. If the computer does not work without you, then you can choose without a connection. It will be cheaper.

4. Whenever possible, choose branded products. By branded we mean a large American or European organization. For example APC or Mustek

5. Pay attention to the connectors for connecting devices to the uninterruptible power supply. There are sockets, both a regular Euro-socket and special computer ones (you can see the Smart-UPS 1500 in the picture above). Consider connecting the UPS to your computer and more.


In the article How to choose uninterruptible power supply for computer The task was to leave as few dark spots as possible in the UPS selection section. Summarize. For home computer A UPS backup would be a great choice. If you often experience voltage drops, and for a long time, then it is better to take a closer look at “smart” uninterruptible power supplies - Smart-UPS. They are able to equalize the voltage, thereby reducing transitions to battery power to a minimum. Think about whether you need a connection between your computer and the UPS? Decide on the type and number of outlets. And most importantly, choose uninterruptible power supply for computer with power reserve. One more thing. If you use an external hard drive that is powered by a 220V network, then it is also better to connect it to a UPS during operation.

Video in which I will tell you about the UPS management program from APC Powerchute

Basic video about choosing an uninterruptible power supply for a computer

I will be happy to answer any questions, comments and additions in the comments. Share your scheme for choosing an uninterruptible power supply.
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Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) are used to ensure the operation of electrical equipment in the absence of power supply, as well as to protect against power surges. This article will tell you how to rationally choose a UPS, what to focus on, and how to avoid making common mistakes.


Uninterruptible power supplies are divided into three categories: backup (offline / standby), interactive (line-interactive) and with double conversion(online / double-conversion).

The most simple type is reserve . If there is voltage in the network, the UPS supplies the output with power from the network itself, passed through the built-in passive filters. In the absence of voltage or when its values ​​​​go beyond the established limits, the UPS switches power to the load to its own batteries. When voltage is restored, the UPS goes into basic mode, recharging the batteries.

The main advantage of such UPSs is their low price. The main disadvantage is the relatively big time switching to battery power (4 – 15 ms), which can be significant for some devices. However, computers that have a protection mechanism against microvoltage surges can be connected to backup UPSs.

The interactive type differs from the backup type by the presence of a step voltage stabilizer, which allows you to maintain a fairly stable output voltage with significant input deviations, without switching to using batteries. This scheme extends the service life batteries and gives slightly shorter switching times to batteries.

Interactive type UPSs are suitable for both computers and most consumer electronics, but for devices with asynchronous motors (washing machines, refrigerators) they are not suitable.

Double conversion UPSs are used to power sensitive, expensive equipment with high requirements for power quality and reliability - servers, workstations, active network equipment, etc. Receiving alternating current power at the input, the UPS converts it into direct current, and at the output again produces alternating, “purified” current with a voltage of exactly 220 V. In this case, the UPS batteries are constantly connected to the circuit and if there is no voltage at the input, no switching occurs.

Such UPSs are significantly more expensive than others, and they also heat up more and are noisier. They should be placed in premises not intended for permanent occupancy of people. Double conversion UPSs can be used to power appliances with asynchronous motors, such as refrigeration or heating systems.

output power

The key parameter when selecting a UPS is its output power, which is indicated in volt-amperes (VA) or watts (W). It must correspond to the power consumption of the load, so before purchasing a UPS you need to determine the total power of the protected devices. As a rule, the load device passport (or the device description on the manufacturer’s website) indicates the maximum power consumption of the device during normal operation, expressed in watts. If you plan to connect several devices to one UPS, then you need to sum up the power consumption of each of them.

To avoid common mistakes, you need to consider the following factors.

The output power of a UPS in volt-amperes (VA) indicated by manufacturers often does not coincide with the power of the same device in watts (W). Therefore, if the load power is given in watts, when choosing a UPS You should pay attention to the power of the UPS in watts, not volt-amperes, and vice versa. If you make a mistake and purchase a UPS with insufficient output power, you will not be able to power the load, and your money will be wasted.
Some devices with electric motors (refrigerators or laser printers) have so-called “starting (starting) currents”. When turned on, they consume much more current than during normal operation. The UPS may not be able to provide this current, although it will have output power sufficient to ensure normal operation of the device. In such cases, it is necessary to select a UPS with an output power that can handle the peak load. Information about the maximum " starting currents"should be found in device passports, accompanying instructions and on manufacturers' websites.

Working hours

UPS battery life under load is another key parameter to consider when choosing. How long a connected device can operate without mains power depends on the capacity of the batteries. In order not to overpay for unnecessary capacity, when choosing a device you need to approach the issue of battery life as rationally as possible. Manufacturers indicate battery life calculated when the UPS is operating under full load. So, if a UPS has an output power of 400 W and a battery life at full load of 3 minutes, and the load is a computer with a monitor with a total power of 300 W, then real time The battery life of the devices will be slightly longer (it should be taken into account that the battery life depends on the load power non-linearly, so direct proportions should not be drawn up). Some manufacturers on their websites post graphs of UPS battery life depending on the load or post values ​​for several control points- information can be gleaned from there.

If a UPS is needed to save work documents on the computer in the event of a power outage, then a few minutes of operation will be enough to shut down the computer correctly. If, on the contrary, the task is to ensure the longest possible battery life, you should choose a UPS with the ability to connect backup batteries in a separate housing and, accordingly, purchase another set of batteries.

In situations where the UPS is used to protect devices that require continuous operation(e.g. key IT equipment, refrigeration units, air conditioning equipment), and there is no way to turn off the power to the devices, perform maintenance and replace the battery set that has lost its life, you should choose a UPS with the ability to “hot-swappable” batteries, that is, replace the battery set without disconnecting the UPS from the network and de-energizing the connected load.

Hi all! When selecting an uninterruptible power supply, you need to be prepared, know and understand several important points that you should pay attention to. About all this and more, we'll talk V this material.

An uninterruptible power supply is a device with built-in battery(s) to provide backup power to various devices during a power outage.

In practice, UPSs are used in enterprises, various institutions, and less often in everyday life. An uninterruptible power supply runs not only personal computers, but also network and communication equipment. For example, thanks to a UPS, you can safely shut down work personal computer with preliminary storage of all documents.

In order to choose the right uninterruptible power supply, decide on several parameters:

1) Where and for what will the UPS be used ( here we select the device type)?
2) The total power of connected devices, the required number and type of sockets.
3) How long should the UPS operate without power?

Perhaps these are the most basic parameters when choosing. Let's look at each in more detail.


Due to its low cost, this type of UPS is available to the mass consumer. As soon as the electricity disappears or “exceeds” the established norms, the UPS switches the load power to offline mode, i.e. from the battery. As soon as the power supply returns to normal, the device goes into normal mode and charges the dead batteries. The design and circuitry of the devices is simple, and the transition time to battery power varies from 4 to 15 ms. Such UPSs are suitable for those who cannot afford other types of UPS.

Linear - interactive

The line-interactive type of UPS has a more complex circuit design. There is a step voltage regulator (AVR) here. It maintains a stable output voltage even with significant deviations in the input voltage, when the backup UPS will constantly switch to offline mode during power surges. That is why such UPSs last much longer. The switching time to the battery is in in this case 4-7 ms.

Line-interactive UPSs are a common type today; the scope of application in this case is slightly wider than that of backup ones. You can connect several computers, network and telecommunications equipment to such a UPS, and use it not only at home, but also in factories and enterprises.

Double conversion UPS

The principle of operation is much more complicated: the alternating voltage of the network is converted into direct voltage thanks to the rectifier, then the inverter converts the voltage back into alternating voltage. That is why this type is called “double conversion” or “on-line”. Thanks to this approach, any changes in the external network are not dangerous and do not in any way affect the functioning of the equipment powered by the UPS.

Double conversion UPSs are more suitable for installation in server or production rooms where power quality is a factor. important parameters during operation of all equipment (servers, gateways, network and communication equipment, audio-video equipment).

In this case, the UPS has all batteries always connected to the installed inverter, so if there is a loss of power in electrical network, all consumers automatically begin to be powered by batteries.

Double conversion UPSs have high power, which is why many UPSs of this type have high level noise and increased heat generation, and are also very expensive.

UPS power

The main parameter when choosing a UPS is its output power, which manufacturers indicate in volt-amperes VA. How to understand how much power is needed?

1. Find out the power of your equipment that you are going to connect to the UPS. You can see the power consumption in the passport/instructions or on the body of any electrical appliance.
2. Let's sum it up.
3. Because The total power of the UPS is indicated in volt-amperes (VA, VA), and the power of the devices is indicated in watts (W, W), we also need to convert our total power into VA. To do this, divide the resulting total power by the power factor, which is 0.6.
4. We add 20% on top for a reserve so that the UPS does not constantly work at the limit.

For greater clarity, I will give examples of calculations:

Example No. 1. Typical budget PC

Summing up the power of each device, we get that the total power is 340 W.

Next, we convert the power from watts to volt-amperes. We use the formula Pva = Pw/0.6 . In our case, it turns out that 340 / 0.6 * 1.2 = 680 VA. Where did parameter 1.2 come from, you ask? Everything is very simple, the power of the UPS should always be at least 20% greater than the total power. Taking into account all the parameters, it turns out that for this example An uninterruptible power supply with a capacity of at least 680 VA is required; for this, a backup UPS that can operate for no more than 10 minutes under load is quite suitable. This time is quite enough to successfully complete the job and turn off the PC.

Example No. 2. Gaming PC

Adding up the power again, we get a total power of 850 watts. Following the example above, we make calculations: 850 / 0.6 * 1.2 = 1700 VA. For this example, an uninterruptible power supply with a capacity of at least 1700 VA is required; a line-interactive UPS is perfect. Such UPSs perfectly support autonomous operation for 15-30 minutes at full load.

Types of connectors and interfaces

When choosing a UPS, you need to think in advance about how many devices will be connected to the UPS, and what types of connectors are needed?

Not only a PC is connected to the UPS, but also often other peripheral equipment. The most important thing is that the number of connectors matches the number of connected equipment; it is better to always choose with a reserve of 1-2 connectors.

UPSs usually have two types of connectors:

CEE 7 Schuko (plug for Euro socket);
- IEC 320 C13 (computer plug);

It is important that all connectors match the type of connectors of the equipment being connected. For example, if the equipment has connectors of the CEE 7 Schuko type, and the UPS only has a couple of connectors of the IEC 320 C13 type, then you simply cannot connect to it required device. You will have to buy an additional adapter for such a connector, and this is a waste of money. To avoid getting into trouble, carefully look at the types of connectors of the UPS you purchase.

Depending on the UPS model, the number of connectors varies from 1 to 10, however, the number that provides uninterruptible power supply is different everywhere; their increase leads to an increase in the cost of the device. It is better to select models that have several direct power output connectors ( SURGE ONLY), since through UPS connectors ( low power) not all electrical appliances can be powered. Thus, the UPS will also be a kind of “tee-extension cord” for connecting equipment “directly”.

Service connectors USB-B or RS-232 are designed for configuring the UPS; using special software you can control the operating modes of the UPS, monitor or configure automatic completion UPS under certain operating tactics.

IN Lately UPSs for the home that have available connectors are relevant USB-A type, you can use them to charge various devices(smartphones, tablets, MP3 player and other devices).

Battery life

The battery life of the UPS directly depends on the capacity of the batteries used. To avoid acquiring excess “lead,” think in advance about how much time you need to complete tasks during a power outage. Manufacturers in their technical specifications devices give examples of how long a UPS can operate on batteries. However, this time is usually indicated at the maximum load involved, in practice this rarely happens, and given time significantly higher. For example, if a UPS with a power of 700 VA has an output power of 405 W, then the operating time of the UPS under a load of 405 W will be 4 minutes, but if a system unit and a monitor with a total power of 320 W are run through such a UPS, then naturally the time real work from the battery it will be a little more. In 10 minutes of such work, you can safely save all documents, projects and turn off your PC.

To ensure that the UPS maintains constant and uninterrupted operation connected equipment, you need to choose a UPS with the ability to connect additional batteries. It could be either separate buildings, or direct connection of batteries using special wires. In this case, purchase the required number of additional batteries.

Some facilities that have expensive uninterruptible power supplies with additional battery modules cannot be turned off even for Maintenance. Therefore, it is so important that such UPSs have the ability to hot-swappable batteries without shutting down the equipment.

Display, cooling and noise level

Is the uninterruptible power supply equipped with control buttons? Then you should pay attention to the presence of a display, because it makes it easier to use the device. The LCD display shows all helpful information: input-output voltage, battery percentage, battery life, power and frequency.

Redundant power supplies have a low noise level, as does their heat dissipation, which cannot be said about double conversion UPSs and some line-interactive models. Such devices are equipped additional fans which promote cooling. That is why they have a high noise level and heat generation.

The UPS is designed to provide uninterrupted power supply to the computer and other devices connected to it in the event of problems with the main power supply. The device is necessary for safe storage and completion of work, correct shutdown computer when there is a sudden loss of power. In this review we will talk about the best uninterruptible power supplies and how to choose the right UPS.

How to choose an uninterruptible power supply?

When choosing UPS, you should consider equipment features, which is planned to be attached to it and nature of problems in the electrical network.

If the problems are not related to undervoltage or overvoltage, but different types of protection are required network hardware(modem, router, access point) or a low-power PC with peripherals will be enough the simplest backup UPS(otherwise Standby or off-line). At the same time, its rated power must exceed the sum of the power consumption of the connected equipment. To avoid miscalculation, it is better to take 1 VA equal to 1.4 W.

Normalize floating value mains voltage allow Automatically adjustable (AVR) models. They are already of the interactive type (Smart UPS), and since stabilization there is carried out in stages, you should start from the sensitivity of your equipment to a drop in supply voltage. The simplest uninterruptible power supplies have one boost stage, more advanced models have two or three. In other words, the latter perform normalization more accurately.

For gaming computers of average and high power its own characteristics. Almost without exception, all of them are equipped with power supplies with active power factor correction (APFC). Without going into details, we note that such power supplies are not “friendly” with backup and inexpensive interactive UPS (whose output signal has a step approximation). Alternatively, you should focus on uninterruptible power supplies with double power reserve. Or to uninterruptible power supplies with a “pure” sine wave, including the online type.

Briefly about the latter. Double conversion UPS provide better protection against all types of power supply problems than others, and in some cases there is simply no alternative. You have to pay for everything. Both literally and figuratively. The cost of online models is high, but they have the lowest efficiency.

Uninterruptible power supplies in our rating are grouped by type, and in each category they are arranged in order of increasing power.

We often neglect precautions and safety measures, which we may greatly regret in the future. In the computer industry, there is a great example of this neglect: the lack of a UPS (uninterruptible power supply).

UPS – automatic device with the possibility of autonomous power supply, which provides temporary supply electric current with him emergency shutdown, via a built-in battery.

It is often said that a UPS is only needed if the lights are often turned off, but this is not entirely true. Yes, having an uninterruptible power supply is mandatory if you often lose power, but just for safety, to be on the safe side, keeping it is also useful. The fact is that each of us occasionally has situations when the light turns off: overload home network, short circuit and others local reasons. Any emergency shutdown of the computer does not allow saving data. As a result, you can not only lose unsaved data, but this can also lead to the failure of the OS itself, with all the ensuing consequences. In any case, having a UPS is very desirable.

Criterias of choice

Next, the site’s experts will talk about the main criteria for choosing an uninterruptible power supply.

UPS type

The first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing and purchasing of this device- the principle of its structure. This principle can be divided into three types:

Reserve. The principle is as follows: when the voltage in the network is normal, the equipment is directly powered (when the batteries are discharged, they are charged or recharged), but if the voltage is turned off or deviates from the norm, the device switches to power from the batteries. In other words, as long as there is voltage in the network and it corresponds to the norm (220 V), the device works; if the voltage disappears, either above or below the norm, the power is switched to the batteries. On average, the battery life of such UPSs is 5-10 minutes.

This UPS is the most ideal option for the home: it has simple system work and low price. Within 10 milliseconds, power will switch to the battery when there is a power outage or unstable voltage. It is worth noting that with such switching there is a slight voltage drop, but it does not affect the operation of the devices.

It is worth noting one very important point: backup UPSs do not include stabilizer functions, therefore, in case of significant voltage surges, the autonomous power supply mode will be triggered, which will have a detrimental effect on the device.

If the voltage in your home constantly fluctuates, then this type of UPS is not suitable for you, unless you connect a voltage stabilizer in front of it. You can solve the problem by purchasing a UPS with a built-in stabilizer function.

Linear interactive. This type The UPS has a more serious operating scheme than the previous one. The main difference between a line-interactive UPS and a backup one is the presence of a stabilization function. That is, if the voltage deviates from the norm, it does not switch the power to autonomous mode, but uses transformers to equalize it and thus does not use the battery in vain.

In case of problems in the electrical network, the device equalizes the voltage. If this is not possible, then within 3 milliseconds the device switches to battery power. Thanks to this it is ensured smooth transition power supply from the mains to the batteries, without surges. It is better to purchase such a UPS if you have problems common problems with voltage surges, or you just want to further protect your computer equipment.

With double conversion. This type of UPS has several complex structure, power comes from both the mains and the battery, which ensures a quick and smooth disconnection from the mains, switching to full battery power. This type The UPS does not include a switching relay, since power is supplied from two sources (mains and batteries), so there are no delays or differences in switching the power source.

This type of device is used for surge-sensitive equipment, in particular for power supply or for powering several computers in an office. Such UPS models also include a voltage stabilization function, but, nevertheless, have sufficient high price, and for simple home user unprofitable.

So, if you have a stable voltage in the network and rarely turn off the power, then the most the best option- These are backup UPSs. If the voltage in the power grid is unstable and there are constant fluctuations, or the lights are turned off quite often, line-interactive UPSs are the best option.


The next parameter that you need to pay attention to when choosing a UPS is its power. The power of the selected UPS model should cover the power of the connected devices by 20-30%. By choosing a device model close to the power of the equipment consumed, the device will work for wear and tear.

To select a model required power, you need to calculate the power of all devices that you want to connect to the UPS. If you have a system unit with components of average parameters, then a UPS power of 350-500 VA will be sufficient. UPSs with a power of 500-1000 VA can power powerful (gaming) computers with two monitors. UPSs with a power of over 1000 VA allow you to connect additional peripherals. But (especially laser) it is better not to connect to a UPS only if its power is more than 1500 VA and the power reserve is not at its limit.

Battery life

The duration of autonomous operation depends on the correctly selected UPS power and the battery capacity. On average, UPS in offline mode can work for 5-7 minutes, this is quite enough to save the data and shut down the device. If the UPS power is selected with a reserve, for example, half more, then the device will work in offline mode for up to 15 minutes. In a word, 5 minutes is enough for you to switch off urgently.


Uninterruptible power supply systems have two types of power output connectors: the first type is provided with uninterruptible power supply, and the second type is powered directly from the network. That is, to the first type of connectors you connect those devices that need to be provided with uninterruptible power, and to the second type - other devices and peripherals. Sometimes, in some UPS models, the second type of connector may be protected against impulse noise.

Please note that the number of connectors of one and the other type must be sufficient.

Line protection

There are UPS models that, in addition to the uninterruptible power supply function, also protect communication lines from high-voltage pulses. These lines include computer and telephone network. For each interface there are 2 connectors: input and output. Between the connection of these connectors there is a filter that neutralizes high-voltage interference. Quite often they connect to a UPS network cable from the provider from which it goes to the router. For telephone cable This opportunity is rarely used. In principle, the function is not bad, but there is no point in purposefully looking for UPS models with it.

Data transfer

Most modern “uninterruptible power supplies”, which are not in the lowest price category, include the ability to transfer data to a computer, using USB means or COM port. Thanks to this feature, devices can communicate with each other.

The UPS transmits information about the charge and condition of the battery, power supply parameters, and also notifies about the transition to autonomous power supply. In turn, you can control the UPS from your computer, setting the operating mode of the device. To do this, you will need to install a special and, they will be on the disk that comes with the package.

Information display

All UPS systems have elements for displaying the operating status of the device. In simple budget models fulfill this role LED indicators, informing about operating modes. More expensive models include a small LCD screen that displays detailed information about the condition and operation of the device.

Replacing batteries

We recommend that you make sure in advance that the model you choose has the ability to quick replacement battery Usually, UPS battery lasts 1-2 years. That is why, after a given period of time, the UPS becomes useless, since the battery does not provide autonomous operation, although the remaining components of the UPS will be in in perfect order. If you can replace the battery, you can extend the life of your device for another couple of years, and then even more. Keep in mind that spare batteries for your model should be freely available, otherwise, if they are difficult to obtain, there is no point in being able to replace them.

These are the main criteria for choosing a UPS for the home and office computer. Also, UPS models have other parameters: protection against short circuit, overloads, interference, etc. If you need or want a more functional device, then a consultant will directly help you choose a device model for your needs.

Manufacturing companies

When choosing a UPS, be guided by the manufacturer of the device model. The best of them:

  • Powercom;

  • Sven;

  • Mustek;

Models worth a closer look